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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    Congratulations on the result OFAR - I'm always struck by your consistency in training and it has paid off for you big time, well done, great report too !!

    Thanks Duanington. I think the two weeks buffer are key to consistency, having no margin for error puts too much pressure on. This cycle as well I managed to get more evening runs in than in previous cycles, that definitely reduces the chances of skipping sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    great report. really deserved. roll on sub 3:10...........


    Yip, right now sub 3:10 is the target in mind. Which would see me training for a sub 3:00! Getting a bit scary now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    I started two weeks of recovery running this morning. Sunny but very windy outside. I head over through Inchicore then turn into the sun and follow the canal back to Suir Road. I finish with my usual final mile through the Royal Hospital grounds.

    Legs felt a little stiff but I think this is more due to not having run in 4 days than having run a marathon on Monday. Greatest protests came from my right shoulder, I slept awkwardly on it last night.

    M01 9:41
    M02 9:21
    M03 9:29
    M04 9:49

    Total 4.02M @ 9:35

    WTD 30.44M MTD 30.44M YTD 859.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Legs still felt heavy yesterday morning, definitely the marathon is still in the system. It was very easy to hold recovery pace. Sun was out, lovely morning for a run. I wore my CCM15 top, wondering if I'd spot another one in the Park, I didn't. This was a simple into the park at Islandbridge, around S-Bends, up Acres, down Chesterfield and back out Islandbridge and home. I stuck to the grass going up Acres and down Chesterfield just to give the legs a softer ride.

    M01 9:31
    M02 9:15
    M03 9:26
    M04 9:00
    M05 9:29

    Total 5.17M @ 9:20

    WTD 35.61M MTD 35.61M YTD 864.45

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 494 ✭✭ClashCityRocker

    outforarun wrote: »
    I wore my CCM15 top, wondering if I'd spot another one in the Park, I didn't.

    Ooh, what are the 2015 tshirts like? The 2014 top is possibly my favourite that i've ever got from a race.

    Great run in Cork btw. Sounds like you were well in control runnning a very impressive time. you must be in a good position to bring the time down even more if you do an Autumn marathon too

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ooh, what are the 2015 tshirts like? The 2014 top is possibly my favourite that i've ever got from a race.

    Great run in Cork btw. Sounds like you were well in control runnning a very impressive time. you must be in a good position to bring the time down even more if you do an Autumn marathon too

    Thanks CCR.

    Yeah the CCM14 top is also one of my favourites, I wore it for the race last week. The CCM15 one is very similar in terms of material and fit and it too has the zip pocket at the back. Colour wise it's mostly a rich blue with red sides and trimmings. My first thought when I saw it was 'spiderman'. But once on it's actually very nice, definitely one I'll be wearing a lot. I think last year's was made by Titan, but I don't remember seeing any brand on this year's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Ok I've been slacking off. It's been a fairly busy week, full of IKEA furniture assembly, offsite work meetings, evening parent-teacher meetings. I managed to get out for pints one evening and for the guts of the week junior ofar's Italian granny was with us so lots of good food coming out of the kitchen. I've also handed in my resignation at work and will be starting a new job from late July. This will see me in Athlone for 2 evenings a week so I've been googling routes and checking out AIT athletics.

    Anyway in the midst of all this, running took a backseat for the week. Holiday's over, time to start back proper.

    Got out for 5 more recovery miles this lunchtime. Warm out there, perfect conditions for recovery pace. Kilmainham to Inchicore and along the Ballyfermot Road until the Chapelizod Hill Road. Back home along Chapelizod Road. Groin and hips a little stiff at the outset but had loosened up by the end.

    I've been looking at Pfitzinger and Latter's "Faster Road Racing" and McMillan's "Best 10K Workout". I might reattempt the latter and save P&L for a late year 5K. Whichever I choose I have the usual issue of needing to navigate through some of the race series and a week of hill running in Italy. I'll need to sit down with a calendar this week some evening and try get a plan on paper. Next 'A' goal is to go sub 39:00 in Blessington on 5 September, I registered this week.

    For now I will continue with recovery or general aerobic pace until next Saturday when I plan to check out all the gears.

    M01 9:13
    M02 9:15
    M03 9:12
    M04 9:09
    M05 9:37

    Total 5.01M @ 9:17

    WTD 5.01M MTD 40.62M YTD 869.46

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 9M+

    Nice warm conditions outside today. Wore CCM15 top again, but I've still to spot another one. Aimed for General Aerobic pace on this one. Groin and hips a little unhappy as I set off.

    I head down to the Memorial Gardens and follow the towpath to Chapelizod, then head up Knockmaroon Hill and continue up Tower Road, ascent ends as I turn onto Whites Road. As always the pace increases as I re-enter the park. General Aerobic pace feels very very easy as I travel along OS Road and I really have to make an effort not to run too fast. I travel through the Furry Glen and then down to Chapelizod Gate. Second ascent of the run brings me up Acres until the Khyber. Tip down to Islandbridge Gate and then home. I was running late otherwise I would have brought up 10 miles.

    Enjoyed that. Will try get decent mileage in next week. And Saturday I'll set the Garmin to auto-lap every 2K and I'll try: 4K @ Recovery + 2K @ LSR + 2K @ MP + 2K @ LT + 2K @ 10K pace + 2K @ Recovery.

    M01 8:47
    M02 8:45
    M03 8:44
    M04 9:03
    M05 8:17
    M06 8:34
    M07 8:42
    M08 9:10
    M09 8:44

    Total 9.61M @ 8:46

    WTD 14.61M MTD 50.23M YTD 879.06

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    First earlyish run in a while. I’d planned a short one just to be sure I’d get up and out. Overcast and warm this morning at 6:18. I made up the route as I went. From Kilmainham to Suir Road to Dolphin’s Barn, to Rialto, through James, down to Heuston and home via the Hilton. No protests from the legs this morning. Not too busy out there, lots of noisy seagulls about.

    I’m adding a table to my posts again, keeps me honest.

    M01 9:40
    M02 9:15
    M03 9:09
    M04 9:17

    Total 4.06M @ 9:21

    Post Marathon Week 3 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.10M @ 9:20 | 72.95 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    WTD 4.06 MTD 54.29 YTD 883.12

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    Out early this morning, on the road at 5:31. A bit chilly and a little breezy outside, I even thought for a moment about wearing two layers on top. Grey sky overhead as I head for the Park. Up behind the zoo and onto the North Road. Spot a solitary deer crossing the road up ahead. I exit at the Castleknock Gate and eventually turn left for Tower Road. Average pace has slowly picked up since I started out and now I have to ease up a little. Through Chapelizod and back to Kilmainham.

    My first double digit run since CCM15. Legs were fine I guess, maybe a little heavier than I would have liked but I reckon this was at least partially due to the early rise.

    M01 8:56
    M02 9:21
    M03 8:36
    M04 8:39
    M05 8:35
    M06 8:33
    M07 8:45
    M08 8:36
    M09 8:50
    M10 8:31

    Total 10.05M @ 8:44

    Post Marathon Week 3 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.10M @ 9:20 | 72.95 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.05M @ 8:44 | 73.30 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    WTD 14.11 MTD 64.34 YTD 893.17

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    On the road at 6:18 this morning to complete a hat-trick of early morning midweek runs. I had doubts about whether or not I'd have the will-power to get up for this as it was gone 02:00 before I went to bed.

    Legs had felt a bit 'tender' during the day yesterday and so on this one I was happy to be starting at recovery pace. A simple out and back along the Chapelizod Road.

    I run the strides after 5K. I don't check splits, I just run to the beeps, try run at what feels a little faster than 5K pace and try focus on a fluid stride. I get a few twinges and pangs from the right foot. I'm hoping these are just the result of not having run fast in quite some time. I'll pay attention to the foot during tomorrow's faster sections, fingers crossed it'll be fine.

    5.00K @ 5:53 [3.11M @ 9:28]
    6x100m strides @ average 3:33 [5:43]
    1.20K @ 5:41 [0.75M @ 9:09]

    Total 8.00K @ 5:37 [4.97M @ 9:02]

    Post Marathon Week 3 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.10M @ 9:20 | 72.95 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.05M @ 8:44 | 73.30 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.00K @ 5:37, average stride @ 3:33 [4.97M @ 9:02, average stride @ 5:43] | 72.95 KG
    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    WTD 19.08 MTD 69.31 YTD 898.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K

    I enjoyed this one. Nice to work up through the gears again. Headed out at lunchtime and over to the Playing Fields in the Park. ST5s are on. Garmin set to autolap at every 2K. Very warm out there despite the headwind blowing west to east.

    I started with 4K at recovery pace. Then into 2K at LSR pace, mostly into the wind. All easy so far. I move up to PMP pace, this is the PMP pace I trained for ahead of Cork, so sub 3:10 marathon pace. This also feels fine despite a lengthy section into the wind. Gets interesting now as I start 2K at LT pace. I have to concentrate to hold the pace now, but it feels better running at this pace than at the previous ones, more fun. I race some cyclists up Acres for part of this. I'm pleased at how comfortable LT pace feels and it seems strange to think I had been dreading LT sessions only a few months ago. Course this is only 2K of LT so not really comparable.

    Last lap I jump up to 10K pace. This is my aspirational 10K pace and I decide to try run between 3:50 and 3:55 pace (10K times of 38:20 to 39:10) Lungs are called into play. I have to concentrate and work now to hold pace but I never doubt I'll succeed. Sweating quite a bit in the heat. Bit scary to think I may try to hold this pace for 8K next Saturday in the Irish Runner 5 Miler. Finish and drop back to recovery pace for the return home.

    A fun run with lots of variety. The legs responded well to the quicker paces and i had no issues from the right foot that had been protesting a little yesterday.

    2K @ 5:54 [9:29]
    2K @ 5:50 [9:23]
    2K @ 5:11 [8:20]
    2K @ 4:29 [7:14]
    2K @ 4:05 [6:34]
    2K @ 3:50 [6:10]
    2K @ 5:40 [9:07]

    Total 14.17K @ 5:00 [8.81M @ 8:03]

    Post Marathon Week 3 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:20 | 72.95 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.05M @ 8:44 | 73.30 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.00K @ 5:37, average stride @ 3:33 [4.97M @ 9:02, average stride @ 5:43] | 72.95 KG
    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K | 14.1 @ 5:00 all sections on target. | 72.30 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    WTD 27.89 MTD 78.12 YTD 906.95[/QUOTE]

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    I bring my first proper week of running since CCM15 to a close this morning with a 12 miler run mostly in the Park. Was accompanied by a friend on his bike for the guts of this so the run flew in as we chatted away.

    Windy conditions, warm when the sun was out, cold when the clouds moved in. We had a few drops of rain as well. I can't remember the last day where the weather doesn't change two or three times during the day.

    Up behind the zoo onto North Road, out Castleknock Gate then down Tower Road meeting the tail-enders of the Castleknock 5K. I could tell my pace was gradually picking up as the run progressed but I just kept an eye on average pace, ignoring the splits. In at Knockmaroon Gate and continued round to the S-Bends. Up the Khyber and then down Acres into a strong headwind.

    My friend heads home at Chapelizod Gate and I continue on my own. Turn left and the wind isn't against me anymore, sun is shining and it's warm and still and the bus lane tarmac underfoot treats me to a neat footfall as I head back to Kilmainham.

    Finish feeling good. Logged more sub 8:00 minute miles than advisable. Spent the afternoon weeding and then playing with juniour ofar and friends in IMMA. Nice to spend the bulk of the longest day outdoors.

    M01 8:55
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:23
    M04 8:34
    M05 8:28
    M06 7:56
    M07 7:39
    M08 7:45
    M09 8:09
    M10 7:50
    M11 7:37
    M12 8:01

    Total 12.03M @ 8:09

    Post Marathon Week 3 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:20 | 72.95 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.05M @ 8:44 | 73.30 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.00K @ 5:37, average stride @ 3:33 [4.97M @ 9:02, average stride @ 5:43] | 72.95 KG
    Progression Run 14K with 2K@LSR, 2K@PMP, 2K@LT, 2K@10K | 14.1 @ 5:00 all sections on target. | 72.30 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 12.03M @ 8:09 | 71.55 KG

    WTD 39.92 MTD 90.15 YTD 918.98

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    I had planned on recovery pace but I was late and so ran at easy pace for this after work run. Wore the ST5s again, simply because I fancied a lighter footfall than with the Nimbus. Ran with a 4.5 kilo handicap on my back. I resolve while running that I must try at all costs to avoid running with a heavy rucksack, I really don't enjoy it. And my T-shirt kept riding up my back, I hate that.

    Legs behaved well. I ran from Earlsfort Terrace to Kilmainham via the SCR.

    Thinking ahead to Saturday's 5 mile race which marks the end of post marathon recovery. I'm not expecting miracles, but all the same I'm going to have a shot at logging a PB (current PB is 31:48). My 10K TTs this year weren't quite as fast as last year's and so I fear I may have lost some speed.

    M01 8:19
    M02 9:06
    M03 9:14
    M04 9:28

    Total 4.00 @ 9:02

    Post Marathon Week 4 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02M @ 9:02 | 72.35 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Irish Runner 5 Miler. PB (<31:48 attempt) | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 4.02M MTD 94.17 YTD 923.00

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    Despite starting this over an hour later than usual, it was hard work to get into the gear and out the door this morning. On the road at 6:37 and head for Park Gate. My usual route up North Road, out Castleknock Gate, down Tower Road, through Chapelizod and home to Kilmainham via a little diversion toward Inchicore.

    I took it really easy with this and decided to not look at the Garmin until I was going onto Tower Road. At that point 8:51 average pace was showing, perfect. The descent to Chapelizod injected a little extra pace to the run but the effort was always very very relaxed.

    I love the way way you slowly wake-up during these morning runs, the initial resistance to getting out of the house disappears and you start enjoying the run and anticipating how good you'll feel later in the morning.

    Fairly humid out there, hope it's fresher come Saturday morning.

    M01 9:26
    M02 9:21
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:29
    M05 8:36
    M06 8:26
    M07 8:34
    M08 8:31
    M09 8:50
    M10 8:29

    Total 10.02M @ 8:44

    Post Marathon Week 4 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02M @ 9:02 | 72.35 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.02M @ 8:44 | 72.05 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    Irish Runner 5 Miler (<31:48 PB attempt) | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 14.04M MTD 104.19 YTD 933.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    More hard work this morning to get up and out. Switched into auto-pilot and just mentally turned a blind eye to the fact that I was getting into my gear and heading out the door. Before I knew it I was a kilometre down the road and accepted only then that I was going to get this run done.

    Out to Chapelizod, turn around and head back the way I came. Fit in the strides on the way back. I'm aiming as always for a pace that feels a little faster than 5K pace, of late I've noticed that the actual pace I run is quite a bit faster than this. Not sure if that means anything.

    Rained in the early morning so it was much fresher outside for this one, hopefully it'll be like this tomorrow.

    Surprised to weigh in at over 73 kilo afterwards.

    5.04K @ 5:59 [3.13M @ 9:38]
    6x100m strides @ average 3:21 [5:23]
    1.23K @ 5:36 [0.76 @ 9:01]

    Total 8.06 @ 5:41 [5.01M @ 9:09]

    Post Marathon Week 4 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02M @ 9:02 | 72.35 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.02M @ 8:44 | 72.05 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.06K @ 5:41, average stride 3:21 [5.01M @ 9:09, average stride 5:23] | 73.30 KG
    Irish Runner 5 Miler (<31:48 PB attempt) | |
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 19.05M MTD 109.20 YTD 938.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Irish Runner 5 Miles 2015

    My second race of the year got underway on a warm, sunny and slightly breezy Saturday morning. This race is never an ‘A’ race for me. Instead it always signals the end of post marathon recovery. I use it to see how much speed I still have in the legs and I usual attempt it at 10K pace.

    I had written that this would be a PB attempt (sub 31:48), but I guess honestly. In the back of my mind, I ran this thinking sub 32:00 would keep me happy and that a PB would be a bonus.

    I left home at 9:30 and arrived at the start-line after a little more than 2 miles of warm-up. I reckon there were around 200 people in front of me. I was only waiting for about 5 minutes before we got underway. The rough plan was to have an average pace of close to 3:50 [6:10] showing at the halfway point at the bottom of the Khyber, and then to try drop to no slower than 3:55 pace after the largely up-hill second half. My next A target is a sub 39:00 10K so the required 3:52 [6:13] pace falls inside this range.

    Customary weaving at the start until we exit Chesterfield and turn onto North Road. I’m travelling almost immediately at 3:51/2 [6:12/3] pace. I’m perfectly happy with this knowing that the descent down the Khyber will see this increase without any change in effort. All the while I’m overtaking people and I don’t remember being overtaken. Footfall feels good. I have to concentrate to hold pace, but initial signs are promising, lungs working comfortably. Gravity works its magic once we join the Khyber, part of me wants to push here and bank some time but I decide to keep something in the tank instead and I focus on keeping the effort steady. As we arrive at the bottom of the Khyber a glance at the Garmin shows average pace at 3:50 [6:10]. Perfect.

    Things slow down as we head up the steep climb on Military Road. One runner passes me here as he decides to attack the hill. I’m happy instead to continue focussing on holding a steady effort. I overtake quite a few runners on the ascent. Lots of people with laboured breathing all of a sudden. As we crest the first climb and head toward the 3 mile marker and the S-bends I see average pace has already dropped to 3:53 [6:15]. One runner cuts my path as we go through the bends and I have to slow momentarily. Go through 5K neat on the Garmin in 19:20. Starting to feel like hard-work now. Enjoy the flat, slightly downhill stretch as we pass the water station. Now for the hard part.

    Up Again
    Footfall doesn’t feel so neat now, legs are heavy. We start up the long Glen Road ascent. Not being an A race I’m suddenly not so concerned about a PB anymore but I’m still determined to go sub 32:00. In hindsight this seems crazy really – for the sake of 12 seconds surely I could have dug in. I swap places a few times with a few runners along here. I can feel the pace dropping and I stop looking at the Garmin, I don’t want to see the pace-drop confirmed. The 4 mile marker doesn’t bring much encouragement, another mile feels like an awful long way to go. The worst of the hill is behind us. One runner says to me “only half a mile to go”, I wanted to say something positive back but my brain couldn’t think of anything positive to say and I say nothing, then I feel guilty for being rude. A sign up ahead says ‘If you don’t quit you’re a winner”, and I instantly think to myself that this doesn’t necessarily mean that by quitting you’re not a winner. This is the frame of mind I’m in.

    I overtake 3 runners just by following a good racing line before we turn for Furze. Last push now. The stride is lengthening and like in so many other races in the park I search ahead for the finish. Squinting I mistake two tall green flags for the finish line. I up the pace for 100ms or so before I realise this isn’t the end. Ughhh. I slow momentarily while I look again for the real finish. There it is. Then a runner sprints up on my left, I respond and accelerate into a sprint. I stay ahead of the challenger and we overtake one or two others before we cross over the line.

    Garmin shows 31:54 and 8.13K completed at 3:55 pace. Last year the Garmin showed 31:50 and 8.12K completed at 3:55 pace. This year my chip time added on 2 seconds to give me final time of 31:56, last year my chip time awarded me 2 seconds for a final time of 31:48. So a sub 32 thanks to a sprint finish that I didn’t initiate, but no PB. I got what I deserved.

    I did think I was going to get sick immediately after finishing so I didn’t leave too much out there. A lesson learned though (and I should have remembered this from the second of my TTs ahead of CCM15), I should look at the Garmin in the final K. If I could have seen that a PB was still on the table I would have committed more over the last 800ms or so.

    So, over a month on from my previous fast session, I still have some speed in the legs. However I still have a lot of work to do ahead of Blessington and a sub 39:00 attempt.

    Final Time 31:56. Position 124 of 2912 finishers (or 5th in a race of 100)

    Warm-up 3.66K @ 5:21 [2.28M @ 8:36]

    K01 @ 3:50 [6:10]
    K02 @ 3:52 [6:13]
    K03 @ 3:49 [6:08]
    K04 @ 3:48 [6:08]
    K05 @ 4:01 [6:28]
    K06 @ 3:54 [6:17]
    K07 @ 4:12 [6:46]
    K08 @ 4:01 [6:28]

    Total 8.13K @ 3:55 [5.05M @ 6:19]

    Cool-down 3.57 @ 5:53 [2.22M @ 9:28]

    Post Marathon Week 4 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02M @ 9:02 | 72.35 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.02M @ 8:44 | 72.05 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.06K @ 5:41, average stride 3:21 [5.01M @ 9:09, average stride 5:23] | 73.30 KG
    Irish Runner 5 Miler (<31:48 PB attempt) | 31:56 | 71.40 KG
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 28.58M MTD 118.73 YTD 947.56

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Are you gonna lace them up for the Fingal 10k? Its a good course to hit your time I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Are you gonna lace them up for the Fingal 10k? Its a good course to hit your time I reckon.

    Ciao S,
    Good question. I'm signed up for the race and if I run it I would probably try for 3:50 to 3:55 pace, if I have a good day then I might grab the sub 39:00, if I don't have a good day I might still get a course PB. The 'A' race is Blessington.

    There is question mark over Fingal though - it's on the 19th, I'll be having goodbye drinks at work on the 17th. I will try be disciplined ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    A mostly sunny Sunday morning run on tired legs. I entered the park at Islandbridge Gate and turn right. Head up behind the zoo onto North Road and out Castleknock Gate. I know I'm travelling slower than target pace and I only check the Garmin as I turn onto Whites Road to re-enter the park, 8:41, that's fine it'll pick-up naturally.

    I turn back onto Chesterfield and tip down the middle of the road to the Phoenix then swing down Acres to Chapelizod Gate before revisiting yesterday's second climb, this time at a far more leisurely pace. I continue onto OS road and then enjoy another middle of the road Chesterfield descent, squinting into the sun.

    Down Acres and out Chapelizod Gate and then I follow the towpath back to Islandbridge and home. Usual sprinkling of 7:XX miles sneaking in as the run progresses.

    Legs were tired for the rest of the afternoon and left achilles ached a little after a fairly demanding weekend's running. And a warm weekend's running as well, I lost over 2 kilo since Friday morning.

    M01 9:27
    M02 8:47
    M03 8:32
    M04 8:23
    M05 8:28
    M06 7:52
    M07 7:42
    M08 7:52
    M09 8:31
    M10 8:13
    M11 7:46
    M12 7:57
    M13 8:02
    M14 7:47

    Total 14.49M @ 8:15

    Post Marathon Week 4 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.02M @ 9:02 | 72.35 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 10.02M @ 8:44 | 72.05 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 8.06K @ 5:41, average stride 3:21 [5.01M @ 9:09, average stride 5:23] | 73.30 KG
    Irish Runner 5 Miler (<31:48 PB attempt) | 31:56 | 71.40 KG
    MLR 14M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 14.49M @ 8:15 | 71.10 KG

    WTD 43.07M MTD 133.22 YTD 962.05

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Found this: about the correct level of grimace for a non 'A' race.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    I was working from home yesterday so managed to get out for a rare lunchtime run. These were the warmest conditions I'd run in since my 'hot-weather-training' back in March. It was only 4 miles at recovery pace but I was sweating as if I was running a tempo session. Into the park at Island-Bridge, a lazy loop of the baking playing fields and then back home the way I came (with a quick diversion into Clancy Quay, just to check out what the apartments look like along there, nice).

    Starting to look ahead now and thinking about Blessington 10K in September. I'm going to try the McMillan Best 10K work-out schedule. I'm not going to try plot the runs into a calendar between now and then, there are two many unknowns with travel and other races. I'll just try get the first workout done this weekend and then worry about the second workout later (it for example would clash with the Fingal 10K), and so on week by week.

    So the first session is described as follows:

    Eight weeks out from your 10K, run six 1-mile repeats at your goal 10K pace, taking 3 to 4 minutes recovery jog between each. Don't be surprised if you struggle in this workout. Many athletes become worried that their goal is out of reach, but trust me: You just need to complete the workout sequence and you'll be ready. One thing I find helps is to just focus on goal 10K pace, not faster. Some runners try to "beat the workout" by running faster but that isn't the goal. Start at goal pace and simply hang on.

    I know from last year's failed attempt of the same session that the key is getting your goal 10K pace right. My goal is sub 39:00. This is a realistic goal. A pace of 3:52 [6:13], a good racing line and a strong final 400ms should see me home in 38:XX. That's the pace I'll bring to these work-outs. I'll also take the full 4 minutes permitted recovery between repeats. Looking forward to Saturday already :)

    M01 9:36
    M02 9:20
    M03 9:03
    M04 9:25

    Total 4.37M @ 9:17

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.37M @ 9:17 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 4.37M MTD 137.59 YTD 966.42

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Really wasn’t in the mood for running yesterday evening. Ran home from work, dropped off my rucksack and then headed out on an anticlockwise lap of the park, in and out from Islandbridge Gate. It was very, very warm last night. There was some bike race taking place lapping through the S-bends and up the Khyber, I didn’t envy anyone competing in that heat.

    At the outset I was running slowly (ruck-sack) but as soon as I dropped it off I started to up the pace and watched as average pace moved toward MLR range. I knew I was splitting too fast but I just focused on average pace.

    I may have to rethink this approach; it gave me license to run several miles far faster than target pace of 8:10 to 8:25. The end result is that my left Achilles/calf which had ached a little after the weekend’s efforts, was quite sore last night. I had to apply a pack of frozen peas. Today it’s better but I’m contemplating resting it for the weekend.

    Frustrating, but I don’t think it would be wise to try the 6x1M repeats on Saturday. This means probably postponing the 6x1 until Saturday week and the knock-on effect would mean it's unlikely I'd race Fingal as it would mean a MacMillan hard session, a 10K race and a harder McMillan session over three consecutive Saturdays.

    M01 9:06
    M02 9:05
    M03 8:22
    M04 8:03
    M05 7:47
    M06 7:46
    M07 7:35
    M08 7:47
    M09 7:36
    M10 8:28

    Total 10.02M @ 8:10

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.37M @ 9:17 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.02M @ 8:10 | 72.40 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 14.39M MTD 10.02 YTD 976.44

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Wednesday evening left achilles/calf were wrapped in frozen peas. Thursday the leg felt much improved. Ached if I lifted left foot onto right knee while sitting. Friday continued improvement. Saturday, with gorgeous weather, had me tempted to lace up and sneak in a few miles, but I resisted.

    Got out Sunday morning for 4 handy recovery paced miles. All seemed ok while running and after running. I just headed over to the park for a lap of the playing fields and straight back home. Warm and showery outside, not too many other runners about.

    Ok so the plan for this week is to try repeat last week's schedule, I'll keep an eye on pace for my midweek MLR and make a concerted effort to stay slow end of target 8:20 to 8:25.

    Conscious as well that if I want to hit 2000 miles for the year (I do), then I can't afford to have too many weeks like last week. I should hit 1000 miles this week, so I'm a little behind schedule.

    M01 10:11
    M02 09:28
    M03 09:26
    M04 09:33

    Total 4.03M @ 9:40

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.37M @ 9:17 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.02M @ 8:10 | 72.40 KG
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | DNS (left achilles/calf) | N/A
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | DNS (left achilles/calf) | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | replaced with 4.03M @ 9:40 | N/A

    WTD 18.42M MTD 14.05 YTD 980.47

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Legs felt stiff and heavy and niggly as I made my way home along the canal after work. Felt like a chore. At least my left achilles/calf didn't feel sore. Ran to Emmet Road where I made a quick diversion to pick up some tickets for Pat's Europa game this Thursday evening. Legs felt better as soon as I resumed running after this 2 minute pause.

    Anxious now to regain some training consistency and to up the mileage a bit.

    M01 9:20
    M02 9:14
    M03 9:09
    M04 9:04

    Total 4.06M @ 9:12

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 (Take 2) |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:12 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 4.06M MTD 18.11 YTD 984.53

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles


    Not a happy camper after this one.

    Chatting with overpronator yesterday: in retrospect I probably wasn't fully recovered from CCM when I lined up at the start of the Irish runner 5 Miler. I probably could have escaped with the race, but doing a 14 miler the day after was asking for trouble. Since then the legs have been heavy, twinging and niggling.

    I ran yesterday's 10 miler after work, a repeat of last weeks 10 miler. I started slowly as always, with rucksack on my back for the first 2 miles and a bit. Happily dropped the rucksack home and headed for the park. I upped the pace slowly in order to gradually gradually arrive at target pace. While running the left achilles didn't protest at all. Right of groin instead was twinging, especially at the outset. Later, at home, the achilles started to ache again, not as bad as last week but not too far off it.

    I'll arrange to see a physio over the next few days. Frustrating that I can't get going properly with this new training block.

    M01 9:41
    M02 9:15
    M03 8:23
    M04 8:33
    M05 8:12
    M06 8:18
    M07 8:02
    M08 8:04
    M09 7:38 :rolleyes:
    M10 8:02

    Total 10.02 @ 8:25

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 (Take 2) |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:12 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.02 @ 8:25 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 14.08M MTD 28.13 YTD 994.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    sounds identical to a niggle I have just cleared up OFAR - the physio will hopefully set you right and sure a few days off is never any harm, despite what the voices in your head say !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    sounds identical to a niggle I have just cleared up OFAR - the physio will hopefully set you right and sure a few days off is never any harm, despite what the voices in your head say !

    Thanks for the encouragement. I haven't set a physio visit date yet and it may not happen next week, I'm going to be busy as it's my last week in current job.

    I didn't run today. I'm reluctant to try the McMillan session tomorrow, but I'm off work Monday so I might do my recovery (minus strides) tomorrow and see how I feel come Sunday or Monday and give the 6x1M a shot. Either way, even if the legs start to improve (achilles and groin) I'll still see a physio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5M

    Booked to have my achilles looked at Monday week. In the meantime .... got out for 5 earlier today. I had scheduled strides but opted to drop these. Ran from Kilmainham over to and down Chapelizod Hill via Ballyfermot Road then back home along Chapelizod Road and through IMMA. Legs didn't feel too bad. No feedback from achilles and no feedback from right of groin. I actually enjoyed this one.

    Right now the plan is to venture across to the playing fields in the morning, tick off 1000 miles for the year and dip my toes into the 6x1M. Take it repeat by repeat and listen to the legs and bail if they start to feel unhappy.

    M01 9:15
    M02 9:10
    M03 9:19
    M04 9:19
    M05 9:29

    Total 5.27M @ 9:22

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 (Take 2) |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:12 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.02 @ 8:25 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 5.27M @ 9:22 no strides | 72.50 KG
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | |
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |

    WTD 19.35M MTD 33.40 YTD 999.82

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6x1M @ Goal 10K pace off 4 minutes recovery

    Nailed it :)

    I knew I was taking a risk with this one. I was ready to bail at the slightest hint of trouble from the legs. I hoped the achilles and groin would hold-up and I hoped to hit an average target pace of 3:52 [6:13] across the 6 repeats.

    I'd failed this session twelve months ago. I was over optimistic then with my target pace, trying to hit 3:49 [6:09] and I declined the 4 minutes recovery on offer opting instead for 3:30. I nearly abandoned that session, I finished, wrecked and deflated with a 3:55 [6:18] average.

    This morning's 3:52 [6:13] target is based on a sub 39 goal and I took the full 4 mins recovery. I wanted to give myself every chance of hitting target. It worked.

    Repeats were set at one mile on the watch but I ran with metric pace showing. I cannot remember individual detail across the 6 repeats, and that's because they all felt very similar. Yes the sixth one was tougher than the first one, but not by a lot. Each interval I would start with a pace or effort that was more than required and then I would delicately delicately ease off until with around 400ms to go the pace would read 3:50 [6:10] or 3:51 [6:12] and I would close out the repeat on target - not gasping for air, not desperate for the Garmin to sound the end of the repeat.

    I did these clockwise around the playing fields and the toughest stretch was as always heading into the wind as I ran from the fort towards Acres. The 4 minutes recovery passed fairly quickly but definitely allowed me compose myself before each new mile.

    I met overpronator near the end of these. When I was on my recovery ahead of the final repeat he asked if I was in the pain-cave. I realized I wasn't (well not very deep in it at any rate). I could chat with him during the recovery. So part of me was thinking I'm not doing this right I should be hurting more, and another part of me was thinking brilliant, 3:52 is a realistic target and the sub 39 is on.

    I don't want to make this session sound easy, it wasn't, it was hard work. It just wasn't as hard as I'd feared and the effort to hold pace from repeat to repeat didn't intensify in the way I expected. The thought of stringing these 6 miles together is very daunting, and if the race was in a fortnight's time I wouldn't bet on me going sub 39. However if I can get a consistent training block completed over the next weeks and tick off more of these McMillan sessions then I'd line-up with confidence in Blessington.

    A good day's running, nailed the session, legs have been ok during the rest of the day, and I bring up 1000 miles for the year.

    (noticed the ST5s chaffing the left heel near the end of the run, it was warm out there so maybe that was responsible, on the other hand the chaffing might indicate that my left heel is slightly swollen?)

    Warm-up 2.49M @ 9:18

    M1 6:11.0 [3:51 min/km]
    M2 6:12.8 [3:52 min/km]
    M3 6:13.1 [3:52 min/km]
    M4 6:11.8 [3:51 min/km]
    M5 6:10.8 [3:50 min/km]
    M6 6:12.4 [3:51 min/km]

    Average interval 6:12.0 [3:51 min/km]

    Cool-down 0.80M @ 8:34

    Total 12.06M @ 7:34

    McMillan Best 10K Workout Week 1 (Take 2) |Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.06M @ 9:12 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.02 @ 8:25 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 5.27M @ 9:22 no strides | 72.50 KG
    McMillan 6x1M @ 3:52 [6:13] off 4 minutes jog recovery | average mile repeat 3:51 [6:12] | 71.15 KG
    MLR 12M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | DNS (resting achilles) | N/A

    WTD 31.41 MTD 45.46 YTD 1011.88
