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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K TT

    On the Garmin 10.00K neat in 40:01 :(

    The plan for this one was to try run sub 39:50, improving on the last TT. Saturday morning was miserable wet windy and cold, I hadn't had too much sleep Friday night and I needed to do some work on the lap-top so I postponed this one until later in the day. This was a mistake - later in the day kept getting later and it was after 18:00 before I headed out. Really really not in the mood. I had to be home early so doing this up by Furze would have had me finishing too far away, plus I know the Furze Road can be quite slippery in the ST5s if its been raining. I decide during my warm-up that I'd run 10K as an anti-clockwise lap of the Park. I started where I finished my last 10K, underneath the Fort near the bottom of Military Road. My cough is nearly gone but I've had a stuffy head and blocked nose all day.

    01K-05K in 20:00.9
    I knew the first half of this TT would be the tough half, with the hill up Wellington, the drag up behind the zoo and up North Road, plus I was going to head up to Castleknock Gate from Machine Lake. I should maybe have started more conservatively, instead I pushed uphill from the outset.

    The first 3 kilometre splits were, 3:57 [6:21], 3:54 [6:16], 3:56 [6:20]. And then on K4 the legs started to feel heavy and the pace started to drop. I figured I should stop pushing and just concentrate on getting up to the Castleknock Gate, after that the pace should pick up again for the same effort.

    I stop looking at the Garmin because I know I'd get disheartened if I saw a slow split or the average pace dropping. And then I decide to take the opportunity to completely ignore the watch and try run on effort, see how I get on. I won't look at pace again until I'm finished. I pass the 5K mark between Machine-lake and Castleknock Gate. Keep the head down, cross the road at the top and make my way back down the otherside. Lungs aren't too bad but legs continue to feel heavy. Wind is blowing up Chesterfield.

    06K-10K in 20:00.5
    Onto OS Road and I can feel (I think) the pace picking-up. I'm not feeling comfortable and I'm already counting down the kilometres. I've never run a fast 10K in the evening before. I wonder was this making it feel more difficult, I think I run my best 10Ks in the late morning or lunchtime. I'm happy to turn onto Upper Glen Road. I feel my stride lengthening and I'm certain now the pace is faster, but how much faster? I resist the temptation to sneak a glance at the Garmin. Tell myself to enjoy K8 and start of K9 before the flatter and slightly uphill last 1.5 kilometres arrive. Again I run along the path immediately below the hospital, waiting to hear the Garmin beep to signal the start of the last kilometre, it beeps shortly after the intersection with Acres. I'm hurting now, mostly in the legs, shins aching. I push through the S-Bends. I put my thumb over the watch so I can check distance remaining without seeing pace info. Eventually I see 9.91K showing. I push listening for the beep. Don't hear it and end up hitting stop at 10.05K. I check the time, 40:13 :(

    The neat 10.00K split is 40:01. I am convinced that if I had been watching the pace on the Garmin, over the last 2K then I would have gone sub 40:00, if not sub 39:50. I think that without looking part of me was hoping that the effort was good, if I had looked then I would have had to push that little bit more.

    Still I'm happier with this 40:01 over 10.00K than I was with the 39:47 over 10.00K last time out. The last 10K had a net downhill of 33m, tonight's 10K instead had a net uphill of 12m.

    This year all my paces have improved apart from my pace on these 10Ks. Makes me keen to start a 10K specific plan later in June.

    Warm-up [2.25M @ 9:15]

    K01 3:57 [6:21]
    K02 3:53 [6:15]
    K03 3:56 [6:20]
    K04 4:08 [6:39]
    K05 4:06 [6:34]
    K06 4:08 [6:40]
    K07 4:04 [6:33]
    K08 3:53 [6:15]
    K09 4:00 [6:27]
    K10 3:55 [6:18]

    Total 10.05K @ 4:00 [6.25M @ 6:26]

    Garmin Link

    Cool-down [1.07M @ 9:44]

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.04 @ 5:10, average interval @ 3:40 [8.01M @ 8:19, average interval @ 5:54 | N/A
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 6.03K @ 5:36 [3.75M @ 9.01], average stride 3:36 [5:48] | 72.40 KG
    10K Time Trial - Sub 39:50 attempt | 10.05K @ 4:00 [6.25M @ 6:26] | 71.90 KG
    LSR 17 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    67 / 65 / 00 / 00 / 19 | 32.43 / 13.31 / 673.45

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 17 Miles

    First there was the mini blow-up over the last 5K of the 16 miler run in California. I put that down to the 30+ degrees heat. And also in retrospect I fell ill with fever two days later so maybe I was already ill when running.

    Then there was the 20 miler a few weeks back with overpronator, where the run officially became a slog after 13 miles and the last 3 miles were just not fun. I put this down to poor diet in the preceding days, the horrendous weather and again the fact that I wasn't 100% healthy.

    And now I can add last Sunday's LSR to the list. This was just a 17 miler but I genuinely started to blow-up with 3 miles to go, the last mile was horrible and I was watching the Garmin willing it to end. What's my excuse this time? I guess it has to be put down to stupidity, I had run a 10K TT around 12 hours earlier and really hadn't eaten a huge amount in between. What was I thinking?

    So I have excuses for all three blow-ups. Still though it's not great for confidence. I've never had blow-ups like these before, now three in the one training cycle. Thankfully I recently had that 18 miler with 14 miles at sub 3:10 marathon pace, where I felt comfortable and never felt like I was running low on energy.

    In brief, Sunday's run felt sluggish from the start. Ran around 8 miles of this with a mate and the conversation near the end wasn't flowing like it should have been, I was already feeling fairly wrecked. With 5 miles to go I was wishing the run to be over, and as mentioned above the last mile was in proper blow-up territory. Still managed to come in on target.

    I didn't have energy to wash myself in the shower, I could only slouch and just let the water fall on me. I also had a cramp in the neck, ouch.

    Not a great weekend's running.

    M01 9:27
    M02 8:54
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:26
    M05 8:21
    M06 8:02
    M07 7:44
    M08 8:07
    M09 8:15
    M10 8:15
    M11 8:34
    M12 8:18
    M13 8:14
    M14 8:35
    M15 8:36
    M16 8:24
    M17 8:58

    Total 17.00M @ 8:27

    P&D55 Week 14 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.04 @ 5:10, average interval @ 3:40 [8.01M @ 8:19, average interval @ 5:54 | N/A
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 11.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 6.03K @ 5:36 [3.75M @ 9.01], average stride 3:36 [5:48] | 72.40 KG
    10K Time Trial - Sub 39:50 attempt | 10.05K @ 4:00 [6.25M @ 6:26] | 71.90 KG
    LSR 17 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 17.00M @ 8:27 | 71.60 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    68 / 66 / 00 / 00 / 18 | 49.43 / 30.31 / 690.45

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    Had planned on running this in the morning but I was just too tired and had the opportunity to run in the evening so I turned over and drifted back to sleep.

    Ran this after work instead. Sun was out so just had a t-shirt on top. Wore the ST5s today because the Nimbus weighed a tonne having been left outside under the rain. The usual rucksack trudge home. Drop the bag and head for the Park. Meet overpronator by Islandbridge Gate and so get to congratulate him in person for his outstanding London run.

    I head up to the playing fields and run the strides around here. The legs feel good tonight. The strides are faster than normal and feel smooth. I hadn't been in the mood to run today but by the end of this one I felt recovered and happy to have gotten out.

    7.04K @ 5:50 [4.37M @ 9:23]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:24 [5:28]
    2.17K @ 5:41 [1.35M @ 9:09]

    Total 11.01K @ 5:39 [6.84M @ 9:06]

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 11.01K @ 5:39 [6.84M @ 9.06], average stride 3:24 [5:28] | 72.15 KG
    VO2Max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | |
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    69 / 67 / 00 / 00 / 17 | 6.84 / 37.15 / 697.29

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 16K with 4x1200m @ 5K pace

    Haven't been mood for running this week and wasn't super enthusiastic ahead of this one. An after work run. Headed for the playing fields after dropping off my bag. The legs weren't feeling super-zippy and I wasn't sure how this session would go. I needn't have worried, the session went perfectly.

    Interval 1
    The pace felt comfortable, my stride felt smooth, head up and my form felt good, I felt light and my breathing was very controlled. I enjoyed dashing past two groups of runners as I headed up Acres and the first 1200 logged at 3:37 [5:49] pace. Too fast, I'll surely pay for this later.

    Interval 2
    Like last year I'm running these off 3 minutes recovery. The second interval has a friendlier profile than the first one. I dash through and scatter a herd of deer as I turn down toward the fort. I glance at the Garmin and see I'm running at 3K pace not 5K pace. I ease off slightly. This interval logs at 3:38 [5:51].

    Interval 3
    I head into this one knowing that I have the luxury of slowing down in order to try keep my average interval within 5K pace. Again I continue to feel light and smooth. I'm not willing the 1200 to be over. I'm not hanging on near the end. Interval 3 logs at 3:41 [5:56].

    Interval 4
    The last interval is along the footpath toward Acres before swinging up Acres. This one feels the same as the others; very controlled, very manageable. The lungs are working well, legs feel good. The pace risks being too fast rather than being to slow. Final interval logs at 3:41 [5:56].

    Average interval pace was a little ahead of target @ 3:39 [5:53], but I'm going to be kind on myself and mark this as completed on target - I wasn't trying to run faster than 5K pace, I just had a good session where 5K effort earned me 3K pace. I'm fairly certain I could have run a fifth interval if required. Funny how my 5K pace runs are feeling easier while my 10K pace feels like it's going backwards. Buzzed after this one.

    5.45K @ 5:42 [3.38M @ 9:10] (bringing up 700M for the year)

    Interval 1 (4:19.9) @ 3:37 [5:49]
    Interval 2 (4:22.0) @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 3 (4:25.6) @ 3:41 [5:56]
    Interval 4 (4:25.1) @ 3:41 [5:56]

    Average (4:23.1) @ 3:39 [5:53]

    3.57K @ 5:35 [2.22M @ 8:58]

    Total 16.00K @ 5:02 [9.94M @ 8:06]

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 11.01K @ 5:39 [6.84M @ 9.06], average stride 3:24 [5:28] | 72.15 KG
    VO2Max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 16.00K @ 5:02 with average interval @ 3:39 [9.94M @ 8:06 with average interval @ 5:53] | 70.55 KG
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    70 / 68 / 00 / 00 / 16 | 16.78 / 47.10 / 707.24

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    After 156 consecutive marathon training cycle sessions, I’ve finally skipped a session. After Thursday evening’s successful intervals I didn’t get to bed until after midnight and I think I was already prepared for the inevitable, I couldn’t stomach an early rise to get in 11 miles on the Friday morning. I wouldn’t have another opportunity to run on Friday so this session was just knocked on the head.

    Back on the road instead on Saturday morning for a recovery 4 miles. Headed over to Inchicore and then along the canal back to Suir Road and Kilmainham for a final mile in the IMMA grounds. Sun was trying without much success to make an appearance. The Nimbus felt heavy on this run. I think it’s all relative but the more I wear the ST5s the more I realise how much lighter and more comfortable they feel. I must try a long run in them some time and see how the legs react.

    M01 10:00
    M02 09:09
    M03 09:30
    M04 09:24

    Total 4.03M @ 9:30

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 11.01K @ 5:39 [6.84M @ 9.06], average stride 3:24 [5:28] | 72.15 KG
    VO2Max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 16.00K @ 5:02 with average interval @ 3:39 [9.94M @ 8:06 with average interval @ 5:53] | 70.55 KG
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | DNS | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.03M @ 9:30 | 72.05 KG
    LSR 20 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    71 / 69 / 01 / 00 / 14 | 20.81 / 51.13 / 711.27

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    I needed Sunday’s 20 miler to go without any hitches. If I had even the hint of a blow-up near the end it would see me carrying some serious endurance doubts into Cork.

    I didn’t do myself any favours on Saturday afternoon, I was doing some digging outside and hit some rock causing a jolt in my back. Thought nothing of it and continued working away. Come Sunday morning I had a dull ache in my lower back and some restricted movement, like when I try lace my shoes.

    I wasn’t going to skip or postpone this run and so I set off shortly after 7:30 paying attention to how my back felt over the first mile or so, any pain or twinges and I’d call it a day. There was some ache over the first 400ms or so but after that it felt ok. The plan was simple - into the Park at Islandbridge Gate, 3 anti-clockwise laps of the Park and then exit via Park Gate. I was carrying gels for the first time this year and I would take one after 4, 8, 12 and 16 miles.

    Overcast and wet underfoot but the air was warm. The first lap was all about gradually settling into LSR pace and I decided to ignore the Garmin until I had completed the lap. First gel taken as I head down OS Road. I feel the pace increasing naturally down the Upper Glen Road. I’m a little surprised to see average pace at 8:33 when I finish lap one, I thought it would have been a little quicker, probably the result of a slow opening mile or two.

    I up the pace on lap 2 and again I resolve not to check the Garmin until the end of the lap. Another gel up behind the zoo. I’d forgotten how taking gels at regular intervals helps to break up the run: open and take gel, stash the empty sachet, drink some water, then complete another 3 miles and you can look forward to the same operation at the end of the of the next mile. The gels come round quickly. At the end of lap 2 the average pace has shot up to 8:17.

    Final lap, the miles are flying by. I’m feeling fine, legs are good and energy levels are high. I watch the Garmin on this lap as I don’t want the pace to increase too much. It continues to creep up though, this despite the drag up behind the zoo and onto North Road. As I head onto OS Road it’s showing at 8:13. I make a more concerted effort to slow down. Part of me wants to run at the fast end of target pace (or just a fraction faster), I guess I want to prove to myself that the 3 minor blow-ups I’ve had in this cycle were explicable by heat, illness and poor diet, and weren’t due to any underlying endurance issue.

    Last gel taken. Then third lap completed and average pace is 8:13. I ease off some more as I exit via Park Gate. I head up the Luas tracks by Heuston to scrub off a little more pace , and I finish with average pace showing 8:14 (I’m marking as completed on target anyway, 8:14 kind of became my revised target during the run).

    That was a good confidence boosting LSR. But has it come at a price? I didn’t do my back any favours. While I didn’t feel anything during the run, the ache had worsened come Sunday evening. Yesterday it was aching quite bad in the morning. It improved come Monday evening. It’s still aching today, not as bad as yesterday morning. I have my gear with me but I’m not decided yet about this evening’s run (13K + 5x600ms).

    M01 9:32
    M02 8:52
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:17
    M05 8:03
    M06 8:11
    M07 8:12
    M08 8:06
    M09 8:12
    M10 8:03
    M11 7:43
    M12 7:55
    M13 7:55
    M14 7:52
    M15 8:01
    M16 8:00
    M17 7:59
    M18 8:29
    M19 8:15
    M20 8:21

    Total 20.11M @ 8:14

    P&D55 Week 15 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100 strides | 11.01K @ 5:39 [6.84M @ 9.06], average stride 3:24 [5:28] | 72.15 KG
    VO2Max 16K with 4x1200m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 16.00K @ 5:02 with average interval @ 3:39 [9.94M @ 8:06 with average interval @ 5:53] | 70.55 KG
    MLR 11 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | DNS | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.03M @ 9:30 | 72.05 KG
    LSR 20 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 20.11M @ 8:14 | 70.90 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    72 / 70 / 01 / 00 / 13 | 40.92 / 71.24 / 731.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Best relief for lower back ache? Go for a 6 mile recovery run.

    I was in two minds all day as to whether or not I should run this evening. I check the schedule for the week and realise that Saturday excepted I am entering the taper phase of this cycle and all the midweek runs are tame affairs, I decide then to just swap Tuesday's undemanding VO2 session with Wednesday's 6 mile recovery run. This would allow me test out the back without putting it under too much pressure.

    I run from work to home with weighty rucksack. Drop bag and continue on my way. My back feels better while running than while sitting at work. I actually don't notice any ache anymore. Meet overpronator outside Islandgate Bridge just like last Tuesday. Quick stop for a quick chat. Then into Park, run along the southern path of the playing fields then down Acres and back through the S-Bends and home.

    For two hours after this run my back felt nearly normal again. It's starting to ache now. Hopefully tomorrow's rescheduled 600s will go ok.

    M01 9:38
    M02 9:05
    M03 9:07
    M04 9:09
    M05 9:11
    M06 9:30

    Total 6.18M @ 9:24

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | |
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.18M @ 9:24 | 72.45 KG
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    73 / 71 / 01 / 00 / 12 | 6.18 / 77.42 / 737.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 5K pace

    Back was aching during the day but not as bad as 24 hours previous. Start this gone 18:00 in good conditions. I'm being spoiled with after-work runs this week. Drop bag home and head to the 15 Acres. Back is feeling fine and I'm looking forward to these 600s.

    They go fine. I am a little guilty of underestimated these and expect them to be effortless: they are short, I'm never in danger of not hitting target, but it's not true to think they are effortless. I need to stay focused to stay in target pace. Bit of wind coming down Acres making the second and fifth intervals the hardest ones.

    Happy to report that my back felt ok during and after these. Ache coming back later in the evening but less than before.

    5.50K @ 5:39 [3.42M @ 9:05]

    Interval 1 (2:11.0) @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 2 (2:12.8) @ 3:41 [5:56]
    Interval 3 (2:12.5) @ 3:41 [5:55]
    Interval 4 (2:11.8) @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 5 (2:11.3) @ 3:39 [5:52]

    Average (2:11.9) @ 3:39 [5:53]

    2.91K @ 5:31 [1.81M @ 8:52]

    Total 13.02K @ 5:06 [8.09M @ 8:13]

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:06 average interval 3:39 [8.09M @ 8:13 average interval 5;53 | 72.10 KG
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.18M @ 9:24 | 72.45 KG
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    74 / 72 / 01 / 00 / 11 | 14.27 / 85.51 / 745.65

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6K with 6x100m Strides

    With this short run it would take me less time to complete the session than it would for me to walk home. So I was treated to my third consecutive after-work run. Very heavy bag this evening complete with lap-top. Took it really easy as far as home. Dropped bag. Then ran the strides on the cycle path from the Hilton along Inchicore Road, been a while since I ran strides along here. Have to take a few mid stride diversions to avoid road works.

    Back continues to improve and the runs seem to assist its recovery rather than hinder it.

    Only 10 runs remaining :eek:

    4.03K @ 5:56 [2.50M @ 9:33]
    6x100m @ average 3:35 [5:46]
    0.17K @ 5:37 [0.11M @ 9:02]

    Total 6.00K @ 5:37 [3.73M @ 9:02]

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:06 average interval 3:39 [8.09M @ 8:13 average interval 5;53 | 72.10 KG
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.18M @ 9:24 | 72.45 KG
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 6.00K @ 5:37, average stride 3:35 [3.73M @ 9:02, average stride 5:46] | 71.60 KG
    10K TT sub 39:50 attempt | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    75 / 73 / 01 / 00 / 10 | 18.00 / 89.24 / 749.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K TT

    Writing this on mobile in Cork. I wasn't hugely optimistic ahead of this one. Firstly I had a sore right foot courtesy of suit shoes that need changing. Secondly I couldn't psyche myself up ahead of the session I really didn't fancy it, wasn't in the mood to hurt and was short of confidence after first two TTs. Part of me was tempted to switch to an 8K TT. And thirdly I was on the road at 7:30 in the morning.

    I was staying on the Western Road, same spot where I'll stay for CCM in 2 weeks. A short warm-up out to the County Hall. Sun was shining and conditions seemed good, apart from a light headwind blowing into town. I reset watch, remind myself that this is the last really tough run of the cycle and hit start.

    01K-05K in 20:18
    Plan is to head 5K out and back along the Carrigrohane Straight Road. Target is to go sub 39:50. I find the slower end of 10K pace fairly quickly. I aim to hold it steady and not go out too quick. The light headwind is a little more troublesome when running at speed. Despite maintaining a constant effort the pace is slowly dropping and I'm a little disappointed with a first K logging at 4:01 [6:27]. Not to worry.

    The second K I work at keeping the effort constant but when I check the Garmin I see that I'm still slowing. I push a bit harder, it must be the early hour. This is feeling too tough too soon but again despite my best efforts K2 logs at 4:05 [6:34]. I could be in trouble here. I know I am in trouble when K3 logs at 4:07 [6:38]. What's going on? I start looking for excuses, it's early, it must be a little uphill, the wind is against me, I'm just having a bad day, I had 2 Murphys and a Jameson last night. My legs are tired my lungs are working hard and mentally I'm struggling, I'm battling to hold lactate threshold pace. This year's 10K TTs are just not happening. K4 logs at 4:06 [6:37]. This is going to be a slog, I'll be lucky to go sub 41:00, forget about sub 39:50. I'm not giving up on the TT but I am completely resigned to not hitting target. I turn around shortly after 4K as I need to be back to the hotel by a certain time and I'd better finish closer to the hotel now that I'm running slower than planned. This is the changing point - I had been running up a slight drag, the wind had been against me. K5 logs at 3:59 [6:25]. Hmmm?

    06K - 10K in 19:22
    I could feel I was speeding up. My lungs were a little happier and my stride was a little smoother. Just hold it steady. I glance at the Garmin average pace was slowly slowly improving. K6 is a 3:49 [6:09]! The race is back on. Don't get too carried away. This is still difficult I'm just getting more value for my effort. Average pace is down to 4:02. Then K7 logs at 3:58 [6:23], I'm slowing again I'm worried again. I push. This stretch I'll be running again in 2 weeks time and I want positive associations. I pretend I'm doing a VO2 session and imagine how easy 3:5X pace would be on a VO2. I try focus on running relaxed head high. This I think helps. K8 is a 3:51 [6:11]. Average pace is 4:00 [6:26]. The sub 40:00 is on. Two more hard K to go, c'mon.

    I'm feeling confident. I leave the County Hall behind me and as I arrive at the start of the Mardyke K9 logs at 3:54 [6:16]. Average pace is 3:59 [6:25] Keep the effort honest and the sub 39:50 is there. I push over the last 600ms. Lungs and legs working hard. At the end of the Mardyke the Garmin sounds for 10K. The last K was a 3:50 [6:11]. A neat Garmin 10.00K in 39:40.

    I'm thrilled with this. I've never run a session where I was so resigned to not hitting my target and then still rescuing it in the end. A real lesson here that even a small change in the profile of a course can make all the difference. I think this is the biggest negative split I've ever run. Great to finish this year's TTs on a high. And I take extra confidence from the fact I logged this sub 40 by 8:20 in the morning.

    Warm-up 2.06K @ 5:51 [1.28M @ 9:25]

    K01 4:01 [6:27]
    K02 4:05 [6:34]
    K03 4:07 [6:38]
    K04 4:06 [6:37]
    K05 3:59 [6:25]
    K06 3:49 [6:09]
    K07 3:58 [6:23]
    K08 3:51 [6:11]
    K09 3:54 [6:16]
    K10 3:50 [6:11]

    Total 10.01K @ 3:58 [6.22M @ 6:23]

    Cool down 1.19K @ 5:15 [0.74M @ 8:27]

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:06 average interval 3:39 [8.09M @ 8:13 average interval 5;53 | 72.10 KG
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.18M @ 9:24 | 72.45 KG
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 6.00K @ 5:37, average stride 3:35 [3.73M @ 9:02, average stride 5:46] | 71.60 KG
    10K TT sub 39:50 attempt | 39:40 | N/A
    LSR 16 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    76 / 74 / 01 / 00 / 09 | 26.24 / 97.48 / 757.62

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 16 Miles

    Still in Cork for Sunday morning's run. I hadn't packed my Nimbus so I risked this one in the ST5s. Out the Carrigrohane Road again, this time at a much more sedate pace than Saturday morning and I could relax and enjoy the surroundings. I cross the river at the end of Carrigrohane and come back into town along the Lee Road. This is a nice road to run, with some twists and turns and ups and downs and largely tree-lined. I need to stay alert for cars though as there is no footpath most of the way.

    Back into town via the Mardyke. Head out past the train station and back in along the docks. Legs are feeling fine, yes they are still carrying some tiredness from yesterday's TT but I have no issues holding target pace. Footfall feels a bit flat near the end of the run and I realise that for once I'm missing the Nimbus. Finish up with some meandering round Western Road, UCC and along the Mardyke River walkway.

    I covered several stretches that I am due to cover on race day in a couple of weeks. Starting to get excited about race day now. Just one more tough session remaining. Only 8 runs to go!

    M01 9:20
    M02 8:46
    M03 8:35
    M04 8:40
    M05 8:23
    M06 8:04
    M07 8:04
    M08 8:13
    M09 8:05
    M10 7:56
    M11 7:59
    M12 8:09
    M13 8:08
    M14 8:01
    M15 8:06
    M16 7:28

    Total 16.16M @ 8:14

    P&D55 Week 16 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.02K @ 5:06 average interval 3:39 [8.09M @ 8:13 average interval 5;53 | 72.10 KG
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.18M @ 9:24 | 72.45 KG
    Recovery 6K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 6.00K @ 5:37, average stride 3:35 [3.73M @ 9:02, average stride 5:46] | 71.60 KG
    10K TT sub 39:50 attempt | 39:40 | N/A
    LSR 16 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 16.16M @ 8:14 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    77 / 75 / 01 / 00 / 08 | 42.40 / 113.64 / 773.78

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Time to think about target paces for race-day.

    My PB is 3:24:49 from last year's edition.

    I'm going to aim for 4:42 [7:34] pace. This on paper would get me home in 3:18:19. Allowing for racing line this should be good to get me sub 3:20. So ...

    < 3:19:00 Platinum
    < 3:20:00 Gold
    < 3:24:00 Silver
    < 3:24:49 Bronze
    < 3:30:00 Consolation

    In all my 6 marathons to date I've missed my target time by around 5 to 10 minutes. This year I'm experimenting and I've trained for a sub 3:10 while hoping to run a sub 3:20. I'm hoping this 10 minute buffer will finally see me hit my target time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭paddybarry

    outforarun wrote: »
    Time to think about target paces for race-day.

    My PB is 3:24:49 from last year's edition.

    I'm going to aim for 4:42 [7:34] pace. This on paper would get me home in 3:18:19. Allowing for racing line this should be good to get me sub 3:20. So ...

    < 3:19:00 Platinum
    < 3:20:00 Gold
    < 3:24:00 Silver
    < 3:24:49 Bronze
    < 3:30:00 Consolation

    In all my 6 marathons to date I've missed my target time by around 5 to 10 minutes. This year I'm experimenting and I've trained for a sub 3:10 while hoping to run a sub 3:20. I'm hoping this 10 minute buffer will finally see me hit my target time.
    Best of luck OFAR, your training has been stellar. I hope you are rewarded in kind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    paddybarry wrote: »
    Best of luck OFAR, your training has been stellar. I hope you are rewarded in kind.

    +1. Best of luck. Look forward to reading about Platinum goals being met.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭Sharkey47

    +1 to those wishing you good luck OFAR. I have enjoyed following your most recent marathon training programme. I hope you get the platinum reward you deserve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Thanks Guys.

    I guess I have two gold goals, one is to come home under sub 3:20. The other is to come home feeling like I did in the Dublin Half Marathon last September; in control of my pace and able to finish strong. Achieve both of these goals and I'll start to feel like I have some kind of handle on marathon distance. To date, irrespective of the time I've finished in, I've always finished feeling the marathon had tamed me and not the other way around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 8x100m Strides

    Very busy at work these weeks and spending a lot of time travelling to and from offsite meetings. Doesn't put me in the mood for running. Put on my gear yesterday evening and head from office to home. I have to carry a laptop with me, I weigh the bag afterwards at 5.4kg! I could feel I was carrying the extra weight as I slapped along the footpaths home. Legs felt very very heavy and ached. Delighted to drop rucksack home and continue unburdened to Acres. Left leg starts to tingle and go a little numb just before I start the strides. The first few sets feel a bit odd on the left leg, after that it comes back to life.

    7.14K @ 5:35 [4.44M @ 8:59]
    8x100m with average stride @ 3:29 [5:36]
    1.79K @ 5:36 [1.11M @ 9:01]

    Total 11.33K @ 5:23 [7.04M @ 8:40]

    P&D55 Week 17 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100 strides | 11.33K @ 5:23 average stride 3:29 [7.04M @ 8:40 average stride 5:36] | 72.75 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 3x1600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    78 / 76 / 01 / 00 / 07 | 7.04 / 120.68 / 780.82

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 3x1600m @ 5K Pace.

    Garmin battery ran out :mad:

    Ran this one from home this evening, no rucksack. As soon as turned on the Garmin I realised I'd forgotten to charge it up. It showed the battery low message. No time to charge, fingers crossed it'll have enough juice left for the run.

    I decide to cut my warm-up short. I want to have the battery for the 1600s, I want to be sure I'm hitting the right paces on these. If it dies after the intervals it's not such a big deal.

    1st 1600
    Into the wind as I head around the playing fields. This interval takes me the length of the south path, the path up Acres and a little bit of the north path. The first half of this interval, into the wind, is harder than the second mostly uphill half. Lungs working over last 300ms or so. Finish in control at 3:41 [5:55].

    2nd 1600
    Like last year I'm taking a generous but still P&D prescribed 3:30 minutes of recovery. I start the second 1600 half way down the path heading toward the fort. I bank time on this opening descent before turning back into the wind on the south path. Feel a slight twinge in right foot. The lungs are working more this evening than the legs. Turn up Acres again and finish at 3:42 [5:58].

    3rd 1600
    Ok the last bit of sustained speed of this P&D cycle, try enjoy it. The interval starts near the end of the north path. I turn right and speed down toward the fort. I'm feeling in control. Pace is 3:3X. Then I turn right again and into the wind again. And then the Garmin dies :( I had 550 metres completed. Ok I keep the effort going and run what I estimate is another 1050m. I run to Acres and up to the end of the first car-bay. I honestly believe I hit target pace, I'll give myself 3:42 pace, the average of the other two 1600s. I felt in control at the end of this.

    I measured on Google Maps this evening, I ran 1110 metres not 1050m. Pretty good estimate.

    I then estimate the run home in order to bring up 13K. Another good estimate sees me covering 13.18K. I reckon at 5:30 pace.

    Continuing the battery motif, I couldn't get a weight this evening as the scales battery has died.

    And that's it. Final hard session completed. Only 6 runs left now. I have some more work to do before I go to bed and I'm not guaranteed to get out tomorrow morning, which means I may postpone tomorrow's 5 mile recovery until next week. I have that extra day next week as P&D think I'm running Sunday week, when in fact I run on Monday week.

    02.00K @ 5:30

    Interval 1 (5:53.1) @ 3:41 [5:55]
    Interval 2 (5:55.7) @ 3:42 [5:58]
    Interval 3 (5:54.4) @ 3:42 [5:57] (estimated)

    Average (5:54.0) @ 3:42 [5:57]

    5.08K @ 5:30 [3.09M @ (estimated) [3.09M @ 8:52]

    Total 13.18K [8.19M]

    P&D55 Week 17 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100 strides | 11.33K @ 5:23 average stride 3:29 [7.04M @ 8:40 average stride 5:36] | 72.75 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 3x1600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.18K, average interval 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    79 / 77 / 01 / 00 / 06 | 15.91 / 129.55 / 789.68

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Out Sunday morning for my last double digit run of this cycle. Went on my 12 mile route that takes me from Kilmainham to Chapelizod via the Ballyfermot Road. Into the park at the Chapelizod Gate, out Knockmaroon Gate, up Tower Road and back into the park via Whites Road. OS, Furze, North Road, Acres, Park Gate and home.

    My legs felt fairly sluggish for the first 4 or 5 miles or so. Then I was joined by another runner along Whites Road and as we chatted the pace increased. She turned left at OS, I turned right. I kept travelling at the increased pace. I knew I was hitting some fast splits but the legs were feeling very good now and I was happy to forget individual mile splits and just focus on ensuring that average pace remained in target. I recorded one sub 7:30 mile - I'm happy to note that no way did this feel faster than marathon pace, it felt really easy.

    My biggest concern from this session had nothing to do with my legs. Instead after 4 months of training in cold, wet and windy conditions (California excepted), the weather is only now deciding to heat up. It was humid out there and I sweated much more than normal.

    Completed this run with legs feeling very good. Probably too many faster than target miles in there.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:49
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:23
    M05 8:34
    M06 7:46
    M07 7:27
    M08 7:39
    M09 7:42
    M10 7:37
    M11 7:48 (800 miles for the year)
    M12 8:27

    Total 12.15M @ 8:10

    P&D55 Week 17 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100 strides | 11.33K @ 5:23 average stride 3:29 [7.04M @ 8:40 average stride 5:36] | 72.75 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 3x1600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.18K, average interval 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | Running next week |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.15M @ 8:10 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    80 / 78 / 01 / 00 / 05 | 28.06 / 141.70 / 801.83

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    The numbers on the bottom of your table should fill you with confidence. Hope you get the result you deserve in Cork!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    dintbo wrote: »
    The numbers on the bottom of your table should fill you with confidence. Hope you get the result you deserve in Cork!

    Thanks dintbo.

    The ones on the left do for sure. The two off target sessions were sessions where I ran marginally too fast. The numbers on the right less so - I noticed yesterday that I have a mismatch of about 5 miles in YTD between my table and what the Garmin is telling me. This will bug me until I trace it down! :rolleyes:

    Edit - fixed YTD, had been reading Garmin total incorrectly

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    Carried this run over from last week.

    The fresh legs from Sunday's MLR were replaced with heavy tired sluggish legs for yesterday's recovery run. They never really woke up during this one, even the strides felt laboured. This was a warm evening run up around the Playing Fields. Running anti-clockwise for once.

    Had a Financial Consultant round the other evening, complementary visit. Turns out he's a coach with Rathfarnham and has coached one runner to the Olympics. Spent more time talking running than finance. He mentioned one runner he has who at 38 ran a 3:18 and now at 42 has run a 2:40 and will go faster. There's hope yet. He recommended introducing 60 minute long tempo runs to my training, and he mentioned for a sub 3:20 my LSRs should be run at 9:00 pace. I'm not so happy to hear this last piece of advice.

    3.46K @ 5:58 [2.15M @ 9:36]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:35 [5:45]
    2.72K @ 5:51 [1.69M @ 9:25]

    Total 7.98K @ 5:40 [4.96M @ 9:08]

    P&D55 Week 17 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 11K @ 5:26 to 5:36 with 8x100 strides | 11.33K @ 5:23 average stride 3:29 [7.04M @ 8:40 average stride 5:36] | 72.75 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 3x1600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.18K, average interval 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 7.98K @ 5:40 average stride 3:35 [4.96M @ 9:08 average stride 5:45]| N/A
    MLR 12 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.15M @ 8:10 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    81 / 79 / 01 / 00 / 04 | 4.96 / 146.66 / 806.79

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Started week 18 this evening. Rucksack on my back and I tip along from the office to home. Drop rucksack and continue to Islandbridge Gate and up the Khyber. Early in the run I thought it might rain, instead the sun came out and the Park looked gorgeous this evening. The legs didn't feel as light as I would have liked, though they did feel better at the end of the run than at the start. Each mile run slower than the previous.

    M01 9:08
    M02 9:09
    M03 9:12
    M04 9:14
    M05 9:22
    M06 9:43

    Total 6.10M @ 9:20

    P&D55 Week 18 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.10M @ 9:20 | N/A
    Dress Rehearsal 11K with 3K @ PMP 4:29 to 4:31 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    82 / 80 / 01 / 00 / 03 | 11.06 / 152.76 / 812.90

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    All the best for the weekend D, you've got another brilliantly consistent marathon block under your belt so take platinum levels of confidence from that ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    All the best for the weekend D, you've got another brilliantly consistent marathon block under your belt so take platinum levels of confidence from that ;)

    +1. Always amazed by your consistency! Your training is a pleasure to read.
    Hope it all goes your way on the day! Weather looks to be pretty good.
    Best of!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭Tom Joad

    Very best of luck D, you have all the hard work done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    All the best for the weekend D, you've got another brilliantly consistent marathon block under your belt so take platinum levels of confidence from that ;)

    Thanks S. Getting excited ahead of Monday now. Legs starting to loosen up. Feeling fairly confident but cautious. This is an experimental marathon, I may be underselling myself but if I hit my target and finish feeling relatively in control then the formula of training for a target 10 mins faster will be one I'll stick with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ososlo wrote: »
    +1. Always amazed by your consistency! Your training is a pleasure to read.
    Hope it all goes your way on the day! Weather looks to be pretty good.
    Best of!

    Thanks Ososlo. And thanks for reading. I'm feeling guilty about not staying on top of other peoples logs, been a very busy couple of months at work with acquisitions and reorganizations and off-site travel, etc. I need a week off to catch up.

    I've started checking the weather alright - looks promising cool and wet but maybe a bit breezy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tom Joad wrote: »
    Very best of luck D, you have all the hard work done.

    Thanks TJ. Yip it's that before an exam feeling. I've done as much as I can do now, fingers crossed it'll all come together on the day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Dress Rehearsal 11K with 3K @ PMP

    This was a good one.

    I'm really growing to dislike running with rucksack, it's just too heavy these days but work logistics mean I need to run with lap-top etc. I drop it home and continue to Park and up to the windy playing fields.

    Start into the PMP section. It goes fine, it feels easy. I run at 4:29 [7:14] pace and it feels slow so when I think that on race-day I'll be running at 4:42 [7:34] pace I cannot but feel confident. The sun is out for the end of this run and the legs feel fresher than previous days. Taper's working.

    Two relaxed weekend runs to go.

    5.38K @ 5:47 [3.34M @ 9:18]
    3.01K @ 4:29 [1.87M @ 7:14]
    2.63K @ 5:08 [1.64M @ 8:16]

    Total 11.02K @ 5:16 [6.85M @ 8:29]

    P&D55 Week 18 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.10M @ 9:20 | N/A
    Dress Rehearsal 11K with 3K @ PMP 4:29 to 4:31 | 11.02K @ 5:16 with 3.01K @ 4:29 [6.85M @ 8:29 with 1.87M @ 7:14] | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    83 / 81 / 01 / 00 / 02 | 17.91 / 159.61 / 819.75
