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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    Legs didn't feel great on this one. I think the legs tend to feel better in the morning rather than in the evening, having spent most of the day sitting at the desk. Even the left knee complained a little, it's been a while since I've heard from it. Usual 10 mile midweek route in Athlone. Conscious that the sun is just that little bit lower in the west than it was last week. Happy to finally get to the grass pitches in AIT just because I know the run is nearly over. Some guys sprinting diagonals of the pitch.

    Glad to hit stop on this one, they can't all be enjoyable runs. A very enjoyable August though, over 188 miles, including an impromptu 20 miler, a Parkrun PB, lots of long scenic mountain ascents, and some testing hill sessions.

    M01 8:58
    M02 8:38
    M03 8:32
    M04 8:11
    M05 8:09
    M06 8:13
    M07 8:06
    M08 8:04
    M09 7:37
    M10 8:09

    Total 10.04M @ 8:16

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.37M @ 8:57 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.04M @ 8:16 | N/A
    Easy 6 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Blessington 10K - Sub 38:54 attempt | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 16.81M MTD 188.16M YTD 1222.92M

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    it's showtime......... best of luck on sat. hope conditions play ball.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    All the best Saturday, hope it goes your way on the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    it's showtime......... best of luck on sat. hope conditions play ball.

    thanks - looking forward to it now, I don't mind rain, I can even tolerate some wind, just please don't be humid.
    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    All the best Saturday, hope it goes your way on the day.

    thanks, quietly confident at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Open my account for September and finish my 6 weeks of Blessington prep this evening. Legs felt better than yesterday but still lacking any zip. Better heavy legs now than Saturday morning. I reckon the slower pace and the Nimbus both contribute to the heavy leg feeling.

    Just ran into town, round by the station and back via Cartrontroy. Got soaked through by a very heavy shower on mile 3. Glad of a rest day tomorrow, it's been 6 day running streak.

    M01 9:11
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:32
    M04 8:34
    M05 8:24
    M06 8:18

    Total 6.08M @ 8:35

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.37M @ 8:57 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.04M @ 8:16 | N/A
    Easy 6 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 6.08M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Blessington 10K - Sub 38:54 attempt | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 22.89M MTD 6.08M YTD 1229.00M

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Nice work!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Blessington Lakes 10K 2016


    I was travelling via tram and bus to this one. I wasn’t full of enthusiasm getting up at 7:00am and seeing dark skies and heavy rain outside.
    I arrived in wet Blessington at 9:00am with two hours to kill before the race started. Found a barber and had a haircut, found a shop and bought a paper, found a cafe and had a pot of green tea and a tasty scone. All very relaxed and unrushed.

    Eventually I make my way from the town down to race central by the bridge. It was instantly clear that numbers were down on previous years, no doubt the bad weather put some people off. The car-park looked only half-full, and the big marquee where registration normally takes place had been replaced with what was probably an 8-man tent. I wait as long as possible before finding a relatively sheltered corner to removing tracksuit and jacket and pin on number.

    A shorter warm-up than normal. I jog from the bridge to the 500m to go sign and then back. Soon we’re all called to make our way to the starting area. I join around 30 or 40 others behind the sub 40 placard. I didn’t spot anyone behind the sub 35 placard but 6 runners would break 35 minutes this morning. I’m genuinely nervous. I try to paint this as a TT in my head because my two 10K TTs this year had been successful. I’m still quietly confident that I will PB but at the same time I’m aware that there isn’t a great deal of margin for error and if the legs just don’t feel right then it could be a long morning’s work. No drummers this year.

    My race strategy was very clear in my head. I would start conservatively and aim not to travel faster than 3:53 [6:15] until we reached the hill shortly after the 6K mark. I would then call on the 4800m+ of ascent completed in August to help me up the hill. And then I would try get the average pace back down to at least 3:52 [6:13] by the finish line. This means I’d have to run a negative split to get the PB. The hope was that I would still have something in the tank to work with after my cautious start and that that combined with the downhill stretches in K8 and K9, would be enough to see me improve on my 38:54 PB, set here last year.

    K01 to K05 in 19:27

    I was glad to finally get going. We splash our way over the bridge and veer right onto the Kilbride Road. I’m overtaken quite a bit over the opening half kilometre and a large group of runners, maybe as many as 20, has formed around 10ms ahead of me. I’m watching the Garmin though and I’m travelling too fast already so I focus on easing off. I’m not tempted to catch up with the group, I tell myself that a lot of these will come back to me later in the race.

    Despite my best efforts K1 is a carbon copy of last year’s race, 3:44 [6:00]. I remind myself to stick to the plan and I keep easing up. The legs feel good and yes there is a temptation to stay with the faster pace – but no I have a plan and I want to stick to it, I keep easing off. The legs feel good and it’s nice to be covering ground without any huge pain. Lungs are working, maybe a little more than I’d hoped they would be, but all-in-all I feel mostly in control and mostly comfortable. K2 logs at 3:53 [6:15] and I continue to ease up during K3. I don’t check the split at the end of K3, I just check the average pace and shortly into K4 I’m travelling at target average pace of 3:53 [6:15].

    The other part of my plan was to make a concentrated effort to run the best racing line. This definitely made a difference. Several times I found myself veering away from the route traveled by most of the other runners. I know I was running certain stretches on the opposite side of the road to what I had done on previous years. This constant plotting of my route also acted as a nice distraction and helped stop me thinking too much about my legs and lungs. While I had been easing off over the early kilometres a guy in a black singlet had eased past me. I reckoned he was travelling close enough to my target pace and so I was also watching him and making sure he didn’t pull too far ahead.

    As we approached the 5K mark I was starting to overtake runners. I was feeling relatively ok, I could tell that the people I was overtaking were struggling and had probably started off too fast. I’d see Black-Singlet ease past other runners and about a minute or so later I’d pass the same runners.
    My watch is sounding each kilometre split within metres of the road-side kilometre markers so I’m encouraged that I’m keeping a fairly good racing line. I complete 5K in 19:27 and with 3:53 [6:15] showing on the Garmin.

    K06 to K10 in 19:10

    Along K6 I continue to keep Black-Singlet in sight, at most he moves 20m ahead of me. We both continue to pick of other runners. K6 is slightly downhill and there is a temptation to push already and try bank some time but I’m determined not to deviate from the plan. The effort over K6 stays the same but because of the downhill the average pace does change to 3:52 [6:13]. This is what it is reading as we hit the hill.

    I see Black-Singlet overtake 2 runners who have slowed down as soon as they started the climb. I overtake them shortly afterwards. I can tell that I’ve slowed down but certainly not as much as other runners have. Black-Singlet is also climbing well and I hold the gap at around 10ms. The hill is difficult. Part of me was secretly hoping that I’d sprint up it after all my recent hill training, obviously that was never going to happen. I just need to convince myself that without the hill training it would feel even more difficult. I overtake at least one other runner before finally cresting the hill.

    I resist the urge to ease up and recover, but I do risk waiting for a minute or so before beginning any sort of push. The downhill starts and now I push a little and try to lengthen my stride. I pass one or two other runners here. Then I glance at the Garmin and see 3:55 [6:18] showing. Ok I have to push some more and have faith that the course profile will continue to help me. No need to panic, for all I know I might have been averaging 3:57 when I crested the hill and so I have to believe I’m heading in the right direction.

    The downhill continues. I can see one of the lead ladies up ahead (she’d finish P4). She looks comfortable with a very controlled stride. Black-Singlet has gone past her and is opening up a bit of a gap. I’m not checking splits, later I would see that K6, K7 and K8 were 3:50 [6:10], 4:08 [6:39] and 3:46 [6:04] respectively. I see I’m travelling again at average pace of 3:53 [6:15], don’t ease up.

    The start of K9 is probably the fastest part of the course. Around here a guy with green-top and beard overtakes me. I overtake him. He overtakes me again. I’m reluctant to get into a race and I don’t think he’s suggesting that we try work together. The road has evened off again, there's even a little drag here now. We’ve caught up with P4-Lady. I overtake on her left and in overtaking her I also overtake Green-beard. I can hear both of them breathing hard on my shoulder and suddenly I don’t want them to overtake me. I focus instead on Black-Singlet and tell myself to try reduce the gap. I don’t really think I can catch him, but if I can work to close the gap then that should be enough to keep my pursuers at bay.

    We’re into the last K. I can hear P4-Lady working hard. I can see that the gap to Black-Singlet is reducing slowly but steadily. I continue to concentrate on running the best racing line. Every second counts. I don’t want to look at the Garmin I feel as though I’m doing enough.

    We pass the 500m to go marker, just one more bend and I should see the finish line in the distance. One runner pulls up with about 400ms to go and watches Black-Singlet go past, he then watches me go past before he starts to move again. I’m pushing. The gap to Black-Singlet is down to 10ms but now I can tell he’s pushing as well and I know I don’t have enough road to have even a chance of catching him.

    But I don’t care because up ahead I can finally make out the time on the race-clock. It’s reading 38:2X. I know that I have my PB. Instantly I tell myself to enjoy the moment, I keep the pace honest and cross the line with 38:38 showing on the Garmin. Later this would be confirmed as my official chip-time. :):):)

    Post Race

    I’m thrilled. 10K PBs don’t come around too often, and they are hard fought for when they do. This is a 16 second improvement on my previous best. I’m happy with the PB, but I’m also happy with how I executed my race plan.

    Knowing at 5K that if I was to nail a PB, I would have to run a negative split while navigating the back-hill i, I didn’t panic and stuck to the plan. This was especially true when I saw average pace of 3:55 [6:18] showing sometime after K7. I don’t know if the plan was the best plan I could have followed, but it clearly worked. While I was hurting for sure and in the red over the last 1500ms, I still felt that I had a little bit more left in the engine than in previous years. I felt that bit more in control over the closing stages.

    Historically I find that my best performances are accompanied with negative splits, so I do think that a conservative approach over the opening stages of races suits me. Mentally I feel more confident running like this. Also I’m convinced that if I hadn’t focused on running the best racing line I would have finished with a 38:4X at best.


    I aim to concentrate some more on this distance, especially as I won’t race another marathon until DCM17. I won’t be hugely happy with chipping a handful of seconds of my PB on each outing (unless I’m racing every second week). A medium term goal now would be to try aim for a 37:XX. Maybe try line up four or five more races between now and the next marathon cycle and see how close to 37:XX I can get. Need to figure out how best to train for this.

    My chip time of 38:38 saw me finish P29 of a smaller field than usual, only 265 finishers. As always it’s a strong field in Blessington with around 1 in 6 runners going sub 40.

    K01 3:44 [6:01]
    K02 3:53 [6:15]
    K03 4:01 [6:27]
    K04 3:57 [6:21]
    K05 3:53 [6:14]
    K06 3:50 [6:11]
    K07 4:08 [6:40]
    K08 3:46 [6:04]
    K09 3:39 [5:52]
    K10 3:46 [6:03]

    Total 38:38 @ 3:52 [6:13]

    Garmin Link

    P29 of 265 finishers, or P11 in a race of 100.

    As always an excellently organized event, getting the core details right: well measured, well marked and a well timed course. The generous goodie-bag and muffins are always a welcome bonus. Looking forward to next September already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Great race well done, great report good read, don't think 10k training
    Should be to much bother after last block of training.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Great race well done, great report good read, don't think 10k training
    Should be to much bother after last block of training.

    Well executed PB. Nice report and great to see the rewards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    well done and good report! i think you're right to leave marathon until late 2017.
    if you can somehow get a 37:59 10k over the coming year (serious running) and no reason why you shouldn't target a sub 18 also over the coming year - that would give you great confidence when you start another marathon training block. keep it up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Well done on the PB and the expert execution of your plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Great race well done, great report good read, don't think 10k training
    Should be to much bother after last block of training.

    Thanks. I need to do some research and try find some good sessions. Next up is the Dublin Half Marathon at the end of this month so focus will be on that first.
    Well executed PB. Nice report and great to see the rewards.

    Thanks. I was confident ahead of the race. In Fingal I'd run 38:42 for 10K neat on the Garmin, so I knew that with 6 weeks of good training and a good racing line on the day, I'd be in with a very good shout of a PB.
    well done and good report! i think you're right to leave marathon until late 2017.
    if you can somehow get a 37:59 10k over the coming year (serious running) and no reason why you shouldn't target a sub 18 also over the coming year - that would give you great confidence when you start another marathon training block. keep it up.

    It'll be strange not following a marathon plan from January through May next year. But it will free up lots of 10Ks that didn't fit with marathon training. I think 37:XX will become the new obsession. I'll tip away at the 5Ks as well.
    Well done on the PB and the expert execution of your plan.

    Thanks. I was comparing this year's splits to last year's. I ran the first 5K in 19:19 last year (this year 19:27) and I was quicker last year over the first 8K. I only overtook my 2015 self over the last 2K. More proof in my mind that a conservative start works well for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12+ Miles

    Wore new white Blessington top for this one. I was playing Saturday's race over in my head for quite a bit of Sunday's run. Spotted overpronator running with the Donore group and was tempted to jump in but I reckoned their pace might have been a little too tasty less than 24hrs after yesterday's race. I ran one anti-clockwise lap of the Park and then started another one before cutting down Old Lamp Road to Chapelizod Gate and then headed back home along the marathon route.

    Legs felt fine after Saturday's efforts. Pace picked up mid way through the run and I needed to ease up a little over the closing miles. Ran a little further than intended a little faster than intended. I must still have been in race mode, it was one of those runs where I felt compelled to overtake other runners and not be overtaken.

    (bloody nipple run, white top wasn't a great choice)

    M01 9:03
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:11
    M04 8:05
    M05 7:33
    M06 7:14
    M07 7:12
    M08 7:27
    M09 7:40
    M10 7:53
    M11 7:33
    M12 8:06

    Total 12.76M @ 7:53

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.37M @ 8:57 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.04M @ 8:16 | N/A
    Easy 6 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 6.08M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Blessington 10K - Sub 38:54 attempt | 38:38 | 70.20 KG
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | 12.76M @ 7:53 | 69.95 KG

    WTD 43.24M MTD 26.43M YTD 1249.35M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    Start the week on Tuesday with an unseasonably hot and humid lunchtime run. Took it really easy on another ascent of the Khyber. Legs felt good. First time in a long while where I've averaged 9:00 pace.

    Next on the agenda is the Dublin Half Marathon in 3 weeks time. I've done no HM specific training but I think the endurance is still in the legs since Cork (my impromptu and very comfortable 20 miler from last month proves that) and the speedwork ahead of Blessington should hopefully make HM pace feel easier on the day.

    My HM PB stands at 1:28:18. I'm going to try run a 1:26:XX. If I aim for 1:26:30 that would mean running at 4:06 [6:36] pace and running a good racing line. Run a very good racing line and 4:07 [6:38] pace might be enough.

    Better we're having this humid weather now rather than in 3 weeks time.

    M01 9:14
    M02 9:00
    M03 8:52

    Total 3.40M @ 9:00

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 9:00 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Steady 8 Miles @ 7:30 to 7:45 | |
    8 Miles with 4 @ HMP 4:06 [6:36] | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 3.40M MTD 29.83M YTD 1252.75M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    I very very nearly didn't run this one. Got out of work later than planned and really didn't fancy a run. I'd pretty much convinced myself that I deserved an easy week after Blessington and that I was entitled to skip a run. Only when I got back to hotel did I change my mind, I quickly got the gear on and headed out before I had a chance to change my mind again.

    Legs felt surprisingly and pleasantly light this evening. Stuck to my usual route. It's only early September but this run started in daylight and it was already dark by the end. Laps of the GAA pitches to finish with, a game in progress as some rain started to fall.

    I wore the ST5s for this. I'm getting really good mileage out of this pair, over 420 miles and they still feel fine. Might buy my next pair at the weekend and keep them under the stairs for a while.

    M01 9:16
    M02 8:29
    M03 8:32
    M04 8:09
    M05 8:29
    M06 8:23
    M07 8:19
    M08 7:55
    M09 7:03
    M10 7:57

    Total 10.01 @ 8:15

    Toward Blessington Week 6 of 6: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 9:00 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles @ 7:30 to 7:45 | |
    8 Miles with 4 @ HMP 4:06 [6:36] | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 13.41M MTD 39.84M YTD 1262.76M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 8 Miles

    I'd taken Friday off work. Dropped Junior OFAR to school in my running gear and then headed off on a clockwise lap of the park.

    I had a very poor GPS fix at the start, it had me starting in the Liffey. I was running quite fast over the opening mile and couldn't understand why I was seeing pace in the 8:5Xs. When I saw this slow pace I started pushing and continued to do so over the mostly uphill first half of the run. When I join the North Road the profile becomes more downhill and the average pace continues to quicken. I'm running mostly a little ahead of target in the 7:2Xs. GPS gets all confused again on the final mile when it completely ignores my run through IMMA.

    M01 8:54 (poor GPS fix)
    M02 7:07
    M03 6:58
    M04 6:47
    M05 6:58
    M06 7:13
    M07 7:25
    M08 7:46

    Total 8.33M @ 7:25

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 1 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 9:00 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles @ 7:30 to 7:45 | 8.33M @ 7:25 | 70.35 KG
    8 Miles with 4 @ HMP 4:06 [6:36] | |
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 21.74M MTD 48.17M YTD 1271.09M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    13K with 6K @ HMP

    Ran this one in Cork. Out early at a little after 7:30. I head east out of town heading down along the docks and following the river towards Tivoli. I run 4K of warm-up and then just before the skew bridge I hit lap to start the HMP section. Target pace is 4:06 [6:36].

    I was out for some pints Friday evening, had three in total, two of which were a craft stout produced in Mayfield, 'Lynch's Pure Cork Stout', really very tasty. I reckon the pints, together with the slightly early rise, made the opening couple of HMP kilometres feel harder than expected. I was mostly seeing 4:05 [6:34] or 4:06 [6:36] on the Garmin but I was far from convinced I could hold this for 21K. As I near my turn-around spot at the Dunkettle roundabout a group of maybe 10 runners passes me going in the opposite direction. Excellent this will give me something to chase on my way back in.

    I turn and start chasing. The pace picks up immediately and jumps to 4:03 [6:31]. It also starts to feel easier now than it did over the first couple of kilometres. I see the group up ahead and gradually catch them up and speed past them shortly before the Silver Springs. Pace has now hit 4:01 [6:28] so I really need to ease up, already this has not been a proper HMP session. I slow down over the last K and a bit, and finish 6.06K at 4:03 [6:31] pace. Cool-down for 3K.

    Enjoyed the run even if I didn't really get a proper feeling for 4:06 [6:36] pace. On the basis of how I felt after running 6K slightly faster than HMP (and keeping in mind I had 3 pints in the system from around 7 hours prior to the run), I'm happy to keep 4:06 [6:36] as my target pace for two weeks time. I'm also considering running the first half of the race at 4:07 [6:38] before trying to pick it up to 4:06 [6:36] during the second half.

    4.01K @ 5:16 [2.49M @ 8:29]
    6.06K @ 4:03 [3.76M @ 6:31]
    3.05K @ 4:34 [1.90M @ 7:21]

    Total 13.12K @ 4:33 [8.15M @ 7:19]

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 1 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 9:00 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles @ 7:30 to 7:45 | 8.33M @ 7:25 | 70.35 KG
    13K with 6K @ HMP 4:06 [6:36] | 13.12K @ 4:33 [8.15M @ 7:19] with 6.06K @ 4:03 [3.76M @ 6:31] | N/A
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 29.89M MTD 56.32M YTD 1279.24M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12-14 Miles DNS

    This was coming for a while now, a skipped run. Mrs OFAR had been asking do you really have to run tomorrow, I had been saying yes and planning on getting out really early to tick it off. But Saturday evening I headed to bed late (Watched episode 4 of series 3 of Penny Dreadful in the early hours. I don't think series 3 is as good so far as series 2 - but this episode is one of the best hours of tv I've ever watched, not easy to watch mind). And I knew already going to bed that I would opt for a lie-in and a lazy breakfast at the buffet with Mrs OFAR and Junior OFAR.

    To ease the guilt I did a deal with myself that I would hit 50 miles next week to keep the weekly average at 40 miles.

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 1 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 3 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.40M @ 9:00 | N/A
    Easy 10 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 10.01M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Steady 8 Miles @ 7:30 to 7:45 | 8.33M @ 7:25 | 70.35 KG
    13K with 6K @ HMP 4:06 [6:36] | 13.12K @ 4:33 [8.15M @ 7:19] with 6.06K @ 4:03 [3.76M @ 6:31] | N/A
    MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | DNS | N/A

    WTD 29.89M MTD 56.32M YTD 1279.24M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Hectic morning at work and got out a little later than planned for this lunchtime run. Nimbus feeling heavy. Legs feeling ok. It was humid out there. Better that it's humid now than in two Saturdays.

    M01 8:44
    M02 8:40
    M03 8:12
    M04 8:07

    Total 4.09M @ 8:26

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 2 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.09M @ 8:26 | N/A
    MLR 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | |
    Easy 8 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Tempo 45 mins @ 3:58 to 4:02 [6:23 to 6:29] | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 4.09M MTD 60.41M YTD 1283.33M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    With DCM coming next month I need to start increasing my MLR distance and start running longer LSRs at the weekend. I know I'm not racing DCM but still.

    With this in mind I opted for 14 miles instead of my usual midweek 10. I knew the route wouldn't be very inspiring, I didn't stall after work, I got on the gear and headed out asap. Paced this well on a warmish evening in Athlone. Didn't really watch the Garmin but knew the pace was picking up as the miles ticked by. Wasn't as tedious as I'd feared. Decide I will aim for 4:07 [6:38] pace for the first half and then see if I can pick it up to 4:06 [6:36] in the second half.

    Legs feeling exercised now.

    M01 8:43
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:28
    M04 8:19
    M05 8:06
    M06 8:06
    M07 8:02
    M08 7:45
    M09 7:50
    M10 7:53
    M11 7:35
    M12 7:45
    M13 7:37

    Total 14.23 @ 8:01

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 2 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.09M @ 8:26 | N/A
    MLR 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.23 @ 8:01 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Tempo 45 mins @ 3:58 to 4:02 [6:23 to 6:29] | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 18.32M MTD 74.64M YTD 1297.56M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Little bit of feedback from the left knee during the day, nothing major, but I haven't heard from it in a while. Minutes before heading out this evening I could feel it protesting a little and I was braced for twinges and niggles once I started running. Instead it was fine for the whole run. My usual route this evening, popping over the Shannon (clocking up 1300 miles for the year) and along the short Shannon Banks trail, might not get to run too many more of these as the evenings start to draw in. Then back along Cartrontroy to AIT. No laps of the pitches tonight.

    I do really need to have a look on Google Maps and plot out a different route, really bored of the current one.

    M01 8:46
    M02 8:29
    M03 8:16 (1300 miles for the year)
    M04 8:14
    M05 8:16
    M06 8:20
    M07 8:05
    M08 8:09

    Total 8.11M @ 8:15

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 2 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.09M @ 8:26 | N/A
    MLR 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.23 @ 8:01 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 8.11M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Tempo 45 mins @ 3:58 to 4:02 [6:23 to 6:29] | |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 26.43M MTD 82.75M YTD 1305.67M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    45 Minute Tempo

    So tempo pace should fall somewhere between 10K pace and HM pace. My 10K pace from two weeks ago was 3:52 [6:13] and my hoped for HM pace next Saturday is 4:06 [6:36]. So this morning I opted to target 3:58 to 4:02, like I did for the LT sessions in P&D earlier this year.

    A gorgeous Indian Summer morning. I head over to the Park, in at Islandbridge Gate and head up to the playing fields. I'd run my tempo clockwise around here. I wasn't hugely confident that this would go well. I was telling myself that I could run the first 15 minutes at the slow end of target pace, maybe even just a little slower than target, pick the pace up for the second 15 minutes and then hold things steady for the final 15 minutes.

    I ran 3K of warm-up and then hit lap and get stuck in. Within a lap I realised I needn't worry about hitting target pace, I was travelling very comfortably at around 3:56 [6:20] pace.

    Park is busy, lots of football games going on, I think some boot-camps, and a lot of runners busy around the Munich Hills. Into a slight headwind from the Fort to Acres, into the sun from Acres back down to right turn. I'm pleasantly surprised to see average pace flickering between 3:57 [6:22] and 3:58 [6:23]. I know I can afford to slow up a little and still be travelling inside target pace, knowing this definitely relaxes me.

    I continue to tick off the laps. Legs feel ok, lungs are busy but ok. It's 'only' 6 or so seconds a kilometre slower than Blessington but this run feels so much more comfortable. It's also a nice change to run for a set time rather than for a set distance. It's taking around 10 minutes to complete a lap.

    On the penutimate lap I overtake a group of runners doing 1K repeats. My breathing sounding very steady and under control. This overtake injects a little extra speed in my stride. With 3 mins to go I'm still feeling strong and not desperate for the 45 minutes to be over. I keep the effort steady and finish with an average pace of 3:57 [6:22].

    Really pleased with this, and really enjoyed running it. It's a nice confidence boost ahead of the HM. Next Saturday I can run up to 10 seconds a kilometer slower than this morning.

    I must schedule some more of these 45 minute tempos, doing these regularly would surely reap benefits.

    03.00K @ 5:33 [1.86M @ 8:55]
    11.39K @ 3:57 [7.08M @ 6:22]
    02.28K @ 5:13 [1.42M @ 8:23]

    Total 16.70 @ 4:25 [10.38M @ 7:06]

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 2 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.09M @ 8:26 | N/A
    MLR 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.23 @ 8:01 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 8.11M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Tempo 45 mins @ 3:58 to 4:02 [6:23 to 6:29] | 16.70K @ 4:25 [10.38 @ 7:06] with 45mins @ 3:57 [6:22] |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | |

    WTD 36.81M MTD 93.17M YTD 1316.05M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    LSR 16 Miles

    Legs are responding very well these last days and I'm enjoying my running. Touch wood this lasts!

    There was some residual tiredness in the thighs from Saturday's tempo but this quickly passed. I tipped across from Kilmainham to the clubhouse in Donore. Say hiya to overpronator and some of the other Harriers.

    After a few minutes we're underway, a group of 6 to start with. I get up to date with overpronator's taper madness ahead of Berlin next weekend. We pause up at the Castleknock Gate while some other (fast) runners join us. The group, around 10 strong now, heads down North Road and the pace picks up steadily. Legs feel strong and stride feels fluid.

    On Infirmary Road the group splits in 2. Four of us drop the pace a little, overpronator with Berlin in mind, the rest of us with next weekend's HM in mind. There was definitely a strong temptation to not drop the pace and stay with the lead group but I went with the sensible option.

    We headed back into the Park, up the Khyber and continue up to Castleknock. Follow the trails down to Knockmaroon, through the Furry Glen and back out Chapelizod Gate. All the time we're chatting away and very comfortable. Say ciao to the others and I continue for a little over 2 more miles back to Kilmainham.

    A solid 50+ mile week, where definitely the highlight was Saturday's surprisingly strong 45 minute tempo. I'm feeling optimistic ahead of the HM, I just hope the weather plays ball.

    01.99M @ 8:19
    14.11M @ 7:28

    Total 16.10M @ 7:34

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 2 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.09M @ 8:26 | N/A
    MLR 14 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:08 | 14.23 @ 8:01 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 8.11M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Tempo 45 mins @ 3:58 to 4:02 [6:23 to 6:29] | 16.70K @ 4:25 [10.38 @ 7:06] with 45mins @ 3:57 [6:22] |
    LSR 16 Miles @ 7:59 to 8:13 | 16.10M @ 7:34 | 69.15 KG

    WTD 52.91M MTD 109.27M YTD 1332.15M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    A midweek of easy runs began Monday at lunchtime with a leisurely lap of a mostly abandoned Playing Fields. Legs feel fine after the weekend's efforts. Any heaviness I'm attributing to the Nimbus. I've been toying with the idea of picking up two pairs of ST5s next time I get runners and maybe start running full time or close to full time in them. I reckon I'm already running 50% of my miles in the ST5s. More and more it feels like the Nimbus's main purpose is to make the ST5s feel lighter.

    M01 9:17
    M02 8:36
    M03 8:31
    M04 8:26

    Total 4.01M @ 8:43

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 3 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.01M @ 8:43 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Dublin Half Marathon 1:26:XX attempt | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 4.01M MTD 113.28M YTD 1336.16M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5+ Miles

    Happy not to be running long this midweek. Headed out for a relaxed 5+ miles earlier this evening. For just a moment before running I felt a little cold, been a while since I wondered if I was under-dressed for a run.

    I head into town, round by the Radisson and the train station then back along Cartrontroy Road. I had some feedback from the right foot during this one. A few sharp twinges on two or three occasions.

    Plan for the HM is taking shape: probably try to hold average pace at 4:07 [6:37] for the first 10K, then try move that average up to 4:06 [6:35] for the second 10K. Then see what I have in the tank for the last K and a bit. I haven't studied the course yet so I'm not yet sure if that plan is appropriate or not.

    M01 8:47
    M02 8:24
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:20
    M05 8:15

    Total 5.85M @ 8:24

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 3 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.01M @ 8:43 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | 5.85M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Dublin Half Marathon 1:26:XX attempt | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 9.86M MTD 119.13M YTD 1342.01M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5+ Miles

    More or less a carbon copy of last night's run only minus any twinges from the right foot. Legs felt good again and I felt light even with the heavier Nimbus on.

    Checked out the HM route, on paper I think it looks ok. A fast start but I'm going to resist the urge to go out too quickly. I hope to get to the 3 mile marker feeling very fresh and holding back. The drag from the zoo up to the Castleknock Gate will give some indication as to how the legs are likely to perform on the day. At the 10K mark as we approach the Mountjoy roundabout from North Road is where I plan on shifting up a gear. The descent down Tower Road after Farmleigh should help as should the descent down Chesterfield and Acres (provided the wind isn't against us here!). Then it's one last push up Upper Glen Road. Hopefully with energy in reserve to allow me push some more after cresting the hill.

    Looking forward to this now.

    M01 8:40
    M02 8:20
    M03 8:33
    M04 8:04
    M05 8:09

    Total 5.81M @ 8:19

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 3 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.01M @ 8:43 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | 5.85M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | 5.81M @ 8:19 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | |
    Dublin Half Marathon 1:26:XX attempt | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 15.67M MTD 124.94M YTD 1347.82M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    Last run before race-day. I head out at lunchtime on Friday (I was working from home Monday and Friday this week). A little caught for time so I cut this short. An ascent up the Khyber and back down to Islandbridge Gate via the playing fields. On mile 3 I feel a little feedback from the left knee. Less than 24 hours to the race and now it decides to act up! It's nothing too bad though, fingers crossed it'll be fine again tomorrow.

    M01 8:45
    M02 8:14
    M03 8:07

    Total 3.41 @ 8:16

    Toward Dublin Half Marathon - Week 3 of 3: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 4.01M @ 8:43 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | 5.85M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 5+ Miles @ whatever feels easy | 5.81M @ 8:19 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles @ whatever feels easy | 3.41M @ 8:16 | 70.10 KG
    Dublin Half Marathon 1:26:XX attempt | |
    MLR 12 Miles @ 7:54 to 8:07 | |

    WTD 19.08M MTD 128.35M YTD 1351.23M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Pre Race

    My first reaction on looking out the window Saturday morning was to think, well it’s not going to be a hot one. Grey clouds and rain falling, looked a bit breezy as well. Small bowl of meusli for breakfast, into gear and head outside. After about 200ms of warm-up I start to suspect that it might not be as fresh out as I’d first thought. It felt a little muggy. Maybe it’s just me? Got chatting with another runner during my warm-up, he confirmed forecast of 17 degrees and confirmed that it’s not just me, it is a little muggy. The breeze blowing is not a chilly one.

    Despite the wet conditions and despite the bus strike, there are a lot of runners here this morning. I work my way slowly up through the crowd. Eventually take my place a few rows ahead of the 1:30 balloons. Ahead of me I notice a female Carrig Aces runner and a guy with a yellow Lithuanian top. I’d see both of these again on mile 12.

    Remind myself of the plan, average 4:07 [6:38] for the first 10K, push average pace up to 4:06 [6:36] during the second 10K, and then try empty the tank over the final K and a bit to come home in 1:26:XX. Plan couldn’t be easier. I'm optimistic, still buoyed from last Saturday’s successful 45 minute tempo session.

    Just before we’re due to start it starts to rain fairly heavily. Everyone anxious to get going now. A couple of minutes later and we’re off.

    K01 to K05 in 20:02 – Plan out the Window

    I really tried to stick to the plan over the opening kilometres. I really did. But even with quite a bit of congestion over the opening 200m to 300m and even with the slightly uphill opening kilometre I was travelling too fast right from the off. I tried to ease off but the next 4K were mostly downhill. I’d ease off but then I’d get distracted watching other runners, lose my concentration and the pace would pick up again. I was worried when I saw a K3 split of 3:57 [6:21]. This will surely come back to bite me later on. Climbing through the S-bends helps me drop some speed, but at the 5K mark average pace is 4:00 [6:27]. Far faster than intended. The consolation I take is that I do still feel fresh.

    K06 to K10 in 20:38 – Honeymoon Ends

    Honeymoon period ends as we head up Wellington Road. The pace starting to drop slowly but still significantly faster than my 4:07 [6:38] target. Through the zoo and the legs are more sensitive to the gradient now, they enjoy the 200ms or so of slight drop before we turn onto the North Road drag. I start to notice other runners breathing around here but my lungs are still fine. My biggest problem is in my head , as I’m worried that I went out too fast and any bit of discomfort I’m starting to feel cranks up that worry.

    Along this drag a guy asks if I was in Cork in June (I’m wearing CCM16 top) we chat a while before wishing each other best of luck and he slowly pulls ahead. Average pace has dropped to 4:03 [6:31] now. Soon enough we will be hitting the 10K mark. I decide I’ll just have to gradually drop pace to 4:06 [6:36] and try hold on.

    K11 to K15 in 20:15 – Mixed Emotions

    The drag up North Road and then the extra pull up to Castleknock are definitely tiring the legs. Average pace is 4:04 [6:33] when we reach Castleknock Gate. Very happy to turn and head back down Chesterfield. I don’t know how to feel about the race at this point. I’m travelling ahead of target pace but now enjoying a little bit of downhill and recovering while the pace holds steady. Should I back off? Should I stick with it? I’m not in the red by any means so lets just try stay with this effort and see what happens.

    As we leave OS Road and head towards Farmleigh I can see the lead car coming up OS Road. That’s an unthinkable pace! I don’t like the run down to and through Farmleigh. This is probably the section of the race where I had the most doubts. All the time though I’m slowly catching and overtaking runners and I don’t recall being overtaken.

    I lengthen my stride as soon as we exit onto Tower Road and enjoy the step drop down to Knockmaroon Gate, again even here on the downhill I’m easing past other runners. K15 which brings us back into the Park and up to the start of OS Road would be my quickest of the morning at 3:53 [6:15]. Just as we start up OS Road I can see the lead car again arriving from the Upper Glen Road. The legs feel a little more responsive than they did back in Farmleigh, average pace is rock steady at 4:04 [6:33] and I’m feeling optimistic again.

    K16 to K20 in 20:30 Roncobello Reward

    Reach the top of OS Road and turn right onto Chesterfield. Good support around here. Eventually arrive at the 10 mile marker in 65:XX. I’m tiring now though and I’m playing mental games to convince myself that there’s not long left. There isn't, but the problem is I know that mile 12 is a steady climb up Upper Glen Road. In the meantime I continue to pick off runners, some people clearly suffering.

    Head down to Acres, the wind is against us but it’s not terribly strong, not as strong as it sometimes can be here. All the same, form is affected as the body leans into the wind. As we near the end of Acres I spot the Carrig Aces runner from the start line. She would finish as 9th female. She looks strong and part of me reasons that if I can stay with her I’d finish well. We turn below the hospital and brace ourselves for the final sustained climb. Average pace still locked in at 4:04 [6:33].

    There’s music pumping out at the start of the ascent, I feel the legs picking up the rhythm and I feel a jolt of energy. I push. I overtake Carrig Aces. I overtake a group of 4 or 5 runners a few metres later. I pick off another 4 or 5 individual runners on the ascent. I think Blessington may have come to soon after my August mountain training, today instead I think I’m reaping the benefits, I really feel very strong on this ascent. No-one tries to stay with me and this also gives me a mental boost. The last runner I overtake, just as we approach the crest of the climb, is the Lithuanian guy from the start line. This was easily the best I’ve tackled the Upper Glen ascent during a race finish.

    The last 1K and a bit

    Nearly there now, hold it steady, don’t ease off. I’m reluctant to check the Garmin but with about 500ms to go I risk a glance. Average pace is still 4:04 [6:33]. Happy Days. I could be on for a really low 1:26, maybe faster! With around 250m to go a spectator encourages a runner behind me not to let me get away, this indirectly encourages me to speed up. I squint at the finishing clock up ahead. Is that 1:26:XX or 1:25:XX? It’s 1:26:XX, but it’s 1:26:5X!! I find energy to sprint over the line and just just grab my sub 1:27.

    Final chip time 1:26:57.

    Post Race

    That was too close for comfort. I placed too much trust in the Garmin. If I had decided to play it safe and stick to my pre-race plan of 4:06 [6:36] pace then I would have missed my target. I think I owe my sub 1:27 to that spectator who indirectly gave me a boost on the final straight. Overall I was pleased with my race performance. I held pace well and I was only starting to really wish for the finish line from mile 11. I should have concentrated more on following a good racing line though. I need to get into the habit of doing that, it should be second nature, not something I need to remind myself to do.

    That’s 3 PBs this year, 10K, Half and Full. Between now and year-end I’ll target a 5K PB to try complete the set and complete my traditional 4PBs a year goal.

    K01 4:00 [6:26]
    K02 4:01 [6:28]
    K03 3:57 [6:21]
    K04 4:06 [6:35]
    K05 3:58 [6:23]
    K06 4:06 [6:36]
    K07 4:09 [6:41]
    K08 4:05 [6:35]
    K09 4:08 [6:40]
    K10 4:09 [6:40]
    K11 4:04 [6:33]
    K12 4:05 [6:34]
    K13 4:14 [6:49]
    K14 4:03 [6:32]
    K15 3:53 [6:15]
    K16 4:01 [6:28]
    K17 4:06 [6:36]
    K18 4:07 [6:38]
    K19 4:04 [6:32]
    K20 4:12 [6:46]
    K21 4:02 [6:29]

    Total 21.38K @ 4:04 [13.29M @ 6:33]

    Official Chip time of 1:26:57

    P239 of 6940 finishers (or 4th in a race of 100).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Great racing and race report rewards for stellar training, well done on pb.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    well done. 13+ miles at 6:33 /m some going !!
    (any sneaky 10k on the horizon while you're in this shape?)
    go fo it.
