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Bit of this, bit of that, not so much of the other..



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 80
    3 x 92.5
    8 x 67.5

    no probs!

    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    5 x 67.5
    3 x 75 (had to break for last 1 as 2nd was a struggle 3rd was no prob..)
    8 x 55

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    3 x 57.5 -- not getting any easier
    8 x 42.5

    2 x 3, tried for a 3rd set (in between curls) and could not get 1...real bad...

    3 x 8 + 15kg

    3 x 8 x 32.5kg

    10, 3, 5.....again...real bad...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 45
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 80 -- felt tired
    5 x 90 -- felt ok - think difference between this and 80 was position of bar on my back

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    -- after last week when I had to stop at 3 and take a minute before finishing I got someone to spot me the last 5
    3 x 72.5
    1 x 72.5 possibly - not sure if he was touching bar or not
    0 x 72.5 he definitely lifted this one for me i had nothing left to give

    so disappointed on the bench, will keep it at that for next week, try and again and if I fail reset to 70 again...major pisser...

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 57.5 -- still not any easier

    Pull Ups was looking forward to bettering last week...ha!
    2 x 2
    1 x 1
    fecked...tried again...seemed to be my forearms, they were barely able to hold on...which is weird, but thinking about it that is where I struggle going up...might investigate

    3 x 10 + 20kg

    2 x 8 32.5kg
    1 x 4 32.5kg -- again, something I did on Friday and couldn't get near today...wish I could say I had a rough weekend but no :|

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 45
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 67.5

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50 -- was going well up till this set, had the bar all wrong and then paused to try and adjust grip and lost momentum, ground it out but a lot harder than it had to be

    5 x 82.5
    5 x 97.5
    5 x 115
    5 x 130 -- PB for reps
    1 x 150 -- equal PB for 1RM - was happy as last time I tried to lift this I failed - still felt strong but although I got this off the floor ok struggled to lock out but finally did and I know my form went out of the window so rather than take a chance of injuring myself left it at that...will try again in 2 weeks when this rotation is done.

    ..oh and too knackered for situps - will do them tonight with one of the kids on chest for weight!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 45
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 80
    3 x 92.5
    8 x 67.5

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    3 x 72.5 (doh just realised this should have been 75 ! damn)
    8 x 55

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    3 x 60 (upped weight)
    8 x 55

    4, 3, 3 -- weak weak weak

    5 (stopped due to pain in middle of chest)
    8, 8

    3 x 10 + 20kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 92.5

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 72.5 -- supposed to be 75 but after the failure last week i kept it at 72.5, now i did 3, felt like i might struggle and reracked for a moment (there was noone to spot me) after about 30 secs did the last 2. Will keep at 72.5 next week again but happier this week.

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60 -- tuff and last one was debatable so did another 2 after half a minutes rest.

    Pull Ups
    1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3 -- could barely believe the improvement here in one week - think it is because of eating better at weekend, dropping a lb or two over the week and some extra press ups at home during the ad breaks!

    3 x 10 + 20kg

    3 x 8 32.5kg

    Overall a better workout than last week but much better than expected after too much wine yesterday and kids keeping us up all night last night.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 70

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    3 x 52.5 -- lost my flow when I had to breath out
    0 x 52.5 -- 10 seconds rest
    1 x 52.5 -- 1 mins rest...had no more..grr...3 is a PB for reps but still I wanted the 5 -- reset for next week and see what happens.

    5 x 85
    5 x 100
    5 x 117.5
    5 x 135 PB for reps changed grip on no 4 and nearly pulled my back out as I tried to control descent, was not getting 5 off the ground, looked for a belt to push my stomach into and even though it was a crappy belt it did the trick, of course I pushed my stomach out so much that the belt went flying off (just velcro holding it) but I got the rep out.

    was supposed to do situps and maybe even chins but was wrecked, will do the ab work tonight, should make the scotland game a bit more interesting..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 82.5
    3 x 95
    8 x 70

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    3 x 75
    9 x 57.5 -- 1 extra as 1 never quite touched my chest for previous 57.5 reps

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    3 x 62.5 -- very hard, finding these very tough
    8 x 45

    2 x 5, 1 x 2, 1 x 3 -- better but still weak ass

    3 x 10 + 25kg

    2 x 10, 1 x 5...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 85
    5 x 95 -- hard but very doable

    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5
    4 x 72.5
    1 x 72.5 -- I reckon I could have done 5 but gym was totally empty and i wanted a spotter -- ah well might give it a go next week again - going to have a week off at the end of this 6 week block and just see what i can do with singles before going into another 6 week block

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 62.5 -- very hard and surprised I did them ok, last one was a struggle tho

    Pull Ups
    5, 2, 3, 1 -- all over the place and not as good as last time

    3 x 10 + 20kg

    1 x 8 35kg
    1 x 4 35kg -- could do no more
    1 x 4 32.5kg
    1 x 8 32.5kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Myself and my youngest have been sick the past couple of days, so not just been ill have had no sleep either! Still I wanted to at least get my deadlifts in this week as it is the last week of this cycle.

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 72.5

    4 pull ups and 4 chin ups to warm up my arms a bit - ha!

    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    -- now up till this point everything felt pretty easy...and as soon as I unracked 52.5 I felt weak
    3 x 52.5 -- damn damn damn
    0 x 52.5 -- after 10 seconds
    2 x 52.5 -- after minute rest

    pisser...don't know if it was tiredness or just plain being weak..but I never got it...disappointed..

    5 x 87.5
    5 x 102.5
    5 x 120
    5 x 137.5 PB for reps, deadlifts keep getting better, didn't feel as knackered as last week either so maybe that blows my press theory out of the water...looking forward to some singles next week to see what my 1RM is.

    3 x 10

    Oh and down to around 81kg now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    So kind of a deload / check 1RM week this week. Today I concentrated on squats

    5 x 60
    3 x 80
    3 x 100
    1 x 110 --PB
    1 x 115 --PB
    3 x 100
    3 x 80
    5 x 60

    Had a spotter at 115, as I expected my core was giving way before my legs, need to up the work on that if I am to progress I think. Now it wasn't easy on my legs but I had more there, definitely could have done 120 (BW x 1.5) just was unsure of my core strength to...and my spotter had wandered off so I definitely had no courage to do it on my own. Still a PB not that much mind you for 1 rep, but still nice, esp when it was arse to floor depth

    Pull Ups
    2 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 1

    4 x 40
    1 x 35
    2 x 5 x 35

    4 x 10 + 20kg

    So kind of where I expected to be, esp when I am still dropping weight (roughly .5 - 1 lb a week)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Press and Deads today

    5 x 30
    3 x 40
    1 x 50
    1 x 52.5
    1 x 55
    1 x 57.5 PB
    1 x 60 PB
    5 x 40
    5 x 30

    60 seemed easier than 57.5 not sure I could have done 62.5 but at least it is an improvement.

    5 x 80
    3 x 100
    1 x 120
    1 x 140
    1 x 150
    1 x 155 PB
    0 x 160 could not get it off the floor, stood up, cue dizzy head thank god I could grab hold of the squat rack!! thought I would get it too, 155 was hard but once off the floor locking out was easy enough...grip was not a problem at all i just couldn't move the f**ker :pac: would have been 2 x BW too or at least as good as (~80.5kg bw at the mo) so would have been well happy with that...ah well..

    4 x 10 situps
    general messing with a couple of machines I don't normally use to try them out..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet


    check bench 1RM today

    it feels like I have fell back so much on this compared to the other lifts, in actuality, I think I was not lifting numbers previously on a smyth machine that translated into numbers on a proper bench. if that makes sense...only reason i can see for the stall and reversal on this lift compared to the other 3.



    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    3 x 65
    1 x 70
    1 x 75
    1 x 77.5
    1 x 80 -- felt pretty easy, wanted to hit this at least and was confident of more
    0 x 82.5 -- felt ok getting it off the rack and it off my chest by a couple of inches and that was it...looked a right plonker as I did not expect any issues so didn't get a spotter - thankfully someone saw me in trouble and helped me rerack. fecking was as if a switch was turned off when I went to push back up.
    0 x 72.5 -- went down to this to try 5 but lifting off the rack was too tough and thought better of it.
    10 x 60 -- pissed off
    5 x 60
    10 x 50
    5 x 50 -- wide grip - wanted to try and change my grip going forward, as i don't normally go to the ring, seemed to be ok but who knows.
    10 x 35 -- wide grip

    head was between my legs a bit due to the failure to get lock out without a spotter...

    chins, 5, 2, 3..wrecked

    attempted dips, managed 2 - useless

    4 x 10 situps + 25kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Next Round...

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 85
    5 x 95

    new wider grip
    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 67.5 -- grip feels quite natural after my initial reservations, 67.5 was hard, not sure if this is due to my general hopelessness at benching or the grip change.

    5 x 30
    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5

    Pull Ups
    2 x 5, 1 x 3

    4 x 10 + 25kg

    Weighted Hypers
    2 x 10 (no weight :) - first time trying these and trying to get my position and all that correct)

    On Friday I had felt a twinge on my back when I lost the bench @ 82.5kg but it went away and I never had another thought, until squat 4 of my final set today, oucher, back has muscle pain (i hope) at the moment and had all the way thru my workout - form was good during squat so I assume it is just cramp or similar as it is upper back and finding hard to get a position to stretch it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 72.5

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50 -- not too bad tbh, if i could hold my breath for 5 reps I think it would be even easier

    5 x 80
    5 x 97.5
    5 x 112.5
    5 x 130 -- deads went really well today, 3rd rep here was tough, rest was smooth and easy, even had the energy to get one or two chins in afterwards.

    3 x 10 situps
    1 x 5, 2 x 2 chinups (i did say one or two :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 85
    3 x 97.5
    8 x 72.5

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    3 x 70
    8 x 50

    5 x 30
    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    8 x 42.5

    1 x 8 35
    1 x 4 35
    1 x 4 32.5
    1 x 8 32.5

    2 x 10
    1 x 6
    1 x 4

    3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Nice progress, weights seem to be going up pretty steadily. :cool: I am another fellow shoulder sufferer, among other things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    5 x 97.5 -- was easy enough, suddenly felt very unsure of myself at number 3 so paused for a minute before finishing...don't know where my head went but not on the lift anyhoo!

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 70 -- felt easy, having the confidence to go for it when you have a spotter does make a big difference.

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5

    Pull Ups
    1 x 6
    4 x 3

    4 x 10 + 25kg

    3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    howtomake wrote: »
    Nice progress, weights seem to be going up pretty steadily. :cool: I am another fellow shoulder sufferer, among other things.

    Cheers progress has been painfully slow but beginning to get somewhere - shoulder has been good since new year so fingers crossed it stays that way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 75

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    2 x 52.5 -- fooking eedjit had a bad grip tried to adjust mid 2nd rep and lost my rhythm
    0 x 52.5 --
    2 x 52.5
    1 x 52.5 -- thoroughly pissed off, went in thinking this was the week for 52.5 but never felt good from rep1. really struggled, more than usual - can only put it down to a few beers i had during the game last night, but i didn't think i would be this bad :(

    5 x 82.5
    5 x 100
    5 x 115
    5 x 132.5 -- found this much tougher than last week - got there, form was awful on last rep though...

    1 x 6
    1 x 5
    1 x 2 -- :confused:

    3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    3 x 100
    8 x 75

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5 -- was supposed to be 3 but spotter encouraged me on .. get in !
    8 x 52.5

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50
    3 x 60
    8 x 45

    3 x 10 -- might move to less reps but with weight next week

    8 x 35
    6 x 35
    .. rest for 30 secs
    2 x 35
    8 x 35

    4 x 10 + 25kg

    Quite a decent effort today, glad at finally getting 72.5 done, have to do it again on Monday!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Was a bit afraid going in today, by back went into spasm walking down the stairs yesterday, I was carrying nothing and literally just strolling down them. Fecking thing, never happened before to me, doesn't bother me too much except when I go to move from a sitting or lying position, so was very much in doubt as to whether I would go in to gym today...but with Paddys weekend coming and no training on Friday, and then a trip with work ruining any training next week I wanted to at least see if I could do something...

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    3 x 100 -- dizzy spell on standing up so reracked, took a breath and..
    2 x 100... happy even if i did rerack, thought i was passing out so had to - back felt absolutely fine thankfully.

    5 x 35
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 72.5 -- had a twinge when I lay down for the first time at 35 but other than that nothing - 72.5 was reasonably easy, definitely having a spotter there gives me more confidence when grinding those tough ones out.

    was quite worried these would aggravate my back but nothing from it so..
    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60...just

    Pull Ups
    2 x 5
    1 x 4
    1 x 3

    Weighted Hypers
    3 x 10 + 5kg -- back went uber tight after these, but a minute sitting down seemed to relax it.

    4 x 10 + 25kg

    So good session, back feels better, not sure it will when my body warms down again though, tomorrow could be fairly stiff city, but hopefully not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 75

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 52.5 -- get in...was tough but if I wasn't concentrating so much on just getting 5 I reckon I could had 2 more - finally!! who said you can't get stronger while dropping weight...lost 7lbs in the past 6 weeks and weights going up!

    5 x 85
    5 x 102.5
    5 x 120
    5 x 135

    1 x 5, 1 x 2, 1 x 3, 1 x 3, 1 x 2 -- i know it was right after some heavy (for me ) deads but really piss poor

    3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    So 2 weeks out and finally got back in today. Felt not too bad, bit tired now though, but that could just be the after lunch + too hot office feeling.

    Just went through a session and will do same on Fri before starting the same rotation I never got to finish before the break.

    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 80
    5 x 80
    5 x 90

    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    4 x 72.5 -- was set all wrong when I unracked...surprised I got 4 tbh

    Pull Ups 3 x 5

    Situps 4 x 10 + 15kg

    Weighted Hypers 3 x 10 + 6kg

    As I was in Germany and all the food was lovely porky stuff I managed to put 5lbs on...strangely enough it came off on it's own over the weekend..and i hadn't been watching what I ate at all either so thats good!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 80
    5 x 80

    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    5 x 50

    5 x 80
    5 x 90
    5 x 100
    5 x 120

    2 x 5, 1 x 1 --ooohh yeah...the strong man cometh lol!

    4 x 10 situps

    Easy enough session, stretch out some of those DOMS from wednesday, time for a coffee and crunchie -- get it on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    right so back to the start of the last rotation. with another week off coming up over Easter it might take a while to finish!

    Going to try and get one more cardio session in during the weeks too. Footie on a Monday and a run somewhere else along there...started it at the beginning of the year but it got lost in all the time I was spending at work.


    some female athlete in the squat rack across from me today..making me feel totally inadequate with some sort of 70kg one legged squats....

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 85
    5 x 95

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 67.5

    5 x 30
    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5

    Pull ups 3 x 5

    Situps 4 x 10 + 25kg dumbbell

    Hypers 3 x 10 + 10kg plate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 72.5

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50 -- just - thought I had popped something in my lower back after last rep!

    5 x 80
    5 x 97.5
    5 x 112.5
    5 x 130

    Pretty easy @ 130 for 5 surprisingly enough.

    3 x 10 Situps

    chins : 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 2 x 1...meh...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 47.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 72.5
    5 x 85
    3 x 97.5
    8 x 72.5
    ..very easy today for some reason.

    5 x 30
    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5
    8 x 42.5

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    3 x 70
    8 x 50

    Dips: 1 x 10, 1 x 6, 1 x 4, 1 x 10

    Situps: 3 x 10 + 25kg

    Dumbbell Curls: 3 x 8 15kg DBs

    Surprisingly this is prob the first week in a long time that I had no real DOMS to speak of after deadlifting, which I think is why Squatting felt so easy today...I don't know...I am getting more sleep thanks to kids sleeping through the night so maybe that is all it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Hey man I was just reading back through your log there for the craic and it's uncanny that the majority of your lifts are the same as mine.Minus myself weighing 10kg more ha:D.Wanna have a race to a random lift?Say like first to 100kg bench or 100 kg front squat or something?Im appalling at both.:rolleyes:

    Im in serious need of some motivation.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Remmy wrote: »
    Hey man I was just reading back through your log there for the craic and it's uncanny that the majority of your lifts are the same as mine.Minus myself weighing 10kg more ha:D.Wanna have a race to a random lift?Say like first to 100kg bench or 100 kg front squat or something?Im appalling at both.:rolleyes:

    Im in serious need of some motivation.:D

    haha..i think we could be here till next census waiting for me to hit 100 for the bench :)

    I haven't done front squats - will keep going with my current program just now for at least the next 3 months so no room for them at the mo.

    We could try the 100kg bench, but seriously mines sucks so much that this time next year i will still be trying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    5 x 97.5 -- easy enuff as it goes.

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60
    5 x 70

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5

    Pull Ups : 1 x 3, 1 x 2, 1 x 3, 1 x 2, 1 x 5 -- really struggled today

    Situps: 4 x 10 + 25kg

    Weighter Hyper:
    2 x 10 + 15kg
