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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thursday 24 October

    Out for 4 recovery pace miles at the end of a work-from-home day. Expected the legs to be a bit stiff, instead they were full of bounce. Run over to Inchicore back past Richmond Park and down the SCR to Jame's. Down the Luas track by Heuston and back home via the Hilton. Lovely.

    M01 9:03
    M02 9:32
    M03 8:55
    M04 9:17

    Total 4.01M @ 9:12

    Saturday 26 October

    Was heading out for lunch this Saturday so ran this one a bit earlier in the day than usual. It still feels quite close to last Sunday's 10K effort, so nothing too speedy on the menu today, just enough to keep any cobwebs at bay. My standard 8 mile with 4 at PMP involves running from home to Islandbridge Gate then deciding on a clockwise or anticlockwise lap of the park, before running back out Islandbridge Gate and home. Clockwise today. The PMP section starts just as I head down toward Chapelizod Gate so it's easy to find PMP pace. Today's middle 4 miles didn't feel as comfortable as normal, I'm putting this down to the approx 2 hours sleep I got last night (little one had earache). That said I had to apply the brakes on the final PMP mile. Nice 2 mile easy home. Passed quite a few groups of runners this morning, stretching their legs on last time ahead of Monday.

    2.01M @ 9:06
    4.12M @ 7:50
    1.90M @ 8:35

    Total 8.03M @ 8:20

    Sunday 27 October

    Enjoyed the extra hour in bed last night. Up fresh and ready for my Sunday morning 14 miler. I think I going to set 14 miles as my minimum distance for my Sunday LSRs, I really like the route and the way it has very different sections, an urban lap to start with, transition across to the Park via Ballyfermot and Chapelizod. A climb in the Park that continues up Tower Road, then back into the Park for a leisurely descent down North Road and Acres Road, back out by Heuston and home.

    Very few runners out this morning and I have the roads mostly to myself. I'm well wrapped up with running jacket over warm longsleeved top. The sun is out, but the air isn't very warm and there is a strong wind blowing. Takeaway the wind and you'd have ideal conditions for tomorrow morning.

    Run went well. Legs felt good the whole way round. Great way to start the day.

    M01 8:58
    M02 8:34
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:54
    M05 8:59
    M06 9:04
    M07 9:00
    M08 9:11
    M09 8:36
    M10 8:37
    M11 9:05
    M12 9:03
    M13 8:50
    M14 8:51

    Total 14.12M @ 8:53

    Week Beginning 21 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 7M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 7.38 | 9:13
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.07 | 8:56
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.01 | 9:12
    PMP 8M with 4M @ 7:5X | 8.03 | 8:20 with 4M @ 7:50
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.12 | 8:53

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    41.59 | 138.55 | 1470.41|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Just signed up for the Dublin Run in the Dark 10K on November 13th. Sub 40, take 2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Up and out at a reasonable 7:10am this morning for 4 recovery pace miles.
    First mile slower than target, next three miles faster than target pace. But it mostly felt like recovery pace. Chilly out there this morning, I’d say the gloves will be getting a look-in before too long.

    Not looking forward to next Friday – I’ve been roped into a 5-a-side game after work. I’ll run recovery pace to the pitch and recovery pace home afterwards for what should be 5/6 miles in total. Hoping I get through the football unscathed.

    M01 9:40
    M02 8:23
    M03 8:26
    M04 9:02

    Total 4.00 @ 8:53

    Week Beginning 28 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.00 | 8:53
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 5/6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    TBC (see how legs are after 5-a-side) | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    4.00 | 142.55 | 1474.41|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Very poor pacing this morning; not helped by the Garmin measuring the first mile incorrectly.

    Laps of the neighbourhood. I checked average pace after lap 1 (3.4M) it showed 9:10 pace, grand. After lap 2 it had dropped to 8:55 pace, oops. Told myself to slow down for the third and slightly shorter lap. After 2 minutes though I was day-dreaming and forgot all about slowing down. Checking splits afterwards I see that not one of the 10 miles fell inside target pace.

    Warm out there this morning, or at least it wasn’t cold. Finding it easier to get out for the early runs because I can lie-in an extra hour while we have family staying, so on the road 6:15ish instead of 5:15ish. Plus it’s brighter, I got to run through sunrise again.

    If the legs don't feel up to doing anything speedy on Saturday (after Friday evening 5-a-side) then I might throw a bunch of PMP miles into Sunday's LSR, 16 with 10 @ PMP maybe.

    M01 10;24
    M02 08:53
    M03 08:24
    M04 08:42
    M05 08:47
    M06 08:24
    M07 08:47
    M08 08:24
    M09 08:43
    M10 08:44

    Total 10.05M @ 8:49

    Week Beginning 28 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.00 | 8:53
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.05 | 8:49
    Recovery 5/6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    TBC (see how legs are after 5-a-side) | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    14.05 | 152.60 | 1484.46|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Survived 5-a-side in one piece Friday night. I ran from the office at easy pace to the pitches off Serpentine Avenue. Played for 45 minutes. Thought I’d pulled left glute after 2 or 3 minutes but it turned out to be a false alarm. After the game I ran the 4 miles home at a very cautious recovery pace. Calves felt very tight for the first half mile or so and I could feel slight twinges around groin.

    1.95M @ 8:52
    4.07M @ 9:28

    Total 6.01M @ 9:17

    Week Beginning 28 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.00 | 8:53
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.05 | 8:49
    Recovery 5/6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.01 | 9:17
    TBC (see how legs are after 5-a-side) | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    20.06 | 6.01 | 1490.47|

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Legs felt a bit creaky Saturday morning so I knocked any ideas of speed sessions on the head. I’d just do a take it handy lap of the Park and clock up 8 General Aerobic miles.

    Wrapped up well for this one including gloves. Sun, rain and wind keeping ne company. Could feel groin protesting a little at the start but after a mile or two it had settled down. The pace was creeping up and rather than decide to ‘just go with it’, I decided instead to put the brakes on and stay inside target pace. I really felt like speeding up but resisted, enjoyed tipping around effortlessly and was happy to come home in target.

    Sunday’s plan was for 16 miles with the last 10 at PMP, so I wanted to conserve energy and feel fresh ahead of it.

    M01 9:08
    M02 8:48
    M03 9:08
    M04 8:55
    M05 9:10
    M06 9:04
    M07 9:04
    M08 9:22

    Total 8.04M @ 9:05

    Week Beginning 28 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.00 | 8:53
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.05 | 8:49
    Recovery 5/6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.01 | 9:17
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:05
    LSR 16M with 10M @ PMP 7:5X | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    28.10 | 14.05 | 1498.51|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    After Saturday’s restraint I went a bit crazy on Sunday.

    Wrapped up well again for this one. Setting off at a reasonable 9:00am. Sunny skies but some strong winds out. The plan was for 16 miles, the first 6 at usual LSR pace (8:45 to 9:00) and then the last 10 at a sub 3:30 marathon pace of 7:5X. It’s funny how sometimes 6 miles can feel like it’s taking forever but when those 6 miles are just the precursor to the hard part of a run, they pass in the blink of an eye. Stuck with my new Sunday route : Kilmainham, Inchicore, SCR, Heuston, Ballyfermot, Chapelizod Gate to Knockmaroon Gate, Tower Road, White’s Road, North Road to Phoenix down Acres round the S-bends, out ParkGate and home. Plus an extra loop from the Phoenix up Chesterfield and back to the Phoenix via North Road, to add 2 extra miles.

    The 10 PMP miles start shortly after entering the Park at Chapelizod. So the first 2 miles of PMP are pretty much all uphill. I decide to try keep 7:5X showing right from the start and not let it drift to 8:0X on the climb. I push up Tower Road and as turn onto White’s Road the average pace is reading 7:50. The worst of the hills behind me. I ease of the effort just a little but all the same the pace starts to increase and moves into the 7:4Xs. So be it. As the miles tick by the pace continues to increase, despite the half ascent of Chesterfield. But I feel good. Breathing is absolutely fine, legs are a bit sore but I think some of that is a legacy from Friday’s footie.

    As I head down Acre’s Road (and into a strong crosswind) the pace drops into the 7:3Xs. I decide I’d try hold average pace in the 7:3Xs till the end of the run. Nice sweat built up now. The pace continues to get faster, I don’t have mile splits as I switched of auto lap ahead of this run, but I reckon I must have been logging some sub 7:30 miles.

    I finish the 10 miles ‘PMP’ with an average of 7:33. Could I have continued on? Yes. Was I happy to finish? Yes. Not quite sure what to make of this run, not quite sure if it was wise to speed up like I did. Enjoyed it though and I reckon I would have finished feeling fresh if I’d stuck to 7:5X for the 10 miles.

    06.01M @ 8:57 (1500 miles for the year :))
    10.11M @ 7:33

    Total 16.13 @ 8:04

    Week Beginning 28 October Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.00 | 8:53
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.05 | 8:49
    Recovery 5/6M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 6.01 | 9:17
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.04 | 9:05
    LSR 16M with 10M @ PMP 7:5X | 16.13 | 8:04 (with 10M @ 7:33)

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    44.23 | 30.18 | 1514.64|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    A ‘taper’ week began this morning. Out for 4 recovery pace miles before work. Groin protesting a tiny bit for the first mile or so, definitely thanks to 5-a-side.

    I need to figure out my plan for this week given that I have a Wednesday night race on 13 November. I haven’t run at anything faster than 7:3X pace since the Rebel Run in Cork last month. I do want to work the legs at 5K or 10K pace at least once before Wednesday’s race. I’ll probably do something fast on Saturday, either 4x800 (as opposed to 5x800) at 5K pace. Or maybe do 3K at 5K pace. (current 5K pace is around 3:50 to 3:52 min/km)
    Sunday I’ll reduce the length of my LSR, maybe down to 10 or even just 8 miles. I’ll see.

    M01 9:50
    M02 9:06
    M03 9:07
    M04 8:57

    Total 4.02 @ 9:16

    Week Beginning 04 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:16
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    4x800 or 3K @ 5K pace (tbc) | |
    LSR 8M or 10M (tbc) | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    4.02 | 34.20 | 1518.66|

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss

    I finish the 10 miles ‘PMP’ with an average of 7:33. Could I have continued on? Yes. Was I happy to finish? Yes. Not quite sure what to make of this run, not quite sure if it was wise to speed up like I did. Enjoyed it though

    that's why we run isn't it? :pac: No harm spicing things up now and then and unleashing a bit extra. You don't use a heart monitor do you? Would have been interesting to see if your heart rate stayed with the MP recommended zones for your spiced up PMP section, usually between 82% - 88% of HR Max. If so, there'd be an argument to upwardly adjust your usual MP pace permanently to circa 7.30s, indicating more of 3.20 level. Sounds to me like your making good steady progress and your at that level already, (the near sub 40 for the recent 10k being another indicator)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »

    I need to figure out my plan for this week given that I have a Wednesday night race on 13 November. I haven’t run at anything faster than 7:3X pace since the Rebel Run in Cork last month. I do want to work the legs at 5K or 10K pace at least once before Wednesday’s race. I’ll probably do something fast on Saturday, either 4x800 (as opposed to 5x800) at 5K pace. Or maybe do 3K at 5K pace. (current 5K pace is around 3:50 to 3:52 min/km)
    Sunday I’ll reduce the length of my LSR, maybe down to 10 or even just 8 miles. I’ll see.

    This link gives the "ideal" workouts to do during race week.
    I reference it a lot.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    statss wrote: »
    that's why we run isn't it? :pac: No harm spicing things up now and then and unleashing a bit extra. You don't use a heart monitor do you? Would have been interesting to see if your heart rate stayed with the MP recommended zones for your spiced up PMP section, usually between 82% - 88% of HR Max. If so, there'd be an argument to upwardly adjust your usual MP pace permanently to circa 7.30s, indicating more of 3.20 level. Sounds to me like your making good steady progress and your at that level already, (the near sub 40 for the recent 10k being another indicator)

    Hi statss, no I don't use a heart monitor, I do have one though. I might be curious to throw it on one day just to see what figures it gives me. I'm happy to train against paces rather than HR.

    I have shaky confidence over 26.2 miles. The number one goal next year is to crack 3:30 and get my marathon time closer in line with my times over other distances. Right now I'd sign for 3:29:59.99. The next step will be 3:19:59. But that second goal may change, especially if I feel 'comfortable' breaking 3:30. I'm placing a lot of hope in the 1700+ miles I hope to bank by year-end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    This link gives the "ideal" workouts to do during race week.
    I reference it a lot.

    Nice link.

    I think I might give the 3x1M @ 10K pace a shot on Saturday, off 2:30 recovery. I've never done 1M intervals before. I see they don't propose any double digit mile runs in the 6 days before a 10K, so I might go with 8M on Sunday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »
    Nice link.

    I think I might give the 3x1M @ 10K pace a shot on Saturday, off 2:30 recovery. I've never done 1M intervals before. I see they don't propose any double digit mile runs in the 6 days before a 10K, so I might go with 8M on Sunday.

    The general opinion is to take 50% recovery time - so either an 800m jog or take the full 3:00 mins (providing its 6:00 min miles).
    2:30 rec might be too little so close to a race if you haven't done mile reps before.
    Just my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    The general opinion is to take 50% recovery time - so either an 800m jog or take the full 3:00 mins (providing its 6:00 min miles).
    2:30 rec might be too little so close to a race if you haven't done mile reps before.
    Just my opinion.

    Thanks again, that makes sense. I saw 2:00 to 3:00 recovery recommended and just thought split the difference. A safe 3:00 mins it is then (mile reps will be 6:20 to 6:25).

    Nice one. Thanks for sorting out my weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Back to the early runs this morning. On the road at 5:31 for 8 general aerobic miles. Clear skies but not very cold, perfect conditions really. There’s a big difference between traffic at 5:30 and traffic at 6:30. Roads to myself for the first 45 minutes or so. Checked average pace after lap 1 and it’s 9:05. After lap 2 it had increased to 8:53 pace. Lap 3 is shorter so I didn’t have enough road to get the pace back down over 9:00. Legs feeling good.

    M01 9:44
    M02 8:57
    M03 8:23
    M04 8:59
    M05 8:34
    M06 8:54
    M07 8:43
    M08 9:16

    Total 8.19 @ 8:57

    Week Beginning 04 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:16
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.19 | 8:57
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    4x800 or 3K @ 5K pace (tbc) | |
    LSR 8M or 10M (tbc) | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    12.21 | 42.39 | 1526.85|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    outforarun wrote: »
    Thanks again, that makes sense. I saw 2:00 to 3:00 recovery recommended and just thought split the difference. A safe 3:00 mins it is then (mile reps will be 6:20 to 6:25).

    Nice one. Thanks for sorting out my weekend :)

    Still not 100% decided on this. Part of me is thinking running 3 miles at race pace (even if it is split into intervals) might be too much with just three full days between it and race day. I'm edging back to maybe 3K at 5K pace. Then again, it's probably much of a muchness.

    By the way, good to see you back on the road. I like your strides session, might try that myself, neat that it's done in more or less a lap of the 15 acres.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    yep - you are right.

    The article says that the 3x1 mile is 5 days before race day.
    I even think 3k at race pace is too much - you wont get any benefit on this on race day as these adaptations take longer to become effective in the body.

    Shorter sessions like strides or a set of 200 intervals fire the fast twitch fibres within 2 days.

    If it were me I'd do a set of 200's or 300's at most.

    But go with whatever you feel comfortable with - Its good to find out what suits your body better on race week - to do this you have to make some wrong choices sometimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    But go with whatever you feel comfortable with - Its good to find out what suits your body better on race week - to do this you have to make some wrong choices sometimes.

    Stoopid 5-a-side. If I hadn't been press-ganged into playing last Friday I would have gone out Saturday and completed a carefree speed session. I'm going to risk 3K at 10K pace. Whatever the pros and cons for the legs, it's really just to get a little shot of confidence before race day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Out early this morning for 5 more keep the legs moving recovery pace miles. Stars were out. Slow start (or was it the Garmin struggling to find me) and I just gradually brought the average pace down into target pace range.

    M01 10:19
    M02 09:21
    M03 09:00
    M04 09:26
    M05 09:18

    Total 5.03M @ 9:28

    Week Beginning 04 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:16
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.19 | 8:57
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.03 | 9:28
    3K @ 10K pace | |
    LSR 8M | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    17.24 | 47.42 | 1531.88|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Over to the Park Saturday lunchtime for a little bit of speedwork. I'd been looking forward to this one, almost three weeks since I ran at 10K pace. 2 miles warm-up then the plan was for just 3K at 10K pace. I reckon I should recover from a fast 3K (it's not even 2 miles) between Saturday afternoon and Wednesday evening. Targeting 3:57 min/km pace [6:21 min/mile].

    First K I find my pace, feels just a little tougher than I'd hoped it would feel, but it is mostly uphill and there is a wind against me. First K is 3:56 [6:20 min/mile]. For the second K I finish the run up North Road and start down Chesterfield. Pace picks up and leg stride increases. Legs feel ok but it's the breathing that I notice the most, lungs haven't been worked in a while. Second K is 3:47 min/km [6:05 min/mile]. Too fast but sure I'm on a downhill now. Third K runs all along Chesterfield. A half-hearted attempt to slow down doesn't really succeed and I log the final K at 3:49 min/km [6:08 min/mile].

    Total average pace is 3:50 min/km [6:10 min/mile]. So much more like 5K pace than 10K pace :rolleyes: I should have known.

    Anyway, happy with the legs, not so happy with the lungs. Glad though to have hit this speed ahead of Wednesday evening.

    Warm-up 1.97M @ 9:11

    KM1 3:56 [6:20 min/mile]
    KM2 3:47 [6:05 min/mile]
    KM3 3:49 [6:08 min/mile]

    Total 3.02K @ 3:50 [6:10 min/mile]

    Cool-down 1.93M @ 8:39

    As I've taken Monday off work, I postponed Sunday morning's run until today, I'll get out later.

    Week Beginning 04 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:16
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.19 | 8:57
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.03 | 9:28
    3K @ 10K pace | 3.02 | 3:50 [6:10 min/mile]
    LSR 8M | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    23.02 | 53.20 | 1537.66|

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I'm doing my utmost to sabotage tomorrow evening's race: running arguably too fast last Saturday, not getting out for 4 recovery miles this morning, just back from 2 pints this evening and contemplating 2 miles in the morning before work.

    Monday mid-morning I went for 8 windy mostly overcast LSR pace miles, to the park, one clockwise lap and home. Legs felt stiff and heavy for the first half of this one, but had loosened up nicely by the end. For only the second time ever I ran outside with head-phones. I needed to take my phone with me so I thought why not. Listened to a back-episode of Marathon Talk, I'm slowly slowly working through the archives.

    Don't know what happened last night, body just decided I was going to get some sleep. I remember watching the 9 o'clock news and then next thing I know it's 6 am. I felt super refreshed but didn't want to break the spell and so stayed in bed instead of heading out for 4 recovery pace miles. I'm really thinking about 2 miles in the morning just to keep the legs awake.

    M01 8:54
    M02 8:45
    M03 8:37
    M04 8:47
    M05 8:36
    M06 8:34
    M07 8:56
    M08 9:11

    Total 8.03M @ 8:47

    Week Beginning 04 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 9:16
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.19 | 8:57
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.03 | 9:28
    3K @ 10K pace | 3.02 | 3:50 [6:10 min/mile]
    LSR 8M (run on Monday 11th) | 8.03 | 8:47

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    31.05 | 61.23 | 1545.69|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    I thought that this would be congested and windy. I was right, it was all that and worse, it was short. (Well I measured it as 9.93K as did a friend of a friend who finished 20 seconds or so ahead of me. I've never had a race measure short before on the Garmin).

    Beforehand something had been bugging me about the race route, especially the fact that the 5K and 10K would finish under the same finish chute. I figured out what it was while I was running home. The 5K route was one lap plus the finishing straight. The 10K route was 2 laps plus the same finishing straight. So say for argument's sake a lap measures 4.9K and the finishing straight measures 0.1K. The 5K route would be spot-on, but the 10K would have to be short (4.9+4.9+0.1) = 9.9. Either the 5K was going to be too long or the 10K was going to be to short. One set of runners was going to be unhappy. If I'm overlooking something please let me know.

    Farce from the start really.

    I arrived early and the first pen was marked for Sub 40:00 10K runners and sub 25:00 5K runners :confused:

    The start was delayed due to 'traffic' reasons. I guess this was outside the organizers control. We're waiting for the race to get under way and trying to stay warm and in amongst the the first rows is a big group of teenagers in heavy tracksuits dancing in a circle. There's a guy on the PA gantry just metres away from them but instead of advising people to respect the pens he's more interested in starting a Mexican wave. Then on the PA they announce that some runners will be starting soon and after that there'll be a 6 minute warm-up!! Confused looks from me and the other sardines.

    Eventually we do get underway and happily and surprisingly there was very little congestion. The pace felt hard for the first K. I think because we'd been standing around for so long. Plus the first stretch along the river was into the wind. It was windy tonight whenever we were running towards town but the wind wasn't too strong. The second and third K we had the wind at our backs and I was relatively comfortable travelling at an average pace of 3:55 min/km [6:18 min/mile]. Then we turned back into the wind and I could feel the pace dropping. It was feeling harder now and I was getting a bit concerned about whether or not I would be able to hold the pace. I needn't have been concerned, the discomfort levels, for the effort I was putting in, would hold steady for most of the rest of the race. This is one of the positives I take from the night. I went through 5K in 19:48 on the Garmin.

    The real farce started on the second lap. Gradually the road was getting busier and busier and busier. We were running into the back of the 5K field and starting to lap the slower 10K runners. At first it was manageable and provided some distraction from the race effort. I picked out two or three 10K runners that were travelling at my pace and we just started weaving our way through the back markers. Some shrieking as we ran past. The average pace was showing as 3:58 min/km [6:23 min/mile]. Back into the wind. It was becoming impossible to look at the Garmin now though because I had to concentrate on not hitting somebody in front.

    The last 1500 meters were ridiculous. All focus on pace was gone. Now it was all about dodging slow runners. The road was impassable at one point and me and the other 2nd lap 10Kers tried to find room on the cycle path. We were hitting elbows now. Weaving left and right, looking for gaps. We turned back toward Hanover Quay. More elbows being hit. It was pointless to shout 'Passing on the right, or passing on the left" I started shouting "Coming Through!!". Onto the last straight I moved to the left hand side of the road trying to find some space. I had to stop for a moment in order to avoid a car that was parked just about a foot onto the road, normally not a problem but when the rest of the road is full.

    No sprint finish, it was just impossible.

    I look at my watch and see 39:35 :)
    Then I see 9.93K :( :mad:

    Maybe it's just my watch. Then I see my friend's friend (same one from Rebel Run) and he also was shaking he's head at a short course.


    I reckon I had the sub 40. I reckon it was short by 70 to 100 metres. I think I would have covered 100ms in 24 seconds with a sprint finish. Plus I lost a load of seconds over the last 1.5K.

    Run in the Dark never again. Easily the worse organized race I have ever attended. I should have known better.

    For what they're worth here are my splits:

    KM01 3:56 [6:19 min/mile]
    KM02 4:00 [6:26 min/mile]
    KM03 3:49 [6:09 min/mile]
    KM04 4:04 [6:32 min/mile]
    KM05 3:59 [6:25 min/mile]
    KM06 4:02 [6:29 min/mile]
    KM07 3:58 [6:22 min/mile]
    KM08 3:57 [6:21 min/mile]
    KM09 4:04 [6:33 min/mile]
    K9.93 4:05 [6:34 min/mile]

    Total 9.93K @ 3:59 [6:25 min/mile]

    Warm-up 1.57M @ 9:06
    Cool down to Office 1.38M @ 9:18
    Cool down to Home 2.20M @ 9:38

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss

    actually feel my blood boiling reading that, how annoying for you. best to stick to the club races probably, I resolved to do as much in the main after a similar pretty annoying 2lap 10k last December. On the plus side you have the sub 40 nailed - well done - very impressive splits. I think I read the Clontarf Half is giving a split time for 10k if that's any interest to you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I think its frustrating for you that this happened, given the training that you put into it and the passion that you obviously had for running a strong race.

    Maybe this charity race wasn't the environment to do this, as Statss says, sticking to club races maybe the best bet??

    Part of me gets annoyed that race organisers would let the runners & Mark Pollock down by a badly organized race that drags the charity that he works for down and creates an environment that people may choose not to support again.

    From your perspective - it was a great run, well done - short course aside - getting that time with the bobbing and weaving - at the next 10k you do, you'll blast it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    Couldn't agree more. The congestion was at times just dangerous. I know it's a constant gripe but headphone wearing runners have no place in races. The time lost in the the congestion more than made up for the possibly short course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    statss wrote: »
    actually feel my blood boiling reading that, how annoying for you. best to stick to the club races probably, I resolved to do as much in the main after a similar pretty annoying 2lap 10k last December. On the plus side you have the sub 40 nailed - well done - very impressive splits. I think I read the Clontarf Half is giving a split time for 10k if that's any interest to you.

    Sticking to the club races is the way to go alright. The Blessington 10K back in September was just exemplary. I had my suspicions about last night's race beforehand and I really should have known better. Thanks for the heads up about the Clontarf Half and the 10K split, probably will give the Half a miss though. Might give the 5 Mile a shot. I'll have a look around though see if I can spot any other 10Ks before year-end. I'm going to Milan for the first week in December so I'll have a look there as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Maybe this charity race wasn't the environment to do this, as Statss says, sticking to club races maybe the best bet??

    Definitely not this charity race.

    Part of me gets annoyed that race organisers would let the runners & Mark Pollock down by a badly organized race that drags the charity that he works for down and creates an environment that people may choose not to support again.

    I was thinking the same thing. Now if it had been an 'all proceeds to charity' event then you'd be willing to ignore the poor organization and continue to support future events. Profit and charity aren't always the best bedfellows.
    From your perspective - it was a great run, well done - short course aside - getting that time with the bobbing and weaving - at the next 10k you do, you'll blast it.

    Thanks. I'm hoping to get a 10K in before training for Cork begins. Failing that, I was planning on adding 2 weeks to P&D's 55M plan. These two weeks would be a buffer for injury, illness, etc, or they could be used to accommodate a shorter race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    The course measured even shorter for me: 9.91km according to my Garmin.

    I did hear that the 5km finish time was measured somewhere before the actual chute, that would allow for both distances to be "accurate".

    Me and 2 buddies arrived reasonably on time but spend ages dropping off our bags. As a result, we ended up 3 quarters down the field at the start. We could not hear any of the announcements and were just getting very cold. I think we eventually got going about 30 minutes late.

    The first lap was so busy with slower runners/walkers that I never managed to check my watch even once. The second lap was better at the start, but towards the end, we got the back of the field again - per your description. The narrow streets, roadworks, and parked cars, and all that in the dark - I am surprised there were no accidents (at least, I didn't see any).

    My aim was to be sub-50 and despite it all, I managed 48.37 on a short course, so that'll do. Your time and splits are very impressive considering, well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    nop98 wrote: »
    The course measured even shorter for me: 9.91km according to my Garmin. I did hear that the 5km finish time was measured somewhere before the actual chute, that would allow for both distances to be "accurate".

    You are correct. Keen Runner has explained on the event thread (this was in a race email): "5k runners will do one full lap and finish at Grand canal plaza - you will be timed at the 5k point (corner of Blood Stoney road and Hanover Quay) and complete through the finish line gantry. (5.165k)."

    All the same the distances people have reported for the 10K from the night have ranged from 9.84 to 9.93.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,855 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Nothing worst than a short race. Only thing to do is spread the word and don't attend again.

    Go for a 5k pb in the Jingle bells race.
