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Bit of this, bit of that, not so much of the other..



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 75

    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5 -- much much easier than last time, still hard but much easier

    5 x 82.5
    5 x 100
    5 x 115 -- all normal grip fairly straight forward
    5 x 132.5 -- mixed grip - tough and last rep was real struggle

    Chins 1 x 5, 2 x 1, 2 x 2 -- i just don't have anything left for these after deadlifts, I reckon if I put some weight in addition I would manage the same amount, so going to try for 3 x 3 + 5kg or similar next week and try to build it up.

    Situps 4 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    3 x 100
    8 x 75

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60
    3 x 72.5
    8 x 60 -- meant to be 52.5 couldn't be arsed changing all the weights tho

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 50
    3 x 60
    8 x 45

    Dips 3 x 10
    Situps 3 x 10 + 25kg
    Curls 3 x 8 15kg dumbbells

    Kind of pissed off that Easter is right beside May weekend, going to mess up 2 weeks of my training again now that i was just getting into it again after the week away with work...trials and tribulations and all that...just a pain in the fecking arse...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    5 x 100 - kind of tuff, kind of easy...dunno..

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 70 -- again kinda weird, 70 was easier than 62.5

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60...just that was fecking hard

    Weighted Hypers: 2 x 10 + 15kg
    Weighted Situps: 4 x 10 + 25kg
    Pull Ups: 3 x 5

    Place was swarming today...warm weather seems to bring everyone out, thankfully I had got in early so was able to get into a rack easy enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Man it is warm out there!

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 75

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 52.5
    Going to review my form on the Press, think I could be doing better here and hopefully will help me get up to that 60kg x 5 sooner rather than later.

    5 x 85 OH
    5 x 102.5 OH -- was like - wow this is much harder than i would normally expect...realised i had left my big ass heel runners on...:rolleyes:
    5 x 120 OH
    5 x 135 MH -- was painful rather than hard, so it was work to lift it, but it came off the ground i think these are still going well.

    3 x 10 situops
    Chins : 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 2

    Easter Eggs are everywhere now, I will literally have to eat my way out of chocolate to escape work, the house, the is going to be crap for the next 10 days or so and hard to get to gym...bugger...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 90
    3 x 102.5
    8 x 75

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    3 x 62.5
    5 x 45

    Place was mobbed today - half day closing due to Good Friday and everyone seemed to go when I was there :( on top of which one of the benches was out of action, which left 1 bench....not a hope I was getting onto it and so I settled for dumbbells, which I am even more useless at.

    Bench (with dumbbells)
    5 x 30
    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    ..arms hanging...

    ..before I did the dumbbells..

    Situps 3 x 10 + 25kg
    Dips 3 x 10 + 5kg

    Was supposed to do some curling but the sight of one of the many crowd, a 6 1/2ft eastern European guy curling about 70-80kg put me right off as i felt weak enough as it was !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Another bank holiday and still a tonne of choccie left to eat :D back from hols and not at gym - instead at buddys home gym with new squat rack - pretty cool - allowed me to get a workout in - same weights as last work out due to the 10 day break

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    5 x 100 - pretty easy
    0 x 120 decided as home gym and had a spotter at hand to try it...legs were willing but core couldn't
    2 x 120 Box Squats - buddy was doing box squats as is just starting squats so at least i was able to do 120 at that :)

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 72.5 -- not bad again..
    1 x 80
    1 x 82.5 -- again just coz spotter was at hand...didn't want to try much more

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60

    Pull Ups: 1 x 3, 1 x 5, 1 x 2, 1 x 4, 1 x 2, 1 x 1 -- all over the place

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    had to be quick today to get back for a meeting, in and out in 40 minutes...affected my work out..and now totally knackered :(

    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 75

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40 -- hard
    5 x 47.5 -- incredibly hard
    2 x 52.5 -- ****
    0 x 52.5 -- no time to rest or get pissed off had to move on and get out..but fecking buggering %^*%*$

    5 x 85 OH
    5 x 102.5 OH
    1 x 120 OH
    4 x 120 MH
    5 x 135 MH -- hard!

    1 x 6, 1 x 5, 1 x 2

    Situps : 3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    so did not feel like going in today...not slept right all week with the kids waking me up each night...and body was wrecked from 5 asides last nihgt..


    5 x 50
    5 x 62.5
    5 x 75
    5 x 87.5
    3 x 102.5 --easy
    8 x 75

    5 x 35
    5 x 45
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 62.5
    3 x 75 -- ok, smacked the rack on the way back up on rep3 tho
    8 x 57.5

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    3 x 62.5 -- ok
    8 x 45

    Dips 3 x 10
    Situps 4 x 10 + 25kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 65
    5 x 77.5
    5 x 90
    5 x 102.5 -- ok, the weakness is definitely in my core so i need to watch this as i get heavier. on a + note this is the first time since Jan 2010 that I lifted this heavy, and if I get next week 105 it will be even longer since I did that...

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    4 x 75 -- Fail thought I had it but just couldn't squeeze that last fecker out. Same weight next week so hopefully then.

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 60

    Hypers : 2 x 10 + 15kg
    Situps : 4 x 10 + 25kg
    Pull Ups: 3 x 3...getting worse at these again...definitely something to do with weekends i think..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 65
    5 x 77.5
    5 x 77.5

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 52.5 -- yayy.....bring on 55

    5 x 87.5 OH
    5 x 105 OH
    5 x 122.5 OH
    5 x 140 MH
    0 x 160
    3rd one on 140 might not have been fully locked out - not sure only occurred to me afterwards, last 2 on the set were tough to straighten up...thought it was going to be easy as first 2 flew up. Seeing as I was setup for 140 thought i would throw on another 20 and get that 2x BW. Had it half way up but couldn't lock out...think it was technique more than anything else. Needed someone to be coaching me to remind me what to do during it!! Someone did see me and said I had the strength no probs but probably was too far forward on the lift or something, music was loud so hard to hear. next time, hadn't really thought about doing it till i got there.

    situps : 3 x 10
    chins: 2,3,2,1

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 65
    5 x 77.5
    5 x 90
    3 x 105 -- harder than I expected
    8 x 77.5

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    5 x 62.5
    3 x 75 -- just and just as well I had a spotter tbh
    8 x 55

    5 x 30
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 45
    5 x 55
    3 x 62.5
    8 x 45

    1 x 8 + 10kg
    2 x 5 + 10kg
    of course dumbass here managed to pull the chain on the belt too tight and catch his belly bulge in it when I was getting ready...fecking sore blood blister there now, just where my belt would normally sit, got my trousers half way down my arse now to avoid chaffing...fs...:rolleyes:

    DB Curls
    1 x 8 17.5kg
    2 x 5 17.5kg

    Tricep Extensions
    long time since I did these so taking it easy enuff...tho was bloody hard
    3 x 8 10kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    too many cakes and a sore throat all weekend makes jaggie a fat fool...

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 80
    5 x 92.5 -- last rep was very hard - reckon my feet were too close together
    5 x 105 -- 2nd last was all over the shop but recovered well in the last one.

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    ..looks around for a spotter...tumbleweed flies past...whistles...feck it

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 62.5

    ..still no spotter...goes off to hunt first individual I see in the it happens is actually the only individual I see who is not on a treadmill..

    5 x 75 -- technically the last one he touched it with 2 of his fingers...but I got it...and to prove it I will do it again next Monday !

    Pull Ups: 3 x 5
    Situps: 4 x 10 + 27.5kg -- 2.5kg increase...felt it too
    Hyper Extenstions: 2 x 10 + 15kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    really, it is my own fault, i know, but today was not a good day.

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 65
    5 x 80
    5 x 80

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 47.5
    0 x 55
    0 x 55

    5 x 87.5
    5 x 107.5
    5 x 125
    2 x 142.5
    0 x 142.5

    Situps: 3 x 10

    So a real shock at how poor I was today after making some small progress over the past couple of weeks. I put it down to a number of factors all of my own doing:

    Firstly I was tired, man I never slept properly or enough last night.

    Secondly, I had porridge at 8 and half a slice of toast and boiled egg at half 9. Not enough fuel ! Add that to going to the gym later than usual, not being hydrated and generally feeling weak and tired before I even got to the gym and there you go.

    Thirdly, and not sure really that this is much of a factor but might add overall to the previous - am dropping weight at the mo and have dropped 2lbs in the past week- not a great deal but I am eating below maintenance so combined with the previous two i think it did have some impact.

    Fourthly, I was mentally tired and weak and never felt like I would complete so I was beat before I started.

    Fifthly - I am a weak assed biiiiaaaatch and need to improve! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 65
    5 x 80
    5 x 92.5
    3 x 107.5
    8 x 80
    -- easier than expected, will post video later once i upload it.

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 65
    3 x 75 -- easy - would have done 5 easy if i had a spotter just too feart
    8 x 55

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    3 x 65
    8 x 47.5

    BB 3 x 5 @40kg

    1 x 5, 2 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 55
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 95
    5 x 107.5 PB

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 65 -- struggled on this!
    4 x 75 -- tbh not even sure 4 is right. The spotter I got kept their fingers on or under the bar the whole time, had straps dangling off their wrists and generally totally distracted me while I was doing it. In saying that I felt no where near as strong as Friday and don't think I was anywhere near getting 5 which is a pisser.

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55
    5 x 65

    Situps : 4 x 10 27.5kg
    PullUps : 2 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 2
    Hypers: 2 x 10 + 15kg

    Happy at getting the PB for reps in squats, didn't feel confident at all, makes up a bit for the ****ty bench. Somehow I managed to drop another couple of lbs over the weekend too first time that has ever happened!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 82.5
    Started getting pain in my biceps during the first 3 sets, never had that before...was weird, seemed to go in 4th set.

    5 x 35
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 47.5
    3 x 55 -- fail, a PB but still a fail
    0 x 55 -- got it parallel with the top of my head but couldn't get it higher.
    So missed 55, not a surprise after last weeks abject failure, at least progress.

    5 x 87.5
    5 x 107.5
    5 x 125
    5 x 142.5 -- to be clear, did 2, felt something in my back stopped and stretched, did another 2, grip was gone, adjusted and did last one.
    0 x 160 -- I figured what the hell but this time could not even get it off the ground.

    Situps: 3 x 10
    Chins: 2 x 5, 1 x 2

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭mrpink6789

    5 x 52.5
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 82.5
    Started getting pain in my biceps during the first 3 sets, never had that before...was weird, seemed to go in 4th set.

    could be bicep tendonitis, i got it before, very annoying.

    I widened my grip a little if it came about, that helped it. Then i had to rest for a few days to get rid of it. Hasnt come back yet but i'm doing a few stretches before squats now to loosen them up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    yeah funny you should say that it was widening my grip that eased the pain. will keep an eye on it, as i said never felt it before...not like the constant left hip pain I have :) which is only satiated with a good stretch, but it always wants more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 55
    5 x 67.5
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 95 -- hard
    3 x 110 - even harder :)
    8 x 82.5 -- the hardest for different reasons!

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 65
    3 x 75 -- now I know I did these but the fecking spotter had his fingers at the bar again and I don't know if he touched them....
    8 x 60

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 52.5
    5 x 57.5
    3 x 67.5
    8 x 52.5

    Tricep Ext with KB: 3 x 10 8kg -- pathetic I know but was running out of time and couldn't find something too heavy.

    curls and dips ran out of time.

    so the end of the extended 6 week program as per the s/sheet. I have 4 weeks now until I go on holiday and am probably going to go for another 6 week program but omit the first 2 weeks so that I am lifting hard still.

    Delighted I got 110, PB really - struggled to get 1 x 115 earlier this year so progress.

    Pissed off my bench hasn't really made any progress or my press but deads and squats have so can't complain really.

    so will hit a couple more 6 weekers after the hols, then I might try something a bit different just to keep the interest and mix it up - obviously crossfit springs to mind so will need to research that properly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Kind of just continued on from the 6 week prog rather than start a new one - thinking that next week might be hard to get to gym with bh monday so might just try out some maxes or something and then try something different for a couple of weeks for hols - for everything except squats anyway.

    5 x 55
    5 x 70
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 97.5 -- form was going badly towards end.
    5 x 110 PB for reps...and not far off my single PB (115). Delighted as I was a bit worred after the 97.5 but my form felt good and the last rep was incredibly easy....well relatively speaking :)

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 65
    4 x 75 -- again, different spotter who still felt the need to stick a finger on the bar to help...think I might have got 5 but felt there was no use as I was definitely getting help even if it was only a finger. Bench has gone no where in the past few months...really stalled. Going to try and up the reps at lower levels or something and see if that makes any difference over the next couple of weeks - prob read up see if i can do anything to help too. If I was benching 80kg np I wouldn't mind as that is what I was doing last year, but my squat and deads are way up and bench has gone backwards.

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 42.5
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 67.5

    Situps: 4 x 10 + 27.5kg
    Pull Ups: 1 x 5, 1 x 3, 1 x 2, 1 x 3, 1 x 1
    no time for hyper extensions..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Had to work out in buddies home made gym tonight..

    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 82.5

    5 x 30
    5 x 40
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 55 -- PB finally!! felt great doing it.

    5 x 90
    5 x 110
    5 x 130
    5 x 145 -PB very easy to be honest, would have gone for PB but there was no weights left to stick on the bar.

    Chins : 3 x 5
    Situps : 3 x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 55
    5 x 70
    5 x 82.5
    5 x 97.5
    1 x 112.5 -- really didn't think i would manage anything else
    2 x 112.5 -- there you go
    8 x 82.5

    5 x 37.5
    5 x 47.5
    5 x 57.5
    5 x 65
    3 x 75 -- was aiming for 5 but sure I am pish at this
    8 x 57.5

    5 x 32.5
    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 57.5
    3 x 70
    8 x 50

    had no time for anything else, 3 x 5 + 12kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Calorific Weekend!

    so only 2 days in the gym this week, and only 2 weeks after that till hols so decided to do something different but not really..

    more stretching!

    5 x 60
    5 x 80
    3 x 5 x 100 -- long time since i did 3 sets, surprisingly ok.

    1 x 40
    1 x 60
    3 x 5 x 70 -- tough but might as well seeing as 75 is going nowhere fast

    Chins 4 x 5

    Situps 4 x 10 + 27.5kg

    DB Curls 3 x 5 17.5kg

    Short enough session I suppose, did more stretching due to the extra days off, but it was good sess too - no pressure to get round too quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 60
    5 x 80
    3 x 5 x 102.5

    The rest was a waste of time...I obviously am on too much of a deficit the last day or so or something...wasn't hungry, felt ok going in...maybe the squats just killed me...**** sake though...

    5 x 35 -- why was this so hard?
    5 x 45 -- could barely finish
    0 x 55
    4 x 50
    1 x 50 -- throws bar away in disgust

    Pull Ups: 1 x 5, 2 x 2

    DB Tricep Extension 3 x 5 12.5kg

    Did nothing else except fall into changing room...really shocking...went to get lunch and a box of beer .... could barely carry 20 bottles of beer to the car !!!!!! wtf !!!

    time to eat steak for breakfast, snacks and in my sleep I think :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 85
    5 x 100
    2 x 105 -- fail
    3 x 100 -- weak man...

    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 65
    5 x 72.5

    5 x 35
    5 x 45
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 70

    PullUps: 3 x 5
    Situps: 4 x 10 + 27.5kg
    Hypers: 2 x 10 + 15kg

    Ok session apart from squats..really struggled on the 2nd for 105 so didn't push it for 3,4 or 5 as last thing I need is an injury this close to my hols.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    I am defnitely getting weaker, don't know if it is trying to eat below maintenance, just being weak in the first place or this chest cold thingie i have had for the past couple of weeks...roll on holidays ...

    5 x 50
    5 x 70
    5 x 85
    5 x 85

    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 45
    1 x 55 -- this was sooooo heavy...i am soooo weak
    1 x 50 -- just as bad as 55

    was not going to do a full deadlift set as I had no time, still tho, expected more
    5 x 100
    3 x 130
    0 x 160 -- no movement..i mean none...nearly fainted when I stood up...

    Situps 3 x 10
    Chinups: 5 x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    more messing today...just wanted to do something brain is already on holiday and body is following...

    5 x 60
    5 x 80
    3 x 5 x 100

    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    2/3 ? x 75 -- more fails, more bad spotting and more fails...
    3 x 5 x 65
    -- think i am going to narrow my grip again, just not strong enough..

    DB BOR
    5 x 12.5
    5 x 17.5
    5 x 22.5
    5 x 27.5
    5 x 30
    interesting, easier than I thought..

    DB Incline Bench
    5 x 15
    5 x 20
    5 x 20

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    5 x 60
    5 x 80
    1 x 100
    1 x 110
    1 x 120 PB
    1 x 110
    1 x 100
    5 x 100
    5 x 100

    Well chuffed with the 120kg @ 78kg - think I had maybe another 2 reps in me but I was slightly not right in mind due to no contact lenses and not being able to see properly (doesn't make a difference strength/balance wise - just gives me an excuse :D ) and I wasn't going to push it too much so close to holiday time.

    5 x 40
    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 67.5
    4 x 75 -- close but no cigar :( will try again this week determined to hit 75 on bench and 55 again on press before I finish up so hopefully hitting gym 3 more times this week.

    DB BOR
    5 x 15
    5 x 17.5
    5 x 20
    5 x 22.5
    5 x 27.5

    Situps: 4 x 10 + 27.5kg

    Pull Ups: 2 x 5, 1 x 2

    no time for anything else...not that I could see the clock anyway....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Just a quick in and out today.

    5 x 35
    5 x 40
    5 x 45 -- when and why did this get so heavy?
    1 x 55
    1 x 55
    2 x 55
    1 x 55 -- I got 5 goddamit...nearly broke myself but I got em...not in 1 set I grant you that !

    Chins: 5 x 6

    Tricep Ext
    R : 1 x 3 15kg
    L : 1 x 1 15kg
    ... reset... :S

    3 x 5 12.5kg

    and outtie

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    back from hols, fatter and slower than ever...amazingly i only put on a few lbs and about 1% bodyfat despite daily drinking and eating of everything that is bad for you. Tired though, holidaying with 3 kids is hard work. Did start off the hols with some stretching and body weight exercises with the kids on the campsite - but once the rain was there in the morning it went out the back to gym today with some light workout and lots of stretching to try and appease the DOMS Gods.

    5 x 50
    5 x 60
    5 x 70
    5 x 80
    5 x 90
    surprisingly very easy

    Pull Ups 3 x 5

    Situps 4 x 10

    DB Bench
    5 x 10
    5 x 12.5
    5 x 15
    5 x 17.5
    5 x 20

    Stretching, rolling, stretching...

    5 asides tonight

    pain tomorrow...bring it on..

    going to big increase my protein intake know I have been poor with this in the past few months and it shows in my lifts. won't go for powder as I don't really want extra cals, just more protein == more chicken breasts for lunch. white meat + green veg FTW !

    anyhoo enuff of my nonsense...i also realise I really want to take up golf...holidays do strange things...
