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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    scriba wrote: »
    there's plenty of scope for doing a long run on a later step back week, if you're recovered.

    Thanks for the support. I'd definitely aim to complete 3 20 milers, there is an 18M with 14M at PMP, that might become a 20 miler. There are a few Sundays that could work, I'll see how I feel on the day.
    scriba wrote: »
    but if you're not injured, CCM should still be on.

    that's the key, if I'm not injured, time will tell (tomorrow might tell).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Gavlor wrote: »
    By the way, Milan, Moscow, Rome.... Are you Kathryn Thomas and are you doing a new 'runners travel show'??


    Torrential rain in Milan, frozen rivers in Moscow, sauna like gym in Rome, more like Bear Grylls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6M Recovery with 6 x 100m Strides
    Rain, rain, rain. This winter is never ending. Out to the park for 6 more miles. Set this run up as a metric interval session on the Garmin. Spotted around 4 other runners out today, but I was the only one in shorts. One lap of the park and a bit as warm-up then into the strides. I was cautious and ran these with just a little less effort than last time. If the glute was not fully recovered then these strides might let me know. First 5 strides were fine, on the last 20m of the last set I could feel a twinge starting. As soon as the strides were done and I was back on recovery pace the legs felt fine again. Just as well there were only 6 to do and not 10.

    Tough one tomorrow 16M with 12M at PMP. Get through this and I'll dare to hope again. Forgot to pack Garmin charger and it's down to one or two bars, it'll be touch and go to record the full 16 miles.

    2.73M @ 9:17
    6 x 100m strides @ average 5:28 (200m recovery)
    2.61M @ 9:23

    Total 6.31M @ 9:02

    Week 09 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30|6.25| 9:16
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.29 | 8:46
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.18 | 9:18
    Recovery 6M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 6x100 strides | 6.31 | 9:02 (strides 5:28)
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 with 12M @ 7:50 to 8:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    36 / 36 / 06 / 00 / 44 | 33.03 / 132.19 / 353.63

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss

    Glad to see you back in action. I reckon I jinxed you in my post no. 612! Take it handy tomorrow with those PMP miles, good luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    statss wrote: »
    Glad to see you back in action. I reckon I jinxed you in my post no. 612! Take it handy tomorrow with those PMP miles, good luck with it.

    Thanks. No jinx. The damage was already done on session 31 and I think I knew as much at the time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 16M with 12M @ PMP

    Wasn't hugely optimistic nor enthusiastic heading into this one. At least the weather had improved, no rain and some blue sky. Walked over to the Park. 7 laps (and a little) on the menu. I'd taken autolap off the Garmin, hit start and away we go.

    The first 4 miles at regular LSR pace confirmed what I knew without running, i.e. legs were tired and heavy. Already I was not looking forward to cranking up the pace. Lots and lots of runners out this morning, the Milan marathon is coming round soon. The first 4 miles are completed in less than 2 laps, drink some water and step up a gear. As nearly always the initial step up is fine and it almost feels easier to run at the quicker pace. There's a long way to go though. I feel the slightest of tightness in the left glute and I'm concerned that I might be asking too much of it too soon. I cross my fingers and hope that no twinges arrive, if they do I'll be dropping the pace.

    Near the end of mile 6 the Garmin tells me I'm low on battery. I've never had this happen before so I don't know how long I've left before I'm running naked. Pace settles at around 7:52/7:53. The park is flat so it's easy to keep it constant. Legs are not as fresh as I'd like but I remind myself that 1) I'm coming back from injury, 2) I only ran 5 miles last week, 3) it's my 4th consecutive day running and my second time in those days going over HM distance.

    The final 6 miles are very much run watching the clock. I want to finish so I can chill out for the rest of the day and I'm also waiting for the Garmin to shut down, so I want to catch exactly the distance covered. I know a lap is 2.25 miles, so I note some landmarks as I go round saying at this point on next lap I'll have completed x miles, the lap after x + 2.25, etc.

    I needn't have worried the battery held up right to the end. More importantly so did my glute/hip. I finished the PMP section on target and in warm sunshine. I was more tired than I'd like to have been but I'm not too worried about that. I don't know how much longer I could have held 7:5X pace for, not too much longer: but then i guess that's what the next 9 weeks of the plan are there for.

    I wouldn't have believed last Saturday morning that I'd tick off all sessions of week 9 so I'm really pleased. Now a perfectly timed recovery week to reward the legs.

    Half-way there.

    04.01M @ 8:51
    12.01M @ 7:54

    Total 16.02M @ 8:08

    Week 09 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30|6.25| 9:16
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.29 | 8:46
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.18 | 9:18
    Recovery 6M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 6x100 strides | 6.31 | 9:02 (strides 5:28)
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 with 12M @ 7:50 to 8:00 | 16.02 | 8:08 (12M @ 7:54)

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    37 / 37 / 06 / 00 / 43 | 49.05 / 148.21 / 369.65

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    First early run in a while and it was a struggle to get up for this. On the road at 6am. Gloves back on. The legs felt tired for the first half of this and felt a little less tired for the second half. Plus worryingly I could feel the slightest of aches in the glute/hip. This was more toward the start of the run than the end, I think maybe sometimes the legs don’t appreciate these earlier runs and it takes them some time to wake-up fully and stop protesting.

    Switched into auto mode and just ticked off the miles.

    M01 9:23
    M02 9:19
    M03 8:54
    M04 8:49
    M05 9:02
    M06 9:02
    M07 9:12
    M08 9:10

    Total 8.06M @ 9:06

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s V02 session. So 5x800 at 5K pace.
    If I had to race a 5K tomorrow I’d probably target 6:45 to 6:50 mile pace, for a 5K time of between 20:58 and 21:14. This equates to 800m intervals times of between 3:21 and 3:24. P&D calls for recovery periods between 50% and 90% of interval time, I’ll go with 2:30 recoveries, which is around 75% of interval time. Garmin is already set-up accordingly.

    Mrs outforarun is back at work – so tomorrow’s session might be at a really silly o’clock time. Probably will need to be on the road at 5am.

    Week 10 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15|8.06| 9:06
    V02 13K with 5x800m @ 6:45 to 6:50 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    38 / 38 / 06 / 00 / 42 | 8.06 / 8.06 / 377.71

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    V02 Max 8 Miles with 5x800 @ 5K pace with 50-90% interval time as recovery

    Managed to avoid doing this one early and had a rare evening run. Got out of work as soon as I could on Thursday evening. Walk home, into gear and out at 6:45pm. Wondering how long it'll be bright for. My first evening run in Phoenix for the year. I miss running here in the evenings. Run over to the playing fields. Nearly 3 miles of warm-up at 9:04 pace.

    So target pace 6:45 to 6:50 for 800m splits of between 3:21 and 3:24. Recovery time at 75% of interval time, i.e. 2:30.

    The first interval I couldn't figure out how to see pace on the Garmin so I ran at what I thought was 6:45 to 6:50 pace, turned out to be 6:20 for a 3:08 split. This is definitely faster than what I reckon is my 5K pace. Figured out how to view pace on the first recovery and toned it down for the second interval. Struggled a bit on this one and right near the end the left glute complained. Hmmm. Split 2 was 3:18, still a little faster than planned.

    The next three intervals felt easier, which isn't really the way I think intervals should go. That was fun, been a while since I ran intervals. The lovely late evening sun helping to make this a enjoyable session. Slow run home.

    Warm-up 2.87M @ 9:04

    3:08 (6:20), 3:18 (6:39), 3:23 (6:49), 3:18 (6:39), 3:18 (6:39)
    Average split 3:17 (6:37) a 20:34 5K
    Average recovery pace 8:36

    Cool Down 1.22M @ 9:33

    Total 8.03M @ 8:18

    Week 10 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15|8.06| 9:06
    V02 13K with 5x800m @ 6:45 to 6:50 |8.03 | 8:18 (800m average 3:17 (6:37))
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    39 / 39 / 06 / 00 / 41 | 16.09 / 16.09 / 385.74

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Not a happy session. On the road Friday morning at 5:22am. Thursday evening's intervals completed only around 9 hours earlier. The first mile was my slowest mile of the year at 10:00 something :eek:
    I hadn't switched the Garmin properly so I was splitting at 0.93 miles. Anyway the pace picked up as the run progressed. Then at the end of mile 4 on a downhill stretch the hip and glute twinge heavily again. :(

    I complete the session. I'm not happy.

    Total 5.10M @ 9:27

    Week 10 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15|8.06| 9:06
    V02 13K with 5x800m @ 6:45 to 6:50 |8.03 | 8:18 (800m average 3:17 (6:37))
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.10 | 9:27
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    40 / 40 / 06 / 00 / 40 | 21.19 / 21.19 / 390.84

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General aerobic 8 Mile with 8x100m Strides

    Fail :(

    My mood had picked up a bit since Friday morning as my hip/glute definitely felt better. Gorgeous Saturday lunchtime sunshine as I head over to the Park.

    I settle into GA pace and it feels really comfortable and the legs feel good. Really into the run and enjoying it, feels effortless. All the time I'm asking myself, should I skip the strides, leave the hip/glute alone for the day. Decide I'll try the first one or two to see how I feel. Wrong decision.

    20ms into first set of strides an ouch ouch ouch hobble to a stop. Glute did not like that. Drop the strides and just continue at GA pace to bring up the distance. Dullest of aches in the glute accompanying me for the rest of the run.

    Total 8.14M @ 9:06

    This is my 5th marathon training cycle, but it's the first time I've had an injury that forces me to re-assess my marathon goal. I really want to run Cork and I don't want to postpone until Dublin. However if I continue following P&D to the letter I'm not going to let myself recover from this glute strain. So the plan is:
    • continue to complete the prescribed P&D mileage
    • replace VO2 max sessions with GA sessions
    • drop strides completely
    • stretching 4 proper sessions a week - logged
    • foam roller 4 proper sessions a week - logged
    • new CCM13 goal = PB, i.e. sub 3:40

    Week 10 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15|8.06| 9:06
    V02 13K with 5x800m @ 6:45 to 6:50 |8.03 | 8:18 (800m average 3:17 (6:37))
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.10 | 9:27
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m Strides | 8.14 | 9:06, strides abandoned, glute
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    41 / 40 / 06 / 00 / 39 | 29.33 / 29.33 / 398.98

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Medium Long Run 14 Miles

    Weather not so nice this morning, but it's dry and not too windy. Out just before 9:00am. Meet up with mate from work for the first of two laps of Phoenix. I hold the pace at around 8:49/8:50 for lap 1. The slightest of tightness in glute but no pain. I'm on my own for the second lap and the pace creeps up a little, floats around 8:45/46. Tell myself to slow down a little or I'll be posting two consecutive fails.

    I can hold this pace comfortably over 14 miles. And I feel the glute can handle it. I feel a little less pressure having made yesterday's decision to adapt P&D and revise my goal. Hopefully the rest of April will be without hiccup.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:39 (400 miles for the year)
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:40
    M05 8:49
    M06 9:08
    M07 8:55
    M08 8:31
    M09 8:46
    M10 8:43
    M11 8:29
    M12 8:41
    M13 8:50
    M14 8:45

    Total 14.10 @ 8:46

    Week 10 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15|8.06| 9:06
    V02 13K with 5x800m @ 6:45 to 6:50 |8.03 | 8:18 (800m average 3:17 (6:37))
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.10 | 9:27
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m Strides | 8.14 | 9:06, strides abandoned, glute
    MLR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.10 | 8:46

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    42 / 41 / 06 / 00 / 38 | 43.43 / 43.43 / 413.06

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Just a word of advice: when i did P&D for the first time I picked up a groin niggle so with some advice from on here I replaced VO2 max sessions with short LT sessions (2-3 miles @ 10 mile pace).
    Strides should not be as stressful as you make them sound. The pace for the 100m strides shouldn't be much more than the vo2max sessions!! They aren't full out sprints. Slow down the surges a bit but if they are still a problem try a few hill repeats. 10-15 seconds up a steep hill will do the same job as a stride, you might find they don't hurt the glute as much (might actually strengthen it).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 875 ✭✭✭scriba

    Sorry to hear about the ongoing issues. I think it's a smart move to drop the VO2 sessions and do a bit of glute strengthening. I think if you remain able to do your long runs, PMP and LT stuff, you'll still PB in Cork, and have a savage base for tackling Dublin. So play the long game, as they say!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Strides should not be as stressful as you make them sound. The pace for the 100m strides shouldn't be much more than the vo2max sessions!! They aren't full out sprints.

    hmmm, my VO2 Max sessions target 6:45 to 6:50 pace, and my strides have been averaging 5:3X pace. You could be onto something there. :o
    I'm doing the strides and I'm thinking "ah sure this isn't a full out sprint I could run much faster than this" might be that I'm over-estimating my potential 100m pace.

    Thanks for the advise, mentally I'm coping well with P&D, but the legs are walking a tightrope. It's a step up in mileage for me for sure, but I like it and I'm keen to stay close to this sort of mileage even after P&D is finished.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    scriba wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about the ongoing issues. I think it's a smart move to drop the VO2 sessions and do a bit of glute strengthening. I think if you remain able to do your long runs, PMP and LT stuff, you'll still PB in Cork, and have a savage base for tackling Dublin. So play the long game, as they say!

    I don't know about Dublin. Mrs outforarun generously supports a marathon a year, but two is pushing it. I'm determined to build on this base though and target a good HM time later in the year and I think I'll try Cork to Cobh again this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 11M with 7M @ 15K to HM pace

    A thoroughly satisfying run :)

    Took the day off, partially to do some work around the house, partially to avoid doing this LT session in the really early hours. I'm swapping the first two runs of week 11 around.

    Was nervous heading into this one. I could feel a slight tightness in the glute and I was preparing myself for the worst. Headed out into light drizzle at around 10:30am. Two miles warm-up included a run up the Kyber. Crossed the road by the Phoenix and started the LT section at the start of the North Road.

    A lap up the North Road and back down Chesterfield to the Phoenix is just shy of 2 miles (1.98). I'd do three laps then half a mile into a fourth lap before turning back to the start of the loop to bring up 7 miles.

    Right from the start the pace felt comfortable. I'd wanted to try stay high 7:20s but instead I was happy to travel at 7:17/18 pace as the effort felt right. This is a nice smooth loop and I'm already thinking of using it for a series of 10Ks later in the plan. Breathing was more pronounced on the North Road and then the descent back to the Phoenix is a nice gentle recovery before starting a new lap. I found myself having to put the brakes on more than having to pick up the speed. The miles tipped by nicely, tough but not too tough. And most importantly of all - the glute stayed quiet the whole way round :)

    The pace picked up a little near the end and I completed 7.08 miles at 7:15 average. I think I could have continued for another mile or two if I had to. I really enjoyed this one and it has already made me note 7:15 as minimum target pace for Frank Duffy later in the summer.

    Warm-up 2.01M @ 8:47
    LT 7.08M @ 7:15
    Cool-down 2.12M @ 8:48

    Total 11.21 @ 7:49

    Week 11 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (dropping 6x100m strides)||
    LT 11M with 7M @ <7:30 |11.21 | 7:49 (7M @ 7:15)
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 ||
    LSR 20M @ 8:45 to 9:00 ||

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    43 / 42 / 06 / 00 / 37 | 11.21 / 54.64 / 424.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 7 Miles

    Pints last night. Meant this morning it was a struggle to get up and out. Dull grim grey skies, heavy drizzle and general damp April winter-ness didn’t help. Out at 6:45, which doesn’t feel like an early run anymore, it’s all relative, anything after 6:00 isn’t early now.

    Started out with the intention of doing 4 and a bit laps of the block. But I’m so bored of this loop that I just veered off on the first lap and headed into Phoenix. It’s not dark anymore at this time so why not. Wise move and it helped pass the 7 miles quicker. Turned around at 3.5 miles and retraced my drizzly steps home.

    Legs all good.

    Waiting for a call-out to our gas-boiler, so hot kettle of water and bar of soap this morning. With 12 miles tomorrow and 25 over the weekend I hope this one is an easy fix.

    M01 9:42
    M02 9:36
    M03 9:26
    M04 9:07
    M05 9:03
    M06 9:06
    M07 9:11

    Total 7.03M @ 9:19

    Week 11 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (dropping 6x100m strides)| 7.03 | 9:19
    LT 11M with 7M @ <7:30 |11.21 | 7:49 (7M @ 7:15)
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 ||
    LSR 20M @ 8:45 to 9:00 ||

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    44 / 43 / 06 / 00 / 36 | 18.24 / 61.67 / 431.30

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 875 ✭✭✭scriba

    Great news that you're able for the LT, and more importantly, were able for the next day too. Back in business!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    scriba wrote: »
    Great news that you're able for the LT, and more importantly, were able for the next day too. Back in business!

    Thanks. I would have been gutted if the glute had acted up at LT pace. That run went so well that it has me thinking about 3:30 again. I'll hold off on making any decisions until after April, but in the meantime my paces will continue to be those for a 3:30.

    I can't say for certain what caused the strain: the increase it mileage finally taking it's toll, running strides too fast, or maybe getting on the road too soon after waking up. Maybe all of these. Anyway, ever forwards, one session at a time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Was gone midnight before I got to bed last night so it was a struggle to get up for this. I’ve never run so far before work. On the road at 6:10. It was mild out but I put on gloves and jacket and mid-shin ‘shorts’ all the same, just so I could pretend I was still snug in bed.

    One lap of the block to allow some of the morning darkness to disappear then head over to the Park again. It’s very convenient that as the midweek runs get longer the morning’s are getting brighter, it’s so much better to tick the miles off in the Park. Didn’t run on any trails far from it just in Park Gate, straight up Chesterfield past deer having breakfast, and out the Castleknock Gate, ran until I hit 6 miles then back the way I came. Pace picking up as the run progressed.

    Legs a bit tired today. To be expected I guess, 30 miles in three consecutive days. Five miles recovery tomorrow, hopefully I can get it done before 9am.

    Picked up some gels today, will use 2 for Sunday’s 20 miler.

    M01 9:07
    M02 8:46
    M03 8:26
    M04 9:11
    M05 8:56
    M06 8:58
    M07 8:38
    M08 8:29
    M09 8:38
    M10 8:41
    M11 8:25
    M12 8:43

    Total 12.06M @ 8:45

    Week 11 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (dropping 6x100m strides)| 7.03 | 9:19
    LT 11M with 7M @ <7:30 |11.21 | 7:49 (7M @ 7:15)
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.06 | 8:45
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 ||
    LSR 20M @ 8:45 to 9:00 ||

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    45 / 44 / 06 / 00 / 35 | 30.30 / 73.73 / 443.36

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Ok, the weekend’s running started on a damp and very windy Saturday lunchtime. If it’s not raining it’s cold, if it’s not cold it’s raining, if it’s neither cold nor raining it’s probably windy. But most of the time it’s all three (with a bit of sleet). The worst Spring I can remember.

    This was a standard unremarkable, well wrapped up, recovery run. A lap from home up the Kyber and into a very strong headwind back down Chesterfield. Slight ache from right knee in the afternoon.

    M01 9:22
    M02 9:43
    M03 9:17
    M04 8:57
    M05 9:18

    Total 5.03M @ 9:20

    Week 11 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (dropping 6x100m strides)| 7.03 | 9:19
    LT 11M with 7M @ <7:30 |11.21 | 7:49 (7M @ 7:15)
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.06 | 8:45
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.03 | 9:20
    LSR 20M @ 8:45 to 9:00 ||

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    46 / 45 / 06 / 00 / 34 | 35.33 / 78.76 / 448.39

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    Was surprisingly undaunted by this, my first 20 miler of the year. Looked out the window in the morning - raining. So on with rain jacket and gloves. Usual pre LSR routine: bandaids, vaseline, pack 2 gels, fill 500ml Powerade bottle with water.

    Plan was simple: run to Park, complete three simple laps (Parkgate Roundabout – behind zoo – North Road – Castleknock Roundabout – Ordnance Road – Upper Glen Road – down to Chapelizod Gate - S-Bends – back to Parkgate roundabout) run home. Gels planned after 7 and 14 miles.

    After about half a mile I realized it wasn’t raining anymore and I could see the first blue skies appearing. Typical.

    Lap 1
    Legs were feeling very tired and stiff. I could feel that my form wasn’t smooth. By the paddock where they keep the garda-horses my right knee started to protest. I ignored it for a few strides but then it started to hurt proper, sharp pain on each footfall. I stayed calm, hit pause on the Garmin (only 2.5 mile showing) and stopped. Lifted the knee a few times to rotate it bicycle style, some calf-stretches against a wall. Walked back and forth a bit, then hit unpause on the watch and continued on my way. Knee was fine for the rest of the run. I was hoping I’d pass this point on laps 2 and 3 feeling better, otherwise it’d be a long day.

    The race preparation for the GIR was a nice distraction on the way round. On the second half of the lap the wind was really strong. The sun was out now and I was regretting my decision to wear gloves and jacket. The legs were feeling better already though, just the slightest tightness in the left glute.

    Lap 2
    First gel taken after 7 miles. Ran with a mate for the guts of this lap. This really helped – the miles tick by so much quicker and a little niggle or a tiny twinge that would demand your attention/worry if running on your own are barely noticed in company. Pace was high 8:50s, which was fine. Park getting busier as people arrive for the race. Leave my mate at the bottom of Military Road and continue on my own. Happy in the knowledge that I was already heading onto the final lap. I imagine a bell ringing as I go through the Parkgate roundabout. Feeling good.

    Lap 3
    Lol moment when I take my second gel after 14 mile. The tightness I’d been feeling in the left glute? Turns out it was caused by the elastic trimming on my jacket! Pace was picking up a bit and heading into the low 8:50s. the effort felt the same though. I made sure I didn’t drop into 8:40s. Hardest part of this last lap was the battle with the winds. Didn’t envy anybody racing in those conditions. Left the Park and headed home, only on mile 19 and 20 did I start to feel tired. Job done.

    The legs felt surprising good for the rest of the day, especially considering this LSR was my fifth consecutive day of running.

    That’s Mesocycle 2 done and dusted. While Mesocycle 1 was a resounding success, Mesocycle 2 threatened to break me – it had me giving up on CCM13 in my head and has probably caused me to re-assess my goal. Hopefully though I’ve managed to recover and get back on track. The rest of April will tell. Truth be told I should have started P&D only after a few months of consistent 25 to 35 mile weeks. I aim to keep my mileage between 30 and 40 miles a week after CCM so hopefully I’ll be better prepared for P&D when I follow it next time.

    M01 9:16
    M02 8:48
    M03 8:53
    M04 8:49
    M05 8:45
    M06 8:59
    M07 8:59
    M08 8:44
    M09 9:19
    M10 9:06
    M11 8:40
    M12 8:48
    M13 8:42
    M14 8:25
    M15 8:43
    M16 8:45
    M17 8:38
    M18 8:47
    M19 8:54
    M20 9:08

    Total 20.04M @ 8:51

    Week 11 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (dropping 6x100m strides)| 7.03 | 9:19
    LT 11M with 7M @ <7:30 |11.21 | 7:49 (7M @ 7:15)
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.06 | 8:45
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.03 | 9:20
    LSR 20M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 20.04 | 8:51

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    47 / 46 / 06 / 00 / 33 | 55.37 / 98.79 / 468.43

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    Replaced this morning's VO2max 8 miles with 5 x 600ms, with a general aerobic session. Maybe in May I'll reassess this policy but for now until I'm confident the glute is healed, LT and tune-up race pace is as fast as it gets.

    Huge gusts of wind out there this morning, but the sun was already up at 6:30 and it wasn't cold or wet. Legs were definitely carrying Sunday's LSR and I was glad not to be facing VO2max. A straight run up Chesterfield to the Castleknock Gate and back. The first 4 miles felt like hard work, uphill, not warmed-up, crosswind angled slightly against me. The second 4 miles were easier, downhill, warmed-up and the crosswind angled in my favour.

    12 miles tomorrow morning, uhhhh.

    M01 9:28
    M02 9:44
    M03 9:18
    M04 8:58
    M05 8:37
    M06 8:35
    M07 8:39
    M08 9:06

    Total 8.04M @ 9:03

    Week 12 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing 8M Vo2 with 5 x 600m)| 8.04 | 9:03
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Time Trial 10K @ < 7:10 (< 4:27km) | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    48 / 47 / 06 / 00 / 32 | 8.04 / 106.83 / 476.47

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Medium Long Run 12 Miles

    Took a 12 mile route home from work yesterday evening for this one. I think I might manage this once a week, for the longer midweek runs. I spend 40 mins walking home every evening anyway. I was looking forward to this one, partially just for the novelty of running from work. Didn’t run with a bag, left my stuff in work and just found pockets for glasses (loose), keys, wallet and phone. Bit odd carrying these at first but soon forgot about them.

    Started running at Earlsfort Terrace ran to the canal and headed west to Suir Road. The entire length of the canal I was running into heavy rain and a strong head-wind. Not much fun. Down South Circular Road and across to the Park, entering at Islandbridge Gate. Left Achilles was stiff and pinging a bit. I had planned on exiting at Chapelizod Gate and tackling Knockmaroon Hill but instead I wimped out listened to reason and decided if my Achilles was complaining I’d be better avoiding Knockmaroon. Stayed in the Park instead.

    More wind, more rain and some hail. Good to see big groups of kids out running round the North Road this evening despite the conditions. Two laps round Phoenix and Castleknock roundabouts via North Road, then down Kyber, back out Islandbridge and home. Total of 12.25 miles. Overall pace was within target but thanks to hills and headwind my mile splits were all over the place, almost a minute between my fastest (8:17) and slowest (9:11) miles.

    M01 8:38
    M02 8:52
    M03 8:45
    M04 9:09
    M05 9:04
    M06 9:11
    M07 8:40
    M08 8:39
    M09 8:44
    M10 8:20
    M11 8:17
    M12 8:50

    Total 12.25 @ 8:46

    Week 12 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing 8M Vo2 with 5 x 600m)| 8.04 | 9:03
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.25 | 8:46
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Time Trial 10K @ < 7:10 (< 4:27km) | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    49 / 48 / 06 / 00 / 31 | 20.29 / 119.08 / 488.72

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Another evening run; it's just the way this week is working out. Lovely evening as well. Headed out with just a t-shirt on top for I think only the second time this year. My standard daylight 5 mile recovery route; door to door via the Kyber. Happy to run this one at recovery pace. Right knee twinging a little again. It's been doing that a bit of late. At times it feels that as soon as one injury/niggle is about to clear up another one arrives. Spent a fair bit of this run thinking about marathon goal time: 3:39? 3:34? 3:29?

    M01 9:21
    M02 9:22
    M03 9:02
    M04 9:24
    M05 9:27

    Total 5.02 @ 9:20

    Week 12 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing 8M Vo2 with 5 x 600m)| 8.04 | 9:03
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.25 | 8:46
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.02 | 9:20
    Time Trial 10K @ < 7:10 (< 4:27km) | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    50 / 49 / 06 / 00 / 30 | 25.31 / 124.10 / 493.76

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K Time Trial

    :) Garmin PB 10.01K in 42:29 :)

    Ok when P&D say 8K to 15K tune-up race, I say 10K time-trial. There'll be three of these, each a fortnight apart. I have my route picked out: three anti-clockwise laps from the Phoenix Roundabout to the Castleknock Roundabout via the North Road, plus roughly 500ms into a 4th lap. The route will be the same for each TT so I can better chart progress.

    I've never timed myself over 10K before and I decided to switch the Garmin to metric for the day. I was thinking if I had a 10K race today I would target as a minimum a 7:0X finish. In metric this corresponds to a pace of 4:20 to 4:27. I'd take that and it would be a marker to aim for next time out.

    Warm-up 3.35K @ 5:44 min/km (2.08M @ 9:13)
    For the first time in a long time I felt warm while running. I broke a sweat even at this pace in just a t-shirt as I headed up the Kyber toward the Phoenix. Got to the starting point, stopped and took a few moments to reset the Garmin and just get myself ready for the task ahead. Hope the left glute, left achilles and right knee all behave. Here goes.

    Kilometres 1 to 5
    First km and I'm trying to find my pace. First time I glance at the Garmin it's reading 3:58. It seems easy, I decide that might be because I've barely covered 200ms and start to ease off. Pace drops to 4:05 and down to 4:10 and it still feels 'easy' and I still have to tell myself to keep dropping the pace or I'll pay for this later. It's a little windy heading round North Road, but still just a breeze compared to recent days. The first km logs at 4:12. I like the way a kilometre comes round faster than a mile. I decide this is still probably too fast, remind myself that 4:20 is the quick end of what I'd decided to target. Turn off the North Road and head down Chesterfield for the first time. Kilometre 2 logs at 4:22. Half of me is happy with this as it's inside my target pace, half of me is concerned that I'm slowing up. On a gentle descent now so the pace starts to pick up again. The legs feel fine, no protests from any of the usual suspects. Kilometre 3 is covered shortly before swinging back onto North Road and logs at 4:17. I start to think maybe of keeping it just faster than 4:20, it feels just about right, we'll see. Lap 2 of 3. The thing I notice most is my breathing, I'm not used to covering this distance at this pace and the lungs are getting a bit of a work-out, for now it's fine but I wonder how they'll cope. Kilometre 4 is 4:11. Oops, didn't feel that fast. I reach half-way just before the end of North Road, km 5 logging at 4:17. That's 21:19 for 5K.

    Kilometres 6 to 10
    As I'm a few metres away from turning onto Chesterfield I realise that if I don't speed up I'm going to have to stop and let a group of 30 or so kids on bikes pass me on the cycle path. I speed up and cut across the path just after the first 5 or 6 bikes. Onto the grass verge and overtake these leading bikes. Pace has upped, and that allows me to stay a few metres in front of them. There's a couple of adults with them and thankfully after a few 100ms they tell the posse to stop. Phew. I ease off a little, breathing is much more pronounced and I hope I haven't overcooked. Kilometre 6 logs at 4:15. I've recovered a bit before turning onto North Road for lap 3. Last lap; come on! I'm feeling it now. Tell myself that I can ease off a little and still be pretty sure of coming home in target. I only half listen to that voice. Part of me is saying if this was really a tune-up race I'd be less likely to slack off, so keep pushing.

    Kilometre 7 is another 4:11. All about the lungs now, the legs are tired but they're not paining me, the breathing is the challenge. I'm at the point where I don't look at the watch anymore and just focus on keeping the effort constant. This is good, this tends to happen only near the end of races. Kilometre 8 is close to the end of North Road and it's 4:24 I don't see it but I suspect it's slow, it's into the wind on North Road on lap 3 after all. Happy to reach Chesterfield. I still try keep the effort constant knowing the descent will naturally increase the pace. I glance at the Garmin but only to see what distance is left. Reads 8.75K, less than 1500ms. Then I feel the start of a cramp in my stomach, ease off just a bit and stomach settles. I hear km 9 beep, don't look at watch. Finish the descent and turn onto North Road for the last time. As I pass the starting point I check distance again, 9.48K. Ok push a bit harder, just a straight run now. Lungs want me to stop. 9.93K. Push harder, head up and listening for the beep ......... 'Beep'. Hit stop and slow to a halt. Hands on hips for half a minute as I catch my breath.

    Check the Garmin and delighted to see 42:29. I would have gone home happy with 43:XX. I covered the second 5K in 21:06, negative split.

    Cool-down 3.21K @ 5:49 min/km (2.00M @ 9:22)
    The legs felt ok on the cool-down, slightest of slightest hint of a twinge in the right glute. But nothing else, and the legs have felt fine for the rest of the day.

    Really pleased with today's session. Means more to me when I convert it to miles: 6.22 @ 6:50. That pace would get me a 5 mile PB. And now I've a challenging marker to aim for next time out in 2 weeks. (Also passed 500 miles for the year).

    KM01 4:12
    KM02 4:22
    KM03 4:17
    KM04 4:11
    KM05 4:17
    KM06 4:15
    KM07 4:11
    KM08 4:24
    KM09 4:11
    KM10 4:06

    Total 10.01K @ 4:15

    Week 12 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing 8M Vo2 with 5 x 600m)| 8.04 | 9:03
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.25 | 8:46
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.02 | 9:20
    Time Trial 10K @ < 7:10 (< 4:27km) | 10.01 | 4:15 min/km (6.22M @ 6:50) 10.30M for the day
    LSR 17M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    51 / 50 / 06 / 00 / 29 | 35.61 / 134.40 / 504.06

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 17 Miles

    Legs were tired at the start of today's meander round the park. I logged a slow first mile of 9:33. I was confident though that the pace would naturally pick up. I didn't force it and gradually average pace dropped down under 9:00.

    Really happy with how the legs responded today. Once warmed up I felt good on this one. No complaints from any part of the legs. I also didn't feel very tired at the end and could have gone on for further. I was on cooking duty today so 17 miles was as far as I could have gone. Took one gel at 10 miles.

    Thought a lot about PMP for Cork again. Part of me is starting to say go for it and stick with the original plan of 3:29. Part of me is afraid of blowing up (again) and says aim for a PB, keep the mileage up for the rest of the year and smash the 3:30 in 2014. I put yesterday's 10K time into McMillan and instantly regretted doing so - it predicts a 3:19 marathon. I don't believe that's on but it does suggest 3:29 is back in the frame.

    Some very welcome and warm sunshine on the second half of today's run, bringing a good week's running to a close. Just 6 weeks to go :eek:

    M01 9:33
    M02 8:54
    M03 9:02
    M04 8:50
    M05 8:46
    M06 8:44
    M07 8:54
    M08 9:12
    M09 8:45
    M10 8:50
    M11 8:53
    M12 8:38
    M13 8:48
    M14 8:38
    M15 8:41
    M16 8:55
    M17 8:50

    Total 17.02M @ 8:53

    Week 12 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing 8M Vo2 with 5 x 600m)| 8.04 | 9:03
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.25 | 8:46
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.02 | 9:20
    Time Trial 10K @ < 7:10 (< 4:27km) | 10.01 | 4:15 min/km (6.22M @ 6:50) 10.30M for the day
    LSR 17M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 17.02 | 8:53

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    52 / 51 / 06 / 00 / 28 | 52.63 / 151.42 / 521.08

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 875 ✭✭✭scriba

    Keep training for it! I think you definitely have it in you. A real 10k race would have you even quicker, so you can take the normally optimistic McMillan calc marathon time as indicating your ability to go sub 3:30 imo. Plus you're 6 weeks out. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    scriba wrote: »
    Keep training for it! I think you definitely have it in you. A real 10k race would have you even quicker, so you can take the normally optimistic McMillan calc marathon time as indicating your ability to go sub 3:30 imo. Plus you're 6 weeks out. :)

    Right now I'm thinking 8:10 pace to secure a sub 3:35 time. But as you say I'm six weeks out so that could change (up or down) depending on how things go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    I was spoiled last week with evening runs. Tuesday morning’s 5:46 start was not easy to get up for. The first mile was really really slow (although I think the Garmin was a little out as it beeped mile 1 some meters later than usual), but a lot of my runs are starting to go that way, start slow and gradually speed up to target pace. I think this is a wise approach for early morning runs on half-asleep legs. Bread and butter laps of the block to start week 13.

    Thinking about Sunday’s 18M with 14 at PMP. I had thought about adding two miles to this just so I’d hit 20 miles three times in training; the 20 miler I missed with injury last month is still nagging me. However the 20 miler I missed was a fat burning LSR not a PMP, so I really wouldn’t be replacing it. I think I’ll stick to the 18+14 as prescribed. I may just have to write-off the 18 and 20 milers from March.

    M01 10:05
    M02 9:10
    M03 8:37
    M04 8:42
    M05 8:47
    M06 8:46
    M07 9:02
    M08 8:57

    Total 8.00M @ 9:01

    Week 13 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.00 | 9:01
    General Aerobic 9M @ 9:00 to 9:15 (replacing VO2max 9M with 5 x 1K @ 5K pace) | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    PMP 18M with 14M @ as close to 7:55 as possible | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    53 / 52 / 06 / 00 / 27 | 8.00 / 159.42 / 529.08
