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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11 Miles

    Legs weren’t too bad for yesterday evening’s run home from work. Took around 3 or 4 miles before they’d loosened out and I’d settled into a rhythm. I hate running with a bag on my bag, 2.5kg this time. Pleasant evening for running. I ran along the canal to Suir Road before heading direct for Islandbridge Gate. Turned left and headed up Military Road, deer grazing right at the roadside. Rabbits busy at the S-bends. I headed up the Glen Road and down through the Furry Glen. Down OS Road and onto the North Road. Pace felt comfortable, legs were behaving. Down Acres Road and out at Chapelizod Gate, turning left to head along the main road back to Islandbridge and over to Kilmainham.

    Job done. Another run complete. I’m starting to see the finishing line approaching and part of me is just anxious to get the runs ticked off now. Crick in neck/shoulder is still there one week on, but much improved.

    That’s 222 miles for April, my highest monthly mileage ever. Just shy of 12K a day.

    M01 8:27
    M02 8:44
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:26
    M05 8:14
    M06 8:38
    M07 8:18
    M08 8:20
    M09 8:18
    M10 8:38
    M11 8:45

    Total 11.10M @ 8:30

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 1:40 recovery | 13.04K | 5:17 [8:31] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.10 | 8:30
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 with 6x100m strides | |
    Time Trial 10K targeting < 40:22 | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    65 / 65 / 00 / 00 / 21 | 19.20 / 222.13 / 654.58

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6K with 6x100m strides

    Gingerbread man was threatening this morning and made what should have been a very comfortable recovery run, very much uncomfortable. Just two laps of Kilmainham Lane, St.John’s Road West and Military Road then straight into the strides. Anxious to just get this done as quickly as possible. Average stride pace was 3:32 [5:41]. No complaints from the legs and I’m very happy to get home.

    Simultaneously dreading and looking forward to tomorrow’s 10K TT. Can’t believe it’s already two weeks since the 10K TT in Milan, the weeks are flying in. I’m planning on abandoning last year’s route, i.e. laps of North Road and Chesterfield, and instead running this 10K as laps of Furze Road and OS Road, clockwise.

    Registered for CCM14 on Wednesday. Just 20 runs left.

    04.31K @ 6:01 [2.68M @ 9:41]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:32 [5:41]
    00.20K @ 5:04 [0.12M @ 8:09]

    Total 6.08K @ 5:35 [3.78M @ 8:59]

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 1:40 recovery | 13.04K | 5:17 [8:31] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.10 | 8:30
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 6.08K [3.78M]| 5:35 [8:59] average stride 3:32 [5:41]
    Time Trial 10K targeting < 40:22 | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    66 / 66 / 00 / 00 / 20 | 22.98 / 3.78 / 658.36

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K Time Trial

    :):):) New Garmin 10K PB of 39:13 :):):)

    Don't know where this came from.

    I wasn't looking forward to this. Which is good because it means I'm ready to feel some pain. On with the Brooks ST-5s and head over to Islandbridge Gate. These days I'm finding the ST-5s so so much more comfortable than the Nimbus. Maybe not this time round but I would consider wearing them as my marathon shoe for the next marathon training cycle. I tip up the Khyber and onto Chesterfield then up to Furze Road. I reset the Garmin and just walk about for a few minutes to get ready for this. Choose a tree as my start line and hit start.

    01K-05K in 19:32

    The first run down Furze Road is all about trying to dial in the pace and get a first impression of how the legs feel today. The aim is to finish in less than 40:22 so I could just aim for 4:00 [6:26] or 4:01 [6:28] pace. But I start faster than that, in the low 3:50s. Gently gently ease off the pace. Log the first K at 3:56 [6:20] before turning right for the first ascent of OS Road. Legs are feeling good. Stride feels fairly smooth. Breathing is good, not conversational. Good start.

    The second K is completed at the turn for Chesterfield. Another 3:56 [6:19]. Hmmm. Despite trying (admittedly not very hard) to drop the pace the Garmin is now showing average pace at 3:55 [6:18] and now I'm running downhill, no point putting the brakes on for now. Part of me is happy with how 3:55 pace feels, another part of me is worrying about how I'll feel over the second 5K. Swing back onto Furze and complete my first lap. Average pace showing at 3:54 [6:17] as I pass my tree. What am I setting myself up for here?

    I reassure myself by telling myself that I can gently drop the pace all the way down to 4:01 if this starts proving too difficult. K3 logs at 3:49 [6:08], that's 5K pace!!. But the legs are still feeling good and the lungs are under control. This isn't easy by any means, but I'm certainly not struggling. Back onto OS Road. I like the road surface here and with an eye on oncoming traffic I stay on the road. K4 logs at 3:57 [6:21]. I'm on for a fairly nifty 5K now. I'm liking this loop. Lungs are working now, legs are good. Turn down Chesterfield, focus on maintaining the effort and not easing up just cause I'm on a downhill. K5 is a 3:55 [6:18]. I don't check my 5K time on the Garmin, I've stopped checking my splits as well, I'm just keeping an eye on average pace.

    06K to 10K in 19:40

    Real work starts now. If I've gone out too fast I'll find out soon enough. Past my tree again, this time the average pace is reading 3:55 [6:18]. I know in theory I can drop to 4:01 [6:28] pace and hit my target for this session but at this point I also know I'll be disappointed if I don't log a sub 40. K6 is another 3:55 [6:18]. Just 4K to go, c'mon, focus on stride, focus on the positives. Hard work now for sure, but still I feel I'm in control. I'm watching the Garmin less and less. Everytime I glance I'm happy and a little surprised to see 3:55 [6:18] showing. Tell myself that this is my last full lap. Halfway up OS Road K7 logs at 3:58 [6:23]. I don't check the split. The only figure I'm interested in is overall average and despite the slight ascent it's still holding steady at 3:55 [6:18].

    Everytime I race or time-trial a 10K it's the stretch from 5K to 8K that feels the most difficult mentally. The lungs generally start to become unhappy at this point, the legs tend to tire, but it's still too soon to switch into proper countdown mode. I complete this difficult phase before turning onto Furze for the last time. K8 is a 3:56 [6:20].

    Past my tree for the last time, average pace still showing at 3:55 [6:18]. Less than 2K to go. Overtake a line of horses here, this acts as a little distraction, all distractions are welcome at this point. Lungs are bearing the brunt of the work. Fair bit of spitting going on now as well. I feel like I'm slowing on K9, I ease off the effort ever so slightly but with the slight downhill it has no effect on the average pace. K9 is 3:55 [6:18]. One more time onto OS.

    Fully into countdown mode now. Less than 1K to go. Just 800ms to go. I'm not flagging, the legs still feel 'ok'. The lungs less ok. Then with 500ms to go my right lace opens. No way am I stopping, I'll take my chances. This actually works as a very good distraction. I can tell that the shoe won't fall off, the only risk is that I'll trip myself up. So I figure the sooner I get this finished the better. I push on. I pick up the pace with 200 to go. Pick out a lamppost that looks like it might be at the 10K park and just run to it, waiting for the Garmin to beep. By the duckpond K10 logs at 3:56 [6:21].

    Done. I check the final time 39:13. Absolutely thrilled with this. Over a minute faster than 2 weeks ago. And I think I felt worse two weeks ago.

    This has to be my best session of the year so far. In a way I'm sorry I logged this as a training run and not as an official race 10K. But this bodes very well for my 10K focus in the second half of the year. This is a session that has changed my 10K objectives. Depending on how I recover after CCM, I'll almost certainly now target sub 39 in the Fingal 10K. I have to think about a new target for Blessington.

    But mustn't loss sight of Cork. Today's run is definitely a confidence boost. More of a confidence boost than the 23K of PMP last Sunday. I have the speed, do I have the endurance? On today's time McMillan has me at 3:04 for the marathon. I don't believe this for a moment, but I am starting to like the buffer that is opening up.

    Warm-up 3.69K @ 5:45 [2.30M @ 9:16]

    KM01 3:56 [6:20]
    KM02 3:56 [6:19]
    KM03 3:49 [6:08]
    KM04 3:57 [6:21]
    KM05 3:55 [6:18]
    KM06 3:55 [6:18]
    KM07 3:58 [6:23]
    KM08 3:56 [6:20]
    KM09 3:55 [6:18]
    KM10 3:56 [6:21]

    Total 10.01K @ 3:55 [6.22M @ 6:18]

    Cool-down 4.29K @ 5:34 [2.67M @ 8:58]

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 1:40 recovery | 13.04K | 5:17 [8:31] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.10 | 8:30
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 6.08K [3.78M]| 5:35 [8:59] average stride 3:32 [5:41]
    Time Trial 10K targeting < 40:22 | 10.01 [6.22] | 39:13 pace 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 17M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    67 / 67 / 00 / 00 / 19 | 34.16 / 14.96 / 669.53

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Brilliant, really well done!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Super session.
    Well done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 17 Miles

    Completed my 4th consecutive 50+ mile week Sunday morning with 17 miles in the Park.

    Route took me from Kilmainham to Islandbridge Gate, then two full anti-clockwise laps, at the end of the second lap I headed up the Khyber to the Phoenix Roundabout then down Chesterfield before turning right by the monument and exiting at Islandbridge. Followed St.John’s Road West as far as Heuston, up the Luas tracks and back home. Overcast conditions the whole way round, but quite warm and I was fairly thirsty by the end, drank 500mls of water on the run. Had to stop at Mountjoy Roundabout to let a long line of cyclists pass and had to stop on the Khyber while a herd of deer made up its mind about whether they were crossing or not.

    Legs felt tired enough after Saturday’s 10K TT, but I never struggled to maintain target average pace. That said, my individual mile splits were all over the place. I glanced at my split on mile 4 and it read 7:57!! There was no way that felt like a sub 8:00 min mile I was pleased to note, before applying the brakes.

    Had a bit of an ache from the right knee for a few metres on mile 16, proof I guess that the legs were certainly being worked this weekend. Need to stay careful as I approach the last 4 weeks.

    A good weeks running, still thrilled with Saturday’s session.

    Post LSR weigh-in 71.60kgs

    M01 9:29
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:07
    M04 7:57
    M05 8:21
    M06 8:46
    M07 8:51
    M08 8:54
    M09 8:45
    M10 8:29
    M11 8:23
    M12 8:38
    M13 8:28
    M14 8:38
    M15 8:25
    M16 8:47
    M17 8:55

    Total 17.01M @ 8:37

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 1:40 recovery | 13.04K | 5:17 [8:31] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.10 | 8:30
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 6.08K [3.78M]| 5:35 [8:59] average stride 3:32 [5:41]
    Time Trial 10K targeting < 40:22 | 10.01 [6.22] | 39:13 pace 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 17M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | 17.01 | 8:37

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    68 / 68 / 00 / 00 / 18 | 51.17 / 31.97 / 686.54

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m strides

    Not too easy to get up and out yesterday morning, could have done with a few extra hours sleep. Legs were feeling tired. On the road at 5:47. Big sun already rising over the city.

    I decide against laps of the block and instead headed for Chapelizod Road and trotted out as far as the Mullingar House. Turned around here and ran back the way I came. One lap of the block and then into the 6x100m strides along my usual stride spot, the double cycle lane on Inchicore Road. Another KM at recovery pace brings this one to a close. Legs feeling better after the run than before.

    08.37K @ 5:51 [5.20M @ 9:24]
    6x100m @ average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    01.08K @ 5:51 [0.67M @ 9:25]

    Total 11.02K @ 5:41 [6.85M @ 9:09]

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.02K | 5:41 average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 3mins | |
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    69 / 69 / 00 / 00 / 17 | 6.85 / 38.82 / 693.39

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    All still going well. Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Cork.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 494 ✭✭ClashCityRocker

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    All still going well. Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Cork.

    Do you have a target time in mind for Cork outforarun?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    All still going well. Looking forward to seeing how you get on in Cork.

    Yip touchwood, the sessions continue to be ticked off, and my thoughts are turning more and more to race day. Marthastew's Limerick report has got me all fired up. Can't wait now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Do you have a target time in mind for Cork outforarun?

    Training paces are for a sub 3:20 marathon. So:

    <3:20 = Gold
    <3:25 = Silver
    <3:30 = Bronze
    <3:39 = Consolation (PB)

    Gold would represent a 19 minute PB! So I'll be placing a lot of faith in the last 12 months running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 5K pace

    Mercifully I managed to schedule this one for after work rather than silly o'clock in the morning.

    Wore the ST-5s and again I'm immediately aware of how much lighter and more 'responsive' these are than the Nimbus. I ran from work to home via the quickest route possible. Realised on K2 that I'd forgotten to select intervals on the Garmin. Stop to save what I've completed already and start an interval session. I drop my rucksack home and continue my warm-up over to Islandbridge Gate and onto the playing fields via Military Road.

    I've never done 1200m intervals before and I was a little nervous for a variety of reasons: I remember hurting quite a bit 2 weeks ago on a 5x1000m session, I wondered how much of the weekend's running was still in the legs, plus the wind has fairly strong across the playing fields.

    I started lapping clockwise and started into the first 1200. Shot past a few runners as I ran into the wind heading toward Acres Road. I find 5K pace pretty quickly and tell myself no heroics this evening, 3:50 [6:10] pace will do fine. I turn right and start up the path by Acres Road. Glad to be out of the wind. The first interval finishes on an uphill, average pace 3:46 [6:04]. That wasn't too bad. I turn right again, there's some race on this evening and there is a decent crowd of runners gathered at this corner.

    I'm glad I have three minutes of recovery, it does allow me catch my breath. The second 1200 starts on a downhill with the wind at my back, then swings right and I can feel a crosswind, right again and I've completed one lap. I'm back into the wind for the last part of this 1200. This one felt mostly ok, though the last 300ms were tough and I could feel the pace dropping. The second interval logs at 3:45 [6:02] pace.

    The third interval starts half-way up Acres Road. Dash through the mingling runners before turning right and feeling the wind at my back. This third interval I'm flying and the pace is showing in the 3:30s. Feels easier than the second interval and logs at 3:39 [5:52].

    The final interval is run leaning into a wind-tunnel. The wind has picked up considerably and this is very hard work. I know I need to run this one at the slower end of target pace to ensure that my average interval pace is on target. With about 500ms to go the pace is 3:54 [6:17]. I turn right and the roar of the wind disappears and I up the pace despite running uphill. 200ms to go and I push some more. Lungs really working. Final 1200m logs at 3:50 [6:10].

    The last interval was the slowest but definitely the one I was happiest with given the challenge from the wind. Pleased with how the session went - I was more wrecked 2 weeks ago after 5x1000. Tonight I wouldn't have dreaded a 5th interval.

    Only 2 more lung-buster sessions remaining now: a final 10K time-trial Saturday week and a 3x1600m session in the second last week.

    Warm-up 5.45K @ 5:41 [3.38M @ 9:09]

    Interval 1 @ 3:46 [6:04]
    Interval 2 @ 3:45 [6:02]
    Interval 3 @ 3:39 [5:52]
    Interval 4 @ 3:50 [6:10]

    Cool-down 3.49K @ 5:45 [2.17M @ 9:15]

    Total 15.96K @ 5:04 [9.92M @ 8:09]

    Pass 700 miles for the year.

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.02K | 5:41 average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 3mins | 15.96K [9.92M] | 5:04 [8:09] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    70 / 70 / 00 / 00 / 16 | 16.77 / 48.74 / 703.31

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    That's another tough session out of the way.
    Nicely done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Your in great shape, some great sessions lately. Just on the runners, ST5s or Nimbus for Cork??

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    That's another tough session out of the way.
    Nicely done.

    Thanks. I had been a bit apprehensive about this one alright and so I'm happy to have ticked it off. This is a tough few weeks and the legs are tired but (touchwood) they seem to be holding up. I didn't run VO2 in last year's P&D due to a dodgy glute, in a way I think that compromised peak P&D training last time out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    tang1 wrote: »
    Your in great shape, some great sessions lately. Just on the runners, ST5s or Nimbus for Cork??

    Thanks man.

    Re runners; it's only over the last few weeks that I realise I am much happier with the ST5s on than the Nimbus. However I've never run long in the ST5s. I'm fairly sure I'd be ok going long in them, but I don't want to take that risk now with only 4 weeks to go.

    Next marathon cycle I'll probably give the ST5s a go. I also use orthotics in the Nimbus on physio advice from two years ago. I had slight tendonitis in the left achilles and since using the orthotics I've had very little complaints from the achilles. Right now I don't use orthotics in the ST5s so I'd have to decide whether to insert them or not. I might just use them for the 20 milers and without orthotics.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Dont take the risk, if the Nimbus is what you feel most confident & comfortable in stick with them. As you said, in your next marathon cycle you can switch more towards the STs.

    I ran in racers only for a past year & half of running and its only since reading something in Gavlors log that i switched back to a heavier shoe. The little niggles & bit of PF i was having have gone since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭PDCAT

    Hi Outforarun

    Looking at your log and your going great guns lately. Excellent 10K time trial recently.
    I'm starting the P&D 55 mile plan for the first time in a couple of weeks.
    I had a couple of question's you may be able to help me with.

    Firstly the Lactate Threshold runs.
    When the plan states 8m with [EMAIL="4@15K"]4@15K[/EMAIL] pace.
    What pace do you run the 2 mile Warm up and cool down.

    Secondly from reading the book it states that the Long run and medium run should be run first half MP+20% and second half MP+10%.
    Do you follow this recommendation or to you the same pace all through your long runs..


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    PDCAT wrote: »
    Hi Outforarun

    Looking at your log and your going great guns lately. Excellent 10K time trial recently.
    I'm starting the P&D 55 mile plan for the first time in a couple of weeks.
    I had a couple of question's you may be able to help me with.

    Firstly the Lactate Threshold runs.
    When the plan states 8m with [EMAIL="4@15K"]4@15K[/EMAIL] pace.
    What pace do you run the 2 mile Warm up and cool down.

    Secondly from reading the book it states that the Long run and medium run should be run first half MP+20% and second half MP+10%.
    Do you follow this recommendation or to you the same pace all through your long runs..


    I followed this plan for Seville earlier this year. I used to try and gradually wind the pace up for the first four miles to the required pace, before holding that until the finish. When I did the particular session you're talking about, these were my splits:

    Mile 1 - 7:29
    Mile 2 - 7:14
    Mile 3 - 7:20
    Mile 4 - 7:10
    Mile 5 - 6:42
    Mile 6 - 6:39
    Mile 7 - 6:41
    Mile 8 - 6:28

    I was intending running the LT miles at sub 7min pace but I ended up going a bit quicker than that. If you're doing it as 2 miles wu, 4m LT, 2m cd, I would use the same logic except gradually slow down in the last two miles.
    I ran all my Long Runs and Med/Long Runs at the same pace. Not sure if that's what I should have done, but it did me no harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    PDCAT wrote: »
    Hi Outforarun

    Looking at your log and your going great guns lately. Excellent 10K time trial recently.
    I'm starting the P&D 55 mile plan for the first time in a couple of weeks.
    I had a couple of question's you may be able to help me with.

    Firstly the Lactate Threshold runs.
    When the plan states 8m with [EMAIL="4@15K"]4@15K[/EMAIL] pace.
    What pace do you run the 2 mile Warm up and cool down.

    Secondly from reading the book it states that the Long run and medium run should be run first half MP+20% and second half MP+10%.
    Do you follow this recommendation or to you the same pace all through your long runs..


    Thanks PDCAT.

    Regarding the Lactate Threshold Runs: the warm-up and cool-down for these sessions are one of the few times in the plan that I don't worry about pace. For the warm-up I just run at whatever feels easy, on the day that might be recovery pace or it might be LSR pace. I may speed up a little as the LT section approaches. But really I make sure the warm-up is just that, a warm-up. Same with the cool-down, once the LT section ends I just drop off the pace to whatever feels easy, catch-my breath and finish comfortably.

    Regarding the LSR pacing. For the duration of the run I actively focus on keeping the average pace anywhere between MP+10% and MP+20%. I don't actively attempt to start closer to MP+20% and finish closer to MP+10%. However: I find that I naturally gravitate towards P&D's instruction to start slower and finish faster. The average pace of my run gradually increases as the run progresses. For example the last 20 miler I did, the last 5 miles were my fastest quarter and it definitely does "provide positive psychological reinforcement that you are in control of the marathon.". If somedays I don't I don't finish faster than I started I don't worry about it, I think the important thing is to ensure that the overall average pace of the run falls within MP+10 and MP+20.

    Best of luck with P&D. I'm happy to try answer any other questions you may have. Oh and I would definitely recommend you factor in at least 1 week of buffer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11 Miles

    Woke up yesterday morning and my first thought was "I can't believe the alarm hasn't gone off yet ...... Uh-oh". It's 5:50!! I needed to be on the road at 5:15. :mad:

    My phone and my watch are right alongside me. I must have killed the phone alarm and gone to the other side of the room to kill my watch alarm and then fallen sound asleep. I've no recollection of either alarm going off.

    Some delicate domestic diplomacy soon followed and I managed to broker a deal that allowed me run Friday evening. I would just leave work early (I'd left work late the night before, so fair is fair) and then there was something about washing-up .......

    Followed the same 11 mile after-work route as last time. A trip along the canal to Suir Road. Legs of course feeling tired and stiff. Into Phoenix at Islandbridge and head clockwise. Grazing roadside deer, tick. Bouncing roadside rabbits, tick. Through the Furry Glen - OS Road - North Road - Acres Road - Chapelizod Road and home. Though they were better near the end, the legs carried some heaviness pretty much the whole way round. The 3kg bag on my back didn't help. Glad to get this one finished and settle into Friday evening.

    Reviewing my splits later I realize my pacing was all over the place, with some miles much faster than target pace.

    M01 8:53
    M02 8:31
    M03 8:35
    M04 8:45
    M05 8:12
    M06 8:42
    M07 8:13
    M08 8:07
    M09 8:13
    M10 8:18
    M11 8:31
    M12 8:08

    Total 11.08 @ 8:27

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.02K | 5:41 average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 3mins | 15.96K [9.92M] | 5:04 [8:09] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.08 | 8:27
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    71 / 71 / 00 / 00 / 15 | 27.85 / 59.82 / 714.39

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    A glorious 4 mile recovery pace run on the menu today. I've learned to appreciate these.

    Out mid-morning and kept it local doing 4 laps through IMMA and along Kilmainham Lane. Legs still not feeling fresh. I trot around hoping that this recovery run will do what it says on the tin and that the legs will feel better for tomorrow's 20 miler. Got caught in a heavy shower for the second two miles. Soaked through by the time I was finished. Legs did feel better during the day.

    Logistics mean that tomorrow's run has to be done early, need to be on the road for 6:00am at the latest. So time to log-off and get some sleep. Must place watch even further away tonight.

    M01 9:43
    M02 9:10
    M03 9:07
    M04 9:24

    Total 4.02 @ 9:21

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.02K | 5:41 average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 3mins | 15.96K [9.92M] | 5:04 [8:09] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.08 | 8:27
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02 | 9:21
    LSR 20M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    72 / 72 / 00 / 00 / 14 | 31.87 / 63.84 / 718.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    Probably my most enjoyable 20 miler ever.

    The hardest part was getting up at 5:30am. Grey and wet outside. I get ready, packing 4 gels and filling a 500ml bottle of water. Drink a small glass of water and eat a mouthful of tasty bread bought at local bakery yesterday. Wear Skins sleeveless top under t-shirt. I'll be packing the Skins for Cork and if race-day isn't too warm I'll wear it.

    I'm on the road for 5:59.

    Head straight for Islandbridge Gate and begin lapping anti-clockwise. The first lap is a bit special. Lots and lots of deer with wtf expressions. They venture much closer to the road at this early hour and some groups would sprint away as I approached. Lots of ducks by roadside puddles up behind the zoo. These were braver than the deer and would barely budge. All I could hear was my footfall, some light gusts of wind and lots and lots of birdsong. Great way to start the morning.

    As always, the windiest part of the lap is along the North Road, hands feeling a bit cold. For a while I thought I was going to manage a full lap of the Park without meeting anybody, but one other runner enters the Park as I pass the Chapelizod Gate. Wave and a good morning. He's the only person I saw on the first lap. I'm taking gels every 4 miles today, this is the plan for race-day. I find this works very well. Four mile blocks pass quite quickly and you're never too far away from a gel. Mentally it feels like I'm constantly topping up the energy levels and that definitely helps confidence.

    Hands warm-up. Conditions are really good for a run, it feels very fresh and I like the light spells of drizzle. More runners out now and cyclists. I check my split on mile 10, and see an 8:16. That's too fast, I ease up a little, but a mostly downhill mile 11 sees me log an 8:15. I make a more concerted effort to ease off a little. I'm feeling really good. The legs feel much lighter than recent days and my stride feels smooth. I feel full of energy and I'm really enjoying the run.

    Before I know it I'm onto my third and final lap. Average pace is right at the fast end of target pace at 8:30 or 8:31. The effort feels minimal however and my stride continues to feel very fluid. Mile 17 is another faster than intended mile at 8:11. Average pace now showing at 8:29 so again I try drop the pace. It's not until mile 19 that it reads 8:30 again. Three laps done I make one more ascent up Wellington Road and exit at Park Gate. I pass Heuston and head home to Kilmainham.

    20 miles in the bag and it's 8:50am.

    I feel fine at the end of the run, sorry in a way the run was already over, I really enjoyed this. Post LSR weigh-in, 72.55kg (?!?)

    Mesocycle III complete. So I'm officially in taper now :eek:

    Quick shower and off to try find an aisle seat at the 10am Peppa Pig in the Olympia.

    Miles 01-05 in 43:34
    M01 9:37
    M02 8:36
    M03 8:34
    M04 8:23
    M05 8:24

    Miles 06-10 in 42:00
    M06 8:19
    M07 8:30
    M08 8:28
    M09 8:28
    M10 8:16

    Miles 11-15 in 42:07
    M11 8:15
    M12 8:31
    M13 8:31
    M14 8:20
    M15 8:30

    Miles 16-20 in 42:20
    M16 8:15
    M17 8:11
    M18 8:39
    M19 8:40
    M20 8:35

    Total 20.08M @ 8:30

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.02K | 5:41 average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    VO2max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 3mins | 15.96K [9.92M] | 5:04 [8:09] average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    MLR 11M @ 8:25 to 8:40 | 11.08 | 8:27
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02 | 9:21
    LSR 20M @ 8:30 to 8:45 |20.08 | 8:30

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    73 / 73 / 00 / 00 / 13 | 51.95 / 83.91 / 738.49

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Great running again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭PDCAT

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    I followed this plan for Seville earlier this year. I used to try and gradually wind the pace up for the first four miles to the required pace, before holding that until the finish. When I did the particular session you're talking about, these were my splits:

    Mile 1 - 7:29
    Mile 2 - 7:14
    Mile 3 - 7:20
    Mile 4 - 7:10
    Mile 5 - 6:42
    Mile 6 - 6:39
    Mile 7 - 6:41
    Mile 8 - 6:28

    I was intending running the LT miles at sub 7min pace but I ended up going a bit quicker than that. If you're doing it as 2 miles wu, 4m LT, 2m cd, I would use the same logic except gradually slow down in the last two miles.
    I ran all my Long Runs and Med/Long Runs at the same pace. Not sure if that's what I should have done, but it did me no harm.

    Thanks Yaboya.

    That's a very impressive pace for the LT run's. I had planned to do 2 mile WM, 4 mile LT, 2 mile CD. Probably thinking of doing the WM & CD miles at GA or recovery pace. Not sure my legs would be able for such fast miles during a marathon training plan.
    Haven't decided what to do with the long run's as yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    PDCAT wrote: »
    Thanks Yaboya.

    That's a very impressive pace for the LT run's. I had planned to do 2 mile WM, 4 mile LT, 2 mile CD. Probably thinking of doing the WM & CD miles at GA or recovery pace. Not sure my legs would be able for such fast miles during a marathon training plan.
    Haven't decided what to do with the long run's as yet.

    I think your way is what's generally recommended. Just make sure you don't go too quickly during the Long Runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭PDCAT

    outforarun wrote: »
    Thanks PDCAT.

    Regarding the Lactate Threshold Runs: the warm-up and cool-down for these sessions are one of the few times in the plan that I don't worry about pace. For the warm-up I just run at whatever feels easy, on the day that might be recovery pace or it might be LSR pace. I may speed up a little as the LT section approaches. But really I make sure the warm-up is just that, a warm-up. Same with the cool-down, once the LT section ends I just drop off the pace to whatever feels easy, catch-my breath and finish comfortably.

    Regarding the LSR pacing. For the duration of the run I actively focus on keeping the average pace anywhere between MP+10% and MP+20%. I don't actively attempt to start closer to MP+20% and finish closer to MP+10%. However: I find that I naturally gravitate towards P&D's instruction to start slower and finish faster. The average pace of my run gradually increases as the run progresses. For example the last 20 miler I did, the last 5 miles were my fastest quarter and it definitely does "provide positive psychological reinforcement that you are in control of the marathon.". If somedays I don't I don't finish faster than I started I don't worry about it, I think the important thing is to ensure that the overall average pace of the run falls within MP+10 and MP+20.

    Best of luck with P&D. I'm happy to try answer any other questions you may have. Oh and I would definitely recommend you factor in at least 1 week of buffer.

    Thanks Outforarun

    Regarding the LT run's i was thinking of doing something similar to what you've been doing. Run the WM & CD miles at GA or recovery pace.

    The Long run's i'm still undecided. MP+20 is about 9.20 pace (slower than i'd normally run the Long run's). MP+10 is about 8.33 pace (faster than i'd normally do them). My initial thought was to run half at MP+20 and then second half at MP+10.
    Just seems the second half might be a bit of a shock to the system. So might look at gradually increasing pace as you've done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭PDCAT

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    I think your way is what's generally recommended. Just make sure you don't go too quickly during the Long Runs.

    Thanks Yaboya. My concern with the Long run's was that at MP+20, i would be going out much slower than i'd normally run. And to run the second half at MP+10 which seemed a little faster than normal. Thought this might be a bit much. Might think about gradually building up the pace and see how that goes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    PDCAT wrote: »
    Thanks Yaboya. My concern with the Long run's was that at MP+20, i would be going out much slower than i'd normally run. And to run the second half at MP+10 which seemed a little faster than normal. Thought this might be a bit much. Might think about gradually building up the pace and see how that goes.

    One thing I've learned in the past year is that too slow is definitely better than too fast in relation to Long Runs ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2max 13K with 5x600m @ 5K pace

    Tired legs Tuesday morning. I underestimated this run, on paper 5x600m at 5K pace looked easy but I'd forgotten that I had 20 miles in the legs from Sunday.

    I could lie-in an extra 30 mins Tuesday morning so I was on the road at 6:15 rather than 5:45. It still wasn't easy to get up for this one. On with the ST5s and I start with my usual warm-up out to the Mullingar House in Chapelizod and back to the Chapelizod Gate. Then start the intervals proper.

    I could tell from the first 600 that this wouldn't be a walk in the park. What felt like a 3:40 pace [5:54] 600 was actually a 3:50 [6:10] pace 600. The 100 seconds of recovery I allow myself pass quicker than I'd have liked.

    The second 600 is run slightly faster at 3:48 [6:07] and brings me back as far as Islandbridge Gate. I turn around and head back out Chapelizod Road. The next 2 intervals 3:47 [6:05] and 3:44 [6:01] are tough and the lungs are made to work. These are slightly uphill and into a slight breeze. The legs don't have any real 'zip' this morning.

    I'm glad to reach Chapelizod Gate and turn around for the final 600. Oddly this turns out to be the easiest and fastest 600 of the session. After 300m I see 3:28 [5:35] pace showing so the second half of this interval I'm easing off and I log a 3:40 [5:54].

    Cool-down until I've completed the 13K prescribed. Nice easy schedule now until Saturday's final 10K TT.

    Warm-up 3.96K @ 6:03 [2.46M @ 9:44]

    Interval 1 @ 3:50 [6:10]
    Interval 2 @ 3:48 [6:08]
    Interval 3 @ 3:47 [6:05]
    Interval 4 @ 3:44 [6:01]
    Interval 5 @ 3:40 [5:54]

    Cool-down 4.61K @ 5:31 [2.86M @ 8:52]

    Total 13.02K @ 5:18 [8.09M @ 8:32]

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    VO2max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:45 to 3:50 off 1:40 recovery | 13.02K | 5:18 average interval 3:45 [6:02]
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    10K Time Trial targeting sub 39:13 | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    74 / 74 / 00 / 00 / 12 | 8.09 / 92.00 / 746.58
