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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Finish a good week's running this morning through a frosty Phoenix Park. Wrap up well and head out at around 8:45. Had more pints than intended yesterday but still felt fine. Ran my default 12 mile route. To Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road. I'm scanning the road ahead of me for icy patches but generally it's not slippy. It is cold though, especially when the breeze is against me. Into the Park and work my way up to Knockmaroon and then up Tower Road before turning onto White's Road. That's the harder part of the route over, it's mostly flat or downhill from here. On re-entering the Park I see average pace is at 7:58. That's perfect, I know the profile of the rest of the run will see this speed up further.

    My VO2 pace has increased, my Tempo pace has increased and as of today my MLR pace has increased, my new target is 7:45 to 8:00 (from 7:54 to 8:08). It feels fluid and it remains conversational, not that I was talking to myself.

    Sun is brighter now and the edge is taken off the air. Pace continues to increase despite attempts to slow up a little. I can feel some tiredness from yesterday's tempo in the legs, it was less than 24 hours ago. Finish up with an average of 7:44.

    Very pleased with this week's running. A good VO2 session midweek and a strong tempo effort yesterday. Close to 50 miles for the week. Definitely makes up for last week's poor efforts.

    M01 8:43
    M02 8:08
    M03 7:53
    M04 7:38
    M05 7:40
    M06 7:17
    M07 7:22
    M08 7:35
    M09 7:27
    M10 7:33
    M11 7:37
    M12 7:53

    Total 12.21M @ 7:44

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | |
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | |
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 48.73M MTD 72.69M YTD 1622.77

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Was it really only a few weeks ago that I was running with just a t-shirt on top? I'm already fed-up with the cold, breezy and wet conditions out there. Another gentle lunchtime run to start the week off. Legs felt heavy today. This is probably mostly due to my efforts over the weekend, however the ample portions of home-made shepherd's pie from yesterday may also have contributed to any heaviness I was feeling. My post run weigh-in would seem to confirm that!

    Barely a soul around today. Wintry views from the playing fields. Happy to get home from this, shower, and grab some oven-reheated shepherd's pie from Sunday.

    M01 9:13
    M02 8:22
    M03 8:01
    M04 8:01

    Total 4.01M @ 8:25

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | |
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | |
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 4.01M MTD 76.70M YTD 1626.78

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    A late lunch Tuesday. Headed over to the Park for a lap of the playing fields and back. Sky was a little brighter today but the breeze was a little stronger. Legs felt less heavy than Monday.

    I'm thinking a conservative start for the Jingle Bells. The first half is generally uphill. Goal will be to be travelling at 3:43 [5:58] when I turn onto Ordnance. Hold it to the 4K mark, pushing if I feel strong. And then attack attack on the final downhill kilometre.

    M01 8:50
    M02 8:22
    M03 7:50
    M04 7:58

    Total 4.04M @ 8:15

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | |
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | |
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 8.05M MTD 80.74M YTD 1630.82

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 10x400m @ 3K pace

    This was tougher than expected. Had the day off and ran this in the late afternoon. Opted for the Chapelizod Road, the stretch between Islandbridge and Chapelizod Gates, been a while since I last did any speedwork along here. A little over 3K of warm-up and then start the first 400 heading towards town. I completely misjudge the pace on this and come in far too slow in 91seconds. I then up the pace for the remaining 400s and err instead on the side of too fast.

    Normally the wind is blowing towards town, tonight though the wind is blowing from the east. This means the wind  is with me running the slight incline and against me running the slight decline, making it tricky to equate effort with split times. Intervals 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 were run toward town, easier on the legs but had to up the effort. Intervals 4, 5, 6 and 10 were run toward Chapelizod, tougher on the legs but reduced effort. I was pleased to finish these, the last 150ms of each were fairly tough. Checking splits afterwards I see I averaged 3:34 [5:44] pace so just a little too quick.

    Need to see how the legs recover now ahead of Saturday's shorter tempo session. Also need to get weight back in line before Saturday week. Hibernation feeding has kicked in!!

    Warm-up 3:14K @ 5:27 [1.95M @ 8:47]

    1:30.65 @ 3:47 [6:05]
    1:26.59 @ 3:36 [5:48]
    1:28.00 @ 3:40 [5:54]
    1:21.55 @ 3:24 [5:28]
    1:25.87 @ 3:35 [5:45]
    1:24.84 @ 3:32 [5:41]
    1:22.61 @ 3:27 [5:32]
    1:25.25 @ 3:33 [5:43]
    1:26.87 @ 3:37 [5:50]
    1:23.55 @ 3:29 [5:36]

    Average 1:25.58 @ 3:34 [5:44]

    Cool-down 1.81K @ 5:29 [1.12M @ 8:49]

    Total 10.75K @ 4:46 [6.68M @ 7:41]

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | |
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | |
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 14.73M MTD 87.42M YTD 1637.50

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Dropped junior ofar to school Friday morning and then set of on an easy 6 miler, making up the route as I went. Not too cold today. I head over to Inchicore then down to Ballyfermot Road. Into the park at Chapelizod Gate, up Acres and down the Khyber. Exit at Islandbridge and head for home. Legs feeling ok, not super spritely but ok. Previous afternoon's 400s still in the legs. Rest up now until Saturday's tempo.

    M01 8:35
    M02 8:20
    M03 7:56
    M04 8:22
    M05 7:48
    M06 8:12

    Total 6.13M @ 8:12

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | 6.13M @ 8:12 | 70.95 KG
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | |
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 20.86M MTD 93.55M YTD 1643.63

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    30 Minutes Tempo

    Out at 8:10 to a frosty chilly and in patches icy Cork City. Don't feel too enthusiastic about this one. I don't think I've fully woken up yet when it's already time to start the 30 minute tempo section. I 'm running this from the port down the main road by Tivoli toward the Dunkettle Roundabout. I don't settle easy into tempo pace. The air is cold and my lungs aren't too impressed. Footfall feels a bit heavy. The opening 10 minutes I mostly see 3:57 [6:21] and it feels harder than the 3:54 [6:16] I opened with last week. I'm glad I only scheduled 30 minutes.

    All the same the pace creeps up. And by the time I reach the Dunkettle Roundabout I've hit 3:54 [6:16], maybe it's not so bad. I turn around and realise that the return stretch will be a challenge, there's a chilly breeze blowing against me. Head down and get to work. Pace always feels struggled and never fluid. I ease off just a little, I have scope to and I needn't make this any harder than it has to be. I am checking the Garmin, willing the minutes to pass quickly.

    As I work my way through the last 10 minutes I decide that this session comes too soon after Thursday's intervals. Legs aren't fresh. They need to be fresh next Saturday or I won't be collecting a PB. Not so sure now that 8x400 early next week is wise. I think I may play it safe, maybe just run 1K at 5K pace and leave it at that. Keep everything else easy, watch my diet and try get some sleep.

    Happy to complete the 30 minutes tempo. Ran it at an average 3:56 [6:20] pace. Good way to warm-up on an icy morning.

    3.12K @ 5:10 [1.94M @ 8:19]
    7.63K @ 3:56 [4.74M @ 6:20]
    2.04K @ 5:12 [1.27M @ 8:22]

    Total 12.82K @ 4:26 [7.97M @ 7:09]

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | 6.13M @ 8:12 | 70.95 KG
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 12.82 @ 4:26 [7.97M @ 7:09] with 7.63K @ 3:56 [4.74M @ 6:20] | N/A
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | |
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 28.83M MTD 101.52M YTD 1651.60

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 11+ Miles

    An early rise Sunday and on the road around 7:40. Like Saturday there are some icy patches underfoot but it's not as cold today. I set off in the Glanmire direction again. Views along the Lee by the Port are nice at this hour of the morning, water still mostly black as the horizon starts to brighten. I follow the main road to Dunkettle and turn left for Glanmire. Pace is a bit slow up until now but that's fine, plenty of road to put that right. Not a lot of runners around.

    I turn up the steep Church Hill out of Glanmire Village, navigating some more ice here. Legs are feeling this ascent. But once I crest the hill they take on an extra bounce and I can tell the pace has picked up. Up to Mayfield and then back to town along Montenotte, glancing left to take in the morning mist views down in the Lee Valley. Nice stride and footfall now as I drop back toward town. Turn left down Patrick's Hill and then right along the quays before climbing again up through Sundays Well. Enjoying the changing scenery. I turn over Wellington Bridge and complete the loop down along the Mardyke.

    Cut this one slightly short so I could join mrs and junior ofar for breakfast. Enjoyed that, nice loop with variety of scenery and some testing little climbs thrown in. Legs responded better than I'd expected as well.

    M01 8:43
    M02 8:30
    M03 8:23
    M04 7:59
    M05 8:03
    M06 8:21
    M07 7:37
    M08 7:19
    M09 7:21
    M10 7:29
    M11 7:11

    Total 11.37M @ 7:53

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | 6.13M @ 8:12 | 70.95 KG
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 12.82 @ 4:26 [7.97M @ 7:09] with 7.63K @ 3:56 [4.74M @ 6:20] | N/A
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 11.37M @ 7:53 | N/A
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | |
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 40.20M MTD 111.89M YTD 1662.97

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Ok I haven’t been great this week. I’ll dress it up as a healthy taper week.

    I got out at lunchtime on Monday for my usual 4 miler with a lap of the playing fields. Legs felt fairly heavy and after a weekend in the Asterias, the Nimbus also felt heavy. I may need to start looking soon for a new pair of Nimbus I have close on 600 miles on this pair.

    Whatever about the legs feeling heavy I as a little more concerned but not entirely surprised to feel some proest from the left knee. I reckon this is largely due to Thursday evening VO2 followed by Saturday morning tempo. Later on Monday I also jogged (not in running gear) down to Heuston and could feel more protest from the knee. I decided then that I wouldn’t do anything fast ahead of Saturday. Still weighing more than I'd like to.

    M01 9:36
    M02 8:28
    M03 7:58
    M04 8:05

    Total 4.00M @ 8:32

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | 6.13M @ 8:12 | 70.95 KG
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 12.82 @ 4:26 [7.97M @ 7:09] with 7.63K @ 3:56 [4.74M @ 6:20] | N/A
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 11.37M @ 7:53 | N/A
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.00M @ 8:32 | 71.95 KG
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | |
    Run 15 - TBC | |
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 4.00M MTD 115.89M YTD 1666.97M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5+ Miles

    I skipped Tuesday’s run. I’d decided that it wasn’t going to feature anything fast and really I probably could have gone out but instead I opted for rest. Had the morning off (working US hours) and so did keep the legs alive by strolling into and out off town. Knee felt ok during the day and I reckon the legs were glad of a little respite.

    Thursday morning I got out for nearly 6 miles in a chilly and foggy Athlone. Sticking to the usual loops. Happy to report that the legs felt much improved on Monday. Stride felt light even with the Nimbus on. No feedback at all from the left knee. So I guess taper is working. Got lots of sleep Wednesday night as well so generally feeling fresh.

    M01 9:01
    M02 8:08
    M03 8:13
    M04 8:10
    M05 7:58

    Total 5.80M @ 8:18

    Toward Jingle Bells Session Targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    Run 01 - Easy 4 Miles | 3.99M @ 8:12 | N/A
    Run 02 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.07M @ 7:50 | N/A
    Run 03 - VO2Max 5x800m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | Average 800m in 2:53.71 @ 3:37 [5:49] | N/A
    Run 04 - Easy 10 Miles | 10.27M @ 7:58 | N/A
    Run 05 - Tempo 45 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 16.61K @ 4:19 with 11.50K @ 3:55 [7.15M @ 6:18] | 70.95 KG
    Run 06 - MLR 12-14 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 12.21M @ 7:44 | 70.25 KG
    Run 07 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:25 | 71.25 KG
    Run 08 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:15 | N/A
    Run 09 - V02Max 10x400m @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | average 1:25.58 @3:34 [5:44] | 72.15 KG
    Run 10 - Easy 6 Miles | 6.13M @ 8:12 | 70.95 KG
    Run 11 - Tempo 30 Minutes @ 3:55 to 3:59 [6:18 to 6:25] | 12.82 @ 4:26 [7.97M @ 7:09] with 7.63K @ 3:56 [4.74M @ 6:20] | N/A
    Run 12 - MLR 12 Miles @ 7:45 to 8:00 | 11.37M @ 7:53 | N/A
    Run 13 - Easy 4 Miles | 4.00M @ 8:32 | 71.95 KG
    Run 14 - VO2Max 8x400 @ 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] | DNS | N/A
    Run 15 - Easy 5+ Miles | 5.80M @ 8:18 | N/A
    Run 16 - TBC | |

    WTD 9.80M MTD 5.80M YTD 1672.17M

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    Some great tempo runs last couple of weeks. Keep it going and you,ll have a good crack at your 5/10k pbs in due course. Great dedication in fairness.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Jingle Bells 5K 2016

    Completed the set on Saturday morning, i.e. PBs across 5K, 10K, HM and Marathon in the calendar year. I certainly would have taken that at the start of the year, even moreso in June ahead of CCM when my knee sidelined me for a while.

    In total contrast to last year, conditions were good yesterday (posting this from North Carolina so it's still Sunday for me), not too cold, dry and with negligible wind. All the same I wore a long sleeve top under a regular top and wore a pair of gloves. Jogged over to the start-line arriving with about 5 minutes to spare. Legs didn't feel super light and I wasn't in a hugely enthusiastic mood, am I ever ahead of a 5K?

    Back-in-Black says hello from behind me. Deja-vous from 2 years ago. I knew from his log that he'd gotten some motivation back since Fingal, reckoned if I could stay with him I'd be doing well. Startled by the starting claxon and we're off.

    K1 3:42.17
    Plan was for a conservative start and there were a fair few runners around me which ensured I didn't hare off. I could see BinB in my periphery, then ahead a little, then I'd pull close, not sure if he saw me or not. I moved out from behind a group that was travelling just a little too slow and overtook several runners to my left. I could see 3:41 [5:55] pace showing so eased up a little. Felt ok. BinB traveling around 5ms ahead of me. First K beeps at 3:42 [5:57]. So far so good.

    K2 3:39.92
    Knowing that I'd eased up and that we were now heading uphill along Chesterfield I felt I should push a little to avoid dropping off pace. I'm not feeling too bad and the pace is in range but I'm a little concerned that the legs don't have the zip that I'd like them to have. I'm not striding fluidly, I don't feel fast. I still have BinB up ahead, he looks strong.

    K3 3:41.80
    I realise I probably overcompensated on the Chesterfield incline. When I turn left onto OS Road I see 3:41[5:55] average pace. The target at this point was 3:43 [5:58] so I haven't banked my conservative start. I ease up a tiny bit and some others overtake me. Half way down OS Road and the effort levels are rising considerably. Average pace drops to 3:42 [5:57] and I ignore the watch for a while. I don't see my K3 split.

    K4 3:41.46
    The make or break kilometre. I overtake some runners, I'm overtaken by others, I don't give chase to anyone. BinB is pulling ahead slowly. I remember him doing the same at this same point 2 years ago, but like then I'm struggling to hold pace and the thought of trying to speed up with almost 2K to go is not entertained and is pushed out of my head. If I can just get to the 4K mark then I can get some relief on the final downhill K. I'm disappointed that I'm already in count-down mode, try not to get too negative while still running. The average is still 3:41 [5:55], that's good, it's just I had pre-race ideas of a strong finish and these weren't materialising. Then at the bends I feel a hint of a stitch under low right ribcage. I ease off slightly and it passes, but doesn't help my comfort levels, physical nor mental.

    K5 3:40.31
    I run my slowest ever final K in Jingle Bells. I don't think I overtook anyone but I'm pretty sure I was overtaken more than once. I cannot take advantage of the downhill. I just want this to be over. I hear someone shout just one more lap of the track which doesn't do much to cheer me up. A glance at the Garmin says average pace is still good, don't ease off now. Please don't let the finishing line be too far down the final straight. I turn left for the last 150 or so metres. I hear an Annalee runner being called out as they cross the line, well done BinB. Squinting at the clock time. See 18:3X showing. I up the pace and as I approach the line I manage a smile knowing that I will get my PB, just.

    Post Race

    On the Garmin I have an 18:34, officially this would become 18:35. I scan the crowd but don't spot BinB. He logged an 18:20 chip time. I collect my mug, a banana, a bottle of water and a flyer for the Raheny 5 Miler (could be tempted). Note to self, avoid having meusli the morning of a fast race. A few dry retches and I thought for a while that that meusli was going to make a reappearance. Had a sore throat these last two mornings and that was also encouraging extra coughing. Eventually compose myself, figure out how to carry everything, and jog back home.

    So 4 PBs for the year (for the 6th consecutive year) and across a classic set of distances. All the same, a bit disappointed with Saturday''s performance. Diet and training have been inconsistent over the last few weeks. I think if I had been more consistent I could have logged an 18:2X. Means I end the racing year with the PB boxes ticked but a feeling of 'must do better'. I suppose that's good motivation to carry into 2017.

    Warm-up 3.14K @ 4:57 [1.95M @ 7:58]

    K1 @ 3:42 [5:58]
    K2 @ 3:40 [5:54]
    K3 @ 3:42 [5:57]
    K4 @ 3:41 [5:56]
    K5 @ 3:40 [5:55]

    Total 5.04K @ 3:41 [3.13M @ 5:56]

    Cool-down 3.07K @ 5:25 [1.91M @ 8:43]

    Official time 18:35.
    P139 of 790 finishers or 18th in a race of 100. Always a strong field for this race, the first 6 finishers logging 14:XX times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Some great tempo runs last couple of weeks. Keep it going and you,ll have a good crack at your 5/10k pbs in due course. Great dedication in fairness.

    Thanks. I agree, if I can run some more of these tempos and become more used to 3K pace then I would be confident of going faster over 5K and 10K. I'm starting to think about setting the Raheny 5 Miler as my first race of 2017.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Great racing and great build up over last few weeks, congrats on pb, great
    approach to training paid off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Well done on the PB. Sorry I missed you at the finish - I legged it back to meet the young lad and finish with him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Another PB OFAR, congrats on a good year all round

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Solid stuff D.
    A pb with room for improvement sounds positive to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    Wow, decent quality in that race. 138 faster than 18:35.! Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Great racing and great build up over last few weeks, congrats on pb, great
    approach to training paid off.
    Thanks, although I'd downgrade 'great' to good or adequate. I think I did just enough to ensure a small PB, when really with better focus in the full month of November, on training and diet I think would have performed better.
    Well done on the PB. Sorry I missed you at the finish - I legged it back to meet the young lad and finish with him.

    Thanks. No worries, great racing yourself. I knew (well strongly suspected) once I saw you on the start line that it was unlikely to finish ahead of you.
    Duanington wrote: »
    Another PB OFAR, congrats on a good year all round

    Thanks. Yeah can't complain about the PB count. But definitely have a feeling of not living up to potential. Makes me hungry for 2017 though.
    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Solid stuff D.
    A pb with room for improvement sounds positive to me.
    Thanks man. Definite room for improvement - 5 seconds over 2 years is not a return on investment I can get too excited about.
    Wow, decent quality in that race. 138 faster than 18:35.! Well done.
    I know - it's like that every year. Puts those Parkrun podiums in perspective.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I've switched off since Jingle Bells.

    I had to travel again to North Carolina for work. Full days and beers at night. Then I took another weekend off running (to be fair I had promised 4 non-running weekends at home at the start of the year). More jet-lagged beers last Friday night with colleagues from the old work-place. Beers last night with colleagues from new work-place.

    I've eased off too early in the month and well I've got to get back on track now and get a Christmas plan together. Two short term goals to help me refocus. First up will be an attempt to better my lap of Parco di Trenno segment time on Strava. This will probably be run on the first or second of January.

    And second goal will be a 5 Mile PB attempt in Raheny (must register). I've never run there before. And looking further afield I think my two main goals next year will be HM and Marathon PBs, in Cork and Dublin respectively.

    Anyway, I've just three runs to report on.

    Easy 4 Miles
    An early morning pre-sunrise run in North Carolina. The stretch of road right outside the hotel is almost precisely a mile long. So I ran out and back and out and back to start the day with an easy 4 miles. The night before I'd picked up a pair of Nimbus 18s for $120 and this was their first run. Felt comfy and not too heavy. I took some extreme packing to get them into my cabin bag for the trip back home (I travel with just carry-on).

    M01 8:49
    M02 8:40
    M03 8:10
    M04 8:25

    Total 4.07M @ 8:31

    Easy 4 Miles
    Another lunchtime run on Monday. First run on Irish soil for the new Nimbus. Legs felt fresher than I'd expected. This was my usual lap of the playing fields and home. Surprisingly mild out, I overdressed for this one.

    M01 9:01
    M02 8:33
    M03 8:18
    M04 8:21

    Total 4.04M @ 8:33

    Short Tempo

    Ran this one tonight and it's acted as a wake-up call. Too many beers and not enough running equals loss of fitness. In Athlone tonight and really didn't fancy running easy or steady miles so decided I'd run a tempo paced lap of my usual Dublin Road - Retreat Road - Cartrontroy Road loop.

    Raining for this one. I started with a slightly fast warm-up lap of the same loop. I was on one bar of charge on the Garmin so I wanted to get into the second tempo lap sooner rather than later.

    The lap is a tiny bit over 3 miles. It's largely footpath running and it's quite hilly with several sort but steep climbs. Most of my recent tempos have been run on flatter routes. I was also running in my Nimbus, not the lighter Asterias.

    This was tough! It started ok on the mainly downhill Dublin Road. The first glance at the Garmin showed I was running at 5K pace of 3:42 [5:57] so I started easing off. Later glance showed I'd dropped the pace to 3:53 [6:15], that's better and that's the pace I was travelling at when I reached the most westerly part of the loop and turned onto the back section. Straight into some hills. Legs felt heavy, lungs were working. The road profile now sees climb followed by dip, followed by climb and so on. It was very tricky to establish a steady rhythm and halfway along here I was a little concerned to see average pace showing at 3:57 [6:21].

    Effort levels were high and I was anxious for this loop to finish. Lungs were closer to VO2 effort than to Tempo effort. Nimbus were travelling through puddles and getting wetter and heavier. At a certain point I was really tempted to stop the tempo section early: but luckily I managed to resist this temptation. A fast enough finish saw me just scrape home inside target range with a 3:59 [6:24] average. Honestly this felt tougher than the 30 minute and 45 minute tempos I've run recently. The hills at tempo are good training though so that's one positive from tonight's run.

    Scarse running and too much beer and this is the result. I will be more disciplined for the rest of the month and I'll carry that discipline into 2017.

    I also saved the loop as a segment on Strava, I reckon quite a few people will run this loop so hopefully a bit of a leaderboard will start to form.

    Way past my bedtime:

    5.73K @ 4:46 [3.56M @ 7:39]
    4.87K @ 3:59 [3.02M @ 6:24]
    1.71K @ 5:23 [1.06M @ 8:33]

    Total 12:30K @ 4:32 [7.64M @ 7:17]

    WTD 11.68M MTD 28.54 YTD 1695.50M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8+ Miles

    Headed out just as it was turning dark late Saturday afternoon. Over to the Park via Heuston and then I run the full length of Chesterfield. Should have brought the headlamp from DCM, it's dark and hard to see the profile of the path in front of me. Exit at Castleknock Gate and continue until turning left onto an even darker Tower Road.

    Legs feeling fairly heavy and devoid of any zip. Stomach feeling just a tiny bit off as well. Down into Chapelizod and I follow the road back to Islandbridge and home. Average pace dipping just under 8:00 minute miles.

    Passed 1700 miles for the year on this one - it's going to be a low mileage year.

    M01 8:28
    M02 8:07
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:57
    M05 7:57 (1700 Miles for the year)
    M06 7:56
    M07 7:48
    M08 7:50

    Total 8.41M @ 7:59

    WTD 20.09M MTD 36.95M YTD 1703.91M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12+ Miles

    Out a little after 9:00 this morning with a large loop in mind and no intention to check pace until after I'd completed the run. Into the park at Park Gate again and then continue up behind the zoo. Wolves howling. I turn right for Ashtown and then left onto the canal. Haven't been up this way in a while. Anglers, dog-walkers, cyclists and runners. Exit at Castleknock and head back down toward the park, entering at Whites Gate. I take in a lap of Farmleigh then continue a lap of the park down Upper Glen Road around the S-Bends and home via Islandbridge.

    Never really got into this one and was a little surprised to see an average pace of 7:45 at the end. Felt slower than that. Pleasedto see that weight has dropped back under 70 KG. I weighed in at 69.85 after this.

    M01 8:56
    M02 8:10
    M03 7:47
    M04 7:36
    M05 7:42
    M06 7:49
    M07 7:41
    M08 7:33
    M09 7:20
    M10 7:18
    M11 7:42
    M12 7:36

    Total 12.48M @ 7:45

    WTD 32.57M MTD 49.44M YTD 1716.39M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles x 2

    Tuesday and Wednesday, two lunchtimes, two easy 4 mile runs.
    The first run the legs felt fairly heavy, 24 hours later on the second run they felt much looser and stride felt more comfortable. Both runs were completed around my usual lunchtime clockwise lap of the playing fields. Both runs the deer were out in force, busy grazing to the left and right of the path and crossing the path ahead of me.

    Super busy at work. The brain and body is desperate to wind down for Christmas, but instead the work keeps piling on. Wednesday was a 14 hour day from 8:00 to 22:00. I make a point of ensuring I get out at lunchtime, these 4 milers are keeping me sane.

    M01 8:50
    M02 8:19
    M03 7:44
    M04 8:14

    Total 4.05M @ 8:16

    M01 8:55
    M02 8:04
    M03 7:39
    M04 7:58

    Total 4.02M @ 8:09

    WTD 8.07M MTD 57.51M YTD 1724.46M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Steady 8+ Miles

    This afternoon I ran a repeat of last Saturday's loop. Into Park at Park Gate, a full Chesterfield ascent, into Castleknock, down to Chapelizod, to Islandbridge and home.

    I wore a hat for this one (maybe the second time I've ever worn a hat on a run) and I put on the head-torch from the DCM goodie bag. I enjoyed the novelty of this. You're running in you own little cocoon of light. Shortly after the zoo another runner in his own cocoon of light overtakes me. He opens up a 20m gap or so before I decide I'll stick with him. He's easy to follow as my torch lights up the reflective strips on his back-pack. Pace increases and this pursuit up Chesterfield is almost hypnotic. He turns right just before the Castleknock Gate and I overtake him as I exit. Not sure if he's following me or not but I maintain the higher pace until the turn for Chapelizod.

    A steady descent down Tower Road now. The novelty of the headtorch is starting to wear off and now I'm starting to find the hat and torch a bit annoying and uncomfortable, too tight. Maintain steady effort levels along the Chapelizod Road to Islandbridge, before turning for home and completing the loop. Nice run.

    M01 8:33
    M02 8:05
    M03 7:05
    M04 6:40
    M05 7:05
    M06 7:24
    M07 6:55
    M08 7:29

    Total 8.39M @ 7:22

    WTD 16.46M MTD 65.90M YTD 1732.85M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K Pace

    My most surprising performance of the year.

    I've only run one short tempo since the Jingle Bells and so this morning the plan was to put on the Asterias and try make the legs move at speed again. I decided on 5x800m, around the playing fields. Honestly I was not looking forward to this. Legs felt heavy on my 3K warm-up. I've gotten the idea into my head that I've lost a significant level of fitness over the last weeks, because of unfocused training, unfocused diet and a run of low mileage weeks. I feared the worse this morning and was anxious even ahead of the first 800, how tough would 3K pace feel? 3K pace is set at 3:35 [5:46] to 3:39 [5:54].

    The wind was a factor this morning and it was blowing in the prevailing direction, from Acres down to the Fort. The first 800 was surprisingly quick. The wind was not against me and the second half of the 800 was mostly a gentle decline. Average pace was 3:27 [5:34], I need to ease back a little for the next 800s or I could be really hurting come the final interval.

    I have wind to deal with over the closing 400ms or so of the 2nd interval, form deteriorates as I lean into the headwind. All the same I log a 2:51, that's a fraction faster than 3K pace. I don't feel tooooo bad. I am though thinking ahead and trying to anticipate the profile of each 800. The third one has a tough profile, headwind to start with then a climb up Acres. The climb is easier than the wind. But still another slightly faster than 3K pace 800. I realise these are going well (although technically I'm running them too fast) effort feels about right.

    Fourth interval is tough. I have that feeling that I'm not travelling fast but each time I check the Garmin I'm ahead of 3K pace. And onto the final interval. Over half of this final interval is into the headwind and this hurts, stride is sloppy and I feel like I'm crawling. Delighted when I hear the Garmin start to beep.

    The final interval is my slowest, but it's smack bang in the middle of 3K pace. I realise that despite feeling unfit, and feeling guilty for slacking off on training and diet, I've just posted my fastest ever set of 800s. An average of 2:49.97 per 800 [@ 3:32 [5:42]]. All these off 2 minutes jog recovery.

    Feeling much better after this run than before it.

    Warm-up 3.00K @ 5:26 [1.86M @ 8:44]

    Interval 1 in 2:45.95 @ 3:27 [5:34]
    Interval 2 in 2:51.08 @ 3:34 [5:44]
    Interval 3 in 2:48.99 @ 3:31 [5:40]
    Interval 4 in 2:49.83 @ 3:32 [5:42]
    Interval 5 in 2:54.01 @ 3:38 [5:50]

    Average Interval in 2:49.97 @ 3:32 [5:42]

    Cool-down 2.51K @ 5:00 [1.56M @ 8:03]

    Total 11.38K @ 4:40 [7.07M @ 7:30]

    WTD 23.53M MTD 72.97M YTD 1739.92M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7+ Miles

    A Christmas morning lap of the Park before setting up camp in the kitchen for the rest of the morning and early afternoon. I assume it's cold out there so I always throw on jacket and gloves, instead it was quite mild and I really didn't need either. In at Islandbridge Gate and head around anticlockwise.

    Not a lot of cars on the roads this morning but quite a few runners out. Lots of good mornings and Merry Christmases. Windy up along the North Road. Happy to turn onto the Upper Glen Road and out of the breeze. As I head down toward the hospital I take a little mental snapshot of this Christmas morning: squinting into bright sunshine, smell of chimney smoke, sound of the wind and sound of church bells in the distance. Legs feeling good.

    I'm not watching the Garmin and just running at easy effort. Pleasantly surprised when I check splits later to see I've logged a 6:53 mile on easy effort.

    Over the last mile or so I realise the Nimbus are starting to cut my left heel. I try adjusting sock to no avail. Home a bit bloodied. I think it was due to a loose sock more so than the new Nimbus. Plaster on later and hopefully it'll heal up quickly.

    Merry Christmas all!!

    M01 9:12
    M02 8:19
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:45
    M05 7:23
    M06 7:05
    M07 6:53

    Total 7.70M @ 7:45

    WTD 30.98M MTD 80.42M YTD 1747.37M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    My last Irish run of 2016 was on Wednesday after a day working from home. Was stuck for time so opted for 5 miles rather than the 8 I had initially planned. Went on my on-my-doorstep loop, so Kilmainham - Inchicore - Chapelizod - Islandbridge - Heuston - Kilmainham. My biggest concern on this run was how the chaffing on my left foot would react. I'd stuck a bandaid on and wore a newer pair of socks. All fine.

    Each mile faster than the previous. Legs feeling a bit on the heavy side.

    M01 8:57
    M02 8:15
    M03 7:59
    M04 7:51
    M05 7:46

    Total 5.05M @ 8:09

    WTD 5.05M MTD 85.47M YTD 1752.42M

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    outforarun wrote: »
    This afternoon I ran a repeat of last Saturday's loop. Into Park at Park Gate, a full Chesterfield ascent, into Castleknock, down to Chapelizod, to Islandbridge

    How do you find the descent into Chapelizod village? I never run it as it looks awkward/steep and a bit tight in relation to passing cars but perhaps it's not that bad? I generally turn back into the park before the steep bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    How do you find the descent into Chapelizod village? I never run it as it looks awkward/steep and a bit tight in relation to passing cars but perhaps it's not that bad? I generally turn back into the park before the steep bit.

    It's fine really. You need to cross to the righthand side of the road at the top of the hill as I don't think there's a footpath on the left. The path on the right is quite narrow but it's high and keeps you safe from traffic. I wouldn't be sprinting down here for sure but keep your eyes on the path ahead and you're fine. There's only about 20m of really steep descent where it's uncomfortable stride wise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    Flew to Milan this morning. Early flight out of Dublin so I was up at 4:00am having gone to bed at around 2:00am. I managed to grab a couple of hours of sofa sleep on a full belly in the afternoon. On waking I persuaded myself to get the gear on and head out for 5 miles. Not very cold here, wore gloves but could have managed fine without. I only packed the Asteria for this trip. I ran a simple out and back past San Siro. Spotted a couple of other runners.

    I'm looking forward to the first and to making a fresh start for a new year. I've indulged too much this December.

    Will post up a review of 2016, hopefully tomorrow and probably Monday will post up plans for 2017. Will say now though that DCM18 is starting to become my long-term A race. 2017 will be largely about a cautious ramp up ahead of a sub 3:00 attempt in October 2018. So I'm very much seeing January 1st as the start of a 22 month disciplined training block. All injury and life-event permitting.

    M01 8:51
    M02 8:07
    M03 7:59
    M04 7:54
    M05 7:50

    Total 5.23M @ 8:06

    WTD 10.28M MTD 90.70M YTD 1757.65M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    2016 Race History

    2016 Review Part 1 -The year in figures.

    I ran 5 races plus 2 Parkruns. If I consider Parkrun as a stand-alone category then I ran PBs in 6 of these runs. Once again marathon distance is the weak link producing the lowest VDot rating.

    Also weak was my overall mileage. Only managed 1757.65 miles, that's lower than both 2015 and 2014. Average weekly mileage was only 33.62 miles. I need to improve on this in 2017.

    Despite the low mileage I still managed to log PBs across a nice spectrum of distances: 5K, 10K, HM and Marathon.

    (paces are calculated against standard race distance, not pace for distance covered as captured on Garmin)

    No|Race|Time|Pace(M)|Pace(KM)|Position|Finishers|% of Field|Vdot|PB

    01| Waterstown Parkrun 80 | 0:19:15 | 6:12 | 3:51 | 02 | 81 | 03 | 52.1 | Yes
    02| Cork City Marathon | 3:13:43 | 7:23 | 4:35 | 67 | 1094 | 07 | 49.9 | Yes
    03| Fingal 10K | 0:39:06 | 6:18 | 3:55 | 158 | 2968 | 06 | 53.3 | No
    04| Waterstown Parkrun 110 | 0:18:57 | 6:06 | 3:47 | 03 | 93 | 04 | 53.0 | Yes
    05| Blessington 10K | 0:38:38 | 6:13 | 3:52 | 29 | 265 | 11 | 54.1 | Yes
    06| Dublin Half Marathon | 1:26:57 | 6:38 | 4:07 | 239 | 6940 | 04 | 53.0 | Yes
    07| Jingle Bells 5K | 0:18:35 | 5:59 | 3:43 | 139 | 790 | 18 | 54.3 | Yes

    PB Details

    Distance|2010 Best|2011 Best|2012 Best|2013 Best|2014 Best|2015 Best|2016 Best|Current PB Set
    Marathon|3:51:53|3:41:30|3:40:31|3:39:30|3:24:49|3:18:43|3:13:43|Cork City Marathon 2016
    15 Mile|1:56:59|1:55:49|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|1:42:24|didn't race|BHAA Cork to Cobh 2015
    Half Marathon|1:40:50|1:37:59|1:37:52|DNF|1:28:52|1:28:18|1:26:57|Dublin Half Marathon 2016
    10 Mile|1:17:52|1:15:57|1:13:11|1:09:14|didn't race|1:06:43|didn't race|Frank Duffy 2015
    10K|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:40:16|0:39:01|0:38:54|0:38:38|Blessington Lakes 2016
    5 Mile|didn't race|0:35:26|0:34:35|0:33:10|0:31:48|0:31:56|didn't race|Irish Runner 5 Mile 2014
    5K|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:18:40|0:18:46|0:18:35|Jingle Bells 2016
    Parkrun|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:18:57|Waterstown 110
