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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    A few twinges during the day so I was expecting the knee to protest at the outset of this evening's run. It did, but not as much as I expected. And as always after the first 200ms or so it behaves itself fine, and it has felt perfect since the run.

    Back in Athlone for this one. It's been a while since I've run here. Tonight's run was run completely in daylight, makes a nice change. I also had the gloves and jacket on again as there was a biting wind and some nasty showers. Last weeks warmth and humidity seems a lifetime ago. Just did two of my Cartrontroy loops, tag on a little diversion through AIT and headed back 'home'.

    Wore my new ST5s for the first time. Very bright yellow. The old pair had around 450 miles, a lot for ST5s, I wonder did I maybe run too much in them? I also slotted in a brand new set of insoles tonight. Felt very comfortable. Got into a nice rhythm and the miles passed very quickly.

    Bought some frozen peas afterward and iced the knee, even though it felt ok.
    I'll try the 800s tomorrow. But will be ready to bail if the knee starts to pain me.

    M01 9:09
    M02 8:22
    M03 7:52
    M04 7:59
    M05 8:14
    M06 8:16
    M07 8:22
    M08 8:25

    Total 8.09M @ 8:20

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 8.09M @ 8:20 | N/A
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    44 / 43 / 00 / 00 / 42 | 8.09 / 36.81 / 460.99

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x800 @ 5K pace

    Success :)

    Very wary all day ahead of this. Could feel a hint of something from the knee and wasn't hugely optimistic ahead of this first proper speed session in weeks, months. Booked the track.

    Got out of work on time and headed to a nearby pharmacy. Measured my knee and bought an open-patella knee support. Cost me €17.80.

    Back to hotel and get ready for run. The knee support is a perfect fit. Feels very snug and compresses the knee for sure. Head out with only t-shirt on top. With the support on I feel so so so much more confident with the knee. Everything really does feel supported. I feel a muffled hint of something over the first 100ms but from then on the knee behaves fine.

    I warm-up with an abbreviated lap of Cartrontroy and then onto the track for the session proper. My companions tonight are a mixed group of students (I think they're students) running some sprinting drills and later setting up hurdles). Lane 1 is empty.

    So these are meant to be run at 5K pace which I'm setting at 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02]. To be honest I'd be thrilled if I could run 5K at 3:45 right now - it's been almost 3 months since my 3:45 pace Parkrun, surely I've lost some top speed. A quick calculation says I should be running between 1:28 and 1:30 a lap. I'll take 2 mins recovering between intervals. I hit lap on the Garmin and start proceedings.

    Glance at Garmin after 400m and see 1:26. Too fast, ease up. Could feel the effort becoming tougher over second lap. It's been a while since I've run intervals, I'm not used to them anymore. Lungs already know they'll be busy tonight.

    Jog up and down the 100m straight and then start the second 800. There's a significant headwind blowing down the straight and it's hard work leaning into it. Try to run this a fraction more gentle than the first one. Don't want to burn myself out to soon.

    Pattern developing - run first 400m just a tiny bit too fast each time, then struggle a little to hold pace and form over the second lap. Lungs are working. That is the objective of VO2 I guess.

    Carbon copy time-wise of the second interval. This feels a little easier now that I have a rhythm established. My knee feels fine. I'm really glad I picked up this support. It's not bothering me in the slighest.

    My last 800 is my fastest 800. I didn't deliberately aim for this, I just found myself buoyed by the knowledge that it was the last one.

    And I'm done. That was fun. I've missed intervals. Average 800 time was 2:56.49, which is 3:40 [5:55] pace. Right on the fast limit of target range.
    Cool-down back to hotel. Knee not protesting at all. A little buzzed after this one.

    Take no chances and pick up another pack of frozen peas and ice the knee again (no waste, these packs of peas will travel back to Dublin with me and will go in the freezer there, I'll continue to ice after next few runs and the support will stay on as well).

    Warm-up 4.18K @ 5:10 [2.60M @ 8:18]
    5x800 @ 3:40 [5:55] (average time 2:56.49)
    Cool-down 3.18K @ 5:30 [1.97M @ 8:51]
    Total 13.02K @ 4:44 [8.09M @ 7:38]

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 8.09M @ 8:20 | N/A
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.02K @ 4:44, average interval in 3:40 [8.09M @ 7:38, average interval in 5:55]| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    45 / 44 / 00 / 00 / 41 | 16.18 / 44.90 / 469.08

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Have some catch-up to do here. Been very busy at work and with just general non-running stuff. Been falling behind with sleep as well. I need more hours in the day.

    Last Friday in Athlone I got up and out at 7:30. Knee support in place I just ran very very easy into town, round by the train station and then back the way I came. So much easier to stay in recovery pace in the morning. Knee behaved for this one.

    M01 9:40
    M02 9:29
    M03 9:29
    M04 9:27
    M05 9:23

    Total 5.09M @ 9:30

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 8.09M @ 8:20 | N/A
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.02K @ 4:44, average interval in 3:40 [8.09M @ 7:38, average interval in 5:55]| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.09M @ 9:30 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 8x100m strides | |
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    46 / 45 / 00 / 00 / 40 | 21.27 / 49.99 / 474.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides

    Back in Dublin and back in Nimbus for this. Nice morning with the sun making a half decent effort to come out. Ran around the Memorial Gardens and out the towpath to Chapelizod. Into the Park at Chapelizod Gate and up Acres to the Playing Fields.

    My legs have no zip in them this morning. They feel sluggish heavy and unresponsive. I get into the strides but even they don't seem to be able to wake them up. Exit and head for home via Islandbridge Gate. I need to order new Nimbus soon, this pair is well over the 600 mile mark. Applied ice to knee afterwards.

    7.00K @ 5:14
    8x100m strides @ average stride pace 3:29 [5:36]
    3.60K @ 5:12

    Total 13.00K @ 5:05 [8.08M @ 8:11]

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 8.09M @ 8:20 | N/A
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.02K @ 4:44, average interval in 3:40 [8.09M @ 7:38, average interval in 5:55]| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.09M @ 9:30 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 8x100m strides | 13.00K @ 5:05 average stride 3:29 [8.08M @ 8:11, with average stride 5:36 | 71.10 KG
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    47 / 46 / 00 / 00 / 39 | 29.35 / 58.07 / 482.25

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Again not enough sleep the night before and I didn't feel up for this one. Conditions weren't great either, overcast windy and cold. Wrapped up well with base layer, long sleeve top, running jacket and gloves. Head into the Park at Islandbridge and start lapping anticlockwise. Round behind zoo and up the North Road with a trip up to and back down from Castleknock Gate.

    They're setting up for the Great Ireland Run this morning and I spend time trying to piece the route together based on the kilometre markers I pass. I'm so happy I don't have to race a 10K in these windy conditions. I complete one lap and continue into a second lap as far as Mountjoy Roundabout where I turn down Chesterfield. Soak up some of the atmosphere at the race start, seems like a good turnout. I head down Acres and turn towards the fort. Most of the run I've seen the pace creep up and up until I'm running too fast at 7:51 pace. I spend the last couple of miles slowing up to get back in range. Most miles were run too fast.

    Knee felt good though and gave me no trouble for the rest of the day.

    I don't feel recovered after this recovery week. Happy though that weight is still under control.

    M01 9:13
    M02 8:18
    M03 7:55
    M04 7:49
    M05 7:43
    M06 7:30
    M07 7:40
    M08 7:42
    M09 7:34
    M10 7:35
    M11 7:29
    M12 7:42
    M13 8:17
    M14 8:24

    Total 14.01M @ 7:55

    P&D55 Week 10 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | 8.09M @ 8:20 | N/A
    V02Max 13K with 5x800 @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:00 recovery | 13.02K @ 4:44, average interval in 3:40 [8.09M @ 7:38, average interval in 5:55]| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.09M @ 9:30 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K @ 5:07 to 5:16 with 8x100m strides | 13.00K @ 5:05 average stride 3:29 [8.08M @ 8:11, with average stride 5:36 | 71.10 KG
    MLR 14M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.01M @ 7:55 | 70.65 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    48 / 47 / 00 / 00 / 38 | 43.36 / 72.08 / 496.26

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ LT

    This was tough.

    I was feeling tired most of the day in the office and I really wanted to just get back 'home' and sleep. I didn't fancy running, let alone running an LT session. I was also a little concerned about the knee. It hadn't acted up the last few days, but this was the same session (plus 1K) as the one that provoked this injury back last month.

    A warm-up of around 4K brings me to the track in AIT. Knee twinged again during the opening 200ms. It's busy tonight, being Wednesday night the 'Fit-for-Life' guys are out. I still have lane 1 to myself. This was going to be a mental challenge as much as a physical one: 27 and a half laps of the track seemed excessive! I'd need to be lapping somewhere around 1:35 and 1:36 a lap.

    Away we go. It feels harder than normal right from the off. I'm running 1:36s, I don't hare off as usual at the start. After 3 or 4 laps I'm thinking 27.5 laps is just crazy. Glad this is the last long and fast run I'll be doing on the track. Round and round I go. Overtaking the Fit-for-Lifers acts as a nice distraction.

    Legs are tired and lungs are working as well. Mentally I enter countdown mode too soon, around lap 15 or so, and like a watched kettle, the laps seem to take for ever to pass. Once I start onto lap 20 it feels less daunting to push on to 27 laps.

    I want this to be over. I go through 10K in 40:19. I'm aware that I'm not traveling at any blistering speed and it could be touch and go as to whether or not I hit target pace. I'm tired, tonight my body just wants to rest so it takes some resolve to keep ticking off the laps. I see a few 1:38 splits flashing up.

    Eventually the last lap arrives, I push over the final 200ms and I'm really delighted to have this one completed. No more LT sessions in the plan.

    Average lap time was 1:36.76. And I hit target pace. I also brought up 500 miles for the year.

    Knee on ice later.

    Warm-up 4.72K @ 5:25 [2.94M @ 8:43]
    11K in 44:21 @ 4:01 [6.84M @ 6:29]
    Cool-down 1.80K @ 5:44 [1.12M @ 9:14]

    Total 18.55K @ 4:19 [11.53M @ 6:57]

    For the record: here are the splits.

    L01 1:36.15
    L02 1:36.48
    L03 1:37.12
    L04 1:34.79
    L05 1:35.76
    L06 1:36.28
    L07 1:36.55
    L08 1:36.30
    L09 1:37.27
    L10 1:35.05
    L11 1:37.43
    L12 1:36.25
    L13 1:35.95
    L14 1:36.35
    L15 1:37.37
    L16 1:37.40
    L17 1:37.28
    L18 1:36.72
    L19 1:37.20
    L20 1:36.98
    L21 1:38.75
    L22 1:38.75
    L23 1:36.55
    L24 1:38.35
    L25 1:36.30
    L26 1:37.90
    L27 1:37.47
    L28 0:46.25 (200ms)

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 3:58 to 4:02 | 18.03K @ 4:19 with 11K @ 4:01 [11.53M @ 6:57 with 6.84M @ 6:29] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    49 / 48 / 00 / 00 / 37 | 11.53 / 83.61 / 507.81

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Zero feedback from knee on this one. Ran a lap that took me into town along the old Dublin Road, round the station and back to AIT via Cartrontroy Road. Some roadworks to navigate along the way. This is pretty much 5 miles on the button. So ran two of these then one abbreviated Cartrontroy loop and 'home' to bring up the 12 miles. Forgot to switch auto-lap back on so no miles splits for this. Legs felt largely fine after Wednesday night's efforts.

    12.22M @ 8:01

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | |
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 3:58 to 4:02 | 18.03K @ 4:19 with 11K @ 4:01 [11.53M @ 6:57 with 6.84M @ 6:29] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    50 / 49 / 00 / 00 / 36 | 23.75 / 95.83 / 530.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    A Friday evening run. Just back from Athlone and not super in the mood for this. quickly got into the gear and headed for the Park. Bit chilly out there and I was maybe a little under-dressed with just a t-shirt on top. In at Islandbridge and headed up behind the zoo. Turned at Ratra House down to the Phoenix and to the playing fields. Did the strides here. Then headed back home. Wore support again and had another run without any feedback from the knee. Fingers crossed.

    6.52K @ 5:47 [4.05M @ 9:18]
    6x100m strides @ average stride 3:38 [5:50]
    2.69K @ 5:45 [1.67M @ 9:15]

    Total 11.01K @ 5:36 [6.84M @ 9:00]

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.01K @ 5:36 with average stride 3:38 [6.84M @ 9:00] | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 3:58 to 4:02 | 18.03K @ 4:19 with 11K @ 4:01 [11.53M @ 6:57 with 6.84M @ 6:29] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    51 / 50 / 00 / 00 / 35 | 30.59 / 102.67 / 536.85

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Standard Saturday morning recovery around my standard Saturday morning loop. Easy to keep this in recovery range. Chilly out of the sun. Nice to cross over the bridge in Chapelizod and run back toward town with sunshine on my face. In the last 200ms I got one slight twinge from the knee. Not 100% recovered yet.

    M01 9:54
    M02 9:11
    M03 9:00
    M04 9:16
    M05 9:27

    Total 5.02 @ 9:22

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.01K @ 5:36 with average stride 3:38 [6.84M @ 9:00] | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 3:58 to 4:02 | 18.03K @ 4:19 with 11K @ 4:01 [11.53M @ 6:57 with 6.84M @ 6:29] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.02M @ 9:22 | 71.20 KG
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    52 / 51 / 00 / 00 / 34 | 35.61 / 107.69 / 541.87

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 20 Miles

    Too Fast :(
    Very Comfortable :)

    Frost on the roof this morning so I wrapped up well, base layer, long sleeved top, running jacket and gloves. Headed out some time after 8:00 for this. Plan was simple, into the Park at Islandbridge, 3 anticlockwise laps and then out at Park Gate and home.

    My legs felt like two wet sandbags for the opening miles and I decided not to bother looking at the Garmin. I didn't need it to tell me I was running too slow. Meet a mate behind the zoo on lap one and he accompanied me for a little over a lap. Conversation is welcome as it distracts me from how my legs feel. They start to wake up a little going downhill along Upper Glen Road. I check average pace as I complete lap 1, it's 8:26. I need to pick it up a little.

    Behind the zoo my mate hops back on his bike and cycles with me as far as Mountjoy roundabout. This helps inject a little extra pace. Then when he leaves I stop talking and this introduces even more pace. Legs are awake now.

    The sun has come out as well and suddenly I'm overdressed. Treat it as warm weather training. I'm envious of all the runners just arriving in the park, with their short sleeve tops or singlets. I know the pace has increased, as I complete lap 2 I check and see it has risen to 8:02. That's a big jump in just one lap, I'm clearly running too quick now. Tell myself to ease up a little for the final lap.

    I feel I'm slowing down but the Garmin is saying otherwise as average pace continues to climb. On Ordnance Road it drops to 7:59. I feel fine. Legs are good, knee is grand, and I feel no indication that I'm running out of energy.
    I had 2 glasses of water for breakfast and I'm not carrying any gels (I will do on my next 20 miler).

    The pace keeps rising but the effort seems the same. Average pace at the end of lap 3 is 7:56. Half-hearted attempt to drop it down as I head out Park Gate and then I just accept that this will be second off target session, just like the 18 miler I ran some weeks back.

    Finish 20 miles feeling grand. Legs have ached a bit during the day but a good ache. Left achilles feels a bit stiff. I'm not running tomorrow and maybe not Tuesday either so that should allow them time to loosen out.

    That's week 11 done. I spent some time during today's run thinking ahead to next Saturday. A sense of dread has already taken hold ahead of the first 10K TT of the training plan.

    So Mesocycle 2 is over. Time will tell if I've survived it or not.

    Miles 01 to 05 in 42:46 [8:32]
    M01 9:28
    M02 8:30
    M03 8:18
    M04 8:14
    M05 8:14

    Miles 06 to 10 in 39:26 [7:53]
    M06 8:06
    M07 8:05
    M08 7:59
    M09 7:41
    M10 7:35

    Miles to 11 to 15 in 37:38 [7:32]
    M11 7:19
    M12 7:23
    M13 7:31
    M14 7:44
    M15 7:41

    Miles 16 to 20 in 39:13 [7:50]
    M16 7:34
    M17 7:31
    M18 7:59
    M19 7:56
    M20 8:13

    Total 20.12M @ 7:57

    P&D55 Week 11 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K at 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m strides | 11.01K @ 5:36 with average stride 3:38 [6.84M @ 9:00] | 70.85 KG
    Lactate Threshold 18K with 11K @ 3:58 to 4:02 | 18.03K @ 4:19 with 11K @ 4:01 [11.53M @ 6:57 with 6.84M @ 6:29] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.02M @ 9:22 | 71.20 KG
    LSR 20M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 20.12M @ 7:57 | 70.25 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    53 / 51 / 00 / 00 / 33 | 55.73 / 127.81 / 561.99

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 5K pace

    I've got to be more disciplined. This is the second session in a row that I've run too quickly. My knee was back at me as well for the opening 400ms of tonight's run. It seems like the longer I stay without running the more the knee protests when I start up again. For the last few weeks I've been running 5 days on then 2 days off. Might not be the best formula.

    The knee felt absolutely perfect on Sunday afternoon, all of Monday, all of Tuesday and all of this morning. Then just as I'm leaving AIT at lunchtime having booked the track I can feel an ache returning. I think it was unwise to have run the 20 miler as fast as I did on Sunday, irrespective of how comfortable it felt.

    Anyhow - it was odd to be out in the evening, in warm sunny conditions. More of the same tomorrow evening would be great.

    I've always liked this session: 600s allow you enjoy some speed but the intervals themselves are never too taxing. Arrive at the track. Do a couple of warm-up laps and then get started. I abandon the first interval after about 200ms when I realise I shouldn't be running this as intervals on the Garmin (old habits). I reset the watch to lap manually and start again.

    First 600m is a fraction too fast. Better ease up. Second 600m is even faster :rolleyes: I'm allowing myself 100 seconds recovery. Third 600m is the fastest of the evening at 2:08.03. At 3:33 pace that's faster than 3K pace.

    Resolve to drop the pace for the last two. 4th interval is still just a little to fast. The last interval is run in 2:12.98. That's the pace I should have hit for each 600m. So in the end these were run at 3K rather than 5K pace. That's three sessions falling outside target pace now. Getting sloppy, and with a delicate knee I'm looking for trouble.

    Plan formulating for my upcoming 10K TTs. I might try go sub 39:30 on the first TT, sub 39:15 on the second and sub 39:00 on the final TT. Lets see come Saturday.

    Interval 1 (2:11.98) @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 2 (2:10.80) @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 3 (2:08.03) @ 3:34 [5:43]
    Interval 4 (2:11.70) @ 3:33 [5:43]
    Interval 5 (2:12.98) @ 3:45 [5:53]

    Average (2:11.10) @ 3:39 [5:52]

    Total 13.00K [8.08M]

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.00K [8.08M], with average 600 @ 3:39 [5:52] |
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT - Sub 39:30 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    54 / 51 / 00 / 00 / 32 | 8.08 / 135.89 / 570.07

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    good luck with the TT.
    hope its a confidence booster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    good luck with the TT.
    hope its a confidence booster.

    Thanks man! You have a knack of posting on here when my confidence is wobbling. Appreciate it.

    (ps. the TT was a big confidence boost, more later)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Not as nice out for this one as Wednesday evening but it was still welcome t-shirt only weather. I need to find some new loops in Athlone, I'm getting bored with my current set. For this I think I covered nearly all the usual routes: Old Dublin Road into town, round by the station, over the bridge and around the Shannon walkway, through town, Cartrontroy loop, and laps of the pitches in AIT.

    I was anxious setting out, waiting again for the knee to act-up. It did a little at the start, not as much as yesterday, but it settled down and felt fine for the rest of the run. I paced this one a little better than usual and I was determined to keep average pace slow side of 8:00 min miles.

    Iced the knee afterwards.

    M01 8:41
    M02 8:07
    M03 8:06
    M04 7:52
    M05 7:41
    M06 7:57
    M07 8:08
    M08 7:49
    M09 8:01
    M10 7:55
    M11 7:51
    M12 8:00

    Total 12.22 @ 8:01

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.00K [8.08M], with average 600 @ 3:39 [5:52] |
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | |
    10K TT - Sub 39:30 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    55 / 53 / 00 / 00 / 31 | 20.30 / 148.11 / 582.29

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    My first DNS of the training block. I fell asleep Thursday night, light still on. Woke at 3:00am, turned off light and fell back into deep sleep. Woke around 7:00 thinking this is such a good sleep. A choice to make - up and run or get another hour of quality sleep in. Despite seeing blue skies outside I opted for the latter and didn't feel too bad about it. I felt super refreshed for the day.

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.00K [8.08M], with average 600 @ 3:39 [5:52] |
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | DNS | N/A
    10K TT - Sub 39:30 attempt | |
    LSR 17M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    55 / 53 / 01 / 00 / 30 | 20.30 / 148.11 / 582.29

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K TT

    This is the run which for me signals the start of the toughest section of this P&D plan. The next few weeks will see 2 more 10K TTs (or maybe a 10K race), a 14 mile sub 3 hour marathon paced run, another 20 miler and a series of longer and longer VO2Max interval sessions. Throw in a dodgy left knee and the next few weeks look daunting.

    For Saturday's 10K I decided I'd target a sub 39:30 on the Garmin. I could hit this target on 3:56 [6:20] pace. Not too much quicker than my recent tempos so surely not too much to worry about. However I couldn't shake a sense of dread ahead of this one. I wasn't in the mood to hurt but I knew this would hurt and I'd not been looking forward to it all week.

    On my warm-up I meet overpronator doing hill repeats with Donore up and down the Khyber. I've been thinking about joining Donore after Cork, mainly to join in on their Sunday morning 16 milers. These I reckon would really help build up some leg strength.

    I reach Chesterfield and turn right. Arrive at Furze Road and I stop and reset the Garmin. Sun is out, it's a nice morning with no strong winds blowing. They've chopped down my usual starting-line tree (but planted new trees in its place) so I use a yellow line on the road as my starting line. I stroll up and down a bit beforehand, a mix of stalling and of just getting prepared mentally. Then it's time. It'll be three full laps of the Furze, Ordnance and Chesterfield loop, plus one more time down Furze and up 95% of Ordnance. Target sub 39:30.

    Lap 1
    A forgiving slight downhill to start. This sees me immediately running too fast. It feels comfortable but no heroics today so I make sure to ease up and try to drop down to target pace 3:56 [6:20]. I swing onto Ordnance and start my first trip up this steady drag. First K logs at 3:53 [6:15].

    After a 100ms or so I realise there's a car matching my pace travelling on the other side of the road. I think please don't ask directions. I look across and the driver has the window rolled down and is looking at me. "That's a good pace you're going at. You'd want to watch the camber on the road though." I mention something about preferring the tarmac to the harder path surface but he says he thinks there is some give on the path. "Are you with a club?". I say no. "I'm with Liffey Valley, look us up. We're looking for runners like yourself". "I've been running 35 years, you're travelling very well." Mention that I'm training for Cork, he says I look like I'll go under 3:10 no problem. Mentions Liffey Valley again says best of luck and drives off. I believe he was genuine and I'd be lying if I said this didn't act as a timely confidence boost.

    I turn off Ordnance and start down Chesterfield. Not watching splits, just keeping an eye on average pace and I see it's dropped to 3:55 [6:19]. I get just a little anxious in case it drops any further and start to push ever so slightly. I turn right back onto Furze and speed over my yellow line.

    Lap 2
    I spot 3:54 [6:17] showing half way down. But the pinch has started now and the endurance test will begin soon enough. I'm overtaking some other runners which always acts as a distraction. The slight headwind that I barely noticed first time round now feels like it's working against me. I swing wide round the corner and back onto Ordnance. I take Liffey Valley's advice and opt for the path this time. Nobody to talk to and the drag feels tougher. I make a decision not to look at the Garmin again until I've completed another length of Furze. I don't want to look at it now as a slow average pace on this uphill would probably demotivate me.

    Glad to turn onto Chesterfield again. Half way down I realise I might be easing off a little too much as I try recover from the Ordnance drag. I push a little. Back onto Furze, back into the headwind and back over my yellow line.

    Lap 3
    My footfall feels flatter, my form feels sloppy, I'm not happy. The wind is getting to me, my lungs are working. I feel like I'm slowing. I remember this session last year when I was trying for sub 40, struggling badly and where I abandoned the third lap at the bottom of Furze in favour of a more downhill route. I wouldn't allow myself do that this year. Lots of negative thoughts though as I'm convincing myself that the session is drifting away from me. Eventually I reach the bottom of Furze and prepare myself for whatever bad news the Garmin has in store. I am shocked instead to see an average pace of 3:52 [6:13] :eek:

    This changes everything (so much is in the head). I was convinced that as effort levels were rising I was slowing. The opposite may have been truer, the more I was speeding up, the more the effort levels were growing. I am well on track for my sub 39:30 target. I'm suddenly confident of hitting my goal. However I'm still hurting and I still have a way to travel. I introduce some caution and ease up just a little, just get some breathing space on the uphill and then hold her steady until the last K, that's the plan. I pass the duck-pond at the top of Ordnance and tell myself that it's just one full lap now.

    I'm in countdown mode and dreaming of finishing. Down Chesterfield enjoying the slight break this gives the legs. I'm not going to look at the Garmin until the bottom of Furze again. I turn right off Chesterfield and over my yellow line.

    Lap 4 (partial lap).
    I heard 8K sound around the start of Furze. P&D have this session defined as an 8K to 15K race. Why didn't I opt for 8K? Legs and lungs working hard. Form still not great. Not too much longer now, hold it steady and you'll hit target. Bottom of Furze and I check pace as I turn for the final drag up Ordnance, average pace 3:54 [6:17]. I'm on the last K. I'm sticking to the path again. I push, I don't want the drag to drop that average pace any further. Up ahead I spot some runners and I use them as a distraction, I imagine I'm in a race and I need to pull them in. I glance at distance, just 500ms to go. I overtake the runners. Lungs are working hard. I pick out a point up ahead where I estimate the finish line.

    Another glance at the Garmin and with about 140ms to go I realise that I've hit my goal but I could maybe go sub 39. I push hard, don't relent. The Garmin beeps, I hit stop. Little fist pump as I see 38:55 showing. Brilliant. :)

    I walk for the next few minutes enjoying the satisfaction of the session success. Really thrilled with this. I was going to target sub 39:00 on the final TT, instead it's come early. This is just one second outside my 10K PB (ok there was no racing line to worry about today), it's the first time I've gone sub 39 in training. It's a big improvement on last year where I had to 'cheat' a little just to go sub 40:00. And my knee didn't protest at all.

    This was a surprise confidence-boost session. So much so that I'm already viewing the next two TTs with just a little less dread. I think watching the Garmin only once per lap was good. On this course I think it's ok to monitor it as much as I want over the first lap as I try to establish pace. But then once a lap (at the fastest point of the lap) is sufficient. Looking at it any more just increases the mental pressure.

    I forgot to weigh in after this, but after today's run (Sunday) I weighed in at a record low of 69.60 kilos; so I think weight also had a role to play Saturday. Buzzed for the rest of the day.

    Garmin Link

    Warm-up 3.81K @ 5:21 [2.37M @ 8:37]

    K01 3:53 [6:15]
    K02 3:59 [6:25]
    K03 3:49 [6:08]
    K04 3:47 [6:05]
    K05 3:56 [6:19]
    K06 3:50 [6:11]
    K07 3:56 [6:19]
    K08 3:56 [6:20]
    K09 3:55 [6:18]
    K10 3:55 [6:18]

    Total 10.00K in 38:55.16
    @ 3:54 [6:16]

    Cool-down 4.51K @ 5:07 [2.80M @ 8:14]

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.00K [8.08M], with average 600 @ 3:39 [5:52] |
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | DNS | N/A
    10K TT - Sub 39:30 attempt | 38:55 pace 3:54 [6:16] | N/A
    LSR 17M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    56 / 53 / 01 / 00 / 29 | 31.68 / 159.49 / 593.67

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Fair play to you on that TT. That takes some amount of mental strength on yer own! Great work!! I'd say you're still buzzing from that one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ososlo wrote: »
    Fair play to you on that TT. That takes some amount of mental strength on yer own! Great work!! I'd say you're still buzzing from that one!

    Thanks Ososlo. Yip buzz only wearing off around now. They're all the more enjoyable when they're unexpected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 17 Miles

    An enjoyable change of scenery for Sunday’s run. I’d been thinking for sometime about heading out to Poolbeg Lighthouse on a sunny Sunday morning. Bounced the idea off overpronator when I meet him at 8:30. Poolbeg it is.

    We start with a loop up along the NCR and down onto the Quays by the Conference Centre. Both of us had testing Saturday runs but neither of us are suffering any ill effects. Over the East Link Bridge and veer left for Irish-town Nature Reserve and Poolbeg Station. Some trail running with some cosy looking sandy coves below us. Bright blue skies this morning. I’ve never been so close to the familiar twin chimneys. Slightly eerie lost atmosphere around here, mix of concrete, industry, sea and wilderness. you’re very aware that you’re a long way from the city centre.

    The lighthouse comes into view, it looks deceptively close at first, it’s only when you start out the seawall do you realise that it is quite a distance out. The views and the mood are great but the running surface on the wall is very unforgiving. Big uneven granite slabs, with some nasty potholes. I’ve retired my old Nimbus and a new pair are in the post. With over 650 miles completed on the old pair I’ve wondered if they have been partially responsible for my left knee issues. While waiting for the new pair to arrive I’m running exclusively in the ST5s and these are certainly not the right shoe for granite seawall.

    Quite a few other runners around. We get to the lighthouse and pause for a little while just to take in the views across to Dun Laoghaire and over to Howth. I’d never noticed the Green North Bull lighthouse before. We turn around and battle our way back into a stiff headwind. Getting off the seawall was lovely, back on tarmac and dirt track, out of the cold and noise of the wind and able to feel warmth from the sunshine again.

    The return trip is a bit more tiring than the outbound trip. I’m blaming the wind. We head direct for town along Pearse Street, through Trinity, Dame Street, down to quays and along to Heuston. Finish by cutting through IMMA. A bit too much pavement running and too many traffic light stop and starts through the city centre, the legs didn’t appreciate either so late in the run. Completed closer to 18 miles than the prescribed 17, but kept the pace inside target range.

    I also weigh-in at 69.60 KG after this one, lowest recorded weight since getting these scales a few years back.

    Knee? Hint of a twinge over first 200ms to 300ms and then nothing.

    M01 8:29
    M02 7:56
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:50
    M05 7:51
    M06 7:57 (600 miles for the year)
    M07 7:43
    M08 7:58
    M09 8:00
    M10 8:04
    M11 8:31
    M12 8:13
    M13 7:59
    M14 8:13
    M15 8:06
    M16 8:11
    M17 7:56

    Total 17.60M @ 8:03

    P&D55 Week 12 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 6x600m @ 3:40 to 3:45 | 13.00K [8.08M], with average 600 @ 3:39 [5:52] | N/A
    MLR 12M @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 12.22M @ 8:01 | N/A
    Recovery 8K @ 5:48 to 6:13 with 6x100m Strides | DNS | N/A
    10K TT - Sub 39:30 attempt | 38:55 pace 3:54 [6:16] | N/A
    LSR 17M @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 17.60M @ 8:03 | 69.60 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    57 / 54 / 01 / 00 / 28 | 49.28 / 177.09 / 611.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3 Miles

    A non P&D lunchtime run yesterday. The knee had protested after two days off last week so I want to try bridge the gap just a little between Sunday and Wednesday. I keep this very short and keep the effort easy. The knee behaves fine, instead my left shin stings a bit at moments. Related to knee or maybe just too much concrete and granite yesterday?

    Run over to Kilmainham, then along the canal before turning in for Rialto. Down past James and down the Luas tracks to Heuston and finish the loop back home.

    Rest up now ahead of a track session in AIT Wednesday evening.

    M01 9:11
    M02 9:20
    M03 9:05

    Total 3.03M @ 9:12

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2 Max 5x1K @ 5K pace

    Sleepy as I write. Eyes closing.

    That little 3 mile filler run from Monday lunchtime may have done the trick. This evening the knee did not twinge at all. However instead the left shin continued to sting a bit and ache a bit.

    Sunshine as I head out this evening a little after 19:00. There's a chilly breeze blowing. Do my usual warm-up around Cartrontroy and then join the track. A few other groups out training. I'm a little worried about tonight's session, cannot predict how it will go.

    K1 in 3:39.48
    I start too fast. The first 400m felt very fluid. Started to get difficult during the second lap. Then the last 200m are tricky and run mostly into a chilly headwind. Split time is 3K pace rather than 5K pace.

    K2 in 3:40.95
    Resolve to run this one a little slower. Ease off a tiny bit. Again my stride feels fluid. The first 400 are fine, the next 400 less so and the last 200 are tough. It felt like I was running much slower, but it was only 1.5 seconds slower for the K.

    K3 in 3:42.35
    I continue my gradual slow-down. Each interval happy that I can ease off a tiny bit more. The last 200ms into the chill wind are tough. Lungs are working harder than legs.

    K4 in 3:43.52
    Slow down some more for this one. I'm still working hard, especially the lungs. Pleased to see a 3:43 interval, I want to keep the average interval pace on target. Between intervals I jog on the grass interior football field.

    K5 in 3:43.00
    I'm taking 2:30 minute jogged recovery between intervals. This allows me to recover to around 90%. This final interval passes quickly. One of the groups is being led on a fast lap and is strung out in Indian file. I overtake the tail runner and settle in behind the next one (getting some shelter from the wind). They're running at my pace and it's nice to be able to switch off a little and just follow the guy in front.

    So the session is a success with an average interval pace of 3:41.86 [5:57.05]. My biggest concern is my left shin now. I tried to stick to grass for my cool-down where possible, but the shin felt heavy and ached a little. So it was more icing this evening, for the shin not the knee.

    It was really cold out there during my cool-down. Both arms pretty numb when I was done. The cold also causing my usual 'nerve-pulse' in my right arm.

    Warm-Up 4.66K @ 5:33 [2.90M @ 8:56]
    5x1K @ average 3:41.86 [5:57.05]
    Cool-down 2.26K @ 5:18 [1.40M @ 8:32]
    Total 14.03K @ 4:44 [8.72M @ 7:37]

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | |
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.03K @ 4:44, average interval 3:41.86 [8.72M @ 7:37, average interval pace 5:57]|
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | |
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:14 to 4:16 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    59 / 56 / 01 / 00 / 26 | 11.75 / 188.84 / 623.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Might be no harm to get yourself to a physio for an aul service OFAR? I find a sports massage can really work out those niggles that you seem to be carrying

  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭tomwaits48

    you are some man Donal, you've come a long way and ail by training mostly solo. fair play. been a while since I dropped by the log, what's the target for Cork?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    Might be no harm to get yourself to a physio for an aul service OFAR? I find a sports massage can really work out those niggles that you seem to be carrying

    You're right. Left leg is not enjoying this cycle. I'd prefer to check-in with a physio in Dublin (than Athlone), but tomorrow I have to head to Milan for work for over a week. Might see if there's a local physio there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Only catching up now. Well done on the time trial. Great work to hit that time on your own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    tomwaits48 wrote: »
    you are some man Donal, you've come a long way and ail by training mostly solo. fair play. been a while since I dropped by the log, what's the target for Cork?

    Good to see you back. Those first few long runs you've posted look very encouraging. Targets for Cork are:

    <3:10:00 = Gold
    <3:15:00 = Silver
    <3:18:43 = Bronze
    <3:20:00 = Consolation

    I'm training with sub 3:00 paces but target is sub 3:10, did the same last year, trained for sub 3:10 to try run 3:20 and it worked sweetly, produced a negative split as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Only catching up now. Well done on the time trial. Great work to hit that time on your own.

    Thanks T. Yeah went better than expected. Definitely helped just checking the Garmin at strategic points rather than obsessing over average pace every 300ms. I'm due in Milan for the next scheduled TT so I reckon heat will be a big factor next time out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Some more ups and downs to report. Left shin was definitely swollen and a little bruised last Thursday during the day. I probably could have got away with running but opted to play it safe. Sunday I had a key session and I reckoned the best preparation would involve resting the legs. I would skip the MLR and short GA session. Managed to catch up on some much needed sleep as well.

    So laced up again on Saturday morning and headed into town. I was paying so much attention to my knee and shin that I took my eye off target pace and ran faster than intended, but always kept it feeling very easy.

    Zero protest from knee. Just a little ache at one point from a much improved shin. In town I stop to buy some fish and with rucksack full head back for home. Bit disappointed I didn't stick to target pace but very happy with how knee and shin behaved.

    M01 8:44
    M02 8:30
    M03 9:07
    M04 9:10
    M05 9:15

    Total 5.00M @ 8:58

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.03K @ 4:44, average interval 3:41.86 [8.72M @ 7:37, average interval pace 5:57]| N/A
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 8:58 | 71.60 KG
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:14 to 4:16 | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    60 / 56 / 03 / 00 / 23 | 16.75 / 193.84 / 628.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    29K with 23K at PMP

    So Saturday the left knee behaved and the left shin showed signs of improvement. Then during the early hours of Sunday morning my left calf cramps up. Ouch. I could still feel the aftermath of the cramp as I got ready for Sunday's key session. I looked out the window and saw grey skies, it looked wet and windy. So I layered up with base layer, running top and running jacket. I put two gels in my pocket and poured some water into the only bottle I could find lying about. Headed out, still wearing knee support.

    Within a mile I was already fed-up with the bottle, it was too big, too heavy and too noisy. Next time I must grab one of junior outforarun's mini-bottles. Up behind the zoo, I take a big gulp of water and bin the bottle. No gels today then. After another mile or so I realise it's actually quite warm and it was a mistake to dress up so much. Not a great start.

    Near the top of the North Road I complete my 6K of warm-up and it's time for the session to start proper. I speed up to what I feel is target pace. I run up to the Castleknock Gate without looking at watch then back down the other side of the road. I check the Garmin for the first time as I turn right onto Ordnance Road and see 4:14 [6:49] showing. I'm a little unhappy with this, I thought I was travelling faster, this could indicate that it's going to be a long morning. I check the Garmin again at the intersection with Furze and it's dropped to 4:16 [6:52]. Not good. I push, resolving to try bank some time on the next downhill couple of kilometres. Next time I look at the Garmin it's down by Chapelizod Gate and my plan has worked, average pace 4:10 [6:42]. Ok ease just up little and try settle on a comfortable pace as I head for the S-Bends.

    Feels humid and I don't feel very comfortable. I know I'll slow naturally as I head up behind the zoo. Stride doesn't feel super smooth and I can't say I'm really enjoying this one. Happy though that neither knee nor shin nor calf are bothering me.

    Reach the top of North Road to complete one full lap with 4:14 [6:49] average pace. Push up to Castleknock Gate again and I'm pleased to turn around and start into some gentle downhill. Pace is holding at 4:14 [6:49] but it doesn't feel as comfortable as I'd like. I've auto-lap switched off so I've no idea what my kilometre splits are like, remember afterwards that Strava captures kilometre splits anyway. When I review the splits later I'm surprised to see how consistent they were.

    After the S-bends near the bottom of Military Road I turn sharp left and up to the Playing fields. I've started to feel proper tired now. Again I'm running this without any breakfast and I feel I could do with one of my gels, but I'm not going to risk one without water. Pace has dropped to 4:15 [6:50] as I head up Acres. It's still on target but I'm aware that the pace is starting to drop while the effort levels are starting to rapidly increase. I plan on getting to the Phoenix and then running down Chesterfield and I can't wait for the descent.

    Even when I do turn down Chesterfield the effort levels continue to rise. This is hard work and for a moment I'm tempted to hit the lap button and just settle for 20K at target pace rather than 23K. I persevere though, and when I turn right onto Wellington with only about 2K remaining I know I'm going to complete the session and probably on target. Still though, 2K felt like a long way. Very happy to be stopped at traffic lights by Saint John's Road. Heading up by the Hilton the average pace is still 4:15 [6:50]. I have about 500ms to go and I find some reserves of energy and start to push again. Manage to get the average pace down to 4:14 [6:50] before hitting 23K.

    Fairly wrecked after this. This took a lot of effort. That was 14.30 miles at 2:58 marathon pace. There is no way I am ready for a sub 3 marathon effort and it proves to me that running P&D like I do with training paces for a marathon time 10 minutes faster than my goal pace, is very wise (although that 10 minutes buffer may have to drop to 8 or 6 minutes if I ever do have a crack at sub 3).

    Positives I take from this run:
    • knee, shin and calf all behaved ok, no protests during or after run
    • I won a mental battle near the end when I was tempted to bail at around 20K
    • I managed this off no breakfast and with no gels

    Splits from Strava:

    K01 5:30 [8:51]
    K02 5:33 [8:56]
    K03 5:14 [8:25]
    K04 4:57 [7:58]
    K05 5:00 [8:03]
    K06 5:02 [8:06]
    Total 6.01K @ 5:13 [3.73M @ 8:24]

    PMP Section
    K07 4:14 [6:49]
    K08 4:19 [6:57]
    K09 4:03 [6:31]
    K10 4:03 [6:31]
    K11 4:15 [6:50]
    K12 4:12 [6:46]
    K13 4:20 [6:58]
    K14 4:15 [6:50]
    K15 4:17 [6:54]
    K16 4:19 [6:57]
    K17 4:15 [6:50]
    K18 4:14 [6:49]
    K19 4:15 [6:50]
    K20 4:15 [6:50]
    K21 4:20 [6:58]
    K22 4:16 [6:52]
    K23 4:15 [6:50]
    K24 4:13 [6:47]
    K25 4:17 [6:54]
    K26 4:15 [6:50]
    K27 4:09 [6:41]
    K28 4:20 [6:58]
    K29 4:12 [6:46]
    Total 23.01K @ 4:14 [14.30M @ 6:50]

    Overall Total 29.01K @ 4:27 [18.03M @ 7:09]

    And another post run weigh-in record of 69.50 KG (despite eating a lot on Saturday).

    P&D55 Week 13 Session Targets|Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8 Miles @ 8:15 to 8:30 | DNS | DNS
    VO2Max 14K with 5x1K @ 3:40 to 3:45 off 2:30 recovery | 14.03K @ 4:44, average interval 3:41.86 [8.72M @ 7:37, average interval pace 5:57]| N/A
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | DNS | DNS
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 9:20 to 10:00 | 5.00M @ 8:58 | 71.60 KG
    PMP 29K with 23K at 4:14 to 4:16 | 29.01K @ 4:27 with 23.01K @ 4:14 [18.03M @ 7:09 with 14.30M @ 6:50 | 69.50 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    60 / 56 / 03 / 00 / 23 | 16.75 / 193.84 / 628.02

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,065 ✭✭✭dublin runner

    I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. That's a cracking session, especially on empty. I don't think you are too far off three hours. I think 3.10 is soft and you should back yourself and find a midway point. No reason why you couldn't set off at 3.05 pace (at a minimum) imo and take it from there. Sessions like that always feel harder solo.
