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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Zero feedback from both left knee and right foot during this morning's run. I was really happy about this until later in the day when walking about I had two or three sharp jolts from the right foot. Seems to have passed now again. The jolts feel like they come from the ankle and top of foot. This is now cause for concern. I suspect a 10K race followed 3 days later by a faster than usual 20 miler has placed too much stress on the foot. I also need to run more in the more supportive Nimbus, I've been neglecting them of late in favour of the lighter Asterias. The latter have clocked up 307 miles so I should rest them.

    This morning's run was an enjoyable meander around Limerick in mostly sunny conditions. Up Henry Street and along the South Circular Road before cutting down to the Dock Road. Over the Shannon, a lap of the North Circular Road then down Shelbourne Road to Thomond Park. All the time the pace is creeping up and all the time I feel comfortable and my stride feels light and fluid. Over the bridge by the castle and then I head out the other side of town for a lap inside UL before facing into a moderate headwind for the return to town. On a few occasions I needed to apply the brakes to stay on target.

    With today's run I also move back ahead of pace to hit 2000 miles for 2017.

    3.00M @ 7:45
    3.00M @ 7:25
    3.00M @ 7:21
    3.00M @ 7:22

    Total 12.09M @ 7:28

    P&D55 Week 08 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    11K with 6x100m Strides | 11.03K @ 5:22 [6.85M @ 8:39] | 70.85
    MLR 12M | 12.09M @ 7:28 | N/A
    16K with 10K Tempo (using Swords 10K) | Swords Chip Time 38:52 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | 5.04M @ 8:53 | N/A
    LR 20M | 20.31M @ 7:36 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    38 / 38 / 00 / 00 / 48 | 49.48 / 190.97 / 1158.12

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Started week 9 of PD after work on Monday. Concerned about left knee and right foot I dusted down the Nimbus for this. Nice evening out, headed up the Khyber around the Phoenix roundabout and back down towards the playing fields. With short diversions near the Papal Cross and near the Fort. Back out Islandbridge Gate and home.

    So no negative feedback from knee nor foot. But the Nimbus do feel heavy. I’ve been doing some research and could be tempted to try Brooks Glycerin as an alternative.

    Total 6.03M @ 8:53

    P&D55 Week 09 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6M | 6.03M @ 8:53 | N/A
    MLR 14M | |
    Recovery 6M | |
    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides | |
    26K with 19K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    39 / 39 / 00 / 00 / 47 | 6.03 / 6.03 / 1164.15

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    July Review

    Highlight of July was the race in Swords. A no pressure race used as a substitute to a 10K tempo from the PD plan and the perfect opportunity to experiment with race strategy. I deliberately held back over the first 5K aiming to set a significant negative split and curious to see what effort levels I would have to play with for the second 5K. This experiment worked out really well, I came within 14 seconds of my PB, and logged a course PB for Fingal. The negative split made kilometres 6, 7 and 8 so much more manageable than usual. When you've been holding back over the first 5K, you don't even need to push to go faster in the second half, just by not holding back anymore you automatically travel faster. Mentally you get a huge boost from suddenly starting to overtake lots of runners, some who have not been cautious and are now running positive splits.

    I'm really looking forward to applying a similar strategy for a PB attempt in Blessington this year.

    Mileage increased during July, my highest mileage month of the year so far and I'm back on track to hit 2000 for the year. As always the increase in mileage and intensity that comes with mesocycle 2 of PD, results in protest and feedback from the legs, specifically my left knee and right foot. Fingers crossed I can continue to navigate through the mesocycle without injury enforced stoppages.

    First two long runs of the year are completed, each with a deliberate increase towards the faster end of target pace over the final third or so of the run. Meaning July's 18 miler and 20 miler were both quite speedy long runs, each logged at 7:3X average pace. Both very comfortable though. The 20 miler was my first ever after work evening 20 miler.

    Not so comfortable instead were 10 miles of 2:55 marathon pace running. I found the hills tough on this one and was very conscious of the road profile. These were too uncomfortable to really be marathon pace and I know I'm not a 2:55 runner. However this run also tells me that mentally I'm not yet a 3:00 runner either. My long term plan to target sub 3:00 in DCM18 via a confidence building sub 3:10 in DCM17 remains unaltered.

    Had two enjoyable MLRs in July, one in Cork and one in Limerick, change of scenery really enhances a run.

    Also dropped to 69.00 kilos on the scales, so weight management is going well.

    All told, a good month's running.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 182.66 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 2151
    February | 162.69 | 5.81 | 40.67 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2136
    March | 180.88 | 5.83 | 40.84 | 5.85 | 40.93 | 2134
    April | 163.20 | 5.44 | 38.08 | 5.75 | 40.21 | 2097
    May | 137.52 | 4.47 | 31.05 | 5.48 | 38.34 | 2000
    June | 146.25 | 4.88 | 34.13 | 5.38 | 37.64 | 1963
    July | 195.44 | 6.30 | 44.13 | 5.49 | 38.44 | 2004
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Hard to get out for this one Wednesday evening in Athlone. I'd brought the Nimbus with me as well so was expecting a bit of a plod. Legs did feel tired and heavy, but they would have done in the Asterias as well. However after 4 or 5 miles things did loosen up and I settled into a nice pace. Was starting to travel faster near the end but decided to slow up and make things a little easier for the legs. The main plus from his run was the complete lack of any feedback from my left knee and right foot. Legs felt fine, fingers crossed they stay that way.

    3.00M @ 7:44
    3.00M @ 7:44
    3.00M @ 7:43
    3.00M @ 7:29
    2.00M @ 7:39

    Total 14.37M @ 7:40

    P&D55 Week 09 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6M | 6.03M @ 8:53 | N/A
    MLR 14M | 14.37M @ 7:40 | N/A
    Recovery 6M | |
    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides | |
    26K with 19K @ MP | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    40 / 40 / 00 / 00 / 46 | 20.43 / 20.43 / 1178.52

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    26K with 19K @ MP

    This was tough. Happy I persevered to the end and came home on target. I had originally planned to run this Sunday but I knew it was food and drinks at friends on Saturday night which could have put the run in jeopardy, I brought it forward 24 hours.

    I opted for laps of the playing fields. A fair few people out running and bootcamping so I had lots of background company for this. The 19K of MP covered 7 and a bit laps. I ran through hot sunshine, heavy heat, blustery winds and driving rain. Today the wind was against me from the fort to Acres and then up Acres. Target pace felt really comfortable at the start and I was travelling mostly at 4:07 [6:37]. Overtook a few runners and this kept the pace on quick side of target. But already by lap 3 I was starting to feel some fatigue and started to settle on 4:08 [6:39].

    There was another runner traveling anti-clockwise and I'd intersect with him twice a lap. He was going at a fair clip and each time we'd meet he'd have gained around 20m on me. Checking on Strava later I see that he was running at 6:0X pace on I think a JD session. I started to use him to motivate myself to keep my pace steady and try not to have him open up too big a gap.

    The last two laps were tough and on both laps when I reached the bottom of Acres I resisted the urge to leave the lap and enjoy a descent down to Chapelizod Gate and then a wind-assisted run back to Islandbridge along Chapelizod Road.

    I was happy to finish this one. Undoubtedly these 2:55 MP sessions are going to stand to me, they should help strengthen the legs and will improve my endurance, but like the 10 mile MP in July they also tell me I am not a 2:55 runner, they tell me I don't have the confidence and probably don't have the legs for a 3:00 run, but they are giving me huge confidence for a sub 3:10 in October.

    Passed 1200 miles for the year.

    07.00K @ 5:15 [04.35M @ 8:26]
    19.00K @ 4:09 [11.81M @ 6:41]
    01.95K @ 5:19 [01.21M @ 8:34]

    Total 27.95K @ 4:30 [17.37M @ 7:15]

    P&D55 Week 09 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6M | 6.03M @ 8:53 | N/A
    MLR 14M | 14.37M @ 7:40 | N/A
    Recovery 6M | |
    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides | |
    26K with 19K @ MP | 27.95K @ 4:30 with 19K @ 4:09 [17.37M @ 7:15 with 11.81M @ 6:41] | 70.05

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    41 / 41 / 00 / 00 / 45 | 37.77 / 37.80 / 1201.93

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    that is a super session, seriously, doing nearly 12m at 6:40 pace - amazing stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    that is a super session, seriously, doing nearly 12m at 6:40 pace - amazing stuff!

    Thanks A. Pleased with the run but it took more out of me than I expected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6 Miles

    Hands-up, I slacked off over the long weekend. It was wise to run the MP session on Saturday morning as Saturday evening food and drinks finished up at 3:30 Sunday morning. I had planned on running 6 recovery Sunday evening, but legs felt particularly tired and I was feeling lazy and gave myself the evening off. I'm on holiday from this Friday and will need to sit down with a calendar and try firm up my running from now until DCM. I don't think anything will slip but it's going to be a complicated schedule for the next while.

    Monday morning got out for 6 recovery. Legs, in particular front of thighs, were still feeling the MP. I was travelling at 10:00 minute miles for a little at the start of this one. Not too many around this morning. Over to Chapelizod via Ballyfermot Road, into the park and up Acres. Down Chesterfield and back out Islandbridge.

    Legs feeling better at the end of this than at the start. Trekked around Howth Head in the late morning and they felt more or less back to normal.

    Total 6.13 @ 8:55

    P&D55 Week 09 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6M | 6.03M @ 8:53 | N/A
    MLR 14M | 14.37M @ 7:40 | N/A
    Recovery 6M | 6.13M @ 8:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides | |
    26K with 19K @ MP | 27.95K @ 4:30 with 19K @ 4:09 [17.37M @ 7:15 with 11.81M @ 6:41] | 70.05

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    42 / 42 / 00 / 00 / 44 | 6.13 / 43.93 / 1208.06

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2 13K with 5x800m @ 5K pace

    It's been a while since I ran a proper track session. I was looking forward to this but also a little bit wary. Legs didn't help encourage me during my warm-up, they felt heavy and creaky. Beautiful evening in Athlone, mostly blue skies, warm and a slight to moderate breeze blowing.

    The track isn't too busy. Finish my warm-up with 2 laps of lane 8 and then I drift over to lane 1 to get started. Remind myself that these are to be run at 5K pace, not 3K pace. Each 800 should be completed in 2:56 to 3:00. I'd glance at the Garmin after 400 to see if I needed to ease off or push for the second 400.

    First 800 is run too fast, in particular the opening lap. Didn't feel too difficult. For the second 800 I ease off as much as I dare but still come home a little too fast. The third 800 I hit target. The first lap of each interval feels controlled, then from 500m to 600m is into the wind and I can feel my form struggle a little, and breathing becomes more laboured. Nice to have a tail-wind for the final 100m.

    The fourth 800 was probably the smoothest of the evening, I saw 1:28 showing after the first 400, so pretty much even splits.

    The final 800 I pushed on lap 2 having seen 1:29 at 400ms. Just 0.01 of a second between the last two 800s.

    Enjoyed that. Legs felt ok, but they are definitely not super fresh these last few days. Lungs were worked tonight.

    As it's first time in a long time trying to hit 5K pace I'll turn a blind eye to the fact my average 800 was run at 3:39 [5:53] pace, and mark this session as completed on target.

    Ran these of 1:5X recovery.

    Interval 01 in 2:52.23
    Interval 02 in 2:54.49
    Interval 03 in 2:57.25
    Interval 04 in 2:56.54
    Interval 05 in 2:56.53

    Average 800 in 2:55.41 @ 3:39 [5:53]

    P&D55 Week 10 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M | |
    VO2 13K with 5x800m | 13.00K with average 800 in 2:55.41 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | |
    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    43 / 43 / 00 / 00 / 43 | 14.21 / 52.01 / 1216.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Arrived in Italy Friday but I'd been up since 3:50am and was just too sleepy to run by the time the day's travelling was done. I did however buy a pair of Brooks Glycerin 15s Friday to replace Nimbus once retired.

    Got out Saturday morning for my first climb of the week. Wearing Asterias. Start with a downhill mile from Roncobello to Baresi then turn back uphill for 2.22M of steady climb. As expected lungs and legs feel the altitude and gradient immediately. At least it's not too hot. I also quickly remember how sensitive to gradient changes the legs are, seeking out the flattest part of every stretch of road and finding relief by taking hairpins wide. Baresi to Capovalle in 22:02 for my first short climb. That'll do. Freewheel back down to Roncobello.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:37
    Up 2.22M @ 9:56
    Down 1.26M @ 7:42

    Total 4.47M @ 8:59

    WTD 18.68 / MTD 56.48 / YTD 1220.61

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb x 2

    Mileage will be down this week, but if I'm not running it means I'm hiking. Sunday was a 4.5 hour hike under hot sunshine. Legs felt the effort but I definitely feel more acclimatized after this.

    Monday morning I repeat Saturday's climb by two. Hotter conditions for this one. I've picked up an annoying crik in my neck, I'm blaming an overly soft mattress. It doesn't seem to affect my stride but checking over my shoulder for traffic is literally a pain.

    First ascent is on the slow side but I guess I'm pacing myself. Ten minute miling. Happy to note that it doesn't feel to hard. I actually catch myself daydreaming at a section where I'm normally wishing the ascent was over.

    The second ascent I push a little and feel stronger than expected. I even attack one very steep 150m stretch that I normally slow down over. I'm trying to improve on my first ascent time and I succeed with a 20:47. Pleased with this.
    Enjoy the descent back to Roncobello. Finishing the morning's work in under 80mins.

    Tomorrow is a big one. I'm going to attempt to run the full length of the road from the bridge at the base of the valley to Mezzeno at the summit. This ascent is around 7 miles but should see me run my first ever vertical kilometre. Not sure I'll succeed but I'll give it a go. Goal is just to run the full ascent but I estimate I'll finish in 70 to 75 minutes. I'd be happy with that. Weather permitting I'll even have a support team of two both on electric powered bikes.

    I should really get to bed.

    Down 0.96M @ 9:11
    Up 2.23M @ 10:00 [22:18]
    Down 2.24M @ 7:55
    Up 2.24M @ 9:17 [20:47]
    Down 1.26M @ 7:08

    Total 8.93M @ 8:48

    WTD 8.93 / MTD 65.41 / YTD 1229.54

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Hill Climb

    The churchbells were striking 9:00 Tuesday morning when I set off from Roncobello. I headed downhill, water in hand and accompanied by two friends on very serious looking electric powered mountain bikes. They cycled on ahead and waited for me to arrive at the departure point for this morning's very long ascent. I ran down to Baresi and then continued downhill to the next village, Bordogna. I was paying close attention to the road gradient, trying to anticipate how difficult each stretch would be on the way back up. I was starting to get concerned as the descent continued and continued, hairpin after hairpin. What was I getting myself into?

    From Baresi to the bridge at the base of the valley measured around 2.1 miles. This additional 2.1 miles would make this the longest climb I've ever attempted here. It would also give me the opportunity to complete my first vertical kilometre. I took 3 or 4 minutes pause on the bridge. Readying myself mentally. Chatted with the others. They would experiment with the power on their bikes and would try sections with low or no assistance. They would cycle ahead or behind, mixing it up but would remain mostly just within earshot. I genuinely do not know if I will be able to complete this.

    The ascent gets underway. Within 200ms I know it's going to be a long day. The sun is out and it's quite hot. The legs immediately feel the gradient. Just 400ms and I can already hear my breathing. My companions overtake me and move ahead. Neither rider is out of their saddle. I'm anxious to get back up from Bordogna to Baresi so that I'm at least back on familiar territory. I make sure I don't push too hard too early and try to find a steady 'comfortable' rhythm. When I do finally reach Baresi I note that I'm already running on tired legs, and I'm very aware that there is a long long way to go. Head down and just take it one hairpin at a time.

    Back up through a busy Roncobello and I drink some water along the 200m stretch of reduced climb along here. Pour some water over my head as well. The gradient quickly increases again. Between Roncobello and Capovalle I overtake a cyclist on a non-electric bike. She's working fairly hard. I pass the church in Capovalle. I'm happy to have made it this far, I'd decided that if I have to retire now then it wouldn't be a completely abject failure.

    Into the forest section. One of my companions has cycled on ahead, the other is somewhere behind, but I'm not looking over my shoulder. The lead rider waits at the next hairpin and she tells me there are 16 (or was it 14) hairpins to go. I know from previous years that the next 1.5k or so is the make or break section of the climb. Two long straight unrelenting stretches with a cruel gradient. Head down for the first of these. Looking at my feet. Pace drops significantly. Both thighs are really working, I can feel burn. Every so often I glance ahead to check progress, slow but steady. The first stretch ends, that was really tough, those extra 2.1 miles in the legs are starting to tell. I take some respite around two quick hairpins before starting the second long steep stretch. Stride is very short and cannot be much more than walking pace. Lungs are working hard to capture enough oxygen to keep the legs turning. Head down, do not stop running, do not stop running. Get through this section and my chances of completing the full ascent will start to look good. I glance up and sooner than expected I can see the steep right turn that signals the end of this tough tough section. I take the turn and mercifully the gradient now drops from extremely steep back to very steep.

    Now the hairpins start coming quicker, which gives an increased sense of progress. My tail rider pulls level with me for a while. She tells me I'm holding good pace, gives some encouragement and then eases ahead. I'm starting to feel more and more confident despite the legs continuing to hurt. More water over my head. I know if I stop I'm unlikely to be able to start running again and this makes me increasingly anxious to get to the end.

    Final push. Over the tree-line. The road starts to flatten and the legs aren't quite sure how to respond, I feel like I'm falling forward. Up the pace a little bit and I finally reach my finishing line, the fountain at the end of the road.

    High fives with my cyclist companions. It definitely helped knowing I wasn't alone on the ascent, and key words of encouragement from them helped keep me focused.

    Very pleased to have completed this. Happy I resisted the urge to stop during those two very tough stretches. The final distance was a little longer than expected, 7.39 miles instead of my estimated 7.10 miles, so I did maintain my expected pace (just). I finished the climb in 1:17:24. On the Garmin the ascent measures exactly 1000m seeing me ascend from 650m to 1650m. My first vertical K. I have a target to beat now for next time out. Good morning's work.

    Took a gel at the fountain and after some minutes of relaxing I start the glorious freewheel back down to Roncobello.

    Down 3.14M @ 8:06
    Up 7.39M @ 10:28
    Down 4.12M @ 7:33

    Total 14.66M @ 9:08

    WTD 23.59 / MTD 80.07 / YTD 1244.10

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Some rain Wednesday morning. I wear running jacket. Regret doing so half way into this one as the rain has stopped and a hot sun is starting to burn through the clouds.

    I could feel Tuesday's effort in the legs both going uphill and coming downhill. This was intended as a recovery run but realistically you're never recovering when running uphill here.

    Down 0.98M @ 9:11
    Up 2.24M @ 9:53 [22:08]
    Down 1.24M @ 7:41

    Total 4.46M @ 9:07

    WTD 28.06 / MTD 84.53 / YTD 1248.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Didn't get out Thursday morning. Instead ran this in the late afternoon. I was hoping for rain but the weather refused to break. Burning hot sun. I carry water for this one. I had been thinking of doing a double climb but it was just too hot. I called it a day after one climb. I poured water over my head during this run, but the water was already warm and it offered no relief from the heat, it just made my top feel heavier.

    Might do another short one tomorrow the 20x200m on Saturday with maybe a Baresi - Mezzeno ascent on Sunday. Lets see how the legs are first.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:51
    Up 2.24M @ 9:51 [22:05]
    Down 1.26M @ 7:31

    Total 4.48M @ 8:59

    WTD 32.54 / MTD 89.01 / YTD 1253.04

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    'Easy' 6 Miles (50% Trail)

    I was in a sports shop Friday morning inspecting some trail runners (Salomon). They look so inviting. I think a seed has been planted to finally try run the annual Roncobello - Gemelli race. A 'sky-running' event from Roncobello to Mezzeno and then up to and beyond a mountain pass at 2200m. I've hiked it several times.

    Took it easy Friday. Another late afternoon run and to keep cool I opted to try a forest trail. Put together a lap with 50% trail and 50% asphalt descent. Ran two of these. I enjoyed it. You're much more attentive to where you're placing your feet. At the very start of the lap there are two short but very very steep inclines. The path is pretty much a series of wide steps at points. At the end of the second incline both thighs are burning. So much for easy. After the inclines however there is the rare pleasure of over a mile of flat trail running. A luxury. Then after a slight climb to the church in Capovalle it's an asphalt descent to the end of the lap.

    A 3 mile loop with lots of variety. The inclines at the start prevent this from being a truly easy run.

    I've opted to take Saturday off. After 5 straight days running the legs are tired. So no 200s. I'm also conscious of Frank Duffy next weekend.

    I'll close this altitude training week tomorrow with a Baresi-Mezzeno long climb.

    Lap 1 in 28:25 @ 9:19
    Lap 2 in 26:58 @ 8:46

    Total 6.13M @ 9:02

    WTD 38.67 / MTD 95.14 / YTD 1259.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Hill Climb

    I've created three segments on Strava.
    • Baresi - Capovalle is my short hill climb at an average gradient of 7.3% over 2.2 miles, in cycling terms this ranks as a category 3 climb.
    • My long hill climb from Baresi to Mezzeno carries an average gradient of 9.3% over 5.1 miles and Strava ranks it as a category 1 climb.
    • My vertical kilometre ascent from 'Ponte' to Mezzeno has a a lower gradient of 8.4% but covering 7.3 miles it carries the toughest hill category, a HC Climb, Hors Category.

    Opted for a Baresi - Mezzeno ascent on Sunday. No longer my toughest ascent I wasn't dreading this one, it's all relative. The conditions were good and I had decided I wouldn't be trying to break any records this morning, my best for this ascent is 53:06 from last summer. I just wanted to enjoy my final run in the mountains for a while.

    I tipped down from Roncobello to Baresi, hit the lap button at the church and started my ascent. I took it quite handy over the initial part of the climb. I posted a 23:06 from Baresi up to Capovalle. Feeling better than I usually would at this point. I keep ascending into the forest section. The two hard long stretches are, as always, hard. However not quite as hard as usual, which is encouraging. The first stretch was probably harder than the second stretch, I navigated the latter without having to dig too deep. No huge burn in the thighs.

    Next up is the long series of 8 or so close to each other hairpins. My feeling is that I'm travelling quicker than usual and not hurting as much as usual. I could be on for a good time here even though that was never the plan. The series of hairpins ends and soon I'm approaching the summit. Over the last 800ms or so there are a few false finishes, I can never remember the final sequence of bends, I'm usually in too much discomfort to notice properly. As the road flattens my stride extends and I push over the final 200ms to the 'finishing-line'.

    Disappointed to see I'd posted a 56:26 for the climb. Over 3 minutes off my best ascent. I really thought I'd been faster. I guess I took it a little bit too handy.

    Next year, if I don't do the Roncobello-Gemelli race I think I'll target a hat-trick of segment PBs.

    I take in the view for a while, drinking some water from the fountain and breathing in the fresh Alpine air. I could happily stay here for another month or more.

    I don't linger too long, hit resume on the Garmin and begin my final descent of the year back to Roncobello.

    Down 0.97M @ 8:52
    Up 5.18M @ 10:53
    Down 4.18M @ 7:11

    Total 10.33M @ 9:12

    WTD 48.99 MTD 105.44 YTD 1269.60

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides

    First run back near sea level was Tuesday evening after work.

    If next Saturday morning is as humid as it was on Tuesday then I’ll need to reassess my race goals for Frank Duffy. I was soaked in sweat as I trudged along at recovery pace under heavy dark cloud cover. Really unpleasant conditions to run in. To add to the heaviness I’d also worn my Nimbus. Tipping along over soft trail breathing fresh Alpine air seems so long ago. I ticked off the 6x100m strides around the playing fields, first fast running I’ve done in nearly 2 weeks.

    This session completes the one outstanding session from PD week 9. I now need to complete weeks 10 and 11 by Sunday week. Then I'll have 7 calendar weeks remaining to complete the final 7 PD55 weeks. No more buffer.

    I used the Fingal 10K race as a substitution for a 10K tempo run from PD week 8. This Saturday I’ll be using Frank Duffy 10M as a substitution for the 11K tempo from PD week 11.

    I’ll apply the same negative split strategy that I applied with success in Fingal. Probably travel no faster than 4:03 [6:31] for the opening 5 miles and then kick on for the final 5 miles and see what happens. This is not an A race but if I feel strong I’ll push for a gold target of 64:XX. Silver will be 65:XX and bronze will be a sub 66:43 PB.

    Total 6.40M @ 8:36

    P&D55 Week 09 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 6M | 6.03M @ 8:53 | N/A
    MLR 14M | 14.37M @ 7:40 | N/A
    Recovery 6M | 6.13M @ 8:55 | N/A
    Recovery 6M with 6x100m Strides | 6.40M @ 8:36 | N/A
    26K with 19K @ MP | 27.95K @ 4:30 with 19K @ 4:09 [17.37M @ 7:15 with 11.81M @ 6:41] | 70.05

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    44 / 44 / 00 / 00 / 42 | 6.40 / 111.84 / 1276.00

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    General Aerobic 8 Miles

    Met a friend for coffee yesterday after work and so didn’t get out until late for this one. Just gone 8:00pm when I hit start on the Garmin.

    An 8 mile general aerobic run where general aerobic pace required a little bit of effort to hit. I guess the late start and a 6:10am rise played a part in this. Wore the Nimbus again, these now have clocked up over 450 miles. I’m anxious to try out the new Glycerins, might run a recovery run in them next week and slowly start the transition across.

    Ran a large loop around the east side of Athlone. Very mild out, daylight gradually fading as the run progresses. High fauna count, seagulls a long way from the sea, cows, rabbits. And then hundreds possibly thousands of crows gathered on roof-tops around Golden Island. I hit pause on the watch to stop and observe them for a while then forgot to unpause until around half a mile later, I hate it when I do that.

    Finish with two laps inside the Garrycastle IDA business park. Happy to tick this one off. Tired, hungry and sleepy.

    3.00M @ 8:08
    3.00M @ 8:03
    2.00M @ 7:45

    Total 8.03M @ 8:01

    P&D55 Week 10 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M | 8.03M @ 8:01 | N/A
    VO2 13K with 5x800m | 13.00K with average 800 in 2:55.41 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | |
    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    45 / 45 / 00 / 00 / 41 | 14.43 / 119.87 / 1284.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 5 Miles

    An earlyish run this morning saw me on the road a little before 7:00am. Thankfully this was just a recovery run because I don’t think I could have managed anything more demanding.

    Deserted streets. I kept this simple, 2.5 miles out and 2.5 miles back. Turn-around point is on the bridge in town. Pace picked up a little near the end. I hope the legs have woken up come Saturday morning.

    Total 5.01M @ 8:51

    P&D55 Week 10 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M | 8.03M @ 8:01 | N/A
    VO2 13K with 5x800m | 13.00K with average 800 in 2:55.41 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | 5.01M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    46 / 46 / 00 / 00 / 40 | 19.44 / 124.88 / 1289.04

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Signed up for Blessington today. This year it's on a Sunday. It'll be a 10K PB attempt for me and will fit nicely with PD55, for once I won't need to run a solo TT. I've also taken the Monday after the race as a holiday, so I can run the secheduled post race 17 miler.

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    At the start of June in the Cork Half-Marathon I went through 5K in 19:47, 10K in 40:12, 15K in 60:39 and 16K in 64:48. In Saturday’s Frank Duffy 10 miler I went through the same splits in: 20:14, 40:29, 60:41 and 64:53. So essentially on Saturday I was racing at HM pace rather than 10M pace.

    I logged a new PB and hit my silver goal (just) of a 65:XX. But for whatever reason I was unable to push beyond HM pace. I’m hoping it’s because I raced this a little too soon after my hill-training in Italy. Two weeks for the legs to absorb the mountain stress would have been better than the one week I allowed them. Also, I haven’t really done a lot of speed work over the last weeks, the VO2 seesions and the TT/Race sessions are only just starting in PD. Finally from Saturday evening I’ve been fighting a sore throat and blocked nose so maybe I was starting to come down with something and the body wasn’t at full strength during the race.

    Pre Race

    My warm-up to Chesterfield was not encouraging. Legs felt heavy and I could feel the lungs working while heading up the Khyber. When I arrive on Chesterfield they were announcing that there were just 10 minutes to race start. I enter the sub 80 pen and start working my way up through the throngs. It’s busy and I start further back than I normally would, I reckon if I’m targeting a negative split then it might not be a bad thing to be held up a little at the start. It’s warm as well, the sun is shining and I’m sweating after my warm-up. The plan is to hold 4:03 [6:31] pace for the first 5 miles and then try to push on over the second half of the race. Gold target is 64:XX, silver is 65:XX and bronze is <66:43 for a PB.

    01K to 05K in 20:13

    Takes me close on 30 seconds from when the gun sounds to when I cross the line. As expected it’s fairly congested for the opening kilometre, dropping and picking up pace and weaving left and right. But my first K is spot on at 4:03 [6:31] pace. I get a little carried away going down OS Road and log K2 as a 3:57 [6:21] and the average pace is reading 4:00 [6:26]. I have to be disciplined now as we turn and approach the descent down the Glen Road. I keep watching the Garmin, easing off the pace and just falling down the hill. Everything feels easy right now. The first climb of note arrives on K4 as we ascend up from Chapelizod Gate. I’ve been overtaking runners since the start and continue to do so now as we climb and turn toward the S-bends. I try enjoy K5 with the descent down Military Road, I know that once we get to the bottom of the hill things will start to get more difficult. After 5K my average pace is 4:03 [6:31], so far so good.

    06K to 10K in 20:16

    People breathing a bit as we ascend Wellington Road, my lungs still feel ok. Onto K7 and we turn up Chesterfield taking the first right in behind the zoo. Around here the easy overtaking has stopped, now people are coming back to me a little slower. The field is also starting to spread out more. I consciously pick out runners ahead and patiently watch the gap close slowly until I overtake and then pick out my next target. I’m not pushing, I’m simply holding pace.

    On K8 I pass what must be the same girl I passed in Fingal, the one with the very loud and laboured breathing. It’s almost half-way so I overtake her at the same stage of the race as in Fingal. And then around 2 minutes later I overtake a visually impaired runner and his tethered companion, I also remember overtaking these shortly before halfway in Fingal. I was happy with the second half of Fingal, so these overtakes are promising.

    We arrive at the 5 mile marker and again just like in Fingal I am travelling a single second a kilometre faster than I’d intended. However unlike Fingal where I was actively holding back the pace, Saturday I was working pretty hard just to hold it. At the end of K9 I’m travelling at 4:02 [6:30] and for a while, a short while, I start to feel strong. It doesn’t last long, already a kilometre later by Ashtown Gate I’m tiring again and average pace has dropped to 4:03 [6:31]. My focus is slowly switching from pushing pace to maintaining pace. I’m hoping the descent down Chesterfield will give me some respite.

    11K to 15K in 20:12

    I get an unexpected boost when I realise we don’t need to run up to the Castleknock Gate, instead we can immediately turn left off North Road and start our Chesterfield descent. Kilometres 11, 12 and 13 are all sub 4:00 kilometres. I see these splits on the Garmin and they do give me some renewed hope that I might yet finish strong. However they are all mostly downhill, and they don’t feel as easy as I’d like them to feel.

    I think I ‘lost’ my race along Acres. At the very start of Acres I overtake a group of runners, maybe 5 or 6 runners in total. But once we get onto the open section of Acres I started to suffer. I cannot remember for sure but I’m guessing some crosswinds were at play. I can feel myself slowing and only a minute or so after overtaking them, the group of 5 or 6 ease past me. I don’t chase. Despite it’s downhill profile K14 records a 4:02 [6:29] split. Average pace has been holding steady at 4:02 [6:29] so I have mangaged to push on since half-way just not as much as I’d have liked. And I know that the ascent up the Glen Road is going to dent that average pace. I count the number of runners I overtake on the ascent, nine in total, some are from the Acres group. No one overtakes me on the hill. All the same I found it hard work. I really think this is too soon after Roncobello to reap proper rewards. K15 is the slowest of the day at 4:18 [6:55].

    16K to End

    I’ve given up hopes of gold. I haven’t looked at the average pace, but if I had I would have seen that it was reading 4:03 [6:31], not as bad as I felt it was. I focus on racing line now, cutting through the 4 or 5 curves along the top of Glen Road. I’m working hard. Turn onto Furze. Try to enjoy this, finishing straight with a PB in my pocket. I see the finishing gantry up ahead but it’s a long way off. On the Garmin I see 64:2X showing. I won’t be getting my gold target but silver is assured. Or is it? The Garmin moves into 65:XX. I glance at the Garmin, I glance at the finishing line, still a bit to go, I glance again 65:3X, and still a bit to go. The seconds are flying past on the watch, it moves into 65:5X, I really push over the last few metres and over the line. On the Garmin it reads 65:59!! I will be so disappointed if I don’t get silver. I needn’t have worried, my chip time is confirmed at 65:57.

    I’m pleased to have rescued silver. I’m pleased with a top 200 finish (overall position 200, chip position 195). I’m pleased to have picked up my third PB of the year. Also passed 1300 miles for the year. I won’t dwell on this one and why I couldn’t manage faster than HM pace. No negative split today. Hopefully in Blessington in a couple of weeks I’ll have more to celebrate.

    K01 in 4:03 / 4:03 [6:31]
    K02 in 3:57 / 4:00 [6:26]
    K03 in 4:02 / 4:01 [6:27]
    K04 in 4:07 / 4:02 [6:30]
    K05 in 4:05 / 4:03 [6:31]
    K06 in 4:00 / 4:02 [6:30]
    K07 in 4:08 / 4:03 [6:31]
    K08 in 3:58 / 4:02 [6:30]
    K09 in 4:03 / 4:02 [6:30]
    K10 in 4:07 / 4:03 [6:31]
    K11 in 3:56 / 4:02 [6:30]
    K12 in 3:56 / 4:02 [6:29]
    K13 in 4:00 / 4:02 [6:29]
    K14 in 4:03 / 4:02 [6:29]
    K15 in 4:18 / 4:03 [6:31]
    K16 in 4:12 / 4:03 [6:32]

    Official chip time of 65:57.

    P200 of 4192 finishers, or 5th in a race of 100

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Got out for 14 miles on Sunday morning. Met a mate who cycled the guts of this with me. My legs were really tired from yesterday and my throat/nose were not the best. The legs never really felt good and I had to focus to stay inside target pace. Ground this one out.

    Took in the canal from Ashtown to Castleknock and also ventured through the estate-maze of Carpenterstown.

    Back into the park where the Dublin triathlon provided welcome distraction over the closing miles. Legs and body were tired and energy-less for the rest of the day. Happy to have no runs planned for Monday.

    Total 14.05M at 7:57

    P&D55 Week 10 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M | 8.03M @ 8:01 | N/A
    VO2 13K with 5x800m | 13.00K with average 800 in 2:55.41 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | 5.01M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides | |
    MLR 14M | 14.05M @ 7:57 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    48 / 48 / 00 / 00 / 38 | 48.01 / 153.45 / 1317.61

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides

    Throat was in bits Sunday night through Monday morning, hard to sleep because of it. Headed out on this one after work. Not so humid out, a good thing. Easy to hold recovery pace. I travel to Chapelizod via the Ballyfermot Road and enter the park at Chapelizod Gate. Hacking and spitting a lot. Tip up to the playing fields and run the strides around here. Keeping me company this evening is some guy speeding around on a very loud off-road motorbike.

    The strides actually do feel like they help to wake up the legs and inject some spring back into them. Legs feeling much better when I get home.

    Total 11.00K @ 5:35

    P&D55 Week 11 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:35 | N/A
    Tempo 18K with 11K tempo (Frank Duffy 10M) | Chip time 65:57 | N/A
    MLR 12M | |
    Recovery 5M | |
    LR 20M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    49 / 49 / 00 / 00 / 37 | 6.80 / 160.25 / 1324.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    13K General Aerobic with 8x100m Strides

    Falling a bit behind with updates on here.

    The middle of last week was a write-off. I was sick of struggling with a sore throat and nasty cough, the thought of skipping a run or two took hold and without too much guilt I did just that. Missing a 12 miler and a 5 miler from the plan. Problem is that even after taking two days off, I'm still, even now struggling to shake this cough.

    I was up Saturday morning and enjoyed the best weather of the day for this 13K run with strides. I ran the canal from Suir Road across to Black Horse. The water looking strangely clean. Then headed back to Inchicore and turned for Chapelizod. Into the Park at Chapelizod Gate and headed to the playing fields for the strides. These go ok, legs feeling good. Spent a fair bit of this run hacking coughing and spitting. I finish with a small excursion around the fort before heading for home.

    This run retrospectively completes week 10 of the PD plan.

    Total 8.18M @ 8:04

    P&D55 Week 10 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    General Aerobic 8M | 8.03M @ 8:01 | N/A
    VO2 13K with 5x800m | 13.00K with average 800 in 2:55.41 | N/A
    Recovery 5M | 5.01M @ 8:51 | N/A
    General Aerobic 13K with 8x100m Strides | 8.10M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 14M | 14.05M @ 7:57 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    50 / 50 / 00 / 00 / 36 | 15.02 / 8.18 / 1332.63

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 20 Miles

    My second 20 miler of this PD cycle started after 8:00am on Sunday morning. It's raining and so I wear a running jacket, one that I normally only wear during the winter. Feels compact and cosy with this on. I carry one gel with me, to be taken after around 13 miles, so should kick in by the time I arrive at Knockmaroon Hill. I wasn't in the mood for laps of the park and so opted for my old largely urban 20 mile route. It's nice having the streets more or less to yourself on a weekend morning.

    I'd set this up as a workout of four blocks of 5 miles. The first block to be run at 7:5X pace, the second at 7:4X pace, then 7:3X pace and the last block 7:2X pace. Wasn't entirely sure how this would go.

    01-05 Miles in 39:14 @ 7:51

    The first 5 miles take me from Kilmainham (stop to buy some water) along the canal to Rathmines. I'm concerned along here as I spend the first 2 miles or so coughing uncomfortably, don't know if I could stomach 20 miles like this. Thankfully it settles down and I do get through the rest of run with minimal hacking etc. It's a bit hard to hit target pace off the bat but after 2 or 3 miles once the the legs have woken up it feels fine. I travel through Ranelagh and out towards Clonskeagh before turning left along Beaver Row to Donnybrook. First block completed on target.

    06-10 Miles in 38:25 @ 7:42

    Travelling too fast at the start of this block and I need to ease up a bit. Apply the brakes as I run along leafy Ailesbury and down Sydney Parade to the sea. Low clouds block the horizon and wind their way between the Poolbeg chimneys. Grey sky, grey water, grey sand. I cut into Sandymount and across to Ballsbridge. Feeling mostly strong and occasionally have to slow. Through Herbert Park, down Clyde Road and down past the Burlington (or whatever it's called now). I follow the canal for a little while, passing some magpies feasting on a dead duck. The second block ends near the National Concert Hall.

    11-15 Miles in 37:22 @ 7:30

    I push at the start of this block, too much. Garmin shows 7:1X pace and so I spend the entire SCR easing off and letting the pace slowly drop down to target. I'm feeling comfortable but I'm a little concerned about Knockmaroon further on and the final 5 miles at 7:2X pace, I don't want to be struggling at any point on this run. Through Rialto and back to Kilmainham where for a while the Gingerbread came knocking but thankfully went away quickly. As I head down toward Islandbridge I consume my single gel, I've developed a taste for these vanilla flavoured ones. Turn onto Chapelizod Road and head out of town, bracing myself for Knockmaroon. The third block of 5 miles ends right at the foot of the hill.

    16-20 Miles in 36:44 @ 7:21

    No point in worrying about average pace as I head up Knockmaroon. My stride and footfall instantly remind me of Roncobello. It's not as tough as I'd feared. I continue at what feels like the right effort levels once I crest the hill and turn right into the Park. I glance at the Garmin and see 8:0X pace showing for this block. I accelerate down Furze and down Chesterfield, I'm travelling at 7:2X pace by the time I'm on the Khyber. I'm feeling pretty good. I overtake some runners as I head up Wellington. Head out at Park Gate and swing round the station. Final stretch is along St.John's Road before turning for home. Job done.

    I feel a little jaded later in the afternoon but legs are fine. Cough seems to have surrendered a bit as well. I'm pleased with the run. I know I'm training with sub 2:55 paces and in theory this should make sub 3:10 feel so much easier. However I'm also a little concerned that in a way I might be running my long runs too fast. Really not sure how that will pan out on race-day.

    Total 20.10M @ 7:36

    P&D55 Week 11 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Recovery 11K with 6x100m Strides | 11.00K @ 5:35 | N/A
    Tempo 18K with 11K tempo (Frank Duffy 10M) | Chip time 65:57 | N/A
    MLR 12M | DNS | N/A
    Recovery 5M | DNS | N/A
    LR 20M | 20.10M @ 7:36 | N/A

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    51 / 51 / 02 / 00 / 33 | 35.11 / 28.28 / 1352.72

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    Ran this Tuesday evening after work and before the Serbia game. A run that surprised me, I felt particularly strong, the legs showing no signs of having run 20 miles at a healthy pace just two days previous.

    I entered the Park at Islandbridge Gate and turned left for a rare clockwise lap. I was overtaken going up Military Road and this encouraged me to speed up a little. As nearly always it takes me a while to build up to target pace. Through the S-Bends and the guy who overtook me has stopped opening up a gap. Chase is on. He cuts along the path below the hospital while I dip down and up from the Chapelizod Gate, so he gains distance on me as start ascending Glen Road. I gradually, gradually pull closer and just before Furze I overtake.

    The momentum feels good, the legs feel good and I just stick with this effort level. Up and down from Castleknock Gate before heading along North Road and completing a lap of the Park. I swing up the Khyber and don't lose much pace on the climb here. Low sun over the 15 Acres on a mild and pleasant evening. I head down Acres, out at Chapelizod Gate and follow the road back to Heuston.

    I engage in some Man versus Luas heading up the tram tracks along Steeven's Lane. A draw, but the lights were with me.

    Enjoyed this one. Headed out afterwards to see us reap the full rewards of Saturday's dismal 'performance'.

    Total 12.00M @ 7:20

    P&D55 Week 12 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m | |
    MLR 12 Miles | 12.00M @ 7:20 |
    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides | |
    Blessington 10K, sub 38:38 attempt | |
    LR 17M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    52 / 52 / 02 / 00 / 32 | 12.00 / 40.28 / 1364.72

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m Strides

    I always underestimate 600ms. They're not difficult, certainly not when run at 5K pace, but they're never as easy as I expect them to be, and I'm always a bit resentful when I discover I need to work a little to hit target pace.

    Ran these after work on the track. I should be completing them in between 2:12 and 2:15. I could check progress after 400 to ensure I was lapping between 1:28 and 1:30. I ran these off 90 seconds jog recovery.

    It helped having other slower runners on the track that I could target and zip past. The last 200ms of each interval were testing but otherwise these were fairly routine. I'm worried about the next track session though 5x1000m, that'll be fun.

    I ran these a fraction too quick, just dipping into 3K average pace.
    Had to cut the run a little short as I had a work dinner to travel to, good short work-out all the same.

    Easy now till Blessington. Cough is still tickling.

    Interval 01 in 2:11.97 @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 02 in 2:11.80 @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 03 in 2:13.14 @ 3:42 [5:57]
    Interval 04 in 2:10.68 @ 3:38 [5:50]
    Interval 05 in 2:09.75 @ 3:36 [5:48]

    Average interval in 2:11.47 @ 3:39 [5:52]

    Total 7.01M @ 7:50

    P&D55 Week 12 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m | 7.01M @ 7:50 with average 600 in 2:11.47 @ 3:39 [5:52] | N/A
    MLR 12 Miles | 12.00M @ 7:20 |
    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides | |
    Blessington 10K, sub 38:38 attempt | |
    LR 17M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    53 / 53 / 02 / 00 / 31 | 19.01 / 47.29 / 1371.73

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    August Review

    August was once again dominated by altitude and hill training in Italy.
    The stand-out run of the month was for me the Vertical K from the bridge below Bordogna to the fountain at Mezzeno at the end of the road. Climbing a little over 1000m in a little over 7 miles. A HC climb by Tour de France standards. I completed this in 1:17, setting a target to beat next year.

    Mountain running also had me looking with intent at some trail runners. I really think I will target the Roncobello - Laghi Gemelli Skyrun in the next year or two. I tried out a short forest trail and really enjoyed it.

    The other main run in August was the Frank Duffy 10 Miler. I logged a PB of 65:57, but was disappointed that I couldn't muster an average pace greater than HM pace. I think I may have run this a little too soon after my hill-training. And it's also possible that I was already cultivating the cough, sore throat, blocked nose, that nearly 2 weeks later I haven't fully shaken off.

    A tough MP run at the start of the month saw me complete close on 12 miles at 6:41 pace. Running PD with 2:55 paces has made me apprehensive ahead of my MP runs, they're hard work.

    Mileage could have been better in August but I'm still just on track to hit 2000 for the year.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 182.66 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 2151
    February | 162.69 | 5.81 | 40.67 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2136
    March | 180.88 | 5.83 | 40.84 | 5.85 | 40.93 | 2134
    April | 163.20 | 5.44 | 38.08 | 5.75 | 40.21 | 2097
    May | 137.52 | 4.47 | 31.05 | 5.48 | 38.34 | 2000
    June | 146.25 | 4.88 | 34.13 | 5.38 | 37.64 | 1963
    July | 195.44 | 6.30 | 44.13 | 5.49 | 38.44 | 2004
    August | 160.29 | 5.17 | 36.19 | 5.45 | 38.15 | 1989
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides

    Out Saturday morning for this. Kept it really easy as I tip over to Chapelizod via Sarsfield Road. I run the strides along Chapelizod Road as I head back to Islandbridge. Legs respond well. No real heaviness. I'm still coughing and hacking though mostly over the opening 2K or so. I end the run with a diversion through the Royal Hospital.

    Feeling a bit more optimistic about Sunday's race after this.

    Total 8.01K @ 5:32

    P&D55 Week 12 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m | 7.01M @ 7:50 with average 600 in 2:11.47 @ 3:39 [5:52] | N/A
    MLR 12 Miles | 12.00M @ 7:20 |
    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides | 8.01K @ 5:32 |
    Blessington 10K, sub 38:38 attempt | |
    LR 17M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    54 / 54 / 02 / 00 / 30 | 23.99 / 52.27 / 1376.71

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    Blessington 10K :(

    I don't want to dwell too long on this one. My slowest 10K in a long while. I've only run Blessington slower on one occasion and that was back in 2013.
    I really performed poorly on Sunday. I was hoping for a PB and came up 49 seconds short. Nearly a minute off my PB.

    I do have one genuine excuse which does stop me from being utterly disappointed with this performance. I'm still sick. I'm not shaking this cough, it continues to linger. During my warm-up I must have cleared my throat 20 times. I hacked a bit during the race and hacked a lot after the race. Nose is a bit clogged as are ears.

    It's also true that I haven't done any 10K specific training of late, usually I arrive in Blessington off the back of a 10K specific training plan. This year instead I'm in the middle of marathon training. That said, this didn't stop me running a 38:52 in Fingal in July and feeling much better than during Sunday's run.

    Whatever about my splits from Blessington, or my chip-time or my average pace, one figure stands out from Sunday, 73.35. This is the figure that greeted me on the scales once I got home. This is too heavy. I have been taking my eye of my diet a little of late. I haven't weighed myself in a while maybe partially because I knew I wouldn't like what I saw.

    Last year I was around 3 kilo lighter for Blessington - that has to make a difference. I need to lose around 4 kilo over the next few weeks.

    Just for the record, this is how the morning unfolded.

    Travelled down to Blessington with mr and mrs overpronator. The further we headed south the worse the weather became. Parked in the mud and cowdung and headed to pick-up our numbers. Not too cold, but just generally wet, windy, mucky and miserable. Overpronator and I go for a 2 mile warm-up out and back along the start of the course. Overpronator is thinking of running a tempo and there is talk of him using me as a pacer. My plan is to be at 3:54 [6:17] or 3:55 [6:18] pace at the foot of the hill. Let the Roncobello work help me navigate my way up the hill and then push over the closing and mostly downhill final 2.5K. I'd have taken 38:37 if it was offered to me at the start-line.

    01-05K in 19:32

    As always I start too fast and post a 3:46 [6:04] opening kilometre. Overpronator however has already opened a 10m gap or so. I won't be chasing him, instead I ease off and focus on trying to ensure my negative split. Up until around 3K I feel good. I'm just ahead of the sub 40 pacer. At times when I ease up he overtakes me. I have a suspicion that he's travelling a fraction too fast, maybe he's banking some time ahead of the hill.

    Two Crusader females are running just a little ahead of me, they would finish 3rd and 4th female. I start to notice on K4 that despite easing up and travelling at tempo pace I'm not feeling nearly as comfortable as I'd like to be. In Fingal, with it's downhill start I was feeling really good at this point and had to focus on not running faster than 3:55 [6:18]. Sunday instead I was realising that 3:55 pace was going to be hard to maintain. Mentally I think already the race was lost. The body just felt heavy, no zip. I go through 5K in 19:32.

    06-10K in 19:55

    Turn the half-way hairpin and we find ourselves running into a slight to moderate headwind. There's a bit of downhill here and I try to enjoy it, knowing that the hill is approaching. The sub 40 pacer was only running 5K and has been replaced with a second pacer. I pull ahead of this second pacer. I focus on the nearest Crusader female ahead of me, try matching her stride and hold the gap at around 5m.

    We arrive at the hill.

    I immediately close the gap with the Crusader runner, but she doesn't want to be overtaken and puts in a little kick. I don't try stay with her. I just focus on getting up the hill. The Roncobello training doesn't feel like it's helping. I post a really poor 4:22 [7:02] for K7. I've stopped looking at my watch.

    As we start our descent Crusader has opened up a gap of maybe 15m. I try to lengthen my stride on the downhill, but I'm tired, I cannot push as much as I'd have liked. I'm overtaken my a runner at the base of the hill, he mutters some encouragement. Onto the last 2K, these always seem to go on for ever. I'm overtaken by a second runner. But I notice that the gap is closing to Crusader, she's struggling.

    I'm in countdown mode. Spectators shout support at the 500m to go mark. With about 350m to go I try to up the pace. I finally move past Crusader but I can hear her trying to respond. Have I pushed too soon? The finishing gantry is visible but still quite a bit away. One spectator shouts support to Crusader saying "Go on, push him to the line", and so ensuring both of us try finish strong.

    I cross the line ahead of Crusader. I didn't even check the time on the finishing clock, I knew it wasn't good. I see overpronator and his expression is one of condolences. I hack a bit, wait to be sure I don't retch and only then check the Garmin, 39:26. That's even a bit worse than I expected, I would have guessed 39:0X.

    Overpronator posted a very impressive 38:04, considering he was running tempo pace for most of the course and considering he had posted a 17:4X 5K only a few days previous. Just as well he didn't use me as a pacer.

    Anyway - sickness, non-specific training and running above racing weight, these in my opinion are the chief culprits behind Sunday's weak showing.

    Chalk it up. Focus on the next 6 weeks of DCM training, and get back to work.

    K01 in 3:46
    K02 in 3:54
    K03 in 3:58
    K04 in 3:59
    K05 in 3:55
    K06 in 3:52
    K07 in 4:22
    K08 in 3:52
    K09 in 3:55
    K10 in 3:54

    Chip time 39:26
    P38 of 363 finishers or 11th in a race of 100.

    P&D55 Week 12 Target Paces in post 2357 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    VO2Max 13K with 5x600m | 7.01M @ 7:50 with average 600 in 2:11.47 @ 3:39 [5:52] | N/A
    MLR 12 Miles | 12.00M @ 7:20 |
    Recovery 8K with 6x100m Strides | 8.01K @ 5:32 |
    Blessington 10K, sub 38:38 attempt | 39:26 :( | 73.35 :eek:
    LR 17M | |

    Sessions Completed / On Target / DNS / DNF / Remaining | Miles WTD / MTD / YTD
    55 / 55 / 02 / 00 / 29 | 33.28 / 61.56 / 1386.00
