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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance Pace 9 Miles

    Back in Dublin for this one. Finished work a bit after 6pm and headed out soon afterwards. Just getting properly dark so I brought the headlamp. Divided the run into three 3-mile sections and I would work up through endurance pace from 8:14 to 7:26.

    Into the Park and head up Chesterfield. Dark and not too many others along Chesterfield this evening. I can hear deer off to my left before the Phoenix roundabout, I scan the darkness and a few sets of eyes glow back at me. Eventually emerge from the park, switch off the headlamp and head up to Castleknock. Lamp back on for the descent down Tower Road. The final 3 miles I'm targeting 7:26 to 7:40 pace and it feels very very comfortable and very fluid, flirt with the too-fast alert a little. Push as I head up the Luas track from Heuston to James.

    Finished strong and energized.

    3.00M @ 8:01
    3.00M @ 7:44
    3.00M @ 7:27

    Total 9.03M @ 7:44

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 3 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec hills & 6x100m Strides | 13.20K @ 4:51 [8.20M @ 7:49] | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 7:26 to 8:14 | 9.03M @ 7:44 | 71.00 KG
    Tempo 13K with 18min and 15min @ 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | |
    Progression 15M with final 2 miles @ Tempo pace | |

    WTD 17.23M MTD 129.82M YTD 312.49M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    13K with 18mins & 15mins @ Tempo

    Out in the late afternoon for this. Wasn't feeling hugely motivated. I avoided alcohol since Tuesday evening but I only had around 4 hours sleep last night, so not perfect preparation but better than ahead of my last tempo.

    Conditions were good. I couldn't figure out where the wind was blowing from, something of a crosswind coming mostly I think from the south-east. But it wasn't strong. I'd lap clockwise as usual.

    With the wind kind of behind me on the ascent up Acres I was quickly travelling at tempo pace. It felt ok. Most of the time I was touching the fast end of target range, 3:50 [6:10]. Felt fairly comfortable for the first lap. Once onto my second lap I start to feel the effort, but I'm holding pace. Stride doesn't feel as fluid as I'd like.

    Start into my 4 minute recovery jog along the Fort to Acres stretch. There are quite a few deer grazing around here and they are getting restless. I have to weave left and right as they saunter across the path. This is easy to do during this recovery section but I don't fancy dodging deer at tempo pace.

    So I leave the playing fields and head for my old tempo route, the Chapelizod Road Wind-tunnel. Luckily the wind-dial is set to low this evening. I start the second 15 minute tempo section by the bus shelter at Chapelizod Gate. Travelling toward town is 'comfortable' and I have to apply the brakes a little. I reach Islandbridge Gate and turn 180 trying not to lose too much momentum.

    The stretch from Islandbridge Gate back to Chapelizod Gate is easily the hardest part of this session. It's a little uphill and it's into a slight headwind and it's now close on 30 minutes of tempo pace. I tell myself that this testing stretch will stand to me. Happy to turn at the bus shelter and finish with around 400ms back toward town.

    Good session and had to work near the end. Cadence in the 190s for the tempo sections.

    Then during my cool-down I get a stitch. I initially ignore it but after a few minutes it forces me to stop. Stand a bit, walk a bit, run again, stop again, walk again, then manage to run the final kilometre home.

    I'll run an easy 4 miler in the morning and then another test Sunday with a challenging 15 mile progression run. Need to stay someway disciplined during Ireland France tomorrow.

    3.00K @ 5:14 [1.86M @ 8:26]
    4.68K @ 3:51 [2.91M @ 6:12]
    0.89K @ 4:29 [0.55M @ 7:13]
    3.87K @ 3:53 [2.40M @ 6:15]
    2.42K @ 5:03 [1.51M @ 5:07]

    Total 14.86K @ 4:22 [9.23M @ 7:02]

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 3 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec hills & 6x100m Strides | 13.20K @ 4:51 [8.20M @ 7:49] | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 7:26 to 8:14 | 9.03M @ 7:44 | 71.00 KG
    Tempo 13K with 18min and 15min @ 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | 14.86K @ 4:22 with 4.68K @ 3:51 & 3.87K @ 3:53 [9.23M @ 7:02 with 2.91M @ 6:12 & 2.40M @ 6:15] | 69.85 KG
    Progression 15M with final 2 miles @ Tempo pace | |

    WTD 26.46M MTD 139.05M YTD 321.72M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Didn't set an alarm Friday evening and just slept until I woke up (free house this weekend). Mild and breezy outside. Didn't check pace on watch for this and just tipped along nice and relaxed. Over to the canal in Inchicore and follow it back to Suir Road. Then into RHK to follow the short perimeter trail there before heading home. I can feel some of Friday evening's tempo efforts in the legs and reckon this short and easy run should help ahead of Sunday's progression run.

    M01 9:04
    M02 8:33
    M03 8:31
    M04 8:49

    Total 4.05M @ 8:44

    WTD 30.51M MTD 143.10M YTD 325.77M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression Run 15 Miles

    Sunday's run was all about the gales and the gusts and less about the Guinness from the French game.

    Set out around 9:45 feeling none the worse from 6 nations pints from Saturday evening. I'd been looking forward to this one. The plan was 3 miles to open at 8:14 to 8:00 pace, and then six 2 mile sections each increasing the pace range by 20 secs per mile (8:00 to 7:40, 7:40 to 7:20, 7:20 to 7:00, etc). The final 2 miles I would target tempo pace of 6:10 to 6:20.

    Within minutes of starting I knew the wind was going to be a huge factor. The opening sections were fine, headed up behind the zoo and exited for Ashtown to join the canal. For the first 4 sections the transition was easy and I was triggering the occasional 'too fast' alert. I started running sub 7:00 pace on the descent down OS Road and here I started to feel the effort levels rising, largely because of the strong headwind blowing against me. I turned onto Furze Road and the pace felt easy again as the wind pushed me back up towards Chesterfield. I turned left and then right onto the North Road. Could feel the effort rising again. And because I knew I'd soon be turning back into the headwind I was becoming concerned about the next two shifts in pace.

    Just after the Ashtown Gate exit I start the 6:20 to 6:40 section. This takes me down to the Phoenix Roundabout, down Acres and down to Chapelizod Gate. It's ok at the start but as soon as I start turning southwards the effort starts to quickly rise. When I get to Acres Roads it's just ridiculous. It's like a sky-diving simulator, I can hear nothing but the roar of the wind, my running jacket is pushed against my chest, with any slack flapping like crazy, if I open my mouth I can feel my cheeks flapping, seriously. I lean into the gale and it's a struggle just to run in a straight line. The too-slow alert starts buzzing like crazy on the Garmin, but it's all I can do to just keep moving forward. I don't recall ever running into a headwind so strong on Acres Road.

    This two mile section will not be completed inside the desired target range, but the effort levels haven't faltered. I happily exit at Chapelizod Gate just as the final tempo section is starting.

    The headwind that I battled down Acres is gone, but it hasn't become a tailwind. Instead it's something of crosswind that really doesn't feel like it's assisting me in any way and it sometimes does blow against me. I'm tired and the pace is starting to drop despite the effort levels rising. I want this to be over: the wind, the tempo from Friday evening and maybe even the Guinness from Saturday are taking their combined toll. The goal has now become a determination to simply not ease off the effort. I stay honest until the 2 mile tempo session is completed by Heuston Station. I managed to at least keep the pace at sub 4:00 min per kilometre, I'll settle for that.

    Legs felt very exercised for the rest of Sunday. Thankfully the plan calls for a recovery week now.

    3M @ 8:00
    2M @ 7:41
    2M @ 7:24
    2M @ 7:02
    2M @ 6:40
    2M @ 6:56
    2M @ 6:24

    Total 15.55M @ 7:15

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 3 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec hills & 6x100m Strides | 13.20K @ 4:51 [8.20M @ 7:49] | N/A
    Endurance 9M @ 7:26 to 8:14 | 9.03M @ 7:44 | 71.00 KG
    Tempo 13K with 18min and 15min @ 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | 14.86K @ 4:22 with 4.68K @ 3:51 & 3.87K @ 3:53 [9.23M @ 7:02 with 2.91M @ 6:12 & 2.40M @ 6:15] | 69.85 KG
    Progression 15M with final 2 miles @ Tempo pace | 15.55M @ 7:15 | 69.25 KG

    WTD 46.06M MTD 158.66M YTD 341.32M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    A new Garmin and a new training plan for February.

    A shiny yellow-strapped Forerunner 230 arriving just in time for Pete Pfitzinger and Philip Latter's up to 47 miles a week Half Marathon Plan. It's good to be back following a proper plan having someone else decide all the runs for me. And the 230 complements this telling me what to do during each run. I just do what I'm told.

    I'm enjoying the plan. Big focus on tempo runs and no runs yet less than 7 miles. Easily the toughest session so far was the 15 mile progression run last Sunday, with the final two miles targeting tempo pace. The weather for sure did not make this easy with a completely ridiculous headwind to tackle during miles 12 and 13.

    I'm hoping to go sub 1:25 off this plan but I haven't yet built the confidence that says this is possible. I need to have better weather conditions for the next progression run and hit all my paces, then I might start believing.

    Along with the 15 mile progression run, the other run that stands out from February is an impromptu 12 miler run early on a chilly morning in Cork where I averaged 2:56 marathon pace, didn't feel too tough. And it makes me think I'm good to train for sub 2:55 ahead of DCM17 (not race for sub 2:55).

    Weight has also started to drop down under 70 kg again as consistent mileage continues.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 182.66 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 2151
    February | 162.69 | 5.81 | 40.67 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2136
    March | | | | | |
    April | | | | | |
    May | | | | | |
    June | | | | | |
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Busy at work and so falling behind with updates for this current week. Started the week's running at lunchtime on Tuesday with my standard lap of the playing fields. Legs were definitely feeling the effects of the weekend's tempo efforts. Still a bit blustery outside.

    I have to start thinking about when to take my first of 5 buffer weeks. I'll complete this recovery week and probably will continue into week 5 of the P&L plan which finishes with another daunting progression run. Then may take an additional recovery week, possibly trying a Parkrun. I'll see.

    Anyway legs were tired on Tuesday but otherwise all good. My cadence drops into the 170s on these slower leisurely runs.

    M01 9:14
    M02 8:33
    M03 7:56
    M04 8:21

    Total 4.03M @ 8:31

    WTD 4.03M MTD 162.69M YTD 345.35M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 13K with 2x(5x150ms strides), 4 mins recovery between sets

    Carefully built this workout and loaded onto the Garmin, reviewed it and all good. Then headed out on the run selecting the wrong workout by accident :rolleyes:

    Fairly miserable night in Athlone. Wet and breezy and cold. During my opening 8K or so of general aerobic running I get soaked by a heavy shower, almost hail. I started by running from Garrycastle into town, skirt around by the station then back toward Garrycastle along Cartrontroy. I decide to try a new spot for these strides. There's an old railway line here along which a path was been recently built, it runs for miles and it's straight as an arrow. I leave the road and take the slipway down to the path. There are some lamps along here providing some illumination but it's still fairly dark. I start into the 150s (once I reset the Garmin having only now realised I've selected the wrong workout).

    I think I might prefer 150m as a stride distance, it allows you to settle more into stride pace. Complete the first set of 150s here. However there's a few too many dogwalkers out and in the dark I can't tell if the dogs are on leashes or not and some are a little surprised as I come storming towards them. So for the second set of 150s I move onto the Garrycastle Bridge.

    Enjoy these, even in the Nimbus. For the record my average 150m measured at 30:31.

    Happy then to complete the remaining distance at general aerobic pace and get in out of this miserable evening.

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 4 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 2x(5x150m strides) | 14.18K [8.81M] @ 4:53 [7:52], average stride in 30:31 | N/A
    General Aerobic 7M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |
    General Aerobic 8M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |
    General Aerobic 12M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |

    WTD 12.84M MTD 8.81M YTD 354.16M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 7 Miles

    A long day at work Thursday. Fairly wrecked mentally when I leave the office. To be honest all I want to do is get some warm food and climb into bed for a rare early night. Instead I switch to auto-pilot and just put the gear on without dwelling on it. Get out the door and start running. Wet and a bit chilly outside. I start daydreaming and zone out a little and just let the miles look after themselves. Legs feeling heavy. I run to town, a brief excursion west of the Shannon and then back my usual Cartrontroy route.

    Really happy to tick this one off.

    M01 8:10
    M02 8:01
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:35
    M05 7:57
    M06 7:43
    M07 7:48

    Total 7.20M @ 7:53

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 4 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 2x(5x150m strides) | 14.18K [8.81M] @ 4:53 [7:52], average stride in 30:31 | N/A
    General Aerobic 7M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 7.20M @ 7:53 | N/A
    General Aerobic 8M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |
    General Aerobic 12M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |

    WTD 20.04M MTD 16.01M YTD 361.36M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    Still busy at work and still playing catch-up on here. Saturday's run was another damp one, but not very windy. Still in the Nimbus the legs felt sluggish at the start but did regain some zip for the last 3 miles or so. This was a simple anticlockwise lap of the Park including an up and down to the Castleknock Gate from Mountjoy Roundabout.

    I divided the run into four 2 mile segments on the watch, just to help ensure more consistent pacing over the 8 miles, it worked.

    2.00M @ 7:58
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:55

    Total 8.35M @ 7:51

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 4 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 2x(5x150m strides) | 14.18K [8.81M] @ 4:53 [7:52], average stride in 30:31 | N/A
    General Aerobic 7M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 7.20M @ 7:53 | N/A
    General Aerobic 8M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 8.35M @ 7:51 | 70.10 KG
    General Aerobic 12M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | |

    WTD 28.39M MTD 24.36M YTD 369.71M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 12 Miles

    Forgetting what blue-sky looks like. Headed out on another grey Sunday morning. Decided against the Park and opted instead to follow the canal and the Liffey. So over to Inchicore and turn left onto the canal. Then follow it all the way to Grand Canal Dock. Like Saturday I've set-up this run in 2 mile blocks on the Garmin and I'm making an effort to run consistently inside target range. A pink scooter, a giant inflatable tortoise and a tent were among the pieces of litter on display in the canal this morning.

    Over the East Link bridge and turn left to head back into town. This route should really be done earlier in the morning. There's a little bit too much traffic along here now. Follow the river to Heuston, then a mini visit to the Park, in a Park Gate, out at Islandbridge Gate. I like the new surface down Wellington Road. Then loop round by HSQ and home.

    Enjoyed this one. That's already 33% of this training plan completed.

    2.00M @ 7:56
    2.00M @ 7:45
    2.00M @ 7:49
    2.00M @ 7:51
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:51

    Total 12.07M @ 7:50

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 4 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 2x(5x150m strides) | 14.18K [8.81M] @ 4:53 [7:52], average stride in 30:31 | N/A
    General Aerobic 7M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 7.20M @ 7:53 | N/A
    General Aerobic 8M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 8.35M @ 7:51 | 70.10 KG
    General Aerobic 12M @ 7:45 to 8:14 | 12.07M @ 7:50 | 69.90 KG

    WTD 40.46M MTD 36.43M YTD 381.78M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Ok, I need to work next Sunday morning and maybe Sunday afternoon so I won't really have an opportunity to run my Progression Run.

    Then tonight (Tuesday) I left the office gone 7:00pm, having been up since around 6:00am. I was feeling shattered and without any qualms I opted to call my first buffer week of this plan.

    I'll spread the 5 runs of week 5 of P&L out across two calendar weeks, culminating in the 15 mile Progression on Sunday the 19th. In between these runs I'll add some easy miles (and maybe one set of 800s) just to ensure I hit 80 miles over the two weeks. Tonight I didn't run. I just relaxed and caught up with some non-work related loose-ends (including these updates).

    Yesterday instead I ran the first recovery session of the plan. A gentle 4 mile lunchtime run around my usual lunchtime route. The Garmin was set to alert me if I strayed outside my relaxing 8:30 to 9:00 average pace. I'd been to the dentist yesterday morning so I was running this with half my mouth still numb. Legs felt good though.

    M01 8:45
    M02 8:15
    M03 8:34
    M04 8:34

    Total 4.03M @ 8:33

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 5 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    13K @ with 20mins & 16mins @ Tempo 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | |
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |
    General Aerobic 11K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 10x100m Strides | |
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 4.03M @ 8:33 | N/A
    Progression 15 Miles with last 3 @ Tempo | |

    WTD 4.03M MTD 40.46M YTD 385.81M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance 9 Miles

    Another long day in the office, but having managed to sleep fairly well Wednesday night I wasn't so shattered this evening. Asterias for this. The 9 prescribed miles were divided into 3 blocks of 3 miles each, start on the slow side of endurance pace and finish on the faster side.

    Conditions were good this evening, dry and not cold. Did 2 and a half laps of my usual route round Old Dublin Road, Retreat Road and Cartrontroy Road. The gradual increase in pace was easy to manage and felt comfortable and natural.

    That's another run from week 5 of the plan ticked off. I think I'll target the Tempo run next, do it Saturday morning round the playing fields.

    Not long now and evening runs will be bright again.

    3.00M @ 8:01
    3.00M @ 7:47
    3.00M @ 7:27

    Total 9.30M @ 7:44

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 5 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    13K @ with 20mins & 16mins @ Tempo 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | |
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.30M @ 7:44 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 10x100m Strides | |
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 4.03M @ 8:33 | N/A
    Progression 15 Miles with last 3 @ Tempo | |

    WTD 13.33M MTD 49.76M YTD 395.11M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 10x100m Strides

    The sooner the 6 Nations is over the better. I was out late enough Friday following the action from Cardiff. Saturday morning I felt ok but not tempo ok. So I opted instead for the General Aerobic session.

    Missed the rain in the early morning. Headed out after 8:30. Headed west to Inchicore, then down to Ballyfermot Road and followed it until Kylemore Road before turning down the hill to the Lucan Road. Right again and head for Chapelizod. Over the bridge, into the Park at Chapelizod Gate and then up to the Playing Fields.

    I've 4 miles completed now and then run the strides clockwise around the path. Legs really didn't feel like moving at speed today. Passed 400 miles for the year.

    6.50K @ 4:54
    10x100m Strides
    2.86K @ 4:54

    Total 12.36K @ 4:45

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 5 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    13K @ with 20mins & 16mins @ Tempo 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | |
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.30M @ 7:44 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 10x100m Strides | 12.36K @ 4:45 | 70.05 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 4.03M @ 8:33 | N/A
    Progression 15 Miles with last 3 @ Tempo | |

    WTD 21.01M MTD 57.44M YTD 402.79M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 18 Miles

    Up at 7:00 to log on for work Sunday morning. Managed to get Sunday lunch cooked all the same but could not get out for a run. Logged off around midday. Generous portions at lunchtime had me feeling a little too full. Walked to Inchicore and back in the afternoon and then threw on the runners.

    I wanted to run long. And I've often wondered how far it is to run to Dun Laoghaire. So two birds with one stone. I didn't want to do more than 18 so hopefully 9 miles will get me there.

    Head into town and onto Baggot Street and Merrion Road as soon as possible. Finally get to see the sea just after the hospital. Another runner overtakes me along here. I let him get between 50 and 100 metres ahead but start to follow him. He joins a pedestrian path that runs closer to the sea and is away from the traffic. Let him lead the way.

    I'd been checking my mile splits every so often and was surprised to see some low 7:XX miles being logged. I felt very comfortable. Once I decided I wanted to keep that other runner in sight I could tell the pace was picking up. Other runner appears to know where he's going so I continue along the path behind him. Long narrow path before Blackrock DART station. Then a descent to Seapoint Beach. The pier has been visible for some time now but it's taking for ever to get there.

    Eventually the Garmin allows me to step foot on the East Pier shortly before sounding 9 miles.

    I take a short break to take in some of the views and watch the late Sunday afternoon crowd enjoying their stroll in the sea-air. Nice since of satisfaction to have arrived from Kilmainham to the Pier using just leg-power. It's only 9 miles but it seems like Kilmainham is a long long way away. I associate Dun Laoghaire with train journeys and it just feels far away.

    Sun is starting to set. Time to make for home. Bit of a breeze against me, nothing too strong. Legs are starting to feel tired though. I've never run a long run so late in the day, I don't think the body was expecting it. Also I'm wishing I hadn't had a second helping of Sunday lunch earlier, I feel heavy and not very comfortable. And finally there's a lot of concrete running along here. Legs are not happy with the surface.

    With 5 miles to go I'm anxious for this to end. I'm not checking splits on the return journey, but it felt slower than what it actually was. Happy to get back to town and finish the last couple of miles. Mostly dark now.

    That was a tougher long run than I had planned. Not a route I'd repeat however. I'm thinking now I'll need to postpone the week 5 tempo session until a future week, it would be too risky to run it come Tuesday and then expect another big effort during Sunday's Progression Run.

    Spent the late evening recovering at full stretch on the sofa.

    M01 8:19
    M02 7:48
    M03 7:45
    M04 7:37
    M05 7:29
    M06 7:12
    M07 7:17
    M08 7:03
    M09 6:57
    M10 7:23
    M11 7:17
    M12 7:08
    M13 7:17
    M14 7:26
    M15 7:31
    M16 7:29
    M17 8:03
    M18 7:54

    Total 18.01M @ 7:30

    WTD 39.02M MTD 75.45M YTD 420.80M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    I'm working in Athlone the early part of this week. Long day with a 6:00am rise and left the office gone 7:00pm. Happy to just run a short 4 mile recovery today. Legs were definitely still feeling some of yesterday's long run. One lap of my Cartrontroy loop. Enough to tell me that I won't be doing a midweek tempo.

    M01 8:50
    M02 8:37
    M03 8:33
    M04 8:19

    Total 4.28M @ 8:34

    WTD 4.28M MTD 79.73M YTD 425.08M

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »
    Long Run 18 Miles

    I wanted to run long. And I've often wondered how far it is to run to Dun Laoghaire.

    Theres a lovely route to DL if you go out by the 3Arena and down by Sandymount. A lot of coastline on offer and is a great run early in the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Theres a lovely route to DL if you go out by the 3Arena and down by Sandymount. A lot of coastline on offer and is a great run early in the morning.

    Thanks. I'll have a few 20 milers to complete in the second half of the year so probably will check that route out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Long hours continue at work, 7am to 7pm yesterday so happy to continue to keep things easy for a while. The objective for this week is to run a good 15 mile progression run on Sunday, I reckon easy runs and some strides on Saturday is the best preparation to help achieve this.

    I didn't look at the watch during yesterday's run just kept the effort easy. Nimbus and legs still feeling heavy and lacking any zip.

    M01 8:58
    M02 8:17
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:08
    M05 8:17
    M06 8:08
    M07 8:06
    M08 8:20

    Total 8.07M @ 8:21

    WTD 12.49M MTD 87.94M YTD 433.29M

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    outforarun wrote: »
    Easy 8 Miles

    I didn't look at the watch during yesterday's run just kept the effort easy.

    Can't recommend enough of this on your general easy runs as you ramp up towards sessions\the big day. Keep up the good work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Duanington wrote: »
    Can't recommend enough of this on your general easy runs as you ramp up towards sessions\the big day. Keep up the good work

    +1 - reading a lot about this recently -

    The danger of having Strava etc and being open to others is that you could feel that others are judging you for a "slow" pace - which is never the case.

    I look fwd to my Wed/Thurs/Sat slow runs :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Duanington wrote: »
    Can't recommend enough of this on your general easy runs as you ramp up towards sessions\the big day. Keep up the good work

    Thanks. I ran a fair bit like this during the autumn and winter. My problem is when I run to a plan I get fixated on paces. That said, for the slower and easier runs I do give myself a comfortably wide pace range in which to run, to allow for variations in how tired I feel on any given day.
    +1 - reading a lot about this recently -

    The danger of having Strava etc and being open to others is that you could feel that others are judging you for a "slow" pace - which is never the case.

    I look fwd to my Wed/Thurs/Sat slow runs :D

    Don't mind posting slow runs on Strava. I do find i get a bit 'competitive' in a good way about how many miles I post up. I'm in two Parkrun clubs on Strava and I like to be in the top 5 mileage wise come the end of the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 11K with 10x100m Strides

    Out on a damp Saturday morning to run a repeat of last damp Saturday morning's general aerobic with strides run. Stuck to the same route heading west along Inchicore and Ballyfermot Road before dropping down Kylemore Road onto Lucan Road, over the bridge in Chapelizod and into the park at Chapelizod Gate. The legs a little bit more alive than earlier in the week which is encouraging ahead of tomorrow's progression run. I run the strides clockwise around the playing fields.

    Last Sunday's run in hindsight wasn't very clever, it was 18 miles at 3:16 marathon pace on a fair bit of pavement and with a full belly. It's taken more out of me than expected. I checked my splits because I felt the return 9 would be slower than the first 9, and was curious to see by how much. I was right: out in 1:07:25, back in 1:07:29 :)

    Anyway avoided pubs for the England game. So no 6 Nations excuse for Sunday.

    6.44K @ 4:57
    10x100m strides @ 00:20 average
    2.82K @ 4:59

    Total 12.26K @ 4:47 [7.62M @ 7:42]

    WTD 20.11M MTD 95.56M YTD 440.91M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression Run 15 Miles


    Another progression run. Another windy day. Another failed attempt to hold tempo pace near the end. I had one drink yesterday and managed around 6 hours sleep. Felt good to go and felt enthusiastic about the task at hand.

    Overpronator had been in contact, saying he'd be running with Donore this morning if I was interested. I reckoned their run would mostly overlap with my target paces so I decided to tag along. Sure I might need to drop off the back of the group near the start and push ahead of the group later on.

    Ran over to the clubhouse and that's nearly 2 miles completed already. Wait a few moments while the group gathers. Then we head into the Park, round the playing fields and up Chesterfield to Castleknock Gate. Some more runners join around here and the group is now around 9 or 10 strong. The pace picks up as we head down the North Road and behind the zoo. We're travelling at 6:5X pace. Overpronator, myself and one other are about 10m behind the main group and they are slowly pulling ahead. Pace still suits me fine and it feels fine.

    We head down Infirmary Road and re-enter the park at Park Gate. At this point I start to pull away from our little group of three and I catch the main group as we go down Wellington Road with its new green bicycle path. By the time we reach the base of the Khyber I've moved to the front of the group and I start pulling away on the ascent. At this point target pace is 6:30 to 6:50. And, aside from the Khyber, it doesn't feel too difficult. I open a gap of around 50/60m no one decides to pursue. I know they'll be heading up Knockmaroon later so my path will soon diverge from theirs.

    Onto Military Road by the Fort and head for the S-Bends. Into the wind along here and it doesn't feel so comfortable anymore. Whatever about my current pace (6:40) I'm worried about the approaching tempo section, three miles at 6:10 to 6:20.

    Out at Chapelizod Gate and turn for town. Around 400m along here the tempo section starts. Stride increases, cadence increases. Initially the pace is easy to hit, I need to slow down as at one point I see 5:5X pace showing. Wind I'm guessing is with me. I ease off. I ease off some more. Then I get a slow alert as I'm approaching Islandbridge Gate, 6:21 pace. Need to speed up. But the 180 turn doesn't help. And then bang, headwind.

    Uhhhh. I lean forward and push back out along Chapelizod Road. Alerts are coming from the watch but I don't check them, I know what they're saying. This is really demotivating I'm pushing more and the effort levels are soaring and I know that all the time I'm slowing down. When I risk a sneak look at the Garmin I wish I hadn't, 6:39. Try push some more but I reckon in doing so now I may kill any chance I have of recovering on my way back toward town. I turn at Chapelizod Gate and start onto the the final tempo stretch. With the wind behind me again and I know the pace is increasing. I glance at the Garmin and it confirms this, 6:38, 6:35, 6:33. But I don't have enough road and besides I'm wrecked I don't think even with more road I could have come close to tempo pace. Tempo section ends shortly after Islandbridge Gate, a disappointing 6:33 average.

    The wind didn't help for sure, but I still feel I should have produced a better final 3 miles. I can hold tempo pace without too much difficulty in regular tempo sessions, but I'm struggling with tempo miles at the end of these progression runs.

    In my defence, this P&L session should be 12 miles, not 15. I'm adding 3 miles a week to the plan just to help keep me on track for 2000 miles in the year. These are probably the wrong runs to add those three miles to :rolleyes:

    For example:

    3M @ 8:14 to 7:40
    3M @ 7:40 to 7:00
    3M @ 7:00 to 6:20
    3M @ 6:20 to 6:10

    satisfies the prescribed session and seems much more palatable than what I was trying for

    3M @ 8:14 to 7:45
    3M @ 7:45 to 7:15
    3M @ 7:15 to 6:50
    3M @ 6:50 to 6:30
    3M @ 6:10 to 6:20

    especially if I don't always run at the faster end of each 3M section.

    I will rerun this on a buffer week and I'll rerun it in the first format above. I need to successfully complete one of these progression runs. Otherwise I'm going to start questioning whether my tempo pace is accurate.

    Today's splits:

    3.00M @ 7:48
    3.00M @ 7:23
    3.00M @ 6:57
    3.00M @ 6:39
    3.00M @ 6:33

    Total 15.75M @ 7:06

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 5 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    13K @ with 20mins & 16mins @ Tempo 3:50 to 3:56 [6:10 to 6:20] | |
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.30M @ 7:44 | N/A
    General Aerobic 11K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 10x100m Strides | 12.36K @ 4:45 | 70.05 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 4.03M @ 8:33 | N/A
    Progression 15 Miles with last 3 @ Tempo | 15.75M @ 7:06 | 69.15 KG

    WTD 35.72M MTD 117.17M YTD 456.52M

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Jesus you are hard on yourself.
    3m at 6.33 into a headwind after a progressive 12.

    That's more than 'tempo effort' I would say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Jesus you are hard on yourself.
    3m at 6.33 into a headwind after a progressive 12.

    That's more than 'tempo effort' I would say.

    You might be right but I just hate it when I don't hit my targets. Twice in a row now with these progression runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    This week's training began back last Monday evening. Got out for 5 recovery miles after work. This wasn't the first scheduled run in week 6 of the P&L plan but with two calves that were aching after Sunday's disappointing progression run I felt it was better to avoid the hill repeats and strides that should start week 6.

    Ran over to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road, taking it very easy. Over the bridge and then back all the way to Heuston. Starting to get dark near the end of this one. Calves felt better while running than while walking.

    M01 9:19
    M02 8:44
    M03 8:31
    M04 8:29
    M05 8:34

    Total 5.03M @ 8:44

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 6 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides | |
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |
    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3:37 to 3:43 [5:49 to 5:59] | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 5.03M @ 8:44 | N/A
    Endurance 12 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |

    WTD 5.03M MTD 122.20M YTD 461.55M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 13K with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides

    I took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off work this week. Some long overdue time off, it's been hectic at work of late and will be again once I go back. Couldn't run Wednesday, took the first train to Cork and the last train back up. Thursday morning I laced up again and headed out for 13K General Aerobic with bits.

    Ran along the towpath from Islandbridge to Chapelizod then into the park at Chapelizod Gate. Through the S-Bends and down to the base of the Khyber. I do the first of the 12 second hill repeats up the Khyber. But then I change my mind and head back to Wellington Road and use the new wide green cycle path for these.

    Out onto Chapelizod Road for the strides. Three out heading out of town, turn around and three back towards town. Finish run with a visit to IMMA grounds.

    Legs feeling mostly ok. I'm starting to get worried now though ahead of Saturday's V02 session.

    Total 13.00K @ 4:52 [8.08M @ 7:50]

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 6 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides |13.00K @ 4:52 [8.08M @ 7:50] | N/A
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |
    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3:37 to 3:43 [5:49 to 5:59] | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 5.03M @ 8:44 | N/A
    Endurance 12 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |

    WTD13.11M MTD 130.28M YTD 469.63M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance 9 Miles

    Into gear Friday morning and drop junior outforarun to school. Start running straight afterwards. Headed for the park entering at Islandbridge Gate. Head up behind the zoo and onto North Road. For the first few miles the legs felt creaky and heavy and for the first 200ms or so I could feel some feedback from the left knee. But once I arrived at OS Road and the profile leveled out a little the legs started to feel better. Ran down into the Furry Glen and back out onto Upper Glen Road. Sun is out. Tarmac feels bouncy. Stride is comfortable. I'm enjoying the run. Head from Chapelizod Gate up Acres and down the Khyber. Exit at Islandbridge and head for home via the Royal Hospital.

    3.00M @ 7:58
    3.00M @ 7:45
    3.00M @ 7:27

    Total 9.20M @ 7:43

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 6 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides |13.00K @ 4:52 [8.08M @ 7:50] | N/A
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.20M @ 7:43 | 70.35 KG
    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3:37 to 3:43 [5:49 to 5:59] | |
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 5.03M @ 8:44 | N/A
    Endurance 12 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |

    WTD22.31M MTD 139.48M YTD 476.83M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3K to 5K Pace

    Wake Saturday morning to the best weather of the year so far. Blue skies, warm sunshine no strong winds.

    During the week I'd been worrying about this one. I haven't really run faster than tempo pace since Raheny at the end of January, almost 2 months ago. The two recent progression runs have, rightly or wrongly, dented my confidence a little. I wasn't hugely optimistic ahead of this. I was also a little concerned about my right knee which I'd tweaked Friday afternoon playing chase with junior outforarun and friends.

    Unusually I grabbed some breakfast (stalling tactic?). Porridge with rice milk, blueberries and honey. Felt so strange stepping outdoors into the warmth. Headed over to the playing fields and as usual start into the fast stuff after 3K of warm-up.

    So the plan asks for 3K to 5K pace. I reckon my 3K pace is from 3:35 to 3:40, and my 5K pace is from 3:40 to 3:45. So I choose a range that covers both, targeting 3:37 [5:49] to 3:43 [5:59]. I've never run 6x1K before. The first interval would be key and would indicate how much pain was in store.

    And the first interval was ok. I felt light, stride was smooth, the sunshine alone was putting a spring in my step. I ran this first interval fractionally faster than target pace. I remind myself that there is a long way to go yet, don't get carried away, spread the effort evenly across the 6 repeats.

    Three minutes recovery between repeats feels right. The next two repeats are also relatively ok. Only start to feel some proper effort over the closing 200ms. The 4th repeat instead is the toughest so far. It includes a full ascent of the Acres Road part of the lap, and this is also into a slight headwind I'm not surprised that this was the slowest of the morning.

    I'm starting to savour the 3 minute recovery jog. I try start each interval a little too fast, simply because mentally I find it easier to tackle the interval knowing I need to ease off slightly rather than having to push. Lungs are certainly being worked and the legs are starting to feel it. But I'm nearly finished and I'm buoyed now because I know I'm going to hit my targets.

    Finish with a 3:38 final interval. Thrilled with this set. I logged an average interval split of 3:38.30 [5:51 min/mile], so completed the set at 3K pace rather than 5K pace. I would have settled for 5K pace ahead of this run.

    I needed a good run after the two recent progression runs. I also reckon the last two months where tempo running has been the focus has given me the endurance to hold 3K/5K pace for longer without effort levels going into the red. I was never really desperate for an interval to finish.

    Enjoy my cool-down back home in the sun.

    K1 in 3:36.90 [5:49 min/mile]
    K2 in 3:37.93 [5:51 min/mile]
    K3 in 3:37.25 [5:50 min/mile]
    K4 in 3:40.37 [5:55 min/mile]
    K5 in 3:39.17 [5:53 min/mile]
    K6 in 3:38.18 [5:51 min/mile]

    Average interval 3:38.30 [5:51 min/mile]

    Total 15.24K @ 4:24 [9.47M @ 7:05]

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 6 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides |13.00K @ 4:52 [8.08M @ 7:50] | N/A
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.20M @ 7:43 | 70.35 KG
    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3:37 to 3:43 [5:49 to 5:59] | 15.24K @ 4:24 [9.47M @ 7:05 with average interval of 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 5.03M @ 8:44 | N/A
    Endurance 12 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | |

    WTD31.78M MTD 148.96M YTD 488.30M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Endurance 12 Miles

    Another gorgeous day on Sunday (hope this weekend isn't our summer for 2017!). I decided against tagging on an additional 3 miles today, I'd go over 40 miles for the week anyway, I'm happy with that.

    I run my established 12 mile route over to Chapelizod along the Ballyfermot Road, into the Park at Chapelizod, out at Knockmaroon, up Tower Road before going back into the Parks at Whites Gate. OS Road, Furze Road, up Chesterfield, North Road, Acres, S-bends, out at Park Gate and home.

    I'd divided this into 4 blocks of 3 miles each. Each block sees a gentle increase of pace. The transition to each faster block is smooth and feels natural. No evident ill-effects from Saturday's VO2 session.

    Enjoyed this one, hard not to given the weather.

    3.00M @ 8:02
    3.00M @ 7:50
    3.00M @ 7:40
    3.00M @ 7:27 (passing 500 miles for the year, 3 months gone and still on target for 2000miles)

    Total 12.07M @ 7:45

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 6 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K @ 4:48 to 5:07 with 6x12sec Hills & 6x100m Strides |13.00K @ 4:52 [8.08M @ 7:50] | N/A
    Endurance 9 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 9.20M @ 7:43 | 70.35 KG
    V02Max 14K with 6x1K @ 3:37 to 3:43 [5:49 to 5:59] | 15.24K @ 4:24 [9.47M @ 7:05 with average interval of 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles @ 8:30 to 9:00 | 5.03M @ 8:44 | N/A
    Endurance 12 Miles @ 8:14 to 7:26 | 12.07M @ 7:45 | 70.30 KG

    WTD43.85M MTD 155.02M YTD 500.37M
