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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Finished Mesocycle I this lunchtime with a gentle 4 mile recovery paced run, over to the park, a lap of the playing fields and home. Legs feeling a little stiff, maybe they just don't expect to be running at lunchtime. Bit of a breeze blowing, but once it was at your back it was a nice day for a run.

    This one reads a little fast on the Garmin but I knew it would, it had me running at 7:XX pace inside the first 400ms, so I knew the initial GPS fix was off. Sure enough checking on Garmin Connect I see it had me starting on platform 2 down in Heuston.

    I feel good after 6 weeks (plus 1 buffer week) of training. I still feel sub 3:10 is realistic and I feel cautiously confident of hitting target. There's still a long way to go though. Mesocycle II normally brings with it the odd strain and twinge, fingers crossed I'll navigate it as well as I managed the last 6 weeks.

    Signed up for the Fingal 10K, the Dublin HM and DCM16 today. I'm away for the Frank Duffy and the Irish Runner is too soon after CCM this year. I've mates over from Washington in October to run DCM and the plan is I help pace them round to a sub 4.

    M01 8:45 (poor GPS fix)
    M02 9:14
    M03 9:09
    M04 9:30

    Total 4.07M @ 9:10

    P&D55 Week 06 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 10x100m strides | 13.00K @ 5:05 [8.08M @ 8:11] with average stride 3:31 [5:39]| N/A
    Recovery 5M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.07M @ 9:21 | 71.25 KG
    General Aerobic 8M @ 8:15 to 9:30 | 8.13M @ 8:18 | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.07M @ 9:10 | 72.20 KG
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.08M @ 7:54 | 70.65 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    28 / 28 / 00 / 00 / 58 | 4.07 / 37.43 / 299.97

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K at LT

    Good session tonight even though it was partially screwed up by a trainer on the track. Long day, busy at work, fairly mentally drained when I got out of the office and I wasn't feeling the love ahead of this one. As always it wasn't so bad once I got going. I run my usual abbreviated Cartrontroy loop as a warm-up and then head onto the track in AIT. Once again I'd be targeting laps of 1:35 or 1:36, running 20 in total.

    The first lap is way too fast and I'm happy to ease up. Find the fast end of target pace pretty quickly and start to settle in. There's what looks like an AIT beginner's training session in place, for kids and adults. Again I don't mind the company it acts as a distraction. But then as I'm approaching the finish line for lap 7 one of the trainers flags me down. I assume he wants to check if I'd booked (I had). I pause the Garmin (or so I thought) and he says I'll have to run in the outer lanes or at least run around his group. I say no bother I'll run around them. I wonder what he thought my alternative was, fling the runners out of lane 1 as I catch up with them? Anyway I hit a button on the Garmin and resume after that pointless interruption.

    Quickly find target pace again and get into a nice steady groove. Most of his group are in lanes 2 and 3 anyway, I have to leave lane 1 a few times but no big deal. The effort levels feel good, the lungs are working a little harder than the legs. I am 100% in control and in no doubt that I will hit target, while at the same time I'm happy I don't have to run any faster.

    Mostly see 1:34s, 1:35s or 1:36s flashing up. Lap 20 comes round quickly and I'm done. I could have managed another 5 laps to bring up 10K at this pace and I'll have an opportunity to prove that on my next LT session. Final average pace was 3:58 [6:23]. It's only afterwards that I realised I'd messed up the lap press when I was interrupted. The result of which meant I ran 19 laps not 20. I'm not too bothered and I'm definitely marking this as completed on target.

    Average lap split was 1:35.25. At that pace I would have logged a 39:41 10K. But the pace felt so much easier than 10K pace. I'm tempted in my next 10K race to experiment by going out at 3:58 pace for the first 5 or 6 K and then try to pick it up over the last 4K to see how strong I can finish.

    Brought up 300 miles for the year tonight.

    Warm-up 4.25K @ 5:24 [2.64M @ 8:41]

    L01 1:31.68
    L02 1:34.30
    L03 1:35.65
    L04 1:34.05
    L05 1:35.67
    L06 1:34.63
    L07 0:05.52 :mad:
    L08 1:31.63
    L09 1:34.47
    L10 1:33.83
    L11 1:34.20
    L12 1:34.62
    L13 1:35.78
    L14 1:35.70
    L15 1:36.17
    L16 1:36.70
    L17 1:35.90
    L18 1:37.45
    L19 1:34.98
    L20 1:36.85

    7.6K in 30:09.78, that's 3:58 [6:23] pace.

    Cool-down 3.92K @ 5:18 [2.44M @ 8:31]

    Total 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19]

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K @ LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19] with 7.6K @ 3:58 [6:23] | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    MLR 11M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:08 to 5:17 | |
    LSR 18M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    29 / 29 / 00 / 00 / 57 | 14.17 / 47.52 / 310.07

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11 Miles

    Once again I swap around my longer midweek run with a recovery run. This doesn't seem to be having any ill effects and buys me some time in bed and much needed extra sleep.

    Lovely conditions this evening, hardly a breeze blowing and not cold at all. Plus the forecast is for good weather at the weekend - 18 miles on a sunny Sunday morning?

    This evening my pacing was all over the place. Three Cartrontroy loops forming the guts of the run. I checked pace after the first lap and it was showing 7:59. I continued at the same effort through lap 2 but I could tell the pace was picking up. In fact after 2 laps I'm travelling at 7:44 pace. Time to ease up a bit and so the last lap is a leisurely affair.

    Wearing the ST5s again. My plan to wear them only for marathon pace runs and faster, has been abandoned. I reckon if I'm thinking of wearing them on race day it's not a bad thing to run some extra miles in them in training (that and the fact I don't what to travel with 4 pairs of shoes!) Getting great mileage out of this pair of ST5s, passing 400 miles this evening. They still feel ok. I've a shiny new yellow pair under the stairs at home waiting since December to be brought for a run. I'll probably retire this pair when the VO2 work starts. I'm still not 100% sure if it'll be Nimbus or ST5 on raceday. I'll probably run one of my 20 milers in the ST5s and see how it goes.

    M01 8:56
    M02 7:42
    M03 7:41
    M04 7:24
    M05 7:21
    M06 7:36
    M07 7:30
    M08 7:33
    M09 8:20
    M10 8:43
    M11 8:29

    Total 11.10M @ 7:56

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K @ LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19] with 7.6K @ 3:58 [6:23] | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    MLR 11M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 11.10M @ 7:56 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:08 to 5:17 | |
    LSR 18M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    30 / 30 / 00 / 00 / 56 | 25.27 / 58.62 / 321.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 8 x100m Strides

    Ok, as long as my recovery run is 4 miles and I have the option of running on a Monday lunchtime, the chances of getting up for a 6:00am run on the preceding Friday are slim. Once again no Friday morning run around Athlone.

    Back in Dublin Saturday morning and Spring is here :)

    Legs were a little heavy and I was feeling a bit tired, didn't get enough sleep Friday night. Hasn't in the mood for strides. Ran in around some of the apartment blocks by Islandbridge, nice spot. Up to the playing fields. Realise that I'm really overdressed for this. Could have got away with a t-shirt only. Few runners doing intervals this morning, glad I'm not one of them.

    Strides go fine though. As always I just use the beeps from the Garmin as a cue to run the next 100m, I don't bother checking pace. Really warm at the end of this one.

    6.14K @ 5:03 [3.82M @ 8:07]
    8x100m strides @ 3:25 [5:30] average stride
    2.48K @ 5:25 [1.54M @ 8:43]

    Total 11.03K @ 5:01 [6.85M @ 8:04]

    Weigh-in after this one at 70.65 kg. This is as light as I've ever been ahead of a long run. Might hit 69:XX tomorrow. Never seen less than 70 on the scales before.

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K @ LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19] with 7.6K @ 3:58 [6:23] | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    MLR 11M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 11.10M @ 7:56 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:08 to 5:17 | 11.03K @ 5:01 [6.85M @ 8:04] with average stride 3:25 [5:30] | 70.65 KG
    LSR 18M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    31 / 31 / 00 / 00 / 55 | 32.12 / 65.47 / 328.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 18 Miles

    Bleamish on my copybook today. This was the first LSR of the training cycle and I ended up running it too fast. I ran with overpronator and he said I could blame him. I can't really blame anyone but myself, I will though use running with company as my excuse.

    On the positive side, I felt super comfortable for the whole distance (a little tiredness crept in around mile 16 when I realised the finish line was close, but this passed after a few minutes).

    Ran new territory on this one. We followed the Grand Canal from Inchicore out through Clondalkin and exited at Adamstown for a lap of Griffeen Park before retracing our steps back to Inchicore, follow the canal as far as Dolphins Barn, through James Hospital and home.

    Lovely surface along the canal, really ideal for running, can't believe I haven't run out this way before. We are yapping non-stop for the full distance so the run was absolutely conversational. After around 6 miles or so I realise we're travelling at high 7:4X pace. For the next few miles we make some attempts to drop the pace, but we continue to chat, lose concentration and just stick to the comfortable natural rhythm we've established. The fact that the return route is slightly downhill doesn't help. This was 18 miles at sub 3:25 marathon pace and it felt effortless. I had no gels and no breakfast other than a glass of water but didn't feel any energy drain near the end.

    I have to be more disciplined next Sunday when I run my first 20 miler of the year, must remind myself that the mileage and intensity is increasing in the plan and I shouldn't push more than prescribed, no need to risk injury here.

    Weighed in at 70.00 kg afterwards, that's the lightest I've seen on the scales. I'm going to try drop a little more weight and then try to stay between 69.5 and 70.5. That's 5 kg lighter than at the start of the year and I definitely feel lighter and lighter of foot.

    M01 8:25
    M02 7:46
    M03 7:41
    M04 7:29
    M05 7:41
    M06 7:46
    M07 7:45
    M08 7:47
    M09 7:39
    M10 8:07
    M11 7:56
    M12 7:45
    M13 7:51
    M14 7:49
    M15 7:50
    M16 7:53
    M17 7:45
    M18 7:46

    Total 18.09M @ 7:49

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K @ LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19] with 7.6K @ 3:58 [6:23] | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    MLR 11M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 11.10M @ 7:56 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:08 to 5:17 | 11.03K @ 5:01 [6.85M @ 8:04] with average stride 3:25 [5:30] | 70.65 KG
    LSR 18M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 18.09M @ 7:49 | 70.00 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    32 / 31 / 00 / 00 / 54 | 50.21 / 83.56 / 346.11

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    found you on strava :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    found you on strava :)

    Think we were close on the weekly mileage rankings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Legs felt fairly heavy Monday lunchtime. Gorgeous weather though, probably the best day of the year so far. I really wanted to stay out there and not go back to the lap-top. Ran my usual 4 miler over to Park a lap of the playing fields and back home. Weighed in at 71.65 kg, courtesy of lots of homemade lasagna Sunday.

    M01 9:25
    M02 9:26
    M03 9:14
    M04 9:26

    Total 4.01M @ 9:23

    P&D55 Week 07 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 8K @ LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.25K @ 4:33 [10.10M @ 7:19] with 7.6K @ 3:58 [6:23] | N/A
    Recovery 4M @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 4.01M @ 9:23 | 71.65 KG
    MLR 11M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 11.10M @ 7:56 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K (with 8x100m strides) @ 5:08 to 5:17 | 11.03K @ 5:01 [6.85M @ 8:04] with average stride 3:25 [5:30] | 70.65 KG
    LSR 18M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 18.09M @ 7:49 | 70.00 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    33 / 32 / 00 / 00 / 53 | 4.01 / 87.57 / 350.12

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    Different timetable this week means I can get in some evening runs in the Park. Logged off and headed out shortly after 18:00. Threw on some gloves just in case. Headed out along Chapelizod Road and into the Park at Chapelizod Gate. Heavy legs up the hill to the playing fields. I do one lap and start the strides as I start into the second lap. I could immediately feel the strides injecting life into my legs. They felt fresher even after the first 100ms.

    Light fading fast as I finish up and head back the way I came. I think this was my first evening run in the Park this year. Had to be home in a hurry so as soon as I was back at the house I stopped the session, around 400ms short.

    6.61K @ 5:49 [4.11M @ 9:22]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:27 [5:33]
    2.22K @ 5:53 [1.38 @ 9:28]

    Total 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01]

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 3:58 to 4:02 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    34 / 33 / 00 / 00 / 52 | 10.61 / 94.18 / 356.72

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Another nice evening, another evening run in the park. Headed out again shortly after 18:00. Headed straight for Islandbridge Gate and into an anti-clockwise lap. Nice light in the Park as the sun sets, and there's a hint of a bbq smell in the air. It's getting dark, traffic with headlights on. Down OS Road and I realise that, like Sunday morning, I'm running too fast. I ease off. I can feel Sunday's 18 miles in the legs and I'm aware that I have a 10K tempo on Friday, lets not overcook things. It's nearly all dark as I head down by the Fort, here I swing up to the playing fields, run to Acres Road and then up toward the Phoenix.

    These are now the darkest conditions I've ever run in in the Park. Actually, because on lots of stretches there is no street lighting, these are the darkest conditions I've ever run in, anywhere. Strange atmosphere. Quite a few runners still out and we salute each other.

    I let the pace drop over the closing miles. Finish feeling comfortable. I had been convinced that the 10K tempo was for tomorrow, but it's not, it's actually Friday. I'm happy to have an extra day's rest ahead of it. But it means it'll be a 10K tempo probably round the playing fields, rather than 10000m tomorrow evening in AIT.

    M01 8:17
    M02 7:58
    M03 7:39
    M04 7:46
    M05 7:28
    M06 7:47
    M08 7:52
    M09 8:05
    M10 8:11
    M11 8:10
    M12 8:18

    Total 12.03M @ 8:02

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.03M @ 8:02 | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 3:58 to 4:02 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    35 / 34 / 00 / 00 / 51 | 22.64 / 106.21 / 368.75

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    16K with 10K @ Lactate Threshold

    This one had been hanging over me all day. I've grown used to the track and 25 laps there seemed much more appealing than close on 4 exposed laps of the playing fields in the Park. Got back from Athlone at 18:05 and headed out the door at 18:15, conscious that the light was fading fast. A mate said he'd pop down and cycle some of the laps with me.

    Over to my 'track' for the evening. I start the LT section after 3K. I decide to record it as a standalone activity on the Garmin as I want to see kilometre splits. I'm running the laps clockwise.

    I start too fast. I'm too anxious to hit target pace and force it too much. Especially as I start the LT section on the ascent up Acres. I see 3:55 [6:18] showing. Don't burn yourself out over the first few K. Legs feel ok, lungs feel ok, but already this feels more challenging than the track. The surface is less forgiving, the ups and downs make it more difficult to establish a steady pace and the wind (not that it was strong) is more of a factor.

    I'm glad to see my mate after 2K. I tell him I'm not going to be great conversation for the next while. Short sentences and blurted yes and no responses. I'm glad of the company though. He's watching his speedometer and gives me some feedback on current speed, I hit 16 kmph at points.

    It's rapidly darkening. I'm enjoying the northerly and easterly stretches more than the southerly and westerly stretches. After running too fast over the first few K, I start to establish a steadier and slower rhythm over the second half of the run. The Garmin settles on 3:58 [6:23] pace.

    It's proper dark now. Mate turns on his headlight. This is actually quite handy because there are deer crossing the path at various points and it's very hard to spot them in the dark. This warns them that we're coming. Nice running in this little cocoon of light and seeing the deer move aside as we approach.

    Over the final few K I'm not trying to chat any more. This is tougher than the recent 8K LT sessions on the track, but all the same I'm not hanging on. Yes I'm thrilled when I start into the final K and I look forward to stopping, but if I had to run another K (or maybe even 2K) at the same pace I think I could have done it. I wasn't tempted to find out and I hit stop as soon as 10K beeps on the watch.

    Catch my breath for 30 seconds. I covered the 10K in 39:43, that's 3:58 [6:23] pace. It's the best I've ever felt over the closing K at this distance.This is the earliest in the training calendar that I've gone sub 40. It usually doesn't happen until mid-April or May. So I'm pleased with the evening's work. I feel the weekend can start now.

    An added bonus when I get home. My post run weigh-in reads 69.80 kilo. This is the first time on this scales I've gone sub 70. I reckon it's at least 20 years since I was this light. Have to try hold it around this weight now, I don't think I need to try lose any more.

    Only negative is a bit of feedback from the left knee. Need to take it very handy tomorrow and should really target the slower end of target pace for Sunday's 20 miler.

    Warm-up 3.01K @ 5:17 [1.87M @ 8:31]

    K01 3:55 [6:18]
    K02 4:04 [6:32]
    K03 3:54 [6:16]
    K04 3:52 [6:13]
    K05 3:58 [6:24]
    K06 4:02 [6:30]
    K07 3;58 [6:23]
    K08 3:59 [6:24]
    K09 3:57 [6:22]
    K10 4:02 [6:30]

    Cool-down 3.05K @ 5:12 [1.89M @ 8:22]

    Total 16.06K @ 4:27 [9.98M @ 7:10]

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.03M @ 8:02 | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.06K @ 4:27 [9.98 @ 7:10] with 10K in 39:43 | 69.80 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    36 / 35 / 00 / 00 / 50 | 32.62 / 116.19 / 378.73

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Just when you think training is going perfectly and everything is coming together - bang - injured :(

    I've been here before and it is always always always the transition from Mesocycle 1 to Mesocycle 2 that gets me. It's more than coincidence and if and when I follow this plan again I'm going to build in an easier transition week.

    The left knee that protested as soon as I started my cool-down on Friday evening acted up again on Saturday morning. I started out on my usual 5 mile loop and as I was approaching the Chapelizod Bridge I realised I was running a little too fast. So I eased off and immediately on dropping the pace my left knee twinged fairly sharply. For a few strides I was limping, then it seemed to pass. I continued cautiously and completed the loop back home without further incident.

    I walked in and out of town later and on around half a dozen occasions the knee twinged again. Serious question marks over Sunday's 20 miler.

    The knee felt better Sunday morning and I decided let's get the runners on and just test out a mile or two, see how it feels. I last around 200ms and it twinges again. I pause, try once more, another twinge. This doesn't feel like one I can run off. The 20 miler will need to wait.

    So I've called my second buffer week. I have Friday off and logistically it would make a lot of sense to try run the 20 miler Friday. But it probably makes more sense to give myself an extra 48 hours and try on Sunday morning. I went for a walk at lunchtime today and it twinged maybe on two occasions, not as much as Saturday but there's still healing to be done. Ice and rest in the meantime. Can't complain, I've had a really long injury-free stretch.

    M01 9:14
    M02 9:01
    M03 9:09
    M04 9:26
    M05 9:48

    Total 5.05M @ 9:20

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.03M @ 8:02 | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.06K @ 4:27 [9.98 @ 7:10] with 10K in 39:43 | 69.80 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:20 | 69.80 KG
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    37 / 36 / 00 / 00 / 49 | 37.67 / 121.24 / 383.78

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    I feel your pain!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    I feel your pain!

    Thanks. You're not sidelined yourself are you? Nice MP session you nailed recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    outforarun wrote: »
    Thanks. You're not sidelined yourself are you? Nice MP session you nailed recently.

    Yeah, injured since that MP run :-(
    Any improvement with yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    outforarun wrote: »
    Thanks. You're not sidelined yourself are you? Nice MP session you nailed recently.

    Monday - Few tweaks from knee when changing direction. Didn't really leave the house.

    Tuesday - lunchtime walk, twinges. Definitely not ready to run on.

    Yesterday - 4 miles of walking. No twinges but can feel 'something'. No pain.

    Today - Mile or so walking. No twinges. Can feel hint of 'something'. No pain.

    Undecided if I will try run tomorrow morning, a weekend morning or maybe even Monday morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    Yeah, injured since that MP run :-(
    Any improvement with yourself?

    I think in future I'll factor in maybe up to 4 buffer weeks. Just to take the pressure of and have that extra peace of mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    neilc wrote: »
    Yeah, injured since that MP run :-(
    Any improvement with yourself?

    How about you? That run was around a fortnight ago, so not just a niggle then? Prognosis?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    outforarun wrote: »
    How about you? That run was around a fortnight ago, so not just a niggle then? Prognosis?
    Unfortunately not just a niggle but still just over 3 weeks left to get it right. Was pain free all yesterday and this morning walking around the house so did a test run today which didn't go great. I know the hard work is mostly done but missing this much training is killing me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    (entry on mobile)

    I travelled down to Limerick for the Easter weekend. Running gear packed more out of hope than expectation of completing 20 miles on Sunday morning. Left knee was still protesting sometimes if I made a sudden change of direction while walking. On Saturday I walked a lot around Limerick and on one downhill stretch it gave a light twinge. This wasn't yet healed. I was not optimistic.

    Sunday morning I got up earlyish, put on the runners for the first time in a week and headed out. Strolled 200ms down to the Shannon near Sarsfield Bridge. Got a satellite link on the Garmin. Crossed my fingers and started running. Within 50ms the left knee protested. Give it a chance, 100ms still twinging. Give it a little longer, 200ms still twinging but not getting any worse. 300ms it stops twinging. 400ms still no more twinges. 1K in and now twinge free. I'm waiting for it to protest again sure that it will, but it doesn't. Occasionally I can feel a hint of 'something' from the knee but this is rare and the remaining 31 kilometres are completed twinge free and pain free!

    I stick to laps of a loop that takes in North Circular Road and a stretch along the Strand. A loop just shy of 3 miles.

    I complete 6 and a half of these. Not too many other runners out on this showery morning (with some short sunny spells). I'm enjoying the run, I'm enjoying running! No breakfast or gels but no significant struggle with energy levels. The miles pass quickly. I spot a few faster than planned splits at the start and I ease off accordingly, however after a few laps the average pace settles at 8:01 and remains there.

    This is the fastest 20 miler I've completed in training but it was definitely conversational the whole way round. Encouraging. Whatever about the pace or the effort levels I was really just thrilled that the knee held-up for the full 20 miles.

    And for the rest of the day I had tired legs but not a single protest from the knee, the best it felt since picking up this injury a week ago. Back on track? Fingers crossed.

    M01 8:43
    M02 8:07
    M03 7:54
    M04 7:43
    M05 7:40
    M06 7:39
    M07 8:03
    M08 7:59
    M09 8:04
    M10 8:06
    M11 7:57
    M12 7:55
    M13 8:07
    M14 8:08
    M15 8:09
    M16 8:11
    M17 7:54 (400 miles for the year)
    M18 8:00
    M19 8:08
    M20 7:53

    Total 20.01M @ 8:01

    P&D55 Week 08 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | 10.63K @ 5:36 [6.61M @ 9:01] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.03M @ 8:02 | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 16K with 10K at LT 3:58 to 4:02 | 16.06K @ 4:27 [9.98 @ 7:10] with 10K in 39:43 | 69.80 KG
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.05M @ 9:20 | 69.80 KG
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 20.01M @ 8:01| N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    38 / 37 / 00 / 00 / 48 | 20.01 / 141.25 / 403.79

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Great that you got a 20 miler done with no reaction. Hopefully that's the end of it now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Brilliant. Delighted that went smoothly man.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Brilliant. Delighted that went smoothly man.

    When you going to update your own log??
    Some serious progression going on there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    (mobile entry)

    Not out of the woods just yet. Traveled to Milan yesterday. Headed out for 6 recovery pace miles in the evening. After 100ms left knee starts twinging again. Lasts around 200ms then settles down. I wasn't expecting any feedback mostly because the knee had felt fine Monday and Tuesday. I was anxious for the rest of the run, waiting for more twinges, which thankfully didn't come.

    Ran over to San Siro then back to Parco di Trenno and home. Have to concentrate to ensure I keep the pace down. Wore a jacket, which was a bad move as it was deceptively warm and humid outside. Get through this week in one piece and I then have a recovery week to look forward to.

    M01 09:03
    M02 09:12
    M03 09:30
    M04 09:27
    M05 09:28
    M06 09:14

    Total 6.12M @ 9:20

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.12M @ 9:20 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:14 to 4:16 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    39 / 38 / 00 / 00 / 47 | 6.12 / 147.37 / 409.91

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Great that you got a 20 miler done with no reaction. Hopefully that's the end of it now.

    Thanks. Fingers crossed. The 20 miler seems to have knocked the knee back into shape!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Brilliant. Delighted that went smoothly man.

    Cheers. Feel like I'm right on the edge at the moment. No more wiggle room now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    (mobile entry)

    Wednesday I wasn't expecting feedback from knee and I got feedback. Thursday instead I was expecting feedback and got none.

    Set out for 14 miles on an overcast but humid morning in Milan. 6 laps of the park on the menu. First 200ms nothing from the knee, and 14 miles later still nothing. First run since picking up injury that I've gone niggle and pain-free. Two more tests to pass this week, 6x100m strides and 19K at sub 3 marathon pace. Get through these in one piece and I'll feel fairly confident ahead of my first VO2 session on the track next week (I'd forgotten that the recovery week featured VO2).

    This 14 miler went fine. I had to focus nearly all the time on not running too fast. On the ever so slightly downhill stretch average pace would creep up to 7:53, on the ever so slightly uphill stretch the pace would drop back to 7:55. Fair few other runners out, it's marathon weekend this weekend in Milan. It was humid yesterday and I wouldn't fancy racing in these conditions. Happy to tick this one off. Delighted that the knee behaved.

    Diet has taken backseat over the last fortnight, between Easter weekend in Limerick and these current days of Italian home-cooking. I reckon 69 kilos won't be seen again for a while.

    M01 08:08
    M02 07:52
    M03 07:44
    M04 07:49
    M05 07:55
    M06 07:53
    M07 07:58
    M08 07:45
    M09 07:57
    M10 07:53
    M11 08:05
    M12 07:53
    M13 07:56
    M14 08:03

    Total 14.27M @ 7:55

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.12M @ 9:20 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.37M @ 7:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:14 to 4:16 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    40 / 39 / 00 / 00 / 46 | 20.39 / 161.64 / 424.18

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 10K with 6x100m Strides

    (mobile entry)

    Another twinge free run Friday morning. I was a little concerned about the strides wasn't sure if the knee would act up or not. Worked hard for the first 6K to make sure I didn't run too fast. Then into the strides. I was paranoid waiting for some nasty feedback but luckily it didn't come. I made a conscious effort to accelerate gradually into each 100ms and deccelerate gradually after each 100ms. They all passed fine at average pace of 3:27 [5:33].

    Headed into town in the afternoon and passed by the marathon village. If one year I opt not to race Cork then this is the marathon I'd target. Pick up some cheap shorts in Decathlon (14.99 a pair).

    Looking forward to Saturday's MP run. I'm bringing it forward a day so that I don't have to do it off the plane on Sunday.

    6.00K @ 5:47
    6x100m @ average 3:27 [5:33]
    2.26K @ 5:46

    Total 10.07K @ 5:36

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.12M @ 9:20 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.37M @ 7:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 10.07 @ 5:36 [6.25M @ 9:00] average stride 3:27 [5:33] |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:14 to 4:16 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    41 / 40 / 00 / 00 / 45 | 26.64 / 6.25 / 430.43

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    26K with 19K @ PMP

    Headed out at 10:00 am for this one. Once again I was happy to stick with laps of the park here. It was humid and overcast with temperatures rising to around 18 or 19 degrees. Not very nice conditions, although there was a slight fresh breeze on the southbound stretch of the lap.

    Disappointed to feel the knee acting up again over the first 200ms, maybe a late reaction to Friday's strides? Anyway, as expected the twinging and protests don't last much longer than 200ms. I complete nearly 2 laps of the park as warm-up then hit the lap button on the Garmin and start into 19K at sub 3 marathon pace.

    My initial guess at pace is a little too fast, 4:10 [6:42] and I slowly slowly ease up. I get a bit anxious when eventually I see 4:14 [6:48] and 4:15 [6:50] showing as I don't want to be in a situation where I fall behind target pace, stupid thinking. Accordingly I inject a little pace and I end up spending the guts of the run travelling at 4:13 [6:47] happy in the knowledge that I have scope to ease up a little over the final 5K.

    I think I've run this session here before and I use a tactic I used then whereby I spot runners up ahead and keep count of my overtakes, managed 20 today and then stopped keeping track. Kept the run interesting. The last 5K were testing. Not as testing as this time last year in the energy sapping Californian sun, but the Milan humidity was definitely getting to me. I was looking forward to finishing. I reckon the 20 miler and 14 miler completed in the last 6 days are also having an impact on today's run. I complete 5 full laps at PMP and then run back back home to complete the 19K and a bit. Fairly soaked in sweat.

    No way do I think I could keep this pace going for 42K, certainly not in these conditions. But once again it gives me a huge boost to think that in two months in Cork I'll be targeting around 4:28 [7:11].

    It also confirms progress when I think that 12 months ago I struggled to hold 4:31 [7:16] for today's session. In many ways it feels like I'm laying the groundwork and really training for CCM17 and a possible sub 3 attempt, CCM16 being just a stepping stone.

    Knee behaved fine during PMP section and for the rest of the day, including a gentle kick-about in the park with junior outforarun.

    07.03K @ 5:03 [04.37M @ 8:08]
    19.38K @ 4:14 [12.04M @ 6:48]
    Total 26.40K @ 4:27 [16.41M @ 7:09]

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.12M @ 9:20 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.37M @ 7:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 10.07 @ 5:36 [6.25M @ 9:00] average stride 3:27 [5:33] |
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:14 to 4:16 | 26.40K @ 4:27 [16.41M @ 7:09] with 19.38K @ 4:14 [12.04M @ 6:48] | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    42 / 41 / 00 / 00 / 44 | 43.05 / 22.66 / 446.84

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Finished week 9 Sunday evening back in Phoenix. Flew back from Italy earlier in the day. Back to wearing a jacket again. Legs feeling very heavy on this one. Headed over to Islandbridge Gate and up to the playing fields. Game of football in progress - from San Siro to Phoenix Park in 5 runs.

    I really take this one very easy. The knee doesn't twinge but it still doesn't feel right. No pain though. Two laps of the playing fields and then back the way I came.

    Part of me is surprised I managed to complete all of week 9 on top of last Sunday's 20 miler. Part of me is not super confident that I'll get through week 10 and subsequent weeks without further problems from knee. It's an annoying one. Some days it's fine. Some runs it doesn't act up at all. Then other days I can feel it's not right while walking, it'll twinge over the first 200ms of the run, feel ok for the rest of the run and feel perfect in the hours after the run. Think I should pick up a knee support and wear it for a few runs (and even just during the day) see if it makes any difference.

    Anyway - that's half the sessions completed. Now for the difficult half.

    M01 9:40
    M02 9:30
    M03 9:17
    M04 9:09
    M05 9:06

    Total 6.06M @ 9:22

    P&D55 Week 09 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.12M @ 9:20 | N/A
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.37M @ 7:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 6.06M @ 9:22 | N/A
    Recovery 10K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 10.07 @ 5:36 [6.25M @ 9:00] average stride 3:27 [5:33] | N/A
    PMP 26K with 19K @ 4:14 to 4:16 | 26.40K @ 4:27 [16.41M @ 7:09] with 19.38K @ 4:14 [12.04M @ 6:48] | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    43 / 42 / 00 / 00 / 43 | 49.11 / 28.72 / 452.90
