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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    I was the first up in the house yesterday morning. On with the gear and out into a cold crisp and sunny morning. Once I'd warmed up and the sun had removed the chill from the air, the conditions were ideal for running.

    There are three towns in this area, Viersen, Suchteln and Dulken, forming a triangle. So after memorizing a route on Google maps I decided I'd run from town to town and pass outside the main church in each. It seemed an appropriate goal for Easter morning.

    Decided to stick to the regular walking/bicycle paths that run alongside the main roads for this one. I headed through Viersen and out toward Suchteln. I like the way the edge of the town is so well defined here. You can literally identify the last houses and then you're in the countryside running alongside tidy fields. The roads are almost deserted of traffic. The sun is warm. And the legs feel good. After a while the fields end and the first houses of Suchteln arrive. I head for the centre and the main church. I take a photo and continue on my way.

    Heading next for Dulken. I find the main road linking it to Suchteln and head out along it. Fumbled with the Garmin buttons here and lost around 400ms of running I reckon. This lead to mile 4 being recorded particularly slow. I leave Suchteln behind and now there's some forest land on either side of me I see the only other runner of the morning on the other side of the road. Forest gives way to open fields. I run the next few miles a little to fast as I try to get average pace back on target. I pass over an autobahn and not long after arrive at the first houses of Dulken. I run to the south of town from where I can see the steeple of the church and I head toward it. Photo number 2. I'm familiar with the area around this church from Saturday's run and I start to head for the goose farm. On arriving there I'd completed 7 miles and so decided not to continue along Saturday's route back to Viersen and instead I just turned around and went back the way I came.

    Back to Suchteln, then back along the daffodil lined road to Viersen where I take a diversion to visit the main church and snap photo number 3. Then I head back home.

    Really enjoyed this run, the air felt good, the sun was warm, I had the roads mostly to myself, I enjoyed linking the three churches and most importantly, my legs felt back to normal.

    I'd get some more exercise later in the day in a huge fun-park close to Holland. Included working the thighs racing pedal go-karts with Junior Ofar sat on my lap. Really really good fun.

    M01 8:31
    M02 8:22
    M03 8:15
    M04 9:28
    M05 7:27
    M06 7:56
    M07 8:01
    M08 7:56
    M09 8:11
    M10 8:22
    M11 7:45
    M12 8:02
    M13 8:02
    M14 8:56

    Total 14.47M @ 8:15

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.11M @ 8:45 | 71.70 KG
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.30K @ 4:56 with average 800 @ 3:42 [8.26M @ 7:56 with average 800 @ 5:57] | 72.30 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.03M @ 9:37 | 72.10 KG
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100m strides | 13.16K @ 5:24, average stride @ 3:50 [8.18M @ 8:42, average stride @ 6:10] | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.47 @ 8:15 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    48 / 46 / 00 / 00 / 38 | 36.15 / 36.15 / 484.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    Out at 6:01 yesterday morning and it wasn't completely dark. Ran over to Inchicore and back along my Emmet Road loop to Heuston and HSQ. Then I head over to the Chapelizod Road for the strides. These go ok, slower than usual, legs feeling a little tired but I think this is due to the early hour more than anything else. I wore a light running jacket for this but there was really no need, strange for it not to be cold in the early morning. Spring must be here. A red and golden sunrise greets me as I head back up to Kilmainham.

    Easter bunny visited while in Germany - post run weigh in reads 73.40 kilo.

    6.92K @ 5:50 [4.30M @ 9:23]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:43 [5:58]
    2.27K @ 5:51 [1.41M @ 9:24]

    Total 11.00K @ 5:42 [6.83M @ 9:11]

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.00K @ 5:42, average stride 3:43 [6.83M @ 9:11, average stride 5:58] | 73.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 4:03 to 4:08 | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    49 / 47 / 00 / 00 / 37 | 6.83 / 42.98 / 488.63

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ LT

    I had always planned on taking a day off for this one. Dropped Junior Ofar to creche then headed back home, into gear and out in the sun with just a t-shirt on top, I think for the first time in Ireland this year.

    There were over 630 miles on my current Nimbus-16 ahead of today's run so I decided to retire them after the session. Decent mileage and possibly the legs were acting up over the last while because this pair have run their course.

    I head over to Chapelizod Gate via the Ballyfermot Road. I try to ignore the fact that my legs feel fairly heavy. I turn right to lap anticlockwise and as I approach the S-Bends I hit lap on the Garmin and start my final lactate
    threshold session of this marathon cycle.

    Not fancying several laps of Furze or several stretches along the Chapelizod Road I was opting for a lap of the Park plus a bit. This wouldn't be a flat ride and I decided that if I could get to the end of the North Road travelling at 4:06 [6:35] or 4:07 [6:37] pace then I'd be happy and would hopefully increase the pace naturally for the easier second half of the lap.

    I immediately found myself running too fast, at around 3:58 [6:23] pace. I eased up a little but still aimed to bank a little time on the run down Military Road. The ascent up Wellington slowed me down and as I was passing Garda HQ I had dropped already to 4:07 [6:37] pace. I didn't want to drop any further and so pushed up behind the zoo. I pushed until the pace was showing 4:04 [6:32] and then eased off again.

    Felt the North Road drag in the legs and I could tell it was slowing me. I reach the Mountjoy Roundabout with average pace at 4:06 [6:35], so all is going according to plan. However it's feeling tougher than expected, my excuses are: 1) it's been around 4 weeks since my last LT session and the buffer weeks have broken some training continuity, 2) the first part of this session is mostly uphill and 3) it's warm this morning.

    Things start to feel easier as I head down OS Road and turn onto Upper Glen Road. By the time I reach the bottom of the hill the average pace is showing at 4:05 [6:34]. Then the ascent up from Chapelizod Gate drops me back to 4:06 [6:35]. It's feeling fairly tough now and the lungs are working. I'm thinking ahead to Saturday week for the first of my 10K TTs and I'm not looking forward to it, I aim to run a sub 40min 10K for the first TT, on the basis of today's effort levels that won't be fun.

    I go through 10K in 40:59. I enjoy the descent back down Military Road. I'm watching the Garmin hoping to see 4:05 [6:34] showing but it's holding solid at 4:06 [6:35]. I push the last 100ms up Wellington Road but I can't get the average speed any lower. 11K completed in 45:03.

    Happy that's over, a little disappointed that I didn't run it a little faster but I remind myself that it's still well within target range and that it's better I'm worrying about target paces than sidelined with a hamstring or groin strain.

    A 2.5K cool-down brings me home, and the post run weigh-in is more satisfactory than yesterday's.

    04.40K @ 5:22 [2.80M @ 8:38]
    11.00K @ 4:06 [6.83M @ 6:36]
    02:54K @ 5:25 [1.58M @ 8:44]

    Total 18.03M @ 4:36 [11.21M @ 7:24]

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.00K @ 5:42, average stride 3:43 [6.83M @ 9:11, average stride 5:58] | 73.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 4:03 to 4:08 | 18.03K @ 7:24 with 11K @ 4:06 [11.21M @ 7:24 with 6.83M @ 6:36] | 72.10 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    50 / 48 / 00 / 00 / 36 | 18.04 / 54.19 / 499.84

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    First run for the Nimbus 16s I plan to wear in Cork. According to the schedule this one should be run on Friday. However I want to head over to Richmond Park this evening and I didn't fancy running 12 miles first thing this morning so I ran this yesterday evening instead.

    The legs didn't feel super fresh after Wednesday's LT session. I ran from work to home, bringing up 500 miles for the year, dropped off the rucksack and continued to the Park.

    In at Islandbridge Gate and headed up the the grassy bank to the Acres. Then ran straight across the fields until I arrived at Furze Road. Gorgeous evening for a run, if only the legs had a little more spring. I leave the grass and tip along the tarmac back down to Chapelizod Gate and then up Acres and Chesterfield. Runners, dogwalkers, walkers, cyclists, pony-and-traps, all are out in the evening sun.

    I do a u-turn near the top of Chesterfield and head back to the playing fields, out Islandbridge Gate and home.

    Pleased to finish this one. Legs were feeling tired near the end. It's over 30 miles in three days with 7 of those at tempo pace.

    M01 8:40 (500 miles for the year)
    M02 8:14
    M03 8:20
    M04 8:18
    M05 7:57
    M06 7:45
    M07 8:02
    M08 8:02
    M09 8:11
    M10 7:58
    M11 8:12
    M12 8:40

    Total 12.03 @ 8:12

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.00K @ 5:42, average stride 3:43 [6.83M @ 9:11, average stride 5:58] | 73.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 4:03 to 4:08 | 18.03K @ 7:24 with 11K @ 4:06 [11.21M @ 7:24 with 6.83M @ 6:36] | 72.10 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:12 | 71.65 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    51 / 49 / 00 / 00 / 35 | 30.07 / 66.22 / 511.87

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    After the game in Richmond Park on Friday night I went for a few pints in Inchicore before heading home via Domino's Pizza. I think the last time I bought a pizza there was during the 2010 World Cup. Prices are crazy. Only a 9" pizza, vegetarian and mrs outforarun stole a slice as soon as I got in, but still felt like something I shouldn't be eating. I also had battered cod and chips at lunch. So I went to sleep feeling a bit guilty for having taken my eye off my diet.

    Saturday morning came and I got out a little before 8:00am. The body didn't feel too happy to be running. Felt a bit heavy and devoid of energy. I tipped over to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road and then back along Chapelizod Road. The best thing about this run was the sun in my face while heading townwards. The last mile included a trip along the grassy perimeter paths of the meadow in IMMA, again not a soul about at this hour and the grounds are mine alone.

    Scales after the run confirmed how I felt as I weigh in at 73 kilo again.

    M01 9:38
    M02 9:22
    M03 9:14
    M04 9:15
    M05 9:23

    Total 5.06M @ 9:23

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.00K @ 5:42, average stride 3:43 [6.83M @ 9:11, average stride 5:58] | 73.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 4:03 to 4:08 | 18.03K @ 7:24 with 11K @ 4:06 [11.21M @ 7:24 with 6.83M @ 6:36] | 72.10 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:12 | 71.65 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06M @ 9:23 | 73:05 KG
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    52 / 50 / 00 / 00 / 34 | 35.13 / 71.28 / 516.93

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    Not content with the 3 Guinness, take-away pizza and the fish and chips from Friday, Saturday we cooked burgers in the evening. Doing the wash-up afterwards, tackling the amount of grease produced, I decided these are the last burgers I want to cook at home. Woke at 3:00 am disorientated after a nightmare.

    I also had (have) a slight chesty cough. Looking out the window Sunday morning at sheets of rain and hearing the wind howling I was far from filled with enthusiasm for a 20 miler.

    I met up with overpronator fresh from his superb K-Club performance and we set off into the elements. We open proceedings with a steady climb up through Stoneybatter and Blackhorse. So far so good but I have a suspicion that this isn't as comfortable as it should be.

    Chatting away about the K-Club, London, Cork, training plans etc the next few miles tip away handily enough. Through Castleknock and back into the Park via White's Road. The pace is creeping up and the weather is deteriorating rapidly. Up at the top of Chesterfield and we're battered by heavy rain and hail. We turn onto North Road and start a complete clockwise lap of the Park. The pace crept ahead of my target pace as we worked our way down behind the zoo, then the climb up Military Road and up the Glen Road brings it back on track.

    My gut is starting to act up and I'm regretting my food choices from the last 48 hours. We've only gone past 13 miles or so but I'm wishing this one was over. We turn down Chesterfield and this offers some respite.

    Overpronator is tipping away without a bother, his 37 min 10K from Saturday having no ill effects. My hands are starting to go cold now. We turn right at the Park Gate roundabout and I say ciao to overpronator as he heads home via Islandbridge. This slog would have felt so much tougher and longer if I'd been on my own. Envying overpronator his 17 miler, I head up toward the Acres.

    I allow the pace to drop as I head up Military and up the steep path to the playing fields. The most miserable stretch of this run is along the path from the fort to Acres. Legs are tired, guts are delicate, bottle hand is completely numb as I lean into the wind. I stretch my right arm and sure enough I can feel that odd pulse I get when my right hand freezes.

    I turn up Acres, mercifully out of the wind. Couldn't care how stupid I look but I run for a while with four fingers in my mouth as I try get some heat back into my right hand. I complete a lap of the playing fields and head out Park Gate. A final push up the Luas tracks by Heuston and turn right for home.

    I spent a good 10 minutes motionless under a glorious hot shower afterwards enjoying the warmth coming back into the body. That was the toughest 20 miler I've completed in a while. After 14 miles last Sunday I was trying to slow down and could have tipped away happily for I don't know how much longer. This Sunday instead after 13 miles it was a case of getting the head down and slogging it out. I really think my diet in the days before the run and the fact that I had a slight chesty cough (spent time hacking up some solids after this one) were working against me.

    I need to eat better ahead of the next 20 miler. I'll also be bringing gels with me next time out.

    Mesocycle 2 completed, all sessions on target.

    M01 8:56
    M02 8:19
    M03 8:18
    M04 8:10
    M05 8:12
    M06 8:22
    M07 7:46
    M08 7:56
    M09 7:51
    M10 8:04
    M11 8:19
    M12 8:27
    M13 8:44
    M14 8:29
    M15 8:09
    M16 8:00
    M17 9:10
    M18 8:38
    M19 8:35
    M20 8:36

    Total 20.02M @ 8:21

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.00K @ 5:42, average stride 3:43 [6.83M @ 9:11, average stride 5:58] | 73.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 4:03 to 4:08 | 18.03K @ 7:24 with 11K @ 4:06 [11.21M @ 7:24 with 6.83M @ 6:36] | 72.10 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:12 | 71.65 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.06M @ 9:23 | 73:05 KG
    LSR 20M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 20.02M @ 8:21 | 71.65 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    53 / 51 / 00 / 00 / 33 | 55.15 / 91.30 / 536.95

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Fair play for getting that done in those conditions OFAR - thems the ones that stand to you when the going gets tough in a race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Fair play for getting that done in those conditions OFAR - thems the ones that stand to you when the going gets tough in a race.

    Thanks TJ - it was cold comfort at the time, but that's what I was telling myself on Sunday morning during the last 5 or 6 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 5K pace

    Had planned on running this Tuesday morning - but when the alarm went off at 5:30 I was wrecked - nasty cough and blocked nose, sore head and sore left foot. It didn't take much to convince me to go back to sleep and postpone until Wednesday evening.

    On the Lemsips at work yesterday, and whatever cold I have seems to have moved more into the head than the chest. I get into the running gear after work and run with heavy rucksack home (forgot initially to choose intervals on Garmin). I drop bag and then continue across to the Playing fields - a bit of hacking along the way.

    I'm expecting this session of non-intimidating 600s to go ok. I lap clockwise. No strong winds blowing tonight. What wind there is is blowing down Acres, making uphill intervals 2 and 5 the toughest.

    These go ok. Maybe not quite as comfortable as I would have liked but I'll put that down to my stuffed-up head.

    First one was fine, second had to push on the hill. Felt good on the third one. Ran too fast on the fourth and pushed again uphill on the fifth. All these were run off 100 seconds recovery.

    More hacking on the way home. Hope this passes soon.

    3.52K @ 5:36 [2.19M @ 9:01]
    2.00K @ 5:35 [1.24M @ 8:59]

    Interval 1 (2:11.6) @ 3:39 [5:52]
    Interval 2 (2:14.2) @ 3:44 [6:00]
    Interval 3 (2:11.9) @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 4 (2:09.9) @ 3:36 [5:48]
    Interval 5 (2:14.9) @ 3:45 [6:02]

    Average (2:12.5) @ 3:40 [5:54]

    2.99K @ 5:27 [1.86M @ 8:46]

    Total 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14]

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14], with average 600 @ 3:40 [5:54] | 71.90 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT - Sub 40 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    54 / 52 / 00 / 00 / 32 | 8.09 / 99.39 / 545.04

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Warm sunshine yesterday evening for a post-work run. Started as usual carrying a heavy rucksack through town. I drop it in home and continue on my way. One sure way to feel an extra bounce in your step is to drop-off a 3+ kilo bag after the first few miles of a run. I bounded down to Islandbridge Gate and up to the Playing Fields.

    I felt like soaking in the active busy atmosphere in the Park so I decided on lapping (clockwise) from the Fort along the path to the bottom of Acres and then up as far as the Khyber, down the Khyber turning right onto Military Road and up the steep path to re-join the Playing Fields. I complete three laps (and a bit of a fourth) before it was time to turn and head for home.

    Boot campers, footballers and Gaelic speaking hurlers are all out tonight. I even manage to get hit on the calve by a sliothar. A fresh breeze is blowing down Acres Road, this normally wouldn’t bothered me but I’m concerned about breathing in cold air while I still haven’t fully shaken off my cough. The legs are fine (although they don’t feel super light), really all that is bothering me is the cough, and that’s not too much of a problem while running, it’s only when I’m finished do I have a fit of coughing after the effort expended. The pace tonight was fast end of target and average pace would creep up to 8:07 or 8:08 after each Khyber descent.

    Thoughts are turning to Saturday’s TT. I wonder will this light cough / head cold play a factor. Target is definitely sub 40. I’d be perfectly happy with 39:59. I haven’t run a fast 10K since last October, so for this first attempt of 2015 I just want reassuring that I haven’t lost too much of last summer’s speed. If I was racing a 10K tomorrow I’d target sub 40.

    M01 8:48
    M02 8:08
    M03 8:04
    M04 7:50
    M05 7:44
    M06 8:17
    M07 8:09
    M08 8:14
    M09 8:09
    M10 8:11
    M11 8:04
    M12 8:37

    Total 12.09 @ 8:11

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14], with average 600 @ 3:40 [5:54] | 71.90 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.09M @ 8:11 | 72.25 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT - Sub 40 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    55 / 53 / 00 / 00 / 31 | 20.18 / 111.48 / 557.13

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    Frost on the roofs this morning so I was taking no chances, on with the gloves and a running jacket.

    My legs were aching and niggling all over when I started this one, they really did not want to run. It was less than 11 hours since my MLR I guess. It took a good 2 miles before the legs started to feel half normal. I also spent the first 2 miles dislodging any phlegm that had build up over the night. Lovely. Somehow I managed to accelerate up to faster than 5K pace for the strides.

    Legs tired now and tomorrow's TT is looming large. I'm dreading it and looking forward to it in equal measure (I think).

    5.05K @ 5:58 [3.14M @ 9:36]
    6x100m Strides @ average stride 3:36 [5:48]
    1.19K @ 5:37 [0.74M @ 9:02]

    Total 8.04K @ 5:40 [4.99M @ 9:07]

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14], with average 600 @ 3:40 [5:54] | 71.90 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.09M @ 8:11 | 72.25 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.04K @ 5:40, average stride 3:36 [4.99M @ 9:07, average stride 5:48] | 72.50 KG
    10K TT - Sub 40 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    56 / 54 / 00 / 00 / 30 | 25.17 / 116.47 / 562.12

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Are you racing or doing TT on your own!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Are you racing or doing TT on your own!

    On my lonesome in the Park.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K TT [sub 40:00 attempt]

    Completed my hollowest sub-40 in 39:50 :o

    I'm not going to read too much into this one. Honestly I was more dreading this than looking forward to it. As I ran over to the Park on my warm-up I noted that the legs felt better than Friday morning, but they still felt heavy. I spent time coughing and hacking, less than Friday though. Up Khyber and then up Chesterfield to Furze. I stop at the top of Khyber for a moment to reset the Garmin and ready myself for the task at hand. Clockwise Laps of Furze, OS and Chesterfield on the menu.

    01K to 05K in 19:51

    I wanted to try hold 3:58 [6:23] pace to the end. The first K was fine. Didn't hare off for once and the slight downhill on Furze helped open this time-trial without too much stress. A 3:54 [6:17] first K. That's sub 39:00 pace so I should really ease off a little.

    The wind this morning is blowing up Chesterfield. This means I have an annoying crosswind on my left as I go down Furze, an annoying crosswind on my right as I go up OS, and a headwind as I go down Chesterfield. I never get the wind properly at my back. I complete K2 at the top of OS, logging a 3:59 [6:24].

    Down Chesterfield into the wind and I'm happy to turn back onto the relatively calm Furze to start my second lap. The average pace is gradually dropping on the Garmin. K3 is 3:58 [6:24]. I continue down Furze. I feel more tired than I should do. I still have over 6K to complete and I'm not feeling hugely optimistic.

    When K4 logs at 4:01 [6:28] I start to get concerned, I push up Furze Road. Lungs are working, legs are tired. I try that welcome-the-pain in thing, I locate discomfort somewhere in and around my stomach, tell myself that it's welcome that I don't need to resist. I don't notice any great improvement in my discomfort levels though. Probably need to practice this some more. Down Chesterfield again. I log K5 in 3:58 [6:24] for a 19:51 5K.

    06K-10K in 19:56

    Pushing on K5 took a bit out of me and I could feel myself slowing again as I headed down Furze. My footfall felt flat and heavy, lungs were working too hard, legs had no zip, and I was struggling mentally. K6 despite the drop down Chesterfield and Furze logged at 4:03 [6:31], my slowest kilometre to date, lactate threshold pace, and I feel that I'm continuing to slow up. Average pace is 3:59 [6:25], and I'm expecting it to turn to 4:00 [6:26] at any moment.

    Somewhere down Furze I'd resigned myself to not hitting my sub 40 goal, and It would take some motivation now to keep pushing to get the best time I could. Then at the bottom of Furze a thought entered my head, if I want a sub-40 10K I might still get one; if I turn left instead of right!

    I don't deliberate long I swing left onto Upper Glen Road. Instantly I feel an extra bounce in my step. The tarmac feels slicker, my footfall sounds sweeter. I complete K7 in 3:53 [6:14] and average pace is back to 3:58 [6:23]. The wind is in my face again but I don't mind as I descend down toward the hospital. K8 is 3:56 [6:20]. I turn onto the path that runs under the hospital and as the road flattens I feel the fatigue coming back into the legs. C'mon only about a mile to go.

    Back uphill now as I ascend up toward the S-Bends, wind against me. I'm slowing again. If I don't go sub-40 now, after taking this detour then I will be gutted. K9 is the slowest of the day at 4:08 [6:39].

    I keep pushing, if I can just get up and around these bends then the last 300ms or so will take me down Military Road. Nearly there. Average pace has dropped to 3:59 [6:25] again. Finally through the bends and I push with about 400ms to go. Lungs working overtime I finally reach the Military Road descent. My stride lengthens and I kick until I hear the Garmin beep. K10 was 3:56 [6:21].

    I stop the Garmin at 10.01K, time elapsed 39:50.

    I sit on the grass below the Fort. Some dry retching assures me that I wasn't slacking off near the end. I immediately feel a bit embarrassed with this sub 40 though. I don't think I would have gone sub-40 if I had turned right onto OS again. I'm not sure what I would have been more disappointed with, a 40:00+ time on the OS Furze loop, or this stolen sub 40:00. On one hand I feel I cheated, on the other I feel I was inventive and arranged to keep the chase alive to the end.

    Two weeks time I'll run this again (although I really should look for a 8K to 15K race, if one is happening and suits) and I will not be making any route variations.

    Warm-up 3.64K @ 5:55 [2.26M @ 9:31]

    KM01 03:54 [6:17]
    KM02 03:59 [6:24]
    KM03 03:58 [6:24]
    KM04 04:01 [6:28]
    KM05 03:58 [6:24]
    KM06 04:03 [6:31]
    KM07 03:53 [6:14]
    KM08 03:56 [6:20]
    KM09 04:08 [6:39]
    KM10 03:56 [6:21]

    Total 10.01K @ 3:59 [6.22M @ 6:24]

    Garmin Link

    Cool-down 1.70K @ 5:39 [1.06M @ 9:05]

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14], with average 600 @ 3:40 [5:54] | 71.90 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.09M @ 8:11 | 72.25 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.04K @ 5:40, average stride 3:36 [4.99M @ 9:07, average stride 5:48] | 72.50 KG
    10K TT - Sub 40 attempt | 10.01K @ in 39:50 @ 3:59 [6.24] | N/A
    LSR 17M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    57 / 55 / 00 / 00 / 29 | 34.71 / 126.01 / 571.66

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    It sounds like you won a few battles out there and personally...I wouldn't worry too much about the 'diversion', you got the leg turnover, distance and time so...

    Ps, I know the pace increase during k5 took it out of you but it was just after the 'welcome the pain thing' so maybe something worked? It might be that you need to control any pace increases while you 'work out that pain'?
    Well done anyway :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Well done on the TT. I really think you underestimate how though it is to do a 10k time trial on your own - I know I for one wouldn't even attempt it never mind manage to run a sub 40 on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    It sounds like you won a few battles out there and personally...I wouldn't worry too much about the 'diversion', you got the leg turnover, distance and time so...

    Ps, I know the pace increase during k5 took it out of you but it was just after the 'welcome the pain thing' so maybe something worked? It might be that you need to control any pace increases while you 'work out that pain'?
    Well done anyway :)

    Thanks. I'm sure I'll have another opportunity to practice in two weeks time. I'm hoping with this 10K in the legs and hopefully with all traces of cold/cough gone, I'll fare better next time out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Well done on the TT. I really think you underestimate how though it is to do a 10k time trial on your own - I know I for one wouldn't even attempt it never mind manage to run a sub 40 on it.

    Thanks. I was saying to overpronator the other day that even though I really push myself on these TTs and even though my race times are very close to my TT times - what I miss on a TT is those opening kilometres when running with other people make the pace feel so much more manageable. This I think gives you confidence that your target pace is sustainable. On a solo TT you have no field to distract you over the opening 3 or 4 kilometres and you end up over-thinking how you're feeling and worrying too much about the remaining kilometres. Makes for a tough training session alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 17 Miles

    My diet was much better ahead of this one, chicken on Friday evening, fish Saturday afternoon and a large salad Saturday evening.

    Headed out before 9:00am on Sunday morning. it was overcast and chilly. Gloves and jacket on again. I kept this one fairly simple, into the Park at Islandbridge, run anti-clockwise, out the Castleknock Gate, back in Whites Road, onto OS Road and complete the lap back to Islandbridge. Then another shorter lap this time not exiting at Castleknock Gate but adding on a trip through the Furry Glen, back out Park Gate and home.

    I carried a bottle of Powerade with me. Legs were tired at the outset but I expected them to be after the TT the day before. I checked average pace for the first time when I turn onto College Road, it shows 8:24. I knew it would naturally pick-up with the mostly downhill return to Islandbridge. I was travelling just ahead of target pace once I completed the first lap. Legs felt better on the second lap. They were tiring a bit over the last 2 miles and I was generally feeling the fatigue after 5 days of fairly tough running. However I felt much better today after 17 miles than I did last Sunday at the same point.

    The last 10 days or so have been hard-work, I hope this is due in part to the cold/cough I've been trying to shake-off.

    I need a run where I feel some zip back in the legs. This cycle I'm not feeling as optimistic as I did on last year's cycle, this despite all the paces being that bit quicker. I think the difference between 2013 and 2014 training was more pronounced than the differences between this year and last year. Also my endurance confidence has taken a bit of a hit after the 16 miler with 12 at PMP in the California heat, and after last Sunday's cold, wet, windy and miserable slog of a 20 miler. I need a good PMP session at the end of next week, and I need my next 20 miler to be a smooth easy affair.

    M01 9:14
    M02 8:24
    M03 8:16
    M04 8:05
    M05 7:56
    M06 7:42
    M07 7:59
    M08 8:07
    M09 8:19
    M10 8:48
    M11 8:21
    M12 8:06
    M13 7:54
    M14 8:09
    M15 8:15
    M16 8:03
    M17 8:29

    Total 17.03M @ 8:15

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:07 [8.09M @ 8:14], with average 600 @ 3:40 [5:54] | 71.90 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.09M @ 8:11 | 72.25 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.04K @ 5:40, average stride 3:36 [4.99M @ 9:07, average stride 5:48] | 72.50 KG
    10K TT - Sub 40 attempt | 10.01K @ in 39:50 @ 3:59 [6.24] | N/A
    LSR 17M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 17.03M @ 8:15 | 71.65 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    58 / 56 / 00 / 00 / 28 | 51.74 / 143.04 / 588.69

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    Spent Monday at meetings up at the airport - managed to finish up early though and was home before 18:00 for the first time in literally years. I now had the choice between heading straight out my 8 miles general aerobic, or running it Tuesday morning at 5:XX am. I quickly got into my gear and headed for the Park.

    Sunny, but chilly out of the sun. I took this one very handy at the start and trusted that the pace would naturally pick-up. Felt a tweak from the left knee on mile one as I head over the humpback bridge in Islandbridge. It lasts a few strides and then passes. I remind myself that I don't often run 6 days consecutively.

    I do one clockwise lap of the Park. The pace picking up gradually as expected. Exit back at Islandbridge and head for home. Bump into overpronator. He was in his civvies so I almost didn't recognize him at first. Wish him luck. His 12 weeks of P&D just flew in.

    M01 9:28
    M02 8:48
    M03 8:52
    M04 8:46
    M05 8:31
    M06 8:30
    M07 8:41
    M08 8:48

    Total 8.00M @ 8:48

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8;45 to 9:00 | 8.00M @ 8:48 | 72.50 KG
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    59 / 57 / 00 / 00 / 27 | 8.00 / 151.04 / 596.69

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x1K @ 5K Pace

    I did a good job of not worrying in advance about this one.

    I run home from work with my usual heavy rucksack. Did not enjoy this part of today's run; the rucksack was weighing down, my legs felt heavy, my footfall felt flat, the pavement felt hard and my left knee twinged again at the start of the run as I headed up a bicycle ramp. But once I dropped the rucksack home things improved. Legs felt bouncier. I braced myself for further knee twinges on the climb from Islandbridge up to the playing fields, but happily I was twinge free.

    As always I start lapping clockwise around the cycle/pedestrian path.

    K1 in 3:44
    This felt surprisingly easy for the first 700ms or so. Only felt I was working near the end. This took me from near the first goalposts right down to the right turn onto Acres and then up Acres for 100m or so. So far so good.

    K2 in 3:42
    Was in two minds during the 2:30 mins recovery. Should I speed up a little to get up as much of Acres as I could before K2 started, or should I slow down and recover as much as possible. Start K2 just before the next right turn. I expected this to be easier because of its slightly downhill profile. Again I'm working over the last 200m, but I complete the K without incident. Average pace 3:42.

    K3 in 3:44
    This one I was concerned about. It would include the full climb up Acres. I was working for sure but yet again it didn't prove as tough as I'd feared. As I near the top of the climb I notice average pace has fallen to 3:46, so over the last 130m I really push. This effort is very demanding on the lungs but I do ensure I hit my target pace.

    K4 in 3:42
    The profile for this 4th interval is forgiving. Legs are getting tired now and I'm conscious that my form is also getting a bit sloppy. This one takes me back onto the path after the fort. Logs at 3:42, my fastest interval. Just one more to go and I'm confident now of completing the session on target.

    K5 in 3:42
    Once again the second half of this interval is mostly up Acres. Again I see the average pace threatening to fall outside target range and so I push uphill hard for the last 400ms. Lungs are doing the majority of the work. I'm really pleased to see this one log at 3:42.

    A nice cool-down follows, where I stick to the grass as much as possible.

    I enjoyed that. It's the first run in a while where I was a little buzzed afterwards. Very pleased to have hit target after a hard honest effort where legs and lungs and resolve were all tested, but all the time I felt in control. Bit of a confidence booster after a few flat and laboured runs. The lungs also felt better tonight and I was coughing less. Touchwood I've nearly shaken off this cough/cold.

    5.50K @ 5:43 [3.42M @ 9:12] (bringing up 600M for the year)

    Interval 1 (3:43.9) @ 3:44 [6:00]
    Interval 2 (3:42.0) @ 3:42 [5:57]
    Interval 3 (3:43.7) @ 3:44 [6:00]
    Interval 4 (3:41.7) @ 3:42 [5:57]
    Interval 5 (3:42.3) @ 3:42 [5:57]

    Average (3:42.7) @ 3:42 [5:58]

    2.06K @ 5:42 [1.28M @ 9:10]

    Total 14.83K @ 5:00 [9.22M @ 8:04]

    forgot to weigh-in afterwards

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8;45 to 9:00 | 8.00M @ 8:48 | 72.50 KG
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.83K @ 5:00 with average interval 3:42 [9.22M @ 8:04 with average interval 5:58]
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    60 / 58 / 00 / 00 / 26 | 17.22 / 160.26 / 605.91

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    On the road at 5:16 this morning. Dark and a bit chilly out there but I risked leaving the gloves off anyway. I decided to just run clockwise laps around the short Kilmainham Lane, Saint John’s Road, Military Road loop. Once again I feel a twinge from the left knee when running uphill in the opening miles. After 2 or 3 miles I don’t feel it anymore. The twinge is not as strong as on previous runs. There’s always something. Minimum coughing this morning.

    I’m always anxious to get these early runs completed and I’m running two countdowns in my head, 'on lap 4 with 7 miles to go', 'on lap 5 with 6 miles to go', etc. The pace picks up as the run progresses. The morning has brightened up and when running down Saint John’s for the 7th time, I’m treated to a sunrise over Heuston.

    I see mile 10 log at 7:37 and immediately apply the brakes, finishing up with two leisurely miles.

    12 miles in the bag by 6:55am. Great way to start your Friday.

    M01 8:56
    M02 8:54
    M03 8:22
    M04 8:00
    M05 7:55
    M06 7:54
    M07 7:55
    M08 8:08
    M09 7:53
    M10 7:37
    M11 8:27
    M12 8:40

    Total 12.03M @ 8:11

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8;45 to 9:00 | 8.00M @ 8:48 | 72.50 KG
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.83K @ 5:00 with average interval 3:42 [9.22M @ 8:04 with average interval 5:58]
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:11 | 72.75 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    61 / 59 / 00 / 00 / 25 | 29.25 / 172.29 / 617.94

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    The weekend’s running started on a grim Saturday morning. Wind and rain and cold dark skies. I headed over to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road and then turned back toward town along the Chapelizod Road. I’m soaked through after less than 2 miles and just keep my fingers crossed that this won’t cause a return of my cold and cough symptoms. I’m not making it easy for myself to recover fully. Bulk of the last mile is completed in the empty IMMA grounds.

    M01 9:00
    M02 9:44
    M03 9:27
    M04 9:32
    M05 9:24

    Total 5.01M @ 9:26

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8;45 to 9:00 | 8.00M @ 8:48 | 72.50 KG
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.83K @ 5:00 with average interval 3:42 [9.22M @ 8:04 with average interval 5:58]
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:11 | 72.75 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.01M @ 9:26 | 72.50 KG
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:29 to 4:31 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    62 / 60 / 00 / 00 / 24 | 34.26 / 177.30 / 622.95

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Hey OFAR - I am kinda quietly following your log for a while now, and it is just really very impressive. I can only aspire to your discipline, effort, and (well deserved) results. Good luck in Cork - looking forward to reading it all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    nop98 wrote: »
    Hey OFAR - I am kinda quietly following your log for a while now, and it is just really very impressive. I can only aspire to your discipline, effort, and (well deserved) results. Good luck in Cork - looking forward to reading it all.

    Thanks very much nop98. Sometimes I think there are only so many P&D55 training cyles that I can write about before boring people silly.

    Whatever about the running, this cycle I'm finding it hard to stay on top of the log. Work and 'real-life' have been demanding a lot of my time over the last few months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    29K with 23K @ PMP

    Bit of catching up to do on here.

    Sunday morning the clouds had disappeared and it was blue skies again. Still chilly out there though. I was relaxed ahead of this one, I think the recent VO2 sessions and the TT session have made marathon pace less daunting a prospect, which I think is deliberate on the part of P&D.

    I head for the park and start lapping anti-clockwise from Islandbridge Gate. I complete my 6K warm-up as I arrive by the Castleknock Roundabout. I start the PMP section as I head down OS Road. A runner passed me on North Road I could see him up ahead and I wanted to try reel him in. Of course this resulted in me starting out too fast. As I turn onto Upper Glen what feels like PMP is actually 4:15 [6:50]. I'm pleasantly surprised at how relaxed it feels. My target has upped the pace as well and he's not coming back to me very quickly. Plus he stuck to the shorter path route while I stuck to the longer road route, and he takes the path immediately below the hospital while I divert down to and up from the Chapelizod Gate, so I keep losing any gains I make. This race ends when he heads across the grass toward the Wellington Monument and I continue into my second lap of the Park.

    The pace has fallen and is now settling on 4:28 [7:11] or 4:29 [7:13]. I have to concentrate so that it doesn't drop any further as I tackle the drag up behind the zoo and onto the North Road. I've completed a full lap of the park at PMP and feel ok. I go through 10K of PMP in 44:48. The effort reduces and the pace picks up again as head back down the Glen Road. When I arrive back at Islandbridge Gate pace is 4:27 [7:10].

    Instead of heading up behind the zoo again, I turn up Chesterfield. watch as the pace drops slowly to 4:29 [7:13]. I turn left at the Phoenix and head down Acres. I'm starting to feel the effort now but I'm always in control. I turn left and head up to the S-Bends for the third time this morning. As I go through 19K of PMP, I think of how I was dead on my feet at this point back in California on my last PMP run. Today I'm tired yes but I'm not daunted by the additional 4K I still have to complete. My second 10K of PMP is also completed in 44:XX.

    I head out Park Gate and over to Heuston. I push up the Luas tracks. I haven't seen average PMP pace read 4:3X all morning and so I want to keep it at 4:29 [7:13] until the end and I succeed in doing so.

    Enjoyed that. I'm not sure how much further I could have gone at PMP. I don't believe I could maintain this pace for a full 42K, but that's ok, the whole point of training at sub 3:10 pace is to give the legs and mind a buffer over race day PMP which will be between 4:40 [7:31] and 4:42 [7:34]. These latter paces are starting to look doable.

    06.05K @ 5:30 [03.76M @ 8:51]
    23.02K @ 4:29 [14.31M @ 7:12]

    Total 29.07K @ 4:41 [18.06M @ 7:33]

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8;45 to 9:00 | 8.00M @ 8:48 | 72.50 KG
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.83K @ 5:00 with average interval 3:42 [9.22M @ 8:04 with average interval 5:58]
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:11 | 72.75 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.01M @ 9:26 | 72.50 KG
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:29 to 4:31 | 29.07K @ 4:41 with 23.02K @ 4:29 [18.06M @ 7:23 with 14.31M @ 7:12 |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    63 / 61 / 00 / 00 / 23 | 52.32 / 195.36 / 641.01

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x600 @ 5K Pace

    Week 14 (already!) starts after work on Tuesday evening. My VO2 routine is established now; an unpleasant run through town with rucksack on back, a bounce in my step as soon as I drop it in home, then over to the playing fields for clockwise intervals.

    Monday and Tuesday I'd been getting some pain from right foot whenever I started walking, specifically when I flexed my big toe. When I started running though I didn't feel any pain or discomfort.

    The 600s go really well. I notice I'm not hacking or coughing at all this evening so the lungs are allowed to work more efficiently than of late. The first half of each interval is completed in 3:3X and then the second half is a controlled deceleration into the low 3:40s. I find my stride is smooth during these, feels like I'm running with good form.

    I like these 600s, you can get the legs moving and get the lungs working all without needing an eyes-out effort. Foot was fine throughout.

    A nice cool-down home to bring up 13K.

    5.51K @ 5:42 [3.42M @ 9:11]

    Interval 1 (2:12.5) @ 3:41 [5:55]
    Interval 2 (2:10.7) @ 3:38 [5:50]
    Interval 3 (2:13.5) @ 3:43 [5:58]
    Interval 4 (2:11.8) @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 5 (2:12.4) @ 3:41 [5:55]

    Average (2:12.2) @ 3:40 [5:54]

    3.02K @ 5:32 [1.87M @ 8:54]

    Total 13.04K @ 5:10 [8.01M @ 8:19]

    Forgot again to weigh-in after run.

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.04 @ 5:10, average interval @ 3:40 [8.01M @ 8:19, average interval @ 5:54 | N/A
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | |
    10K Time Trial - Sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 17 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    64 / 62 / 00 / 00 / 22 | 8.01 / 203.37 / 649.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11 Miles

    I really do not like running with a bag on my back. This evening's bag weighed heavier because I was carrying a brand new copy of Pfitzinger and Latter's "Faster Road Racing, 5K to Half Marathon". Looking forward to trying out some of its 5K and 10K schedules later in the year.

    Drop bag in home and continue on my way over to the Park. In at Islandbridge Gate and turn left up Military Road. Bit of a wind blowing. I run along the path by the playing fields but turn left at the end to rejoin the main perimeter road and continue through a heavy but short shower up to Knockmaroon Gate.

    I started this run quite slowly and the first few miles were mostly uphill so pace is still not in target range. I head up Tower Road and then turn onto White's Road planning a descent down the length of Chesterfield. I switch to trail as soon as I re-enter at White's Gate, heading for the top of Chesterfield, and then I follow the trail all the way down Chesterfield to the roundabout. I notice some sub 8:00 minute splits along the descent. Legs are feeling fine and have eased into the run nicely. I exit at Islandbridge Gate and home.

    Foot was fine and no significant coughing.

    I need to remind myself to weigh-in after run, second consecutive evening I've forgotten to do so.

    M01 9:17
    M02 9:00
    M03 8:26
    M04 8:20
    M05 8:26
    M06 8:17
    M07 7:56
    M08 7:40
    M09 7:37
    M10 7:39
    M11 8:10

    Total 11.01M @ 8:15

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.04 @ 5:10, average interval @ 3:40 [8.01M @ 8:19, average interval @ 5:54 | N/A
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | |
    10K Time Trial - Sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 17 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    65 / 63 / 00 / 00 / 21 | 19.02 / 214.38 / 660.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6K with 6x100m Strides

    Out around 6:15 for this. Nice outside. I tip over to the Chapelizod Road. It's been a while since I've had such a short run. Turn around after 3K by the Chapelizod Gate and run the strides back to Islandbridge. Legs felt ok. Hope they feel ok on Saturday as well, I'm trying not to think too much about the 10K TT.

    (registered for Cork on Thursday)

    3.02K @ 5:58 [1.88M @ 9:36]
    6x100m strides @ average 3:36 [5:48]
    1.22K @ 5:28 [0.76M @ 8:48]

    Total 6.03K @ 5:36 [3.75M @ 9:01]

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.04 @ 5:10, average interval @ 3:40 [8.01M @ 8:19, average interval @ 5:54 | N/A
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 6.03K @ 5:36 [3.75M @ 9.01], average stride 3:36 [5:48] | 72.40 KG
    10K Time Trial - Sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 17 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    66 / 64 / 00 / 00 / 20 | 22.77 / 3.75 / 663.78

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    outforarun wrote: »
    (registered for Cork on Thursday)

    :) good work - means we all have a good race report to enjoy soon!
