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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    watch that knee - running so many miles slower than normal can do strange things to your gait.

    I think you're right. I've been coming to that conclusion myself. The knee never causes me issues when running fast. And it tends to act up at the start of runs, when I'm normally travelling at my slowest. I'm actually a little concerned about how slow I'll have to run DCM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    Also, running 20 easy miles (unless running huge miles) I would argue is very counterproductive at this point. I mention this especially as you coming off a marathon in the spring and have a goal 10km race in four weeks. I would limit any future long runs to 2hrs/15miles tops.

    Thanks for the feedback. When you put it like that it doesn't make a lot of sense running 20. I think half of me was thinking DCM when really I should be focused purely on Blessington. I'm going to adopt your advice and put that 2hr/15M cap in place until after Blessington.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    looking forward to seeing what you can do in blessington. hopefully if injury free and plenty of hard intervals*, you'll do the biz. keep it up, your dedication is remarkable.
    * these will make a man of ya!

    Thanks again for the encouragement. I'm feeling very confident ahead of Blessington, hopefully I can keep that confidence in place right up to and including race day. Touch wood the knee behaves until then. Might start including strength exercises in my weekly table.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Got out Tuesday at lunchtime for a very humid 4 miler. Had to call to post-office during this one. Popped into Kilmainham post office after 0.33 miles, still nice and fresh, but the post office was closed for lunch.

    Took a diversion down along the canal and then back into Rialto via Dolphin’s Barn, cut through the hospital and then into Jame’s Post Office. It was open but by this time I was dripping sweat. Tried to keep out of everyone’s personal bubble while queuing.

    Then back on the road to finish the 4 miles. Legs were fine and gave absolutely no hint that I’d run 20 miles the previous morning.

    M01 8:56
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:06
    M04 7:47

    Total 4.02M @ 8:20

    Toward Blessington Week 2 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.02M @ 8:20 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Parkrun PB attempt <19:15 | |
    LSR 12 - 14 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 24.10M MTD 24.10M YTD 1058.86M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    I’m really struggling with motivation for my midweek Athlone (non-track) runs. I get lazy after work and stall and then think about skipping the run. Wednesday was the last evening for a while in Athlone, so I reminded myself of this, got in the gear and headed out while just ignoring the fact I didn’t want to run.

    10 miles on the menu at easy pace. I have a Parkrun scheduled for Saturday so having done a 20 miler on Monday I want everything in between to be easy. The Parkrun is my session for the week.

    The first mile of the 10 miler the left knee is complaining. I persuade myself to ignore it. Into mile 2 and it has settled down and it doesn’t protest again for the rest of the run. After 4 or 5 miles I’ve eased into the run and some rain showers help make it more fun. I repeat my slightly altered West of the Shannon loop before heading back East side and out to AIT. Some wet and rainy laps of the GAA pitches where a few guys are doing some football training, and then I start heading back to hotel once the Garmin beeps 9 miles.

    M01 8:41
    M02 8:33
    M03 8:11
    M04 8:06
    M05 8:10
    M06 8:20
    M07 8:09
    M08 8:07
    M09 7:45
    M10 8:11

    Total 10.06M @ 8:14

    Toward Blessington Week 2 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.02M @ 8:20 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.06M @ 8:14 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Parkrun PB attempt <19:15 | |
    LSR 12 - 14 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 34.16M MTD 34.16M YTD 1068.92M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Waterstown Parkrun

    (kept postponing Friday's 4 miler run during the day before eventually just knocking it on the head)

    Plan had been to run this in Finsbury Park but didn't travel to London in the end so ended up keeping it local. Left home shortly before 9:00 on Saturday morning. Leaving it a bit tight to get across from Kilmainham to Waterstown for 9:30. Legs felt ok during this warm-up, tiny bit of left knee feedback over the first 500ms or so. Warm morning with some sunshine. Arrive just as the Parkrun director begins her pre-run briefing. I check out potential opponents for podium places and spot 2 guys (one in a blue-top, one in an orange-top) that look like they could be speedy. I know these aren’t supposed to be seen as races, but I can’t help myself.

    We all move to the startline I stay close to the front. I’d forgotten to switch autolap from 1 mile to 1 kilometer so I don’t have kilometre splits for this one. Goal is to grab a new Parkrun PB of sub 19:15, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping to log an 18:XX.

    For the first 200ms or so I’m in a group with around 5 or 6 others, and up ahead I see the 3 lead runners already opening a gap. I decide immediately to push out of my group and see if I can stay with the front three, which includes both Blue-top and Orange-top.

    Waterstown is a strategic course, the opening section is mostly a long downhill where you can really bank lots of seconds, then there are two undulating loops of the park in the middle, before finishing up a steep and fairly long final climb. As we finish the opening descent I see 3:22 [5:25] pace showing on the Garmin! But it doesn’t feel like it’s taking too much out of me. We run alongside the Liffey on loop 1 – Blue-top has taken the lead, secon placed Orange-top is about 20ms behind and the third place runner is visibly falling off the early pace and is around 40ms behind Orange-top. After I guess 1500ms I move into third place, from his breathing I don’t think he’ll be able to stay with me. My first mile was completed in 5:32!

    It’s strange to be so far into a 5K and see low 3:3X pace showing. I ease up ever so slightly and just spend the rest of the first loop watching the average pace drop slowly. Blue-top and Orange-top continue to lead the way, the gaps between P1, P2 and P3 are holding steady.

    I get some encouragement from a steward as we turn onto loop 2 and drop back down to the Liffey. I can see Blue-top starting to glance behind. I’m still travelling in the 3:3Xs and legs are working now for sure. I’m reluctant to push so soon though and I’m happy to just hold this gap for now. I don’t sense any threat from behind. We start lapping the slower runners here. And now I notice the gap to the lead two is closing a little. Up front I see that Orange-top is catching up with Blue-top. They’re still at least 50m ahead of me though. We turn left over the small bridge and up a short climb, which the legs are really feeling second time round. Another stride disrupting sharp left and I can see Orange-top and Blue-top are running side by side.

    There’s only around 1K to go, but it has the toughest profile of the day. The Garmin shows 3:40 [5:54] pace for the first time. I know that barring a disaster I’ll pick up a new Parkrun PB. Orange-top has taken the lead and is pushing ahead. I won’t be catching him. However I’m closing in on Blue-top. I chatted with Blue-top after the race and he said he decided to leave Orange-top go and opted instead to conserve energy to try secure second spot.

    As we turn up the final hill Blue-top is only 10ms ahead. But I’m working very hard now and the hill is doing the legs no favours. It’s only a Parkrun, you don’t have to race him, you’ve surely got your target PB, that’s a good morning’s work. Blue-top’s stride looks strong I pull up to maybe 5m and I reckon he hears my breathing getting too close and he kicks on. I half-heartedly try to stay with him, but concede with about 20m to go to the finish line. Didn’t have the stomach this morning to go eyes-out.

    Orange-top wins in 18:36, Blue-top is second in 18:54 and I come third in 18:57. There were 93 finishers today.

    I covered 5.15K on the Garmin with and average pace of 3:41 [5:56] showing. On Strava I covered 5K neat in 18:21, so really happy with that. I got a new Parkrun PB and going under 19:00 was a nice bonus, and for the first time this year I feel my estimated 5K pace of 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02], reflects my actual 5K pace.

    Enjoyed that run and right now I’d love to give it another shot. I’ll run one more here but then I’ll volunteer to help out – it’s a really interesting course with a challenging profile.

    Warm-up 3.45M @ 8:11

    M01 5:32 [3:27]
    M02 5:52 [3:39]
    M03 6:16 [3:54]

    Total 3.20m @ 5:55 [5.15K @ 3:41]

    Cool-down 3.38M @ 8:03

    Toward Blessington Week 2 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.02M @ 8:20 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.06M @ 8:14 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | DNS | N/A
    Parkrun PB attempt <19:15 | 5.15K in 18:57 @ 3:41 [5:55] | 70.45 KG
    LSR 12 - 14 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 44.19M MTD 44.19M YTD 1078.95M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 12 Miles

    Out mid-morning Sunday for what was supposed to be 12 miles at 7:54 to 8:13 pace. I soon realised my usual 12 mile route was following a lot of the RnR HM route. I was a good bit behind the field so got to see the clean-up operation in action. There is some mess left behind when a race of this size passes through. There is also a phenomenal waste of Powerade. The road was covered with blue filled bottles from the end of the towpath in Chapelizod, all the way over the bridge and out beyond Chapelizod Gate. I entered the Park at Chapelizod and start heading up Glen Road where I merge with the HM field.

    I stay off the road where possible and Inevitably I speed up as I overtake literally 100s of runners before leaving the field at the start of Furze Road when I head for Knockmaroon Gate.
    However I now stay with the new effort level and the speed doesn’t drop off. Legs feel very good. Not a single protest from the knee today. Speed increases some more as I head down Whites Road and back into the Park. Some more navigating of the HM field around OS Road, Furze Road and back up Chesterfield.

    Leave the HM behind for a while as I continue around North Road and then down to the Phoenix and down a very windy Acres Road. I turn left and head for the S-Bends and I’m seeing the tail-enders of the HM now. Long morning’s work for them. I’ve long abandoned any notions of running on target pace this morning and I’m just enjoying this faster than planned run. I exit via Park Gate and head home from there. The last three miles were all sub 7:00.

    Enjoyed that. A fun weekend’s running. I also hit 56 miles for the week, ensuring my average weekly mileage for the last 6 weeks stays over 40miles (42.2).

    M01 9:00
    M02 8:16
    M03 7:35
    M04 7:06
    M05 8:19
    M06 7:24
    M07 7:27
    M08 7:10
    M09 7:18
    M10 6:46
    M11 6:57
    M12 6:44

    Total 12.17M @ 7:30

    Toward Blessington Week 2 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.02M @ 8:20 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.06M @ 8:14 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | DNS | N/A
    Parkrun PB attempt <19:15 | 5.15K in 18:57 @ 3:41 [5:55] | 70.45 KG
    LSR 12 - 14 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 12.17M @ 7:30 | 69.40 KG

    WTD 56.36M MTD 56.36M YTD 1091.12M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Some catch-up to do here. My last run in Ireland for a while was last Monday at lunchtime.
    Kept it easy and didn't check Garmin until I was finished. A simple lap of the playing fields. No protest from the knee. Not 100% sure yet how the rest of the week will come together as I fly to Italy Thursday morning. Doubt I'll manage to hit 40 miles running.

    M01 8:31
    M02 8:23
    M03 7:50
    M04 8:00

    Total 4.04M @ 8:11

    Toward Blessington Week 3 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:11| N/A
    Short Hill Climb | |
    Cross Training approx 7 hour hike climbing 1300m | |
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 4.04M MTD 60.40M YTD 1095.16M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Had maybe 90mins sleep Wednesday evening before hopping on 6:15 flight to Italy. So I was fairly sleepy heading out for this one late Thursday afternoon. Started with an easy downhill warm-up. My usual route here, heading down from Roncobello to the next village Baresi. Then I turn around and start my first climb of this break. As always I immediately notice that I'm breathing more than normal, it's also quite warm. But so far the knee is not protesting neither downhill nor uphill.

    I pass back through Roncobello and continue uphill to the next village, Capovalle. I pass one other runner on his downhill stretch. The last 500ms or so of ascent are fairly tough and I'm happy to swing round the little chapel in Capovalle and begin my descent.

    Pleased with my climb split afterwards. I haven't checked but I think it's on the faster side of what I was doing here last year. I wasn't trying to climb particularly fast.

    Down 0.93M @ 9:13
    Up 2.24M @ 9:21 (20:55)
    Down 1.25M @ 7:47

    Total 4.42M @ 8:52

    Toward Blessington Week 3 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:11| N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.42M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Cross Training approx 7 hour hike climbing 1300m | |
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 8.46M MTD 64.82M YTD 1099.58M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Cross Training - Medium Hike

    I know I won't hit 40 miles running this week but part of the reason is because Friday I go on a decent knee-strengthening hike.

    Start at Roncobello I walk briskly up above the tree line, covering around 3.5 miles and rising around 550ms to approx 1600m. From here I'm joined by mrs outforarun and we continue up a mix of rocky and grassy trail. From around 2000ms there is a testing steep climb (occasional use of hands can be required) to bring us up to the top of the pass at around 2300ms. A rocky descent down the other side to two lakes formed by a large dam. We stop at a mountain refuge for some red ale and some local grub. Could easily have gotten very comfortable here. Then begin our long descent back down to Roncobello.

    Legs felt nicely fatigued (and a little sunburned) for the rest of the day. This also helped the system adapt some more to the lower oxygen levels up here.

    Toward Blessington Week 3 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:11| N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.42M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Cross Training approx 7 hour hike climbing 1300m | Completed | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 8.46M MTD 64.82M YTD 1099.58M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    13K with 20x200m hill climbs @ 3K to 5K pace

    Hot this morning. If it was like this for yesterday's hike I would have been lobster pink. I stall a little before heading out for this one. Start with a mostly uphill warm-up of a little over 2K. Then I get to work. My track is a straight stretch of smoothly tarmaced road, it measures around 240m so perfect for this workout. It's a moderate climb for the first 150m and then the next 50ms are a testing climb. I'd do 20 with a jog down recovery.

    First 5 are about finding pace. I'm aiming for 3K to 5K pace. First few are a little fast so I ease up a bit with the prospect of another 17 to finish. I have an assorted audience for these, including some dogs who after a while give up barking like crazy each time I pass up and down. Some people walking exchange some comments. And one old guy sitting on a bench at the start of the road eventually asks how many do I have to do. I'm happy he realises there is some method to this madness.

    As the 200s tick by I realise I'm hitting 3K pace more than 5K pace. It's getting hotter though and the sun is burning on each descent.

    The last 5 are fairly tough and I'm breathing hard over the final 50m stretch of each climb. Lose a little concentration on the second last 200m and post my slowest split of the morning. Overcompensate on the final 200 with a 3:29 paced effort.

    Soaked through with sweat after this. Must compare with splits from last year. I think I'll repeat this session again next Saturday. Passed 1100 miles for the year.

    43.93 (3:40)
    43.42 (3:37)
    43.45 (3:37)
    45.52 (3:48)
    45.06 (3:45)
    41.88 (3:29)
    43.35 (3:37)
    42.24 (3:31)
    44.83 (3:44)
    43.45 (3:37)
    42.37 (3:32)
    43.85 (3:39)
    41.66 (3:28)
    43.10 (3:36)
    42.95 (3:35)
    42.20 (3:31)
    43.95 (3:40)
    44.81 (3:44)
    45.92 (3:50) lost concentration
    41.70 (3:29) over compensated

    Average 43.48 (3:37) [5:50]

    13.01K @ 5:08 [8.09M @ 8:16]

    Toward Blessington Week 3 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:11| N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.42M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Cross Training approx 7 hour hike climbing 1300m | Completed | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | 13.01K @ 5:08 average 200m climb 43.48 @ 3:37 | N/A
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 16.55M MTD 72.91M YTD 1107.67M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Hill Climb

    Logged a 20:XX for my short hill climb on Thursday, so I suspected that I was getting better results for the same effort than this time last summer. Sunday's long hill climb would put this to the test.

    My best time for my long ascent is 59:XX from 2 years ago. I set out at 10am on another hot day in the mountains. Start the run with a short warm-up down to Baresi (890m asl). Touch the church, hit lap on the Garmin and start the ascent. Notice immediately that the lungs are working a little less than 3 days ago. I try hold back a little at the start as there's a long way to go and the last 3 miles are the toughest. Arrive back up to Roncobello (1009m asl) and enjoy the relatively flat 200m stretch through the village. Doesn't last long and I'm climbing again. Three switchbacks and a long drag to another three switchbacks and then another drag to Capovalle (1130m asl). This is the highest village on the road and after around a further 800ms I disappear under the trees.

    From here it's a constant unrelenting climb to the end of the road. I pass a few hikers on the way up. It's warm but the trees provide good shade and really it's just the incline and the altitude that provide the challenge. I've worn the ST5s for this and I think it was the correct choice, no point dragging the Nimbus up the hill.

    Legs are tired and lungs are working but under control. I can hear my pulse in my temples. The incline increases and the pace drops but I'm not watching the Garmin. The two hardest stretches of the climb are around here, each around 800ms long with a steadily increasing gradient. There cannot be much of a difference between brisk-walk pace and my pace along these sections. The challenge is all about resisting the urge to walk. Head down, one step at the time. The first long stretch is over, a couple of switch-backs later and the second and tougher 800m stretch begins. Sweating a lot now and the legs are really feeling it, but get pass this stretch and the next switchback and the gradient will decrease again. The legs become really sensitive to changes in gradient.

    I navigate this second very tough stretch without walking and now begins a long sequence of switchbacks. I try stick to the flattest section of each turn, even three or four strides along flatter ground are very welcome. Passing a lot of hikers now, I know half of them think I'm crazy.

    Eventually the series of switchbacks ends and now there is only around another kilometer of climb to the end. The legs feeling very heavy and at times jellylike. Overtake a struggling cyclist along here. This last kilometre feels like the longest of the day. Emerge into the hot sunshine above the treeline. Eventually I can see my destination ahead. The road starts to level out, I keep the effort constant and the pace increases as I reach the fountain at the end of the road at Mezzeno (1600m asl). Hit lap on the Garmin. Then pause. Won't check my split till I get back down.

    Drink some Alpine fresh water and take in the view for a minute or so. Then begin the lovely lovely long descent. The descent is probably not the best for the knees but it's still so enjoyable, the hard work is done and now it's an easy freewheel all the way down. Into the trees, through all the switchbacks, down the two tough straights, out of the trees, through Capovalle and back to Roncobello.

    I check my splits and I am stunned to see 53:09 showing for the Baresi-Mezzeno climb. That's nearly 7 minutes quicker than 2 summers ago. I wasn't trying to beat any records and was happy just to run based on effort, I genuinely wasn't sure if I'd matched my best time of 59:XX or not. I'm buzzed for the rest of the morning after this. Tempted to run another of these before leaving and if I do I will try log a 52:XX.

    Really enjoyed this one.

    Down 0.97M @ 8:25
    Up 5.33M @ 9:59
    Down 4.20M @ 7:45

    Total 10.50M @ 8:56

    Toward Blessington Week 3 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:11| N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.42M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Cross Training approx 7 hour hike climbing 1300m | Completed | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | 13.01K @ 5:08 average 200m climb 43.48 @ 3:37 | N/A
    Long Hill Climb | 10.50M @ 8:56 | N/A

    WTD 27.05M MTD 83.41M YTD 1118.17M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    This 4th week of training ahead of Blessington got underway today in fairly humid conditions. Hazy blue sky overhead.

    Both hamstrings felt a little tight Monday after Sunday's climb. They still weren't 100% recovered when I set out this morning. Took it nice and handy. Tipped down from Roncobello to Baresi touched the church and start the short ascent. Lungs not as relaxed today and I reckon it's due to the humidity. Up through Roncobello where the weekly Tuesday market is occupying most of the square and parking areas.

    Navigate the switchbacks out of Roncobello then head up 800ms or so of steady mostly straight climb. Another couple of switchbacks and then the final push to the church in Capovalle. This morning's climb completed in 21:04, last Thursday's in 20:55, both at the same effort. I had quite a bit to eat yesterday so I reckon I was carrying a little too much weight up the hill today.

    I can feel the hamstrings more on the descent than on the ascent. Cruise back down to Roncobello. Hamstrings have felt far less tight since completing this morning's short climb.

    Same climb tomorrow but I'll run it twice.

    Down 0.99M @ 8:44
    Up 2.22M @ 9:29
    Down 1.24M @ 7:26

    Total 4.46M @ 8:45

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | |
    Short Hill Climb | |
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 4.46M MTD 87.87M YTD 1122.63M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb x 2

    Wasn't entirely sure how this one would go. We had heavy hailstorms yesterday evening so this morning was far less humid than yesterday. Blue skies, hot but not terribly humid. A warm-up descent from Roncobello to Baresi, touch the church, hit lap and start the first of two ascents.

    Ascent 1 in 21:09
    This feels comfortable. I'm not pushing the pace as I want to feel in control for both ascents. Not sweating too much today. Hamstrings feel better as well. Overtake a cyclist early on and he doesn't catch me up. The ascent passes quickly. Probably the easiest ascent since arriving. On the descent I can feel the hamstrings again but they are improving with each run. Back down through Roncobello to Baresi and I'm completely recovered by the time I get to the church.

    Ascent 2 in 20:26
    I feel comfortable again on this second climb. I let the legs decide the pace this time and I don't ease off. Feel quite strong when I reach Roncobello again and pace picks up over the less hilly 200m stretch through the village. I can tell I'm travelling faster on this climb. The last 500ms before Capovalle are the most testing of the morning. Then it's another relaxed descent to where I started.

    I could have completed another ascent if needed and I reckon a 4th would also have been ok. I'll save that treat for another visit.

    I'm conscious that I'm doing only hillwork while here, but really the only runs I see as sessions are the 20x200ms and the long climb. I reckon the legs will be able to navigate this hill training without ill effect. Hamstrings feel fine now as I type.

    Down 1.02M @ 8:33
    Up 2.28M @ 9:17
    Down 2.29M @ 7:38
    Up 2.26M @ 9:03
    Down 1.26M @ 7:14

    Total 9.10M @ 8:27

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | 9.10M @ 8:27 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | |
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 13.56M MTD 96.97M YTD 1131.73M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Another hot one. Wore Nimbus yesterday morning just to give the ST5s a break. Usual route takes me down to Baresi. Then start this morning's ascent. I try take this one easy just let the legs settle on whatever feels comfortable. Legs feel good, lungs are fine. I can feel the heat though. Sweating quite a bit near the end of the climb. Swing round the church in Capovalle and start my descent, hamstrings better than Wednesday. Happy to just have the one ascent to complete.

    Down 0.90M @ 9:42
    Up 2.32M @ 9:05 (21:03)
    Down 1.28M @ 7:13

    Total 4.50M @ 8:40

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | 9.10M @ 8:27 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.50M @ 8:40 | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | |
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 18.06M MTD 101.47M YTD 1136.23M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    20x200m Hill Repeats @ 3K to 5K pace

    I could hear rain outside this morning and I needed to be running by 8:30 at the latest. I was very tempted to curl up and go back to sleep. I avoided the temptation though, got up as late as possible and I was out the door shortly afterwards.

    Rain had stopped. I was against the clock this morning so risked a shorter warm-up than usual. Less people around because of the rain and the earlier hour. I get started. I'm on my usual straight tarmac track. The first three 200s I feel slow and sluggish. While I may have acclimatized and the lungs are dealing better with the reduced oxygen, I'm not however holding back on the food and there's a lot of tasty homecooked Italian food readily available here. I reckon I'm carrying more weight today than I was last weekend. I'll be happy to average 5K pace for these, I cannot see myself averaging 3K pace like last time out.

    I try push a bit over the next few 200s and succeed in improving the splits. Soon I'm running them too fast rather than too slow. Tricky to hit these just right. Up an down I go. Getting through 20 of these takes a bit of time. The first 100 to 150 metres of each ascent are 'ok', the last 50 metres of each 200 are where the work is done, legs tiring and lungs working hard, have to concentrate to maintain form over the closing metres.

    It's raining again as I head into the last 5 intervals. I realise that I'm likely to improve on my average 200 time from last weekend. Three of the last 5 are run marginally quicker than 3K pace. Finish all 20 and head back down to the village. Really pleased I resisted the urge to stay in bed this morning. Didn't manage the 13K because I was running late but I should be able to fit an easy run this Sunday so mileage will be ok this week. As suspected my average pace today was fractionally faster than last time out, closer to the fast end of 3K range.

    46.52 (3:53)
    44.01 (3:40)
    44.89 (3:44)
    42.85 (3:34)
    43.10 (3:36)
    41.42 (3:27)
    40.55 (3:23)
    43.63 (3:38)
    42.69 (3:33)
    42.55 (3:33)
    43.13 (3:36)
    42.83 (3:34)
    43.57 (3:38)
    44.00 (3:40)
    45.82 (3:49)
    43.12 (3:36)
    42.61 (3:33)
    44.02 (3:40)
    41.57 (3:28)
    42.10 (3:31)

    Average 43.25 (3:36) [5:47]

    Total 7.57M @ 8:24

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | 9.10M @ 8:27 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.50M @ 8:40 | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | 12.18K @ 5:13, average 200 in 43.25 @ 3:36 [5:47] | N/A
    Long Hill Climb | |

    WTD 25.63M MTD 109.04M YTD 1143.80M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Hill Climb

    Last Sunday I ran Baresi Mezzeno in 53:10.
    This morning I ran Baresi Mezzeno in 53:06.

    So an improvement on last weekend and a new PB but no 52:XX. Conditions were good this morning. Overcast without being too  humid. The higher I climbed the fresher it became. I'm becoming more familiar with the various stages of the climb. The first mile or so from Baresi to Roncobello is about finding a steady rhythm and warming up the 'climb' muscles. Then from Roncobello to Capovalle the first stretches of steep incline and the first switchbacks are navigated. At this point you should have a good indication as to how tough the current climb is likely to be. There's a cyclist ahead of me and it occurs to me that dropping to lower gear on the bike is very similar to decreasing your stride length as the gradient increase. I expect to be sweating and feeling some tiredness in the legs when leaving Capovalle and heading into the wooded section.

    There are 16 switchbacks from after Capovalle to Mezzeno. A little wooden sign marks each one and also carries the altitude. Without doubt the hardest stretches are from switchback number 2 to 3, and from switchback number 4 to 5. The first of these is long and steep gradually getting steeper and steeper. There is a little window of recovery on the less severe short stretch from 3 to 4 and then starts the steepest unrelenting stretch from 4 to 5. Head down for this stretch, the occasional glance ahead just to confirm that I am actually moving forward. Get past this section without walking and then the rest of the climb is more manageable.

    The distance between switchbacks decreases so there is opportunity to recover a little by taking the bends wide. Plus mentally as you tick off the bends that bit quicker it also feels like you are climbing quicker.

    After switchback 16 you can start thinking that you are nearly there. Still some work to do and there are still some particularly steep sections to navigate. The road starts to get flatter over the last 500ms or so and the pace increases. This is where you can push a little and try shave off some seconds. This is what I do this morning. I hit lap when I reach the fountain. Check my split, a 4 second improvement on last Sunday. I'll take that, the sub 53 can wait for another trip. I reckon I was lighter last Sunday so I have to be pleased with this morning's time.

    Freewheel back down to Roncobello, some drops of rain falling in places.

    Pleased with this week of mountain training. I'm tempted to run Waterstown Parkrun again next Saturday just to see how I tackle the hill on K5.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:52
    Up 5.18M @ 10:15
    Down 4.21M @ 7:25

    Total 10.36M @ 8:58

    (the tree cover is probably responsible for distance variations between this week and last week, but the split is always taken between turning at the church in Baresi and passing the fountain in Mezzeno so times are perfectly comparable)

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | 9.10M @ 8:27 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.50M @ 8:40 | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | 12.18K @ 5:13, average 200 in 43.25 @ 3:36 [5:47] | N/A
    Long Hill Climb | 10.36M @ 8:58 | N/A

    WTD 35.99M MTD 119.40M YTD 1154.16M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression Run 7+ Miles

    Managed to get an extra run in last week. Got back from Italy in the early hours of Sunday morning but still felt good later for an anti-clockwise lap of the park to bring up 40 miles for the week.

    I wasn't quite sure what pace to run this at but I realised early on that the pace was steadily increasing so this turned into a progression run where each mile was quicker than the previous. As I was heading up the hill after Chapelizod Gate I saw two runners already halfway up, I couldn't resist, I pushed up the hill overtaking them around 5ms from the top. Felt good.

    Enjoyed this one and it brought to a close a long and enjoyable week's training. Also pleased that my weight hasn't been impacted too much after 10 days in Italy.

    M01 9:07
    M02 8:16
    M03 7:58
    M04 7:44
    M05 7:13
    M06 6:49
    M07 6:39

    Total 7.74 @ 7:39

    Toward Blessington Week 4 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Short Hill Climb | 4.46M @ 8:45 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb x 2 | 9.10M @ 8:27 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 4.50M @ 8:40 | N/A
    VO2Max 13K with 20x200m hills @ 3K to 5K pace | 12.18K @ 5:13, average 200 in 43.25 @ 3:36 [5:47] | N/A
    Long Hill Climb | 10.36M @ 8:58 | N/A
    Progression Run 7+ Miles | 7.74M @ 7:39 | 70.60KG

    WTD 43.73M MTD 127.14M YTD 1161.90M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    Signed up to Strava Premium to give it a go, and given the running I've been doing this month I joined the climb Mount Blanc in August challenge, i.e. ascend 4810m in August. With this in mind I headed up the Khyber at lunchtime on Monday. Sun came out for this one and it was hot. Legs feeling good.

    Not sure what to do this week session wise. Right now I'm thinking either 5x~800m hill repeats (from bollards to bollards up the Khyber @ 5K pace with a full recovery back down via the playing fields), and yes this is still with the Mount Blanc challenge in mind. Or alternatively I'll run Waterstown Parkrun to see if that final hill feels any easier. Both sessions would be a week out from Blessington.

    M01 8:27
    M02 8:15
    M03 8:09

    Total 3.41M @ 8:13

    Toward Blessington Week 5 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:13 | 71.50 KG
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Steady 8 Miles Trails and Grass @ 7:45 to 7:59 | |
    TBC: 5x800m hill repeats @ 5K pace or Parkrun 5K | |
    MLR 12 to 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 3.41M MTD 130.55M YTD 1165.31M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    I can't remember the last time I felt enthusiastic ahead of a midweek Athlone 10 miler. Same again this evening, I needed to switch to auto-pilot get into the gear and just start running. As usually happens it's not too bad once I get moving. Legs felt very good tonight, I packed the Brooks just in case I decided to do something on the track. Still not entirely decided on what I'll do tomorrow.

    I could see blue on the horizon but one big dirty grey cloud was just hovering immobile over Athlone tonight, a strange light in the air.

    Ran my new 10 mile route and finished as always with some laps of the sports fields in AIT. Easy pace was fast tonight, but always felt easy.

    M01 8:40
    M02 8:04
    M03 8:04
    M04 7:41
    M05 7:39
    M06 7:28
    M07 7:41
    M08 7:40
    M09 7:12
    M10 7:34

    Total 10.28M @ 7:47

    Toward Blessington Week 5 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:13 | 71.50 KG
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.28M @ 7:47 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles Trails and Grass @ 7:45 to 7:59 | |
    TBC: 5x800m hill repeats @ 5K pace or Parkrun 5K | |
    MLR 12 to 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 13.69M MTD 140.83M YTD 1175.59M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 9 Miles

    Ended up running a little further than expected this evening. I kept to the trails and grass sports grounds in AIT. I ran 10 laps of a short loop measuring a little over 1K. This is an undulating lap, the ground felt heavy and the run was more tiring than yesterday's faster run. I was really just aiming to hit even splits and pretty much succeeded in that: 5:14, 5:18, 5:16, 5:20, 5:18, 5:20, 5:14, 5:13, 5:10, 5:07.

    I've decided that Saturday's session will be the Khyber repeats. But I won't run 5, I'll run just 4 repeats, this is because I think running from bottom bollards to top bollards measures closer to 900ms. I'll also take the opportunity to cheer on a runner I know doing the Pink Run.

    Total 9.25M @ 7:55

    Toward Blessington Week 5 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:13 | 71.50 KG
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.28M @ 7:47 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles Trails and Grass @ 7:45 to 7:59 | 9.25M @ 7:55 | N/A
    4xKhyber hill repeats @ 5K pace | |
    MLR 12 to 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 22.94M MTD 150.08M YTD 1184.84M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Hill Repeats 4x950m @ 5K pace

    This was a tough one. Tougher than I expected. As I was in the middle of these and trying to figure out why it was so tough the penny dropped that these were close on 1K repeats at 5K pace, always a testing session. Only I was running them uphill, on a fairly muggy morning. I was just happy I'd decided to run 4 of these and not 5.

    I'm a little worried that I may have over-cooked things with just a week to go to Blessington. It will be all easy running between here and next Saturday.

    I was running these from the bollards at the bottom of the Khyber up to the bollards at the top of the Khyber. This measures around 950ms. I've never ran this far up the Khyber at this pace. It's not easy, there are a lot of 'false crests' where you think maybe you've broken the back of it only to find the incline increases again. And then when the road does mostly flatten out you still have another 100m to push to the bollards while your instinct is to ease off and recover.

    My recovery between each ascent was an easy run back down to the base of the Khyber along the path by the playing fields and down that grassy gorge over the last 150ms or so.

    The splits tell their own story:

    Ascent 01 in 3:27.44 @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Ascent 02 in 3:28.90 @ 3:42 [5:58]
    Ascent 03 in 3:31.33 @ 3:45 [6:02]
    Ascent 04 in 3:35.83 @ 3:50 [6:10]

    Average ascent in 3:30.88 @ 3:44 [6:00]

    Apart from on the first ascent I could feel the legs tiring after just 200 metres of each of the remaining ascents. It was not just mentally tricky to keep pushing but physically the legs genuinely didn't feel like they had much more speed to offer. I wonder have I been overdoing it with the hills of late?

    Got a world class shout-out from Catherina McKiernan on the final ascent 'Well done. Great work!", but even that couldn't prevent the last split from falling outside 5K pace. Still the average pace across all splits was on target so a successfully completed session.

    Now easy, easy, easy.

    Toward Blessington Week 5 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:13 | 71.50 KG
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.28M @ 7:47 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles Trails and Grass @ 7:45 to 7:59 | 9.25M @ 7:55 | N/A
    4xKhyber hill repeats @ 5K pace | 17.26K @ 4:56, average interval in 3:30.88 @ 3:44 [6:00] | N/A
    MLR 12 to 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 33.67M MTD 160.79M YTD 1195.55M

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    That's some session tired even reading about it:eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I wouldn't be too worried about the pace going up the Khyber - 5k effort might be a more appropriate session??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    I wouldn't be too worried about the pace going up the Khyber - 5k effort might be a more appropriate session??

    My calfs are still burning and i read it 2 days ago!

  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭tomwaits48

    that shout out would put a spring in anyone's step, fair play

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    That's some session tired even reading about it:eek:

    One of the tougher ones I've done for sure. Probably would have been wiser to do this 2 weeks out from raceday rather than just 1 week out.
    I wouldn't be too worried about the pace going up the Khyber - 5k effort might be a more appropriate session??

    True. I was hitting 5K pace but definitely travelling at 3K effort.
    My calfs are still burning and i read it 2 days ago!

    I still don't know how I failed to anticipate that this would be a tough session. Really naive going into this one.
    tomwaits48 wrote: »
    that shout out would put a spring in anyone's step, fair play

    I know! I immediately thought cmon now don't wimp out on the last one, be serious about this. Mentally it motivated me and I did push harder because of it, but the legs were just wiped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    I got out later than planned for this one (had an opportunity to lie-in a little and took it) and as I was on cooking duty I needed to cut it a little short. I didn't mind, I was happy just to break 40 miles again for the week. I've been averaging 41 miles a week over the last 9 weeks so I'm happy with recent consistency. I might still hit 2000 for the year. Today I passed 1200.

    Looking at the splits this looks like a run of two halfs, the second half run much faster than the first half. But I'm happy that the effort was consistent and easy the whole way round, the second half was also largely downhill while the first half was largely uphill. I followed my usual Sunday morning 12 mile route, but cut out the OS Road, Furze Road, Chesterfield stretch.

    The triathlon acted as a nice distraction, I intersected with it on 4 separate occasions.

    M01 8:53
    M02 8:22
    M03 8:21
    M04 8:13
    M05 8:11
    M06 7:25
    M07 7:30
    M08 7:37
    M09 7:35
    M10 7:33

    Total 10.56M @ 7:58

    Toward Blessington Week 5 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:13 | 71.50 KG
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.28M @ 7:47 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles Trails and Grass @ 7:45 to 7:59 | 9.25M @ 7:55 | N/A
    4xKhyber hill repeats @ 5K pace | 17.26K @ 4:56, average interval in 3:30.88 @ 3:44 [6:00] | N/A
    MLR 12 to 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | 10.56M @ 7:58 | 71.00 KG

    WTD 44.23M MTD 171.35M YTD 1206.11M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    With one eye on the Strava Mont Blanc challenge I fitted the Khyber into a very easy lunchtime run on Monday. The sun was out for this one and it was hot. Lovely conditions to be running at easy pace.

    Thinking strategy for next Saturday. The goal really is to PB. By how much will depend on how the legs and lungs respond over the last 2K.

    I think I'm going to try hold my nerve and run it conservatively. I'll aim to hold an average pace of 3:53 [6:14] for the first 6.5K, to the start of the hill. I'll try my best to hold pace on the hill, hoping all the climbing in August will help me here. And then I'll attack the downhill section after the hill. The hope is that the downhill profile together with energy conserved over the first 6.5K will see me drop the average pace down to 3:52 [6:13] or even 3:51 [6:11]. I'll also make an active effort over the full 10K to run the very best racing line I can, picking my line bend to bend.

    M01 9:05
    M02 8:43
    M03 8:41

    Total 3.40M @ 8:46

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 6 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Blessington 10K - Sub 38:54 attempt | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 3.40M MTD 174.75M YTD 1209.51M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    Another warm lunchtime another short easy run and another ascent up the Khyber. This one saw me complete the Strava Mont Blanc challenge, climbing over 4810m in the month of August. And that doesn't include the 1200m hike also completed while in Italy; add that into the mix and I've climbed some of the lower Himalayas.

    M01 9:16
    M02 8:57
    M03 8:55

    Total 3.37M @ 8:57

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.37M @ 8:57 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 6 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Blessington 10K - Sub 38:54 attempt | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 6.77M MTD 178.12M YTD 1212.88M
