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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Back from Athlone early Friday evening. Was in the mood for the sofa (free house) more than anything else so quickly threw the runners on before I started getting lazy thoughts. Kept it simple, 2 of my Inchicore - Heuston loops bringing up 6 miles pretty much on the button. Legs felt fine. Cooked myself a guilt-free tasty mixed veg pasta, fresh side salad and opened a bottle of red. Over 40 miles this week already and still a weekend of running to get through.

    M01 9:34
    M02 9:04
    M03 9:26
    M04 9:16
    M05 9:13
    M06 9:33

    Total 6.01M @ 9:21

    P&L55 Week 06 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.02M @ 8:42 | 72.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 14K with 20 min tempo run | 14.21K with 20mins @ 3:44 | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 9.29M @ 8:13 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.01M @ 9:21 | 71.25 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 8x600 @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    16 / 15 / 00 / 00 / 30 | 43.15 / 166.85 / 1575.58

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 8x600m @ 3/5K pace

    I'd glanced at this one on the plan and when I saw 600s I thought no problem I've recently done 1000s at the same target pace, piece of cake. Then only as I lace up do I focus on the fact that I'd have 8 of these to do, and that I'd be working off 100 seconds of recovery between intervals, plus I'd be keeping this one real, no foot-friendly all weather track surface today, this would be exposed on the unforgiving undulating path round the playing fields. Suddenly this didn't feel like a piece of cake anymore.

    Towpath to Chapelizod, up Acres to the playing fields.

    I decided I'd try target 3:37 [5:49] to 3:39 [5:52] pace: that would be around 2:10 per 600.

    Intervals went really well. The first one was uphill mostly but the pace was holding steady in the low 3:30s. I spent the last 150 meters or so trying to ease up gently. The first interval was completed at 3:32 [5:41] pace. Told myself to take it easy there are another 7 of these to go.

    But the next 600m, with a downhill start came in even quicker at 3:31 [5:39] pace. Basically I'd fire into the interval, check the Garmin after 200ms or so, see that I was running too fast, and then ease up until the end but still come in faster than planned. Lungs were working but under control over the last 200ms of each interval.

    Interval number 3 was a bit tougher, a slight uphill, a slight headwind and slippy underfoot. This saw me log 3:36 [5:47] pace. I was making sure I would recover as much as possible between 600s, I was still concerned about the later intervals, would they bite me.

    Interval 4, involved overtaking some cyclists and logged at 3:32 [5:41], interval 5 at 3:31 [5:39]. Then I decided for interval 6 I'd run blind and only check the Garmin at the end, so try start a little more conservatively and try hold the pace steady throughout. Disappointed to see 3:48 [6:06] showing at the end. I completely misjudged this one: didn't help I guess that I started under tree cover and that the 600 was mostly uphill.

    So back to the Garmin for the final two intervals. And log another 3:32 [5:41] and another 3:31 [5:39]. The last 100ms of each 600 felt tough but mentally, knowing it was only 100ms, it was 'easy' to hold pace. If I really had to do 10x600 on the day I probably would have managed, that said I was happy to stop at 8.

    Really pleased with this, I think some of the track work is coming across to the road. Plus only during my cool-down did I realise I'd forgotten to 'load' my ST5s.
    For the last 2 months or so I've been slipping insoles into the ST5s, they definitely provide a little more spring, I noticed today that my feet were slapping a bit more than I'd have liked. Also ended up running over 14K.

    Warm-up 5.01K @ 5:22

    Interval 1 in 2:07.2 (3:32 [5:41] pace)
    Interval 2 in 2:06.4 (3:31 [5:39] pace)
    Interval 3 in 2:09.8 (3:36 [5:47] pace)
    Interval 4 in 2:07.2 (3:32 [5:41] pace)
    Interval 5 in 2:06.5 (3:31 [5:39] pace)
    Interval 6 in 2:16.7 (3:48 [6:06] pace) didn't look at Garmin :mad:
    Interval 7 in 2:07.0 (3:32 [5:41] pace)
    Interval 8 in 2:06.8 (3:31 [5:39] pace)

    Average 600 in 2:08.4 (3:35 [5:46] pace)
    If I remove my messed up blind 6th interval the average pace drops to 3:32 [5:41].

    Cool down 1.91K @ 5:17

    Total 14.28K @ 4:44 [8.87M @ 7:36]

    P&L55 Week 06 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.02M @ 8:42 | 72.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 14K with 20 min tempo run | 14.21K with 20mins @ 3:44 | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 9.29M @ 8:13 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.01M @ 9:21 | 71.25 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 8x600 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.28K @ 4:44 with average 600 in 2:08.4, 3:35 pace | 72.40 KG
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    17 / 16 / 00 / 00 / 29 | 52.03 / 175.73 / 1584.46

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance 11 Miles

    Ended my longest ever running streak this morning at 9 days, previous longest was 6 days. I'm surprised at how good the legs feel (although left calf is protesting a tiny tiny bit). Also completed a 63 mile week, maybe my largest weekly mileage ever (I know I've done a 60 miler week once before).

    Met overpronator at 8:30 for this. I navigated. We head into Park at Islandbridge before heading up behind the zoo. As we approach Ashtown Gate overpronator asks what pace I was targeting, I say 8:15 to 8:30 a mile, he says, don't look at your watch then! I knew we were tipping along at a fair old clip but it was all conversational and I decided to stick with it. Up along the canal to Castleknock lock and then into a lovely long downhill from Castleknock down Whites Road down the grass track along Chesterfield. Chatting all the way and resigned to marking this run as not on target. I say ciao to overpronator at Island-bridge gate, he continues on his way to clocking up 2 hours and I continue to Supervalu bringing up 11 miles. Pick up mince for shepherds pie trying not to deposit too much sweat on the self-service machine.

    Enjoyed this week's running.

    M01 8:40
    M02 7:46
    M03 7:41
    M04 8:14
    M05 7:39
    M06 7:38
    M07 7:19
    M08 7:20
    M09 7:19
    M10 7:15
    M11 7:25

    Total 11.21M @ 7:39

    P&L55 Week 06 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | 8.02M @ 8:42 | 72.40 KG
    Lactate Threshold 14K with 20 min tempo run | 14.21K with 20mins @ 3:44 | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 9.29M @ 8:13 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.01M @ 9:21 | 71.25 KG
    VO2Max 13K with 8x600 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.28K @ 4:44 with average 600 in 2:08.4, 3:35 pace | 72.40 KG
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 11.21M @ 7:39 | 71:55 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    18 / 17 / 00 / 00 / 28 | 63.24 / 11.21 / 1595.67

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 14K with 4x1000m + 2x800m @ 3/5K Pace

    Ok, yesterday morning I was supposed to get out early for a run. Despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, I was shattered when I woke 2 minutes before the alarm at 5:28. I ditched the idea of running in favour of getting more sleep.

    So the week's running started this evening (Wednesday evening) on the AIT track. A busy track tonight with various classes in progress. Fairly chilly out but I wasn't long warming up. Still a bit of guesswork on these track sessions as to what pace I should be aiming for. I decided for 3:35 [5:46] as my no slower than pace, and then I'd just see what felt like honest VO2 pace.

    After 4K of warm-up I start the first 1000m. As always I'm in lane 8. As always I check pace after completing one lap - it's showing 3:19 [5:20] pace. I ease up and by the end of the first interval it had dropped to 3:29 [5:36]. I know that secretly I'll now want to go sub 3:30 [5:38] pace for each interval.

    I'm working off a generous 3:00 min recovery. And the lungs are nearly fully recovered before hitting the next interval. Same process, guess pace, check pace after one lap, ease off, finish sub 3:30, this time 3:25 [5:30].

    The various groups running this evening are giving me lots of targets to aim for. The third interval is the fastest of the evening at 3:22 [5:25] pace. I'm finding the session fairly hard and the second lap of each interval is a good test. Left calf is protesting ever so slightly at the efforts. Into the final interval and I log a 3:27 [5:33] pace kilometre. Stride feels good, form feels good, lungs are working well, legs are good except for left calf.

    I reset the Garmin as I jog around the track and set up the 2x800 section. If there weren't people running in it already I would have used Lane 1 for this and manually lapped.

    Psychologically the 800m felt far less daunting than the 1000m, but I was definitely tiring and the same effort was producing marginally poorer results.
    The first 800 completed at 3:29 [5:36] pace. The second 800 (after 2:30 recovery) was a little disappointing as I hit 3:30 [5:38] pace.

    Another confidence boosting track session. Target pace for race day will be high 3:3Xs, on the road, so running on the track in high 3:2Xs seems fair buffer for the forgiving track surface.

    Warm-up 4.00K @ 5:16 [8:29]

    Interval 01 in 3:28.9 [5:36]
    Interval 02 in 3:25.2 [5:30]
    Interval 03 in 3:22.3 [5:26]
    Interval 04 in 3:27.2 [5:33]

    Average 1000m in 3:25.9 [5:30]

    Interval 01 in 2:46.8 (3:29 [5:36])
    Interval 02 in 2:47.7 (3:30 [5:37])

    Average 800m in 2:47.2 (3:29 [5:36])

    Cool-down 1.90K @ 5:21 [8:37]

    Brought up 1600 miles for the year.

    P&L55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 4x1000 + 2x800 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.95K with average interval @ 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    Endurance 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | |
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 14K with 2x(6x100m Strides) | |
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    19 / 17 / 01 / 00 / 26 | 9.29 / 20.50 / 1604.96

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    I can feel the season changing and my hibernate instinct is kicking in, I'm finding it harder to get up in the mornings.

    Busy busy day today. Into work early, no time to draw a breath, solid work the whole day. Was happy to get the shoes on and head out this evening. Headed toward town but not into town. Instead I did two big Dublin Road -Cartrontroy Road loops, plus one small Cartrontroy loop. Got into a nice rhythm as the run progressed and needed to slow down when I saw the pace creeping up a little too much. Left calf still feels a bit tight, thankfully I don't have any significant speed work until a 5K TT Saturday week (I'll be in Cork for it and might try use the Mardyke, make it a 5000m TT). I wonder if my increased use of the ST5s is contributing to the calf tightness?

    Another 101 things to do this evening and I have to be in work for 7:30 in the morning - looking at the time now, I know already that tomorrow morning's 6 miler won't happen - but I've convinced myself that it's better to rest up the calf.

    M01 8:59
    M02 8:13
    M03 8:01
    M04 7:47
    M05 7:37 (didn't feel this fast)
    M06 8:20
    M07 8:08
    M08 8:15
    M09 8:08
    M10 8:22

    Total 10.14M @ 8:11

    P&L55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 4x1000 + 2x800 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.95K with average interval @ 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    Endurance 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.14M @ 8:11 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 14K with 2x(6x100m Strides) | |
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    20 / 18 / 01 / 00 / 25 | 19.42 / 30.64 / 1615.10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 9 Miles

    This plan is unravelling a bit. I jumped into the plan late (which I never like doing), I had to skip a week when mrs outforarun was out of action and over the last few days I seem to always have 101 things to do outside of work. Friday's early morning run was sacrificed in exchange for some badly needed sleep. Six days a week is proving tricky.

    There were supposed to be strides in this run but I dropped them, the calf was feeling ok after Wednesday but I decided to give it a little more rest just in case.

    I went out on a rare Saturday evening run. It was on the cusp of darkness as I headed out. I was going to stick to laps around Inchicore but didn't really fancy footpaths and traffic lights, so I diverted into a near dark Park. In Islandbridge and then turn right and left up Chesterfield. Feels strange running in the Park at this time, but it's nice. Lots of other runners out. I just keep heading up Chesterfield and pop out Castleknock Gate. I turn left and head down Tower Road to Chapelizod. Have to concentrate on where I place my feet along here, some dark stretches. I'm enjoying the novelty of running this familiar stretch at an unfamiliar hour. Along Chapelizod Road and back home via HSQ.

    Enjoyable run.

    M01 9:46
    M02 8:34
    M03 8:21
    M04 8:22
    M05 8:25
    M06 8:41
    M07 8:48
    M08 8:54
    M09 8:54

    Total 9.01M @ 8:45

    P&L55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 4x1000 + 2x800 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.95K with average interval @ 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    Endurance 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.14M @ 8:11 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | DNS | DNS
    General Aerobic 14K with 2x(6x100m Strides) | 14.51K @ 5:26 [9.01M @ 8:45] | 72.25 KG
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    23 / 20 / 03 / 00 / 20 | 28.43 / 39.65 / 1624.11

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance 11 Miles

    Another morning run with overpronator. Another run where I ignore the watch, enjoy the run and keep it conversational. I am obsessively disciplined when it comes to marathon training, outside of marathon training that discipline can go missing, for better or for worse. I'm focusing on the fact that I'm hitting the key speed sessions as I progress haphazardly through this P&L plan. Hopefully I'm doing enough between the key sessions to at least not be going backwards.

    This a repeat of last weeks route, basically uphill from Kilmainham to Ashtown, along the canal to Castleknock then downhill to White's Road and down Chesterfield through the 5K preparations that are taking place, wet and windy conditions for racing.

    Chatting with overpronator and I mentioned that I have a 5K or 5000m TT scheduled for next Saturday. Overpronator says how after 1K I'll be suffering and I'll be wondering what am I doing. This got me thinking. I'm hoping to do this on the track in the Mardyke and I had been planning on a sub 18:30 attempt. Not an easy ask but not one that I wasn't confident of hitting. Overpronator's comment made me think that if it was a 5K race this Saturday I'd be much more doubtful and nervous. Setting the bar at sub 18:30 is arguably setting it too low. I was going to target 3:38 [5:50] or 3:39 [5:52] pace, but now I think I'm going to try to go no slower than 3:35 [5:46]. That would have me targeting sub 18:00. This feels more of a challenge, one I might or might not hit: so be it.

    Saturday's session now feels much more like a race. (let me stress this sub 18:00 shot is just for the track, if I run road it'll be a sub 18:30 shot).

    M01 9:00
    M02 7:58
    M03 7:58
    M04 8:18
    M05 7:59
    M06 8:05
    M07 8:01
    M08 7:52
    M09 7:52
    M10 7:42
    M11 7:43

    Total 11.38M @ 8:04

    P&L55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:45 to 9:00 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 4x1000 + 2x800 @ 3K to 5K pace | 14.95K with average interval @ 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    Endurance 10M @ 8:10 to 8:25 | 10.14M @ 8:11 | N/A
    Recovery 6M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | DNS | DNS
    General Aerobic 14K with 2x(6x100m Strides) | 14.51K @ 5:26 [9.01M @ 8:45] | 72.25 KG
    Endurance 11 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 11.38M @ 8:04 | 72.40 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    24 / 20 / 03 / 00 / 19 | 39.81 / 51.03 / 1635.49

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10+ Miles

    Suspending my table (at least for this week). It's getting too messy.

    The focus of the week remains the 5K or 5000m TT on Saturday. Before that it's an easy midweek, mostly a taper. I contacted the Mardyke, and as it's just a one off use I can check it out for free. Track pass for the year costs €65 euro (or €55 if you're a graduate). If I was based in Cork I'd definitely be investing in a pass.

    So Saturday morning will either be a sub 18:00 5000m attempt or a sub 18:30 5K road attempt.

    Last night (Wednesday night) I headed out for an off-plan 8 or 9 miler. Just started lapping clockwise round my Cartrontroy Loop. At the end of the first lap I ended up running directly into the start of the Athlone Run in the Dark. It was lapping Cartrontroy in the opposite direction. Got me thinking of that farce of a race back in 2013, this one looked better though than that run in Dublin.

    Nice distraction passing runners as I lapped around. The legs were really stiff and heavy for the first 4 miles and then they started to loosen up and I started to establish a nice steady stride. I decided to stay out a little longer than planned completing three laps before heading back 'home'.

    M01 9:03
    M02 9:02
    M03 9:09
    M04 8:38
    M05 8:38
    M06 8:39
    M07 7:54
    M08 8:08
    M09 8:40
    M10 8:17

    Total 10.72M @ 8:32

    WTD 10.72M MTD 61.75M YTD 1646.20M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Wished I wore my gloves yesterday morning. A bitterly cold wind blowing as I logged 4 easy miles. Dropped junior outforarun to school, I'd taken a day off and was dressed in running gear and set off directly from the school. Ran into chilling headwind along the canal to Blackhorse. Happy to be out of wind and running in some sunshine from Inchicore back home via IMMA.

    All done now ahead of Saturday's TT.

    M01 7:20 (inaccurate, poor satellite fix)
    M02 8:56
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:24

    Total 4.01M @ 8:20

    WTD 14.73M MTD 65.76M YTD 1650.21M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Proof positive that the Garmin flatters on the track.

    A wet and breezy Saturday morning in Cork. First thought on waking was one of regret for that last pint I had after the game the night before. Out of bed and laced up. Drank some water and headed out.

    I tipped down by the Mardyke. The main gates of the Arena were all shut but turning right at the end of the Mardyke the gates were open and I headed in. One other runner there when I arrived. The track was wet but I could feel no loss of grip. Continued my 4K warm-up in lane 8. Then decided that it was about time I did a track session and not just a session on a track. I reset the Garmin, removing autolap. I moved into lane 1. I’d do 12.5 laps and manually split on every 400.

    A few more runners had arrived by now, and i felt obliged to demonstrate that I should be in lane 1 and so started into this a little too fast. I put on the brakes quick enough though. I never checked the splits as I was lapping, I just focussed on average pace as per the Garmin. I should have known that a sub 18:00 means 400 splits of around 1:25 or 1:26. If I had known this I would have known from early on that I was way off pace. Instead on the Garmin it looked like I was ahead of pace!

    I got into a nice rhythm and started counting off the laps in my head, I’m on lap 3 of 12.5, lap 4 of 12.5, lap 5 of 12.5 and so on. Enjoying the sound of the ST5s skipping off the wet surface. The effort was comfortable for the first 3 or 4 laps, I started feeling the pinch from laps 4 to 8, and then the last 4 and a bit laps I felt I was really working. But everytime I glanced at the Garmin it was telling me I was travelling at somewhere between 3:29 [5:36] and 3:31 [5:39] pace. As I had been targeting 3:35 [5:46], I felt under no pressure to try and speed up. I was overtaken once by another guy running in lane 2, he looked very confortable.

    Once I hit double figure laps I knew I was nearly there and was looking forward to seeing my final time. The last 200m I made an effort to increase the pace and finish strong. Splashed over the line and hit stop. Had to catch my breath for a few moments. Then I check the watch.

    Confusion. There must be something wrong. Final time is 19:28! Huh? That’s 10K pace? But average pace is showing at 3:29 [5:36]! Then I see I’ve run 5.59K. That can’t be right? Have I run too many laps? I divide 400 into 5000 not easy in my tired and confused state. No 12.5 is right. I check the lap count on the watch, 12.5 it is.

    I knew Garmins work best along straight lines and that accuracy suffers on the track, but I never thought that they would be giving me over 100m extra per kilometre run!

    Mixed emotions as I head back on my cool down. I’d smashed my target on the Garmin, 3:29 [5:36] pace means a neat 5K of 17:25. So the effort was honest in that sense. But the international standard track wasn’t lying. I’d run 12.5 times 400ms in 19:28, that’s just 3:53 [6:14] pace. An enormous difference. It puts into perspective some of the times I’d been getting excited about on recent track runs (only consolation is that these were done in lane 8, so in theory the accuracy should be a little better).

    This is a session I feel I should repeat – next time checking 400m or 800m splits.

    L01 1:29.8
    L02 1:31.7
    L03 1:33.6
    L04 1:34.9
    L05 1:34.5
    L06 1:35.5
    L07 1:33.4
    L08 1:33.5
    L09 1:34.6
    L10 1:34.1
    L11 1:33.8
    L12 1:34.0
    200m 0:44.7

    Total 19:28

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 8 Miles

    Another wet and windy run Sunday morning. I decided to cut this one short so I could grab breakfast with mrs and junior outforarun.

    I headed down along the Mardyke again but this time I veer left and head out along the Carrigrohane Road. It’s around 8:30 already but it feels like a dark winter evening, low heavy sky, car headlights reflecting on the wet roads, leafs not so much yellow and orange anymore, now instead browns and greys, lakes of water forming in the fields. Everything looks cold, wet, sad and miserable. And all the same I’m really enjoying this backdrop for this morning’s run. The only other people I see out are runners. We all salute each other.

    I’m facing into a headwind along the length of the Carrigrohane Road and it’s nice to turn right at the end, over the bridge and swing back toward town and out of the wind. I like this stretch along the Lee Road. Nice selection of short hills up and down and windy, mostly tree covered road. Hardly any traffic at all. I’m not watching the Garmin, just paying attention to how many miles I’ve completed. Eventually I cross over the Lee again, back Southside and retrace my steps back along the Mardyke. Average pace 8:00 min/mile on the button.

    Warm hot shower before grabbing breakfast with the others.

    M01 8:45
    M02 8:15
    M03 8:11
    M04 7:59
    M05 7:53
    M06 7:37
    M07 7:53
    M08 7:34

    Total 8.22M @ 8:00

    WTD 30.02 MTD 81.05 YTD 1665.50

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    jeeze the track/garmin thing is a right spanner in the works or at least a bit of mental knockback. but don't lose the faith. I find on a breezy day the track can be torture esp running on own. also in your own mind you thought* you were running at capacity. Interested to see where you are really at. maybe a flat calm 5k road race? anywhere or any planned race coming up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    jeeze the track/garmin thing is a right spanner in the works or at least a bit of mental knockback. but don't lose the faith. I find on a breezy day the track can be torture esp running on own. also in your own mind you thought* you were running at capacity. Interested to see where you are really at. maybe a flat calm 5k road race? anywhere or any planned race coming up.

    I can't lie, it is a bit of a mental knockback alright. In future I'll let the track set the distance and the Garmin can look after the time. So I'm at a bit of a loss to know where I stand 5K wise at the moment. This P&L plan has unravelled. Right now the aim is to run one P&L speed session a week and try hit 40 miles a week between now and The Jingle Bells 5K on December 5th, less than 3 weeks away!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10+ Miles

    Back in Athlone this evening. Having not run for 2 days I decided I'd leave the track until tomorrow and just get some easy running done today. Out after work for a repeat of last week's 3 loops of Cartrontroy. Not as windy as I expected it would be. Legs not as stiff as I expected they would be. Forgot to bring insoles and I really notice the difference with the ST5s; a much less forgiving footfall.

    I need to think about which speed sessions to cherry-pick from P&L between now and Jingle Bells. I think I've only room for 2 of the following, probably the mixed intervals tomorrow and the 3K or 5K TT next week, on the track as a track session.
    • 2 X (1200m, 800m, 800m) @ 3K-5K race pace off 50-90% interval time recovery
    • 5K tune-up race or 3K TT
    • 5 x 1000m @ 3K-5K race pace

    Tonight's splits:

    M01 9:03
    M02 8:45
    M03 8:38
    M04 8:33
    M05 8:32
    M06 8:25
    M07 8:17
    M08 8:15
    M09 8:26
    M10 7:59

    Total 10.69M @ 8:28

    WTD 10.69 MTD 91.74 YTD 1676.19

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭Notwork Error

    outforarun wrote: »
    I can't lie, it is a bit of a mental knockback alright. In future I'll let the track set the distance and the Garmin can look after the time. So I'm at a bit of a loss to know where I stand 5K wise at the moment. This P&L plan has unravelled. Right now the aim is to run one P&L speed session a week and try hit 40 miles a week between now and The Jingle Bells 5K on December 5th, less than 3 weeks away!

    As you said, you're wasting your time using a Garmin on the track. I wouldn't invest too much in the result as you'll never get near your best on a solo TT effort because it's hard to get yourself up for it and get those chemicals flowing that lower perceived effort. Running it on a track makes it even more difficult when you are not used to it mentally as it can become monotonous with counting down the laps, track running distance races is an acquired skill that takes a bit of time to get right mentally even when running in a race against people nevermind on your own, that mental challenge can mess with percieved effort levels I find. It really is a case of the more you do it, the better you will get at the handling the challenges track running throws up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    As you said, you're wasting your time using a Garmin on the track. I wouldn't invest too much in the result as you'll never get near your best on a solo TT effort because it's hard to get yourself up for it and get those chemicals flowing that lower perceived effort. Running it on a track makes it even more difficult when you are not used to it mentally as it can become monotonous with counting down the laps, track running distance races is an acquired skill that takes a bit of time to get right mentally even when running in a race against people nevermind on your own, that mental challenge can mess with percieved effort levels I find. It really is a case of the more you do it, the better you will get at the handling the challenges track running throws up.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've only started running on the track in the last few months so I'm at the start of a learning curve. Learned the hard way that the Garmin (well the GPS bit) and the track do not go together. I like the track though and I ran I guess my first proper track session this evening, tough session and I loved it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 2x(1200m, 800m, 800m) @ 3-5K pace off 50-90% interval time recovery

    This evening I ran my first proper track session. I didn't consult average pace on the Garmin, I just glanced at my time at the end of each lap and slowed down or sped up as required. I really enjoyed this run.

    Didn't start out so well. I arrived at the track and the floodlights were off. Hmm. I started on a warm-up lap to see how dark it was. Reckoned I'd need to concentrate but should be safe. Then I realise that there's a woman walking her dog round the track! Lovely dog, young labrador, who insisted on running right alongside me. I slow down, labrador slows down, I speed up labrador speeds up. Owner is oblivious. Another runner on track now and thankfully someone arrives who turns on the floodlights and directs the woman and her dog off the track.

    Right, if I want to hit 18:29 for 5K I need to be lapping in 1:28s. So for the 800s I should cross the line in 1:28, then 2:57, and for the 1200s I should finish lap 3 with 4:25 showing. That was the goal.

    Into lane-1 once I'd finished my warm-up and tackle the first 1200m. Around 2 seconds up when I glance at the watch at end of lap 1. I should ease up a fraction but I'm over enthusiastic on this first interval. I could feel the effort levels rising on lap 3. Log a 4:17. Much closer to 3K pace than the 5K pace I'm targeting.

    The 800s are tough. First half lap is always promising with a smooth running form, then it starts being tough and it's not easy to maintain that fluid form for the second trip round. I squeeze as much recovery as is possible out of the 2 minutes I have between 800s. I'm a bit concerned during the last 800 , can I manage another 1200, 800, 800 set? This is fairly tough. Legs and lungs working hard.

    I pace myself better on the second 1200m. After one lap 1:28 showing, hold it steady, lap 2 2:55 showing, ease up a tiny tiny bit and come home in 4:23. Slower than first one, but better pacing. Cursing myself for leaving insoles in Dublin, I miss the little bit of spring they offer.

    I switch off a little during the penultimate 800 and need to push near end to hit target. Same with the final 800. After lap 1 I see 1:29 showing. I push extra for the final lap, legs protesting, lengthen stride on last 200ms and log another 2:55

    Loved this. Feel I've taken on and 'tamed' the track on its terms. I now know that 800m on the track is not easier than 800m on the road and that on the track a Garmin with GPS activated is just a waste of battery. If I had been running proper track sessions over the last weeks I'd feel confident of hitting sub 18:30, instead I'm really not too sure where I stand.

    Buzzed after this one. Legs and feet tired as I write.

    1200m in 4:17.66 (3:34 [5:45])
    0800m in 2:55.30 (3:39 [5:52])
    0800m in 2:55.78 (3:39 [5:53])
    1200m in 4:23.02 (3:39 [5:52])
    0800m in 2:56.33 (3:40 [5:54])
    0800m in 2:55.35 (3:39 [5:52])

    Average interval pace 3:38 [5:51]

    Hold this pace for 5K and I'll log an 18:12 PB!

    WTD 20.77 MTD 101.82 YTD 1686.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    (Easy 3+ Miles) x 2

    Bit of catching up to do here. Last Saturday headed out around lunchtime with small rucksack on back. Well wrapped up against the chill in the air. Destination was The Run Hub in Ashtown. I want to pick up a new pair of ST5s. My size isn't in stock so I get them ordered in.

    Repeat my journey in reverse, this time with a faster downhill pace.

    Kilmainham to Ashtown 3.28M @ 8:34
    Ashtown to Kilmainham 3.38M @ 7:41

    WTD 27.43 MTD 108.48 YTD 1692.93

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 12 Miles

    No real pace plan ahead of this one. Decided I'd completely ignore the Garmin and just run at whatever pace the legs fancied. Opted for my old 12 mile loop that I haven't run in a while: Kilmainham to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road, into Park at Chapelizod Gate, out at Knockmaroon Gate, Whites Road, OS Road, Furze, North Road, Acres, S-Bends, Park Gate, Heuston and home.

    I was running into the sun for the last 4 miles or so and this must have put a bounce in my step and encouraged a faster pace. I knew the run was speeding up the further I went, however no way did it feel like I was travelling at sub 7:30 pace for the last 7 miles. At tops I would have guessed 8:00 pace. I'm pleased with this - next year my LSR pace will be set at 8:00 to 8:15 pace, so this run bodes well ahead of this increase.

    Only 4 runs this week, but one of those was a P&L speed session and I finished just a fraction shy of 40 miles for the week. Passed 1700 miles for the year. I won't be hitting 2000 for the year, I'll be doing well to hit 1900.

    M01 9:08
    M02 8:21
    M03 8:10
    M04 7:44
    M05 8:07
    M06 7:26
    M07 7:32 (1700M for the year)
    M08 7:22
    M09 7:29
    M10 7:22
    M11 7:22
    M12 7:03 (felt nothing like 7:03 pace)

    Total 12.20M @ 7:45

    WTD 39.63 MTD 120.68 YTD 1705.13

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10+ Miles

    Third consecutive Wednesday evening in Athlone that I run this route, 3 laps of Old Dublin Road and Cartrontroy. Not too cold out this evening but threw on gloves anyway. Spent a good part of the run thinking about tomorrow's track session.

    I'm opting for the 3000m time trial and I think I'll target a sub 11:00, hit this target and I'll have run at 3:39 [5:53] pace. If I have a good run I might end up running a little faster. It should give me a decent indication of where I'm at a little over a week out from race day. Seven and a half laps of lane 1, I'm looking forward to it, never targeted 3000m before. I think I'll scribble 400m splits on my hand to help with pacing.

    Tonight's run was fine. I was hungry near the end and just anxious to finish, shower and grab some food.

    M01 8:54
    M02 8:29
    M03 8:31
    M04 8:02
    M05 8:19
    M06 8:32
    M07 8:14
    M08 8:17
    M09 8:21
    M10 8:00

    Total 10.70M @ 8:22

    WTD 10.70 MTD 131.38 YTD 1715.83

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    3000m TT

    This was tough. The toughest session I've run in a long while.

    Made my way over to the track not long after work. There were two guys doing some 100m sprints as I warmed up with laps of lane 8. By the time I'd finished my warm-up they had left and it was just me with a 400m track all to myself.

    I was nervous ahead of this. I wasn't sure what to expect. I kept telling myself it's less than 2 miles, it'll be over before you know it. Mild evening in the midlands but there was a bit of a headwind to deal with on one of the bends. I walked 100ms down the straight turned around and walked slowly back up to the start line. Stop stalling, get on with it. Goal was 1:27 per 400m, I'd take lap splits as I went and monitor pace this way.

    Hit start on the Garmin and started the session. I judged the pace perfectly for the first 400, the split shows 1:27. I'm a little disappointed because I'd hoped it would be faster so I could have the luxury of slowing up a little.

    The second lap is my fastest of the evening, I see 1:24 flash up. That's the first 800m covered in 2:52.01, and means I'm 3 seconds up, I could ease of just a fraction. Third lap is another 1:27, I'm still 3 seconds up. Then somewhere during lap 4 the effort level quickly moves from comfortably hard to uncomfortably hard.

    Lap 4 flashes at 1:28, so I'm now just 2 seconds up. (metric mile in 5:47.91). The margins are so fine over this distance. If I start leaking a second or two every lap I may not go sub 11, but I honestly don't know if I can manage to speed up.

    Into lap 5 and negative thoughts are creeping in. Thoughts that said the sub 11 can come another day, just get a fast 2K done and then ease off a little. The headwind on the second bend is making me feel sorry for myself and I groan as I run into it. Lap 5 split flashes another 1:28. I'm still up a second. I can't allow myself to quit, the pain needs to continue for at least another lap.

    On the road 400 meters seem to pass so much quicker than on the track. I think on the road you have more possibility of being distracted and you can pretend you've 200m done when maybe you've really only covered 150m. On the track instead you know exactly how far you have left to run and you cannot pretend or imagine it is any less.

    Lap 6 is another 1:28. That's my buffer gone. I'm spot on target with another 600m still to go. I'm feeling it in the lungs more than in the legs. Gasping quite a bit. I can feel I'm slowing, I don't want to see if I can inject any pace (not yet). The headwind is demoralizing. At any other speed I probably wouldn't even notice this wind.

    I know I must be at or close to race effort when I decide not to check the split for lap 7. I turn the bend into the last 200m. I can't manage to make the legs turn any faster but I notice instead that my stride is lengthening. Onto the last 100ms, breathing all over the shop but I find the will to push over the last 50ms and sprint over the line.

    Oh the relief that that is over. That was really tough. I don't want to check my time. I don't know if I've gone sub 11:00 or not and I want to live in hope while I recover. I walk around to the starting line and only then do I check.

    Little fist-pump when I read 10:57.01. Brilliant, really thrilled with that, particularly happy that I stuck with it when things got tough after half-way.

    That did not fly by. That felt like a long race effort and I'm amazed at how many emotions you can go through in just 7.5 laps. Absolutely enjoyed this session. I've already decided I'll do another one or two of these before year-end. I love the precise environment that the track offers, I love the fine margins.

    And it will be fine margins Saturday week in the Jingle Bells. Tonight's pace would earn me an 18:15. Target is 18:30. I don't think I have 2 more K in me at this pace right now. But then, the Jingle Bells will offer race adrenaline, distraction and a friendly final kilometre. It'll be tight.

    L1 1:27.06
    L2 1:24.95
    L3 1:27.67
    L4 1:28.23
    L5 1:28.45
    L6 1:28.68
    L7 1:29.47
    L8 0:42.50

    3000m in 10:57.01 (3:39 min/km, 5:52 min/mile)

    WTD 19:32 MTD 140.00 YTD 1724.46

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    (Easy 3+ Miles) x 2

    Soaked through on Saturday. Repeated last weekend’s little shopping commute, up to the Run Hub and back. On the way up it lashed down. One of those runs where you know that anyone driving past is thinking what is that lunatic doing out it this (unless of course they’re also a runner). Debris flying in the wind and horizontal rain, I was loving it. A few “Fine-day-for-it”s exchanged with the handful of other runners that I passed.

    Tried not drip too much water while in the Run Hub picking up a bright and shiny and very yellow pair of STs. I’ve decided that for CCM16 I’ll race in the ST5s. So everything marathon pace or faster will be done in these and everything else in the Nimbus. If all goes to plan these might be the actual pair of shoes I line-up in next June. Also pick up a nice warm pair of New Balance gloves.

    The weather has calmed done for the return trip. Tiny bit of feedback from left knee as I descend down the Khyber. It passes.

    Kilmainham to Ashtown 3.31M @ 8:20
    Ashtown to Kilmainham 3.39M @ 7:42

    WTD 26.02 MTD 146.70 YTD 1731.16

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 12 Miles

    A few drinks (and some really nice food) Saturday night and so was glad I’d arranged in advance to meet up with overpronator at 8:30 Sunday morning. Felt just a little bit ropey for this one.

    We started out very easy with a 9:19 opening mile, and then quickly and without any real conscious decision to do so, we shifted up a gear and dropped to under 8:00 minutes a mile. All the time we’re chatting away. Exchanging 3000m TT and 10K race stories.

    Sticking to what is becoming our go-to route, in at Islandbridge, anticlockwise and out at Ashtown, canal to Castleknock and then back down Whites Road and through the Park. We were both happy to reach the ‘summit’ at Castleknock lock and turn out of the wind and onto a gentle downhill. We opted to head down North Road and the Khyber rather than Chesterfield. Wind assisted for most of this. And all the time the pace is conversational.

    It’s only when I check the Garmin after the run later that I realise mile splits of 7:15, 7:20 and 7:09 at the end of a 12 miler are now conversational! Not too very long ago, sub 7:30 was my tempo pace. While I haven’t been running any long runs of late I like to think these steady paced medium length runs are building up some leg strength.

    Once Jingle Bells is done I plan on upping the Sunday mileage and easing off a little on the pace, I’ve two unopened gels at home that I hope to use on a pre-marathon-cycle 20 miler early in January.

    M01 9:19
    M02 7:57
    M03 7:56
    M04 8:06
    M05 7:44
    M06 7:51
    M07 7:36
    M08 7:29
    M09 7:15
    M10 7:20
    M11 7:09
    M12 7:55

    Total 12.03M @ 7:48

    WTD 38.05 MTD 158.73 YTD 1743.19

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7+ Miles

    Easy running this midweek. No need to book the track (I must check if I can get a track pass for a few months). Realised ahead of yesterday's run that I'd forgotten to pack running tops. So cotton t-shirt for this one. Legs felt good right from the start, nice bounce and smooth stride. I took this really easy and made sure I didn't up the pace. I want to try keep some of this bounce for Saturday. Two Cartrontroy Loops with roads mostly to myself. Account for December opened, I'll be satisfied if I hit 1900 for the year.

    M01 9:16
    M02 8:46
    M03 8:50
    M04 8:29
    M05 8:26
    M06 8:44
    M07 8:32

    Total 7.47 @ 8:45

    WTD 7.47 MTD 7.47 YTD 1750.66

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7+ Miles

    Carbon copy of last night's run. Two Cartrontroy loops and again a nice bounce in my stride. Allowed myself go a little faster than yesterday. Wore semi-formal work-top under running jacket. This could be my last run ahead of Saturday's race. Was watching the forecast this evening and with 'relentless' rain predicted for Friday evening through Saturday it looks like it'll be a wet one. I just hope it won't be a windy one as well.

    Gold for Saturday will be sub 18:30.
    Silver will be a sub 18:40 PB.
    And bronze will be a consolatory sub 19:00.

    M01 9:03
    M02 8:22
    M03 8:24
    M04 8:21
    M05 8:04
    M06 8:22
    M07 8:00

    Total 7.46 @ 8:23

    WTD 14.93 MTD 14.93 YTD 1758.12

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck in the morning, very interested to see how you go.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Best of luck tomorrow man. No doubt you'll rock it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Not a race to dwell on.

    Sub 18:30 was always going to be tight. My 10:57 over 3000m 9 days ago saw me pretty much dead on my feet at the end. If I'd maintained that 3000m pace for another 2K I would have covered 5K in 18:15, so today I would have to run 3000m pace with around 14 seconds grace.

    Fine margins. Everything would need to go my way, I’d need to have good legs and lungs on the day, I’d need to be ready for some pain and discomfort. And the conditions would also need to play ball. If all these factors aligned then I’d be in with a chance of hitting gold. Well the conditions certainly didn’t do their bit, and consequently I probably lost some mental discipline as well.

    Checked online before heading out, no indication that the race might be cancelled. A little bit of me (maybe more than a little) hoped it might be called off, 5K effort is hard mentally to prepare for, 5K effort in storm conditions is even harder to stomach.

    I left the house as late as possible, luckily remembering at the last second that I needed to attach a chip to my shoe. I suss out the conditions on my warm-up to Acres. It didn’t seem as bad as I expected. Some strong gusts for sure but nothing too dramatic. I’m cutting it pretty fine so I cut across some grass to get onto the path around the playing fields, I completely drench my feet in doing so. And I could feel the wind much more now along the exposed Acres Road.

    This year there were roadside signs indicating where sub 25s should line-up, sub 20s etc. These weren’t very well respected. Start was a bit chaotic. I think stewards were making announcements but it was impossible to hear anything over the wind. Suddenly we hear some noise and everybody starts running forward.

    Here we go.

    No we don’t.

    Everyone stops.

    The instruction rippling back from the front is to move backwards. Everyone shuffles back. Where is the start line? I hear someone behind me saying to his companion to forget about the watch and just race the field. Then we’re underway again. I haven’t a clue where the start is, press start on the Garmin after a few seconds, hope it’s more or less accurate.

    K1 in 03:39.68

    Lots of congestion over the first 500m. I'm weaving quite a bit, watching footfalls ahead of me and hoping that whoever is behind me is carefully watching mine. I end up running on the right hand side of the road and overtake streams of runners all the way up to the roundabout. I think this is the one kilometre of the race where the wind was helping us. I had a goal of reaching the top of Chesterfield with at the slowest an average pace of 3:42 [5:57] showing, so far I was well on target.

    K2 in 03:41.29

    Up Chesterfield. I continue to work my way up past a long line of runners. I gradually let the average pace drop. I notice that the lungs are already working, more than those I’m overtaking, am I going out too fast? The effort feels just a little bit harder than I would have hoped at this stage. I'm very aware that there is still a lot of road ahead.

    K3 in 03:51.66

    As we approach the top of the ascent I turn my head left and instantly feel and hear the wind. We’re going to be turning into this soon. It’s not going to be pretty. I look at the Garmin for the last time as we approach the turn, 3:41 [5:56] pace showing.

    On target, but my prerace plan depended on me getting more value for my effort from this point onwards as the profile flattens and then drops. As soon as we turn onto OS Road I realise that that plan is out the window. I was going to have to up the effort considerably just to maintain the same pace. But if I up the effort now I’d be pushing into the red too soon. My face adopts a grimace, breathing is disrupted, some of the gusts feel like they are pushing me backwards. I maybe conceded defeat too soon along here, but knowing that sub 18:30 was always going to be tight I couldn’t help but feel this was now too difficult an ask.

    K4 in 03:50.30

    I could feel my stomach starting to protest. I’d switched to slog mode. On one hand I’m giving out to myself for not pushing, but another part of me is arguing that my legs, lungs and stomach are all already hurting and that the effort is honest. I’m swapping places with a few other runners, but really I’m battling with myself and not with them. We turn out of the headwind and onto Upper Glen Road. Splashing through some deep puddles. I try follow some sort of a racing line. I want this to be over. I think the pace is increasing as the course profile continues to improve but the effort levels are also continuing to increase.

    K5 in 03:34.55

    I’m too wrecked to take any huge advantage of the downhill. Note to self – check the Garmin on the last K. If you’re doing better than you expect it’ll spur you on, if you’re borderline it’ll spur you on, if you’re out of the running well it’s probably no huge surprise. If I had looked I might have spotted that a PB was still not out of reach. Instead I ignored the watch.

    A runner passes me, I don’t give chase, another passes me, I still don’t give chase. Only when another one passes close to the bottom of the hill do I push and I ease past them. Turn onto the finishing straight passing a runner bent over staring at a pool of his vomit, I remember thinking how unlucky to have that happen at 4.9K. I overtake maybe 3 or 4 runners on the final straight and no-one overtakes me.

    Over the mat and stop the watch.

    Total time 18:46.77

    Garmin Link

    I pull up to the barriers as I think I too am going to be sick. Stomach lurches a few times, but it manages to settle. I check the time and instantly have mixed emotions. This was faster than I’d expected, though this was bronze it felt more like silver given the conditions. But it was only 7 seconds off a PB. Could I have pushed more for those 7 seconds? I cannot hand on heart say no for certain.

    Only official gun times provided (18:54). No chip times today because the starting mat was not used for safety concerns, couple that with the confusion at the start and I feel I’m ok to claim my Garmin time as my chip-time (it also measured 5.05K so distance looks good).

    Training hadn’t been great. If I had run more speed sessions as proper track sessions, and had maintained a slightly higher weekly mileage and/or runs per week, then I think I would have got a PB today. Gold and silver were lost on mile 3, due to the physical and mental impact of the wind.

    I think I’ll have to find another 5K before I start CCM16 training next month.

    WTD 22.22 MTD 22.22 YTD 1765.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Comparing last years Garmin stats for a neat 5K, I can quite clearly see what I knew already. Today's race was lost on K3.

    After 2K I was almost 7 seconds up on last year's time.

    Then I was nearly 14 seconds slower this year than last year on K3 alone :eek:

    This meant I was now heading into the last 2K over 7 seconds down on last year's time.

    K4 was a carbon copy of last year's and I was less than a second slower than last year over the final K.

    Kilometre| Jingle Bells 2014 | Jingle Bells 2015 | KM Split | Total Split
    K1 | 3:43.59 | 3:39.68 | up 3.91 | up 3.91
    K2 | 3:44.01 | 3:41.29 | up 2.72 | up 6.63
    K3 | 3:37.73 | 3:51.66 | down 13.93 | down 7.30
    K4 | 3:50.30 | 3:50.30 | no gain/loss | down 7.30
    K5 | 3:33.70 | 3:34.55 | down 0.85 | down 8.15
    Total | 18:29.33 | 18:37.48 ||

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Today's race was lost on the poxy weather plain and simple. You are being hard on yourself expecting a PB in yesterday's conditions. Forgot about it & move on.
