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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    outforarun wrote: »
    Part of me wants to cruise home in 3:29 feeling comfortable over the last 6 miles. Another part of me wants to suffer and grind out a 3:19
    Hi ofar, fwiw I reckon you're roughly the same if not faster than where I was for barca earlier this year. I had just dipped under 40 on a slightly short 10k course and went on to do barca in 3:10 and should have gone 2 or 3 minutes quicker.
    Even talking about grinding out 3:19 I think you're seriously underestimating yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    Hi ofar, fwiw I reckon you're roughly the same if not faster than where I was for barca earlier this year. I had just dipped under 40 on a slightly short 10k course and went on to do barca in 3:10 and should have gone 2 or 3 minutes quicker.
    Even talking about grinding out 3:19 I think you're seriously underestimating yourself.

    first statss, then menoscemo and belcarra, and now neilc - the number of voices (armed with good facts and figures) is growing. Just checked in with McMillan and he has me finishing in 3:07!! (but he's never been close).

    I can detect little cracks forming in my 3:30 resolve.

    (Just signed up for Aware 10K. I'll have to knock the New Year's Day 5K on the head, pity. Must look for other 5Ks or try get over to St.Annes of a Saturday morning, would like a crack at sub 19 before Cork training starts).

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭tomred1N

    outforarun wrote: »
    first statss, then menoscemo and belcarra, and now neilc - the number of voices (armed with good facts and figures) is growing. Just checked in with McMillan and he has me finishing in 3:07!! (but he's never been close).

    I can detect little cracks forming in my 3:30 resolve.

    (Just signed up for Aware 10K. I'll have to knock the New Year's Day 5K on the head, pity. Must look for other 5Ks or try get over to St.Annes of a Saturday morning, would like a crack at sub 19 before Cork training starts).

    Been following ur log for a while ofar and was thinking few monrhs ago if u found it so hard to break 3.30 what chance had I. Ur 10k time is 3 mins better. However I went under 3.30 in dublin and definatly know there is more in the tank however as much as l like cork !! not sure i'd ever set a pb there now seeing as sub 3.20 is the next target. harder second half in cork and u have the risk of a hot day as well like this year. Anyway if I had your pace Id love to train for 3:15 ....I have to knock at least 2 mins off 10k time before I can even start to consider that so if I were u id be in no doubt. Will be following with interest

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    tomred1N wrote: »
    Been following ur log for a while ofar and was thinking few monrhs ago if u found it so hard to break 3.30 what chance had I. Ur 10k time is 3 mins better. However I went under 3.30 in dublin and definatly know there is more in the tank however as much as l like cork !! not sure i'd ever set a pb there now seeing as sub 3.20 is the next target. harder second half in cork and u have the risk of a hot day as well like this year. Anyway if I had your pace Id love to train for 3:15 ....I have to knock at least 2 mins off 10k time before I can even start to consider that so if I were u id be in no doubt. Will be following with interest

    I'm slowly slowly coming round to the idea of training for something faster than 3:30. Don't know what yet. I have some time to decide. A few weeks before my 3:35 attempt in Cork this year I ran a 10K Time Trial in 41:21. On the strength of this McMillan had me down for a 3:14 marathon. I'd ticked most of the P&D boxes. I ran 3:39: energy just fell away from mile 22. I think I didn't reap the full benefits of P&D because I missed some key sessions and because I don't think I had a good enough base beforehand. I think I'll achieve more with P&D in 2014. But it's finishing times like that 3:39 that keep my optimism in check.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    This (last) week's schedule is best forgotten. I had 101 things to do at work and 101 things to do at home before flying to Milan on Saturday morning. Never managed to get out for a run.

    Now that I'm here though there's very little stopping me from getting out every day, and at reasonable hours. I got what I hope to be an 8 day running streak underway Saturday afternoon. Great way to stretch the legs after a day's travelling.

    Plan was for 5 recovery pace miles. Went out without gloves and regretted this almost immediately. It's cold here. The legs were happy to get a run in and I gave up trying to keep recovery pace showing on the watch. Just tipped around at a leisurely easy pace.

    M01 9:07
    M02 8:59
    M03 8:49
    M04 9:01
    M05 9:05

    Total 5.49M @ 8:58

    Week Beginning 25 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.03 | 9:17
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.49 | 8:58
    Intervals 5x800 off 2:00 mins recovery, aiming for 5 sub 3:00 splits | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    9.52 | 145.35 | 1629.80|

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I'd set myself a little challenge with this session. I'd run some 800s in under 3:00mins last time out, so I thought let's try run all 5 800s in 2:XX.

    Sunday morning I wake without any alarms at a glorious 8:15 am. The little one is busy being spoilt by her grandparents. Now this is a holiday. The sun was out and the sky was blue, couldn't spot any clouds. Pottered about the house grabbing a little bit of breakfast before getting the gear on and heading out. Chilly. Brought my gloves this time. Worryingly the short stretch of road to the park was very icy and very slippy in the shade. I was ready to cancel until later in the day but when I got to the park I did a warm-up lap and was happy that it was mostly fine, one or two spots to be careful on but mostly grand.

    Warm-up out of the way and I fire into the first 800. Look at the watch after around 200ms and see 3:2X min/km [~5:30 min/mile] pace showing :eek: I put the brakes on for the rest of this 800, noting at the end that my lungs are working a little more than they normally would at the end of one 800. Hope I haven't compromised the session. Pace of the first interval is 3:38 min/km [5:51 min/mile].

    There is the slightest of slightest of slightest of slopes in this park. Heading south you are running downhill, heading north you are running uphill. At anything slower than 5K pace you wouldn't even notice, and for all intents and purposes this park is snooker table flat. But I could feel the extra effort on the second 'uphill' 800. Passed lots of Sunday morning runners as I logged 3:41 min/km [5:56 min/mile] for my second 800. That's 2 out of 5 sub 3:00 min 800s.

    The third 800 is also 'uphill'. Each time I check the Garmin the pace is in the high 3:30s or low 3:40s. I'm happy that I'll finish this interval on target but I'm starting to worry about intervals 4 and 5. Lungs are working now. I log a carbon copy of interval 2, 3:41 min/km [5:56 min/mile] another sub 3:00 min 800. I spend the first minute of recovery more or less gasping, and by the end of the second minute I've just about caught my breath.

    Fourth 800 starts pretty much at the exact same spot as the first 800. Just as I noticed the extra effort on the 'uphill' I now notice a slightly better pace for the same effort on the 'downhill'. Love shooting past runners at sub 6:00 min/mile pace. The legs are feeling it now nearly as much as the lungs. I'm willing the last 200ms to end. Thanks to the slight downhill I log a 3:40 min/km [5:53 min/mile] paced interval. 4 out of 4, c'mon just one more effort.

    The last 800 is again mostly 'uphill'. I start pretty fast in the mid 3:30s. I try to ever so slightly put on the brakes to drop it down to low 3:40s. After 400ms I'm really working and I'm wondering if I'm going to make it. Dig in. Legs are protesting, lungs are powering away. I check the Garmin with 170ms to go but I've slowed down too much, 3:44 min/km [6:00 min/mile] pace is showing. My legs and lungs are saying not today, leave it be, but my head decides otherwise and I raise the pace. Pick a point up ahead that looks around 100ms off and just power to that point. Garmin beeps and I'm thrilled to see another 3:41 min/km [5:56 min/mile] paced 800.

    Target achieved, 5 sub 3:00min 800s off 2 mins recovery. :)

    Gasping. I resist the urge to stop running at the end of my sprint finish and keep jogging the final recovery. Then a leisurely cool-down home with a little diversion to say ciao to the little one at the playground.

    Very pleased with this session. Identical average recovery pace as last time out.

    Warm-up 2.74M @ 8:31

    Interval 1 2:54 (3:38 min/km, 5:51 min/mile)
    Interval 2 2:57 (3:41 min/km, 5:56 min/mile)
    Interval 3 2:57 (3:41 min/km, 5:56 min/mile)
    Interval 4 2:55 (3:40 min/km, 5:53 min/mile)
    Interval 5 2:57 (3:41 min/km, 5:56 min/mile)

    Average interval = 2:56 (3:40 min/km, 5:54 min/mile)
    Average recovery pace = (5:09 min/km, 8:17 min/mile)

    Cool-down 1.37M @ 8:32

    Week Beginning 25 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.03 | 9:17
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.49 | 8:58
    Intervals 5x800 off 2:00 mins recovery, aiming for 5 sub 3:00 splits | 7.81M | average interval 3:40 min/km [5:54 min/mile] all sub 3:00 mins, 2:56 average
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    17.33 | 7.81 | 1637.61|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Spent most of today wandering about an enormous crafts fair in Milan. The expo complex here is just ridiculously huge. You could have an expo of RDSs inside it (345000 square metres covered + 60000 square meters open. RDS has approx 23000 square meters, including Simmonscourt complex). The place was relatively quiet in the morning but by mid afternoon it was packed with 1000s of shoppers laden down with purchases. No admission fee here, the RDS could learn something from that.

    Was pretty wrecked by the end of this. Half way through the morning I'd already decided that the 14 mile LSR would happen tomorrow morning rather than today. Plus after yesterday's efforts this was an opportunity to run recovery pace as a genuine recovery run. A rarity for me. So after a little sofa time I headed out into the fresh air for a super relaxing 4 miles in the dusk, red skies on the horizon. Runners saluting each other as we pass. Great run. Legs feel good.

    M01 8:42
    M02 9:00
    M03 8:44
    M04 8:36

    Total 4.01M @ 8:45

    Week Beginning 25 November Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.03 | 9:17
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.49 | 8:58
    Intervals 5x800 off 2:00 mins recovery, aiming for 5 sub 3:00 splits | 7.81M | average interval 3:40 min/km [5:54 min/mile] all sub 3:00 mins, 2:56 average
    LSR 14M Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.01 | 8:45

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    21.34 | 11.82 | 1641.62|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Not sure yet what shape this week is going to take. Travelling to Turin on Thursday, coming back on Friday. I hope to get 8 or 10 GA miles completed Thursday morning. I'll see.

    Around mid January I'll be starting P&D (with 2 weeks safety buffer) so my running will be regimented soon enough. With this thought in mind I ran today's LSR at whatever felt like LSR effort. The result backed up what a lot of people have been suggesting on here, that my LSRs could be run quicker than my usual 8:45 to 9:00 pace range.

    The sun was out again today. Chilly at first but it didn't take too long to warm up. 6 laps of the park were on the menu. The first lap my legs felt a little stiff but this passed. As the run progressed I watched as average pace dropped from high 8:30s into low 8:30s, into high 8:20s and into low 8:20s. The pace remained conversational throughout. I was enjoying the little heat that came off the sun and just watching the park-life. Spotted a walker out training, he was maybe 200ms ahead of me and travelling at about my pace. I was happy to keep 200ms between us, any closer and I would have felt obliged to overtake and pull away from him.

    Final average pace came out at 8:19. I felt grand.

    Picked up some running jackets in Decathlon in the afternoon (I love that store). And news from work is that I'll be travelling to France one week later than planned, so the Tom Brennan 5K is back on.

    M01 8:37
    M02 8:34
    M03 8:27
    M04 8:24
    M05 8:29
    M06 8:19
    M07 8:20
    M08 8:24
    M09 8:18
    M10 8:18
    M11 8:06
    M12 8:01
    M13 8:12
    M14 8:03

    Total 14.29 @ 8:19

    Week Beginning 02 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.29 | 8:19
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    TBC | |
    TBC | |
    3K at 5K pace @ <=3:50 min/km | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    14.29 | 26.11 | 1655.91|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Another relaxed 4 mile recovery run late this afternoon. Legs felt better today than they did for the first 4 miles of yesterday's LSR. I'm enjoying these short recovery runs, run at a time of the day that suits me best. Saw that walker again today, this time he did overtake me. He's always accompanied by an older guy on a bike.

    Train to Turin tomorrow morning. I'll see what I can manage.

    M01 9:10
    M02 9:02
    M03 8:49
    M04 8:53

    Total 4.02 @ 8:58

    Week Beginning 02 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.29 | 8:19
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 8:58
    TBC | |
    TBC | |
    3K at 5K pace @ <=3:50 min/km | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    18.31 | 30.13 | 1659.95|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Turin put an end to my plans for a 8 day running streak. Didn't manage to get out before leaving on Thursday and didn't manage to get out after coming back on Friday. Might be back in Turin in Easter and if I am I will definitely pack my runners. Spent most of Thursday walking around Turin under blue winter skies and there are some lovely running routes along the Po. Lots of runners out and I would have loved to join them for any easy run. Some really welcome tasty and strong local beers in the evening. Lots of food this week both in Milan and Turin, my 2 vegan days didn't happen this week.

    I reckon I've put on 2 kilos since arriving. So it shouldn't be a surprise that I didn't manage to hit my target today. I headed over to the park in the morning. Sun out, it's been sunny everyday since arriving. A lap of the park as warm-up. I could feel my right shin was heavy and stiff. Got me thinking that maybe Tuesday's faster than normal LSR after a hard 800 interval session the previous Sunday was not yet fully digested by my legs. I hoped that the shin stiffness would pass during today's fast 3K. It didn't.

    Right from the start of the 3K I knew it was going to be hard work. I never really got into a rhythm. Shin was stiff, footfall was flat, legs were uncooperative. The lungs weren't too bad at least that. I knew after 2K that I wasn't going to manage 3:50 [6:10 min/mile] pace or faster. I finished with an average pace of 3:52 [6:14 min/mile]. I'm not disappointed as such with the performance on the day but it has me a little worried now ahead of next Saturday's 10K.

    This week coming will be about easy and frequent running. I might knock 2 miles of my LSR on Monday (I've taken Monday off work). My diet will be back on track. Hopefully I'll be sharp enough come next Saturday morning.

    4.44K @ 5:16 [8:29]
    3.00K @ 3:52 [6:14]
    5.12K @ 5:26 [8:45]

    Total 12.55K @ 5:00
    [7.80M @ 8:03]

    Might try get out for a sneaky 4 miles tomorrow back in Dublin

    Week Beginning 02 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 14M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 14.29 | 8:19
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.02 | 8:58
    TBC | DNS | DNS
    TBC | DNS | DNS
    3K at 5K pace @ <=3:50 min/km | 12.55K | 3K @ 3:52 [6:14 min/mile]

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    26.11 | 37.93 | 1667.75|

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Sunny morning 12 miler yesterday. It is so much warmer back in Dublin than over in Milan.

    This run brought me from Kilmainham to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road and then into the Park, up Tower Road and Whites Road as usual then a lap down Ordnance and up Furze Road before rejoining my usual Sunday route along North Road. Legs were tired at the outset. The first mile was the slowest of the day, the next 4 miles were safely inside target pace and then from mile 5 onwards I was travelling comfortably about 15 seconds a mile faster than target.

    My Aware race number arrived in the post. I’m worried about this one. A week’s holiday has me feeling less sharp than I’d like. Too much good food, good beer and low mileage. My weekly schedule was been interrupted with LSRs on Tuesdays and Mondays. And last Saturday’s 3K speed session has dented my confidence a bit.

    M01 9:17
    M02 8:49
    M03 8:59
    M04 8:51
    M05 8:57
    M06 8:34
    M07 8:34
    M08 8:32
    M09 8:33
    M10 8:28
    M11 8:38
    M12 8:40

    Total 12.23M @ 8:45

    Week Beginning 09 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.23 | 8:45
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    General Aerobic 5M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Aware 10K sub 40:00 attempt | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    12.23 | 50.16 | 1679.85|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Was desperate for a run yesterday. Brought my gear to work and couldn’t wait for the day to end and run home. I’m taking this as a good sign ahead of tomorrow’s 10K.

    The run itself was fine. Legs were tired for the first half mile or so then they loosened up and I just tipped along happily at recovery pace carrying about 4 kilos on my back. It’s so mild out. I hope that it being this mild this side of Christmas doesn’t mean that we’ll be ice-bound come the new year.

    M01 9:11
    M02 9:10
    M03 9:31
    M04 9:14

    Total 4.19 @ 9:19

    Week Beginning 09 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.23 | 8:45
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:19
    General Aerobic 5M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Aware 10K sub 40:00 attempt | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    16.42 | 54.35 | 1684.04|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    My first early run in a while. On the road at 6:10 today for 5 general aerobic paced miles. Garmin took for ever to find a satellite, every minute is precious, I had to be out of the shower by 7:10.

    Every run at the moment I’m over-analyzing how my legs feel. I’m worried about tomorrow’s race, I’m not feeling confident. This morning my legs didn’t do much to reassure me. Very slow starting out. Probably because I wasn’t long out of bed and had been running yesterday evening.

    M01 10:03
    M02 08:59
    M03 08:32
    M04 08:42
    M05 09:06

    Total 5.01 @ 9:05

    Week Beginning 09 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.23 | 8:45
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:19
    General Aerobic 5M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 5.01 | 9:05
    Aware 10K sub 40:00 attempt | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    21.43 | 59.36 | 1689.05|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    Put on a long sleeved top and gloves and then stood alongside the radiator inside the front door for as long as possible this morning. I wanted to time this so that I'd finish my warm-up and arrive at the start line with no more than 10 minutes to spare. Rainy gales and gusts howling outside. I haven't eaten or trained well in the last 3 weeks, I wasn't feeling up for this, I knew the course was hilly and now storm conditions are thrown into the mix. This was going to be a fun morning's work.

    My warm-up though was surprisingly comfortable. The legs felt good. I was in a frame of mind though where feeling good on my warm-up was greeted as a bad sign. Arrive as planned with 10 minutes to spare. Nice atmosphere at the starting line. People seemed to be embracing the bad conditions and were up for the race. It rubbed off a little. There was the mandatory Boot Camp warm-up, then a countdown from 10 and we were off. Last race of the year: targeting 3:57/3:58 min/km pace [6:21 - 6:23 min/mile] for a sub 40:00 finish.

    Lap 1

    That first moment of truth, the one where you set off at what you feel is race pace, went well. What felt like target pace was actually showing as 3:50 min/km [6:10 min/mile]. So the start was about easing off a little rather than pushing to hit target. Good, especially as the start was uphill. I reckoned the first descent down Ordnance would be pleasant. How wrong was I? A tremendous headwind was travelling up the road and into our faces. Head down. No need to apply the brakes the wind was doing that for me. The first K logged at 3:56.

    I'm gradually overtaking runners, running from one little group to the next. It was great to turn out of the headwind for a minute or so at the end of Ordnance, I could hear myself breathing again. More wind up toward Knockmaroon Gate, I was anxious to turn down into the Glen. The average pace had dropped to 3:58 [6:23] with K2 logging at 4:01 [6:27]. I recovered on the descent down to the lake, passing quite a few runners here while the effort remained constant and the average pace increased to 3:56 [6:19]. The pull up out of the Glen wasn't as steep as I remembered it. Reminded myself that this was lap 1. The worst part was probably the 180 turn at the top of the hill. K3 is the fastest of the day at 3:48 [6:08].

    Took a quick physical check as we headed back toward Furze Road. Legs were mostly good, lungs were mostly good. So far so good, despite my pre-race trepidation. Mostly uphill K4 is another 4:01 [6:28]. The run up Furze Road is wind assisted. The wind is against us on the downhill and with us on the uphill, makes it confusing to understand how to read effort versus pace. I'm happy to see 19:30s showing on the clock as we approach the gantry for the first time. I'm on target. On the Garmin the first 5K are covered in 19:42.

    Lap 2

    I was finding myself running mostly on my own now. One runner overtook me as we headed up Chesterfield. Part of me was thinking I should push on the ascent to bank some time before turning onto the descent down Ordnance, such was the wind. Back into the gales. K6 was the slowest so far at 4:03 [6:31]. I was starting to tire now and the first doubts were starting to creep in. If I could just get to Knockmaroon and out of this wind. The average pace crept up to 4:00 min/km :(. I told myself that I'd make the time back on the second descent down to the Glen. Headwind K7 was the slowest K of the day at 4:12 [6:46]. Average pace was dragged back to 3:58 by the time I got down to the lake. But it was hard work now. K8 a respectable 3:50 [6:11].

    More climbing now. I overtook some more runners coming out of the Glen. Again the 180 turn onto the Upper Glen Road disrupted my rhythm. I was losing confidence again. Just keep pushing. The slight incline continues. I have a bad habit on K9 of these races. Part of me wants to push but another part tells me that I don't need to because I'll compensate with a fast last 800. I listened to that second voice a little too much today and so K9 was a disappointing 4:10 [6:43]. With the hills and the wind my splits were all over the place. Average pace was flicking between 3:59 and 4:00. This was going to come down to how tight a racing line I'd run.

    Final K is along the length of Furze Road. The wind at my back is a blessing. I up the effort. I'm overtaken by one runner and overtake another. I can see the finishing line but it's still a long way away. Head-up trying to power forward, pick a point and run to it, c'mon on. Squinting at the finishing clock. what's it saying. Disappointed to see 40:XX. Glance at the Garmin it shows 40:07, still an outside chance of a PB. I power forward some more and overtake one more runner over the last 20 metres. Cross the line with 40:18 on the watch. And a whooping big 10.14K covered.

    Post Race

    I'm not overly disappointed. To be honest I feel as though I've got more than I deserved. Poor prep plus challenging course plus challenging conditions: things could have could much worse this morning. I covered 10.00K on the Garmin faster (I think) than ever before at 39:48. I have to focus on my mental approach to the last 2K of these races, certainly if those last 2K are not downhill. I'm losing seconds here. I can't hope to rescue all races in the last 800. No dry-retching today either so I definitely left something out there.

    An official Sub 40 will have to wait for next year (today's made me even more annoyed with last month's short and congested circuit).

    A very well organized race. I encountered zero congestion on lap 2. This was a charity race that looked after all the runners it advertised to. I would recommend. Punctual, well measured, well marshalled.

    As I started my cool-down a port-a-loo was blown over, joining three or four others that had already been tossed by the wind. :eek: Crazy conditions.

    Warm-up 2.31M @ 9:13

    KM01 3:56 [6:19]
    KM02 4:01 [6:28]
    KM03 3:48 [6:08]
    KM04 4:01 [6:28]
    KM05 3:56 [6:19]
    KM06 4:03 [6:31]
    KM07 4:12 [6:46]
    KM08 3:50 [6:11]
    KM09 4:10 [6:43]
    KM10 3:50 [6:11]

    Total 10.14 @ 3:59 [6.30M @ 6:24]

    Cool-down 2.22M @ 9:01

    Resisted running another 0.01M ;)

    Week Beginning 09 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.23 | 8:45
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:19
    General Aerobic 5M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 5.01 | 9:05
    Aware 10K sub 40:00 attempt | 10.14K | 3:59 min/km [6:24 min/mile] 40:18
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    32.26 | 70.18 | 1699.99|

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Fantastic run in those conditions, it's only a matter of when you'll do it now!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Horrible morning for it, but a great run in those conditions- and twice up the Glen is hard work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    A real day after the storm feeling in the park yesterday morning. Calm and sunny, leafs and branches and one big Christmas Tree scattered along the way. Ideal conditions Sunday morning for a 10K race :rolleyes:

    Official time from Saturday is 40:20, finishing 53rd of 1422 finishers, 4th in a race of 100.

    Legs felt really good. I could have happily run for much further than the prescribed 5 miles.

    M01 9:46 (1700 miles for the year)
    M02 9:12
    M03 8:36
    M04 8:47
    M05 8:46

    Total 5.01M @ 9:01

    Week Beginning 09 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    LSR 12M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 12.23 | 8:45
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.19 | 9:19
    General Aerobic 5M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 5.01 | 9:05
    Aware 10K sub 40:00 attempt | 10.14K | 3:59 min/km [6:24 min/mile] 40:18
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 5.01 | 9.01

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    37.27 | 75.19 | 1705.00|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Arriving near year-end so I'm looking over some facts and figures. This is the first year that I timed myself over 10K and I discovered that I really like this distance. I also discovered that I prefer to race in metric.

    Taking data purely from the Garmin (i.e. time taken for a neat 5.00K and 10.00K as recorded on the watch) I can see steady if slow progress. Each time I've run, I've set a Garmin PB over 10.00K.

    The first time trial in Phoenix Park I was trying to see if I could hold 7:00 min/mile pace or thereabouts. The next three time-trials I was aiming to improve on my previous time. My first 10K race was a sub 41:00 attempt, the next three races were sub 40:00 attempts.

    Curiously I set negative splits in all 4 time trials, positive splits in all 4 races.

    I'm thinking about doing some 10K specific training after CCM next year. Long way away yet though.

    20 April | Phoenix Park TT | 21:19.3 | 21:06.3 | 42:25.6 | 4:14.6 [6:49.7]
    04 May | Phoenix park TT | 21:00.3 | 20:52.6 | 41:52.9 | 4:11.3 [6:44.4]
    18 May | Phoenix Park TT | 20:40.6 | 20:38.9 | 41:19.5 | 4:07.9 [6:39.0]
    10 August | Phoenix Park TT | 20:35.1 | 20:28.3 | 41:03.4 | 4:06.3 [6:36.4]
    07 September | Blessington Lakes | 20:00.1 | 20:20.4 | 40:20.5 | 4:02.0 [6:29.5]
    20 October | Cork Rebel Run | 19:55.8 | 20:08.2 | 40:04.0 | 4:00.4 [6:26.9]
    13 November| Dublin Run in the Dark | 19:48.0 | 20:04.3* | 39:52.3* | 3:59.2 [6:25.0]
    14 December | Aware Phoenix Park | 19:42.2 | 20:06.0 | 39:48.2 | 3:58.8 [6:24.3]

    * the Run in the Dark measured short on the Garmin (9.93K). I'm calculating this 10.00K time by extended my average pace for the last 0.93K across an extra 70ms. Note that the last K was farcically congested, had to stop at one point when trying to weave through the crowds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    This week will be a light week’s running, unless it’s raining at the weekend.

    OH’s sister will be staying with us and I’ll run with her Saturday and Sunday. She’s a fair weather runner though, and so if it’s raining I’ll be left to my own devices. She wants to try something fast on Saturday so we’ll do some 400s at her VO2 pace (~7:40 min/mile) as calculated by McMillan off her 5 mile time. And on Sunday we’ll just do a lap of the Park.

    Got out this morning shortly after 6 for 4 slightly chilly recovery pace miles. Didn’t see anyone else out running, not the season I guess.

    Signed up for the Tom Brennan 5K today. Hopefully this will keep me honest over Christmas.

    M01 9:51
    M02 8:53
    M03 8:47
    M04 8:55

    Total 4.04 @ 9:07

    Week Beginning 16 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.04 | 9:07
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Easy 5x400 or TBC | |
    General Aerobic paced lap of Phoenix Park, or TBC @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    4.04 | 79.23 | 1709.04|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Eventually won the battle with the bed this morning and was on the road at 5:50, which is a little late for 8 miles. So I happily ignored the watch and just ran at what felt comfortably steady, knowing this would be faster than General Aerobic and have me in the shower for 7:00. A bit chilly, a bit blustery and a bit wet out there this morning. This turned into a progression style run each mile a little faster than the previous. Actually surprised myself by enjoying this run right from the start, usually I’m just focused on getting these morning runs finished and ticked off. Legs feel good.

    M01 9:18
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:32
    M04 8:31
    M05 8:29
    M06 8:13
    M07 8:03
    M08 8:05

    Total 8.11M @ 8:28

    Week Beginning 16 December Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 4M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | 4.04 | 9:07
    General Aerobic 8M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 8.11 | 8:28
    Recovery 5M @ 9:15 to 9:30 | |
    Easy 5x400 or TBC | |
    General Aerobic paced lap of Phoenix Park, or TBC @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    12.15 | 87.34 | 1717.15|

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    fair play for the early morning runs - I always have great intentions, but love that snooze button too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    fair play for the early morning runs.

    If I had read this last night I might have got up this morning for a 5 miler instead of bailing-out this morning and going back to sleep.

    I'm just about doing enough at the moment to ensure I turn up fresh for the Tom Brennan 5K on New Year's Day. Mileage has dropped off and my resolve isn't too worried. All the time I'm thinking - look it's Christmas, I'm dropping the volume for a short while, I've hit 1700+ for the year (over 400 miles than my previous best mileage year).

    January the real work begins. And I won't have the luxury of bailing on an early morning run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    December's become a month where I'm making it up as I go along. I'm dropping my weekly target table for the rest of the month. I don't see this as a bad thing, from mid January I'll be slave to a program.

    Saturday I went for a run with mrs outforarun's sister. This was easy stuff. A little over a mile of warm-up then just 5 x 400 at 4:45 min/km pace off 90 seconds recovery. Her 400 pace is probably 30 seconds quicker. She decided to run as fast as she could for the last 400 (3:59 min/km) pace. Short cool down. Handy to know that the straight and flat lane from the Kilmainham IMMA entrance to the RHK measures a little over 400ms.

    3.93M @ 9:19

    Sunday, I was running on my own. The plan was for 8 miles including a clockwise lap of Phoenix with middle 4 miles at PMP pace, although I'm not sure any more what PMP is. The 4 faster miles start at the bottom of the Glen Road and finish by the Garda HQ. I start off aiming for 7:4X pace, but the watch shows 7:3X. Then 7:2X, then 7:1X. At the end of Ordnance I'm travelling at 7:0X average pace so I decide to crank it up some more. Next year my LT pace will be around 6:50 min/mile pace so I decide to get some practise in. Up the North Road and pace drops to 6:5X. It feels comfortably hard. I surprised myself as the pace continued to pick up and headed into 6:4X range, this despite telling myself that I could slow down a little and not really feeling like I was pushing.

    Final average pace for the impromptu LT section was 6:40 min/mile. Tough but manageable. This pace will not be fun though at 5:00 or 6:00 am in the morning. Cool down home. Legs feeling good.

    2.02M @ 8:39
    4.05M @ 6:40
    1.87M @ 8:22

    Total 7.95M @ 7:34

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    24.00 | 99.19 | 1729.00|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I spent the morning in the kitchen cooking. Looking out the window and seeing blue skies had me wanting to head over to the Park. Early lunch at 12:30. Happily stuffed. One monster wash-up and an hour or so of doing nothing later, I laced up and headed out.

    I ran at 'not-thinking-about-pace' pace. Not surprisingly I felt a bit heavy. Headed into the Park at Park Gate. Lots of people out walking but I only spotted one other runner. Up to the Phoenix then down Acres Road into setting sun and out Chapelizod Gate. Over the Liffey in Chapelizod and back to Kilmainham via Ballyfermot Road and Inchicore Road.

    This loop pretty much 6 miles exact. Approximately 745 calories of Christmas dinner atoned for.

    6.04M @ 8:43

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    6.04 | 105.23 | 1735.04|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Time to update some tables.

    Looking at the PBs below, injury willing, my 5 mile and HM PBs are sitting ducks for next year. I'm confident of setting a new 10 mile PB as well. Surely I'll nail an official sub 40 10K. And the marathon PB has to improve, it has to get in line with other times.

    Full Race History

    (paces are calculated against standard race distance, not actual pace for real distance covered)

    No|Race|Time|Pace(M)|Pace(KM)|Position|Finishers|% of Field|PB
    01|Cork City Marathon 2010 | 3:51:53 | 8:51 | 5:30 | 542 | 1429 | 38 | Yes
    02|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2010 | 1:17:52 | 7:47 | 4:50 | 929 | 4902 | 19 | Yes
    03|Dublin Half Marathon 2010 | 1:40:50 | 7:42 | 4:47 | 1257 | 5742 | 22 | Yes
    04|Cork to Cobh 15 Mile 2010 | 1:56:59 | 7:48 | 4:51 | 332 | 848 | 40 | Yes
    05|Cork City Marathon 2011 | 3:41:30 | 8:27 | 5:15 | 419 | 1379 | 31 | Yes
    06|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2011 | 1:15:57 | 7:36 | 4:43 | 924 | 5175 | 18 | Yes
    07|Dublin Half Marathon 2011 | 1:37:59 | 7:28 | 4:39 | 874 | 6118 | 15 | Yes
    08|Cork to Cobh 15 Mile 2011 | 1:55:49 | 7:43 | 4:48 | 264 | 737 | 36 | Yes
    09|Aware 5 Mile Christmas Run 2011 | 0:35:26 | 7:05 | 4:24 | 99 | 1533 | 07 | Yes
    10|Cork City Marathon 2012 | 3:40:31 | 8:25 | 5:14 | 358 | 1406 | 26 | Yes
    11|Irish Runner 5 Mile 2012 | 0:34:35 | 6:55 | 4:18 | 338 | 4049 | 09 | Yes
    12|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2012 | 1:13:11 | 7:19 | 4:33 | 584 | 7103 | 09 | Yes
    13|Dublin Half Marathon 2012 | 1:37:52 | 7:28 | 4:38 | 906 | 6315 | 15 | Yes
    14|Dublin City Marathon 2012 | 3:41:42 | 8:27 | 5:15 | 3364 | 12210 | 28 | No
    15|Cork City Marathon 2013 | 3:39:30 | 8:23 | 5:12 | 281 | 1200 | 24 | Yes
    16|Irish Runner 5 Miler 2013 | 0:33:10 | 6:38 | 4:07 | 237 | 2758 | 09 | Yes
    17|Liberties Fun Run (~6K) 2013 | 0:24:00 | 6:29 | 4:02 | 48 | 833 | 06 | Yes
    18|Frank Duffy 10 Mile 2013 | 1:09:14 | 6:55 | 4:18 | 436 | 3924 | 12 | Yes
    19|Blessington Lakes 10K 2013 | 0:40:37 | 6:32 | 4:04 | 35 | 531 | 07 | Yes
    20|Dublin Half Marathon 2013 | DNF | - | - | - | 5415 | - | No
    22|Cork Rebel Run 10K 2013 | 0:40:16 | 6:29 | 4:02 | 27 | 486 | 06 | Yes
    22|Run in the Dark 10K Dublin 2013 | 0:39:37 | 6:23 | 3:58 | 44 | 2851 | 02 | No*
    23| Aware 10K 2013 | 0:40:20 | 6:29 | 4:02 | 53 | 1422 | 04 | No

    * Run in the Dark measured short, 9.93 on the Garmin. Measured short for friend of a friend and measured short for several posters here. Not counting as PB.

    PB Details

    Distance|2010 Best|2011 Best|2012 Best|2013 Best|Current PB Set
    Marathon|3:51:53|3:41:30|3:40:31|3:39:30|Cork City Marathon 2013
    15 Mile|1:56:59|1:55:49|didn't race|didn't race|BHAA Cork to Cobh 2011
    Half Marathon|1:40:50|1:37:59|1:37:52|DNF|Dublin Half Marathon 2012
    10 Mile|1:17:52|1:15:57|1:13:11|1:09:14|Frank Duffy 2013
    5 Mile|didn't race|0:35:26|0:34:35|0:33:10|Irish Runner 5 Mile 2013
    10K|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:40:16|Cork Rebel Run 2013

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Was working from home yesterday. Some domestics erupting around me, too much family under the same roof for too long. When I logged off, Mrs Outforarun said I should pop across to the neighbours for a relaxing drink. I instead decided 4 recovery miles in the calm before the storm would be more relaxing. Just tipped around slowly in the fresh air. Lovely run.

    Looking out the window now and I'm not so sure that a run this evening would be quite so relaxing.

    M01 9:44
    M02 9:24
    M03 9:24
    M04 9:10

    Total 4.04M @ 9:26

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    10.08 | 109.27 | 1739.08|

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Been there & wore the t-shirt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    With the New Year's Day 5K coming up I wanted to stretch the legs a little without going to crazy. Decided on 8 miles with the middle 4 at PMP pace for a 3:19 marathon. Stuck to my usual weekend 8 miler route for this one: home to Islandbridge Gate, a clockwise lap of the park then back out Islandbridge Gate and home. The middle 4 miles more or less from Chapelizod Gate to the Garda HQ. This went fine. Legs felt a little tired but the PMP section was grand, conversational I think.

    2.01M @ 8:55
    4.09M @ 7:36
    1.97M @ 8:19

    Total 8.07M @ 8:06


    Last longish run of the year yesterday morning. This would normally have been 14 miles but I knocked 2 miles off with Wednesday's 5K in mind. Kilmainham to Chapelizod via Inchicore and Ballyfermot Road, Chapelizod gate to Knockmaroon Gate, then Tower and Whites Road, Ordnance Road and Furze Road, North Road and Acres Road, S-Bends and out Park Gate and home.

    Legs felt heavy enough at the start of this. Didn't feel as comfortable as I'd have liked (but then isn't this always the case a few days out from a race). Quite a lot of icy road to deal with, especially around the Upper Glen Road. Spent a lot of this section running on roadside grass.

    M01 9:33
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:45
    M04 8:45
    M05 8:54
    M06 8:24
    M07 8:30
    M08 8:23
    M09 8:35
    M10 8:34
    M11 8:35
    M12 8:37

    Total 12:11 @ 8:41

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    30.25 | 129.44 | 1759.25|

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Closed my account for 2013 yesterday with 4 recovery pace miles, bringing the year's total to 1763.26. That's a 35% increase on last year's mileage (1301.58). Despite having completed over 400 miles more than last year I feel less tired now than I did at the end of 2012. I attribute this to the 9:00 min + mile pace of my General Aerobic runs.

    2014 starts tomorrow with my first ever 5K race. I ran a 5K Time-Trial in Phoenix in early October, this clocked at 19:24 on the Garmin, 3:52 min/km [6:14 min/mile]. So I'll set out at 3:52 pace tomorrow and see how it feels. I don't know if a sub 19:00 is realistic or not. If I'm feeling sharp it could be on. I feel though I've lost a little edge over Christmas and I'm not super confident. Also at the start of the month I tried and failed to run 3K at sub 3:50 pace, [~6:09 min/mile] so that hasn't helped confidence.

    Gold < 19:00
    Silver < 19:24
    Bronze < 19:30
    Consolation < 20:00

    Oh and yesterday's run:

    M01 9:17
    M02 9:08
    M03 8:43
    M04 8:40

    Total 4.00M @ 8:57

    WTD| MTD | YTD
    4.00 | 133.45| 1763.26|

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    You've had a great year, well done!!
