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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭docjewel

    Well done outforarun,thats nice & steady progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    For the record.

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Saturday morning before 9:00am I went out for 5 sunny recovery miles. My usual loop round the Kyber and home. My legs still felt very stiff and heavy, getting a bit worried about how they’d feel on Monday morning.
    Packed my gear later and took the 1:30 train to Cork. I love the anticipation in the 48 hours before the race start.

    M01 9:45
    M02 9:37
    M03 9:00
    M04 9:17
    M05 9:15

    Total 5.02M @ 9:23

    Recovery 4 miles

    Wake Sunday morning to clear blue skies. I was on the road just before 8:00am and already it was feeling hot. We were staying along the Mardyke so I decided to run down past the Arena over the bridge and out the Lee Road past the Lee Clinic until 2 miles showed on the Garmin, then turn around and back to the apartment.

    I really enjoyed this run. The Mardyke and the Lee and the world in general looking gorgeous in the sunshine, very little traffic and I had the road mostly to myself. The legs finally seemed to have lost their recent stiffness. Back the way I came and on the Mardyke wonder how I’ll feel in a little over 24 hours running this same stretch.

    While it was a pleasure to run 4 miles in this early morning sunshine (perfect run to end P&D) I’m worried about tomorrow. This was easy pace and I’ve worked up a sweat. Add 22 more miles and I’d be cooked in this heat.

    M01 9:38
    M02 8:54
    M03 9:08
    M04 9:20

    Total 4.04M @ 9:15

    Week18 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (from week 16) | 4.01 | 9:21
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.02 | 9:19
    7M with 2M PMP 7:55 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 (skipping strides) | 5.02 | 9:23
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.04 | 9:15

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    78 / 77 / 08 / 00 / 00 | 19.09 / 9.05 / 756.40

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Pre Race

    Marathon Day began with two slices of toast and a banana at 7:15. I’d had a decent bowl of pasta the three previous evenings. No sunshine outside but it was warm and humid. I’m not too nervous, managed to sleep well. I’m more relaxed now following yesterday’s run where the legs felt loose and relatively fresh. Pin on my race number (pre-punched holes in the race number, genius), go to town on the Vaseline. I also picked up a gel-belt at the Expo on Sunday. First time ever running with one of these and I hoped it wouldn’t cause me any issues (it didn't). Two loo visits, That’s it. Leave the apartment at 8:20 and stroll to Patrick’s Street.

    Third loo visit required, typical. I join the queue and come 8:50 I’m on the road moving up to around 20ms behind the 3:30 balloons.

    So the plan is to target average 8:11 pace on the Garmin for a 3:34:XX attempt. If I see 8:10 showing I’ll be careful not to go any faster, if I see 8:12 showing I’ll be careful not to go any slower. Hopefully I’ll just see 8:10 or 8:11 the whole way round. I’ve packed 4 gels, one after 6 miles, one after 12, one after 18 and a final one that might be consumed sometime after 18 miles.

    We shuffle forward. A few handshakes and ‘best of lucks’. Moments later we’re on our way.

    Miles 1 to 5 in 40:54

    Not too crowded at the start, found it much better than previous years, maybe because I’m not part of the group glued to the 3:30 pacers. Runner ahead of me is on his 25th marathon of the year, targeting 52 in 52 weeks!! I have to drop the pace from 7:5X gradually down to 8:1X over the first mile or so. The pace feels reassuringly slow. The first race incident of note happened ahead of me as we cross the Lee for the first time. A faller and others checking their stride to avoid falling. The faller is getting up as I pass. Now I didn’t see the dynamic of the fall but I can hear the music from her earphones as I pass, so l wonder would she have fallen and risked bringing down others if she hadn’t been wearing earphones?

    I get a shout out from a mate by Blackpool Church. Next time I see him should be at the finishing line. Down to the quays and follow the river toward Tivoli. I’m taking note of how humid it feels and I am worried about how warm I feel already. Luckily there is a breeze about that helps keeps things a little cooler. I couldn’t believe how many people were hugging the riverside of the road all the way up to the skew bridge, I was running nearly on my own on the left hand side of the road, I’m pretty sure mine was the better racing line. Pass the 5 mile marker feeling good and on schedule.

    M01 8:08 (3s up)
    M02 8:15 (1s down)
    M03 8:04 (6s up)
    M04 8:15 (2s up)
    M05 8:12 (1s up)

    Miles 6 to 10 in 40:51

    Take my first gel along the dual carriageway. The gel-belt is working out really well, I hardly notice it’s there. First significant hill of the day takes us up and away from the Dunkettle Roundabout. I’ve noticed 8:12 showing on the Garmin and I’m pushing a little to get it back to 8:11. Down into the tunnel. Read a lot of people saying it was particularly hot in here but I can’t say I noticed. Bit of a pull back out of the tunnel.

    Take a rain-check on how I feel, and all seems ok. I feel good. Early days still though. Pace is showing 8:11 again and this helps me relax a bit. I’m not watching the individual mile splits, just monitoring the average pace. Hear more and more people complaining about the heat. Pass through the 10 mile marker on schedule.

    M06 8:15 (3s down)
    M07 8:17 (9s down)
    M08 8:09 (7s down)
    M09 8:01 (3s up)
    M10 8:09 (5s up)

    Miles 11 to 15 in 41:03

    Lovely breeze as we turn onto the estuary. This is a lonelier marathon for me than previous Cork editions, seem to be on my own most of the time, run with a group for a little bit along the estuary but they’re moving that bit too slow so I edge ahead into empty road again. Take my second gel. Feeling good as we approach half-way. I pass one marathon runner who is travelling considerably slower than I am, I hope she hasn’t gone out too fast and is fading already just shy of half-way. Next up those horrible footbridges. Quite a few people walking over these. And down into the humid green airless tunnel along the old railway line. I’ve never liked this stretch. I’ve had stitches here, it’s usually the place where I first start to feel the effort increasing slightly in order to maintain the same pace. Today I feel a slight tightness in right hamstring – I never have a tightness there. It doesn’t affect my running and thankfully it does pass eventually. Pass a guy in a Mexican style wrestling mask!! Happy to finally emerge from here and onto the Marina.

    M11 8:04 (12s up)
    M12 8:16 (7s up)
    M13 8:15 (3s up)
    M14 8:18 (4s down)
    M15 8:09 (2s down)

    Miles 16 to 20 in 40:41

    Still feeling good, bit more effort required for sure, but no early alarm bells are sounding. I grab a sponge from one of the water stops. Heaven. A cold sharp slap splash to the head, neck, back. Feel instantly refreshed. On Centre Park Road the Half Marathon leaders power past. Huge support by Victoria Road gives me a further boost. Feeling cautiously optimistic. Then I’m stunned to see that the Garmin is no longer showing 8:11 but has moved up to 8:10. I don’t feel as if I’m travelling faster. Miles 17 and 18 are the two fastest miles of the day, and these include that cruel exit off the South Link Road.

    I think for the first time ever I pass Turners Cross feeling ‘ok’. I’m passing points on the course that I associate with blow-ups from previous editions. However all the time the effort is slowly slowly creeping up. Part of me is wary of this, part of me is saying that P&D mileage will make this effort increase manageable. Take my third gel. I pass people who have blown up early with not yet 20 miles covered. I’ve been there before and I don’t envy them, it’s a long way to Patrick’s Street from here. Effort continues to increase and I’m aware that I could be minutes away from my own blow-up.

    M16 8:09 (even split)
    M17 7:58 (13s up)
    M18 7:57 (27s up)
    M19 8:21 (17s up)
    M20 8:17 (11s up)

    Miles 21 to 25 in 43:05

    I take a 4th gel as we go onto Model Farm Road reasoning it was better to take it sooner than later. Mile 21 is the last mile run at target pace. The slide has started.

    There’s always a few minutes where I deny it’s happening, but the denial phase doesn’t last long and before long my focus is on managing the situation.
    I’m still hopeful that the blow-up will be minor and that I won’t have a dramatic 10:XX mile like I did last year. Shortly after the 22 mile mark the Cavalry arrives in the form of a mate who’s running the Half. I was so wrapped up in my own unfolding drama that I didn’t recognize him initially. I told him to go ahead but he said he’d gone out with the 1:30 pacers and had copped on soon enough that he wasn’t in 1:30 form and so was just tipping around to the finish. He’d keep me company till the finish line. This helped take my mind off my legs for a while and in fact mile 23 was faster than mile 22. I tried chatting but gave that up as a bad idea. He knew not to be constantly telling me to ‘dig in’, ‘keep going’, saying ‘not long now’, ‘nearly there’ and such like. Instead just 2 or 3 well chosen comments in the last 4 miles to help keep me on track. Second year running I pass a runner prostrate on the Straight Road, oxygen mask in place. Scary.

    Garmin showing 8:13, then 8:14, then 8:15 and I stop looking. Pass 40K mark, mate says ‘just out of Phoenix Park and home’. I pretty sure that if I can keep running and avoid walking then I’ll still sneak a 3:3X. I would be gutted and ready to pack in this marathon lark if I log another low 3:4X.

    M21 8:10 (12s up)
    M22 8:31 (8s down)
    M23 8:27 (24s down)
    M24 8:52 (65s down)
    M25 9:05 (129s down)

    Last 1.43 miles in 12:53

    The 1:40 balloons pass us along the river walkway, they’d passed me last year along the Mardyke, so I know I’m still up on last year’s time. Then the long long neverending, where’s Patrick’s Bridge stretch along the quays. Pass the 26 mile marker, mate proposes we ‘Finish strong’, I say ‘I don’t know about that’ and then we turn onto the bridge and I up the pace as much I can into what felt like a half-sprint. I hear our names announced, last push and over the line.

    M26 9:15 (193s down)
    M26.43 3:38 (302s down)

    Check the Garmin and it reads 3:39:26, that should give me enough buffer. Don’t care that I didn’t hit 3:34. Just very :) to be able to stop running and know that I’ve broken 3:40. Probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t had a companion for the last 4 miles. Breaking 3:30 can wait for another day (glad I didn’t go for 3:29 today, it might not have been pretty).

    Post Race

    2 or 3 minutes of will I get sick won’t I get sick. I don’t. Sister was at the finish line with sugar. Gorgeous gorgeous cold Cola. Then melt in the mouth Wispa – could just feel the sugar pouring back into me. Next up the best ice-cream cone I’ve ever had. Feeling better pretty quickly and memories of the last 4 miles are fading fast. Walked back out to the Mardyke. Showered. And spent an incredibly relaxing 3 hours, lounging on the grass in the semi-shade in the cricket grounds, watching some cricket and listening to tunes on headphones. Bliss.

    Will post thoughts and analysis later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I’ve had a few days to reflect on Monday’s race. Targeted 3:34:59 and came home in 3:39:30. So missed my target by 04:31.

    I reckon 2 to 3 minutes were lost to the heat, I reckon further time was lost due to the dent my March injury made to the P&D schedule, costing me an 18 and 20 miler. In total I lost 8 sessions in training, 6 to injury and 2 to poor discipline. Then more time was lost to a poor racing line, the Garmin had me running 0.2 miles more than marathon distance.

    While I am happy to have finally gone under 3:40, I’m still aware that at this rate of improvement it’ll be 10 more years before I break 3:29 (2011 = 3:41, 2012 = 3:40, 2013 = 3:39)!! Once again the final 4 miles break me. It’s becoming tiresome (no pun intended). While I see reasonable improvements in times over shorter distances, my endurance continues to let me down over marathon distance. I’ve run 5 marathons now and I have yet to experience what it feels like to cross the line having hit my goal time.

    What to do?

    Well for a start I think I’ve taken a right step by following P&D. I don’t think I had a suitable base before beginning the schedule this year so I don’t think I was ready to reap the full benefits of P&D. I will use P&D again next time out.

    From now to the end of the year I want to maintain my annual weekly mileage at around 35 to 40 miles a week. I aim to continue LSRs on Sundays and will schedule at least 2 more 20 mile runs before year end. This should ensure a good base prior to starting P&D again. One in 4 LSRs will contain PMP miles.

    I have to look seriously at the non-running part of training. I’ve made lots of promises on this log about stretching and strength exercises and core exercises and foam rolling. I didn’t make good any of these promises. I need a table for these, tables keep me honest.

    Diet has to be improved on. I eat well and varied, with very little processed food. But I need to tackle the extras, chocolate, biscuits, cakes etc. These have to go, at least they have to go for 6 days a week. I’ve dropped caffeine from my diet for the past three weeks now and I don’t miss it at all.

    I’m a one marathon a year person and I’m in love with CCM so my next attempt will (touchwood) be CCM14. No 3:34 attempt next time, 3:29 is the goal, and everything has to be aimed towards that.

    If I have to find 10 minutes in the next 12 months then I really need to begin this week: 4 easy miles in the morning. I’m itching to start.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss


    I've had similar concerns re diet & core recently.

    Re - Diet - Maybe have a look at this book. Has helped me cut out a lot of the junk by replacing them with healthier options. Good recipies for energy bars, smoothies, treats and sports drinks to replace the cakes and biscuits.

    Re - Core - Having a set of fitness DVD's at home helps me get the work done, avoiding the gym is too easy I find. Or maybe join a pilates/yoga class.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks for the links statss. I also found this short and simple article on RW:

    I have very good intentions of cutting out the junk from my diet. Started today, one week on from Cork, let's see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    A weekend of short sunny recovery paced running. I’m going to more or less follow P&Ds post marathon recovery plan. This weekend I condensed the first week into 3 consecutive day’s running.

    My first post marathon run was Friday evening, across to Papal Cross entering the Park at Island-bridge Gate and exiting at Park Gate. A few twinges surfaced after about a mile or so, the strongest one being somewhere on right side of groin. All in all though I’m happy with how the legs felt.

    M01 9:29
    M02 9:17
    M03 8:50
    M04 9:25

    Total 4.02M @ 9:16

    Saturday another 4 miles recovery under a very hot lunchtime sun. 4 laps in and out of IMMA for this one. Groin seems much better than yesterday, Achilles instead starting to ping.

    M01 9:33
    M02 9:23
    M03 9:13
    M04 9:17

    Total 4.11M @ 9:22

    Slightly longer run Sunday, but same pace. First two weeks post marathon are all recovery pace. Lap round Kyber and home. More sunshine. Achilles is the part of me that protests the loudest. With the marathon last Monday this week’s mileage is still a healthy 39 miles.

    M01 10:02
    M02 8:57
    M03 8:32
    M04 9:32
    M05 9:30

    Total 5.02M @ 9:18

    So nice and easy for the next while. Will test 10K pace (over 3K) again on 22 June with the Irish Runner 5 Mile following a week later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Some tables need updating after last week's race.
    (paces are calculated against standard race distance, not actual pace for real distance covered)

    Full Race History

    No|Race|Time|Pace(M)|Pace(KM)|Position|Finishers|% of Field|PB
    01|Cork City Marathon 2010 | 3:51:53 | 8:51 | 5:30 | 542 | 1429 | 38 | Yes
    02|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2010 | 1:17:52 | 7:47 | 4:50 | 929 | 4902 | 19 | Yes
    03|Dublin Half Marathon 2010 | 1:40:50 | 7:42 | 4:47 | 1257 | 5742 | 22 | Yes
    04|Cork to Cobh 15 Mile 2010 | 1:56:59 | 7:48 | 4:51 | 332 | 848 | 40 | Yes
    05|Cork City Marathon 2011 | 3:41:30 | 8:27 | 5:15 | 419 | 1379 | 31 | Yes
    06|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2011 | 1:15:57 | 7:36 | 4:43 | 924 | 5175 | 18 | Yes
    07|Dublin Half Marathon 2011 | 1:37:59 | 7:28 | 4:39 | 874 | 6118 | 15 | Yes
    08|Cork to Cobh 15 Mile 2011 | 1:55:49 | 7:43 | 4:48 | 264 | 737 | 36 | Yes
    09|Aware 5 Mile Christmas Run 2011 | 0:35:26 | 7:05 | 4:24 | 99 | 1533 | 07 | Yes
    10|Cork City Marathon 2012 | 3:40:31 | 8:25 | 5:14 | 358 | 1406 | 26 | Yes
    11|Irish Runner 5 Mile 2012 | 0:34:35 | 6:55 | 4:18 | 338 | 4049 | 09 | Yes
    12|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2012 | 1:13:11 | 7:19 | 4:33 | 584 | 7103 | 09 | Yes
    13|Dublin Half Marathon 2012 | 1:37:52 | 7:28 | 4:38 | 906 | 6315 | 15 | Yes
    14|Dublin City Marathon 2012 | 3:41:42 | 8:27 | 5:15 | 3364 | 12210 | 28 | No
    15|Cork City Marathon 2013 | 3:39:30 | 8:23 | 5:12 | 281 | 1200 | 24 | Yes

    PB Details

    Distance|2010 Best|2011 Best|2012 Best|2013 Best|Current PB Set
    Marathon|3:51:53|3:41:30|3:40:31|3:39:30|Cork City Marathon 2013
    15 Mile|1:56:59|1:55:49|didn't race|0:00:00|BHAA Cork to Cobh 2011
    Half Marathon|1:40:50|1:37:59|1:37:52|0:00:00|Dublin Half Marathon 2012
    10 Mile|1:17:52|1:15:57|1:13:11|0:00:00|Frank Duffy 2012
    5 Mile|didn't race|0:35:26|0:34:35|0:00:00|Irish Runner 5 Mile 2012

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    First early (6am) run in a while. First wet run in a while. First run with a jacket in a while. Legs felt a bit tired this morning, the whole lot of me felt a bit tired this morning. Could feel the slightest of slightest protests from my friend my left glute. Enough to convince me that P&D's prescribed week of nothing but recovery pace is probably very wise.

    M01 9:36
    M02 9:04
    M03 9:10
    M04 9:10
    M05 9:19 (800 miles for the year)

    Total 5.15M @ 9:16

    Post Marathon Week 2 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.15 | 9:18
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | | 9:19
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | | 9:23
    Recovery 8M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | | 9:15

    Post Marathon Week 2 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ran home from work this evening. From Harcourt Terrace along the canal to Kilmainham, then over to Inchicore and back to IMMA and home. Garmin hadn't a clue where I was for the first half-mile or so and also had me running around 200ms below sea level, made for some bizarre pace readings at the start of this run.

    Achilles, must tend to achilles. I did my first stretching session this evening, and for now I'm focusing on the calve stretches prescribed by physio last year (plus some strengthening exercises), and I've picked some gluteal stretches from P&D.

    Run was fine apart from unhappy achilles. Some rain and some sunshine. I think I'll try run home from work at least once a week; the route's not great but it's fine for bog standard recovery and it's so convenient time wise.

    I've signed up for the Blessington Lakes 10K in September (and hope to do the Cork Rebel Run 10K in October and the Aware Christmas 10K in December - I've got the bug for this distance since those three pre-marathon time trials).
    Will also sign-up for the Liberties 6K run in July, it starts on my doorstep.

    M01 9:26
    M02 8:44
    M03 9:07
    M04 9:15
    M05 9:44

    Total 5.01M @ 9:15

    Post Marathon Week 2 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.15 | 9:18
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.01 | 9:15
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Recovery 8M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |

    Post Marathon Week 2 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    A sunny Saturday lunchtime run in the Park. It's great to be able to head out with just a t-shirt and not have to worry about jackets. I'm getting bored with recovery pace and I will start to speed things up a bit from next week. I'm concerned about losing speed. I don't expect to be as fast as I was (4:08 km/min) for my final 10K time trial a month ago but I don't want to lose toooo much speed. My focus has switched away from analysing this month's marathon and forward towards the Irish Runner 5 miler. I'd be content with a 33:XX, given that June will have mostly been about recovery.

    Achilles was better. Enjoyable run. The top half of Chesterfield was closed off so I ran right down the middle of the avenue - a treat.

    M01 9:10
    M02 9:24
    M03 8:51
    M04 9:17
    M05 9:26
    M06 9:33

    Total 6.25M @ 9:17

    Set out this morning on my longest run since Cork, 8 miles. I'm starting to deviate from P&D recovery now. They ask for 7 miles. I also decide after mile 1 that I wasn't going to look at the watch any more and just run at whatever felt comfortable and easy. The highlight of this run was a close encounter with a deer bounding across the road as I approached the s-bends. Achilles feels like its improving. Checked the watch as I arrived back home - so comfortable and easy = 8:50 pace.

    On the non-running bits. The table is working and forcing me to get these sessions done. Ok I didn't complete everything this week but I do think I can see the habit forming and will start to do these regularly. Core work is new to me and I find it a bit tough, especially the plank. Foam rolling is not a lot of fun and has me sweating by the end. Stretches are grand. Diet has been good - some chocolate allowed on Friday night. Stocked up on nuts and dried berries/fruit today and will keep these at the desk. Happy with initial progress on the non running side of things.

    M01 9:24
    M02 8:53
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:32
    M05 8:40
    M06 8:45
    M07 8:49
    M08 8:44

    Total 8.18M @ 8:50

    Post Marathon Week 2 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.15 | 9:18
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.01 | 9:15
    Recovery 6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.25 | 9:17
    Recovery 8M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 8.18 | 8:50

    Post Marathon Week 2 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 2
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 4
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 2

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    24.58 | 73.21 | 820.55 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I started the week’s running this morning at 6 am. Lovely sunny mild conditions. Took a pair of black/green Nimbus-13’s out of their box and brought them on their first run. My Nimbus-14s have around 500 miles clocked up, but as they were wet from spending all of yesterday on the balcony under the rain, they received a slightly early retirement.

    I headed over to, and back from the Phoenix Roundabout, via Chesterfield. I wonder how many of the other runners I meet are starting out on their DCM training. Achilles didn’t feel too bad this morning, I’m contributing this to the stretches I’ve been doing. Don’t notice much difference dropping back to Nimbus 13 from 14, the 13 felt a bit ‘bouncier’, but maybe that’s just because they’re new.

    M01 9:41
    M02 9:11
    M03 8:48
    M04 9:03
    M05 9:24

    Total 5.04 @ 9:14

    It’s two full weeks since Cork now, that’s two weeks of nearly exclusively slow and short recovery running. Legs feel largely ok. This week I want to step up the pace a little and see how the legs react to some faster stuff. So tomorrow I’ve scheduled 7 miles with 3 at PMP pace. And next Saturday I’ll try run one lap (around 3.1K) of my 3-and-a-bit lap 10K route at 4:10 km/min pace. That’s the pace I’m targeting for the Irish Runner 5 Miler in two weeks time. My last 10K time-trial about a month ago was run at 4:08 km/min. I reckon I’ve lost some speed since then, but on the other hand I won’t have to run 10k, just 8k.

    Post Marathon Week 3 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:14
    7M with 3M PMP (7:57/7:58) | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    6M with 2M @ 10K pace 4:10 km/min | |
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 3 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    5.04 | 78.25 | 825.59 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Sleep is another piece of the puzzle I need to look at. I realized this when the alarm went off at 5:30 this morning. I didn’t get to bed until gone midnight last night and I definitely was in no mood to get up and out for a run this morning. Thanks to Mrs outforarun who reminded me that I’m going for pints tonight so postponing until tomorrow morning was not a feasible option.

    I was on the road at 5:52. Two leisurely wake-me-up miles. At least the weather was nice this morning. Might try take a day off work if it stays like this. Then into the three scheduled PMP miles. These went fine. Legs didn’t protest, Achilles mostly behaved. I ran the PMP miles a little faster than planned but I’m ok with that. Next time I target sub 3:30 I’ll try keep 7:57 or 7:58 pace showing on the Garmin, if I run PMP in training a few seconds faster I’m not too worried. It was nice to run some faster miles this morning.

    One thing I’m actively noticing is that the new shoes are really comfortable and my footfall feels very smooth. Again I don’t know if it’s the Nimbus 13 versus 14, or just the fact that they are new, but these feel very nice to run in. Two easy miles to finish the morning’s work.

    Two boiled eggs and a banana for breakfast. I’m finding the improved diet very easy to stick to. Also managed to fit in a 15 minute stretching session before heading to work.

    2.01M @ 9:28
    3.01M @ 7:55
    2.01M @ 8:45

    Total 7.03M @ 8:36

    Post Marathon Week 3 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:14
    7M with 3M PMP (7:57/7:58) | 7.03 | 8:36 with 3.01M @ 7:55
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    6M with 2M @ 10K pace 4:10 km/min | |
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 3 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    12.07 | 85.28 | 832.62 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thursday evening is run home from work evening. Instead of walking home in around 40 minutes I run (the long way) home in around 40 minutes. It's only 4 miles but it means I don't have to drag myself out of bed in the morning and it's an easy way to keep my running frequency at 5 days a week instead of dropping down to 4 days. I also find that if colleagues see you dressed for a run they're less likely to throw late afternoon work stuff your way.

    Don't like the route along the canal but at least I only had to stop twice for traffic lights. Forgot to put auto-lap back on after yesterday's PMP run. Last mile and a bit is nicer, running through IMMA. Achilles pinging. Ran a little faster than I intended, hitting general aerobic pace rather than recovery pace.

    Had a little bit of pain in the right shin later in the evening, gone now. Hope it was nothing, I've never had problems with shin pain. I made an effort tonight to run on as little concrete as possible, sticking to bicycle paths where possible.

    Total 4.19M @ 9:11

    Post Marathon Week 3 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:14
    7M with 3M PMP (7:57/7:58) | 7.03 | 8:36 with 3.01M @ 7:55
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:11
    6M with 2M @ 10K pace 4:10 km/min | |
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 3 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 2
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 1

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    16.26 | 89.48 | 836.82 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    Pace is still there :)

    The plan was to run a lap of my 3-and-a-bit lap 10K route. I'd target 4:10 pace which is what I aim to run in the 5 miler next Saturday. I wanted to see how that pace felt and I was really looking forward to stretching the legs.

    During my warm-up my legs felt unusually fresh. Usually they weigh a ton on warm-ups. Warm lunchtime sunshine alternating with very heavy showers.
    I set off on the fast lap and the watch showed 4:00 km/min pace. I knew I should slow down but, I didn't, and decided to hold the effort more or less constant. Legs felt good, and the lungs were given a work-out. I knew without looking that I was picking up the pace. During the last kilometre the lungs were protesting, but the legs felt alright. It wasn't easy to maintain the effort over the last 800ms, and I was happy to complete the lap and stop the watch.

    Warm-up 3.20KM @ 5:45

    KM01 4:01
    KM02 3:56
    KM03 3:51

    Total 3.18KM @ 3:55

    Cool-down 3.17KM @ 5:27

    Ok I'd taken a risk by departing from planned 4:10 pace, touchwood the legs survived it. Very happy to have run this pace and it does make me feel more confident about hitting 4:10 next Saturday. Very happy to have worked the lungs. (3:55 km/min is 6:19 min/mile, it reads so much faster in miles).


    First two digit mile run since Cork. First outing for CCM13 top, very snug and very comfortable. I forgot to switch autolap from 1KM back to 1Mile so didn't get mile splits for this. Conditions were ok, dry and warm but it was very very windy around the playing fields by the papal cross. This was an unremarkable run, I'm just happy that week by week as I gradually up the pace and gradually increase the distance, my legs are responding well. Post marathon recovery officially ends when I find myself on the start line next Saturday morning.

    Total 10.18M @ 8:51

    Post Marathon Week 3 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:14
    7M with 3M PMP (7:57/7:58) | 7.03 | 8:36 with 3.01M @ 7:55
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:11
    6M with 2M @ 10K pace 4:10 km/min | 5.94 | 8:07 with 1.98M @ 6:19 (3:55 km/min)
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.18 | 8:51

    Post Marathon Week 3 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 2
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 4
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 2

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    32.38 | 105.59 | 852.93 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Big sleepy head on me as I ticked off 3 laps of the block early this morning. Legs feeling mostly good. Maybe this stretching lark actually works.

    Once again I forgot to switch autolap back from metric to miles. I spend most of the run thinking about race strategy for next Saturday. Right now the plan is to have the Garmin showing an average pace of 4:05 km/min when I get to the halfway point at the bottom of the Kyber. The second mostly uphill half of the race will be about ensuring that average pace doesn’t drop any slower than 4:10 km/min. That should secure me a 33:XX. Maybe I could push harder over the first half, but I think it wiser to bank something for the hills and then if all is going well and I’m in a position to attack the last mile, well great.

    Managed to squeeze in another stretching session before leaving for work.

    Total 5.05M @ 9:15

    Post Marathon Week 4 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.05 | 9:15
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Irish Runner 5 Mile Race, targeting 33:XX | |
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    5.05 | 110.64 | 857.98 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Out early (5:44) this morning for 8 general aerobic miles. This included a run up and down the length of Chesterfield. At this hour there are always loads of deer along this stretch. A handful of other runners about. In these summer months it’s great to have bright mornings and be able to run in the Park. I started slow as always and just took it handy watching the pace gradually increase. Once again I hit my overall target pace but only one standalone mile is on target.

    Slightest of aches from left glute, I’m always conscious that it was at the start of an early morning run when I strained my glute back in March. Achilles was quiet this morning.

    Numbers for the race series arrived in the post. I signed up for all 4 but I won’t be able to run the 10K. Instead I’ll be doing some hill running in Italy.

    M1 9:48
    M2 9:32
    M3 9:08
    M4 8:58
    M5 8:41
    M6 8:38
    M7 8:45
    M8 8:50

    Total 8.04M @ 9:03

    Post Marathon Week 4 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.05 | 9:15
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:03
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Irish Runner 5 Mile Race, targeting 33:XX | |
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    13.09 | 118.68 | 866.02 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thursday is run home from work day. Light misty rain falling. This was supposed to be recovery pace but I set off without thinking about pace at all. When I checked the Garmin I realised I was going too fast and started to make a half-hearted attempt to slow things down. I felt like I was running really easy so I didn't worry to much about it. Legs felt ok after a day under a desk.

    Very one pace week so far.

    M01 8:40
    M02 9:11
    M03 9:19
    M04 8:59

    Total 4.21M @ 9:00

    Post Marathon Week 4 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.05 | 9:15
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:03
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.21 | 9:00
    Irish Runner 5 Mile Race, targeting 33:XX | |
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 2
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 1

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    17.29 | 122.89 | 870.23 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    :) New 5 Mile PB of 33:10 :)

    Race day finally arrived and I’d been really looking forward to this one. I walked over to the starting area. Conditions were good for running, light breeze, fresh air, mostly cool. There was even a light sprinkling of rain just before the start. I did a 2 mile warm-up (2.01M @ 9:14) round the North Road. Met up with some colleagues from work to wish them luck and then we made our way to our respective pens. I lined up I guess about 20 metres back from the front of the first wave.

    Ever since running those 10K time trials pre Cork, I’ve become more comfortable pacing in metric for shorter and faster sessions. So the Garmin is switched to metric for the day. The plan is to have an average pace of 4:05 min/km (6:34 min/mile) at half-way and then to try keep that average pace below 4:10 min/km (6:42 min/mile) to the end. This should get me home in 33:XX.

    The Easy Half

    Not too much congestion over the opening straight on Chesterfield and it’s easy enough to hit race pace with just the minimum of weaving. I did have to take the first right turn quite wide to avoid other runners but after that traffic wasn’t an issue. Pace was showing from 4:01 to 4:03 most of the way along the North Road. It felt fine and my footfall felt good. Passed one guy inside the first mile and his breathing is already struggling. Wrong pen? The first half of the race is really without incident and it’s all about deciding how fast I want to risk running before the real race begins at the bottom of the Kyber. I’m a little concerned when I see KM03 log at 3:58 pace (6:23 min/mile). Too fast?

    Power down the Kyber. Before the half-way chute I get a shout-out from mrs outforarun, her sister and her partner and from little outforarun, I check the Garmin and it’s showing an average pace of 4:01 (6:27 min/mile). If I’ve gone out too hard I’ll find out shortly.

    KM01 4:03
    KM02 4:08
    KM03 3:58
    KM04 3:56

    The Tough Half

    We turn onto Military Road. I focus on keeping the effort constant. I don’t find it too difficult. My legs feel ok, my breathing is also 'ok'. This is not the case for several runners around me and I’m overtaking lots of people over this short but steep ascent. Get to the top of the hill and resist the temptation to take a little breather and continue to focus on maintaining the effort. Pass the 3 miler marker. Only 2 miles to go, so far so good but I am starting to worry a bit about the Upper Glen Road. I continue to overtake runners as we go through the S-bends. Through the water station and along the path underneath the hospital. Not looking forward to this second hill.

    More conscious of my breathing now. The start of the hill is ‘ok’. I overtake some more runners and I’m overtaken by one or two. I don’t check the Garmin, I don’t want to do that until the hill is behind me. It’s always like a false summit here, you break the steepest part of the hill, but it continues to drag for some metres afterwards, I think this is the most difficult section. But it’s great to pass the 4 mile marker. I don’t feel as bad at this point as I did last year. Hill’s over, I check the pace and it’s dropped to 4:06 (6:36 min/mile). I pick things up slightly. I know that a 32:XX could be on, but I’m holding off on any big push until at least Furze Road. But then when I get to Furze Road I wait until the 400ms marker. I gradually pick up the pace, one guy shoots past me on the left, I don’t have that sort of kick today. Only when I see the finish line (race clock showing 33:0X) do I pick it up and I cover the last 100ms or so in 3:31 pace (5:40 min/mile).

    Over the line in 33:08 on the Garmin, covering 8.10KM (5.03 miles) at an average pace of 4.05 min/km (6:35 min/mile). For a moment I thought I might have to get sick but that sensation passed after a few seconds.

    KM05 4:10
    KM06 4:06
    KM07 4:20
    KM08 4:06

    Official chip time is confirmed at 33:10. That’s 238th position of 2754 finishers, top 9%. And a new 5 mile PB of nearly 90 seconds.

    Cool-down 2.27M @ 9:31


    I think a 32:XX was possible, but I didn’t deserve it. If I’d really pushed from the start of Furze road I probably would have gone under 33:00. So while I’m happy to have posted a good PB, I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t hurt some more when crossing the line.

    I’m happy that some of the speed I’ve found in the last months has been translated into a PB.

    So after following P&D for the first half of the year I’ve taken 61 seconds off my marathon time and 85 seconds off my 5 mile time: an improvement of 0.46% and 4.10% over the respective distances. It appears then that marathon distance and I are not the best of friends!!

    From a race organization point of view the 5 Miler ticked all the important boxes: accurate distance, accurate timing and well marshalled. Goodie bag was a bit frugal, but the t-shirt was nice.

    2013 2 races and 2 PBs.

    (thoughts of a 69:XX 10 mile attempt in August are taking shape :eek:)

    Post Marathon Week 4 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.05 | 9:15
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:03
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.21 | 9:00
    Irish Runner 5 Mile Race, targeting 33:XX | 5.03 | (33:10) 6:38
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 1
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 2
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 1

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    26.60 | 132.20 | 879.54 |

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss

    wow that's a great time and you can see the benefits of those 10k sessions for sure - you defo have a sub 3.30 marathon in you at least surely?!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    statss wrote: »
    wow that's a great time and you can see the benefits of those 10k sessions for sure

    Thanks statss. I'm really pleased I scheduled those 10k sessions I do think they've been beneficial. They've also helped boost my confidence over this distance and similar distances. Definitely will schedule some more of these. Only problem is I've now got one foot in metric and one foot it statute; it's getting confusing.
    statss wrote: »
    you defo have a sub 3.30 marathon in you at least surely?!

    you'd think so wouldn't you! Next year, next year :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Finished last week’s running Sunday morning with 12 miles in the Park. The legs were definitely less than fresh for this one. I started slowly as usual and expected average pace to fall into LSR range after 2 or 3 miles. Instead I had to wait until mile 9 before average pace had picked up to 9:00. Maybe not a bad thing. The Achilles had a hangover from Saturday, apart from that all felt ok.

    Overall I’m very happy with the week’s work. Two sources of disappointment though: one, not pushing enough over the final kilometer of Saturday’s race, and two neglecting core, stretching and foam rolling this week.

    M01 9:45
    M02 9:25
    M03 9:01
    M04 8:58
    M05 8:45
    M06 8:41
    M07 8:44
    M08 9:02
    M09 8:46
    M10 8:50
    M11 8:38
    M12 8:52

    Total 12.03 @ 8:57

    Post Marathon Week 4 Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.05 | 9:15
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:03
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.21 | 9:00
    Irish Runner 5 Mile Race, targeting 33:XX | 5.03 | (33:10) 6:38
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.03 | 8:57

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 1 :o
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 2 :o
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 1 :o

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    38.63 | 144.23 | 891.57 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Falling behind with updates. Opened my account for July Tuesday morning. Bit of a battle to get up for this one. Legs felt ok, aided by a very slow start. Just kept it to three laps of the block as I didn't fancy venturing across to the Park. Bread and butter 5 mile recovery run, tick.

    Registered online for the Liberties 6K Run. Will target a sub 24:30 for this. The unknown factor with this one is that it's an evening race - I haven't run fast in the evenings in literally years so I don't know if the legs will like it or not.

    M01 9:42
    M02 9:42
    M03 8:49
    M04 9:01
    M05 8:54

    Total 5.06 @ 9:14

    Week Beginning 01 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.06 | 9:14
    10M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Intervals 4 x 800m | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    5.06 | 5.06 | 896.64 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Woke up this morning knowing that I had slept through my two snooze alarms. First thought was ah well too late now I'll just have to go to sleep. Checked the time, it was 5:22. Needed to be on the road at 5:30 at the latest. Part of me wished it was 6:22. Another crazy part of me said, 8 mins is loads of time, get up. I listened to the crazy part and was on the road at 5:36.

    I'd planned General Aerobic pace but as I was late I switched to LSR pace. Ran from Kilmainham up to Castleknock to the roundabout just before the M50 and back. The mostly uphill outward 5 miles were ok. The return 5 miles instead weren't as ok. The left Achilles was pinging quite a bit, sometimes quite sharp. Right knee didn't feel ok on some strides, no pain, just didn't feel right.

    Lovely warm sunshine for the return 5 miles. Happy to have got up and out out early for a double digit run, outside of marathon training.

    M01 9:32
    M02 9:13
    M03 9:09
    M04 8:57 (900 miles for the year)
    M05 9:01
    M06 8:39
    M07 8:27
    M08 8:27
    M09 8:42
    M10 8:37

    Total 10.10 @ 8:52

    Week Beginning 01 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.06 | 9:14
    10M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.10 | 8:52
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Intervals 4 x 800m | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    Post Marathon Week 4 the non-running bits|Sessions To Do| Sessions Completed
    15 Minute Core | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Stretching | 4 | 0
    15 Minute Foam Rolling | 4 | 0

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    15.16 | 15.16 | 906.74 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Finding hard to find time these last few days to stay on top of this log. The weekend’s running began immediately after work on Friday. A leisurely sunny recovery run home. I was curious to see how the achilles would feel after its protests yesterday morning. It behaved well.

    M01 8:52
    M02 9:19
    M03 9:26
    M04 9:13

    Total 4.05M @ 9:12

    Week Beginning 01 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.06 | 9:14
    10M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.10 | 8:52
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.05 | 9:12
    Intervals 4 x 800m | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    19.21 | 19.21 | 910.79 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    The last time I attempted an interval session I had to pull up with a glute strain. That was back in April I think. I was looking forward to this session and feeling fairly confident about it.

    I planned to run these at 5K pace. Based on recent fast runs I reckon if I had to race a 5K tomorrow I would target 19:59. So I decide on 3:58/3:59 min/km pace for these 800 intervals. That would be 800m splits of 3:10/11. Basing these on PD VO2 sessions where a recovery time of 50% to 90% of 800m time is suggested, I’ll try run these off 2 minutes recovery (63%). Set up the session on the Garmin and head out around lunchtime.

    Saturday felt like the hottest day of the year so far. I’d already worked up a sweat by the end of my warm-up. I run the intervals around the same loop I used for my 10K time-trials.

    First interval it took a while to bring the pace down under 4:00 min/km, but once I did bring it under 4:00 it kept dropping and I completed the first 800ms in 3:04. Oops a little too fast maybe. I run my 2 mins recovery and then onto 2nd interval. This second interval was mostly downhill so even though I ran at slightly less effort I still logged another 3:04. The third interval felt more difficult and I made more of an effort to hit target pace. Lungs were being worked now. This one logs at 3:06 and I needed the full 2 minutes recovery before tackling the final 800. Proper work out on this last one. The legs feel ok, it’s the breathing that challenges and interval 4 is the slowest of the day at 3:09.

    I’m happy with how the session went, especially given the hot sun. All 4 intervals completes a little faster than target time and my lungs given a good work-out. I had planned a 10K time trial for next Saturday but I think instead I’ll do 5x800, I think this would be less demanding 5 days ahead of the Liberties 6K Race.

    I was wrecked in the afternoon, I think the sun got to me.

    Warm-up 1.97M @ 9:29

    Interval 1 3:04 (3:51 min/km, 6:12 min/mile)
    Interval 2 3:04 (3:51 min/km, 6:11 min/mile)
    Interval 3 3:06 (3:54 min/km, 6:16 min/mile)
    Interval 4 3:09 (3:56 min/km, 6:20 min/mile)

    Average interval = 3:06 (3:53 min/km, 6:15 min/mile)
    Average recovery pace = (5:05 min/km, 8:11 min/mile)

    Cool-down 2.95M @ 8:48

    Week Beginning 01 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.06 | 9:14
    10M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.10 | 8:52
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.05 | 9:12
    Intervals 4 x 800m | 7.89 miles | average interval 3:54 min/km, 6:15 min/mile
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    27.10 | 27.10 | 918.68 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    The hottest run of the year was followed less than 24 hours later by the most hhumid run of the year. Sweated buckets over 2 laps of the Park. I wasn't looking forward to this and reluctantly headed out just gone 9am. Then when I realized that my legs weren't aching or twinging I felt more enthusiastic about the run and enjoyed ticking off the miles. Pace felt comfortable the whole way round.

    Wore my CCM13 top for this one, I think it and the CCM11 top are the two best tops I've picked up from a race. Might try buy some more of these.

    Happy to have completed 40+ miles this week.

    M01 8:55
    M02 8:40
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:50
    M05 8:38
    M06 9:03
    M07 9:05
    M08 9:06
    M09 8:56
    M10 8:34
    M11 8:28
    M12 8:57
    M13 8:51
    M14 8:51

    Total 14.07 @ 8:50

    Week Beginning 01 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.06 | 9:14
    10M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.10 | 8:52
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.05 | 9:12
    Intervals 4 x 800m | 7.89 miles | average interval 3:54 min/km, 6:15 min/mile
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.07 | 8:50

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    41.17 | 41.17 | 932.74 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Man it was hot yesterday.

    Little outforarun is fighting an infection at the moment, so I was up in the early hours and not managing much sleep. Tuesday morning’s run was postponed until Tuesday evening and became a run home from work run. My legs felt really heavy and ached for the first half of this. I don’t think sitting at desk for 8 odd hours prior to a run is conducive to a light and supple stride. Felt baked as I sweated along the canal. Still I'm determined to enjoy this heat and not complain about it, there were far too many wet, windy and chilly runs in the first half of the year.

    More disrupted sleep last night meant this morning’s planned 8 mile general aerobic has been postponed until tomorrow morning.

    M01 9:12
    M02 9:09
    M03 9:24
    M04 9:13
    M05 9:22

    Total 5.04 @ 9:17

    Week Beginning 08 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace | Core / Stretching | C/S Done
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:17 | n/a | n/a
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | | | 15/15 mins |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | | | 15/15 mins |
    Intervals 5 x 800m | | | 15/15 mins |
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | | | 15/15 mins |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    5.04 | 46.21 | 937.78 |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Been a bit of a crazy week. Trips to doctors and clinics but good news is that little outforarun is on the mend and the fevers are gone.

    Thursday 8 Miles General Aerobic
    I stayed at home from work Thursday to look after the patient. Managed to get out in the evening once Mrs outforarun got back from work. A simple run up Chesterfield to Castleknock Gate and back. Proper summer. On the run down from Castleknock I went off-road and ran the trail under cover of trees. This was much cooler than running on the cycle path. I associate this trail with my first casual runs back in 2009, haven't run here in a long time. Sweated buckets. Legs felt ok, improved from earlier in the week. Did core and stretches around midnight.

    Mile splits: 9:07, 9:24, 9:11, 9:02, 9:06, 8:56, 8:35, 8:55

    Total 8.09M @ 9:02

    Friday 4 Miles Recovery DNS
    Trip to GP, home with little outforarun, she got the ok this morning to travel to Italy this evening. I worked from home in the afternoon, lots to catch-up on. Then plumbing issues in our complex to sort out, then a mate arrives from Cork and it's time to head to Iveagh Gardens for a summer evening concert (Tallest Man on Earth). The 4 mile recovery never stood a chance.

    Saturday 5x800 at 5K pace of 2 minutes recovery
    Got out for this one around lunchtime - mad dogs and runners. Baking as I trot up to the Phoenix roundabout. Legs feeling weary. Not looking forward to these. My target pace is 3:58/3:59 min/km for intervals of 3:10 or 3:11 and I promise myself not to go silly trying to push any harder than that.

    First interval is surprisingly easy. I love overtaking cyclists. Ease up a little over last 200ms and log a 3:11, perfect.

    Second interval is also ok, but I reckon the heat will be a factor later. This interval is mostly downhill so I'm not worried about logging a 3:05, the effort is constant.

    Third interval is tricky. I find the last 200ms difficult. I'm also noticing that 2 minutes recovery isn't allowing me to recover as well as it did last week. Another 3:11.

    Feeling less recovered going into each new interval. Fourth mostly uphill interval is the toughest of the day. Lungs are working and the heat is energy sapping. 3:11.

    Final interval I find some new energy just cause it's the last one and because it's mostly downhill. Log a 3:09. Delighted to be finished these. Take shelter under the trees on my cool down. I'd buy sun-cream but I know that as soon as I do that the summer will end.

    Warm-up 1.97M @ 9:38

    Interval 1 3:11 (3:59 min/km, 6:25 min/mile)
    Interval 2 3:05 (3:52 min/km, 6:13 min/mile)
    Interval 3 3:11 (4:00 min/km, 6:26 min/mile)
    Interval 4 3:11 (4:00 min/km, 6:26 min/mile)
    Interval 5 3:09 (3:57 min/km, 6:21 min/mile)

    Average interval = 3:09 (3:57 min/km, 6:22 min/mile)
    Average recovery pace = (5:22 min/km, 8:39 min/mile)

    Cool-down 2.22M @ 9:10

    Sunday LSR 16 Miles
    Walked to town and got the first bus to Howth. A few stretches by the pier. Then time to run home. I run around the head clockwise. Just as well that climb out of Howth Village is at the start of the run and not the end of the run. Got a shout out for my top (CCM13) by a cyclist after Howth Summit. The road back down to Sutton is longer than I'd remembered it being. As soon as I get back to sea-level and turn toward town the sun starts to burn off the cloud cover and the temperature rises.

    Looking back at Howth Head from Bull Island you really get an appreciation of the distance you cover, and that's only 7 or 8 miles. Turn left at East Point and head for the O2. This is the hottest part of the run, no breeze just concrete sun-traps all round. Feeling a bit tired as I head along the river toward Customs House. I'm running this on empty and haven't brought any gels. I'm nursing the last 50mls of water in my bottle. Horrible stretch down along the Luas line to Heuston, with hard cobbles underfoot.

    Continue on to the Hilton and turn home. Roasted. the pier in Howth seems a long time ago. It's funny how 16 miles from Howth to Kilmainham feels like a longer distance than 16 miles lapping the Park. Legs feel good, considering the heat, the concrete stretches and the intervals from yesterday. A good weekend's running.

    M01 9:44
    M02 9:27
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:47
    M05 8:33
    M06 8:48
    M07 8:47
    M08 8:37
    M09 8:41
    M10 8:38
    M11 8:40
    M12 8:43
    M13 8:49
    M14 8:34
    M15 8:55
    M16 8:46

    Total 16.28M @ 8:49

    Week Beginning 08 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace | Core / Stretching | C/S Done
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.04 | 9:17 | n/a | n/a
    8M General Aerobic @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.09 | 9:02 | 15/15 mins | 15/15 mins
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | DNS | DNS | 15/15 mins | 0/0 mins
    Intervals 5 x 800m | 7.84 miles | average interval 3:57 min/km, 6:22 min/mile | 15/15 mins | 0/0 mins
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 16.28 | 8:49 | 15/15 mins |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    37.24 | 78.41 | 969.98 |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tuesday General Aerobic 10 Miles
    With The Liberties Race on Thursday I brought this forward a day from Wednesday. I’d taken the day off work and just lounged about the house in the morning waiting for the motivation to get out for 10 miles. Around lunchtime I gave up waiting and just headed out. An always humid and a sometimes sunny meander around Phoenix. I don’t often run consecutive double digit mile runs and I could feel the legs were still tired from Sunday’s Howth run. Still completed this comfortably.

    M01 9:51
    M02 9:20
    M03 9:07
    M04 9:00
    M05 9:00
    M06 9:08
    M07 8:43
    M08 9:06
    M09 8:48
    M10 8:53

    Total 10.14M @ 9:05

    Wednesday Recovery 4 Miles
    Got out yesterday evening for this. If I run from home into the Park via Island-Bridge gate, up the Kyber then down to the bottom of Acres and along the playing fields back onto Military Road by the fort, then home again via Island Gate, it brings up 4 miles pretty much spot-on. Best 4 mile loop available to me I think. The park was bustling last night, a proper warm summer’s evening: runners, cyclists, boot-campers, footballers. Playtime for everyone. If only we were guaranteed this every year. Hard to imagine running with more than a t-shirt on top. The pace was recovery but I was sweating all the same. Lovely relaxing run, even if the legs felt a little stiff and a little sore.

    M01 9:25
    M02 9:14
    M03 9:06
    M04 9:09

    Total 4.02M @ 9:14

    Tonight’s Race
    I hope it won’t be scorching or humid. It’s a 19:45 start but these days that doesn’t mean cool and fresh. The race is 6K (or thereabouts – the distance isn’t mentioned on the race posters, hmmmm). I’d be happy to run it at a pace slightly faster than the 4:05 min/km I managed for the 5-Miler in the Park last month. Plan is to try hold 4:05 pace for 5K and then see how much I can push over the last 1K. So if it’s really 6K then I’d hope for a sub 24:30.

    Will be travelling to Italy at the weekend and could be hiking Sunday so i'm not sure yet what will happen run wise this weekend.

    Week Beginning 15 July Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.14 | 9:05
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:14
    Liberties Fun Run 6K @ <4:05 min/km (<6:34 min/mile) | |
    TBC | |
    TBC | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    14.16 | 92.57 | 984.14 |
