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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Nice report OFAR. Although you're a little 'meh' with your time yesterday, think back to the end of July when you were delighted with a time only 3 seconds quicker. Your training probably hasn't been as structured as you'd like, but it gets harder to hit targets as your standards rise. Don't be too hard on yourself. Might see you at Jingle Bells ;).

    Thanks yaboya. You're right about it getting harder to hit targets, and it gets harder to stay motivated during a race when you suspect that target is gone. Sunday's race felt like a proper slog for the last 3K.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    Time to re-focus the mind Outforarun? There have been a fair few "meh" type entries in your log recently, in stark contrast to the military-style, stick-to-the-plan stuff previous to this round of training.

    Spot on. Sooner I get back on marathon training the better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    More Strasbourg Running

    Another busy week work wise so I didn't lay great plans for midweek. I had hoped to run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday's run however was knocked on the head - an early flight out of Dublin to Frankfurt, a 2 hour plus coach trip to Strasbourg, then a late night in the warehouse before arriving at hotel later in the evening to discover that my booking had been made for October 2015!! Lucky to find alternative accommodation as the European Parliament was in sitting. Had a late meal and drink instead of a late run. Then collapsed asleep.

    Wednesday 22 October - MLR 10 Miles
    Ran this with a colleague in the evening. Managed to find my way to the Parc de l'Orangerie. And it was well worth seeking out. The perimeter path and other main paths were lit up so you could safely do laps after dark. Race days excepted I have rarely seen such a high concentration of runners. All levels, groups and individuals, and several running classes in progress. The park felt like a big running club. I struggle to remember anybody that was not running. The running surface was lovely in parts, a soft sandy gravel made it a pleasure to listen to your footfall. We did several laps inside gradually increasing the pace before heading back to the town centre. My colleague finished up at 9 miles and I tagged on a further mile to bring up the 10. Really enjoyed this run after a hectic couple of days. The legs felt loose and responsive just a few days out from the Rebel Run

    M01 7:58
    M02 8:30
    M03 8:53
    M04 8:48
    M05 7:40
    M06 8:03
    M07 7:58
    M08 8:07
    M09 8:18
    M10 7:39

    Total 10.07M @ 8:11

    Thursday 23 October - Recovery 5 Miles
    Managed to get out of the warehouse at a reasonable hour so quickly threw on the runners to head back to the Park to see it in the daylight. Ran this again with my colleague. Kept the pace very handy today and just enjoyed tipping along keeping the average pace above 9 minute miles. Once again the park was taken over by runners. Legs again were fine.

    M01 9:35
    M02 8:57
    M03 9:05
    M04 9:03
    M05 9:01

    Total 5.25M @ 9:06

    WTD 15.31M MTD 113.58M YTD 1575.96

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x800m @ 5K pace off 2 mins recovery

    No plans set in stone for this week so I decided only today to do a standard 5x800 VO2 session. I decided to aim for 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02] pace, which is probably a little too fast. Come Jingle Bells I'll be targetting 3:45 [6:02] pace. Have family staying over from Italy for a while so that gives me more flexibility with my runs. Watched Dundalk winning the League as live this afternoon (got in late from Frankfurt last night) before heading out later. Bit windy outside. I headed into the park at Islandbridge and headed up the Khyber. Started the 800s straight after the Phoenix roundabout, heading up the North Road.

    Hmmm, could tell that this wasn't going to be easy. Legs didn't feel very awake. Footfall felt pretty flat. First interval 3:43 [5:59].

    Two minutes recovery passed fairly quickly. The second 800 was into the wind around North Road. This was tough. Felt like I was constantly pushing and the lungs were already objecting. I'd had a late night pub crawl in Strasbourg on Thursday night and I think this may still have been in the system. Second interval 3:40 [5:54].

    This one felt like I was cheating. The full 800 is run heading back down Chesterfield. For less effort than the previous 800 I was running 'comfortably' at 3:3X pace. This one also logs at 3:40 [5:54], but was much easier than the second 800.

    Try recover as much as possible before this one. Running along the North Road again, I lose maybe a second or two as a stag wanders across my path. Lungs and legs working. This interval logs at 3:43 [5:59]

    The first half of this final 800 is once again along the North Road and into the wind. The second half is back down Chesterfield. I push along the first section and I'm very surprised to see 3:2X pace showing. I ease off a little but not too much. I try to keep the effort constant and so run faster than target pace back down Chesterfield. Last 800 logs as a speedy 3:32 [5:41].

    After the first 800 I didn't expect to finish the session as strong as I did. So I'm pleased with this after a long busy week.

    Trotted down Chesterfield before turning right onto Wellington Road to exit by Islandbridge. Very conscious that it probably won't be until next March or April before I'm in the park in the evening.

    Warm-up 3.17K @ 5:56 [1.97M @ 9:34]

    Interval 1 - 2:58 (3:43 [5:58])
    Interval 2 - 2:56 (3:40 [5:54])
    Interval 3 - 2:56 (3:40 [5:54])
    Interval 4 - 2:58 (3:43 [5:58])
    Interval 5 - 2:50 (3:32 [5:41])

    Average - 2:56 (3:39 [5:52])

    Cool-down 4.59K @ 5:21 [2.85M @ 8:36]

    Total 13.62K @ 5:00 [8.46M @ 8:02]

    Miles WTD 23.77 / MTD 122.04 / YTD 1584.42

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 16 Miles

    Went for an enjoyable LSR on Sunday morning. I expected the legs to be stiff and unresponsive but instead they were more or less fine right from mile one. Headed over to the park with the intention of trying out a bigger lap than my usual follow-the-main-perimeter-road route. So in at Islandbridge and turned right, usual route up behind the zoo, then onto the trails at the start of North Road, follow these down to Knockmaroon, then down to the Furry Glen lake before heading round the lake and back up to the intersection with Furze Road, then continue the anti-clockwise route down Upper Glen Road and through the S-Bends back to Islandbridge Gate. Total lap distance is exactly 7 miles. So two of these plus the run to and from the Park bring up 16 miles fairly neatly.

    I wasn’t running to a plan last week, so I pretty much let the legs set the pace. This turned out to be much faster than I expected. I made a half-hearted attempt to slow things down on the second lap. Overall this felt very comfortable, though I could feel some tiredness arriving on mile 16. Legs were a bit stiff for the rest of the day. Happy with this run and further confirms that 8:15 to 8:30 will be fine as my new LSR pace come my next P&D cycle.

    Happy to have hit 40 miles for the week despite only managing 4 runs. Also brought up 1600 miles for the year.

    M01 8:53
    M02 8:07
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:49
    M05 7:54
    M06 8:00
    M07 7:52
    M08 8:00
    M09 8:18
    M10 8:13
    M11 8:28
    M12 8:02
    M13 8:05
    M14 7:55
    M15 8:04
    M16 8:24 (1600 miles for the year)

    Total 16.35M @ 8:08

    Miles WTD 40.12 / MTD 138.39 / YTD 1600.77

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Got out yesterday morning at 6:45ish for a chilly but not entirely dark 5 miles. Like Sunday I let the legs decide what recovery pace should be. They weren’t in a hurry over the first mile, logging a 10:26. This would have seemed impossibly slow on Sunday, but yesterday morning it felt just right. Kept this to a simple out and back along the Chapelizod Road.

    M01 10:26
    M02 09:03
    M03 08:56
    M04 08:59
    M05 09:05

    Total 5.02M @ 9:20

    Also – Monday, I put on the runners to go spot a mate at DCM. Ran over to near the 4 mile marker but didn’t see him. Ran back home, quick shower then headed over to the Hilton to try see him there – didn’t spot him there either. I did instead spot the runner than ran alongside me for a while down in Cork at the Rebel Run. He obviously knew what he was doing in Bishopstown, I tracked his splits and he finished in 2:53. Well inside his sub 3 target.

    Miles WTD 7.48 / MTD 145.88 / YTD 1608.26

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Out yesterday morning for 10 miles at 6:30. It’s so much easier getting out for these at 6:30 rather than 5:30, all thanks to having family staying over at the moment.

    Uninspiring laps of the block were on the menu. I do my usual early morning trick of only checking average pace at the end of each lap, mainly because I don’t want to be frightened by how slow my first mile or two are. It’s super-mild outside again, I prefer a little bit of chill.

    I knew the first lap (Kilmainham – Inchicore Road – Emmett Road – SCR – Jame’s – Heuston – Kilmainham) was slower than target MLR pace of 8:10 to 8:25, but I was surprised to see 8:47, thought it was faster than that. I speed things up on the second lap, not least because I suspect the gingerbread man is lurking. Second lap finished and average pace is now 8:26. Third lap is a little shorter as I drop the SCR piece and I finish up with average pace at 8:19. Nice steady progression. That extra hour’s daylight in the morning is great.

    M01 9:10
    M02 8:42
    M03 8:20
    M04 8:21
    M05 8:05
    M06 8:14
    M07 8:02
    M08 8:03
    M09 8:14
    M10 7:59

    Total 10.02M @ 8:19

    Miles WTD 17.50 / MTD 155.90 / YTD 1618.28

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Easy recovery run at a respectable hour (7:10) this morning. Went around most of one of my laps from yesterday, only instead of turning up Military Road after Heuston I keep running and turn up by the Hilton. Spot the gate of IMMA is open so cut through the grounds (lovely in the morning to run here) and home.

    Legs feeling the better for the run. That faint groin strain I've had for the last while is improving.

    M01 9:27
    M02 9:10
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:45

    Total 4.26M @ 9:01

    Miles WTD 21.77 / MTD 160.17 / YTD 1622.54

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Haven't had a moment to sit down and plan out the next few weeks' running. I'll read the 5K article posted above by TJ and decide on what to cherry-pick from it.

    Tomorrow instead I've decided to find a starting point and run a 5K TT in the park and I'll try run it along the Jingle Bell's route. This should give me an idea of where I'm at at the moment and might inform the next few weeks training wise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    :):):) New Garmin 5K PB of 18:41 :):):)

    Set my marker this morning and gained a huge confidence boost in doing so. I haven't felt this happy about a run in quite some time.

    I checked the Jingle Bell's route online before heading out noting the start line has around a third of the way up Acre's Road. The sun came out as I hit the road. Took a long warm-up along the Liffey walkway to Chapelizod. keeping pace with the rowers. Then headed into the park at Chapelizod Gate and up onto Acres. Sun was warm, air was fresh. Good conditions. I was going to have another shot at sub 19:00 and I actually felt more psyched-up about this than I did about the 10K Rebel Run, despite only deciding yesterday to run this TT.

    Took a few moments to brace myself. Looked to see if I could see any road markings indicating the start line, but didn't see any. Choose a virtual startline that seemed about right. Walked up to it and hit start on the Garmin.

    So the plan was to try have average pace no slower than 3:47 [6:05] by the time I reached the turn-off onto Ordnance Road. Hoping then that the more downhill profile of the second half of the course would allow me creep back up to 3:45 [6:02] or 3:46 [6:04] pace and dip in under 19:00. I stay on the road and off the paths for the first K. Despite the uphill profile I find myself travelling initially at 3:40 [5:54] and 3:41 [5:56] pace. It doesn't feel too difficult but I know I need to slow down a little or I'll have nothing left for later. The first K beeps as I turn onto Chesterfield. Pace 3:43 [5:58].

    The drag up Chesterfield is already putting manners on me. i'm on the path now, not the road. Tell myself that this is the most difficult kilometre and that once I get to the top there will be some relief. Glance at the Garmin and see that I'm well inside my opening target of 3:47 [6:05]. Should I ease up? I can see the turn-off approaching so I decide to just try hold the effort. K2 logs at 3:44 [6:01], average pace holding at 3:43 [6:00]. So far so good.

    Turn onto Ordnance and into a headwind. Not terribly terribly strong, but fairly significant if trying to hold 5K pace. I'm feeling the effort now. More in the legs than in the lungs, not that the lungs are taking it easy. This is going to be hard. Just as well I posted up in boards last night that I was going to do this TT, otherwise I could be tempted to call it a 3K TT. I'm on the paths going down Ordnance. Feels tough. Just a little over 2K to go but it does now feel like and end of race 2K. K3 logs at 3:44 [6:00] pace.

    This is a funny kilometre. The uphill portion of the run is behind you at this point and you're starting to recover from it. But the downhill section proper hasn't started yet so I'm reluctant to push just yet. Still too far out. I'm back on the road now. I've started ignoring the pace on the watch, just watching the distance. This is a good sign that I'm treating the TT seriously as it pretty much mirrors what I do near the end of a race. I'm in countdown mode, just 1500ms to go, less than a mile, come on. K4 ends shortly before the proper Upper Glen Road descent starts. Split pace 3:49 [6:08].

    Thrilled to start the descent. I continue not to look at the average pace and just trust that keeping the effort steady as gravity does some of the work for me will increase the pace. Legs and lungs working. Tell myself to enjoy this that these sort of sessions will bring me on, no pain etc. Less than 500ms, less than 400ms. The ground starting to level out again. I reckon the profile of the last K will insure lots late sprint battles on raceday. I turn onto the path below the hospital with just a little over 100ms to go. I push as if I could see the finish line. Garmin logs the final K at 3:40 [5:53].

    I check final time and see 18:40.72.

    I allow myself a little celebratory clenched fist. Really happy with that. Because of my last 5K TT when I ran 19:09 I wasn't confident this morning of going sub 19. I would have signed for 18:59.

    This is a fast course. If you can just hold whatever effort you've managed over the first 4K, into the last K, then you will certainly run your fastest K on K5. For me K4 is probably the danger kilometre as you are in a no-man's land recovering from the first uphill half of the course and waiting for the downhill to kick-in proper. Relax too much on K4 and you could miss your target.

    I'd be very happy to stay in this condition between now and race-day and feel confident of making the sub 19 official. I'll set 5K pace for training over the next few weeks at 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02]. I'll see how training goes before making any gold, silver and bronze targets, but I suspect that however training goes I'll aim to turn onto Ordnance on race day with 3:43 [5:59] or 3:44 [6:00] showing as average pace. And then see how much I can kick on from there. (I'll also repeat today's 5K warm-up, seemed to do me no harm).

    Warm-up 5.02K @ 5:31

    Spilts / Average Pace
    K1 3:43 [5:58] / 3:43 [5:58]
    K2 3:44 [6:01] / 3:43 [6:00]
    K3 3:44 [6:00] / 3:44 [6:00]
    K4 3:49 [6:08] / 3:45 [6:01]
    K5 3:40 [5:53] / 3:44 [6:00]

    Total 5.01K @ 3:44 [3.11M @ 6:00]

    Garmin Link

    Cool Down 3.13K @ 5:16 [1.95M @ 8:28]

    Miles WTD 29.95 / MTD 8.18 / YTD 1630.72

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Sub 19 is no longer the target.
    It's got to be sub 18:41 ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Thats savage going man, well done!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Thats savage going man, well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice going there Outforarun - I'd agree with Yaboya1 - forget the sub 19've raised the bar with that one ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Great stuff - you must be thrilled with that. sub 18:30 target ???

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Sub 19 is no longer the target.
    It's got to be sub 18:41 ;)

    Part of me was thinking after completing today's TT, 'well that's a lot of extra pressure I've just put on myself for race-day!'
    sub 18:41 it probably has to be - not such a crazy target as it should drop you into sub 6:00 min mile pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks. Today's run was the surprise run that didn't arrive 2 weeks ago in Cork. (surprise was facilitated by the last K though)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    Nice going there Outforarun - I'd agree with Yaboya1 - forget the sub 19've raised the bar with that one ;)

    Thanks. Very pleased with today's time alright. I still think I'll try run the first half of the race at the same pace as today, then over the second half I'll try cash in on any gains I may make over the next few weeks training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Great stuff - you must be thrilled with that. sub 18:30 target ???

    Thanks. Pleased alright. Sub 18:30? Probably has to be doesn't it? I'll hold off a while longer until I see how training goes. I've been busy with one thing or another at work and at home over the last while but I hope I get a window to digest the article you posted above and cobble together a plan for the next weeks. I hate not running to a plan.

    Happy I decided to run this TT this far out from the race. Gives me something solid to work off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 12 Miles

    Stepped outside the door yesterday morning to be hit by a strong and very cold gust of wind. Popped back inside to put on running top and gloves. Set off on my short LSR feeling nice and cosy. Headed over to the park entering at Islandbridge Gate and turning right to repeat my 7 mile lap from last week. I can feel yesterday’s 5K effort in the legs. All the same the pace picks up gradually as I tick off the miles.

    Really nice running on the trails this morning, not too many people out. When I arrive down at Knockmaroon Gate I’m travelling at the fast end of target. Sub 8 minute miles seem to creep up on me without me realizing. I ease off a little conscious of taking it easy after yesterday. Even though I ease off the average pace doesn’t really slow down a whole pile.

    Continue down into and up out off the Furry Glen by Furze Road, then along the main road to Chapelizod Gate, through the S-Bends and complete the lap. I turn up the Khyber and head for the Phoenix Roundabout, then down Chesterfield with a diversion behind the Polo Grounds. Out Park Gate, right along Conyingham and home to Kilmainham.

    Enjoyed this, a good week’s ‘off-plan’ running. Back on a plan from this week.

    M01 9:35
    M02 8:12
    M03 7:56
    M04 7:51
    M05 7:45
    M06 7:55
    M07 8:04
    M08 8:10
    M09 8:31
    M10 7:45
    M11 8:16
    M12 8:22

    Total 12.19M @ 8:11

    Miles WTD 42.13 / MTD 20.37 / YTD 1642.91

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    So I have 4 Saturdays before race day.

    I’ve read through TJ’s 5K article. There’s a lot in there, but I have no where near enough time to do it all justice and build a structured plan that incorporates all its elements. My Sunday long runs will continue as always and they will tick off the Aerobic Endurance box.

    I want to try something new so I’m going to try the following 4 sessions.

    Saturday 1
    [4 weeks before raceday]
    5K Specific Endurance – 4x5mins @ 5K pace off 3 mins jog recovery.

    I’ve never run sessions based on time, I’ve always run to set distances, 400m, 800m, 1K, etc. So that in itself will be a change. The article underlines running at 5K effort rather than 5K pace. However, knowing that I ran 5K at 3:44 pace on Saturday, I will aim to keep pace between 3:40 [5:54] and 3:45 [6:02]. This way I’m confident enough that I’m not running too slow and gives me some scope to run faster provided I feel the effort is honest 5K effort. At 5mins the intervals will not be easy but the 3 minutes recovery should keep me tipping over.

    Saturday 2
    [3 weeks before raceday]
    Intermediate Fast Twitch Endurance – 5x90 second long hill repeats off 4 to 5 minutes recovery.

    Hill repeats are something I have very little experience of. The article states “long hill repeats make us faster, period.”, sounds good to me. I have the Khyber earmarked for these, not too steep and not too flat just like the article requests. It’s not super explicit from the article but I believe I should again be aiming for 5K effort. As always I will keep an eye on pace, if these are 3:45 [6:02] to 3:50 [6:10] pace then so be it. Very generous recovery time on these.

    Saturday 3
    [2 weeks before raceday]
    5K Specific Endurance – 5x5mins @ 5K pace off 3 mins jog recovery.

    Same session as two weeks ago, with one additional interval added. Didn’t want to do this one any closer to race day, looks tough and I do hope the 3 minutes recovery is sufficient.

    Saturday 4
    [1 week before raceday]
    16x200m @ 3K pace off 200m jog recovery

    I always like to run faster than race pace before race-day just to make 5K pace seem that bit easier. I’ve never run 200m intervals before. At first glance 16 intervals seem a lot, but I guess it’s easier than 8x400m at 3K. I managed 10x400 @ 3K pace in the mountains in August and each included a 200m climb. Basically I hope these will allow me tick the faster than 5K box, but not take too much out of me ahead of raceday. 3K pace I'm setting at 3:35 [5:46] to 3:40 [5:54].

    The rest of my running week will follow the usual format, though I want to reintroduce some strides which I’ve been neglecting of late.

    Looking forward to this now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Out at 7:00 yesterday morning for 5 recovery miles. I won’t be able to get out at these reasonable hours again for a while. Jacket and gloves again yesterday. Ran my staple Chapelizod Road out and back.

    As I’m back running to a plan for the next 5 weeks I make a proper effort to stay on target. So when I see the average pace going under 9:20 I put on the brakes with intent and make sure I slow down as required. Feel good for injecting this bit of discipline.

    Legs feel good. Groin strain (if that’s what it was) nearly gone now. Instead I’ve an ache in my right shoulder blade. I’ve had it for over a week now, assumed it would disappear after a day or two but instead it’s persisting. Not terribly sore, just uncomfortable and annoying.

    Re-including my table from P&D to keep me honest ahead of this year's final race. And my MLR and LSR paces are set at what I expect to run them at during the next P&D cycle.

    M01 9:52
    M02 9:03
    M03 8:59
    M04 9:16
    M05 9:33

    Total 5.05M @ 9:21

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:21
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides |
    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 3 mins jog recovery |
    LSR 14M @ 8:15 to 8:30 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    01 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 22 | 5.05 / 25.42 / 1647.96

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Got this one done after work. Started running at around 18:30. Gloves and jacket on again. Started off a little too eager with a 7:42 mile one. Then started to gently ease of the pace for the next few miles. Been a while since I ran along the canal from town down past Dolphin's Barn. Still don't like this route.

    All the same I was enjoying the run more than I expected. Onto SCR and across to Inchicore before heading to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road. Then I run along Chapelizod Road (so many other runners along this stretch) as far as Heuston then a bit further down the south quay before turning up Watling Street.

    For a while I wondered how safe this street was but said to myself it's fine. Then at the top of the street I spot a silhouette disappear behind a parked car. As I pass by something is flung at my head, misses, and the silhouette dashes away down the street. Couldn't tell if it was a kid or adult. Should trust my instinct a bit more when it comes to running certain spots at night. Then as I run past James, there are two guys on the road wrestling each other while third watches on from a bike. Couldn't tell how serious it was but I wasn't stopping to ask.

    Finished the run inside target pace and without further incident.

    M01 7:42
    M02 8:04
    M03 8:18
    M04 8:39
    M05 8:14
    M06 8:10
    M07 8:03
    M08 7:59
    M09 8:28
    M10 8:08

    Total 10.01M @ 8:11

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:21
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.01M @ 8:11
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides |
    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 3 mins jog recovery |
    LSR 14M @ 8:15 to 8:30 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    02 / 02 / 00 / 00 / 21 | 15.06 / 35.42 / 1657.97

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    Fairly difficult to get up this morning. Got into gear while I was still half-asleep. Fresh and cool out there, don't wear gloves, just a jacket. On the road for 6:15. Legs feel surprisingly awake right from the start. I'm determined to keep the pace in the recovery range. Head out along Chapelizod Road. Once I hit 4K I turn around and start retracing my steps. Run the 6 sets of strides here. They felt smooth enough, they felt fast enough, but I know my now that at this hour they're always slower than later in the day. Average stride pace 3:41 [5:53].

    Have lap pace showing on Garmin just to ensure I run the final piece of the run back at recovery pace. Job done.

    4.62K @ 5:56 [2.87M @ 9:33]
    6x100m strides with average stride pace 3:41 [5:53]
    1.58K @ 5:53 [0.98M @ 9:28]

    Total 8.00K @ 5:41 [4.97M @ 9:09]

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:21
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.01M @ 8:11
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.00K @ 5:41 with 6.20K @ 5:56 [4.97M @ 9:09 with 3.85M @ 9:32, average stride 3:41 [5:53]
    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 3 mins jog recovery |
    LSR 14M @ 8:15 to 8:30 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    03 / 03 / 00 / 00 / 20 | 20.03 / 40.39 / 1662.94

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Alright then:

    <18:30 = Gold
    <18:41 = Silver
    <19:00 = Bronze
    <19:19 = Consolation (Race PB)

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭paddybarry

    outforarun wrote: »
    So I have 4 Saturdays before race day.

    I’ve read through TJ’s 5K article. There’s a lot in there, but I have no where near enough time to do it all justice and build a structured plan that incorporates all its elements. My Sunday long runs will continue as always and they will tick off the Aerobic Endurance box.

    I want to try something new so I’m going to try the following 4 sessions.

    Saturday 1
    [4 weeks before raceday]
    5K Specific Endurance – 4x5mins @ 5K pace off 3 mins jog recovery.

    I’ve never run sessions based on time, I’ve always run to set distances, 400m, 800m, 1K, etc. So that in itself will be a change. The article underlines running at 5K effort rather than 5K pace. However, knowing that I ran 5K at 3:44 pace on Saturday, I will aim to keep pace between 3:40 [5:54] and 3:45 [6:02]. This way I’m confident enough that I’m not running too slow and gives me some scope to run faster provided I feel the effort is honest 5K effort. At 5mins the intervals will not be easy but the 3 minutes recovery should keep me tipping over.

    Saturday 2
    [3 weeks before raceday]
    Intermediate Fast Twitch Endurance – 5x90 second long hill repeats off 4 to 5 minutes recovery.

    Hill repeats are something I have very little experience of. The article states “long hill repeats make us faster, period.”, sounds good to me. I have the Khyber earmarked for these, not too steep and not too flat just like the article requests. It’s not super explicit from the article but I believe I should again be aiming for 5K effort. As always I will keep an eye on pace, if these are 3:45 [6:02] to 3:50 [6:10] pace then so be it. Very generous recovery time on these.

    Saturday 3
    [2 weeks before raceday]
    5K Specific Endurance – 5x5mins @ 5K pace off 3 mins jog recovery.

    Same session as two weeks ago, with one additional interval added. Didn’t want to do this one any closer to race day, looks tough and I do hope the 3 minutes recovery is sufficient.

    Saturday 4
    [1 week before raceday]
    16x200m @ 3K pace off 200m jog recovery

    I always like to run faster than race pace before race-day just to make 5K pace seem that bit easier. I’ve never run 200m intervals before. At first glance 16 intervals seem a lot, but I guess it’s easier than 8x400m at 3K. I managed 10x400 @ 3K pace in the mountains in August and each included a 200m climb. Basically I hope these will allow me tick the faster than 5K box, but not take too much out of me ahead of raceday. 3K pace I'm setting at 3:35 [5:46] to 3:40 [5:54].

    The rest of my running week will follow the usual format, though I want to reintroduce some strides which I’ve been neglecting of late.

    Looking forward to this now.
    I'm going to use some of these 5k sessions. Thanks for posting, might see you at Jingle Bells.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    paddybarry wrote: »
    I'm going to use some of these 5k sessions. Thanks for posting, might see you at Jingle Bells.

    No worries - I'm curious myself to try them out. Do also check out TJ's posted article above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace off 3mins jog recovery

    My window for this one was mid afternoon yesterday so I managed to avoid the heavy showers.

    Took in a long warm-up from Kilmainham along Liffey path to Chapelizod and up to Acres Road via Chapelizod Gate. I'd decided I was going to run the intervals around the playing fields. Wasn't sure what to expect from this sesson, wasn't sure how difficult it would be.

    Interval 1 (1.34K @ 3:45 [6:02])
    So target pace is 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02]. I'm running these anti-clockwise. The stretch down to the fort sees me slowing down to get the pace right. I don't want to run these too fast at the outset. Turn left at the fort and head uphill. The pace drops to 3:44 [6:00], then finally 3:45 [6:02]. So that 5 minute stretch covered two and a bit sides of the playing fields. Overall it didn't feel too bad. The last bit running uphill I did have to concentrate a bit to stay on pace. Try make the 3 minutes recovery count.

    Interval 2 (1.37K @ 3:39 [5:52])
    Tougher. Half way through this second interval I realise that this is not an easy session. I'm confident of holding pace on this one as the profile carries a descent of Acres Road, but I'm keeping the effort fairly constant so this interval is the fastest of the day, it dips into 3K pace. The last 90 seconds or so see the lungs working as hard as the legs. Interval finishes not to far before the fort. Happy to have the three minutes recovery coincide with an uphill section.

    Interval 3 (1.36K @ 3:41 [5:56])
    The start of this one is hard work, it's uphill and into the wind. Takes more effort now to hold pace. I focus on the left turn ahead that will take me back down Acres, reassuring myself that the pace will correct itself once I reach that stretch. The descent does help. All the same I find myself willing the last 2 mins to pass quickly.

    Interval 4 (1.34K @ 3:43 [5:59]
    This one was tough. Another mostly uphill and mostly into the wind interval. Legs and lungs working. At one point pace is showing at 3:49 [6:09]. I push over the final 2 mins and work it back down to 5K range. Happy to finish this one at 3:43 pace.

    Feel this was a good session. Twenty minutes at 5K pace. I was covering over 1300ms in every 5 min segment. So this is a tougher session than the 4x1200m in week 15 of P&D.

    I'm already a little apprehensive about the 5x5mins I've planned in a fortnight's time.

    Warm-up 4.84K @ 5:41 [3.00M @ 9:09]
    4x5mins @ 5K pace: average interval @ 3:42 [5:58] covering 1.35K [0.84M]
    Cool-down 3.43K @ 5:27 [2.13M @ 8:46]

    Total 15.94K @ 4:54 [9.91M @ 7:54]

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:21
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.01M @ 8:11
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.00K @ 5:41 with 6.20K @ 5:56 [4.97M @ 9:09 with 3.85M @ 9:32, average stride 3:41 [5:53]
    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 3 mins jog recovery | 15.94K @ 4:54 [9.91M @ 7:54] average interval pace 3:42 [5:58]
    LSR 14M @ 8:15 to 8:30 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    04 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 19 | 29.93 / 50.30 / 1672.84

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 14 Miles

    Really wasn’t in the mood for Sunday morning’s run. I didn’t get enough sleep on Saturday night and I didn’t fancy stepping out in the cold, at least the sun was shining. Gloves and jacket, but to be honest after a mile or so I realise it wasn’t really that cold. Nothing complicated this morning, just two main-road anticlockwise laps of the Park. I enter at Islandbridge gate, feeling like I was travelling slowly. I decide not to look at the Garmin until I’d completed the first lap. I’d just see if the legs would gradually dial-in LSR pace.

    I could definitely feel yesterday’s 20 minutes of 5K pace in the legs. They felt tired but not sore. It’s my shoulder blade that is annoying me most, feels like what I think a knot might feel like. If this doesn’t work its own way out soon I may need to have it seen to. I can’t remember it bugging me on Saturday though.

    I check average pace on completion of lap one, bracing myself for an 8:3X pace or maybe even an 8:4X pace, an expecting to have to up the effort a little on lap two. Instead I’m genuinely surprised to see average pace reading 8:17. Great I can ease off a little. I keep my eye on the Garmin on second lap. Around the North Road and onto Ordnance I have a runner slowly slowly slowly gaining on me from behind. So I increase my pace just a fraction to try keep the gap steady, rather than sharing the path shoulder to shoulder for who knows how long. He turns up Furze and I continue on my way along Upper Glen, but average pace is now 8:13, Too fast. I ease up on the pace for the rest of the run. Out Park Gate and home.

    Week 1 of 5 completed, all on target.

    M01 9:20
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:06
    M04 8:07
    M05 7:58
    M06 8:02
    M07 8:09
    M08 8:13
    M09 8:12
    M10 7:47
    M11 8:03
    M12 8:28
    M13 8:26
    M14 8:32

    Total 14.18M @ 8:17

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:21
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.01M @ 8:11
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 8.00K @ 5:41 with 6.20K @ 5:56 [4.97M @ 9:09 with 3.85M @ 9:32, average stride 3:41 [5:53]
    Speed Endurance 4x5mins @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 3 mins jog recovery | 15.94K @ 4:54 [9.91M @ 7:54] average interval pace 3:42 [5:58]
    LSR 14M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 14.18M @ 8:17

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    05 / 05 / 00 / 00 / 18 | 44.11 / 64.48 / 1687.02

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    On the road at 6:14 this morning. Surprisingly warm out there. Abandoned my usual out and back along the Chapelizod Road and instead ran my loop over to Inchicore, back along Emmet Road, SCR and Jame’s. Tagged on a loop around HSQ to bring up the 5 miles.

    I think this may be the slowest 5 miles I have ever completed (barring Italian hill climbs). I think I was just tired and in need of a proper night’s sleep. But the pace felt right and my legs felt fine. Shoulder blade continues to bug me. I’m going to make an effort to sleep on my back for a while, I normally sleep on my side, I’ll see if this makes any difference.

    M01 10:43
    M02 09:43
    M03 09:18
    M04 09:37
    M05 09:34

    Total 5.01M @ 9:47

    Week 1 of 5, Session Targets| Actuals
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.01M @ 9:47
    MLR 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides |
    Intermediate Fast Twitch Endurance 5x90 second hill repeats @ 5K pace (3:40 to 3:45) off 4 mins recovery |
    LSR 16M @ 8:15 to 8:30 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    06 / 06 / 00 / 00 / 17 | 5.01 / 69.49 / 1692.03
