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Why is there such a pathological hatred of cats in Irish society?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭lintdrummer

    newmug wrote: »
    I can never understand how anyone would let ANY animal indoors. Its just not right. Reminds me of a story - One morning, going to work, I open the back door and 4 fcukin young cats try to burst in. I managed to shoo 3 of them away, but one vile fcuker got in. He ran under the couch, up the curtains, across the table knocking a few things as he went, everywhere! I couldnt get him. Eventually he made a burst for the back door, back to the outside. My back door is glass nearly all the way to the bottom, he lambasted himself off it! I was fuming at this dirty cretin, so I picked him up by the tail to throw him out. While I was carrying him out, he was all "meow, meow", real nice and cute like, as if to say "i'm only a poor lickle kitty, pweeeeze let me go". I was just about to, when he revealed his true intentions, and started hissing and spitting and clawing at my leg. Well, I had reached my limit, and I drop-kicked the fcuker ala Ronan O'Gara. He spun through the air head over tail, probably saw Dublin from his altitude, and came down head first on a window-sill at the far end of the house. I felt bad for doing it the minute my foot made contact, but they're exactly the buttons cats press when they behave the way they do, and thats the consequences. Needless to say all 9 of his lives evaporated instantly. I felt bad afterwards, and I still do. Obviously, it was me and my mindset that was at fault, not the dumb animal. So OP, reading this, compare it to what you would have done and how you would have behaved. Maybe it will give you an insight into the thinking behind why people hate them so much.

    This proves the op's point really. If this oaf was talking about a dog there would have been uproar from the community at large, ispca called, links sent to sky news, but because it's a cat it's tolerated. The guy should be banned for openly discussing and approving methods of animal cruelty.

    I prefer cats. They look after themselves and they are affectionate. Great pets. I like dogs too. Just too much effort for my circumstances. And they can be smelly!

    I think the "I love dogs/death to cats" brigade have issues. This whole thing of dogs being rewarding is strange. Why the need for emotional feedback from your pet?

    One more issue to address, country people don't hate cats. In my experience even those who have dogs also have a cat or two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 239 ✭✭noelo

    Scarydoll wrote: »
    Why do people compare cats to dogs? They are two different types of animals. It's like comparing a giraffe to a lion or something.
    Also cats are awesome. You always know where you stand with a cat. They either like you or they don't. Dogs can turn on you.

    Sometimes my likes you then the next she doesint, but that ok because sometimes its vice-versa. She's pretty cool:D, she always welcomes me when i get home, purrs like Fu3k lol. shes very clean as in she loo's in her tray outside on the balcony and so on:cool:. what animal is like that?:confused: I used to be a dog man but now i think cats are way better as pets. there so funny,friendly and not so dependent. I know lots of people who hate cats and i dont know why? I think there just uneducated, ignorant and caught up in the whole (IRELAND HATES [EMAIL="CATS@ STICK"]CATS and STICK[/EMAIL] A BANGER UP THERE ARS£ THING) which has been bread into everyone in the nation for some fu3k3d up reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭qwertplaywert

    Never quite warmed to cats.

    On the otherhand, dogs are phurfect pets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    Shenshen wrote: »
    Said and debunked many times over.

    Why did you only answer part of the post, what says you on the subject of Toxoplasmosis ? Cats are the primary carriers of this & is present in their, so when i see a cat in my garden shi.tting in my flower or vegetable beds, the little fuc.ker better be nimble on his/her feet or they will feel the swift end of my boot if i get a chance, and before you drag this down to a comparison if it was a dog, any dog doing the same would get the same treatment but the above mentioned disease is why i have more of a distaste for cats. My children should be able to roam freely around my garden playing in the flower beds without me having to worry if they are going to put their hands in cat & become at risk of picking up a parasite that can cause Schizophrenia. This is real.
    I've had hunting dogs and A cat, and all give great pleasure. Dogs are perhaps more attached to the owner whereas cats display greater independence. ?

    This probably the most fundamental reason, people wants pets mainly for companionship & to have an attachment with the animal, the independance goes against the reasons you want a pet in the first place, if you want an animal to provide a function like, killing the rats in the barn then yes, a cat is ideal. Or a dog for hunting or racing but your pet is a companion you want to display a level of affection to & have that reciprocated. For the record i dont have a cat or a dog, i have hens that produce eggs & dont show any affection, but they perform their function perfectly.
    Keptic wrote: »

    Here are some other facts I've learned from somewhere else:

    Cats have better memories than dogs. Tests conducted by the University of Michigan concluded that while a dogs memory lasts no more than 5 minutes, a cat's can last as long as 16 hours -

    How can a dog recognise his/her owner so in the morning after 10 hours out the back garden:confused:
    Keptic wrote: »
    It is proven that cats learn by trial and error, observation and imitation.They retain certain information much longer than dogs. In one study, it was found that cats possess visual memory ability comparable to that of monkeys.

    Ahhh yes, its clear as crystal now why police forces all over the world use police cats now. Dogs like german shepards are obviously crap at retaining information for more than 5 minutes, learning by trial & error, observation etc etc.

    So can your cat sit, lie down, give the paw, play dead, stay, roll over???

    Stupid fuc.king canines:rolleyes:
    Bookworm85 wrote: »
    Cats are horrible creatures. I despise them.

    They constanty wander into my garden and sh!t in the smalies sandbox, if I leave a window open they are in the house in a flash to nosy around and piss all over the place. They torment the neighbours dog no end (he's a yorkie and listening to the yapping all day drives me cuckoo).

    I dont understand it when people say that they are clean animals. A bite from a cat can be really serious, and warrants a trip to the doctor. This is an animal that scrapes around in its litter tray for 5 minutes and then walks all over kitchen counters (shudder).

    Horrible nasty creatures:mad:

    Yes you are 100% accurate, follow the link in my fiirst reply & take precautions when you little ones are concerned. This is no joke, the local Garda told me of an instance in my town years ago where a child contracted the above mentioned disease from cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,673 ✭✭✭✭senordingdong

    Shenshen wrote: »
    Title says it all, really.

    I've never met so many people with such a dislike and hatred of cats anywhere else, and I find it confusing.
    Unlike dogs, cats tend to be fairly easily avoided, they are shy and towards humans non-aggressive.
    In many countries, cats are the number one pets. Yet here, people will voice opinions like "the only good cat is a drowned cat".

    So where does it come from?

    Because cats were worshipped in some filthy, devil, pagan religion and the silly billy bible bashers instill hatred for such things in this country.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,367 ✭✭✭Rabble Rabble

    Because cats were worshipped in some filthy, devil, pagan religion and the silly billy bible bashers instill hatred for such things in this country.

    To correct the typical AH sub-educated rant against the Pope, and Papists ( modern Irish atheism is being to resemble an Orange Order gathering in 1950)

    Catholicism didnt believe in witchcraft for most of it's history. In general its a reformation thing: Cromwell had a witchfinder general. Pope's didn't.

    Think Salem. Puritans etc. So if there is Cat hatred related to religious ideas of witchcraft it should be in protestant countries. I doubt if there is any correlation anywhere, and I doubt if Ireland has a pathological hatred of cats, anyway. A poll with this thread would show the majority didn't.

    Also the term "bible bashers " applies to protestant fundamentalists. Catholics are accused of not reading the bible.

    And does it not get so boring blaming the Pope for everything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    Just to add to the religious aspect of this, i dont beleive in god & dont like cats so thats that theory fuc.ked anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,766 ✭✭✭squeakyduck

    I like cats and dogs. Cats can be affectionate just like dogs, but dogs affection is unconditional where as cats just use you for when they want attention! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    Catholicism didnt believe in witchcraft for most of it's history. In general its a reformation thing: Cromwell had a witchfinder general. Pope's didn't..
    Malleus Maleficarum, or Hammer of Witches. Written in 1486, this infamous medieval manual changed the way the Western world saw evil

    But the Catholic Pope at the time gave it a glancing approval

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    Just to add to the religious aspect of this, i dont beleive in god & dont like cats so thats that theory fuc.ked anyway.

    There ya go, and it pre-dates the common era so yer have no fear of religious conflicts. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    gbee wrote: »
    There ya go, and it pre-dates the common era so yer have no fear of religious conflicts. :)

    Yes there was all manner of Gods in egypt,
    Anubis was often identified by the word sab, 'jackal' rather than 'dog' (iwiw). Though to the Egyptians there was not a great deal of difference between the two canines, so there is some confusion over which animal Anubis actually was. The animal is sometimes referred to as the 'Anubis animal' as it is unknown which exact species of canine that Anubis actually was based on.

    The link you posted claims Anubis to be a cat:confused:

    I dont worship any god whether it is a big man with a white beard, 8 armed elephant, cat or dog headed statue,........i dont like cats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,466 ✭✭✭Snakeblood

    Shenshen wrote: »
    Title says it all, really.

    I've never met so many people with such a dislike and hatred of cats anywhere else, and I find it confusing.
    Unlike dogs, cats tend to be fairly easily avoided, they are shy and towards humans non-aggressive.
    In many countries, cats are the number one pets. Yet here, people will voice opinions like "the only good cat is a drowned cat".

    So where does it come from?

    I think it's because cats are rubbish.*

    *I quite like cats actually.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,941 ✭✭✭thebigbiffo

    curlzy wrote: »
    Hey BigBiffo, no one's giving out about people disliking cats, that's fair enough. What people have a problem with is HATRED of cats. And the utter scumbags like "newmug" that brag on this forum about kicking one to death, surely you can see the difference?

    i'm hearing ya: but there was no mention of that level of hatred or cruelty in the OP - it just used that term as an exteme version of 'dislike' imo...hence the post...

    anyways it's only a small difference - i f'uckin hate cats (not enough to kick one to death mind :D) but the real problem is cat 'lovers' starting threads because people dont like their little darlings and they dont understand how that's even remotely possible!

    i'm off to start a thread on 'what is it with irish peoples hatred of badgers'...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,202 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Why did you only answer part of the post, what says you on the subject of Toxoplasmosis ? Cats are the primary carriers of this & is present in their, so when i see a cat in my garden shi.tting in my flower or vegetable beds, the little fuc.ker better be nimble on his/her feet or they will feel the swift end of my boot if i get a chance, and before you drag this down to a comparison if it was a dog, any dog doing the same would get the same treatment but the above mentioned disease is why i have more of a distaste for cats. My children should be able to roam freely around my garden playing in the flower beds without me having to worry if they are going to put their hands in cat & become at risk of picking up a parasite that can cause Schizophrenia. This is real.

    Yes you are 100% accurate, follow the link in my fiirst reply & take precautions when you little ones are concerned. This is no joke, the local Garda told me of an instance in my town years ago where a child contracted the above mentioned disease from cat

    I don't get how this is a valid reason to hate cats? Lots of animals spread diseases

    Dog faeces also carries a dangerous parasite and in fact your children are more likely to be infected this way than by cats
    Wikipedia wrote: »
    Transmission of Toxocara to humans is usually through ingestion of infective eggs.[7][13] These eggs are passed in cat or dog feces, but the defecation habits of dogs cause T. canis transmission to be more common than that of T. cati

    Dogs are the reservoir for Toxocara canis, but puppies pose the greatest risk of spreading the infection to humans.[7][6] Infection in most adult dogs is characterized by encysted second stage larvae. However, these larvae can become reactivated in pregnant females and cross the placental barrier to infect the pups. Vertical transmission can also occur through breastmilk.[1][13][14] Infectious mothers, and puppies under five weeks old, pass eggs in their feces.[13][14] Approximately 50% of puppies and 20% of adult dogs are infected with T. canis.[1]
    Cats are the reservoir for Toxocara cati.[7][6] As with T. canis, encysted second stage larvae in pregnant or lactating cats become reactivated. However, vertical transmission can only occur through breastfeeding. Although kittens are more of a risk for human infection than adult cats, the defecation habits of cats reduce the chances of human infection with T. cati.[13]

    Dog ownership is another known risk factor for transmission.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Shenshen wrote: »
    Title says it all, really.

    I've never met so many people with such a dislike and hatred of cats anywhere else, and I find it confusing.
    Unlike dogs, cats tend to be fairly easily avoided, they are shy and towards humans non-aggressive.
    In many countries, cats are the number one pets. Yet here, people will voice opinions like "the only good cat is a drowned cat".

    So where does it come from?

    Cat lovers :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    I don't get how this is a valid reason to hate cats? Lots of animals spread diseases
    It's a very valid reason not to want them in your garden, and a very valid reason why people who own cats should keep them on their own property
    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    Dog faeces also carries a dangerous parasite and in fact your children are more likely to be infected this way than by cats
    Funnily enough I've yet to see a dog scale a 15ft wall to shít in my flower beds, but I've seen a cat do it. You are more likely to find cat shít in your garden than the faeces of a stray dog. Dog owners are, by law*, required to clean up after their pets, but there is no such onus on cat owners despite the disease their pets carry.

    I would like to see straying cats treated like straying dogs. It might teach people to take better care of, and more responsibility for, their pets.

    *yes, there are some that don't, but they're supposed to, and can be fined €1500 if they don't.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,145 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Cat lovers :rolleyes:
    Yep pretty much this for me TBH. I've no problem with cats other than if they come into my garden hunting birds and then they just get shooed away. It's excessive cat people I find a bit weird at times. What people project onto their pets can tell you a lot I have found. Someone who sees value in self serving self centered freeloading behaviour while describing it as independence, with a side order of glee over playing with/torturing prey animals is not someone I'd have much time for TBH. The cats themselves are little to do with it I've found. I've known many cats that were very dependent and emotionally engaging and affectionate, just as I've known quite aloof and aggressive dogs. It's the owners projections I look more at if I have a mind to and yes IME I have found in the majority of cases excessive cat people types tend to act out that projection of their own personalities(majority of women I have found). I've even seen them project those notions on to cats that weren't like that at all. I would have similar reserve with excessive dog types who see the animal as a projection of their strength and virility and aggression, majority male in that case.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    ceadaoin. wrote: »
    I don't get how this is a valid reason to hate cats? Lots of animals spread diseases

    Dog faeces also carries a dangerous parasite and in fact your children are more likely to be infected this way than by cats

    I dont think you read my post at all or the link i gave, i never said i hate cats, i dont like them because of the Toxoplasmosis carried in their & they are always in my garden shi.tting!!!!!

    You go on to point out how dogs are also dangerous, i dont own a dog either & if one was shi.tting in my garden i would gift it a swift boot to make it yelp.

    Kylith pointed out the most relevant fact, cats go where they please & are defended by their owners for doing so where you could not get away with it if it was your dog.

    My neighbour says to me, "their cats, its in their nature to roam & hunt"

    Ok then i say, i am human & it is in my nature to be terretorial of my patch & protect my young so your cat is fair game for me as a predator.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Yep pretty much this for me TBH. I've no problem with cats other than if they come into my garden hunting birds and then they just get shooed away. It's excessive cat people I find a bit weird at times. What people project onto their pets can tell you a lot I have found. Someone who sees value in self serving self centered freeloading behaviour while describing it as independence, with a side order of glee over playing with/torturing prey animals is not someone I'd have much time for TBH. The cats themselves are little to do with it I've found. I've known many cats that were very dependent and emotionally engaging and affectionate, just as I've known quite aloof and aggressive dogs. It's the owners projections I look more at if I have a mind to and yes IME I have found in the majority of cases excessive cat people types tend to act out that projection of their own personalities(majority of women I have found). I've even seen them project those notions on to cats that weren't like that at all. I would have similar reserve with excessive dog types who see the animal as a projection of their strength and virility and aggression, majority male in that case.

    I have more of a reserve for the numpties who dress their dogs up and treat them like babies, allowing them to lick their faces with the same tongue they licked their a$$ with two minutes before :confused:

    I just found the Title to the thread and the opening post typical of the type of thing I've seen cat lovers post on forums before. 'Pathological hatred of cats in Irish Society'?, talk about over the top :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    My neighbour says to me, "their cats, its in their nature to roam & hunt"

    Ok then i say, i am human & it is in my nature to be terretorial of my patch & protect my young so your cat is fair game for me as a predator.
    True; if you allow your pet to behave like a wild animal you have to be prepared for people to treat it like a wild animal.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    I just found the Title to the thread and the opening post typical of the type of thing I've seen cat lovers post on forums before. 'Pathological hatred of cats in Irish Society'?, talk about over the top :rolleyes:

    Better get the C-Team together then ..... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,962 ✭✭✭✭dark crystal

    Just to debunk a few of the reasons people seem to dislike cats:

    1. They're disloyal - my cats have been with me, and only me, for 7 years. I don't need to chain them up/fence them in to keep them from straying. When they decide to go out for a bit of exercise/fresh air, they always willingly come back of their own accord, without needing to be called. They are incredibly loyal pets, not that it would bother me in the slightest if they weren't. Who wants a sycophantic pet, slavishly obedient to your every whim anyway?

    2. They're dirty - As others have mentioned, cats are self cleaning animals, with a specially spiny tongue which cleans, deodorises and grooms in one fell swoop. You don't need to bath them, pay for expensive grooming (for short haired cats, anyhow) or put up with the lingering oudours that dogs pick up outside. Yes, they lick their bums with the same tongue, but like other posters have mentioned, cat's tongues have a special anti-bacterial ingredient anyhow. Unlike dogs, who enjoy licking their own genitals for pleasure and then happily lick their owners hands or faces (in some cases, their mouths!).

    As for the whole disease catching issue, yes it's true you can get toxoplasmosis from cat feaces, which is ,thankfully, pretty rare. However, most cats instinctively bury their poo anyway, unlike dogs who will crap anywhere. Dog poo can spread zoonotic6 disease, as well as a multitude of parasitic worms...not to mention rabies. On a typical day, you are far far more prone to finding dog poo littering the public pathway, than cat poo!

    3. Cats cause a nuisance because of mating noise - Seriously, in built up areas especially, there is far more chance of being woken by dogs incessant barking, than any noise caused by a cat in the mood for love! In the estate where I live, you can be assured of multiple dogs, at all times of night and day, barking at nothing in particular for extended periods of time. At least cats only mate at certain times of the year - dogs bark and howl all year round.

    4. Stray cats - I really don't know how people are finding stray cats more of a problem than stray dogs. In my experience, there are far more stray dogs left to wander the streets, than cats. Yes, cats do wander, but in most cases, they wander straight back home again. Stray dogs, wander the streets, crapping on footpaths, public greens and in gardens, hunting for food. Last year, a stray pitbull got into my back garden and ripped my 6 week old kitten to bits. Stray cats may be a nuisance to some, but they are very rarely any threat to humans or other pets. Dogs can be killers.

    Just on a final note (I know I've gone on a bit!), I'd like to say to those who go on about cats being resistant to training and not as clever as dogs, my cat can let himself in and out of the front door by jumping up on the ledge and opening the door handle himself. He can also stretch to ring the doorbell if the door is locked. No, he wasn't trained to do so, he just did it 'cause he's a smart, independent little fella! Who needs a catflap, eh? :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    unlike dogs who will crap anywhere.

    I disagree with most of your post, but in particularly this part (I'm sure you're thrilled to know this :D)

    Dogs don't actually crap anywhere (unless out and about for walkies) but usually a dog poops in only one part of your garden, in a hidden area out of view. They are actually very private poopers when they're allowed to be :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    Just to debunk a few of the reasons people seem to dislike cats:

    1. They're disloyal - my cats have been with me, and only me, for 7 years. I don't need to chain them up/fence them in to keep them from straying. When they decide to go out for a bit of exercise/fresh air, they always willingly come back of their own accord, without needing to be called. They are incredibly loyal pets, not that it would bother me in the slightest if they weren't. Who wants a sycophantic pet, slavishly obedient to your every whim anyway?

    Fair enough accepted.
    2. They're dirty -
    As for the whole disease catching issue, yes it's true you can get toxoplasmosis from cat feaces, which is ,thankfully, pretty rare. However, most cats instinctively bury their poo anyway, unlike dogs who will crap anywhere. Dog poo can spread zoonotic6 disease, as well as a multitude of parasitic worms...not to mention rabies. On a typical day, you are far far more prone to finding dog poo littering the public pathway, than cat poo!

    Well as said already i dont own a dog & if said canine was in my garden univited he would get the same treatment as univited feline but that said my problem is exactly waht you said, a dog will take a crap out in the open & it is very visible & recognisable eben to my three year old that it is & he wont go near it, he will tell me that there is doggy poo there, cats in my flower & veg beds, cover it & when the little one is then playing around the flower/veg beds with his little shovel & rake he could come across it without knowing. Im sorry but its not a positive to me that they bury it in my garden so its not visible.
    3. Cats cause a nuisance because of mating noise - Seriously, in built up areas especially, there is far more chance of being woken by dogs incessant barking, than any noise caused by a cat in the mood for love! In the estate where I live, you can be assured of multiple dogs, at all times of night and day, barking at nothing in particular for extended periods of time. At least cats only mate at certain times of the year - dogs bark and howl all year round.

    Fuc.king same neighbour that has the cats has two dogs also that never shut the up & all i get is, "their dogs, thats what they do, bark"....Ahhhhhh between her & her cats i am pis.sed rightly off.
    4. Stray cats -Last year, a stray pitbull got into my back garden and ripped my 6 week old kitten to bits. Stray cats may be a nuisance to some, but they are very rarely any threat to humans or other pets. Dogs can be killers.

    Sorry to hear that but now you see where i am coming from hopefully, you dont want unwanted animals that pose a danger to your loved ones be they your children or your cats in your garden uninvvited!!!

    Just on a final note (I know I've gone on a bit!), I'd like to say to those who go on about cats being resistant to training and not as clever as dogs, my cat can let himself in and out of the front door by jumping up on the ledge and opening the door handle himself. He can also stretch to ring the doorbell if the door is locked. No, he wasn't trained to do so, he just did it 'cause he's a smart, independent little fella! Who needs a catflap, eh? :P

    I never said that cats could not be trained or that they wernt intelligent, i was simply pointing out the nonsense to suggest that canines were dumb seeing as the one of the most obedient & well trained animals on the planet is a german shepard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,962 ✭✭✭✭dark crystal

    Dogs don't actually crap anywhere (unless out and about for walkies) but usually a dog poops in only one part of your garden, in a hidden area out of view. They are actually very private poopers when they're allowed to be :D

    That honestly isn't my experience at all. I find dog poo almost everywhere I walk and in my front garden. They're not too discreet about it around my way!

    In fairness though, dogs are only doing what comes naturally - it's their owners who need to be trained. It's an extreme rarity to see any dog owners pick up the little gifts their pooches leave all over the place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,673 ✭✭✭✭senordingdong

    Yeah, I don't think you'll find many reports of babies being mauled to death by cats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    Yeah, I don't think you'll find many reports of babies being mauled to death by cats.

    Mauled - No

    Smothered - Yes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,924 ✭✭✭✭RolandIRL

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,700 ✭✭✭fonecrusher1

    kylith wrote: »
    Dog owners are, by law*, required to clean up after their pets, but there is no such onus on cat owners despite the disease their pets carry.

    What a load of bollox. Take a stroll out on the street or in a local park & observe the amount of dog sh!t lying about.

    My local park is littered with dog sh!t that lazy dog owners pretend not to see thundering out of they're beloved moggies hole's. I see it every single day as i go for a walk/jog on this particular 2 kilometer stretch of pathway. Dog stops, hunches over & plops straight on to the ground. What does owner do? literally look the other way. Oh i didn't see that so i don't have to deal with it.:rolleyes:

    Yeah by law they're supposed to but a lot of them don't. Its disgusting behaviour. And im not talking about the dogs, they can't help it. Clean up your dogs excrement & have a bit of consideration for others.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭Is mise le key

    What a load of bollox. Take a stroll out on the street or in a local park & observe the amount of dog sh!t lying about.

    My local park is littered with dog sh!t that lazy dog owners pretend not to see thundering out of they're beloved moggies hole's. I see it every single day as i go for a walk/jog on this particular 2 kilometer stretch of pathway. Dog stops, hunches over & plops straight on to the ground. What does owner do? literally look the other way. Oh i didn't see that so i don't have to deal with it.:rolleyes:

    Yeah by law they're supposed to but a lot of them don't. Its disgusting behaviour. And im not talking about the dogs, they can't help it. Clean up your dogs excrement & have a bit of consideration for others.

    You just disagreed then agreed with the post you quoted, schizophrenia is a symptom of toxoplasmosis which can be contracted from you cats
