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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild 3 - Block 4 Week 4 Weekend

    I brought Block-4 to a close last weekend.

    Saturday 7+ Miles with 2M @ Sub40 10K Pace

    Fantastic weather. I'm down in Cork for the weekend. There is a new very wide pedestrian/cycle path running from North Esk down to Little Island. Not hilly (but does have subtle inclines I discover) smooth tarmac and separated from the main road. Perfect for anything speedy, better than running out and back along the Tivoli footpath.

    Plan is simple, a mile out along the patch and a mile back, all at sub40 10K pace. This is the final box to tick to allow me exit from Block-4. Legs are a little heavy during the warm-up, though it features two steep climbs. Bright sun and it's hot when I hit the lap button by North Esk. First half of the first mile is ok, need to ease up a little, but then the profile starts to incline and the legs notice it and all of a sudden I need to work. Tell myself that once I get to the turnaround I'll have the profile in my favour again. I turn by the bus stop just before the road rises again toward the Little Island exit.

    Lose a bit of momentum with the 180. Then yes the effort is slightly easier on the return but checking the Garmin I see 4:01 pace showing. Oops I need to push. Working and feeling the heat. The Garmin signals that I am back in target range again. Lungs working a bit. Then I realise that the last half mile or so is going to be slightly uphill now. Great. The Garmin is showing 3:58 so I'm on track. I keep the effort honest and I don't think for a moment that I will not hit target pace. Happy to finish the final 400m and catch my breath, heart beating in temples, it's hot on the tarmac.

    Only afterwards do I see that I came very close to slipping outside target. Final time for the 2M is 12:48.23 with a high heartrate of 169 bpm. Rounded up the pace is 3:59 min/km [6:24 min/mile]. If I had known then I know I could have pushed more if need be. Close call all the same.

    Total 7.90M @ 8:20 (average 146 bpm)

    Sunday 15+ Miles @ Long Run Pace

    Not so bright hot and sunny on Sunday morning. Muggy, overcast and drizzly instead. Happy to run on Sunday in Cork for a change.

    The first half is very hilly, with some steep climbs. First of which is on mile 2, up Church Hill. The climb, less severe, continues to Mayfield. I knew beforehand that I would be behind target (8:00 to 8:15 pace) over the opening miles and that is how it played out. Another climb from Mayfield to Montenotte but then there is a nice stretch of downhill, pretty much all the way down to Leeside in town. One final testing climb up Sunday's Well and that is 99% of the climbing over.

    I turn over the bridge after the Mardyke and start the flat section through town out by the Port and following the Lee along Tivoli back to Glanmire. Average pace falls into range and some miles are logging a little too quick. Feel a hint of fatigue over the final 2 miles but I do finish comfortably. No unwanted feedback from the legs this morning and I'm generally happy with run. Happy to have completed Block-4 successfully, and happy to have a down-week now to rest up a little and let the legs absorb the work they've completed. Things will get interesting in Block-5.

    Total 15.26M @ 8:07 (average 138 bpm)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Downweek between Blocks 4 and 5.

    Last week was a downweek. My left knee has stopped protesting so I think it appreciated some down time, particularly the absence of a Sunday long run.

    Wednesday 17 May - Very Easy 5K

    Overcast and muggy, hopefully not a sign of what June and July will bring. Opening the down-week with a very easy trot around Inchicore and back. No looking at the Garmin throughout and enjoying not needing to chase any sort of target pace. Left knee was fine but the right knee provided a few faint pings. Slow, short and a relaxed heartrate.

    Total 3.14M @ 9:01 (average 122 bpm)

    Friday 19 May - Easy 10K

    Up Infirmary Road and around the outside of the Park as far as The Hole in the Wall. Another muggy one. When I finished work I was in autopilot and laced up in my Glycerin 19s by mistake. I retired them a couple of months ago but I've been wearing them as my day to day shoe and they're resting just inside the front door. My footfall did feel strange but I didn't think too much of it. Some light feedback from the knees. Heading down Acres I stick to the grass and do the same turning left for the Fort.

    Only when I got home did I realise I'd unwittingly unretired the Glycerin 19s.

    Total 6.25M @ 8:41 (average 132 bpm)

    Saturday 20 May - 6x400 @ 3:4X pace

    Kept the legs honest and awake during the downweek with this solitary session, 6x400 @ 3:4X pace. The south side of the Playing Fields my elected venue. Some kids football games happening on either side so I got to dash back and forth past watching parents. It's 400m from the path at the bottom of Acres to the start of the first copse of trees.

    These feel more comfortable than the 6x400 session a few weeks back, not easy easy but never struggling to hit target (apart from the 2nd interval where I misjudged pace on the first 200). Legs felt good and lungs were responding well. I could have run another 2 if required, that'll come in Block-6, all going well. Splits were:







    That's an average of 1:29.54, 3:44 min/km and an average 165 bpm. Splits were a little faster than last time out, heartrate a little higher even though it felt easier. Cool down back home ahead of the rugby (after 90mins dialled on for work).

    Total 6.35M @ 8:20 (average 140 bpm)

    Sunday 21 May - Easy 10K

    Went off-road for most of this one. Across the 15 Acres past the Cross towards Furze. Swung left around a copse of trees and stopped to check out an old marker stone on the ground half hidden by grass, "No 41, Oak and Larch, Planted 1897". I wonder how many more curiosities like this are scattered around the mark. Legs were a little heavy at the outset, but they loosened out and it was nice to be running alone in the middle of Acres with just the sound of starlings for company. Skirt around the perimeter of St Mary's and head for the Fort and home. Enjoyed that. That's 20 weeks of this 50 week rebuild completed. Next up Block-5.

    Total 6.23M @ 8:52 (average 134 bpm)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 5 - Week 1

    Work has gone manic over the last while and I'm falling behind on here. Need to bring things up to speed regarding Block 5. I'll try update a week every night over the next 3 nights.

    This is the first block where I have genuine concerns about whether or not I will tick all boxes. The goals for Block-5 are:

    ·       Continue to run 40-45 miles a week

    ·       Repeat my long run of 16 Miles

    ·       Run 6 Miles at sub 3 marathon pace

    ·       Run 5K @ sub40 10K pace (i.e. run a sub 20:00 5K)

    It's this final goal that has me worried, I'm not 100% convinced I'm back to sub 20 5K form yet. If I fall short and fail to break 20 I'll need to repeat block 5, so be it. Possibly I will opt to try for sub 20 at a Park Run, I'll see.

    Tuesday May 23 - Easy 5 Miles - Total 5.02M @ 8:32 (average 135 bpm)

    Fantastic summer weather this evening as I get block 5 underway. Legs feeling generally ok. No left knee feedback. I take in an ascent of the Khyber, a descent down Acres and a return home along Chapelizod Road. An easy opener for the block.

    Wednesday May 24 - 4x1200 @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 8.28M @ 7:48 (average 146 bpm)

    First test of the block. Headed out for this one after another long desk-bound working day. I anticipated that effort levels would be high, I typically run this pace much better in the mornings. I also got my shoes wrong again (I blame work distractions), I wear the Glycerins instead of the Tempos. Perfect conditions for the session, mild and still. I feel like I have the park mostly to myself. The Polo Grounds road loop is my chosen venue.

    The first of the four 1200s is maybe the toughest, it takes time to find and settle into target pace. My first Garmin warning is a too slow alert, so I'm ready for a tough evening, instead once I do find target pace the intervals are easy to manage. The Glycerins are actually quite comfortable, providing a level of bounce and a smooth ride.

    The 1200s are completed in:

    4:45.33 (161 bpm) 3:58 min/km

    4:43.92 (165 bpm) 3:57 min/km

    4:41.45 (166 bpm) 3:55 min/km

    4:44.13 (166 bpm) 3:57 min/km

    Pleased with these. Easy running now until Sunday.

    Friday May 26 - Easy 10K - Total 6.34M @ 8:29 (average 134 bpm)

    Another fantastic sunny evening to start the weekend. It took a while for the legs to warm into this one, they felt heavy and tired over the opening, mostly uphill, three miles. Then they came alive for the closing, mostly downhill three miles, so much so that I ended up running a fraction faster than easy pace for the 10K. Took in the WMG, the Khyber, the Polo Grounds, all looking well in the evening sunshine. Proper summer running.

    Saturday May 27 - Easy 10K - Total 6.26M @ 8:25 (average 134 bpm)

    Back to back easy sunny 10Ks. Take in the Chapelizod tow path on this one. Lots out enjoying the weather. This run is just about keeping the legs ticking over ahead of tomorrow's 6M at Sub3 MP. Like yesterday evening though I end up running a little faster than intended, logging 8:25 pace for the run. It felt easy and heartrate was 134, like Friday evening. Using my runs right now to get into a good mental place ahead of two very busy working weeks.

    Sunday May 27 - 14M with 6M @ Sub3 MP - Total 14.24M @ 7:33 (average 147 bpm)

    I opted for laps for this one. I'd run the 6M section clockwise around the Furze, OS, Chesterfield Loop. It would be around 3 and a half laps. The sun is out again. Legs felt ok on warm-up. I start lapping by the second tree at the start of Furze. It takes a while to establish pace. A Dad is talking to his kid about running and points to me on lap one '... like that man ...'. On lap two the kid suggests to his Dad that I would win the race, his Dad agrees. My newest fans!

    I feel generally ok. The OS section, slightly uphill, is the hardest part of the Loop. I settle into a steady rhythm and there is very little variation in pace. I feel the effort levels increase a little from lap 3, but nothing of concern. The 6M is completed in 40:21 @ 6:44 pace, the equivalent of a 2:56:XX marathon finish. Heartrate was 164 bpm, I'd hoped for a little lower, but it is warm. Happy to have passed this first test of Block 5 and enjoy the cool-down home to bring up 14 miles for the day.

    I'll post about Block 5, Week 2 tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 5 - Week 2

    Spent Monday through Friday in Athlone. All day workshops, early starts, early prep, post workshop debriefs. Running a welcome tonic.

    Monday May 29 - Easy Hour - Total 7.05M @ 8:31 (average 135 bpm)

    An easy hour to open week 2. Legs were a little sluggish to start with but warmed into it. I'd been up since before 6. Headed from the town centre out the Dublin Road to the Creggan Hotel, through the IDA Park, and looped back into town along the Ballymahon Road. All under glorious warm sunshine. How long can this weather last? Judged the route and pace well, finishing back where I started after exactly an hour (and 7 seconds). Quick shower and grabbed some last orders pub grub in the hotel.

    Thursday June 01 - 4x600 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 6.61M @ 8:28 (average 148 bpm)

    I had scheduled this one for Wednesday evening, but work and post work meal meant I had no window. Up at 5:50 to log-on, all day meetings, I was really tired come evening and didn't know what to expect from this. Into the Tempos and I head for the Greenway. I warm up as far as the bridges by Garrycastle. I know from a recent session that these are 600m apart, providing a perfect visual of how much ground I still need to cover during each interval.

    As is the new norm, it is still, sunny, hot and heavy. With some trepidation I hit lap on the Garmin to get the session proper underway. It goes well. I am certain the Garmin mis-measured the 3rd interval, it flashed high 3:5X early on even though I know I was travelling at the same speed as the other 3 intervals, and so I needed to push hardest on the 3rd interval to record my slowest time. I didn't detect any great difference in effort depending on the direction of the 600. Splits were as follows:

    2:13.93 (165 bpm) 3:43 min/km

    2:13.95 (168 bpm) 3:43 min/km

    2:21.84 (169 bpm) 3:56 min/km (Garmin glitch I'm convinced)

    2:13.49 (169 bpm) 3:42 min/km

    That's an average 600 of 2:15.80 (168 bpm) 3:46 min/km

    Apart from the Garmin skewing my average I am happy with this session, especially considering how sleepy and mentally drained I felt. Hopefully a day less of recovery won't negatively impact too much on my Saturday morning run.

    Friday June 02 - Easy 4+ Miles - Total 4.44M @ 8:37 (average 134 bpm)

    Travelled back from Athlone in the afternoon. Laced up for a relaxed short easy run in a sunny Park. The Park's not too busy this evening, likely that people are travelling for the long weekend. I take in a loop around the Papal Cross and a descent down the Khyber. I'd expected the legs to be tired and heavy, instead they were surprisingly light and responsive. Bodes well for tomorrow.

    Saturday June 03 - 2400+(2x1200) @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 7.95M @ 7:46 (average 146 bpm)

    Travelled to Cork early Saturday morning. Had 2 glasses too many of wine the night before. The combination of vino, an early rise and more sun and heat meant this one wasn't a lot of fun. I opted for the Tivoli Road rather than North Esk as I was stuck for time and this would be a little shorter. Start the session proper by the Vienna Woods Hotel. The opening 800m are encouraging but once I cross by the roundabout and start heading townwards along the dual-carriageway the effort starts to increase. I wonder if having some downhill and uphill built into my usual Polo Grounds Loop, means running at this pace on a flatter route feels more difficult. The 2400 ends close to Silver Springs Hotel. I continue in the same direction for 600m turn around and after another 600m recovery I start the 1200s. These are more manageable than the 2400 and possibly there is a little wind assistance involved. I had to stay focused and honest to ensure I didn't drop slower than target. Pleased to finish this session.

    2400m in 9:28.29 (146 bpm) 3:57 min/km (I think the bpm were higher)

    1200m in 4:45.33 (172 bpm) 3:58 min/km

    1200m in 4:45.49 (173 bpm) 3:58 min/km

    With this heat I really don't envy anyone running CCM23 tomorrow.

    Sunday June 04 - 15M @ long run pace - Total 15.02M @ 8:02 (average 143 bpm)

    Even though I last raced in Cork back in 2017, it still feels strange not to be racing in CCM, full nor half. At least today I was running simultaneously with the marathon. Another scorcher. To avoid clashing with the marathon I head east of the city, and out and back following the Cork-2-Cobh route. New cycle/pedestrian paths have been built along here, wider than the road in parts. It's great for running, separated by kerbing and dense banks of wild-flowers from the road. There is however very little shade and the sun is a factor in this morning's run. It's 7.5 miles out and this brings me just beyond the gates of Fota Resort Hotel (lots of hotels on my runs this week). Sun or no sun I feel good and I'm really enjoying this one. I'm particularly pleased to see average pace drop into the high 7:5Xs on the return leg, I don't notice any increase in effort, stride feels fluid and natural. I apply the brakes when mile 10 logs at 7:38. And gradually, over the closing miles, I bring the pace back into range.

    There follows some cliff walking and beach time in Waterford in the afternoon, no complaints from the legs. I do sleep well Sunday night.

    I'll post about Block 5, Week 3 tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 5 - Week 3

    Still catching up.

    Monday June 05 - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.07M @ 8:32 (average 130 bpm)

    After a morning 15 miler I'd spent Sunday afternoon hiking around some cliffs down in Waterford, so I wasn't entirely surprised to be running on tired legs Monday morning. Another scorcher. Kept this easy and short. I did have to navigate one steep hill along the back road back to Riverstown and wondered how did I ran this at 8:00ish pace yesterday on mile 14 of 15. Ran a new road to take a slightly longer route back to Brooklodge. Last Cork run for a bit.

    Wednesday June 07 - 3x800 @ 3:4X pace - Total 8.36M @ 8:07

    Last week I was working out of Athlone, this week I'm out of Limerick. Same hot blue sky weather. I run from town out to UL, I was going to risk the track if it wasn't too busy, it was busy. Not to worry there are some playing grounds right alongside the track, the loop around them is a mix of grit track and a hard grassy perimeter, and the Garmin measures a lap pretty much 800m on the button.

    Maybe the Garmin was a little flattering measuring pace on this loop. The splits were better than I'd expected, and my average pace was sub 6:00 minute miling, first time I've done that in a while. The first lap was comfortable. The second lap less so as I needed to push after a slower than planned start, and the final lap was 'fine'.

    Sit on an embankment afterwards to catch my breath and watch the many people out walking, running or prepping for ball sports, nice summer evening atmosphere. Slow run back to town.

    2:55.04 @ 3:39 (162 bpm)

    3:01.57 @ 3:47 (169 bpm)

    2:56.57 @ 3:41 (166 bpm)

    Average 800 in 2:57.56 @ 3:42 (166 bpm)

    Friday June 09 - Easy 10K - Total 6.22M @ 8:31 (average 133 bpm)

    An early morning Limerick run before getting the train back to Dublin. Ran a little more relaxed as the heavy lifting for work of these last two weeks is over and I'm heading into a long weekend. I misjudged my route for this one and ended up running a little further than planned. Brought up 10K, which meant a quicker shower, pack, check-out and walk to the station. The legs felt loose on this run, and I also needed to apply some brakes near the end.

    Saturday June 10 - 3600+1200 @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 8.10M @ 7:44 (average 145 bpm)

    Not ideal preparation for this, Friday with its early 10K, a train to Dublin, a busy enough day's work, a trek across town to St.Anne's for Pulp, hours on my feet, a few beers (not too many) and late to bed. I expected the Running Gods would teach me a lesson. Instead this one went really well.

    I had a Polo match to keep my company as I lapped the Polo Road Loop. The opening 3600 felt easier than last week's 2400, and easier than the 2M at this pace at the end of Block 4. I ran the 3600 in 14:09, that's 6:20 min/mile pace. The 1200, after 1800 recovery, was very manageable, completed in 4:42, that's 6:18 min/mile.

    This is a timely confidence boost ahead of next Saturday's 5K Sub20 attempt. I had had genuine concerns after recent Saturday performances, this run instead made me believe I am back to sub 20min 5K form. Tip back home feeling good.

    Sunday June 11 - Long Run 16M - Total 16.07M @ 7:58 (average 144 bpm)

    Sunday's long run saw me complete my best weekend of running of the year to date. Sun is out again, and it's hot. I get started just before 10am. Equipped with two Lemon & Lime Power Bar Gels, and 500mls of water. I may invest in a running belt with a pouch for water, I'm finding it uncomfortable carrying a bottle in my hand.

    My route is a repeat of my previous 16 miler, out to Raheny and back along the Clontarf Seafront, left to East Link and follow the Liffey back home.

    Unusually I hit target pace on mile 1. Then I run 6 consecutive miles too fast. I do try to ease of slightly, especially after posting a 7:38 on mile 4, but I keep dipping into the 7:5Xs. First gel after mile 8. The taste of the Power Bars takes me back immediately to marathon racing. The heat is intense along the water front, air heavy and humid and I start to seek out some shade. I stop to take a photo of the Moai statue at Clontarf (gifted from Chile and made from actual Easter Island volcanic rock).

    It's hot but drier as I get back into town. I'm managing to post more on-target miles now, but not enough, I finish with a total average pace of 7:58. It felt good, hopefully the legs won't react negatively next week.

    The battery on the scales is dying so I'm not certain the 69.1kg it is reporting is accurate or not, it could be, I lost a lot of liquid this morning. If it is accurate it's the first time I've weighed sub 70 in several years. Happy with this, especially considering it comes after 2 weeks of mostly non home-cooking.

    Ready now for Week 4 and the key test of the year so far, a sub 20min 5K attempt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Best of luck with the 5k sub 20 attempt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks, you can read all about it in the next post ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Block 5 - Week 4

    This was a key week of the rebuild. The first week where I don't feel hugely confident that I will tick off the last box required to allow me move to the next block.

    Tuesday June 13 - Easy 10K - Total 6.36M @ 8:32 (average 134 bpm)

    Start the week on tired legs. An early ascent of Infirmary Road doesn't help. Sun is out and it's hot, again. Quick loo break at the start of North Road. Legs start to wake up when I turn left by Ratra House and start descending toward the Phoenix and down Acres to Chapelizod. Need to focus to ensure I don't run too fast. Finish a little over 10K. Final week underway.

    Wednesday June 14 - 6x400 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 6.14M @ 8:26 (average 136 bpm)

    If last Saturday's Polo Ground's run boosted my confidence, this evening's 400s dented it. Admittedly I have a slight head cold so maybe I am not operating at maximum. Bright blue sky and warm sun over the Playing Fields. Struggle to build up enthusiasm ahead of this, just want to get it over with. I run it from where the Acre's path meets the lower path: 400m towards the Fort, 200m turnaround recovery then 400m back. As always there are some football games in progress to help keep me distracted.

    Already on the second 400 it's feeling more like hard work than I'd expected, another 4 intervals feels like a lot. I try maximize the 200m of recovery between 400s. The effort doesn't get easier as the session progresses, but all the same I see afterwards that each split is faster than the previous. I feel flat footed, heavy and lacking required energy. I get the session done, finishing sweaty and salty. This felt harder than 3:4X pace. I must try run one of these interval sessions on a track and get a better feel for my 400m pace.

    Concerned now ahead of Saturday's 5K Sub20 attempt.

    Splits were:

    1:31.83 (3:50 min/km) bpm 145

    1:30.88 (3:47 min/km) bpm 159

    1:30.26 (3:46 min/km) bpm 162

    1:30.09 (3:45 min/km) bpm 163

    1:29.98 (3:45 min/km) bpm 163

    1:28.86 (3:42 min/km) bpm 164

    Average 1:30.32 (3:46 min/mile) bpm 159

    Friday June 16 - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.72M @ 8:36 (average 132 bpm)

    Start the weekend with a heavy legged climb up the Khyber and on to the Hole in The Wall. Legs are tired again, I really hope they carry more zip tomorrow. A descent down Black Horse Avenue manages to wake them up a little. Back into the Park at NCR Gate and back out at Park-Gate. Pride race on in the Park later and I pass quite a few runners making there way towards it.

    Some sawdust like material is all over the path down to Park Gate, makes for a comfortable footfall. Home and take it easy for the evening.

    Saturday June 17 - 5K @ Sub40 10K pace [19:41] - Total 7.18M @ 7:46 (average 145 bpm)

    I'm happy to wake on Saturday morning to generally wet and fresh conditions. Lace up the Tempos and head for the Polo Grounds Road Loop.

    I had at one point considered running a Parkrun this morning, but after last Saturday's encouraging run I opted to stick with this Loop.

    Genuinely not sure how this is going to go. On my way up Lords Walk I'm thinking that the next three times I make this ascent will be in anger. There is a small group of Donore runners on the Polo field lap, I wave, feeling surprisingly encouraged by their presence. I'm just anxious to get going now. I approach my starting line behind the Pavilion, send a prayer to the Running Gods and I hit start on the Garmin.

    Splash, splash, splash, I like the sound of my footfall. I dial in pace pretty quickly and it feels about right, not too quick, not too slow. I feel good on the first Chesterfield descent and carry momentum into the first Lord's Walk Climb. I push a little on the climb, not wanting the Garmin to sound a too slow alert. It doesn't sound and I pass behind the Pavilion for the first time, on target.

    Effort levels are raised a bit but not too much during the second lap. A similar pattern, feeling ok on Chesterfield, not applying brakes on the descent and then trying to carry the momentum onto Lord's Walk again. A second ascent without a 'too slow' alert. I finish lap two working but feeling confident.

    Final lap. Some concern that something will happen and I will leak speed, mental games. Cruise down Chesterfiedl. I turn onto Lord's Walk for one final ascent. I ensure I stay honest, pushing a little. Working but not hanging on. The finishing line is in sight, splash around the final corner and run strong to behind the Pavilion. The Garmin sounds the end of the 5K. I know I've broken 20min, very satisfying.

    Rounding up I completed the 5K in 19:41, travelling at 3:56 min/km [6:19 min/mile] and with an average 167 bpm.

    I enjoyed this. I didn't just scrape under 20min but did it with almost 20 seconds to spare. This makes me happier about moving onto Block-6, I'm ready. If I had been racing today I believe I would have gone sub 19:30. But 5K racing is a while away yet.

    Sunday June 18 - 15M (@ long run pace) - Total 15.02M @ 8:03 (average 133 bpm)

    I finish block 5, and week 24 of this 50 week Rebuild on Sunday morning. I had set out planning on following my Irishtown-Booterstown-Clonskeagh route but I only got as far as Irishtown before having to turn 180. The Gingerbread Man had come calling and I couldn't risk running further away from home. I retrace my steps home, by which time the threat had passed. I run past home and just head to the Park. A lap of the Playing Fields and then I work my way back home again via Inchicore and SCR.

    Legs felt good, pace was near the faster end of target range and I'm happy with an average bpm of 133. The weighing scales, still with fading battery, show 70.4kg. I think that feels about right.

    Ok - a welcome downweek now before starting into Block 6 of 10.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Last week was a Down-week

    Last week, a down-week, was week 25 of this 50 week rebuild plan. Halfway there.

    Tuesday 20 June - Easy 5K - Total 3.18M @ 8:56 (average 127 bpm)

    Start this down-week with an easy 5K around my usual 5K loop, only run clockwise instead of anti-clockwise, for a change. Distracted when getting ready and without thinking I lace up the Brooks that are lying inside the front door. Only after a flatfooted kilometre or two do I realise my mistake. Need to pay more attention, I again blame work.

    The run went fine, the legs felt ok. Didn't look at the watch throughout, apart from my interval session, that is the beauty of down-weeks, I am in no way slave to the Garmin.

    Thursday 22 June - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.07M @ 8:50 (average 125 bpm)

    A rare pre-work run. This evening junior outforarun and her classmates will have their films screened at school so no evening running. Despite the early hour it's warm out. I run out along the Chapelizod Road, into the Park at Chapelizod Gate and then back to Islandbridge Gate via the S-Bends. Nice to have the Park mostly to myself. Legs were a little tired on the opening mile but warmed into the run after that, felt ok.

    Saturday 24 June - 4x600 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 5.68M @ 8:15 (average 143 bpm)

    Keeping the legs alive on this down-week I run a 4x600 session around the Playing Fields. I didn't fancy 600s back and forth along the lower path so opted instead to run these, however they fell, as I ran clockwise around the Playing Fields. I started at my usual start spot, the second bicycle graphic on the path up Acres. Splits were as follows:

    2:15.30 @ 3:45 min/km (160 bpm)

    2:17.50 @ 3:49 min/km (162 bpm)

    2:15.97 @ 3:47 min/km (168 bpm)

    2:14.60 @ 3:44 min/km (170 bpm)

    Average 600 in 2:15.84 @ 3:46 min/km (average 165 bpm)

    This felt considerably easier than my recent 6x400 session, despite the day's hot and humid conditions. I think that not being sure where the 600 will end helps keeps me going. I can trick myself into thinking that I don't have a lot left to run on each 600, impossible to do that on a measured track or on an out and back strip. This is the last 4X600 session of the Block, it becomes (5x600)+200 next time out

    Busy rest of day includes a concert out at Malahide, but the legs were fine throughout, no post-run protests.

    Sunday 25 June - Easy 8 Miles - Total 8.07M @ 8:22 (average 130 bpm)

    A simple lap of the Park after a later than usual rise on Sunday morning. Travel around anti-clockwise. I again make a point of not checking the Garmin, checking it only at the end of the run, where I am very pleased to see an average 130 bpm, especially after last night's late finish.

    Legs performed much better that I'd anticipated.

    That is that for this down-week. 25 Weeks signed off, another 25 to complete.

    I plan to post about Block 6 Week 1 tomorrow, and then be back on track for Block 6 Week 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 - Week 1

    25 weeks down, 25 weeks to go. I started the second half of this Rebuild attempt last week.

    A new block brings new goals:

    • increase weekly mileage to 45-50M
    • increase long-run to 18M
    • run 10M @ MP
    • add 800m to my interval sessions: they will become 8x400, (5x600)+200, 4x800. Still targeting 3:4X pace.
    • run 4M @ Sub40 10K Pace

    That's a healthy amount of boxes to tick before I can exit to Block 7. Last time I reached this juncture I stumbled on that final bullet, but I moved to Block 7 anyway, this time round I won't allow that. And this time round it is again that final bullet that causes me most concern.

    Tuesday 27 June - Easy Hour - Total 7.06M @ 8:30 (average 139 bpm)

    Block 6 starts after work last Tuesday. I'm still more likely to run 5 days a week than 6 days a week, that means an average run distance of 9M. On 5 day weeks my shortest run is likely to be a 10K now.

    I start with an easy hour on my Phoenis easy hour loop. Just for novelty I opt to run it anti-clockwise rather than clockwise. So I navigate a Chesterfield ascent and a Glen Road descent. I have a very slight sensation in my right hammer, hopefully a thing of nothing. Hard to settle into target pace. Only three of the 7 miles fell inside easy range. The run felt easy despite running right at the fast end of range (8:30 min/mile) so I was a little surprised to see 139 as average bpm.

    Wednesday 28 June - 4x1M @ Sub40 10K pace - Total 8.81M @ 7:27 (average 149 bpm)

    I had today off and so managed to run this one in the morning, a far more appealing prospect than tackling this after a day sitting at the desk. Strangely I wasn't too worried ahead of this, I normally have doubts during my warm-up. I head to the Polo Grounds Road Loop. Usual drill hitting start at my line in the ground behind the Pavilion.

    As always the first couple feel harder than the second couple. The mile splits were 6:18, 6:18, 6:20, 6:20. I ran these off half distance recovery. The legs felt ok. I like to build up some momentum going down Chesterfield and try carry it up Lord's Walk. I have a race with a truck on the final ascent, the speed bumps giving me an advantage but he pipped me over the final 200m. Pleased with the morning's work, but it will take some effort to piece these intervals into one 4M run by the end of this block.

    Friday 30 June - Easy 10K - Total 6.22M @ 8:27 (average 132 bpm)

    Out after work for the first of two easy efforts before Sunday's MP run. I run my new Friday after work 10K route. Into the WMG via Inchicore Road. Follow the river back to Islandbridge. A Khyber ascent. Descend from the Phoenix roundabout down Chesterfield. Turn left to pass behind the Polo Pavilion and out onto North Road. Average pace is a little higher than prescribed and I apply the brakes, but I daydream and the pace creeps up again. Down Infirmary, up the Luas tracks after Heuston. Turn right past Jame's, over the Camac and home. Legs behaved. Pace was faster than planned @ 8:27 but average bpm was 132.

    Saturday 01 July - Easy Hour - Total 7.05M @ 8:31 (average 125 bpm)

    Decided on an out-and-back for this one. Headed through a quiet IMMA and then up through Kilmainham before joining the canal at Suir Road. Followed the canal until 30mins showed on the Garmin. This brought me as far as Leeson Bridge.

    Lots of runners out this morning. The out 30mins felt easy and it was hard to stay inside easy range, As suspected, when I turn 180 to retrace by steps home I have a light to moderate headwind greeting me. This is fine, it will help me slow down.

    It's a long stretch back along the canal. Happy to get to the shelter of IMMA and finish back where I started, pretty much on the stroke of the hour. I am very pleased with an average of 125 bpm for this run.

    Walked Greystones to Bray cliff walk in the afternoon. Needed to clamber over, under and around a few gates along the way. Only when getting to Bray do we see signs saying the walk is shut due to a rockslide. Discover later that it has been shut for 2 years! Still had walkers (and runners) going in both directions.

    Sunday 02 July - Long Run 16M with 10M @ MP - Total 16.07M @ 7:34 (average 149 bpm)

    Water ready, gels ready, 10M of MP running plugged into this long run on the Garmin. Conditions are generally ok, nothing like the heat I had to deal with along the Clontarf sea-front on my last 16 miler. I was looking forward to this one and the legs felt ok after yesterday's run and cliff walk.

    I'd keep this inside the Park. I run from Islandbridge Gate up behind the zoo and along North Road, noting a stiff headwind along here. I allow myself a fast start to the MP section by hitting the lap button after 4 Miles at the start of OS Road. Target pace for the 10M is between 4:23 and 4:30 min/km.

    I start too fast and ease off over the opening couple of miles. Enjoy the favourable profile down Glen Road. First climb is from Chapelizod Gate up to the S-Bends. Pace feels ok. Another descent down to the base of the Khyber before tackling the long drag past the zoo and back along North Road. I take my eye off the Garmin along here, there is a slight but steady climb and the wind is against me, I take first of two gels, I also have to check my stride on a few occasions as some dogs veer right in front of me. When I do check the Garmin again it is showing an average of 4:29 min/km. I up the pace for the rest of North Road and then enjoy a slight drop along OS Road as I complete the lap.

    I swing left onto Furze, the Garmin now showing 4:28, the wind is with me along Furze and I exit onto Chesterfield travelling at 4:26 pace. I descend to the Phoenix and swing down to the Playing Fields where I plan on lapping clockwise until I finish the 10M. The winds are south westerly so I get a boost up Acres. It only takes a lap and a half to bring up 10M. Done, 10M in 1:11:30, average pace 7:09min/mile with an average 157 bpm. Hold that pace for 26.2M and I'd have a 3:07 marathon.

    Weighed in at 70.0kg on the button.

    First box of Block 6 ticked off. First time running a 45 mile week in quiet some time. As I type over 24 hours later my legs feel fine.

    Post edited by outforarun on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 - Week 2 - Midweek

    Last Tuesday was exactly three years to the day after I pulled up injured on the Polo Grounds during a 10K TT. Hard to believe I'm still building back to where I was in the months leading up to that 10K. I can honestly say that it doesn't bother me now. I have been running uninterrupted since the start of the year, gradually adding intensity and quantity, watching my fitness grow, my heartrate improve and my weight drop. I'm enjoying my running and at the end of the day that's what matters.

    Tuesday 04 July - Easy 10K - Total 6.24M @ 8:34 (average 131 bpm)

    Bit of an effort to get out after work. Fresh conditions, a threat of showers in the air. Takes a while for the legs to get going. I opt for an out-and-back (I don't know why but out-and-backs always seem more palatable when I'm not in a mood to run). I know I'm off pace as I plod up Chesterfield, I trust that when I turn around at the Mountjoy Roundabout, the pace will increase naturally. That's precisely what happens. First two miles are too slow, third mile is on target, next 3 miles are too fast. Legs, apart from being tired, felt good.

    Wednesday 05 July - 4x800 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 7.29M @ 8:14 (average 140 bpm)

    So with block 6 I add an additional 800m to my interval runs, 4x800 on the menu instead of 3x800. Feeling heavy I head over to the Playing Fields. Again I decide I want to run these while lapping clockwise rather than back and forth on the lower path.

    Ok, I had to climb Acres on intervals 1 and 3, and I had to battle with a strong headwind all the way from the Fort to Acres on intervals 2 and 4, but that still doesn't fully explain the slower than expected splits: 3:01.64, 3:03.20, 3:03.09, 3:03.44. I was also running against a lot of anti-clockwise runners this evening so had to dodge off the path a few times, might have cost me a second or so.

    While the splits were slower than expected they were still inside target range, averaging 3:48 min/km. Just felt heavy and not fluid this evening, I definitely prefer tackling these earlier in the day. The positive is that I have plenty scope to try work these down to low 3:4X pace over the next weeks. The additional 800m was manageable.

    Friday 07 July - Easy 8K - Total 4.98M @ 8:28 (average 136 bpm)

    Finished work later than hoped. Had to head for town around 17:45. So very little room in between to run and shower. Nice evening the sun is out (my third sunny evening gig in a row, Pulp, Blur, Damien Dempsey) I divert into IMMA and run a 1K loop a few times in there. Handy loop to note for future intervals maybe. Watch the Friday evening parklife before exiting and returning home with just 8K on the Garmin. Legs were fine. Busy weekend of running ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    great to hear that you are enjoying running again and making progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 - Week 2 - Weekend

    Forever playing catch-up here. I'm blaming work.

    Saturday 08 July - 2M+(2x1M) @ Sub40 10K Pace. Total 9.54M @ 7:45 (average 149 bpm)

    Went to Damien Dempsey on a sunny Friday evening in the Iveagh Gardens. Nice weather, good company, good music, good vibes and at least 2 beers too many. I was never going to get out early for this one. I stalled until early afternoon, laced up and headed across to the Polo Grounds. I was braced for the worse, ready for the stout sweats and regrets.

    And instead it was grand. The opening 2M section was navigated without issue @ 6:20min/mile pace. Heartrate at 168 on the Garmin was a lot higher than what I felt like. I had a full mile of recovery before ticking of the two 1M sections: 6:19 for the first mile, 6:21 for the second. On that final mile I received by first too slow alert of the run, upped the pace over the final 800m or so to get back on track.

    Maybe Guinness really is good for you?

    Sunday 09 July - Long Run 17 Miles. Total 17.09M @ 8:15 (average 139 bpm)

    This felt a little like old times. Out at 8:00 on the dot (already late) and trot over to the Hilton, hiya Shane and Alan. Been forever ago since the three of us started our Sunday run together. We headed for Chapelizod along the towpath before turning 180 at halfway to join the larger Donore Group heading back toward Islandbridge.

    Unlike pre-Covid days this time we are happy to sit at the back of the bus, not up front. Chat is mostly running related and mostly about recalibrated goals and expectations. Out Chapelizod Road and we pause a while outside the club house, chatting with others as the group establishes itself. When we get going again I realise I never paused my watch. I am so annoyed. I know already that I won't be happy unless my final average pace reads at least 8:15 on the Garmin by the end of the run.

    We follow the old route up Chesterfield to Castleknock Gate and then down North Road to Infirmary Gate. The bigger group has moved well ahead of us and pretty much out of sight. In at Park Gate and then we turn left and out Islandbridge Gate rather than turning right and up the Khyber.

    Back in Inchicore Shane calls it a day at 12 miles and Alan arrives back home. I continue on my own as a few drops of light rain fall. Take my second gel of the day. I follow the canal toward town. Current pace is in the 7:4Xs and average pace is dropping towards 8:15. Legs feel good and I like the fresh conditions. For the morning that's in it I cross the canal at Donore Avenue. Work my way back home via Rialto, James and a final stretch out along Conyngham Road. Once the Garmin shows 8:15 on mile 16 I ease up. Detect a slight stiffness in my right heel on the final mile. No pain, but I'm happy I'm nearly done.

    Enjoyed this one, the miles in company flew past, the final 5 solo miles felt like the longest of the day. Average pace if I remove the messed up clubhouse mile was 8:03.

    Weigh-in is a surprisingly light 68.9kg. Very pleased with this, come some way from the 76.2kg at the end of week 1 of this rebuild. The knees are much happier for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 – Week 3

    I’m currently on holiday so I finally have more time to get back up to date on here. Won’t be able to remember the fine detail of all my runs over the last while.

    Tuesday 11-July - Easy Hour – Total 7.04M @ 8:32 (average 132 bpm)

    Out after 7pm after a busy work day, happy to lace up. Stick to the tried and tested easy hour loop, into Park at Islandbridge Gate, clockwise to OS Road and onto Chesterfield, out at Park Gate. Back to start of loop 5 seconds over the hour. Closer to the faster end of easy pace. Legs were a bit tired and heavy for the opening 3 miles or so, pretty sure this is due to Sunday’s 17 miler.

     Wednesday 12-July – 8x400 @ 3:4X Pace – Total 6.33M @ 7:59 (average 141 bpm)

    Crap day at work, barely able to get away from PC, no lunch break, something that is becoming all too common as meeting-chains run from 12:00 onwards. Stop after 7pm to get this run in but need to log on again after run to finish work items for tomorrow. Mentally drained. The run went ok though and the intervals took my mind off all things work related. The faster paces are definitely the ones that are hardest to rediscover. I just manage to dip under 1:30 average, 1:29.90. Once upon a time I’d expect to hit 1:23s for 10x400. Patience.

    Splits were (rounding to nearest second): 91, 89, 90, 91, 91, 89, 90, 89. Variations due most likely to the ups and downs around the Playing Fields perimeter path. I must try get to a track for one of my interval sessions, I think I’d shave a second or two off my averages. Happy for now to have hit target pace (3:45 min/km), trot back home for food and work (frozen pizza, too tired to cook).

    Friday 14-July – Easy 5+ Miles – Total 5.38M @ 8:36 (average 134 bpm)

    I need a new job. Took today off, but still needed to lead a meeting in the afternoon. Got out in the evening for some easy miles. Fresher conditions than of late this evening, drizzling during the afternoon. Legs felt ok. Went out along the Chapelizod Road and into Park at Chapelizod Gate. Loop around the Playing Fields and a relaxed descent down the Khyber.  

    Saturday 15-July – 5K+1600 @ Sub40 10K Pace – Total 9.11M @ 7:50 (average 144 bpm)

    This was tough. Absolutely horrid conditions outside. Rain and strong winds blowing. Resist the urge to layer up as I step outside into a bracing chill. In previous rebuilds this session was a 3M+1M at sub40 10K pace, but this time round I switch to metric and prescribe myself a 5K + 1600m. It feels wasteful to run 3M and not 3.1M. I head across to the Polo Grounds. Splash my way to behind the Pavilion and get the 5K underway.

    Grimace into the strong head-wind blowing from the top of Chesterfield down to the top of Lords Walk. I get a breather on the Chesterfield descent, then tackle the first of three Lords Walk ascents. Not feeling too bad until I get the top of the climb and turn into the head wind. Ok this is going to be tough. Lean into the wind and pass behind the Pavilion completing my first lap.

    Effort levels are high as I continue to tackle the head-wind before I rejoin Chesterfield. Essentially the Chesterfield descent is not affording me enough recovery before I have to ascend Lords Walk and then battle the headwind and rain on the Pavilion stretch. This latter stretch is like an interval effort within the session.

    Breathing hard as I start the final lap. Confidence leaking. Lungs and legs unhappy going down Chesterfield. Turn up Lords Walk for the final time, but I’m feeling really drained now. Hard to push. Then what I feared would happen happens, the Garmin signals a too slow alert. I try to push on the climb but as the road starts to turn left the headwind starts to increase. Another Garmin beep, I don’t think I can do this. I push as I turn full into the head-wind, this is end of race effort, but with the wind I feel I’m going backwards, pushing feels futile. Over the line and the 5K sounds and I’m 100% convinced that I have not gone sub 20.

    I run one lap of recovery before tackling the 1600, determined to run this well to at least hit target pace on average for the morning. This 1600 goes well, averaging 3:57 min/km.

    I splash home, soaked through, taking some consolation that I ran a decent 1600 and will likely be sub40 pace on average, but confidence for next weekend’s 4M session is very very low. Yes the conditions were horrendous today, but missing out by a few seconds on a sub20 5K hurts.

    Only when I check the Garmin at home do I realise I ran 19:53. I fist-pump. Brilliant surprise, and suddenly confidence is back. I was clearly so wrecked over the closing half kilometre that I didn’t know what the Garmin was beeping anymore, and assumed it was too slow, not that I had pushed back into target range. I don’t think I’ve ever been so pleased to log a sub20 5K.

    Enjoy the rest of my Saturday all the more for this.

    5K in 19:53 (3:58 min/km) average 168 bpm

    1600 in 6:21 (3:57 min/km) average 161 bpm

    Sunday 16-July – Long Run 18+ Miles – Total 18.23M @ 8:02 (average 140 bpm)

    Longest run in over a year. Enjoyed this one. I ran from Kilmainham to Connolly along the Liffey South Bank, then out through Fairview and follow the Howth Road to the sea, turn along the sea front and run back through Clontarf and down to East Wall. I cross the East Link, join the canal at Baggot Street and follow it to Suir Road and back home. Decent loop and one tweak at the end should ensure that next time out it measures close to 18 miles on the dot rather than the 18.23 this time. 

    I struggled over the opening half to stay in target range. I ran 6 consecutive sub 8:00 minute miles, despite genuinely trying to stay in target. Only when I turn back toward town and following the seafront along Clontarf do I fall back into target, this is due almost entirely to a stiff head wind putting manners on me. Felt quite draining at points and I was very happy to swing onto Alfie Byrne Road and out of the wind.

    I took gels after 8 miles and after 12 miles. No real noticeable fade near the end, and mile 18 is my fastest of the day.

    Very pleased with the weekend’s running, probably my best weekend of the year so far. Weigh in at 69.5kg, so pleased as well to keep weight below 70. Guilt free Tour de France from the sofa for the afternoon, accompanied by guilt free steak dinner with an Italian red. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 – Week 4

    The elation at the end of week 3 would soon be replaced with disappointment at the end of week 4.

    Tuesday 18-July - Easy Hour – Total 7.05M @ 8:35 (average 132 bpm)

    Out at 7:30 after work to get this final week of Block-6 underway. Not in the mood to run my full easy hour park loop and opted this evening for laps of the Polo Grounds Road Loop instead. Legs were tired at the outset, unsurprising after the weekend’s efforts. The sun made an appearance near the end of this one. Each mile a little faster than the previous, always like it when that happens. Somewhere between home and Islandbridge Gate I reach 1000 miles for the year.

    Wednesday 19-July – (5x600)+200 @ 3:4X Pace – Total 6.46M @ 8:09 (average 139 bpm)

    Another 7:30pm run. Over to the Playing Fields. I always stop, walk and ready myself for a minute or two at the south-west corner of the cycle-path loop. First interval starts at the second bike graphic on the path going up Acres. This first 600 is probably the toughest of the evening as I adapt to target pace. The remainder are more manageable. The last 200 of each 600 I find myself working but never at risk of running too slow.

    Splits to the nearest second were: 2:16, 2:16, 2:14, 2:16, 2:15. Average 600 was 2:15.23, that’s 3:45 pace so bang in the middle of target range. To bring up 3200m at pace for the evening I run a 44 second 200 to end the session.

    Feel better after that, work induced tiredness flushed out of the system.

    Friday 21-July – Easy 5+ Miles – Total 5.24M @ 9:07 (average 135 bpm)

    This was a very uncomfortable run. Travelled down to Cork on the first train, runners and running top on and shorts under jeans. Off with jeans before pulling into station. Bag on back is heavier than I had expected. I run from station to Hazelwood. Right from the first 200m I realise this is going to be a very uncomfortable run. Bag feels unbalanced and cumbersome and the weight is affecting my stride and posture, feels harder to lift my legs. Bit of a slog all the way and I just opt to forget about pace. Knees aren’t overly happy with the extra kilos. Relief to finish this one.

    Saturday 22-July – 4M @ Sub40 10K Pace – Total 9.39M @ 7:56 (average 145 bpm)


    A range of excuses at my disposal. I forgot to pack my tempos so needed to run this in the heavier Glycerins. I had little sleep and early rises for 3 consecutive days. I spent a lot of time travelling and walking around West Cork on Friday. The route was unfamiliar. Maybe last Saturday’s race-effort 5K was still in the system 7 days later. Maybe there’s a grain of truth in each of these excuses, but I really expected to make a better attempt at hitting target on this one. I certainly wasn’t expecting to be physically and mentally cooked inside 2 miles.

    I opted to run this as a series of out and backs along the dual carriageway. I started the first mile at the Dunkettle Roundabout. Straightaway I was getting too-slow alerts and needed to push. I didn’t feel fluid, legs felt heavy, footfall felt flat. It didn’t help that there was a light headwind. When I got to the first 180 turn-about I was travelling just outside target pace. My hope was that the return leg with a slight tailwind behind me would get me back on track. It did, but I needed to push and up the effort for this to happen. I was dreading the prospect of turning around for another difficult mile. As soon as I did take the second 180 the Garmin was telling me I was running too slow again.

    The headwind was so unwelcome, energy levels were shot. Mentally I was defeated. I ploughed ahead but the pace was dropping all the time. I was resigned to not hitting target. My mind had moved away from the task at hand and was busy trying to figure out what had gone wrong. I complete a third 180 and do my best to keep effort mostly honest for the final mile. It’s tough to push knowing that pushing will not get me home on target.

    I finish the 4M in 26:24, that’s way off pace. I averaged 4:06 min/km [6:36 min/mile]. Just one of those days I hope.

    I’ve recently completed two back to back sub-20 5Ks, but this morning I couldn’t manage 2M at that pace. My biggest worry is that the Polo Road Loop might be slightly flattering on the Garmin, in the way the Garmin will flatter on the track. The two toughest runs at this pace have been on straight stretches of road away from the Polo Grounds. With this in mind I plan on running my next sessions at this pace on the larger loop around the North Road, Chesterfield and Old Lamp Road. At 2 Miles this is twice the distance of the Polo Loop so should reduce any flattery-effect that might be at play.

    I cool-down back to Hazelwood feeling deflated. I had said that if I failed to satisfy all the exit criteria for a block then I would repeat that block. I’m going to be good to my word and so I will not move on to block 7, I will repeat block 6. It kind of feels like I’ve been relegated.  

    Sunday 23-July – Long run 17 Miles – Total 17.31M @ 8:01 (average 135 bpm)

    Legs feel great on Sunday. No indication at all of the previous day’s struggles.

    I meet Shane for this one and conduct a post mortem of Saturday’s run. Just one of those days and lack of sleep the most likely culprits. We follow the usual Donore bus route, just without the bus. Chatting the whole way round, 90% running related. Conversational pace. We get rained on quite a bit and near the end Shane’s choice of white running top proved ill-advised thanks to two shredded nipples. I leave Shane after 14M and I continue into the Liberties, down Thomas Street, turning onto Francis Street and coming back up Meath Street before turning left and back to Kilmainham. I underestimated the distance of this Liberty excursion and ended up running 17.31 miles in total.

    Took gels again at miles 8 and 12. No energy fade of note. Legs felt good for rest of Sunday afternoon and I weighed in again under 70kg, logging 69.3kg.

    Right then, a down-week is next and then I will have my first interruption of this Rebuild as I will be at altitude in Italy, where there just simply is no flat road available. After these next two weeks it will be back to the Rebuild, and back to Block-6 (I haven’t considered what I’ll do if I fail exit criteria twice in a row!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Altitude Running Summer 2023 - Week 1 (Downweek)

    I ended July and began August in the pre-Alps, running between 1000m and 1600m above sea-level. Pleased to have survived July unscathed, my first injury-free July since 2018! This altitude period also contained my first interruption to this rebuild program. I would have run Block 6 Week 1 if there was a flat mile (or even half-mile) available, but it's all properly up or properly down here, hard to find 100m of flat road.

    The first week here is officially my post Block-6 Downweek.

    Thursday 27-July - Easy 4 Miles Trail - [4.01M @ 10:12 total elevation 187m]

    Off the plane and I pick up a pair of trail shoes in Piazza Brembana enroute to Roncobello. Have a good pre-purchase discussion with one of the sales staff there, she runs trails, made some recommendations and I tried a few pairs. Settled for a pair of Scarpa Ribelle. I tried them out 24 hours later. A short trail run. Inside the first 400m there is a very steep, up on your toes ascent into the woods. The quads and lungs are in shock. It'll take a while to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels. Another steep climb follows closely after the first one and then a twisty flat trail, (flat but not good for mile repeats). Out of the woods, through the small hamlet of Capovalle across a small mountain river and back into the woods to descend back down to Roncobello. The return path is mostly downhill but very rocky. Lots of sharp stones but the Scarpa do their job and I feel no discomfort and never risk slipping. Exit the woods into Roncobello, some tarmac to run, the Scarpa not too happy off the trails. Rejoin the trail and finish the loop. That was fun. Pleased with the Scarpa.

    Friday 28-July - Easy 7+ Miles Trail - [7.65M @ 10:10 total elevation 377m]

    Sunny Friday morning and I lace up in the Scarpa again. This time it's two laps of yesterday's loop. The steep climbs at the start of the loop aren't any easier today. I can hear my heart pulsing in my temples. On the descent on the second lap, there is some friction on the outside of my left ankle, need to adjust shoe a little to relieve it. Hope this is just a transitory breaking in phase. What I like about running trails here is the concentration needed as you survey the ground in front of you planning where your next footfall will land. It's hypnotic after a while. Stride felt better on the second lap and I was a little sorry to have to stop after two (food was ready).

    Saturday 28-July - 10x200 Hill Repeats - [5.96M @ 8:46 total elevation 364m]

    Another hot one. I should have packed the Tempos but didn't so I'm in the Glycerins for this. On the road today. I warm-up with a climb up to Capovalle. Then back down the way I came until I get to the road I always use for these sessions. A 200m straight run, climbing around 18m. The session calls for 10x200. With the sun and the reduced altitude these are not easy. As always I attract comments from the locals. How long is the climb? How many do you have to do? There is a very perplexed dog barking each time I dash past. The owner apologizes and brings the dog inside, I tell her she didn't need to and let her know I have only X more to do.

    The first 50m of each are fluid, the next 100 a little less fluid, the last 50 are about holding form and effort. Enjoy the session and resolve to repeat it again in a week's time. I average 43.99 per 200m, a snappy enough pace of 3:39min/km.

    Sunday 29-July - Two Short Hill Climbs - [6.48M @ 9:03 total elevation 391m]

    Ran just as far as necessary to bring up my downweek mileage target. I start with a mile long descent from Roncobello to Baresi, the next village down. Then turn and climb from Baresi back up to Roncobello and continue climbing to Capovalle. My Baresi to Capovalle segment measures 2.23M and has a 7.3% gradient. I complete the climb in 22:12 (my best is 19:44). Back down to Baresi. Then a short climb from Baresi up to Roncobello. And that's it for the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Altitude Running Summer 2023 - Week 2

    Took a break from the Rebuild for the second week in Italy. I didn't ease off however, I targeted 40 miles for the week and threw in two tasking runs.

    Wednesday 02-August - Two Short Hill Climbs - [9.02M @ 9:01 total elevation 542m]

    One of my staple Roncobello runs to open my account for August. I start in Roncobello, I warm-up with a mile descent down to Baresi and then I turn 180 and climb from Baresi back up to Roncobello and continue up to Capovalle. The climb measures around 2.25M and has a 7.3% gradient. The weather is a little cooler today and this makes the ascents more manageable. The first ascent is a 23:13. My segment history for this climb ranks this as my 39th placed attempt out of 42, not my snappiest ascent. I nearly always run these climbs on an effort that feels sustainable without really pushing. The second ascent today I feel a little more comfortable so push just a tiny bit, logging a 21:41, my 22nd fastest time. The second ascent didn't feel anymore tiring than the first.

    Both descents are cautious, I don't want to put too much impact on the legs. Pleased with an honest morning's effort.

    Thursday 03-August - Long Hill Climb - [10.57M @ 9:40 total elevation 737m]

    If I was going to run a longer hill climb then it had to be today. If I left it until Friday I wouldn't have had enough recovery ahead of Saturday's planned 200m hill repeats. I wasn't entirely convinced that I should be trying this run but in the end I went for it. I wasn't going to try beat any records, I just wanted to ensure I could still run this climb without stopping and without the legs turning to jelly. I also have this as a segment in Strava. From Baresi to Mezzeno. It is a solid 5.18M climb with a tasty gradient of 9.3%.

    Hot enough out this morning. I start as always with a warm-up descent to Baresi. I turn 180 at the church and start the climb. One of the guys I know here, and who runs, gives me a shout out as I pass him on the road, he knows I'm on a long one this morning. The first section is the return from Baresi to Roncobello. This gives a good indicator of how the legs will react and of how the conditions will affect the climb. Legs feel ok though I do wish I was running this in lighter shoes. I enjoy the 150m of regular climb through Roncobello, before the steeper gradient resumes.

    Next stage is from Roncobello to Capovalle. I don't feel too bad but I'm not pushing. I'm running wide at the hairpins to get a few strides of flatter road. I pass through Capovalle logging a 22:38, my 35th fastest of 42 Baresi to Capovalle climbs. Now the fun part starts as I enter the forest section.

    Very few other people about. Have the climb and the forest to myself. Fairly confident I won't encounter the recently spotted wolf, nor the occasional bears that wander through every few years. I know from experience that the hardest single section is from the 2nd to 3rd hairpin, and from the 4th to the 5th hairpin. Straight and steep and long long stretches. Head down and just focus on each individual stride. Top is soaked in sweat and heart can be heard in my temples again. However it does not feel as demanding as I remember it from previous attempts. I'm managing ok. The 4th to 5th hairpin section passes quicker than expected, I'm surprised to look up and see the hairpin only 50m or so ahead. Big mental boost to exit this toughest sector without major difficulty. The hairpins come quicker now, and while still very steep, taking the hairpins wide gives me opportunity to grab some recovery.

    The final stretch occurs when I pass over the small stream that cuts across the road and I exit out above the tree line. The profile becomes a little more friendly here and as always at this point I try to up the pace a little. I do so cautiously today. This section is always longer in reality than I remember it in my head. The road flattens for the final 100ms. I hit the lap button as I pass the fountain at the end of the road. Very happy to have completed the climb in one piece.

    Chat with and take some photos for a group of 4 cyclists that have made the climb up (I'd seen them as I was heading down to Baresi earlier). Drink some water from the fountain. Before my legs start to relax too much I start the descent. The cyclists descend at the same time. Legs feel ok during the descent and I enjoy the way each hairpin comes and goes so much quicker now than on the ascent. Back into the forest, still having it mostly to myself, back out of the forest at Capovalle and then the final mile and a bit of descent down to Roncobello, where the 4 cyclists are sat enjoying a drink at the bar.

    I've made this ascent 6 times in total and this is my slowest time, a 58:58. Around two and a half minutes off my 5th slowest time of 56:26. My fastest ascent was a 53:08. I'm a little disappointed, but not terribly so. It's always an achievement to complete this climb, it's still inside an hour, I wasn't pushing and it felt easier than previous attempts. Plus last year the legs wouldn't allow me to even attempt this climb. All going well I will try my longest climb again next year. The 7.34M, 8.5% climb rising 1042m, from the Valsecca bridge at the bottom of the road over 2 miles below Baresi all the way up to Mezzeno. I have only run it 3 times: 1:17:11 in 2017, 1:16:53 in 2018 and 1:16:32 in 2019. I'd be happy to break 1:20, I'd be delighted to complete it faster than in 2017. But that's a year away. Need to focus on continued rebuild now.

    Friday 04-August - Short Trail Run - [4.00M @ 9:42 total elevation 192m]

    A gentle trail run between yesterday's long climb and tomorrow's hill repeats. Back in the Scarpa for this one. A repeat of my go-to loop. The lungs feeling better today and the legs not too fatigued from yesterday. The Scarpa feel good again, no unwanted friction against the ankle. Enjoy this one and just take in the scenery. One other runner passes me along the flat windy forest trail section. I know I'm going to miss these runs next week, and I tell myself not to complain about the heat and the blue skies.

    Saturday 05-August - 10x200 Hill Repeats - [5.99M @ 8:44 total elevation 370m]

    A repeat of last week's session. How would a week of altitude running affect my performance? How would a week of Italian cooking affect my performance? Here I have two full meals a day, back home I'm used to one full meal a day. Last week I average 43.99 per 200m, this week I average 43.95. Progress is progress. I did feel heavier than last week and it wasn't as easy to glide into each repeat. It was another hot one this morning. Like yesterday I tell myself to enjoy this session, it will likely be a year before I get to repeat it. When, touchwood, I come out of rebuild I will reintroduce Khyber repeats into my schedule. Catch my breath at the top of the hill after the final repeat. That's it really, 10 days of some welcome variety are all but over. Final descent down to Roncobello and that's that. A final lunch before heading for the airport with Junior Outforarun.

    Sunday 06-August - Easy Trail [10.49M @ 8:28 total elevation 112m]

    Ok so this wasn't an altitude run, and it didn't have a lot of up either. I put on the Scarpa Sunday morning back in Dublin and headed for the trails in Phoenix. The sharp climb up the grassy bank to the Fort making the quads feel they were still in Italy. I cut across the 15 Acres as far as Furze and then I run the OSI trail loop. Neat segment this, with a lap measuring 1.01M. Some muddy sections and I get to test out the Scarpa. One or two half slides before the shoes find grip, they give me confidence, but maybe not as much confidence as the Dynafits with their Vibram soles. There are two or three moments where I target some muddy puddles where the mud attempts to suck off the shoes but I can feel the snug fit ensuring the mud won't succeed, impressed. I run an 8:05 lap, no pushing as such. I can see myself returning here the when schedule allows and just run this loop a tiny bit faster each time, knocking a second or two off the lap time, just to keep it fun. Enjoyed this, a nice re-entry run.

    Back to the bread and butter from next week as I start my repeat of Rebuild Block 6, culminating in a second attempt to complete 4M at 3:55 to 3:59 pace, that's 4M between 25:12 and 25:38.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 [Repeat] – Week 1 Midweek

    Tuesday 8-August - Easy Hour – Total 7.01M @ 8:39 (average 130 bpm)

    Holidays properly over now. Back to work and back to the desk. My legs can feel the affects of desk-life already after just one day back. I feel heavy for most of this run. I run my standard easy hour Park loop and it's not until I am on the Chesterfield descent do I start to fall into easy pace target range. Good to get this block underway, first time in the rebuild that I need to repeat a block.

    Wednesday 9-August - 4x1M @ Sub40 10K Pace – Total 9.84M @ 7:53 (average 147 bpm)

    Last year I failed my 4M @ Sub40 10K pace attempt in Milan, in Parco di Trenno, this year I failed the same attempt on the Tivoli Road in Cork. What have these two routes got in common? They're not the Polo Grounds Road Loop. I succeeded my 4M test on the Polo Grounds Road Loop last year. Now I'm wondering if the loop is so small that it flatters on the Garmin in the same way that a 400m track flatters. So this evening I don't run to the Polo Grounds, instead I head up the Khyber to the North Road Loop. This is a loop twice as long as the Polo Loop, so it should remove any flattering.

    This evening it's 4x1M off half a mile recovery. I pass the session, posting mile splits of: 6:24, 6:20, 6:22 and 6:23. According to Strava, based on my last marathon race time, all these are threshold pace for me. While this wasn't easy it wasn't overly difficult either. I did switch off a little at times and slipped outside target range, so I needed to concentrate and keep my efforts honest. It does feel I'm working a fraction harder on this loop to hold the same pace that I held on the Polo Loop, that's good, it may then produce better results, let's monitor. Still not convinced about running 4M at today's pace though.

    Friday 11-August - Easy 5+ Miles – Total 5.38M @ 8:30 (average 134 bpm)

    Heading to Cork this evening and fit this run in after work but before the last train. Lovely warm blue sky run. Out along Chapelizod Road and into Park at Chapelizod Gate, run up around the Hospital triangle and up onto the Acres. Run two sides of the Acres then down the Khyber, out Islandbridge Gate and home. I like this route, probably my favourite way to log 5+ miles from my doorstep. Legs still heavy but not quite as heavy as earlier in the week. Another easy run tomorrow before a testing long run with 10M @ MP on Sunday. I miss the recent mountain runs, but it is nice to be back on plan again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 [Repeat] – Week 1 Weekend

    Saturday 12-August - Easy Hour - Total 7.05M @ 8:30 (average 129 bpm)

    Leaden skies Saturday morning in Cork. I run Hazelwood to Riverstown to Glanmire to Dunkettle to Glanmire to Riverstown to Brooklodge to Hazelwood. Legs feeling much lighter and responsive than I expected. Again I think it's the difference between running in the morning versus in the evening after hours deskbound. I need to concentrate near the end not to run this too fast, I want to keep some of this lightness and freshness for tomorrow's MP session. Happy with a low heartrate on this one. Garrylucas Beach and Kinsale in the afternoon and I pick up some gels in the Edge Sports on the way back.

    Sunday 13-August - 16M with 10M @ MP – Total 16.16M @ 7:35 (average 147 bpm)

    Out early enough on Sunday morning. I look forward to MP sessions, it typically is a pace I am confident of holding, but still requires concentration and some stamina. Avoiding significant hills I opt to run this as an out and back along the new cycle-walk-way from North Esk through Glounthane and on to Fota Island. Bring two gels with me, realising only half a mile in that I'd forgotten to carry water. Ah well, no gels on this one. On my 3 mile warm-up I try to hold my normal long run pace of 8:00 to 8:15, but there are two significant climbs in these 3 miles so I average 8:35, that's fine I don't want to push early over hills, I may make it up over the final 3 miles this morning.

    The MP section starts less than half a mile from the Little Island exit. Two runners pass me right at start going in the opposite direction at a healthy pace, checking the fly-bys later I see they were running 2M intervals at around Sub-3 pace. So my target MP pace range is 7:03 min/mile to 7:14 min/mile, representing a marathon finishing time between 3:05:00 and 3:09:59. Sub 3:10 would be a PB and would be well inside Boston Qualifying.

    I find target pace pretty quickly and it feels very comfortable. First mile is a 7:12 and I pass through Glounthane with a 7:06. Mile 3 of MP features a steady incline along Killahora but it also logs at 7:06. Mile 4 brings me past Fota Business Park and just onto the bridge to Fota, a 7:11. Onto Fota Island now. I know the road ahead is bendy, tree covered, footpath-less and can be quite busy, so instead of continuing along the road I turn right and into Fota Resort. I follow the driveway up to the hotel. It's a long driveway and features one short but steep climb. Mile 5 is my slowest at 7:16.

    I turn at the carpark when M5 of MP sounds and start to retrace my steps. Travelling back down the driveway I log M6 at 7:00. Miles 7 and 8 bring me back onto the mainland and both are logged at 7:14. Once I do leave the island and start turning westbound I understand why the opening MP miles were so comfortable, I'd had a tailwind. Now I need to tackle a headwind and it does make a difference I can feel an increase in the effort levels and knowing that the rest of the MP section will be into headwind gives me little to look forward to.

    I probably over-compensate when pushing against the wind, the final 2 miles of MP both log at 7:05. And I'm done. All told that felt generally comfortable, only the last 3 and a bit miles did I feel I was working. The 10M were completed in 1:11:27 at an average pace of 7:09. Hold that for 26.2M and I would have a 3:07:XX marathon PB. Average of 155 bpm for the MP section.

    I run 3.11M back to where I started at 8:01 pace. A solid week's running and good start to this repeat of Block-6. This 10M @ MP session was one of the exit criteria to move to Block-7, so at least I didn't fall at the first hurdle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 [Repeat] – Week 2

    Tuesday 15-August - Easy Hour - Total 7.06M @ 8:30 (average 133 bpm)

    Into the second week of Block-6. I was curious to see how the legs would feel after Sunday's MP efforts down in Cork. They felt surprisingly ok, no stiffness or tiredness of note. Beautiful evening and I head to my tried and tested Easy Hour loop through the Park. Starting to think that I won't have too many more bright evenings to run these before it's back to my south side urban street-light route. I need to ease off the pace near the end of this one to stay in target. Good start to the week.

    Wednesday 16-August - 10K with 4x800 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 6.22M @ 8:00 (average 136 bpm)

    Always tricky to get motivated for these after a day at the desk. And always wary that depending on how the body is feeling these can be tricky to get through. Out just before 7pm. Over to the Playing Fields. Every Wednesday evening there are one or two Ukrainian kids' teams playing football here, with lots of family milling about the sidelines and on the cycle-walk path.

    Before every session here I have a new tradition of stopping for a few moments at the bottom of Acres, strolling around one of the bollards and then starting the rub up Acres, hitting lap on the Garmin at the second bicycle image on the path.

    I complete the set of 4x800 without too much difficulty. Last time out I averaged a 3:02.XX average, tonight instead that has improved to 2:59:XX. Happy with this progress, a little disappointed that interval three was slow and that it was the only 800 where I didn't break 3mins.

    Splits were: 2:59.73, 2:57.56, 3:02.92 and 2:56.55. That's an average 800 in 2:59.18 (3:44 min/km). I think I'm almost ready to add an additional 800 already, but I will stick with the plan, where an additional interval isn't due until Block-9.

    Friday 18-August - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.23M @ 8:42 (average 123 bpm)

    I was travelling to Limerick in the early afternoon and would not have a running window available later in the day, so I was up early and across to the Polo Grounds for a leisurely morning run in overcast and slightly drizzly conditions. In at Islandbridge Gate, two laps of the Polo Grounds Road loop and then back home. Surprised but happy to see a low bpm of 123 recorded for this one. Will be out in Limerick in the evening and just need to stay conscious of Saturday's 2M+(2x1M) session.

    Saturday 19-August - 2M+(2x1M) @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 10.20M @ 7:58 (average 146 bpm)

    Was relatively well behaved Friday night. But on waking I opted for an afternoon run instead of an early morning run. Travelled down to Cork at lunchtime. Anxious now to get the session done before it gets too late. I head from Hazelwood over to North Esk and to the start of the cycle/walking line.

    The plan is to run east 2M along the path, then some recovery before turning 180 and doing the 2x1M back west along the path.

    I get to my starting point (just after the first bus-stop at North Esk) and start into the session. It's windy this morning but I don't feel the wind, which means enjoy these opening 2 mile. I'm pleased to find target pace quite quickly and that it doesn't feel too tricky. I love this path. Some light undulations and all new tarmac underfoot. I'm feeling good, always wary though that at any moment the effort levels could spike and things could turn difficult. Pass the bus-stop just before the Little Island exit, I know that this a mile completed. I focus on keeping muscles relaxed and head up, and trying to keep a fluid stride. A climb towards Glounthane church and then a slight descent to finish the 2 mile section. That was good, could have kept going without issue. Continue east to Harper's Island and turn around. Yip there it is, a fairly stiff headwind. It's going to be a testing finish.

    The first fast mile back is hard work. I lean forward, there's some grimacing and there are immediate thoughts suggesting that I might not hit my targets. I discard these thoughts, I use a family on bikes up ahead as a target, reeling then in, and I manage to overtake with only about 200m left to run. I have half a mile in which to catch my breath before tackling the final fast mile. This is again into a headwind and isn't much fun, push hard over the closing minutes where there is a long drag of over 200ms back to my starting bus-stop.

    Job done. Good honest session, working at the end. The 2M were completed in 12:42, @ 6:21 min/mile. The first of the single miles was completed in 6:19 the second in 6:23. Can I run a straight 4M at this pace and exit Block-6? I'm still not convinced but today's run did help confidence.

    Sunday 20-August - Long Run Total 17.04M @ 8:05 (average 146 bpm)

    This is the first properly early run I've completed in a long time. Early-ish train to catch so I'm on the road at 6:30. Barely a soul about, the morning is there just for me. I enjoyed last Sunday's run along the same route, but last Sunday I was running marathon pace and didn't have time to appreciate the surroundings, this Sunday instead I would be more relaxed. I retrace by steps from last week from Hazelwood to North Esk to Glounthane to Fota. Watching my average pace increasing mile by mile while not really pushing. Onto Fota Island and up to Fota Hotel. Lovely along the deserted driveway here, just me, my footfall and hundreds of birds singing. I turn 180 at the hotel and start back the way I came. I take two gels this morning, one after 4 miles the next after 8 miles. Gels are always a treat. This long run passed off without incident wasn't sure how I would feel after a late Friday night and a tough Saturday afternoon, but the legs performed fine. Very chilled on the train back to Dublin.

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    Rebuild Block 6 [Repeat] – Week 3

    Tuesday 22-August - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.03M @ 8:43 (average 126 bpm)

    Late finishing work so out later than I'd planned. Kept this simple, just an out and back along the Chapelizod Road. Kept the pace really easy. Out along the parkside of the Chapelizod Road, turn shortly after the clubhouse and return along the Liffey side of the road. At the turn-around I see that average pace is in the 8:5Xs so I actively up the pace for the return trip. Legs feeling generally ok, maybe a bit tired for the first half of this. Another week underway.

    Wednesday 23-August - 8x400 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 8.83M @ 8:04 (average 145 bpm)

    Needed to log a couple of extra miles tonight after yesterday's shorter than normal week opener. So I add on a few additional laps of the Playing Fields. I run a full lap from the Fort back around to the Fort. Ukrainian kids' team out again. Also on Wednesday evening's there is a club running anti-clockwise on the playing field loop. I'm not short of company. On lap 2 at the bottom of Acres (after my mini bollard stroll) I start the 400s. Lap 2 and Lap 3 carry seven of the 400s then final lap 4 contains the final 400 and a lot of cooldown. Tonight the 400s felt much more manageable than previous sessions. Splits were: 89.26, 88.40, 89.65, 88.38, 88.03, 88.55, 88.52, 90.13. For an average of 88.87. Breaking below 6:00min/mile pace. Last time out I averaged 89.90 and they felt tougher. Nice satisfied glow after a midweek evening session.

    Friday 25-August - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.40M @ 8:41 (average 132 bpm)

    I avoided the heavy downpours on Friday. Headed out at 6:45 glad to have the working week done and start the weekend. Not too many out this evening. I head out along Chapelizod Road to Chapelizod Gate. Into the Park and pass under the hospital and up onto the Playing Fields. I run around anti-clockwise. Having passed the Fort I notice quite a few deer amongst the hills to the right. They seem a bit edgy. Then some scatter across the path ahead of me. I hit stop on the Garmin to see what happens next. There's a dog running at them. Some more scatter across the path and the dog zooms in on one formidable looking dark deer with darker antlers. It starts escaping toward me, then veers right then left before dashing across the path behind me, dog in pursuit. I call the dog, but it's on a mission and chases the deer out of sight into the wooden copse along the bottom path.

    A few minutes later the dog returns pleased as punch and dashes past me, doesn't stop when I call it. I hit resume on the Garmin and continue. I see the dog join its owner at the top of the path. When challenged she says 'I know, I know, it was an accident', still I was the only one trying to call the dog. Anyway back to my run. I continue around the path and turn right for the Khyber. Down to the bottom of the hill, where the deer-hunter is being loaded back into his car. I exit Islandbridge Gate and back home.

    Saturday 26-August - 5K+1600 @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 10.13M @ 7:48 (average 151 bpm)

    Had some errands to run in the morning so this one was hanging over me until the early afternoon. Headed out at 12:45. Over to my current home for these sub40 pace sessions. Get to see some of the Dublin City Triathlon action enroute. Today's run would affect my confidence ahead of next Saturday's key 4M session so I was a little anxious, I'm never certain how these will go.

    I get the 5K underway at the bollards at the start of Old Lamp Road. Opening 100m Garmin says too slow, over next 200 to 300 metres I get too fast results. I settle into a pace on the faster end of target. The hardest section I think is from half-way along the North Road stretch until just after the exit for Ashtown Gate. Then there is a little drop towards Mountjoy Roundabout, but nearly always some sort of headwind. Nothing too strong today. Enjoy the Chesterfield Descent. Need to stay focused on pace, if I get too relaxed I will slow up too much.

    At the Phoenix I turn left back through the bollards and start into lap 2. The Old Lamp road is pleasant to run and the Garmin seems to like it, I always see average pace increase along here. Onto North Road and I do have to work now, once more past Ashtown Gate. Nearly there, and not far from the roundabout the Garmin signals the end of the 5K section. I log a 19:44, that's 6:21 min/mile pace. Definitely more controlled than the same session in the first attempt at Block-6. Heartrate was a high for me at 170 bpm.

    I have a full mile to recover, before starting the 1600 section. This starts halfway up Old Lamp Road. I've more or less recovered from the 5K. I run the 1600 a little too relaxed and along the final 800 meters or so I start getting some 'too slow' alerts. I up the pace and do finish on target, after another mini-battle along the North Road, heartrate a high 174 bpm.

    Pleased with this, pleased that it's done and no longer hanging over me. I run down the centre-line of a closed for traffic Chesterfield Avenue, out Islandbridge Gate and home.

    Sunday 27-August - Long Run 18 Miles - Total 18.06M @ 8:03 (average 136 bpm)

    It's Sunday morning so it's long run time. I chose my Howth Road Loop for today's run and I'm on the road just a little after 8am. I quickly find target pace and settle into the run. Always happy to arrive at the start of the Howth Road, the section from Connolly out to here has been a building-site for months now, lots of fenced-in, one person wide stretches. I watch as average pace drops into target range and gradually works its way closer and closer to the fast end of target. Turn for town at the end of the Howth Road. Follow the seafront into a not too strong headwind. Gel 1 is taken after mile 8 shortly before the entrance to Bull Island. The gel timing on this route is convenient as there is a bin about 300m after I finish the first gel, no holding empty sticky gel packet in my hand for miles. Even if the headwind isn't strong today it is nice to turn onto Alfie Byrne Road. Gel 2 is taken on East Wall Road, where there are also plenty of bins.

    Feeling strong, legs feeling ok. I cross over Eastlink to the Southside, down Bath Avenue and join the canal at Baggot Street. Long stretch now all the way to Suir Road. Legs still not tiring, I feel good. Don't feel any residual effects after yesterday's efforts. I make a slight tweak to the loop right at the end and it measures very close to 18 miles neat. I like this route. Please with the week's efforts and pleasantly surprised to weigh-in at 68.6kg.

    Next week is the big week. I really don't want to repeat Block-6 again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 [Repeat] – Week 4

    Tuesday 29-August - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.02M @ 8:42 (average 124 bpm)

    A key running week got started in understated fashion on a Tuesday evening after work. It followed another long day at the desk and I really wasn't very motivated. Opted for another short out and back along the Chapelizod Road. The legs felt surprisingly ok. The evenings continue to draw in, I'm making a point of appreciating these final few evenings where I can still start and finish in daylight. Each mile a little faster than the previous.

    Wednesday 30-August - (5x600)+200 @ 3:4X pace - Total 8.84M @ 8:18 (average 140 bpm)

    I'm happy to note that these interval sessions are slowly getting faster for the same effort. Average pace is settling faster side of 3:45 min/mile.

    I do the same as last week and add an additional warm-up lap around the Playing Fields before starting the hard work. The first 600 brings me up Acres and it doesn't feel too hard, bodes well for the remaining intervals. The usual football games going on. The usual groups of runners out. The latter generally running anti-clockwise so I don't have any targets to pace against (and I'm too stubborn to change direction).

    Splits this evening, to the nearest second were: 2:15, 2:15, 2:14, 2:15, 2:15 and a 0:43 to finish. Average 600 in 2:14.56, that's 3:44 min/km.

    I close my account for August with this run, totaling 191 miles for the month, my highest tally of the year so far. In fact checking Strava, this is my highest monthly total since June 2020, over three years ago.

    Friday 01-September - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.41M @ 8:40 (average 130 bpm)

    A smashing Friday evening with clear blue skies. I run a repeat of last Friday's deer stampede route. No deer this evening. The legs feel heavy for the opening miles, only from the Khyber do they start to loosen up. As I tip around my thoughts keep returning to tomorrow's key run. I travel down the Khyber thinking that the next time I travel down here I will know if I need to repeat Block-6 again or not. The confidence gained from last Saturday's run has dissipated a little. I hope the legs and head are in a good place tomorrow. This evening's run is another unintentional progression run with each mile logging faster than the previous. I like it when that happens.

    Saturday 02-September - 4M @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 9.67M @ 7:42 (average 144 bpm)

    Out before 9:00 for this one. Happy to get started sooner rather than later, I don't want it hanging over me for the day. The Hyperion Tempos are on this morning (unlike last time down in Cork). I tip across to the Park and up the Khyber. It's warm and muggy but thankfully there is no wind of note. I pause a little by the Phoenix, walk up and down the path readying myself mentally. It's just two laps, the first lap should be manageable and then it's really just about relaxing holding form and enjoying the challenge on the second lap. The second lap will end on a downhill, so really I just need to repeat last week's 5K and then hold steady for the last 0.9 miles.

    As mentally ready as I can be I un-pause the Garmin and jog toward my starting point, the bollards at the start of Old Lamp Road, I up the pace and hit the lap button as I pass through the bollards. I hope to dial in target pace pretty quickly so I'm a little disappointed when the first alert is a too-slow alert. This is only after 200m or so. I push a bit and quickly I'm inside range and soon after, before turning onto the North Road, I get my first too-fast alert. The North Road stretch is the hardest part of the lap, especially the 400m or so before the Ashtown turn-off. This morning though it doesn't feel too bad, I stay in target range. Happy to turn onto Chesterfield for my first descent of the day. I take stock, I'm not feeling too bad but I have to keep focus and not ease up. Some more too-fast alerts but I know that once the descent is over I'll quickly fall back inside target range. There is definitely a pressure on this run knowing that the next 5 weeks of running will be defined based on this morning's outcome. I swing left at the end of the descent and dash through the bollards. Lap 1 done.

    The second lap is underway, this lap is what the last 4 weeks have been building towards and I need to stay honest now and embrace the task at hand. I focus on my shoulders and relax, on my arms and hands and relax. I note my footfall trying to have it land directly under my core and try to keep ground contact to a minimum hoping this helps push me forward, trying to stay fluid. The news from the Garmin is encouraging as I get another too fast alert. I'm feeling confident as I join the North Road. This time it is a little tougher and I am starting to work harder by the Ashtown exit. I push. Focus is on getting back onto Chesterfield and then letting gravity help. I check the Garmin when I do start the descent and it is showing 3:57 pace. I cannot ease up but surely this is in the bag now. All the way down I'm fighting the urge to celebrate too soon. I check the distance remaining, I see the pace increase to 3:56, despite this there is still some anxiety that things may go wrong. Only with around 400m to go does that anxiety disappear and I start to properly anticipate the satisfaction that will come with hitting my goal. Through the bollards for the second time and around 200m later I can finally stop and celebrate. At the end of Block-10 the final goal of this rebuild will be to run a sub 40 10K, being able to already manage 4 of those 6.2 miles is very encouraging.

    I complete the 4 miles in 25:17, that's 3:56 min/km or 6:19 min/mile. Promotion to Rebuild Block-7 is secured. Tip back down the Khyber very satisfied. Nice afterglow for the rest of Saturday.

    Sunday 03-September - Long Run 17 Miles - Total 17.29M @ 8:00 (average 134 bpm)

    Out at 8:00am for the final run of this repeated Block-6. Meet with Shane and Alan for a Sunday morning catch-up and chat. Shane making impressive and rapid progress on his own rebuild. Fantastic conditions on an Indian Summer morning. We follow the Sunday Donore Bus route, just without the bus. I keep an eye on my average pace and I'm happy to see it gradually gradually work into target pace and then gradually work up to the faster end of target range. The effort is conversational and the legs feel ok after yesterday's efforts. Alan peels away from us near the Garda HQ, see you next time. The two of us continue our mostly running related conversation for some more miles, including a comfortable Khyber ascent. I saw ciao to Shane on Emmet Road and I continue for another 3 solo miles, some along the canal. Just the one gel today as I forgot to take the first one, distracted by our chatting.

    Pleased to finish this and to see a heartrate of 134 for 17+ miles run right at the fast end of target. Glad now to have a down-week, with that altitude interlude back in Italy it's been 5 weeks without one. I'll regroup and ready myself for Block-7. I weigh in at 68.7kg, weight under control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 6 - Down-week

    Tuesday 05-September - Easy 5 Miles - Total 5.16M @ 8:28 (average 132 bpm)

    I was glad of a down-week after the repeat of Block-6. Started the week early Tuesday evening. Cycled with junior outforarun to the clubhouse in Chapelizod for her first ever run with the club. While she was settling in I headed off on a leisurely sunny run up the Glen Road, along Furze Road where there was a lot of deer activity, down Chesterfield then onto the Playing Fields down past the Fort and back to the Hospital before finishing up back at the clubhouse. Legs felt light for this enjoyable pressure-free run. Outforarun gave a thumbs up for her first session, she was with the juveniles this evening but will move up to the junior long distance group next week. Cycle back home.

    Friday 08-September - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.04M @ 8:45 (average 130 bpm)

    Rugby World Cup kicking off this evening. I get out after work in ample time to make sure I can get home to follow live. Islandbridge Gate, up the Khyber, down Acres, across to the Fort, back out the Islandbridge Gate and home. It is very warm, humid and still out. Left knee complains a little over the first mile or so. Surprised by this, part of me suspects it might be from recent cycles. Each mile a little faster than the previous this evening.

    Saturday 09-September - 11+K with 4x800 @ 3:4X Pace. Total 7:18 @ 7:52 (average 142 bpm)

    Another very hot one on this mini Indian Summer. Over to the Playing Fields with junior outforarun on her bike. This is my keep-the-legs-awake during down-week run. On the cards 4x800. These are so much easier on a Saturday morning than on a midweek after work evening. Splits were 2:55, 2:58, 2:56, 2:57. Average 800 in 2:56.91 @ 3:41 min/km. My interval pace is gradually inching closer to the faster end of target pace. A good sign that I will soon be ready to introduce additional repeats. Legs feel nicely worked as we make our way back home.

    Sunday 10-September - Very Easy 7+ Miles - Total 7.30M @ 8:57 (average 126 bpm)

    My down-week and our Indian Summer come to an end on a misty and muggy Sunday morning. I opt for the Scarpa for this. Not a very comfortable run until I leave the tarmac and onto the grass and trails. Up the climb to the Fort. I run one lap of my old 2020 lap around here before head across the fields toward the Papal Cross. Follow the deer-paths in the 15 Acres. I will never grow tired of the joy of being alone in the middle of a very very large field with only birdsong for company. Feel so far from the city here. Nice to be back in the Scarpa. Back to the Fort for another lap and a bit of my old Fort Loop before reluctantly returning to the road for the trip home.

    A good down-week and feeling more charged by the end of it.

    Readying now for Block-7.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 7 - Week 1

    Block-7 got underway last month. Feeling generally confident of hitting my goals this time. No huge jump in objectives from block-6, more a case of consolidating the gains made during block-6. This block the exit criteria are:

    • Run 8 Miles at Sub3 Marathon Pace
    • Rerun an 18 Mile Long Run
    • Run 4 Miles at Sub40 10K pace (this time the sessions building up to this would be off 1min a mile recovery, not half-distance recovery)
    • Hold average weekly mileage at 45 to 50 Miles

    Tuesday 12-September - Easy 5 Miles - Total 5.17M @ 8:31 (average 126 bpm)

    Another run while Junior outforarun was on the track with the club. More or less the same route as last week. And again some front of left knee feedback. I do suspect it might be related to cycling. Passes after the opening mile or so. Pace kept creeping up this evening and I needed to apply brakes on the closing miles. Cycle back later than last week, we will need to pick up lights for our bikes, and will soon need to pack gloves.

    Wednesday 13-September - 4x1M @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 8.78M @ 7:47 (average 145 bpm)

    Wasn't looking forward to this one. Day spent at the desk and it's fairly bleak out when I log off. Wet, low clouds and dull. I feared this one would be tough with evening lethargy to shake-off. Recovery of 1 minute a mile is considerably less than a half-mile recovery. Not much respite during tonight's session.

    Mile 1 is from the bollards at the start of Odd Lamp Road, brings me onto North Road and a little beyond the exit for Ashtown Gate. Slippy underfoot on parts of the path along the North Road, don't get the purchase I'd like to push forward. Mile 1 in 6:24 with a higher than I'd like 163bpm.

    Mile 2 is easier featuring a full Chesterfield descent, does allow me recover a little after a less forgiving mile 1. Finish mile 2 around half way back up Odd Lamp Road. Time of 6:19 and average 168bpm. The minute recovery passes pretty quickly, brace myself for another North Road challenge on mile 3. Navigate the slippy sections of path. The mile brings me right to the end of North Road and then some metres down Chesterfield. A 6:23 with 168bpm.

    Mile 4 is the fastest of the evening in 6:18 and again at 168bpm. This featured around three quarters of a Chesterfield descent, the full Odd Lamps Road and the opening metres of North Road.

    Pleased with the evening's work. Tip back home the way I came. No more faster running now until Sunday.

    Friday 15-September - Easy 10 Miles - Total 10.01M @ 8:31 (average 131 bpm)

    Long weekend for me so I'm in a good mood heading out for this one. It's wet and dull and a bit breezy out. Looks like winter just not quite winter cold. I retire my current set of Glycerin 20s at just shy of 800 miles and debut a new set of the exact same shoe (must pick up another pair or two before they are phased out). Choose a route I haven't run in while. Head down past Heuston and into the Park at Park Gate. Do a full ascent of Chesterfield existing at Castleknock Gate. Turn left at Myo's and onto College Road. By the intersection with White's Road there is a smell of coal fire, I love that smell, takes me way back. Float down Tower Road, keeping an eye on the pace. Legs feel good this evening. The new G20s have so much more bounce than the retired pair, the latter probably should have been retired at least 100 mile earlier, maybe they were the source of recent minor left knee feedback. Through Chapelizod and onto the Chapelizod Road back to Islandbridge. Up to Con Colbert Road running out past the WMG before swinging left onto Sarsfield Road and back to Kilmainham via Inchicore, a brief detour along Mount Brown before arriving back where I started exactly 10.01 miles later.

    Enjoyed that one, successful debut for the new G20s. Must try run this route a little more often.

    Saturday 16-September - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.27M @ 8:28 (average 127 bpm)

    Out shortly after 7 on Saturday morning for some more wet and grim running. Just a short one today ahead of tomorrow's planned sub3 session. Kept it simple, entered the Park at Islandbridge Gate and headed for the Polo Grounds. Quite a few other runners out early this morning. I just run one lap of the Polo Grounds Loop and then turn back onto Chesterfield and retrace my steps home. Legs were a bit wooden for the opening miles but loosened up by the end.

    Sunday 17-September - 16M with 8M @ Sub3 MP - Total 16.30M @ 7:25 (average 147 bpm)

    Travelled up to Belfast Saturday. If this had been a vanilla 16M I would have gone exploring, but with 8M planned at sub 3 MP I opted instead for loops of a local park, no traffic or traffic lights or footpaths to worry about. The Belfast HM is on this morning as well so that might have made exploration difficult. Instead the only obstacles were wild geese and swans. My chosen park is Waterworks Park and my loop is essentially a loop of a large city reservoir. It passes right alongside Solitude, Cliftonville's stadium. I should also have a view of Cave Hill in the distance but the clouds are so low all I see is grey. It is raining pretty much for the entire run. Very bleak conditions. It's early enough as well, just gone 7:30 and there are very few people about, one small street-cleaner truck working its way back and forth along my loop, keeping me company. A lap is a little over a mile, one part of the lap is a brief detour from the main loop with a short but noticeable climb and descent. My loop covers a good portion of the park's Parkrun loop.

    After 5M of warm-up I hit the lap-button on the Garmin and start the Sub3 section. Round and round and round. Laps can be hypnotic, I fall into a nice groove and find target pace. Effort levels are not easy, but they are easier than comfortably uncomfortable. There are a few concerns at the outset as I realise I need to hit my target this morning or I will need to run a repeat of block-7. Geese everywhere, but they move out of the way if you run through a gaggle. There is a solitary swan on one part of the loop which I am cautious of each time I run past. Puddles and some dog walkers and eventually a handful of other runners on a really rotten morning. The trickiest part of the loop is the short climb on the detour. I keep an eye on average pace throughout and it stays fairly solid on 4:12 min/km (6:45 min/mile). I count down the laps and finish the 8M in 54:10, average 158 bpm, average pace of 4:12 min/km (6:46 min/mile). This would have produced a 2:57:XX marathon. Pleased with how this went. A few more laps of this by now very familiar loop before heading back where I started for a very very welcome warm shower.

    Enjoyed this, always nice to run somewhere new.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 7 - Week 2

    Tuesday 19-September - Easy 10K - Total 6.23M @ 8:34 (average 134 bpm)

    Tuesday evening so it's junior outforarun at the club while I tip around for some easy miles. Every week I have less and less light to play with. This evening I run from the club towards town and turn into the Park at Park Gate. Legs are little stiff at the outset, maybe a hangover from the efforts in Belfast. Ascend to the Phoenix by which time there is little light left, a diversion down to the Fort and back to Acres, pretty much fully dark as I exit at Chapelizod Gate. Watch junior outforarun finishing her session before heading back home together, comparing running notes.

    Wednesday 20-September - 8x400 @ 3:4X pace - Total 8.65M @ 8:18 (average 140bpm)

    Back on the Chapelizod Road less than 24hrs later, summer running options not really available any more. 400s on the menu tonight. As always I assess the wind on my warm up. The usual prevailing wind is blowing but thankfully not too strong. I run intervals, 1, 3, 5 and 7 with a slight tailwind logging 88, 87, 89, 88. A slight headwind on upstream intervals 2, 4, 6 and 8 returns splits of 90, 89, 89, 90. Overall average is 1:29.24 hitting a target pace with 3:43 min/km. It was light when I left home, dark when I got back. When and if I complete this rebuild I'm tempted to race a few Parkruns to see where my 5K pace really is, holding 3:4X pace for 5K doesn't feel possible just yet.

    Friday 22-September - Easy 4 Miles - Total 4.00M @ 8:36 (average 128bpm)

    My second long weekend in a row. I could very easily adapt to a 4 day working week. We're meeting friends for grub in town and I couldn't get away from the desk when I wanted to, means I'm caught for time. What was going to be a 10K, was re-planned as a 5 miler, and ultimately became a 4 miler. Lovely evening though and managed to run completely in daylight. Islandbridge Gate - Khyber - Acres - Fort - Islandbridge Gate and home. A few extra miles will need to be squeezed into the weekend.

    Saturday 23-September - 2M+(2x1M) @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 9.32M @ 7:43 (average 149bpm)

    The Race Series HM was on in the Park this morning, for some small stretches I was running along the route. The plan had been to use my North Road Loop but the paths along Chesterfield were really busy so I turned around and headed down to the Playing Fields. I'd run this session clockwise around the path here. This turned out to be surprisingly hard. I didn't get much sleep last night (because I'm a night-owl not because I couldn't sleep, so all my own fault) and I think that was a factor. I also suspect I might be picking up a cold. The opening 2M section was run at 3:57 pace but an high average 168bpm. Enjoyed 2mins recovery before a faster mile at 3:56 pace but with 174bpm and then a tricky final mile at 3:58 with 172bpm. I'd expect to be running these paces in the mid to high 160s, low 170s made for a hard workout. Exited at Chapelizod to add some distance to my return home.

    Sunday 24-September - Long Run 17 Miles - Total 17.05M @ 8:00 (average 136bpm)

    Felt very comfortable on this one. I'm enjoying my Sunday morning runs. I've stopped calculating delta splits mile by mile and instead I just check average pace after each mile and ensure that it gradually drops into range. Average pace will start outside target pace, often by over 30 seconds a mile, but I now trust that it will hit target within 10K, then quickly work its way towards the faster end of target and from there I need to work to ensure I don't run too fast.

    Wore a light Irish rugby top on this one following the South Africa game and got a few car horns sounding in my direction. Pieced together stretches of old routes to construct a new 17 mile route. Kilmainham - Grand Canal - Harold's Cross - Rathgar - Windy Arbour - Milltown - Clonskeagh - Donnybrook - Ailesbury - Sandymount - Irishtown - East wall - Clontarf - City Center - Liffey - Heuston - Islandbridge - HSQ - Kilmainham. Enjoyed the changing scenery. Overcast with some light rain at times. So odd to see the Russian flag flying high and proud over the embassy. Two gels along the way, one after Sandymount, one after Clontarf. Definitely it is on my long runs that I feel I am making most progress, which is good because the PB I will hopefully target next year will be my 3:11 in the marathon.

    A solid if unspectacular week's running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Rebuild Block 7 - Week 3

    Tuesday 26-September - Easy 10K - Total 6.33M @ 8:38 (average 129 bpm)

    Very little daylight to play with now. Drop junior at the clubhouse and I head into the Park at Chapelizod Gate. Around the Hospital Triangle then up to the Playing Fields and down toward the Fort before swing left back around the path to Acres. Getting darker rapidly now. By the time I run up Odd Lamps Road and onto North Road it is 80% dark. When I eventually exit back down by Park Gate it is fully dark. I run from Park Gate back to Chapelizod Gate, pretty much 10K on the button. Legs loosened up after the opening kilometres. Felt generally good. Watch the end of junior's session before heading home together.

    Wednesday 27-September - (5x600)+200 @ 3:4X Pace - Total 6.32M @ 8:10 (average 141 bpm)

    Storm conditions playing havoc with this session. I run it up and down the Chapelizod Road, giving myself 3 tail-wind 600s, 2 head-wind 600s plus a head-wind 200. The tail-wind sessions were simple, the headwind 600s were brutal. I gave up on trying to hit target into the wind and just hoped overall average pace would be ok. The splits tell the story: 2:15.81, 2:24.87, 2:13.30, 2:29.69, 2:13.86, 0:47.21. Overall average was in target range, 2:15.51, average pace of 3:45. Cannot say I enjoyed this one, a session within a session. Branches down on the footpath in places this evening, hope these condition pass before the weekend.

    Friday 29-September - Easy 5+ Miles - Total 5.40M @ 8:45 (average 127 bpm)

    Start the weekend with another chasing the daylight run in the Park. Wild conditions of two nights ago have passed. In at Islandbridge and up the Khyber. I loop anticlockwise around the playing fields and back to Acres, out the Chapelizod Gate as the light fades. Back home along the Chapelizod Road, becoming very familiar with this stretch of road these last days. Legs were very wooden over the opening couple of miles.

    Saturday 30-September - 5K+1600 @ Sub40 10K Pace - Total 9.33M @ 7:39 (average 159 bpm)

    Miserably wet conditions. No strong winds, just wet, damp and dark. Stalled a bit before heading out for this, almost midday before I summoned up the resolve to head out the door. Hyperion Tempos on. Up the Khyber with a growing dread. A couple of minutes of a walking break near the Phoenix to brace myself. Then I get started.

    As always pace is a little too slow over the opening 200m, so I push, and then within 400m I'm running too fast. I hold pace just at the fast end of target for most of the first lap. Physically not feeling too bad, mentally not so great as I anticipate not feeling physically great sometime soon.

    The hardest part is, as expected, the second trip up the North Road. Slippy underfoot again in place here. I complete 5K as I approach the Mountjoy Roundabout, fastest one of the summer in 19:37. I'm surely sub 19:30 in a race environment. Recover for a mile before adding a 1600 in 6:20. Pause to enjoy the afterglow for a minute or two before heading for home via Infirmary Gate and Heuston. The fast sections today felt comfortably uncomfortable, I'm encouraged for next Saturday's 4 miler at the same pace.

    Sunday 01-October - Long Run 18 Miles - Total 18.01M @ 8:00 (average 136 bpm)

    Finish the week and start the month sharing a long run chat with Shane. Shane has made enormous progress in the last few months, like he's never been away. Pace works its way gradually into target range as we run the Donore Sunday morning route. It heads towards the faster end of target as we descend North Road, and by the time we are on Infirmary Road we are running faster than target. It feels comfortable but I do want to ease up all the same. Even trying to slow down we find ourselves running faster. Good signs I guess. Mile 11 was the fastest of the morning at 7:33. I leave Shane at his car after around 14 miles and continue on my own, applying brakes as I follow the canal back toward Dolphin's Barn. I do just enough to ensure I finish the run with an 8:00 average pace. Had two gels along the way. An enjoyable, mostly sunny run on legs that felt good, heart rate was mid 130s.

    Good start to the month. I weigh-in at 69.4kg, I'm happy as long as I'm staying south of 70kg. Ok one more week to try get promoted to Block-8.
