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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Ran home from work yesterday evening along the Grand Canal, from Aidelade Road to the Naas Road. Passing people in summer undress drinking by Portabello, then a group of about 50 teenagers around Suir road, diving into the water at the lock. This run was mostly into the sun and was as hot as any run I did in Milan back in Easter. Proper summer. Happy to tip away at recovery pace with light bag on my back. Legs felt fine barring the usual post-work heaviness.

    Collecting some sponsorship from a colleague yesterday (I always run Cork for charity) and she asks if the marathon was getting tougher now. I thought for a second before answering and I said no, the race is getting easier, but the training is getting tougher. I’m not entirely sure that this is how it should be, am I not trying hard enough on raceday?

    Marathons are odd. It occurred to me that I felt much more comfortable for the first 35K of my marathon, than I do for say the last 5K of any 10K I race. The last 5K instead of the marathon feel worse than the last 5K of a 10K – largely because together with the muscle fatigue and energy drain, there’s just this horrible powerlessness at marathon end.

    M01 9:08
    M02 9:17
    M03 9:28
    M04 9:38
    M05 9:25

    Total 5.06M @ 9:24

    Recovery Week 3 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.08 | 9:19
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06 | 9:24
    General Aerobic 7M @ 9:00 to 9:15 with 8x100m strides | |
    Progression 14K with 2K@MP (4:43) + 2K@10K pace (3:55) + 2K@MP | |
    LSR 12M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 10.14 / MTD 80.89 / YTD 915.28

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 8x100m Strides

    Despite some sneaky pints last night for the England game, and despite getting home close to 01:00am, I still managed to get up and out for 11K at 6:15am. Head was a little fuzzy for the first 2K but then fresh air and bright sunshine had me feeling normal again.

    A little diversion over to Inchicore, before returning to Islandbridge and heading out to Chapelizod as far as Martin's Row. Then turned around and ran the strides along Chapelizod Road. They went ok. Felt a few minor twinges afterwards (glute), but I kind of expected this, it's been almost 3 weeks since I ran above MP.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's run. I'll throw the ST-5s back on.

    7.01K @ 5:38 [4.36M @ 9:03]
    8x100m strides @ average stride pace 3:36 [5:48]
    1.91K @ 5:39 [1.19M @ 9:05]

    Total 11.01K @ 5:26 [6.84M @ 8:45]

    Recovery Week 3 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.08 | 9:19
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06 | 9:24
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:36 to 5:45 with 8x100m strides | 11.01K [6.84M] | 5:26 [8:45] average stride 3:36 [5:48]
    Progression 14K with 2K@MP (4:43) + 2K@10K pace (3:55) + 2K@MP | |
    LSR 12M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 16.98 / MTD 87.73 / YTD 922.12

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    14K Progression Run

    Progression or pyramid? Either way I enjoyed this morning's run. Was on the road at around 8:15. Didn't do myself any favours by not getting to bed until 3:30am. I was watching WC and then messing about with new Garmin Connect interface - I like it.

    I set the Garmin to autolap at 2K and to show lap-pace. ST5s on.

    So 4K of warm-up, trying to speed up just a little for the second lap. It was hot out there this morning. Into the park at Islandbridge Gate and headed up the Kyber and onto the North Road.

    The third 2K lap I speed up to MP pace. It feels grand, legs are actually happier travelling at this pace than they were during the warm-up. I turn down Chesterfield running in the middle of the road. Heat rising off the tarmac. I have to concentrate on slowing down rather than speeding up.

    Before the Phoenix roundabout I start the 10K paced 2K lap. I'm aiming for 3:55 min/km [6:18 min/mile]. It's been a while. Doesn't feel as easy as I'd hoped it would. But I have no doubts whatsoever that I'll hit target pace. Turn onto North Road for a second loop. The 10K section has a fair profile with 1m of elevation gain. With about 500ms to go I see the pace has dropped to 3:56 [6:20] so I push. Ended up pushing too hard and logged an average pace of 3:51 [6:12] for the 2K.

    Back down to MP pace, which feels so easy when coming off 10K pace. This section is mostly back down Chesterfield and so I end up running it too fast, but feeling very comfortable. Back to cool-down pace (i.e. whatever feels comfortably easy). Down Acres Road, along the bottom of the playing fields and out by the fort. Exit at Islandbridge and home.

    Works out nearly spot-on at 14K for the loop. Really enjoyed this and it's one I'd plan on repeating on occasion, great variety and all done inside 75 mins.

    I noticed a slight ache in right knee yesterday afternoon/evening. I'm blaming the strides. Knee was fine today while running but I could feel a slight ache again after the run. Feels ok now - will keep an eye on this.

    2K @ 5:49 [1.24M @ 9:21]
    2K @ 5:22 [1.24M @ 8:38]
    2K @ 4:41 [1.24M @ 7:32]
    2K @ 3:51 [1.24M @ 6:12]
    2K @ 4:36 [1.24M @ 7:25]
    2K @ 4:53 [1.24M @ 7:52]
    2K @ 5:21 [1.24M @ 8:37]

    Total 14.07K @ 4:56 [8.74M @ 7:57]

    Recovery Week 3 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.08 | 9:19
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06 | 9:24
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:36 to 5:45 with 8x100m strides | 11.01K [6.84M] | 5:26 [8:45] average stride 3:36 [5:48]
    Progression 14K with 2K@MP (4:43) + 2K@10K pace (3:55) + 2K@MP | 14.07 [8.74] | 4:56 [7:57] all sections on target
    LSR 12M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 25.73 / MTD 93.46 / YTD 927.86

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 12 Mile

    Yesterday’s was a real sunny morning feel good run. One that I didn’t want to end. My favourite 12 mile loop – Kilmainham – Ballyfermot Road – Chapelizod – Upper Glen Road – Tower – Whites – OS – Furze – Chesterfield (up the middle of the road) – North – Acres – Military – Park Gate - Heuston – Kilmainham. Everywhere looking great bathed in sunlight. Birdsong the whole way round. All was good in the world. Winter seemed a long time ago and I keep telling myself to enjoy this while it lasts.

    Legs felt fine, right-knee included. The pace felt very comfortable and I needed to apply the brakes to keep things on target (or at least close to target). I’m going to keep my LSR pace as is (8:30 – 8:45) for the rest of the summer, but then from October I’ll adjust it so that it’s in line with my next P&D cycle. I’ll probably train for sub 3:10, so that would mean a new LSR of 8:15 to 8:30.

    Hopefully next Sunday will be as gorgeous. And thankfully the 11pm kick-offs are now a thing of the past. With the new Garmin-Connect interface I’m starting to log weight out of the shower after every run. After this one the scales showed 72.5Kg, not as bad as I’d expected.

    M01 8:31
    M02 8:20
    M03 8:33
    M04 8:29
    M05 8:53
    M06 8:24
    M07 8:27
    M08 8:24
    M09 8:20
    M10 8:18
    M11 8:35
    M12 8:29

    Total 12.23M @ 8:29

    Recovery Week 3 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.08 | 9:19
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06 | 9:24
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:36 to 5:45 with 8x100m strides | 11.01K [6.84M] | 5:26 [8:45] average stride 3:36 [5:48]
    Progression 14K with 2K@MP (4:43) + 2K@10K pace (3:55) + 2K@MP | 14.07 [8.74] | 4:56 [7:57] all sections on target
    LSR 12M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | 12.23M | 8:29

    Miles WTD 37.96 / MTD 105.69 / YTD 940.09

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 miles

    Up and out before work yesterday morning. Simple 5 miles recovery. Started at a really lazy pace and just waited for the legs to wake up. Ran out Chapelizod Road to nearly the base of Knockmaroon Hill, then turned around and retraced my steps home. Lovely morning sunshine for this one. Legs felt a little heavier than I’d have liked.

    Had planned on running a 10 miler home for work today, but forgot to pack my gear. Should fit it in tomorrow instead.

    M01 10:11
    M02 09:10
    M03 09:17
    M04 08:54
    M05 09:07

    Total 5.11M @ 9:20

    Recovery Week 4 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.11 | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    RACE Irish Runner 5 Miler targeting sub 32 | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 5.11 / MTD 110.80 / YTD 945.20

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Enjoyed running in the rain yesterday. 10 miles home from work. Decided to head to Phoenix as quickly as I could so I cut through town down Thomas Street to Heuston and in at Park Gate. Went for a simple clockwise lap. A very strong citrus scent going down Wellington Road, reminds me of anti-mosquito spray. I was running just a little late so I had a choice, either cut the run a little short or speed up a little, I went with the later and ran this a little faster than General Aerobic. It’s nice not to be slave to a plan for a bit.

    Legs felt mostly ok for this one although the left achilles started to ping a little as I headed down behind the zoo. Legs felt light despite carrying nearly 4 kilos on my back.

    Spent some time thinking about race strategy for Saturday’s race. Don’t think it’ll be very complicated, I’d like to be travelling at an average pace between 3:50 min/km (6:10 min/mile) and 3:53 (6:15) pace when I reach the bottom of the Khyber. Then try not to let average pace drop slower than 3:55 (6:18) by the time I cross the line.

    That should be enough to go sub 32:00.

    Race number for tomorrow is 2330.

    M01 8:34
    M02 8:38
    M03 8:49
    M04 8:57
    M05 8:50
    M06 8:59
    M07 8:47
    M08 8:36
    M09 8:29
    M10 9:06

    Total 10.06M @ 8:46

    Recovery Week 4 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.11 | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.06 | 8:46
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    RACE Irish Runner 5 Miler targeting sub 32 | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 15.17 / MTD 120.86 / YTD 955.26

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    best of luck tomorrow Outforarun

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck tomorrow, might bump into you, will be wearing white singlet and sporting shaved head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    tang1 wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow, might bump into you, will be wearing white singlet and sporting shaved head.

    Will keep eye-out for you. Can't remember if it's washed or not, but 2330 should be pinned to a black CCM14 top. White/yellow ST5s.

    Oh and good luck tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Been looking at the calendar and trying to schedule in McMillan's 10K plan with Blessington 10K as goal race. Probably targeting sub 38:30 :eek:

    I have to do some juggling with the dates because I need to account for the Fingal 10K at the end of July, and for 10 days (two weekends) in the mountains in Italy in August. Here speed work is just not possible, and instead I'll focus on some hill running.

    If I want to hit all McMillan sessions (S1 through S7), then the below table is the best I can come up for now. I've tried to maximize the days between sessions.

    Unfortunately, completing the final session 9 to 12 days before Race Day is impossible. The Italian trip falls at the wrong time.

    I've added one extra session for the Monday before the race, just to re-introduce some speed after 10+ days of hills.

    McMillan "Best 10K Workout" Session |Date|Days since last session
    S1 - 6x1M @ 10K [off 3:30min]| Sat 05 July | N/A
    S2 - 10x400m @ 5K [off 200m]| Sat 12 July | 7
    Race - Fingal 10K | Sun 20 July | 8
    S3 - 2M @ 10K [off 5:00mins] + 4x1M @ 10K [off 3:30mins]| Sun 27 July | 7
    S4 - 3M Tempo or 5K Race| Sat 02 Aug | 6
    S5 - 2x2M @ 10K [off 5:00mins] + 2x1M @ 10K [off 3:30mins]| Fri 08 Aug | 6
    S6 - 20x200m @ 5K [off 200m]| Wed 13 Aug | 5
    S7 - 3x2M @ 10K [off 5:00mins]| Tue 19 Aug | 6
    SX - [Extra] 10x400m @ 5K [off 200m]| Mon 01 Sep | 13
    Goal Race | Sat 06 Sep | 5

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m strides

    Home alone for a while. Ran this one this evening after work. Kilmainham very busy with concert goers. Tipped over to Phoenix and in at Islandbridge Gate. Citrus scent still there. I turn up Military Road. I'm imagining this stretch during tomorrow's race and I notice my pace picks up when I do so. I put brakes on, stay disciplined this evening. Onto the largely deserted playing fields and run anticlockwise. Down Acres and then a little lap below the hospital down to and up from Chapelizod Gate. It's quite humid this evening and I'm sweating more than I'd expect for recovery pace.

    Funny, I live literally a stone's throw from the Royal Hospital but can barely hear a thing from the concerts, whereas this evening I can hear the Riptide Movement quite clearly from Acres Road. 5K completed I start into 6x100 strides, into a bit of a headwind. Legs feel responsive and generally feel good. Achilles behaving better this evening than yesterday evening. Strides go fine. Average stride pace is 3:34 min/km [5:44 min/mile]. Slow run home back through the concert goers.

    Risked one pint in the local afterwards. Bed soon.

    5.00K @ 5:43 [3.11 @ 9:12]
    6x100ms strides @ average stride 3:34 [5:44]
    1.82K @ 5:46 1.13M @ 9:17

    Total 8.39K @ 5:31 [5.21M @ 8:53]

    Recovery Week 4 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.11M | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.06M | 8:46
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.39K | 5:31 [8:53] average stride 3:34 [5:44]
    RACE Irish Runner 5 Miler targeting sub 32 | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 20.38 / MTD 126.07 / YTD 960.47

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Irish Runner 5 Miler 2014

    Job done, just about

    :) New 5 Mile PB of 31:48 :)

    I was nervous before this one, wasn't expecting to be nervous. I took it as a good sign, must mean I'm taking it seriously.

    Headed out at around 9:20 and ran at recovery pace over to the Park, in Islandbridge Gate, up the Khyber and up Chesterfield to the starting pens. I was concerned about the weather. It felt mostly warm and I was already sweating a fair bit. There were some welcome breezes though and I thought I felt one or two drops of rain.

    Worked my way up to nearer the top of pen 1, I reckon there were around 200 people ahead of me. It was quite busy and I was ready for some congestion over the first 400m or so. Did some stretches and bounced about a bit, just keeping the legs in motion.

    Goal was sub 32:00 with target pace of 3:55 min/km [6:18 min/mile]. I'd aim to bank time over the mostly downhill first half and then hope I wouldn't drop average pace slower than 3:55 [6:18] over the second mostly uphill half. I was fairly confident of hitting sub 32:00, I had maintained 3:55 [6:18] pace for 10K in the build up to Cork, but that was over a month ago and on a flat course. I hadn't done any speed running of note since.

    We move forward en masse. And we're off!!

    The Downhill Half

    As expected there was some congestion on the run up Chesterfield, but it wasn't too bad and as soon as we turned right onto North Road it was easy to find a clean racing line. I was checking the Garmin and happy to see that I'd dialled in 3:52 [6:13] pace, that would do fine. Legs felt fresh, ST5s feeling very comfortable and footfall felt smooth. First K logs at 3:52 [6:13]. So far so good.

    Group of Tallaght singlets running more or less at my pace, I'm guessing they're targeting sub 32:00 as well and I'm happy to stay close enough to them. Every year there are runners along the North Road who I reckon have gone out too fast, their breathing is already suffering and I do wonder what will happen when they hit the second half of the race. I'm gradually working my way past runners, occasionally I'm overtaken. The second K logs at 3:53 [6:16].

    Breathing feels good and as we head through the roundabout and down toward the Khyber I notice the average pace is starting to creep up, 3:52 [6:13] becomes 3:51 [6:12]. After 3K I do start feeling the effort. It's not particularly tough but I'm growing concerned about the hills ahead. I let gravity carry me down the Khyber. I'm still overtaking people. Pass under the half way chute and glance at average pace which flickers at 3:50 [6:10]. K4 was the fastest of the day at 3:46 [6:04]. Now for the fun bit.

    The Uphill Half

    We turn up Military Road and instantly the field divides into two types of runners, those whose pace drops fairly significantly and those whose pace holds more or less steady. The second group filtering up through the former.

    Two of the Tallaght singlets are running just a couple of meters ahead of me and I'm content to let them pace me up the hill. I gradually move past them as we reach the S-Bends. That wasn't too difficult. But I know the effort levels have now stepped up a notch and the race has started properly. I try cut a good racing line through the S-Bends, I'm happy and a little surprised that I'm still overtaking quiet a few runners. I complete 5K in 19:21. That's just 2 seconds off my 5K PB from the start of the year.

    I try 'enjoy' the flat, slightly downhill stretch through the water station. I see one of the Tallaght singlets ahead taking a cup, how'd he get back ahead of me? I wonder should I grab some water. I don't. Can't say I'm feeling the heat.

    Right then, time for the second climb. Less severe than Military Road, but the Upper Glen Road is long and relentless. Passing less runners now. C'mon 6K completed, just 2K to go. I've lost track of the Tallaght singlet. He's not up ahead so I reckon I've overtaken him again. Average pace is dropping, showing now at 3:54 [6:17]. I tell myself that it'll settle down once we get to the top of the hill. I'm not watching the splits, just the average pace. By the time we get to the flatter tree-lined bends at the top of the Glen Road I'm fairly wrecked and I'm not happy to see 3:55 [6:18] showing. K7 is the slowest of the day at 4:11 [6:43], just as well I wasn't checking splits.

    I remind myself though that the plan is still on track. Just hold 3:55 for the last K and I'll have my sub 32. This stretch between the top of the hill and the start of Furze Road is traditionally where I struggle and again this year I find myself doing a little too much hoping and not enough trying.

    As we turn toward Furze the runner ahead of me slips but manages to stay upright. Onto Furze Road and I overtake a group of runners who I expect to come back at me but they don't. I'm focussing up the road, where's the finish line this year? I can never remember how far up Furze I have to go, always seems too far. The PA is sounding nearer and nearer though and eventually I see the finishing line up ahead, maybe 300m to go? I try speed up but then I nearly slip, the surface is wet and slippy. Accordingly my sprint toward the finishing line is more tentative than I'd have liked.

    I can see the clock reading 31:52. Great. I push to try ensure I get a sub 32:00 clock-time. Over the line in 31:49 on the Garmin.

    Post Race

    Fairly wrecked for the first minute or so. Grab a goodie bag and stroll up the rest of Furze. It's starting to rain proper now.

    I'm pleased with my time. It's a PB of 1:22 over last year's 33:10. But to be honest my thoughts are turned more towards Fingal and Blessington.

    Today 3:55 pace today wasn't as comfortable as it was during my 10K TTs before Cork. I'm already seeing today's race primarily as a good training session ahead of Fingal. Hopefully with this race in the legs and some more speedwork over the next few weeks I'll manage to hold 3:55 over the flatter Fingal 10K.

    Sub 38:30 in Blessington is looking daunting. But it is a summer of running away so I'm not going to worry too much about that now.

    That's June done. Two new PBs. I'm happy with the month's work. And I reckon (touchwood) the legs have recovered well since Cork.

    Official Chip is 31:48.
    Pos 131 of 3119 finishers, or 5th in a race of 100.

    Kilometer |Km Pace |Average Pace
    1 | 3:52 [6:13] | 3:52 [6:13]
    2 | 3:53 [6:16] | 3:53 [6:14]
    3 | 3:50 [6:10] | 3:51 [6:13]
    4 | 3:46 [6:04] | 3:50 [6:11]
    5 | 4:00 [6:26] | 3:52 [6:14]
    6 | 3:53 [6:15] | 3:52 [6:14]
    7 | 4:11 [6:43] | 3:55 [6:18]
    8 | 3:59 [6:24] | 3:55 [6:18]

    Recovery Week 4 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.11M | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.06M | 8:46
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.39K | 5:31 [8:53] average stride 3:34 [5:44]
    RACE Irish Runner 5 Miler targeting sub 32 | 8.12K [5.05M] | 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 29.99 / MTD 135.68 / YTD 970.07

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    5th out of 100. Nice, I like that.
    Good running.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Great stuff, nice shiny PB and no mean feat to do it on that route. Shame i didn't bump into you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭statss

    well deserved pb, similar to my own but on a tougher course. I look forward to a good battle with you in Fingal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    statss wrote: »
    well deserved pb, similar to my own but on a tougher course. I look forward to a good battle with you in Fingal.

    Think we're about as neck and neck as we could be. Should push each other on alright I'd say. I'll PM you my number, fed up of not meeting people at races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 14 Miles

    Brought 4 post CCM14 recovery weeks to a close yesterday with a warm 14 mile meander, mostly around Phoenix.

    Stuck to my usual 12 mile Sunday morning route but added on a few tangents. These included a bright sunny detour into Farmleigh. Looking at cattle grazing with nothing but green and birdsong as backdrop it's hard to believe the city is only the length of Chesterfield away.

    Decided to check pace only after every few miles. It showed at 8:48 as I entered the Park at Chapelizod, grand. It showed at 8:37 as I exited at Knockmaroon. Saw a crow tucking into a breakfast of dead rabbit along the Upper Glen Road. Exiting Farmleigh I was already travelling ahead of target LSR pace.

    I'd put the brakes on, asking myself what's the hurry? But then I'd daydream and the pace would increase again. This tells me that my natural LSR pace may have increased, but I'm sticking with the 8:30 to 8:45 range for a while longer, I know the speed sessions will be testing over the next weeks so I'll hold back on the non speed sessions for the summer.

    Legs felt good for this run. I did however start to feel tired after 10 miles or so, and thirsty despite already having finished the 500mls of water I was carrying. It was muggy out there. I'd weigh-in at 70.9kg afterwards which is as light as I've been in a long while. Exited at Chapelizod instead of following the S-Bends. I detoured back to Kilmainham along the river walkway watching the rowers hard at work. Now that looks tough.

    (taken today off work, hadn't planned on running but looking out there I just have to get out for 5 recovery later, between matches, hopefully Nigeria can despatch France inside 90 mins)

    M01 9:09
    M02 8:36
    M03 8:25
    M04 8:17
    M05 8:27
    M06 8:02
    M07 8:11
    M08 8:27
    M09 8:32
    M10 8:34
    M11 8:26
    M12 8:16
    M13 8:32
    M14 8:36

    Total 14.29M @ 8:28

    Recovery Week 4 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.11M | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.06M | 8:46
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.39K | 5:31 [8:53] average stride 3:34 [5:44]
    RACE Irish Runner 5 Miler targeting sub 32 | 8.12K [5.05M] | 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | 14.29M | 8:28

    Miles WTD 44.28 / MTD 149.97 / YTD 984.36

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Got out yesterday between matches for a sunny 5 miles over to Phoenix and back at recovery pace. Made a determined effort not to run this one faster than target. Legs were fine.

    M01 9:23
    M02 9:02
    M03 9:34
    M04 9:23
    M05 9:46

    Total 5.18M @ 9:25

    This run signals the start of 8 weeks of McMillan 10K Training. The goal race is the Blessington Lakes 10K at the start of September. I will be buffering with weeks for the Fingal 10K and a trip to Italy in August. My midweek runs will stay pretty much consistent and uninspiring, I’ll try get in two recovery pace runs, one with strides and one general aerobic run of 10 miles. I’ll rotate my LSRs between 12, 14 and 16 miles. I’ll aim to keep weekly mileage around the 40 mile mark. But basically it’s all about the 7 weekly McMillan speed sessions (8th week ends with race).

    Lofty target for Blessington is 38:29. Which will see my 10K training pace set at 3:49/3:50 min/km [6:09/6:10 min/mile]. I’ve managed 3:55 [6:18] for 10K in training, so how hard can another 5 or 6 seconds a kilometre be? Right? This weekend will tell a lot with 6x1M @ 3:49/3:50 off 3:30min recovery. I need to focus on sleep, diet and hydration etc during the week and give myself a best shot at this session. McMillan says that it will be hard, but the objective should be just to complete it and not to worry if it feels very tough.

    (might see how legs are ahead of 16M LSRs before committing to them)

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 5.18 / MTD 155.15 / YTD 989.54

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    10 miles home from work this evening. Not the most enjoyable of runs, having to navigate traffic through town and carrying over 2kg extra on my back. Legs were fairly stiff. Funny I run 5 days consecutively and can't remember the legs feeling stiff, then after one day without running they're stiff again.

    Thought about running down the Dodder, Terenure direction just for a change but then decided I didn't fancy the junctions and traffic lights that would entail. So stuck to the old reliable, a lap of Phoenix, this time anti-clockwise. Felt humid out there this evening. Loads of people out running and some serious looking cyclists racing round the S-Bends. Didn't struggle with pace this evening I seemed to default easily into GA pace.

    Today's run takes me to 999 miles for the year. More or less on track to hit target 2000 miles for the year.

    M01 9:14
    M02 9:15
    M03 9:17
    M04 8:57
    M05 8:57
    M06 9:00
    M07 9:01
    M08 8:58
    M09 9:00
    M10 9:28

    Total 10.02 @ 9:07

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.02 | 9:07
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 15.20 / MTD 10.02 / YTD 999.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    A thousand mile run :)

    On with the gear as soon as I got home. A replica of last Friday's run. Warm-up across to the 15 Acres and a little loop under the hospital. Then crack into the strides. I ran these quicker than advisable, but just got in a nice groove, they felt fluid and smooth. Worked up quite a sweat by the end of the run, it was thunder storm humid out there.

    Now, looking forward to the next session.

    4.94K @ 5:58 [3.07M @ 9:36]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:19 [5:20]
    1.98K @ 5:47 [1.23M @ 9:18]

    Total 8.49K @ 5:39 [5.27 @ 9:06]

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.02 | 9:07
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.49K | 5:39 [9:06]
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | |
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 20.47 / MTD 15.29 / YTD 1004.83

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    outforarun wrote: »
    .... just 2K to go. I've lost track of the Tallaght singlet. He's not up ahead so I reckon I've overtaken him again.


    Found him!

    Looks like I touched ground after the line first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6x1 mile @ goal 10K pace off 3:30min recovery

    Fail :(

    I guess I was due a fail, been a while. I'm blaming the World Cup beers.

    Ran this in Cork. I got the 8:00am train down and was running at 11:30, no breakfast, that bit wasn't clever. I ran a 4K warm-up over to Little Island. It was noticeably warm.

    I'd checked on Google Maps for a flat stretch of road and found a loop measuring a little over a mile in East Gate Business Park, there was a slight drag and drop on one part of the loop but overall it looked fit for purpose. It was Saturday morning so I pretty much had the road to myself, seems to be a popular spot for learner drivers.

    So goal 10K pace was 3:49/3:50 min/km [6:09/6:10 min/mile]. I'd set up the intervals in miles, but switched to metric for the run. Worked well, each interval measured 1.61K.

    Mile 1 - 3:47 [6:05]
    Set off too fast and applied the brakes too slowly. I was feeling ok up until maybe the last 200m or so, at which point the effort started to feel noticeably more difficult. Time wise the first mile measured 6:04.53. My fastest ever measured mile.

    Mile 2 - 3:51 [6:11]
    The 3:30 mins recovery was just about enough. Note to self - if I'm attempting to the hardest interval session I've ever attempted and I'm offered 3 to 4 mins recovery, take the 4 mins. The second mile followed a similar pattern to the first. Started too fast, apply brakes too late and suffer near the end. I was already breathing hard over the last 400ms and I was starting to realise that 6 of these may not happen.

    Mile 3 - 3:52 [6:14]
    I'd look at the Garmin and see again that I started to fast, I'd apply the brakes but then as the pace slowed down I'd feel a need to speed up to ensure it wouldn't fall too slow - and once again I suffered over the end. The end now measuring 500ms. I knew now that I wasn't going to hit my target. Dreading the beeps that signal another mile of pain.

    Mile 4 - 3:59 [6:25]
    Paced this one a bit better, but the legs were tired, I felt warm, I felt a bit demotivated as well knowing that I wouldn't be hitting target pace over the 6 intervals. I was hating the 200m drag on the loop and couldn't wait for the 200m drop that followed it. Dying a death, legs and lungs, for the last 500ms, footfall feeling very flat, felt like race effort.

    Mile 5 - 4:01 [6:28]
    Made a decision now not to look at all at the Garmin and just run at whatever effort felt uncomfortable but manageable for a mile. This took some pressure off. I knew I was well off target pace, it felt more like LT pace. I didn't check the split at the end.

    Mile 6 - 3:58 [6:23]
    This felt better, I think just cause I knew it was the last one. Held the pace steady. I think the fifth mile I'd allowed myself to recover from the previous hard 4 miles, so I was tackling the 6th mile from a better starting state. Again I didn't check the splits, I'd resolved not to do so until I got home.

    You know you've had a tough session when the cool-down seems to go on for ever and just seems to serve to tire you further. Got rained on as well :rolleyes:.

    Post Session
    I was happy I didn't ditch the session after 3 or 4 intervals. Once I knew I wouldn't hit target I was tempted to just ignore the last two miles or run them at MP. It was a good call I think to ignore the Garmin and just try run as hard as I felt was manageable. I was pleased to see that the last two miles still logged as sub 6:30 miles. I didn't think they were that fast.

    It's incredible the difference a few seconds average pace can make when you're running at the faster end of your paces. Travelling in the high 3:4Xs had me dying a death, travelling in the high 3:5Xs for the last two intervals were so much 'easier'. Running that first mile that fast, didn't help.

    So have I set my goal to high? Sub 38:30 for Blessington always seemed daunting. Should I see Fingal as a sub 40 race and then Blessington as a sub 39 attempt? Maybe that's more realistic. Maybe 3:53 [6:15] pace is a better goal?

    Average mile pace yesterday was 3:55 [6:18]. This is what I hope to maintain in Fingal. I like to think I could have averaged 3:53 yesterday (with difficulty yes, but that's predicted in the plan) if I had targeted it rather than 3:49/3:50. I also think last week's 5 Mile race effort was still in the legs.

    Right now I'm thinking 3:53 [6:15] for the remaining sessions.

    Warm-up 4.06K @ 5:33 [2.52M @ 8:55]
    6x1M @ average 3:55 [6:18]
    Cool down 3.97K @ 5:43 [2.47M @ 9:12]

    Total 21.42K @ 4:51 [13.31M @ 7:49]

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.02 | 9:07
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.49K | 5:39 [9:06]
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | 21.42K | 4:51 [7:49] average interval 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 33.78 / MTD 28.60 / YTD 1018.14

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »
    6x1 mile @ goal 10K pace off 3:30min recovery

    Fail :(

    I guess I was due a fail, been a while. I'm blaming the World Cup beers.

    Ran this in Cork. I got the 8:00am train down and was running at 11:30, no breakfast, that bit wasn't clever. I ran a 4K warm-up over to Little Island. It was noticeably warm.

    I'd checked on Google Maps for a flat stretch of road and found a loop measuring a little over a mile in East Gate Business Park, there was a slight drag and drop on one part of the loop but overall it looked fit for purpose. It was Saturday morning so I pretty much had the road to myself, seems to be a popular spot for learner drivers.

    So goal 10K pace was 3:49/3:50 min/km [6:09/6:10 min/mile]. I'd set up the intervals in miles, but switched to metric for the run. Worked well, each interval measured 1.61K.

    Mile 1 - 3:47 [6:05]
    Set off too fast and applied the brakes too slowly. I was feeling ok up until maybe the last 200m or so, at which point the effort started to feel noticeably more difficult. Time wise the first mile measured 6:04.53. My fastest ever measured mile.

    Mile 2 - 3:51 [6:11]
    The 3:30 mins recovery was just about enough. Note to self - if I'm attempting to the hardest interval session I've ever attempted and I'm offered 3 to 4 mins recovery, take the 4 mins. The second mile followed a similar pattern to the first. Started too fast, apply brakes too late and suffer near the end. I was already breathing hard over the last 400ms and I was starting to realise that 6 of these may not happen.

    Mile 3 - 3:52 [6:14]
    I'd look at the Garmin and see again that I started to fast, I'd apply the brakes but then as the pace slowed down I'd feel a need to speed up to ensure it wouldn't fall too slow - and once again I suffered over the end. The end now measuring 500ms. I knew now that I wasn't going to hit my target. Dreading the beeps that signal another mile of pain.

    Mile 4 - 3:59 [6:25]
    Paced this one a bit better, but the legs were tired, I felt warm, I felt a bit demotivated as well knowing that I wouldn't be hitting target pace over the 6 intervals. I was hating the 200m drag on the loop and couldn't wait for the 200m drop that followed it. Dying a death, legs and lungs, for the last 500ms, footfall feeling very flat, felt like race effort.

    Mile 5 - 4:01 [6:28]
    Made a decision now not to look at all at the Garmin and just run at whatever effort felt uncomfortable but manageable for a mile. This took some pressure off. I knew I was well off target pace, it felt more like LT pace. I didn't check the split at the end.

    Mile 6 - 3:58 [6:23]
    This felt better, I think just cause I knew it was the last one. Held the pace steady. I think the fifth mile I'd allowed myself to recover from the previous hard 4 miles, so I was tackling the 6th mile from a better starting state. Again I didn't check the splits, I'd resolved not to do so until I got home.

    You know you've had a tough session when the cool-down seems to go on for ever and just seems to serve to tire you further. Got rained on as well :rolleyes:.

    Post Session
    I was happy I didn't ditch the session after 3 or 4 intervals. Once I knew I wouldn't hit target I was tempted to just ignore the last two miles or run them at MP. It was a good call I think to ignore the Garmin and just try run as hard as I felt was manageable. I was pleased to see that the last two miles still logged as sub 6:30 miles. I didn't think they were that fast.

    It's incredible the difference a few seconds average pace can make when you're running at the faster end of your paces. Travelling in the high 3:4Xs had me dying a death, travelling in the high 3:5Xs for the last two intervals were so much 'easier'. Running that first mile that fast, didn't help.

    So have I set my goal to high? Sub 38:30 for Blessington always seemed daunting. Should I see Fingal as a sub 40 race and then Blessington as a sub 39 attempt? Maybe that's more realistic. Maybe 3:53 [6:15] pace is a better goal?

    Average mile pace yesterday was 3:55 [6:18]. This is what I hope to maintain in Fingal. I like to think I could have averaged 3:53 yesterday (with difficulty yes, but that's predicted in the plan) if I had targeted it rather than 3:49/3:50. I also think last week's 5 Mile race effort was still in the legs.

    Right now I'm thinking 3:53 [6:15] for the remaining sessions.

    Warm-up 4.06K @ 5:33 [2.52M @ 8:55]
    6x1M @ average 3:55 [6:18]
    Cool down 3.97K @ 5:43 [2.47M @ 9:12]

    Total 21.42K @ 4:51 [13.31M @ 7:49]

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.02 | 9:07
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.49K | 5:39 [9:06]
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | 21.42K | 4:51 [7:49] average interval 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 16M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 33.78 / MTD 28.60 / YTD 1018.14

    Still a very good session - maybe not 10k pace throughout, but would still be a decent cruise interval session (McMillan).

    Or - depending on effort, could have been the session you were hoping for, but at 10k effort as opposed to pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Still a very good session - maybe not 10k pace throughout, but would still be a decent cruise interval session (McMillan).

    Or - depending on effort, could have been the session you were hoping for, but at 10k effort as opposed to pace.

    Thanks for the positive spin. I'm trying myself to focus on the positives. It was a good work out insofar as I did push as hard as I felt I could. I was happy I completed all six miles and kept the average pace sub 6:20. I think your second statement might be the truer, and maybe I've learned that it's a little too soon for 3:49/3:50. I'm fairly certain that I'll revise my goal pace to 3:53 [6:15]. Sub 40 Fingal and sub 39 Blessington has a better ring to it. Besides I'm not in a hurry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 12 Miles

    Made a decision to chop 4 miles off my Sunday morning LSR. Decided this because of the drop-dead effort of Saturday's run. Not only was it a tough session it turned out to be a longer than planned session at over 13 miles. I want to try hit 40 miles a week and well running 12 would easily do that, no need for 16.

    Beautiful morning in Cork for a run, at times maybe too warm under the sun. I did a big loop round Glanmire, up to Mayfield and Montenotte. This included some testing hills. Into town and then back out along the marathon route. Pace gradually creeping up as the run proceeded and especially once I'd the early hills out of the way. I was really getting into the run near the end and tempted to go for the 16, but played it safe and stuck to the, revised, plan.

    Later in the day I felt some pain in right knee when I stood up from my knees. This happens every so often. I think running 6 miles at the same pace I'd raced 5 miles just one week earlier was not wise. Knee feels better today. I plan on 6 miles recovery tomorrow, out and back to AK in Ashtown.

    (oh that crick I had in my neck back in Italy at Easter, still not 100% fixed, I can feel a strain when I look far back over my right shoulder)

    M01 9:28
    M02 8:17
    M03 8:27
    M04 8:15
    M05 8:30
    M06 8:04
    M07 8:18
    M08 8:21
    M09 8:29
    M10 8:29
    M11 8:16
    M12 8:55

    Total 12.37M @ 8:30

    McMillan 10K Week 1 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.18M | 9:25
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | 10.02 | 9:07
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.49K | 5:39 [9:06]
    McMillan 10K Key Session 1 of 7: 6x1M @ 3:49/50 min/km | 21.42K | 4:51 [7:49] average interval 3:55 [6:18]
    LSR 12M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | 12.37M | 8:30

    Miles WTD 46.15 / MTD 40.97 / YTD 1030.51

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Broke this one into two parts. Home to AK in Ashtown, then AK in Ashtown to home. I'd the day off work so headed out in the afternoon. Sunny and warm on the way over but the way the day was going I knew I'd encounter a downpour at some point. So into AK and pick up a shiny new pair of ST-5s, using the AK voucher I got after the 5 miler - €80, happy days. These ones are electric blue with flashes of yellow, they're definitely faster than the last pair.

    Legs felt a bit a stiff on the way over. Then they felt really zippy on the way back, as good as they've felt in a long while. Got caught in a downpour on the way home. All the while I'm thinking about Fingal and Blessington and I've decided to target sub 40 and sub 39 respectively. Accordingly 3:53 min/km [6:15 min/mile] is my new McMillan 10K pace.

    M01 9:32
    M02 9:21
    M03 9:05

    Total 3.33M @ 9:19

    M04 9:01
    M05 9:12
    M06 9:42

    Total 3.36 @ 9:20

    McMillan 10K Week 2 Session Targets|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.69M | 9:20
    General Aerobic 10M @ 9:00 to 9:15 | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    McMillan 10K Key Session 2 of 7: 10x400m @ 3:40/45 min/km off 200m recovery | |
    LSR 14M @ 8:30 to 8:45 | |

    Miles WTD 6.69 / MTD 47.67 / YTD 1037.18

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    outforarun wrote: »
    All the while I'm thinking about Fingal and Blessington and I've decided to target sub 40 and sub 39 respectively.
    Cool, that'll be handy enough for you, so can pace me , having failed badly on my last outing in Dunshaughlin!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    Cool, that'll be handy enough for you, so can pace me , having failed badly on my last outing in Dunshaughlin!!

    Happy to. Pressure!!

    Will be trying to hold 3:55 min/km 6:18 min/mile. Managed that pre-Cork and over the tricky 5 miler two Saturdays ago. Must arrange a meet up point or something, aiming to meet up with statss as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    outforarun wrote: »
    Happy to. Pressure!!

    Will be trying to hold 3:55 min/km 6:18 min/mile. Managed that pre-Cork and over the tricky 5 miler two Saturdays ago. Must arrange a meet up point or something, aiming to meet up with statss as well.

    Yeah meeting point would be cool. I'd say you'll be good for that no problem but 3:55 is probably a bit too hot for me though, 39:55 would be a PB which I'd take right now!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    Yeah meeting point would be cool. I'd say you'll be good for that no problem but 3:55 is probably a bit too hot for me though, 39:55 would be a PB which I'd take right now!!

    Well if I hold 3:55 and you keep me in sight 100/150m up the road then we should both be happy.
