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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Singer wrote: »
    This seems pretty conservative. Why not go for 2:59:59 on the day if you've trained for 2:55?

    Hiya. I'll answer this after the HM report goes up

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 miles with 4x100m Strides.

    Tagged an extra mile onto this one. Checked into hotel around lunchtime and laced up straight away. A sunny but not too hot or humid run. Legs felt worringly stiff and heavy. Better today than tomorrow. Hopefully the handful of strides today will help loosen them out.

    Ran around College Road and down to the Mardyke. Ran the strides along here before heading back up to College Road and 'home' via St.Finbarr's.

    And I'm done. Lap of the Gods.

    2.00M @ 8:34
    4×100m Strides
    1.26M @ 7:48

    Total 4.00 @ 8:06

    P&L Half Marathon Schedule 1 Week 12 of 12: Session targets | Actual Results | Post Run Weight
    11K with 4x100m Strides + 3K @ HM pace | 11.12K @ 4.43 [6.91M @ 7:36] with 3.00K @ 3:56 [1.86M @ 6:20] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.79M @ 8:19 | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.00M @ 8:27 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 3 Miles with 4x100m Strides | 4.00M @ 8:06 | NA
    Cork City Half Marathon, 1:24:XX attempt | |

    WTD 20.72M MTD 9.79M YTD 843.65M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Full Report tomorrow.

    Pre-race targets: Gold = 1:24:XX, Silver = 1:25:XX, Bronze < 1:26:56

    I got bronze. Not terribly terribly disappointed. I had been hoping for a top 50 finish and came home in 45th with 1:26:13. This is a 43 second PB. Bit disappointed that I couldn't find 14 seconds to ensure silver. I don't think I really deep down expected 1:24:XX but I've no regrets that I tried for it. I'm just simply not there yet. No weather based excuses, it was hot when the sun was out but no real humidity to deal with. Fair bit of headwind to deal with which isn't ideal at HM pace, but for the closing miles it was at our backs. All told I enjoyed the day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    outforarun wrote: »
    Full Report tomorrow.

    Pre-race targets: Gold = 1:24:XX, Silver = 1:25:XX, Bronze < 1:26:56

    I got bronze. Not terribly terribly disappointed. I had been hoping for a top 50 finish and came home in 45th with 1:26:13. This is a 43 second PB. Bit disappointed that I couldn't find 14 seconds to ensure silver. I don't think I really deep down expected 1:24:XX but I've no regrets that I tried for it. I'm just simply not there yet. No weather based excuses, it was hot when the sun was out but no real humidity to deal with. Fair bit of headwind to deal with which isn't ideal at HM pace, but for the closing miles it was at our backs. All told I enjoyed the day.

    Well done - that was a good performance. I think I just added you on Strava there. I'll have to disagree with you on the weather based excuses, otherwise I'll having nothing left to fall back on :D . What did you think of the course?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Pre Race

    Strange to be sitting down for breakfast knowing that the marathon was starting in less than half an hour. Porridge with honey, a banana, two slices of brown toast with jam and two cups of black tea. This is a much more relaxed start to marathon weekend than usual. Get into running gear and lace up. I picked up some gels at registration and I bring one of these with me. Plan on taking it around mile 8, more as a mental boost than anything else.

    Step outside and immediately think the conditions are perfect. Sun comes out about 2 mins later and it's hot, now not so perfect afterall. I jog from Western Road over to the race start at Monahan Road. Legs feel better than yesterday. I've arrived quite early, but the place is very busy already. Quick trip to a portaloo. Then I wander up to the start line proper. I have time for a final warm-up and so trot out and back along the opening stretch of the race, spot Sergiu Ciobanu limbering up.

    I position myself around 50 people back from the start line, I'm hoping for a top 50 finish today. The three 1:30 pacers arrive and stand just in front of me. Anxious to get going now and feeling nervous.

    The plan is to hover at 3:59 [6:24] or 4:00 [6:26] pace until halfway and then try push on after that and secure a negative split. Gold is 1:24:XX, silver is 1:25:XX and bronze is a new PB so less than 1:26:56. Sun is out and with minimum fuss we're underway.

    01K to 05K in 19:47

    The 1:30 pacers set off at faster than 1:30 pace. I'm travelling behind them for the first 2 mins or so and I'm trying to drop from high 3:40s to high 3:50s. The initial pace feels incredibly easy and my stride feels very smooth. Nice road surface along here as well. I ease past the pacers and start slowly working my way past runners. Remind myself to pay attention to the racing line. Pace is still too fast and yet still feels too slow, so early signs are very promising. K1 is 3:56 [6:20].

    Under the trees and along the narrow path that had been signaled as an early pinch point. But there's not a lot of traffic and I only encounter one moment of congestion. The tree cover probably impacts the Garmin and soon after K2 (4:05 [6:34]) I see that average pace has suddenly dropped a little too far, reading 4:04 [6:32].

    I push for the first time. Feel my stride extending. We turn down to the Marina and turn left merging with the marathon and for the first time today we're tackling a headwind. I continue to push watching average pace drop slowly. I've picked out a couple of half runners and focus on dragging them in. The easy start is over and thoughts of running a surprise perfect race are quickly abandoned. I catch the half runners and pass them. Next up is a Watergrasshill runner, catch him and pass him. Average pace has increased to 3:58 [6:24]. I ease up, but not enough, pace hits 3:57 [6:22]. We're going through a relay change-over point here so the crowd support doesn't encourage me to slow down.

    I complete 5K shortly before we turn for the South City Link Road. Ahead of target with a time of 19:47. Feels tougher than I would have liked, there's a long way to go.

    06K to 10K in 20:25

    On the wide descent along K6 myself and 4 other half runners find ourselves running as a group. This affords some shelter from the wind. The wind is gradually becoming more and more of a factor. It's never very strong but it's relentless and we seem to be constantly running against it. The group doesn't last long, the sharp step rise off the Link Road breaks it up and we're strung out again. Two of the group are ahead of me, Blue-top and ahead of him Black-top. They both look strong and I reckon if I can keep these two in sight I'll have a good day. Average pace is back on track flicking between 3:59 and 4:00. But I'm doubting I can hold it to the end, we're not even halfway yet.

    We start taking a lot of new diversions now as the Sunday running of the race means we need to avoid churches. Probably my imagination but nearly every new stretch seems to be an uphill one. Some are quite steep, hard when trying to hold HM pace and, coming so late on, they must be very tough if running the full.

    I've overtaken Blue-top and I'm running only 3 or 4 metres behind Black-top. By concentrating on running a neat racing line I gain distance on him without increasing my effort. Starting to really feel it now and around here I do resign myself to not hitting gold. I'm getting fed-up with the wind and the temperature is rising. Average pace hasn't been sub 4 min for a while and it's starting to show 4:02 now.

    Complete 10K just before The Lough, logging a 20:25.

    11K to 15K in 20:28

    Blue-top overtakes me. He looks strong and I think he's upped his pace. We're on mile 7 and I decide to take my gel already. Any benefit, placebo or otherwise, should then kick in around mile 10. The guy at registration saved me money by pointing to a 4 for the price of 3 box, however they were vanilla flavour. I won't be getting these again, sickly sweet. Then I realise I don't have enough water left from the last water stop, too much has gone over my head and back. I've swallow the gel barely diluted. Great, will I get stomach cramps? I eye up another runner's bottle in case he looks like he's going to discard it. I even glance at some of the bottles littering the roadside.

    Blue-top is 20m ahead, Black-top is around 30m. I'm just happy I can still see them both. K12 has the best profile of the race and I log a 3:50 [6:11], my fastest split of the morning. Then K13 has the least favourable profile of the race, it's hard to establish a rhythm. Up ahead are the 3:15 marathon balloons. We gradually catch and overtake these. K14 and K15 are along the Model Farm Road and I know that we'll soon have some downhills to help us. And also soon we'll have the wind at our backs all the way home. My third 5K split comes in at 20:27. However Blue-top and Black-top are opening a bigger gap now.

    16K to 20K in 20:49

    I feel slighly re-energized after the descent down to Orchards. We swing right here and I overtake two other Half runners, something I haven't done in a while. Grey-top looked like he was struggling. But Midleton AC looked fairly steady. We turn onto the Carrigrohane straight road. Finally the wind is with us. And then I start to feel the beginning of a stitch. It gets worse, I ease off just a little and it stops getting worse, about a minute later it has passed. Lucky. While adjusting for the stitch both Grey-top and Midleton AC have moved ahead of me again. I catch and overtake Grey-top but Midleton has found a late kick and starts opening up a gap. Blue-top and Black-top have been out of sight for some time now.

    Onto the Mardyke and keep pushing despite feeling the legs slowing. Haven't checked the Garmin in sometime so I don't really know how average pace is. It absolutely feels like end of race effort.

    Onto the quays. This year we turn onto North Main Street, I think this makes things feel easier, I never liked the endless stretch along the quays to Patrick's Street. Good support here now. I overtake a few tired marathon runners but don't spot any HM runners ahead. Road surface feels smooth and slick again, onto Grand Parade and then onto Patrick's Street. I up the pace while checking ahead for the finish gantry. I can see the marathon clock ticking 3:10:51, I knew in advance that if both the full and the half started exactly on time then a 3:10:XX for the full should correspond with a 1:25:XX for the HM, so I do push over the final metres. Cross the line.

    See 1:26:14 on the Garmin. Official time changes this to 1:26:13.


    I didn't feel hugely disappointed. I'm happy with the PB. I'm more annoyed that I couldn't find 14 seconds to hit a 1:25:XX. The 1:24:XX would have been fabolous but I think I knew it was unlikely. I would have had to have the perfect day's running.

    I got what I deserved, a not insignificant 43 second PB. That's 2 races and 2 PBs for 2017. I also had been targeting a top 50 finish and came home in 46th. Before the race non-running friends and family had been asking what I was hoping for and answering 'a top 50 finish' was appreciated more than sub 85.

    The distance this year thankfully seemed to be spot on (13.15 miles measured on the Garmin). Tough enough course with those scattered short (but often steep) climbs arriving in the third quarter.

    I have a week of off-plan running now and I promised at home not to run this weekend, so mileage might be low over next few days. But it'll pick up soon enough as DCM training starts in earnest.

    Official 1:26:13 finishing 46th of 2332 finishers or 2nd in a race of 100.

    Looking at the split info below I might have got a 1:25:XX if I hadn't gone so hard over the first 5K. Predicted finish time below assumes a perfect race line.

    KM | Split | Total Time | Average Pace (KM) | Average Pace (M) | Predicted Finish
    01 | 3:56 | 0:03:56 | 3:56 | 6:20 | 1:23:04
    02 | 4:05 | 0:08:01 | 4:00 | 6:27 | 1:24:32
    03 | 3:58 | 0:11:59 | 4:00 | 6:26 | 1:24:17
    04 | 3:55 | 0:15:54 | 3:58 | 6:24 | 1:23:49
    05 | 3:53 | 0:19:47 | 3:57 | 6:22 | 1:23:27
    06 | 4:07 | 0:23:53 | 3:59 | 6:24 | 1:24:00
    07 | 3:55 | 0:27:49 | 3:58 | 6:24 | 1:23:50
    08 | 4:07 | 0:31:56 | 3:59 | 6:25 | 1:24:12
    09 | 4:10 | 0:36:06 | 4:01 | 6:27 | 1:24:36
    10 | 4:06 | 0:40:12 | 4:01 | 6:28 | 1:24:48
    11 | 4:10 | 0:44:21 | 4:02 | 6:29 | 1:25:05
    12 | 3:50 | 0:48:12 | 4:01 | 6:28 | 1:24:44
    13 | 4:11 | 0:52:22 | 4:02 | 6:29 | 1:25:00
    14 | 4:11 | 0:56:33 | 4:02 | 6:30 | 1:25:13
    15 | 4:06 | 1:00:39 | 4:03 | 6:30 | 1:25:19
    16 | 4:09 | 1:04:48 | 4:03 | 6:31 | 1:25:27
    17 | 4:07 | 1:08:55 | 4:03 | 6:31 | 1:25:32
    18 | 4:07 | 1:13:02 | 4:03 | 6:32 | 1:25:36
    19 | 4:10 | 1:17:12 | 4:04 | 6:32 | 1:25:43
    20 | 4:16 | 1:21:28 | 4:04 | 6:33 | 1:25:56
    21 | 4:11 | 1:25:40 | 4:05 | 6:34 | 1:26:03

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Congrats on the PB - super racing.
    Great prep and execution - those 14 secs will be gone next time! - I'd say the heat had more to do with it rather than the 1st 5k.
    I've never ran in Cork - might be one for the future.

    What Marathon plan are you looking at??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Well done man and great racing. It was a good PB and I know theres more to come.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Well done. That's a great result and a PB as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done on great race and PB. Not an easy course by sound of it so top 50 finish super result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Singer wrote: »
    This seems pretty conservative. Why not go for 2:59:59 on the day if you've trained for 2:55?

    When I started running marathons I used train specifically for the time I was targeting, that time was usually decided based on race times across other distances. Not once did I hit my target time and I suffered some nasty blow-ups. For the last three marathons that I've raced I've factored in a buffer of up to 10 minutes, only since doing this have I started hitting my marathon targets. I find the legs respond well to this approach and mentally it gives me huge confidence knowing I can hit 14 miles in training at an MP faster than the one I'll target on race day.

    Last year I trained for sub 3:00 to try run sub 3:10. I came home in 3:13, largely due to the humidity on the day. My finishing position would have got me home in 3:08 the previous year.

    My goal is sub 3:00, but first I want to go sub 3:10. I'm going to push the training a little more this year and work off a 15 min buffer, I think this will help make me stronger, give me greater confidence and help me not just go sub 3:10, but do so feeling relatively comfortable. I want this to happen because I need that mental boost before my planned sub 3:00 attempt in DCM18. I'm not in a hurry.

    Also last Sunday's 1:26:13 for the half is not where I need to be for a sub 3:00 attempt. I need to have at least a 1:24:XX. I find the rule of doubling your HM time and adding 10% is usual a pretty good indicator of marathon time: with this formula a 1:26:13 HM predicts a 3:09:41.
    Well done - that was a good performance. I think I just added you on Strava there. I'll have to disagree with you on the weather based excuses, otherwise I'll having nothing left to fall back on :D . What did you think of the course?

    Thanks HBS, saw you connecting on Strava alright. I read your race report that did not sound like a lot of fun. That much pain and discomfort makes grinding out a 3:30 all the more impressive. Huge mental strength in your arsenal.
    Congrats on the PB - super racing.
    Great prep and execution - those 14 secs will be gone next time! - I'd say the heat had more to do with it rather than the 1st 5k.
    I've never ran in Cork - might be one for the future.

    What Marathon plan are you looking at??

    Thanks. I felt the prep could have been better. Too many lower mileage weeks near the end I think. I also probably should have adjusted my tempo pace sooner when I started to suspect it was a touch too fast. But I agree, I think those 14 seconds will be gone next time out. The marathon plan is the tried and tested P&D55. It's given me three significant PBs in a row (by 15 mins, by 6mins and by 5 (very humid) mins). I hope to travel all the way to sub 3:00 on P&D55.
    Well done man and great racing. It was a good PB and I know theres more to come.

    Thanks - another 12 months of consistent training and I'm confident of coming much closer or hopefully hitting 1:24:XX. I'm on the threshold where high 6:3Xs are very manageable over HM distance, but high 6:2Xs are just out of reach. Nearly there.
    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Well done on great race and PB. Not an easy course by sound of it so top 50 finish super result.

    Thanks. I was watching that Midleton AC runner pulling away and thinking I hope he's not P50. Most of the course is ok, it's just that third quarter is a bit too choppy.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    outforarun wrote:
    Also last Sunday's 1:26:13 for the half is not where I need to be for a sub 3:00 attempt. I need to have at least a 1:24:XX. I find the rule of doubling your HM time and adding 10% is usual a pretty good indicator of marathon time: with this formula a 1:26:13 HM predicts a 3:09:41.

    Would you not have a rattle off Charleville in September in the build up to DCM? A flatter course and a nice fast field to drag you along, with cooler weather? Even if you hit a 1:25:xx there it'll be a great confidence booster for the sub 3:10 in DCM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    The HM is completed and archived away. And with it block 2 of this year's training (see old post 2196). Two blocks completed and 2 PBs pocketed. Next up is block 3 but that won't happen until next week when I start DCM17 training from week 3 of P&D55.

    This week I'm taking it easy. No plans, no obligations. I've also promised not to run this weekend so it'll be low mileage all round. Strava tells me I am 'on pace' to hit 2000 miles for the year, it'll probably tell me I'm a few miles off pace come the end of the week, but PD55 should soon remedy that.

    Easy 8 Miles

    A few Sunday night pints in a busy Cork City, but then back on the road Monday morning. I laced up and headed out for an 8 miler. An out and back to the Dunkettle roundabout, which also featured a 20 minute pause so I could make a phonecall. Uninspiring grey skies this morning. Legs feeling surprising good after Sunday's race. I was surprised over the last few miles to find I had a spring in my step. Did I really try hard enough Sunday?

    (forgot to mention that I went alcohol free for the 10 days prior to raceday - in the process I tried some alcohol-free beers for the first time ever. Erdinger's was the nicest, followed a close second by Paulaner. Think I might start getting a few of these for the fridge at home, I found them surprisingly good.)

    M01 8:44
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:34
    M04 8:45
    M05 8:39
    M06 8:38
    M07 8:28
    M08 8:07

    Total 8.02M @ 8:33

    Easy 4+ Miles

    I had taken Tuesday off work. Headed out around lunchtime under gorgeous sunshine and wide blue skies. But it was very very windy. Wore the Asteria's again because the Nimbus had been left out under Monday night's downpour. Didn't worry about pace as I headed into the Park at Islandbridge and out along the playing fields to Acres. Continued up as far as Chesterfield before descending along the trails to Wellington Road and then exiting again at Islandbridge and then home. Nice run, pity about the wind.

    M01 9:30
    M02 8:57
    M03 8:27
    M04 8:19

    Total 4.77M @ 8:44

    WTD 12.79 MTD 38.74 YTD 865.68

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Well done on the PB. Any day you get a PB is a good one in my book. Plenty more to come too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Would you not have a rattle off Charleville in September in the build up to DCM? A flatter course and a nice fast field to drag you along, with cooler weather? Even if you hit a 1:25:xx there it'll be a great confidence booster for the sub 3:10 in DCM.

    Don't know if I fancy racing another HM this year. I'll probably run Blessington 10K in September. I'm also thinking of running the Frank Duffy 10 Miler at HM pace and sneaking a 64:XX. I reckon if I can run 14 Miles at sub 2:55 pace later in the P&D plan then that will tick the sub 3:10 confidence box nicely.
    Well done on the PB. Any day you get a PB is a good one in my book. Plenty more to come too.

    Thanks. True, at times it's easy to forget that a PB is a PB, fastest HM I've ever run. Need to focus on the positives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I enjoyed a few days of no running the week after the HM. Legs showing no ill effects and grateful of the rest. Mentally I feel ready for the third block of 2017 training, 20 weeks to cover 16 weeks of P&D55, allowing me a generous 4 weeks of buffer. I'll need these weeks to cater for mountain running in Italy in August and to fit in some of the race series and maybe Blessington.

    So earlier this week DCM17 training began in earnest. Beforehand I firmed up the paces I plan to plug into the plan.

    Here we go:

    Session Type | Min min/mile | Max min/mile | Min min/km | Max min/km | Comment
    Recovery | 8:50 | 10:00 | 6:12 | 5:29 | absolutely no faster than planned
    General Aerobic | 8:21 | 7:41 | 5:11 | 4:46 | 15% to 25% slower than MP
    Medium Long Run | 8:01 | 7:20 | 4:59 | 4:34 | same as Long Run but no obligation to run near fast end of range
    Long Run | 8:01 | 7:20 | 4:59 | 4:34 | 10% to 20% slower MP, running final miles closer to fast end of range
    Marathon Pace | 6:42 | 6:38 | 4:10 | 4:07 | 2:55 pace
    Tempo | 6:26 | 6:18 | 4:00 |3:55 | toned back since HM, still falls between HM and 10K pace
    VO2 Max | 6:02 | 5:54 | 3:45 | 3:40 | recommendation is to stay at 5K pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    DCM17 started properly on Monday evening after work. Wore the Nimbus and headed for the Park. In at Park Gate and head up behind the zoo, up North Road and out to Castleknock before turning down Tower Road through Chapelizod and on to Islandbridge. A little diversion along Con Colbert Road before swinging onto Inchicore Road and back to Kilmainham.

    Weather was overcast and a little muggy (our usual summer weather). I broke the run into 3 blocks, a 4 miler and two 3 milers. This helps keep the pace more consistent over the entire run. Legs are fine. Tiniest little bit of 'sensation' from left knee. This is my weak link for sure.

    Happy to be back to a disciplined P&D training cycle.

    4.00M @ 7:56
    3.00M @ 7:56
    3.00M @ 7:47

    Total 10.26M @ 7:53

    P&D55 Week 03 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.26M @ 7:53 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    13K with Tempo 6K | |
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 14 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    09 / 09 / 00 / 00 / 74 | 10.26 / 49.00 / 875.94

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    A sunny lunchtime run. Nimbus again and I really take it easy. Stick to my usual 4 mile route with its lap of the playing fields. Pace threatens to pick up too much at times and the Garmin sounds alerts. Ease off and come home at 8:51 average. I think I'm going to enjoy these easy easy runs.

    4.04M @ 8:51

    P&D55 Week 03 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.26M @ 7:53 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:51 | 71.60 KG
    13K with Tempo 6K | |
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 14 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    10 / 10 / 00 / 00 / 73 | 14.30 / 53.04 / 879.98

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    13K with Tempo 6K

    Toughest run of week 3 and toughest run since completing the HM in Cork.

    Around 4K of warm-up and then back on the track in Athlone for this one. Wednesday evening and the Fit for Life group are finishing up. It's warm and there's a head-wind to tackle on the home-straight.

    6K is 15 laps, my 400m splits should be between 1:34 and 1:36. I move into lane 1 and get started. Takes a while to find pace and the first 4 laps I spend easing up ever so slightly.

    Effort feels comfortable for the first 5 laps. the next 5 laps a little less comfortable and the final 5 laps are tricky, but I'm never in doubt that I'd finish on target. I probably put extra pressure myself by trying to hit every 400 in target range, but it is a good pacing exercise. I split 9 of the last 10 laps on target.

    This felt more like tempo pace than what I had been targeting during the HM. That said I finished with an average pace of 3:55 [6:19] so I was still touching the slow end of PL47 tempo pace. But any faster I think would have been too fast. I was happy to complete lap 15 but I wasn't hanging on and could have continued for further laps if required.

    Knee seems to have survived (touchwood)

    L01 in 1:31
    L02 in 1:33
    L03 in 1:33
    L04 in 1:34
    L05 in 1:33
    L06 in 1:34
    L07 in 1:35
    L08 in 1:35
    L09 in 1:37
    L10 in 1:34
    L11 in 1:35
    L12 in 1:35
    L13 in 1:35
    L14 in 1:36
    L15 in 1:35

    Total Tempo 6K in 23:34 @ 3:55 [6:19]

    P&D55 Week 03 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.26M @ 7:53 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:51 | 71.60 KG
    13K with Tempo 6K | 13.08K @ 4:25 [7:06] with 6K @ 3:55 [6:19] | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 14 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    11 / 11 / 00 / 00 / 72 | 22.43 / 61.17 / 888.11

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Woke up Saturday morning with an upset and cramping stomach. Had planned on running in the late afternoon but I still wasn’t feeling great and decided better to postpone until Monday and rest up to ensure I managed to get out for the more important 14 miler on Sunday morning.

    Some cramps during the night. Come morning I felt sufficiently better to risk the run. I told myself if I felt uncomfortable for the first mile or two I’d turn round and head for home.

    Luckily at 8:15am it was still quite cool on Sunday morning. The hot sun would come out and stay out shortly after I finished my run. So nice comfortable conditions for this MLR. I wore the Asterias, just really didn’t fancy 14 miles with the heavier Nimbus.

    I head for Islandbridge Gate and turn right to travel up behind the zoo and then out Ashtown Gate. Only around mile three did I hit target average pace, slow start this morning. Follow the canal to Castleknock. At the Twelfth Lock (furthest point from home!) I feel a hint of stomach cramp. Thankfully it passes quickly. I turn down Castleknock Road, onto College Road then down Whites Road. Again here I feel a hint of a stomach cramp, but again it passes quickly.

    Follow the trails down to Knockmaroon and then head through Furry Glen, before doubling back up OS Road and then descending down the middle of the closed to traffic Chesterfield. Down Acres and then cross paths with the Donore group on the S-Bends. Somewhere around here I bring up 900 miles for the year.

    Pace has been picking up gradually as the miles ticked by. Need to put the brakes on over the final 2 mile block.

    Felt better during the run than I’d expected given how lethargic I felt Saturday.

    4.00M @ 7:49
    2.00M @ 7:49
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:37 (pass 900 miles for the year)
    2.00M @ 7:25

    Total 14.07M @ 7:43

    P&D55 Week 03 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.26M @ 7:53 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:51 | 71.60 KG
    13K with Tempo 6K | 13.08K @ 4:25 [7:06] with 6K @ 3:55 [6:19] | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 14 Miles | 14.07M @ 7:43 | 70.00 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    12 / 12 / 00 / 00 / 71 | 36.50 / 75.24 / 902.18

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Start the week by ticking off the postponed recovery run from week 3 of P&D.

    Sunday afternoon I managed to get sun-burned so was slightly uncomfortable heading out Monday lunchtime for these 4 miles. Heavy hazy skies helped ensure no direct sunlight could burn me some more, but it was very very humid.

    Kept the pace slow, but was sweating loads anyway. Legs felt a little tired and heavy. Maybe Sunday’s run took more out of me than I realized. No stomach cramps today though so hopefully I’m mended now.

    Total 4.02M @ 8:51

    P&D55 Week 03 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.26M @ 7:53 | 71.15 KG
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.04M @ 8:51 | 71.60 KG
    13K with Tempo 6K | 13.08K @ 4:25 [7:06] with 6K @ 3:55 [6:19] | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.02M @ 8:51 | 71.25 KG
    MLR 14 Miles | 14.07M @ 7:43 | 70.00 KG

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    13 / 13 / 00 / 00 / 70 | 4.02 / 79.26 / 906.20

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides

    Warm and cloudy Tuesday evening in Athlone. I’ve been up since 6am and come evening time it’s a struggle to get laced up and on the road. Sunburn is more uncomfortable today, especially where top rubs against collar-bone.

    Head into town at General Aerobic pace. Turn back out by the station and then Retreat Road and Cartrontroy Road. Pace has settled nicely at 4:54 [7:53]. Legs feeling quite heavy though.

    At Garrycastle I drop down to the old rail line to run the 10x100m strides.
    Enjoyed these as they did help jolt the legs back to life. One sprint was interrupted by a small and bewildered dog. One or two drops of rain along here. Legs felt much more energized after the strides during the final couple of kilometres.

    07.63K @ 4:55 [4.74M @ 7:54]
    10x100m Strides (200m recoveries)
    02.36K @ 5:03 [1.47M @ 8:06]

    Total 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49]

    P&D55 Week 04 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides | 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | |
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    14 / 14 / 00 / 00 / 69 | 12.12 / 87.34 / 914.28

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    Really enjoyed this one. Legs felt strong. I tried out a new route following the R916 out of Garrycastle and joining the N55 to head back toward town before swinging onto the rail-line near the station and following it back to Garrycastle. Did two loops of this.

    Maybe it's because it was the longest day or maybe it was because it was a new and nice route, but I felt full of the joys of summer running this one. No sun out, but it was warm and not too muggy and the air and evening just felt very summery. Lots of others out walking, running and cycling. Lots of kids playing sports in playing fields.

    Stride felt good and kept drifting comfortably towards the faster end of target pace.

    Could have happily kept running after the 10 miles was up.

    2.00M @ 8:03
    2.00M @ 7:41
    2.00M @ 7:46
    2.00M @ 7:43
    2.00M @ 7:50

    Total 10.23M @ 7:49

    P&D55 Week 04 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides | 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.23M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | |
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    15 / 15 / 00 / 00 / 68 | 22.35 / 97.57 / 924.51

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 4 Miles

    Friday and another lunchtime 4 miler. Over to the park for a lap of the Playing Fields and home. Warm again and legs feeling heavy again in the Nimbus. Lots of deer along the lower half of the lap and I need to take some evasive action at points. Legs are ok but I’m happy I’ve nothing speedy scheduled for Saturday morning. That’s the first half of Mesocycle 1 completed.

    Total 4.01M @ 8:52

    P&D55 Week 04 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides | 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.23M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:52 | 71.60 KG
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    16 / 16 / 00 / 00 / 67 | 26.36 / 101.58 / 928.52

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Two consecutive recovery run days, a treat. Up later than planned so ended up running this one after the Lions game instead of before it. Should have started running at 50 mins.

    Ran my Kilmainham, Inchicore, Ballyfermot Road, Chapelizod, Heuston loop. Light rain falling for the first mile, nice and fresh. Still early enough and not too many people out and about.

    Find recovery pace quickly and just settle in, tip along and daydream my way round. Handy having a spot-on 5 mile loop on my doorstep, I can see myself being tempted to run 4 laps of this for one of my 20 milers later in the plan.

    Total 5.04M @ 8:52

    P&D55 Week 04 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides | 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:52 | 71.20 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.23M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:52 | 71.60 KG
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    17 / 17 / 00 / 00 / 66 | 31.40 / 106.62 / 932.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 15 Miles

    Guests over for dinner Saturday night, so late to bed and more wine than advisable ahead of an early-ish 15 miler. Felt surprisingly ok when I woke up. I was against the clock though, didn’t get out until just before 9:00 and really needed to be back and showered by 11:10 at the latest. This time-pressure definitely contributed to me running faster than planned, but still I reckon overall just inside target pace. I didn’t have my usual slow start and gradual ramp-up.

    I broke this into 5 blocks of 3 miles. The first block took me from home to Chapelizod along the Liffey towpath, into the park at Chapelizod Gate and up to the start of Acres. I was already well inside target pace and logged a 7:38 average for this opening block.

    The second three mile section saw me continue climbing up Acres, through the Phoenix roundabout and on to the North Road. I exist at Ashtown Gate and join the canal to head toward Castleknock. Pace has increased and I trigger a few fast alerts from the Garmin. Pace always feels steady and comfortable. Have the canal pretty much all to myself. The end of this three mile block sounds by the lock just before the M50. I ease of just a tiny bit.

    Soon afterwards, as I leave the canal and turn toward Castleknock, the Garmin signals a low battery. Great. I reckon it’s unlikely the battery will last for the full 15 miles, hopefully it’ll at least see me into the final three mile block. This definitely encourages me to speed up. I run into Castleknock, along College Road and down Whites Road, too fast. Splits on Strava show a 6:57 mile from the start of Whites to the Mountjoy Roundabout.

    Onto block 4. In the summer I feel obliged to include a descent of the traffic free Chesterfield on every Sunday run, today’s no exception and I tip down this stretch trying to slow up slightly. Down Furze where there is a sizeable Muslim prayer meeting in progress. Listen as I pass to the preacher talking about the pressures and criticisms that their community is currently enduring. Follow the Glen Road, down to Chapelizod Gate and on up the S-Bends, still travelling a bit too fast. Watching the Garmin always hoping it stays alive for just another mile. I log block 4 at 7:16 pace.

    Final block and finally, just by the Fort, the watch goes black. I know it’s pretty much a mile spot-on to home from here. Then a loop of Kilmainham Lane round Heuston and out to Hilton is around 1.6 miles. So I follow this route to finish and maintain more or less the same speed. I’ll just assign my average for the first 12.31M to this last manual section.

    Checking Google Maps later I reckon I got the distance as accurate as possible, totaling 15.05 miles. A question mark though over whether I was really travelling at 7:23 for the last 2.74 Miles.

    A solid week’s running. Starting to slowly get back on track for a 2000 mile year.

    3.00M @ 7:38
    3.00M @ 7:22
    3.00M @ 7:16
    3.00M @ 7:16
    0.31M @ 7:19
    2.74M @ 7:23

    Total 15.05M @ 7:23

    P&D55 Week 04 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 13K with 10x100m Strides | 13.00K @ 4:51 [8.08M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:52 | 71.20 KG
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.23M @ 7:49 | N/A
    Recovery 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:52 | 71.60 KG
    MLR 15 Miles | 15.05M @ 7:23 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    18 / 18 / 00 / 00 / 65 | 46.45 / 121.67 / 947.61

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 10 Miles

    Toughest week of Mesocycle 1 started Tuesday evening. In theory I should begin the week with an 8K tempo run but opted instead to run the easier 10 mile general Aerobic session. I want to keep a little extra distance between last Sunday's faster than planned 15 miler and this week's tempo.

    The week will culminate with a 26K [16M] run with 16K [10M] at 2:55 marathon pace.

    Headed out after work at around 18:15. A really glorious evening out there. Blue skies, warm but not too warm, no wind of note. I headed up behind the zoo and out to Castleknock, then Tower Road to Chapelizod and back to Islandbridge and Kilmainham via Inchicore.

    Legs didn't feel too zippy tonight, footfall feeling a bit flat. Also over the last few days I've had some lower back ache on the left hand side. I don't notice it while running but I do notice it when sitting. Tonight while running instead I can feel a slight ache in left Achilles, and in left thigh. During the day my left knee was also a bit grumpy. Left's not happy

    Ran mostly on the faster end of target pace.

    2.00M @ 7:58
    2.00M @ 7:51
    2.00M @ 7:57
    2.00M @ 7:41
    2.00M @ 7:47

    Total 10.03M @ 7:51

    P&D55 Week 05 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    14K with 8K Tempo | |
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.03M @ 7:51|
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    26K with 16K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    19 / 19 / 00 / 00 / 67 | 10.03 / 131.70 / 957.64

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    14K with 8K Tempo

    Fast forward 24 hours and we've gone from a warm, sunny and blue sky summer evening, to a wet and chilly late October Athlone evening.

    I was not in the mood for this. I wasn't in the mood for any run let alone an 8K tempo. Laced up and headed outside, turned around immediately and went back inside to grab a light running jacket. Run close on 5K of warm-up before joining the track. Surfaces are wet but not slippy. 20 laps at tempo pace is the task. That's between 1:34 and 1:36 per lap.

    I make an effort not to hare around over the first few laps, try to find a nice steady rhythm. I'm sharing the track with a fit-for-life class and as always I like this as it gives me something to target.

    Enjoy listening to my splish-splash-splish-splash footfall as I tip around in lane 1.

    Overall today's session was easier than my last tempo, a 6K one just a fortnight ago. So that's progress, even if today I did try running at a slightly slower pace than last time out.

    Each 5-lap block this evening was a little slower than the previous (7:52, 7:53, 8:02 and 8:02). I never doubted I would finish on target but I was pleased to finish, legs feeling tired. Maybe running 10 miles last night wasn't a great idea.

    Over the last few laps I could see the lap-times starting to slow down but I didn't have the energy or motivation to push, I knew that I could afford a slight slow-down as I'd banked a little time over the opening laps.

    I complete the 20 laps in 31:48. That's 3:58 mins/km or 6:24 mins/mile.
    I'm satisfied. Left back, thigh, knee and Achilles all happy today.

    Recovery pace now until Sunday.

    Lap 01 in 1:34
    Lap 02 in 1:35
    Lap 03 in 1:35
    Lap 04 in 1:34
    Lap 05 in 1:34
    Lap 06 in 1:35
    Lap 07 in 1:33
    Lap 08 in 1:36
    Lap 09 in 1:34
    Lap 10 in 1:36
    Lap 11 in 1:36
    Lap 12 in 1:37
    Lap 13 in 1:35
    Lap 14 in 1:37
    Lap 15 in 1:37
    Lap 16 in 1:36
    Lap 17 in 1:36
    Lap 18 in 1:35
    Lap 19 in 1:37
    Lap 20 in 1:37

    Total 15.32K @ 4:21 [9:52M @ 7:01]

    P&D55 Week 05 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    14K with 8K Tempo | 15.32K @ 4:21 [9.52M @ 7:01] with 8K @ 3:58 [4.97M @ 6:24] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.03M @ 7:51| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    26K with 16K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    20 / 20 / 00 / 00 / 66 | 19.55 / 142.22 / 967.16

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    I will soon be moving back to Dublin full-time for work. Thursday night's recovery run was probably my last Athlone run. A little sad about this (first run was back in post 1718). Athlone has been good to me running wise; the AIT track, the old railway line, strides on the Garrycastle Bridge, the little trail along the Shannon, the AIT playing pitches and cross country loop, and endless laps around Retreat Road and Cartrontroy Road, run in all conditions from warm bright summer evenings to dark wet cold and windy winter nights.

    So I was feeling a bit nostalgic while running these 5 recovery miles. I opted for a Retreat Road Cartrontroy Road loop with a little diversion at the end to run one lap of the playing fields in AIT. Have to ease up a few times to stay on target. Happily my legs seemed fine after Wednesday night's track session. Smell of coal fire at one point, it's June!

    Total 5.04M @ 8:51

    P&D55 Week 05 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    14K with 8K Tempo | 15.32K @ 4:21 [9.52M @ 7:01] with 8K @ 3:58 [4.97M @ 6:24] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.03M @ 7:51| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | |
    26K with 16K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    21 / 21 / 00 / 00 / 65 | 24.59 / 147.26 / 972.20

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    Out early for this one, wanted to get it done ahead of the Lions. Started running at 7:06. Streets are quiet. I get the best weather of the day with blue sky and bright sunshine.

    Run my usual 5 mile loop, so over to Chapelizod and back to Kilmainham via Heuston. Wear the Nimbus today. Easy to stay inside target pace, I don't think I got a single fast alert on the Garmin. Thoughts are mostly focused on tomorrow's 16K (10M) marathon pace session. Get through it in one piece and then I have a recovery week to look forward to.

    Finished today's run with legs feeling ok, better than earlier in the week. Showered, cooked some mushrooms, scrambled eggs and toast and settled down for a rare New Zealand defeat.

    Total 5.04M @ 8:56

    P&D55 Week 05 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    14K with 8K Tempo | 15.32K @ 4:21 [9.52M @ 7:01] with 8K @ 3:58 [4.97M @ 6:24] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.03M @ 7:51| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:56 | N/A
    26K with 16K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    22 / 22 / 00 / 00 / 64 | 29.63 / 5.04 / 977.24

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    26K with 16K @ MP

    Sunday morning and I'm ready for the defining session of Mesocycle 1.

    This was a tough one. Target pace for the 16K of marathon pace was 4:07 to 4:10 [6:38 to 6:42]. Opted for plasters and vaseline ahead of this. Didn't have a clear route in my head other than I wanted to stay in the park for most of the MP section. For the 10K warm up I head through the Memorial Gardens and along the tow path to Chapelizod. Then entering at Chapelizod Gate I climb up Acres onto North Road, before descending down the traffic-free top half of Chesterfield. A little further down Chesterfield after the roundabout, the MP section starts.

    Nice to start on a down-hill. I travel on the fast side of target pace over the opening kilometres. Overtake several runners. I swing right onto Wellington. Descend to the bottom of the hill. I realise the wind is against me, a moderate headwind to tackle. First climb of the day is up Military Road, pushing into the wind. I'm already feeling the effort. Pace drops to 4:09 [6:41]. Some respite through the S-Bends. Along the path below the hospital and then the second climb of the morning. Up the Glen Road. Legs feeling heavy. This is comfortably uncomfortable, I'm looking forward to some more favourable road profile.

    Up OS Road and then finally turn right onto Chesterfield. The hilly part of the loop over I relax a little and let gravity assist me back down to where this loop started. I continue onto a second lap but when I get to the bottom of Wellington instead of heading up Military Road, I turn right and head up the Khyber. The hills are hard work this morning but the Garmin is holding 4:09 [6:41] steady. At the top of the Khyber I head across to Chesterfield and start descending again. I know I'll finish inside target range but I'm looking forward to finishing this one.

    Out at Islandbridge Gate and back home. Finish the 16K of MP @ 4:09 pace [9.94M @ 6:41]. Over 10 miles that's just 7 seconds off my 10 mile PB.

    This was tougher than I expected. The hills were tricky, Military Road, Glen Road and the Khyber, I was anxious not to hear a too slow alert sound along these. Working off such a narrow target range this was a good pacing exercise.

    Ok so this is 2:55 marathon pace. No way could I maintain this for another 16.2 miles. But this run also convinces me that sub 3 pace is currently out of reach, the Cork HM had confirmed this anyway. But for sub 3:10, this morning's run has to be a confidence booster.

    Time to enjoy a recovery week now and bring Mesocycle 1 to a close. Aim to post up June review tomorrow.

    10.00K @ 5:05 [6.21M @ 8:10]
    16.00K @ 4:09 [9.94M @ 6:41]

    Total 26.02K @ 4:30 [16.17M @ 7:15]

    P&D55 Week 05 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    14K with 8K Tempo | 15.32K @ 4:21 [9.52M @ 7:01] with 8K @ 3:58 [4.97M @ 6:24] | N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 10 Miles | 10.03M @ 7:51| N/A
    Recovery 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:56 | N/A
    26K with 16K @ MP | 26.02K @ 4:30 with 16K @ 4:09 [16.17M @ 7:15 with 9.94M @ 6:41] | 69.55

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    23 / 23 / 00 / 00 / 63 | 45.80 / 21.21 / 993.41
