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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 14K with 8K at LT

    I think I got the distance wrong last night, think it should have been 16K not 14K. Not to worry I ran 14.45K so I'll tag on an extra mile this evening. Key part was the 8K LT and that was completed successfully. I would have had to cut it short anyway as I was meeting a friend shortly after run.

    Stressful day at work yesterday. Wasn’t sure if this would have an impact on the LT session. It could go either way: I’d attack and smash the session, or I’d struggle with lethargy for the full 8K.

    Warm-up from the office to home and drop off rucksack. Then continue over to Chapelizod Road for the hard-work. So same as last time 4 full gate-to-gate stretches plus 500ms out and back at the end. Hit lap on the Garmin and away I go.

    First impressions are encouraging as I start out at what feels about right but is actually far too fast, 3:45 [6:02] showing after the first 400ms or so. Grand, I ease off and relax into the run, happily watching the pace decrease. As always on a Tuesday evening there are large groups of runners speeding up and down this path. The conditions have been kind to me, yes there’s a headwind on the out-of-town stretch, but it’s fairly tame. At the end of stretch-1 average pace is 4:05 [6:34] and I turn back toward town.

    For the same effort the average pace increases to 4:02 [6:29] on stretch-2. This is good. I have scope to slow down and I’m not feeling pressure to hit target pace.

    Into stretch-3. This is the hardest stretch. It’s the second run against the wind and against the gradient, no switching off on the out-of-town stretches. Over half way into the LT section now and I’m starting to feel the pace, in the legs, not the lungs. I make sure I look strong as I intersect with other groups of runners, but I don’t need to make much of an effort, I do feel strong and in control. Happy to complete stretch-3 with average pace showing 4:04 [6:33].

    Turn and fall into stretch-4. Once again the pace quickens for the same effort and average pace flickers between 4:02 [6:29] and 4:03 [6:31]. With 1500ms to go I know the session is secure and I focus on holding 4:03 [6:31]. I’m easing up to do this over the final 500ms. Job done.

    That was not easy, but I was never really struggling. I’m ready to step up to 10K at LT pace. Legs felt fine after the evening’s efforts.

    4.94K @ 5:37 [3.07M @ 9:02]
    8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31]
    1.50K @ 5:24 [0.93M @ 8:43]

    Total 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37]

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16 14K with 8K @ LT 4:03 to 4:05 | 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37] with 8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31] | 72.15 KG
    Recovery 4 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    MLR 11M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:26 to 5:36 | |
    LSR 18M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    29 / 27 / 00 / 00 / 57 | 8.98 / 148.02 / 291.16

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    I’m managing to avoid early running this week. Wednesday evening I’m happy to get out of work and tip along for 5 recovery miles, should be 4 miles but missed a mile on Tuesday. I’ve taken Thursday off so there’s a weekend feel to this one. Head for Heuston via Thomas Street then over to Islandbridge and back to HSQ. A little diversion to pick up some shopping (including some beer) on mile 5 and home.

    Flights are booked for California, hope is fading fast that this trip won’t happen, means I’ll need to bring everything forward by a day next week.

    M01 9:54
    M02 8:56
    M03 9:09
    M04 9:13
    M05 9:31

    Total 5.00M @ 9:21

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16 14K with 8K @ LT 4:03 to 4:05 | 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37] with 8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31] | 72.15 KG
    Recovery 4 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 9:21 | 72.70 KG
    MLR 11M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:26 to 5:36 | |
    LSR 18M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    30 / 28 / 00 / 00 / 56 | 13.98 / 153.02 / 296.16

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11 Miles

    Had the day off yesterday. Dropped junior ofar to crèche and headed off on this midweek 11 miler. Fairly blustery out there. Into a headwind most the way up North Road and onto Castleknock. Sun did make an appearance though and daffodils were in full bloom. Hint of proper spring in the air. The legs were tired at the start of this one, I reckon due to the LT session still less than 48 hours previous. They slowly loosened out as the miles passed. Pace creeping up and as always a few sub 8 minute miles managed to sneak in uninvited. Managed the route so that the last mile took in IMMA.

    Off to town afterwards to meet mrs ofar for lunch and to pick up ingredients for a red-thai curry paste. Vegan curry in the evening came out really well. Never tried making a paste before but this adds a whole load of new options on vegan days.

    Legs did feel a bit tired in the late afternoon, but then I’d done a lot of walking as well.

    M01 8:31
    M02 8:32
    M03 7:46
    M04 8:10 (300 miles for the year)
    M05 8:19
    M06 7:52
    M07 8:12
    M08 7:58
    M09 8:27
    M10 8:22
    M11 7:58

    Total 11.02M @ 8:12

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16 14K with 8K @ LT 4:03 to 4:05 | 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37] with 8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31] | 72.15 KG
    Recovery 4 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 9:21 | 72.70 KG
    MLR 11M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.02M @ 8:12 | 72.15 KG
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:26 to 5:36 | |
    LSR 18M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    31 / 29 / 00 / 00 / 55 | 25.00 / 164.04 / 307.18

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 8x100m Strides

    I waited until late afternoon for the worst weather of the day before heading out Saturday. Headed over to Islandbridge Gate, checking the Garmin it told me that I was travelling at 4:15 [6:50] pace, which was clearly not true. I stop and reset the watch and decide just to forget about the 1.5K I’d travelled (though I will log it against total mileage) and start the session again.

    I head up Military Road for the S-bends and Acres Road. Sky is darkening as evening starts to set. I do two full laps of the playing fields. On the descent down Acres the headwind is ridiculously strong and deafening. I run the strides out and back along the path toward the fort. The last set of strides with the wind behind me recorded a pace of 3:03 [4:56]. Tip back home before darkness sets in.

    7.18K @ 5:28 [4.46M @ 8:48]
    8x100m with average stride @ 3:22 [5:26]
    1.78 @ 5:29 [1.11M @ 8:50]

    Total 11.36K @ 5:18 [7.06M @ 8:32]

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16 14K with 8K @ LT 4:03 to 4:05 | 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37] with 8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31] | 72.15 KG
    Recovery 4 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 9:21 | 72.70 KG
    MLR 11M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.02M @ 8:12 | 72.15 KG
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:26 to 5:36 | 11.36K @ 5:18 [7.06M @ 8:32 with average stride 3:22 [5:26] | 72.85 KG
    LSR 18M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    32 / 30 / 00 / 00 / 54 | 33.00 / 172.04 / 315.18

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 18 Miles

    Sunday morning saw me complete my first proper long run of the year. Set out around 8:30 and decided to run this on empty. Was taking no chances with the weather so wrapped up well and put the gloves on.

    Headed for Park Gate and met a mate near the zoo, he locked his bike and joined me for the guts of the run. We went out Ashtown Gate and followed the canal as far as the Castleknock Lock. Exited there and took in a new loop for me that brought us through some estates in Carpenterstown, under the M50 and then down by Castleknock College to the crossroads at the top of Tower Road. We re-entered the park by White’s Gate. At this point my mate wanted to turn right to run a lap back round to his bike. He doesn’t run often and was checking out his stamina. He was acting as a good pacer for me and for the most part we’re travelling at the slower end of target range, around 8:25 or 8:26. As we arrived by the fort he was starting to flag though and pace continued to slip until we arrive back at his bike.

    Typically as soon as he starts cycling alongside me I start speeding up and I run much too fast up North Road. Starting to rain now and the wind picks up. I turn left onto Chesterfield and continue alone. Down Acres, along the playing fields to the fort, out Islandbridge Gate, down to HSQ and home.

    All-in-all that went well. I felt fine the whole way round with no noticeable fade over the last few miles. First 50 mile week of the year.

    M01 8:29
    M02 8:17
    M03 8:03
    M04 8:01
    M05 8:17
    M06 8:42
    M07 8:42
    M08 8:46
    M09 8:27
    M10 8:29
    M11 8:33
    M12 8:25
    M13 8:26
    M14 7:34
    M15 7:52
    M16 7:41
    M17 8:03
    M18 8:29

    Total 18.13 @ 8:17

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16 14K with 8K @ LT 4:03 to 4:05 | 14.45K @ 4:43 [8.98M @ 7:37] with 8.01K @ 4:03 [4.98M @ 6:31] | 72.15 KG
    Recovery 4 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 9:21 | 72.70 KG
    MLR 11M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.02M @ 8:12 | 72.15 KG
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:26 to 5:36 | 11.36K @ 5:18 [7.06M @ 8:32 with average stride 3:22 [5:26] | 72.85 KG
    LSR 18M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 18.13M @ 8:17 | 71.85 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    33 / 31 / 00 / 00 / 53 | 51.13 / 18.13 / 333.31

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    Bit of catching up to do here. Been busy at work and once I hit the sofa in the evening I have had no will to log-on. Week 8 began early on Monday morning. I've had to shift everything forward a bit this week as I'm flying on Sunday.

    It was cold out there Monday and it wasn't easy to get up and out. I tip along happy to travel at recovery pace, a lap of my Inchicore loop and then onto the Chapelizod Road for the strides. By the time I start the strides there's a strong wing blowing and I'm grimacing into a blizzard of wet sleet. Home to another shower with stinging cold hands.

    See 73.2 KG on the scales after this. I've noticed that I weigh-in at my heaviest at the start of the week - the result of a post LSR Sunday appetite combined with generous helpings of Sunday lunch, lasagna this time.

    6.87K @ 5:52 [4.27M @ 9:26]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:42 [5:57]
    2.57K @ 5:48 [1.60 @ 9:21]

    Total 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10]

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10] average stride 3:42 [5:57] | 73.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 4:03 to 4:08 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    34 / 32 / 00 / 00 / 52 | 6.84 / 24.97 / 338.15

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Ran this one after work on Tuesday, using the new Garmin for the first time. Ran my usual south-side route.

    Legs felt heavy and tired, Sunday's 18 miles still in the system. I'm running at an effort that feels faster than the 8:4X and 8:3X pace that is showing over the first few miles. I trust that the pace will pick up as it usual does without any noticeable increase in effort. All the same this doesn't happen until I'm assisted by the drop from Rathgar down to the canal. Only when I get to the canal do I hit target pace. Legs still feel tired though.

    The last two P&D cycles have proven problematic when transitioning from mesocycle 1 to mesocycle 2 and this time round I can again feel the legs are noticing the jump in quantity and intensity.

    Strap on my rucksack comes undone over the last 2 miles which makes for an uncomfortable end to this session. Happy to finish, happy to have a rest day. Not so happy that my next run is a 10K LT effort.

    M01 8:37
    M02 8:47
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:30
    M05 8:33
    M06 7:43
    M07 8:02
    M08 8:14
    M09 8:16
    M10 7:45
    M11 8:02
    M12 7:55

    Total 12.02M @ 8:15

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10] average stride 3:42 [5:57] | 73.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.02M @ 8:15 | 72.25 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 4:03 to 4:08 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    35 / 33 / 00 / 00 / 51 | 18.86 / 36.99 / 350.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K @ LT

    I wasn't looking forward to this. I've been running these LT sessions in the evenings on this P&D cycle, which is great because it's not much fun tackling LT pace at 6:00am, but the downside is that I have the whole day to worry about the evening's work.

    I do my usual warm-up to home and drop off the rucksack. Had to reset the watch on Thomas Street after another dodgy satellite fix. No way was I travelling at 6:49 [10:58] pace. Down to Chapelizod with a growing sense of dread, my legs don't feel spritely I'm not ready for this.

    I hit lap at Islandbridge Gate and away I go 5 gate-to-gate stretches plus the guts of a 6th. I start out at what feels like sub 4:00 pace but the the Garmin is showing 4:16 [6:52] pace! Stupid new Garmin, obviously it's a dodgy unit :mad:

    I check pace at the turnaround at Chapelizod Gate, 4:04 [6:33] pace. By the time I get back to Islandbridge I'm travelling at 4:01 [6:28] pace. Garmin's working just fine ;).

    Again the conditions are fair tonight, a headwind to tackle on the out-of-town stretches but not very strong. Surprisingly I'm feeling very comfortable, I'm waiting for the effort to become more difficult but before I know it I'm turning at Chapelizod Gate again and average pace is 4:03 [6:31] right at the fast end of target pace.

    The 4th stretch is fun because I've some groups of runners ahead to reel in. First a couple of stragglers and then the main group. They're not taking it easy either, I'd guess they're travelling at around 7:00 min per mile, so it's nice to overtake them. I'm aware that my breathing isn't particularly laboured. Back at Islandbridge and again average pace is 4:01 [6:28], too fast.

    I turn back toward Chapelizod for the final run into the wind. Tell myself that this is the last bit of challenging running until Sunday week. I'm feeling good though, well in control. Legs are working and it's not easy for sure, but breathing is ok and I feel light-footed. Final u-turn back at Chapelizod Gate and then I have around 1300ms with the wind at my back to complete the session. As on the last two LT runs, I finish running within myself to ensure I don't complete the session faster than target pace. Finish 10.01K @ 4:03 [6:32] pace and I'm not wrecked.

    Last year during P&D I was dead on my feet after my first race pace 10K TT, then I logged a 40:22. Tonight I log a 40:36 on an LT run and felt fairly comfortable on finishing. This is definitely encouraging (also because there was more out-of-town running than into-town running tonight)

    (some slight twinges from right knee this evening at home, so I'm happy I made sure not to get carried away and didn't finish faster than target pace)

    02:01K @ 5:56 [1.25M @ 9:32]
    02.88K @ 5:40 [1.79M @ 9:08]
    10:01K @ 4:03 [6.22M @ 6:32]
    01:77K @ 5:25 [1.10M @ 8:42]

    Total 16.67K @ 4:42 [10.36M @ 7:34]

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10] average stride 3:42 [5:57] | 73.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.02M @ 8:15 | 72.25 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 4:03 to 4:08 | 16.67K @ 4:42 [10.36M @ 7:34] with 10.01K @ 4:03 [6.22M @ 6:32 | 72.35 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    36 / 34 / 00 / 00 / 50 | 29.22 / 47.35 / 360.53

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Family over from Italy at the moment which means I can run my morning runs a little later than usual. Out at 7:00am for this one. Happy to see that it is 90% bright now at this hour. Took this one really handy enjoying this no pressure run and revisiting the scene of last night's session. Legs felt better than I thought they would. Out to Chapelizod Village and back.

    First 20 miler in the morning, as I key this I realise I've forgotten to pick up some gels today. I'll be grand without.

    M01 9:48
    M02 8:58
    M03 9:01
    M04 9:16
    M05 9:37

    Total 5.03M @ 9:20

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10] average stride 3:42 [5:57] | 73.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.02M @ 8:15 | 72.25 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 4:03 to 4:08 | 16.67K @ 4:42 [10.36M @ 7:34] with 10.01K @ 4:03 [6.22M @ 6:32 | 72.35 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:20 | 72.15 KG
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    37 / 35 / 00 / 00 / 49 | 34.25 / 52.38 / 365.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ok, sitting near the pool in California, I have a lot of updates to post and a lot of catch-up to do......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    Last weekend seems a life-time ago.

    My first 20 miler of 2015. Started out at a reasonable hour, around 8:45 last Saturday morning. Carried a water bottle for the first time in a while. Decided not to run to Phoenix and instead headed for the sea. Followed the Luas track to Connolly and then headed out toward Clontarf.

    The sun trying to break through as I ran along the seafront. I was watching planes heading out over the bay and thinking about the long flights ahead (I'm a nervous flyer). Turned into Saint Anne's Park. My first time ever running in here. A Park-run was in progress. Passed the rose gardens of boards fame. Pace is a little too fast.

    I turn onto Howth Road and follow it back to the sea. Then run down to the Point and onto the quays. Cut through Grand Canal Dock and across to Baggot Street. Take the SCR back to Kilmainham. Sun is out now and it's quite warm. I run across to Inchicore and across to the Ballyfermot Road. For the first time I run over the footbridge that goes over the Chapelizod Bypass, and brings me back to the Liffey. Then back toward HSQ and home. You can really cover a lot of Dublin in 20 miles.

    The run went fine, the legs didn't protest; it's the fastest I've ever run 20 miles in training. I ran this on empty and I was starting to feel a bit hungry near the end. Also it had heated up quite a bit as the run progressed. I'd finished my water and was fairly thirsty. I must have been anxious to finish as I posted a couple of sub 8:00 min miles right at the end.

    Weighed in at under 71 kilo for the first time this year.

    M01 8:20
    M02 8:01
    M03 8:14
    M04 8:09
    M05 8:05
    M06 8:14
    M07 8:25
    M08 8:32
    M09 8:14
    M10 8:13
    M11 8:14
    M12 8:21
    M13 8:15
    M14 8:25
    M15 8:24
    M16 8:07
    M17 8:20
    M18 8:10
    M19 7:56
    M20 7:50

    Total 20.19M @ 8:15

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.84M @ 9:10] average stride 3:42 [5:57] | 73.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.02M @ 8:15 | 72.25 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 4:03 to 4:08 | 16.67K @ 4:42 [10.36M @ 7:34] with 10.01K @ 4:03 [6.22M @ 6:32 | 72.35 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:20 | 72.15 KG
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 20.19M @ 8:15 | 70.85 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    38 / 36 / 00 / 00 / 48 | 54.44 / 72.57 / 385.75

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Travelled to California on Sunday. I decided not to try sleep on the plane (fairly easy for me to do) and just make it a really long day. Grabbed a drink in the hotel after arriving late on Sunday evening and at that stage I was drifting off while chatting with colleagues. Bed at midnight and I had a really good 7 hours sleep. I felt fine on Monday. So much so that I decided to get the week started early. I headed out after work with a workmate to explore the San Diego Creek Bike Trail (the same one recommended by overpronator). I was running recovery pace which suited her just fine. The creek trail is only around 400ms from the hotel. We joined it and started south.

    The air felt heavy, breeze was warm and you could smell the earth. The trail follows a creek southwards towards the Pacific. The sun was setting and the light had a gorgeous golden hue. You'd pass under the occasional freeway, but the further we ran the less urban the run became. After a little over 3 miles we arrive at estuary-like expanse of water. Lots of birds here. Stop for 2 minutes and then turn back northwards for the hotel.

    We're chatting away and then my workmate's eyes fix on something at the side of the trail, following her gaze I see, only about 2 metres away, a soilitary coyote. It's just standing there watching us. Lean, brown, pointy nose and considerably taller than a fox. We just keep running and checking behind to ensure it's not following us.

    That was weird, made us feel like road-runners in a whole new way.

    Back to the hotel shortly before sunset.

    That was a very comfortable run, perfect to ease in this first week of California running.

    M01 09:43
    M02 09:51
    M03 09:39
    M04 09:40
    M05 09:55
    M06 10:03

    Total 6.59M @ 9:50

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.59M @ 9:50 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    39 / 37 / 00 / 00 / 47 | 6.59 / 79.16 / 392.34

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Stumbled over the line on this one. I hadn't run since Monday, so this was the first 2 days without running in quite a while. Combine this with no walking to work, drinks most evenings and generous portions of food and the result was heavy legs for the guts of this one. Plus I made a schoolboy error, the temperature had been rising as the week went on and the evening was warm, but I didn't carry water with me. The Garmin logged this at 31 degrees.

    I headed southwards along the trail again. I went about a mile and a bit further than on Monday evening. Every rustle I heard from the undergrowth I was checking for wildlife. The bike trail at this point becomes the Back Bay Loop and in follows the curve of the estuary southwards. I only run a little of this but decide that for Sunday's run I'll explore further along here. I turn around and head back to my starting point and then continue for another 3 miles northwards. This side of the trail is less interesting, mostly pristine suburbia, as you pass behind apartments, schools, malls, baseball grounds, etc. There's also more concrete and less tarmac running this direction.

    I'm running into a warm heavy headwind. I notice the effort is increasing and my legs are feeling heavier. I'm happy to reach my turn around point and start back for the hotel.

    I lose concentration for a while and exit the trail by accident. Not happy to have added on unnecessary distance. Back on track and it's darkening and the trail is unlit. With a little over a mile to go I get a nasty stitch in my chest. I try ignore it at first but it's persistent. I eventually pause the Garmin and wait for a few minutes for it to pass. I'm also feeling super thirsty at this point. I unpause the Garmin and continue at a reduced pace, the stitch is still there but it's manageable now. A very uncomfortable last mile. I hit stop at 14M exact. Walk a bit more before resuming at a jog just to get back to the hotel and get some liquids in asap. Drenched in sweat. And the cherry on top a blister on my left foot. I never get stitches, I never get blisters!

    Really glad to have completed this one. But now I'm really worried about Sunday's 16 miler with 12 at PMP.

    M01 8:01
    M02 7:50
    M03 8:03
    M04 8:15
    M05 8:16 (400 miles for the year)
    M06 8:18
    M07 8:29
    M08 8:25
    M09 8:32
    M10 8:23
    M11 8:17
    M12 8:08
    M13 8:13
    M14 8:39

    Total 14.00M @ 8:16

    (then 0.71M at 9:22)

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.59M @ 9:50 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.00 @ 8:16 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    40 / 38 / 00 / 00 / 46 | 21.30 / 93.85 / 409.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Legs were leaden and creaky after yesterday's efforts. I was still glad to get out after a day spent sitting in meetings. Tipped along the trail southwards. I brought water with me this time. This evening it was just 27 degrees but the air felt warm and the water which was chilled when I bought it was tepid after 3 miles. Just a simple out and back 6 miler. There are some homeless guys lounging taking in the last rays of sun before they settle down for an evening under the freeway. Big gap here between the haves and the have-nots.

    M01 9:24
    M02 8:54
    M03 8:59
    M04 9:19
    M05 9:47
    M06 9:42

    Total 6.05M @ 9:20

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.59M @ 9:50 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.00 @ 8:16 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.05M @ 9:20 | N/A
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    41 / 39 / 00 / 00 / 45 | 27.35 / 99.90 / 415.08

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 10K with 6x100m Strides

    Up at 7:30ish after going to bed gone 4:00, late night but I really behaved with the alcohol. On the road at 8:00ish. Headed northwards again, sparing the southbound route for Sunday.

    Once again the legs feel heavy and creaky from the outset. The effort feels harder than recovery. I've a slight twinge to right of groin as well. I turn around at 5K and head back southwards.

    I'm hoping the strides will help loosen up the legs. Start these after 7.5K. They go fine, the legs actually respond quite well. Once again I'm drenched in sweat on finishing this. The days heat up very quickly here.

    Spend a few hours in a car in the afternoon (LA, Venice Beach) and each time I get out it takes 100ms before the achilles and hamstrings loosen up. I'm really not looking forward to Sunday's run.

    7.5K @ 5:49 [4.66M @ 9:21]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:23 [5:43]
    0.8K @ 5:00 [0.49M @ 8:03]

    Total 10.10K @ 5:28 [6.28M @ 8:49]

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.59M @ 9:50 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.00 @ 8:16 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.05M @ 9:20 | N/A
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 10.10K @ 5:28 [6.28M @ 8:49, with average stride 3:23 [5:43] | N/A
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    42 / 40 / 00 / 00 / 44 | 33.63 / 106.18 / 421.36

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    26K with 19K @ PMP

    Probably the toughest session of the schedule so far.

    It was 20 degrees when I started out this morning, thankfully there was a little cloud cover. Two colleagues said that they would follow me on bikes and could carry water if needed. I spray on some suncream and set off before them. Legs do not want to run, the first 400ms the right of groin is protesting. I just ignore it and soldier on, there's a lot of running to do. Join the trail and head south.

    I gradually up the pace over the first few kilometres. The cloud cover is burning off slowly and I can feel the temperature rising. I sup some water, plan on making it last. Lots of cyclists out this morning. I reach the start of the estuary and follow it around to join the Back Bay Loop. The trail drops sharply for about 200ms at the start and I'm already not looking forward to this on the way back.

    The rest of the trail is mostly flat. On my left low cliff-faces rise, on my right are flat wetlands as wasteland meets creek water meets estuary. Seagulls sound and there is a smell of the ocean. There's little cover here and it's hot now. I hit lap on the Garmin and settle in for the PMP kilometres. I continue 6K southwards, no sign of my colleagues catching me up. The trail runs past a yacht club, then skirts behind a trailer park and then enters a marina. I run over a long footbridge in the marina and shortly afterwards it's time to turn for home.

    So far I've been allowing the pace to drop from 4:1X down to mid 4:20s. Now it's in the high 4:20s. I meet my colleagues near the trailer park, but wave them on, no need for water carriers they'll turn around later and see if they catch me. I go through 10K in 44:30, a little too fast given the conditions.

    It's proper hot now. I'm thinking ahead and breaking the run into manageable chunks. The legs are tired and while my breathing is ok, I wouldn't be having any conversations. Running up the steep hill to leave the Back Bay Loop the pace hits 4:30 [7:15] for the first time. I'm flagging. I rejoin the bike trail and leave the estuary behind me. There are only around 5K to go but I'm in countdown mode. Pace drops to 4:31 [7:16]. I push a bit to try bring it back to 4:30 and I succeed for a while. But everytime the trail drops under a freeway the rise back up on the other side completely saps me.

    Water is gone. But now in the distance I can see the hotel. The last 3K are very hard work. Pace drops to 4:32 [7:17], but adjusting for the conditions I think that that is acceptable. This feels very much like end of marathon effort. I tell myself that this session will stand to me. I'm dreaming of an afternoon lounging around the hotel grounds. I'm dreaming of water. Finally it's over. I feel like I'm going to get sick, but that passes after a little while.

    That was tough. A cold shower is bliss afterwards. Then pick up a gorgeous protein shake in the hotel's very well stocked shop/deli. Pure nectar. The LA marathon was on today - I have huge respect for anyone running in these conditions.

    A memorable run to close out the first half of this marathon cycle. Now I'm going to take my first buffer week with some low stress easy midweek runs.

    07.04K @ 5:13 [04.37M @ 8:23]
    19.01K @ 4:32 [11.81M @ 7:17]

    Total 26.05K @ 4:43 [16.19M @ 7:35]

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.59M @ 9:50 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.00 @ 8:16 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.05M @ 9:20 | N/A
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 10.10K @ 5:28 [6.28M @ 8:49, with average stride 3:23 [5:43] | N/A
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:29 to 4:31 | 26.05K @ 4:43 with 19.01K @ 4:32 [16.19M @ 7:35 with 11.81M @ 7:17 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    43 / 41 / 00 / 00 / 43 | 49.82 / 122.37 / 437.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    Taking last week as my first buffer week was very good timing. I had planned on getting in some easy runs, Monday last I fancied 5 easy but all my running gear was in the hotel laundry. Then Tuesday I started to feel unwell. Tuesday night through Wednesday morning was a 12 hour stint of fever. Wednesday was spent in bed. Thursday was spent trying to shake of a cough and sore throat. Friday/Saturday were dedicated to travel and Sunday was spent catching up at home.

    I got back on the road yesterday morning to start the second half of this P&D cycle. Out at 5:50 with gloves on. It’s brightening already at 6am now and most of this run was completed in daylight. Legs were a little heavy and took some time to wake up. I’m also not completely recovered from last week and spend some time coughing and hacking during the run.

    Very pleased to weigh-in at less that 72 kilo post-run. I'd been a little worried about weight gain from 2 weeks in the States.

    Walking to work afterwards I notice a tightness in right hamstring – perfect timing ahead of my first VO2Max session of the year.

    M01 9:13
    M02 8:56
    M03 8:46
    M04 8:53
    M05 8:14
    M06 8:35
    M07 8:36
    M08 8:48

    Total 8.11M @ 8:45

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    44 / 42 / 00 / 00 / 42 | 8.11 / 130.48 / 445.66

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Just catching up on your log, it's been an eventful couple of weeks! You seem to be going well with a clear improvement on last year. Just a half-serious question...when you say you dread a session or are not looking forward to one, do you have a scale of dread or....? Is it that you worry you won't hit the targets or is it that you know it's going to hurt?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Just catching up on your log, it's been an eventful couple of weeks! You seem to be going well with a clear improvement on last year. Just a half-serious question...when you say you dread a session or are not looking forward to one, do you have a scale of dread or....? Is it that you worry you won't hit the targets or is it that you know it's going to hurt?

    Hi Dubgal. I dread the one's that I expect will hurt. It's the hurt that I dread, I'm not so concerned about not hitting my targets, I know that if I don't hit my targets it won't be for lack of trying. Course when a session I'm dreading turns out to be more manageable than I expected then I'm on a high for some days afterwards. I'm starting to dread some races now as well, particularly 5K or 10Ks: PBs hurt.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Aaaaah well hopefully this will help: (it's Tunguska talking, we've been having a pain discussion on my log lately :D ye do!)

    Originally Posted by Firedance
    Must try do you distinguish between pain from pushing yourself to your max & pain that will result in injury. If I feel pain for eg in one hamstring ill ease off, I see a lot of of that in logs too, 'felt a twinge in x so eased off pace' heavy legs is another common one. Really interesting topic.

    "Just seeing this now........There is a big difference between pain caused by the discomfort of pushing yourself and pain from an injury. If you feel something go or pop in a race then theres no point in plugging on, you'll just dig a deeper hole for yourself.
    The pain from discomfort is something you can do something about and its definitely something to endure and accept. If you cant get your head around the concept of tuning into your body to the point where you can locate the source of the discomfort, then there are other ways to deal with the pain. I better preface this with a warning though as this may sound new agey or like something you'd hear at yoga retreat, so feel free to roll your eyes.......I'd roll my eyes, but to be fair it does work. If Im in a heap during a race and red zoning it, I'll say to myself, "Relax, I let you in."
    For whatever reasons when you say these words something happens to your body and you stop resisting the pain and when you do that and just accept it and let it in, the discomfort levels drop to the point where it becomes manageable. You expend so much energy bracing yourself against the pain that this has the effect of ramping up the discomfort levels even further. Its a paradox, the more you fight it the stronger it gets, but when drop your guard and let it in, it works itself out. Its understandable to resist pain, we all do it, whether its physical pain or emotional pain, the first reaction of most people is to try to block it out, distract yourself and resist it. But the answer is kind of counter intuitive, in that you have to drop your defensives and allow it in. Its a leap of faith but when you do drop your guard and allow it in, it always works itself out very quickly.
    The trick is to be conscious of when youre trying to block the discomfort out and when you do notice what youre doing, not to fall into the trap of dealing with it the way you always have done. Ive seen this so many times in races, lads just stopping and stepping off to the side of the road, when it seemed like they were going well. Sometimes they get going again after a break, but never at the same clip and sometimes they call it quits there and then. I always make a point of talking to somebody who ive seen drop out of a race afterwards, to find out what happened. The answer, most of the time, is along the lines of, they were fooked and couldnt handle the discomfort, like it overwhelmed them. And I just think with more self awareness and skill you could prevent this from happening.
    Discomfort comes in waves aswell, one minute you could be feeling ok but the next you're in the Red zone, but just being aware that discomfort comes in waves is enough to deal with something like that, you just need to relax, not fight it, and let things play themselves without panicking or reacting. Its almost like you have to become disembodied, and observe whats happening from a distance and not allow your emotions to hijack you and take control. Take a step back and let it do its thing, but dont react.
    Hope that makes sense."

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    And this is Tunguska again, a cut and paste from a 'spotlight' post a few weeks ago:

    "Self awareness. Thats all it comes down to. The more aware you are of yourself and your body, the more you can control how you respond to pain. I noticed it in myself, that if I did give in I'd be scratching my head after wondering what the hell happened, why did I give up like that, when I knew I had more in me. So I just worked on myself in terms of increasing my awareness in the moment, paying attention to the pain, actually sinking right into it when it happens, not allowing panic to overcome me. And thats the key I think, to recognize when youre panicking and calming yourself down when its happening, not allowing it to overwhelm you. The best way Ive found to do that is to focus on your body and identify where the pain is concentrated. I know it feels at first like its a generalized pain but its not, trust me its concentrated in one place and if you can tune into your body to the point where you can identify the pains location then you can deal with it and you wont panic and it wont overwhelm you and ruin your race.
    I think the treadmill is a really great tool for practicing pain training, because you can control a lot of variables and just focus on pushing yourself into that zone where its very painful and uncomfortable and you can hold yourself in that state for however long you can, and then maybe next time try to hold yourself in that zone a little longer, all the while tuning into your body and breathing and being aware of where the pain is located and not allowing it to panic you into quitting.
    Self talk is massively important too. I know people who get nervous before races and its entirely self created. A race is a neutral event, theres nothing in it thats inherently anxiety provoking. Its only how you perceive it that causes the problems. You can chose to see a race as something exciting and to be looked forward to and relish or you can wind yourself up with fear and negative thinking to the point where racing becomes this traumatic event. Thats why its really important to tune into what youre self talk, because when you do that you control how you perceive anything and if you can do that then you'll get the best out of yourself."

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks for the above. I haven't been on anybody's log for a while :o so I missed the pain discussion. Will have to put aside some time to catch-up proper.

    I like the 'let-the-pain-in' idea. I can see myself testing this out next time I'm hurting/hanging on.

    I know that when I hurt in races I try to remind myself that dealing with the hurt is the challenge, that this is where I really test myself. Trying to wish the hurt away only makes it worse and makes it last longer, like a watched kettle. Distraction, if I can find it, is the best remedy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x800 @ 5K pace off 2 mins Recovery

    Abandoned session

    It's always in Mesocycle 2 that the body starts to complain. I'd noticed a pull in my right hamstring while walking to work after Tuesday morning's 8 miler. It wasn't painful but it was hard to ignore. Wednesday instead I walked to work and didn't feel anything - however Wednesday evening as soon as I started running home from work I could feel the hamstring 'pulling'. Again it wasn't painful, but it didn't feel right. I continued with my warm-up but after about 5 minutes I'd decided to take the sensible course of action and not risk the 800s. I haven't maintained 5K pace since the Jingle Bells last December so to do so now with a niggling hamstring was a risk I wasn't willing to take. I very rarely feel any protest from the hamstring so when it does act up I take notice.

    Part of me wanted to try out just one 800 to see how it responded, but I managed to resist the temptation.

    I'm anxious now though because this means I'm calling up my second buffer week right on the back of the first buffer week. Will I notice a drop off in fitness? I'll continue to walk to and from work (4.5 miles) every day and I'll try get in another 2 miles walking at lunch, so I'll keep the legs moving this way. I might risk a short easy run on Sunday to see how the legs are feeling.

    Means from next week there's no more margin for error. I'd hoped to use the second buffer week to run an actual 10K race (Maynooth as it's a Sunday which otherwise messes up the schedule) instead of a 10K TT in Mesocycle 3. I'll see.

    Not sure where this niggle came from, I felt fine on Tuesday's run. I know that the week's running in California was quite demanding and came off the back of a 20 miler, so maybe I overstressed the hamstring then and the 8 miler just triggered a reaction.

    3.58K @ 5:32 [2.22M @ 8:54]

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    44 / 42 / 00 / 00 / 42 | 10.33 / 132.70 / 447.88

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Today is my 7th day without running. Happily I can't feel anything in the hamstring when walking, the test will be tomorrow when I resume the plan from where I left off. It's been effectively two weeks without running (just 10 miles in that period) and I'm very anxious to get back now. This break has really split the cycle in two and I hope it doesn't have a detrimental effect. I'm fairly confident though that once I complete a week's training it'll feel like I've never been away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x800m @ 5K pace

    Mixed emotions after this one.

    Got the gear (including ST5s) on after work, crossed my fingers and started my warm-up. Legs didn't feel too bad. I was waiting for signs of protest from the right hamstring but I managed to get home without any incident. So far so good. I drop off my rucksack and continue over to the Park, entering at Islandbridge Gate.

    First evening run of the year in the Park. I head up to the playing fields and start lapping clockwise. I'm really not sure what to expect here, I haven't run 5K pace since December and I've hardly run at all for 2 weeks.

    The first 800 is pretty much entirely into the wind. I start the interval too quick, ease up a little too much and then push over the last 200ms - average pace 3:45 [6:02]. The lungs had been called into action over the last 200, but otherwise that wasn't too bad. No protests from the hamstring.

    The second 800 starts on an uphill and then I turn right so the wind is at my back. This one feels easier. Average pace 3:42 [5:57]. I'm taking 2 minutes jog recovery between 800s.

    The third 800 starts on a slight downhill, I make the most of this before turning right at the Fort and back into the wind. Each interval starts too fast, gradually slows down and then I work over the last 200 to stay on target. It's a slog into the wind, but I enjoy overtaking some of the other runners that are out. Average pace 3:44 [6:00].

    I'm happy to turn out of the wind again. I watch the Garmin, I'm in no hurry for the 2 minutes recovery to pass. Pretty sure now that I'll complete the session on target.

    The fourth interval is mostly uphill but not into the wind. This one felt the most comfortable of the evening, for a long while I was running it too fast and then gradually gradually ease up near the end. Average pace 3:40 [5:54].

    Last one. The first half is mostly slightly downhill and then I turn for another 400m into the wind. There's a runner up ahead that I focus on reeling in and this distracts me nicely from any discomfort I'm feeling. Average pace 3:41 [5:56].

    Job done - that was hard, but not as hard as I'd feared. The legs weren't super enthusiastic this evening and they didn't look forward to the start of each 800, but once they got going they were ok. That's a promising start and I know from experience that the next set of 800s should feel a little easier.

    Then on the cool-down home I can feel the hamstring pulling a little, mostly when running downhill. It's not as strong as last week and I almost stop noticing it by the time I'm home - but it's a sign that not all is 100% yet. Right now the right of groin is also aching a bit. Basically the right leg is not too happy.

    I've a 5 miler at recovery pace in the morning then no running Friday. The next tough session is next Wednesday so hopefully any niggles or strains will have ironed themselves out by then. Note to self - stick to slow end of target paces for the time being.

    5.51K @ 5:26 [3.42M @ 8:44]

    Interval 1 (2:59.6) @ 3:45 [6:01]
    Interval 2 (2:58.0) @ 3:42 [5:58]
    Interval 3 (2:58.9) @ 3:44 [6:00]
    Interval 4 (2:55.8) @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 5 (2:57.0) @ 3:41 [5:56]

    Average (2:57.9) @ 3:42 [5:57]

    1.95K @ 5:32 [1.21M @ 8:55]

    Total 13.30K @ 4:56 [8.26M @ 7:56]

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.30K @ 4:56 with average 800 @ 3:42 [8.26M @ 7:56 with average 800 @ 5:57] | 72.30 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    45 / 43 / 00 / 00 / 41 | 8.26 / 8.26 / 456.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    On the road just after 6 this morning. Bit wet out there. Set off at a very leisurely pace and waited to see how the legs responded.

    Right Hamstring - Felt nothing at first, then I could feel a slight pull as I ran downhill toward Islandbridge. After that it mostly behaved. I felt it far far less than on last week's abandoned session, this despite the 800s yesterday. So hopefully this is nearly mended.

    Right of Groin - this is now the area of most concern. It was fairly tender on waking up. It would twinge whenever I took a heavy step, like up and down off pavements, or whenever I made a change of direction. Afterwards I couldn't comfortable lift my leg when dressing. But I've had this before on more than one occasion and if it's the same as previous times I know I should be able to run through it, could take 2 or 3 weeks to pass fully.

    Right foot - it's all happening on the right. Got some sharpish twinges in the right ankle later in the morning. Seems to be ok now.

    I must check the mileage on the Nimbus, I've been wearing them since the end of November. Plus I need to start breaking in a new pair anyway in advance of June.

    This morning's run was a standard out and back along the Chapelizod Road.

    M01 10:19
    M02 09:39
    M03 09:32
    M04 09:17
    M05 09:19

    Total 5.03 @ 9:37

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.30K @ 4:56 with average 800 @ 3:42 [8.26M @ 7:56 with average 800 @ 5:57] | 72.30 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:37 | 72.10 KG
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    46 / 44 / 00 / 00 / 40 | 13.29 / 13.29 / 461.17

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Solid session of 800s there, I was up on the acres last night doing 1k reps around the same time and it was far from pleasant. Hopefully that hammer clears up now with no fast running for a while, good sign anyway that it made it through the session with no feedback.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭paddybarry

    outforarun wrote: »
    Recovery 5 Miles

    On the road just after 6 this morning. Bit wet out there. Set off at a very leisurely pace and waited to see how the legs responded.

    Right Hamstring - Felt nothing at first, then I could feel a slight pull as I ran downhill toward Islandbridge. After that it mostly behaved. I felt it far far less than on last week's abandoned session, this despite the 800s yesterday. So hopefully this is nearly mended.

    Right of Groin - this is now the area of most concern. It was fairly tender on waking up. It would twinge whenever I took a heavy step, like up and down off pavements, or whenever I made a change of direction. Afterwards I couldn't comfortable lift my leg when dressing. But I've had this before on more than one occasion and if it's the same as previous times I know I should be able to run through it, could take 2 or 3 weeks to pass fully.

    Right foot - it's all happening on the right. Got some sharpish twinges in the right ankle later in the morning. Seems to be ok now.

    I must check the mileage on the Nimbus, I've been wearing them since the end of November. Plus I need to start breaking in a new pair anyway in advance of June.

    This morning's run was a standard out and back along the Chapelizod Road.

    M01 10:19
    M02 09:39
    M03 09:32
    M04 09:17
    M05 09:19

    Total 5.03 @ 9:37

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.30K @ 4:56 with average 800 @ 3:42 [8.26M @ 7:56 with average 800 @ 5:57] | 72.30 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:37 | 72.10 KG
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    46 / 44 / 00 / 00 / 40 | 13.29 / 13.29 / 461.17
    I would not take any chances with that hammy. Would you not go to a physio and get it checked out/give it the once over?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    paddybarry wrote: »
    I would not take any chances with that hammy. Would you not go to a physio and get it checked out/give it the once over?

    Hiya PB. I would have gone to the physio for sure if I felt it wasn't improving, but it definitely felt better than one week ago and that after a tougher session. As it turns out, I've completed the weekend's running and the legs feel 100% back to normal. Touchwood, that buffer week allowed the hammer sufficient rest to repair itself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides

    I was in Germany staying with friends this weekend, close to Monchengladbach. Friday was a long day with Junior-Ofar and our friends three kids, did a fair bit of walking and I happily noted that the legs felt good, no complaints from hamstring or groin.

    Up Saturday morning with rain falling outside. Set out from the town of Viersen with destination the neighbouring town of Dulken. My German mate here suggested a bike trail that cut through the countryside between the towns. Quick look at Google Maps and off I went. Log a false start of over 300ms before I realise that I hadn't set watch properly.

    Leave the edge of Viersen and start running into farmland. The landscape looking fairly grim under a grey cold sky with a light rain falling. Pass along the edge of some forest land and then up and over an autobahn. I meet no cyclists and I see only one other runner all morning, 'Guten Morgen'. Other than that only dog walkers were out and about.

    Cross between some more dark earthy fields, pass a goose farm and then I've arrived at the edge of Dulken. Streets are quiet, all shops seem shut. I head for the main church. There's a food market on in the square there. A lap of the church and then I head back the way I came.

    Back just outside Viersen I risk the strides. I have to change direction a few times between strides just to avoid driving some dogs crazy by sprinting repeatedly past them. The 8 sets go fine. I knew I wasn't running them as fast as normal, but I wasn't too bothered, I got the legs ticking over briskly and felt to ill effects :)

    Back home, showered, and joined the others for breakfast.

    8.63K @ 5:26 [5.36M @ 8:44]
    8x100m strides with average stride @ 3:50 [6:10]
    2.13K @ 5:31 [1.32M @ 8:53]

    Total 13.16K @ 5:24 [8.18M @ 8:42]

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.30K @ 4:56 with average 800 @ 3:42 [8.26M @ 7:56 with average 800 @ 5:57] | 72.30 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:37 | 72.10 KG
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | 13.16K @ 5:24, average stride @ 3:50 [8.18M @ 8:42, average stride @ 6:10] | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    47 / 45 / 00 / 00 / 39 | 21.68 / 21.68 / 469.56
