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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy/Steady 4 Miles
    outforarun wrote: »
    Starting to get itchy now to start running some proper sessions again, starting to get itchy to get back on a plan again.

    Typical, just when I've written the above. I've been playing it safe to the point of boredom for nearly 4 weeks since DCM. Not a bother from the legs. All seems good.

    Then this morning, a slight niggle right-groin. I think nothing of it. I've brought running gear to work and head out at lunchtime for a 4 miler. While running all was good. Pace, as always on these office lunchtime runs, moves from easy to steady, but is always comfortable.

    But since I'm back the niggle is much sorer. Hurts when I raise right leg from sitting position, and twinges on first few strides. I might have to think twice about intervals tomorrow. I might have to think twice about running tomorrow. I've had this niggle before and in the main I've run through it. Haven't a notion where it has come from.

    Annoying :mad:

    M01 7:55
    M02 7:40
    M03 7:31
    M04 7:12

    Total 4.06m @ 7:33

    WTD 15.54 MTD 97.45 YTD 1779.31

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    So Saturday morning I woke up and the groin was much better than I'd expected it would be. I could barely detect any niggle, no pain. I did experience one twinge went I meant down to pick up a pair of shoes, this alone convinced me that it was safer not to run, even despite the glorious sunshine outside.

    I opted as well to take Sunday off. No niggles or twinges or aches. I'm genuinely surprised at how quickly this appears to have passed. At work last Friday afternoon I had to uncross my legs by lifting my right leg with my arms, it hurt too much to ask the leg to do its own lifting.

    Back on the road after work in Athlone Monday evening. I run a comfortable 10 miler, including my Ballymahon Road loop and a mini loop west side of the Shannon.

    Legs were good while running. More importantly they didn't protest afterwards. Really pleased about this. The 2K target is still on (just).

    M01 8:58
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:33
    M04 8:14
    M05 8:29
    M06 7:55
    M07 7:58
    M08 7:59
    M09 7:59
    M10 8:01

    Total 10.06M @ 8:16

    WTD 10.06 MTD 107.54 YTD 1789.37

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Into the park at lunchtime on a sunny Wednesday.

    I headed for my usual loop around the playing fields but I come to a full stop on seeing signs reading 'No Entry. Deer Cull in Progress'. A necessary evil I guess. I turn back the way I came and head up Wellington Road. Run past the zoo (wondering if the lions will benefit from today's cull). Then out of the Park and down Infirmary Road.

    Wore the Nimbus again. Legs felt ok and it was nice to just tip around in the sun, with jacket and gloves.

    Groin was fine. It'll be tested next Saturday on a 5x600m session

    M01 9:13
    M02 8:50
    M03 8:11
    M04 8:21

    Total 4.01M @ 8:39

    WTD 4.07 MTD 111.55 YTD 1789.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    Falling behind with log again. Last Thursday evening I got out for 5 after work. My doorstep 5 mile loop, over to Chapelizod via Sarsfields Road and back along Chapelizod and Heuston. Wrapped up well for this one even though it wasn't that cold. I get passed by another runner at the start of the final mile and so I inject a little speed near the end. Also, and not for the first time, I engage in some man versus luas on the hill after Heuston, this time the luas prevails.

    That completes November running with a very disappointing 116 miles.

    M01 9:13
    M02 8:24
    M03 8:07
    M04 7:46
    M05 7:05

    Total 5.03M @ 8:06

    WTD 19.10 MTD 116.55 YTD 1798.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x600m @ 5K pace

    Last Saturday saw my first proper speed session in weeks. I was looking forward to this, an opportunity to work the legs and lungs, but at 600m intervals hopefully not too much of a shock to the system. Asterias on and I head over to the playing fields in the park.

    I'd forgotten Jingle Bells was on earlier this morning, the starting area is being packed away. I've no regrets about missing this year's edition having run in the previous 3. I'm just not in any shape for a 5K right now.

    The 600s would prove this. Target pace was 3:40 [5:54] to 3:45 [6:02], which if I'm honest is an optimistic 5K pace. Overall average pace was 3:42 [5:57], so more or less bang in the middle of target pace. I ran two intervals a little slower than target, the first one because I lost concentration over the closing 200m and dropped out of range, the third interval I misjudged the pacing and it was run entirely into a moderate headwind.

    I never felt I wouldn't hit target average pace but I definitely felt I had to work hard for it. Legs and lungs were exercised. I was running these off 90 seconds recovery. Next interval session will be a 5x800 and I'm more nervous than I should be ahead of this.

    Passed 1800 miles for the year, still some way to go to hit 2K.

    Interval 1 in 2:15.61 @ 3:46 [6:04]
    Interval 2 in 2:11.24 @ 3:39 [5:52]
    Interval 3 in 2:15.96 @ 3:47 [6:05]
    Interval 4 in 2:11.00 @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 5 in 2:12.07 @ 3:40 [5:54]

    Average 600 in 2:13.18 @ 3:42 [5:57]

    WTD 24.88 MTD 5.78 YTD 1804.18

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 20 Miles

    Last Sunday was my longest run since DCM.

    I started with a very easy 2 mile warm-up from home to Donore. I meet overpronator at the club house, and no-one else. All involved in XC today it seems. All the same we follow the usual Donore Sunday morning 16 mile route (minus Knockmaroon).

    My DCM performance is up for discussion, overpronator cannot understand how I can run 14 miles at 2:55 marathon pace in training and still fail to log a 3:09 on race day. I think I have the speed, the issue looks like being endurance, more miles needed. And a new stimulus needed, I'm looking forward to 2018 being a year of J&D.

    We chat and the miles slip by. We're joined by another runner for 7 or 8 of the middle miles. The pace is healthy and we're not backing off on the hills. The Khyber is run at a pace slightly outside conversational, as is the Upper Glen Road, we opted for the latter instead of Knockmaroon, no complaints.

    It's just overpronator and I for the final miles. Two discoveries for me in Farmleigh this morning: first the drinking water tap in the carpark, and second the short trail that runs adjacent to Whites Road. My legs are starting to feel the pace from Farmleigh onwards. Thankfully the profile is mostly downhill from here. I leave overpronator at Chapelizod Gate and I head for home, my fastest mile of the morning is mile 19, where I log my only sub 7:00.

    That didn't feel like a 20 miler, it sped past. Unlike my last 20 miler, I felt fine for the rest of the day.

    First 01.95M @ 9:09.

    and then 18.07M @ 7:22 as follows:

    M03 8:16
    M04 7:40
    M05 7:38
    M06 7:26
    M07 7:22
    M08 7:25
    M09 7:38
    M10 7:20
    M11 7:13
    M12 7:11
    M13 7:24
    M14 7:05
    M15 7:10
    M16 7:25
    M17 7:01
    M18 7:03
    M19 6:78
    M20 7:25

    WTD 44.90 MTD 25.80 YTD 1824.20

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Tuesday lunchtime I get out for my usual 4 miler. Gloves on. The legs were heavy following Sunday's effort. Decided to wear the Glycerines for the second time. They are comfy, hopefully legs won't niggle or twinge in the next few days. Another 4 miles in the chase to 2K.

    M01 8:52
    M02 8:04
    M03 7:34 (did not feel any where as fast as this)
    M04 7:51

    Total 4.01

    WTD 4.01 MTD 29.81 YTD 1828.21

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    Pot of tea and a mince pie and a lot of runs to catch up on here. And I still haven't posted my November review. Need extra hours in the day.

    Two Wednesday's ago I got out for another mid-week 10 mile chore of a run. I'm so rarely in the mood for these ones. The 2K chase is keeping me honest though. I had some niggle from the right knee after Sunday's speedy long run so just a little concerned about that. The run went fine though, no protest from knee (nor groin) and the Glycerins felt very comfortable. I kept this very easy, all miles slower than 8:00 minutes.

    M01 9:04
    M02 8:43
    M03 8:24
    M04 8:22
    M05 8:19
    M06 8:04
    M07 8:12
    M08 8:03
    M09 8:21
    M10 8:22

    Total 10.02M @ 8:24

    WTD 14.03 MTD 39.83 YTD 1838.23

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Never knew about the tap in Farmleigh Car park!!!

    Super training this month.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace

    The plan had been to run a repeat of last weekends 600s and maybe just increase the average pace a little. I had originally planned on 800s but I'd arranged to run again with Donore on Sunday, a second consecutive 20 miler, so I reckoned 600s would be fairer on the legs.

    Ran into the park at Islandbridge Gate and headed up the Khyber and up Chesterfield to Furze. The Aware race was on earlier this morning so right now the Chesterfield end of Furze is out of bounds for fast running. I jog down Furze and turn right onto the narrow path that runs over a stone bridge and joins up with OS Road. That'll be my loop. Turn left onto OS Road and hit lap on the Garmin.

    Straight away I'm travelling too fast. Ease up but clearly not enough, even some ice underfoot on the sharp left onto Furze doesn't scrape much speed off. I finish the first 600 in 2:10.93, that's 3:38 [5:51] pace, 3K pace.

    I'm running these off 90 seconds recovery (my usual rule of thumb is 60 seconds per 400m). The second interval, which includes some of the narrow path back towards OS road is even faster at 2:08.32, that's 3:34 [5:44] pace, a little quicker than 3K pace. The thing is the effort feels pretty much identical to one week ago, I'm just getting a lot more return on effort. I've already decided 3K pace is the revised goal.

    I take the turn from OS onto Furze very wide, onto the muddy grass. Then heading up Furze I spot that the Aware guys have pretty much packed everything away so I run my next 600 straight up Furze. The final 600 is run up Chesterfield and then down to the duck pond on OS.

    All done, and all completed at 3K pace. Pretty remarkable the difference just 7 days can make when repeating the same session. Last week was the first fast running I'd done in a while so I guess I was removing some cobwebs, this weekend instead the results were much more encouraging.

    I take the long way home after the 600s, and so chalk up another few miles towards 2K.

    Interval 01 in 2:10.93 @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 02 in 2:08.32 @ 3:34 [5:44]
    Interval 03 in 2:11.17 @ 3:39 [5:52]
    Interval 04 in 2:09.68 @ 3:36 [5:48]
    Interval 05 in 2:10.01 @ 3:37 [5:49]

    Average 600m in 2:10.02 @ 3:37 [5:49]

    WTD 24.05 MTD 49.85 YTD 1848.25

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Never knew about the tap in Farmleigh Car park!!!

    Super training this month.

    Thanks! Regarding the tap, I know! Could be a life saver in the summer. It tasted so fresh and good the other weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 20 Miles

    This would be the first time I ever ran 20 milers on consecutive Sundays. I was little cautious because of the slight niggle from my right knee following the previous 20 miler.

    This morning I left the house later than planned so I didn't have the luxury of an easy opening couple of miles, I had to run two sub 8:00s to be sure I arrived at Donore on time. Overpronator and two others are at the clubhouse. We step inside for a while, bad move, it's so warm and cosy inside. Back out into the cold and damp and we get going. Pace is nice and easy at the outset. Three more runners join us between Castleknock Gate and the North Road.

    The group hardly ever travels as a single unit. I move ahead with two others. At Infirmary Road I decide this pace, while ok for now, is too fast so soon on a 20 miler and I ease off. A heated debate between two of the group acts like a podcast for 20 minutes or so. It also has an effect on the pace as we log a 6:39 around the playing fields. Some miles later on Chesterfield the group has been reduced to just 4 runners. Overpronator and another up ahead, I hang back 50 metres or so and chat with my companion. Both of us are feeling the miles in the legs now but the pace remains healthy at around 7:30. The two up front are travelling more comfortably than us.

    We exit Farmleigh and turn right onto OS Road. Happily it's mostly downhill from here back to Chapelizod Gate. We exit, I saw ciao to the others and continue alone along the Chapelizod Road back home. I keep the pace constant but without company and without downhill these last two miles, like last week, feel tough and they drag. Happy to finish.

    Needed to go to a school Christmas party in the afternoon and after that I mostly camped out on the sofa. Tired but feeling no ill effects from the morning's work. I won't be trying for a hat-trick of 20 milers though.

    M01 7:54
    M02 7:18
    M03 8:47
    M04 8:22
    M05 7:58
    M06 7:47
    M07 7:20
    M08 7:10
    M09 7:32
    M10 7:24
    M11 6:39
    M12 6:50
    M13 7:16
    M14 7:20
    M15 7:19
    M16 7:43
    M17 7:30
    M18 7:32
    M19 7:18
    M20 7:30

    Total 20.07M @ 7:31

    WTD 44.12 MTD 69.92 YTD 1868.32

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    A recovery run the day after a 20 miler seems to be more appreciated by the legs than a rest day. This was my usual lunchtime run around the playing fields. The right knee was fine. A slight slight protest from right of the groin. Otherwise all good. I wear the Glycerins again. I think I'll wear the Nimbus one more time, a retirement run, but after that it'll be Glycerins only for the long and easy runs.

    Legs feeling good after this.

    M01 9:06
    M02 8:38
    M03 8:07
    M04 8:19

    Total 4.02M @ 8:31

    WTD 4.02 MTD 73.94 YTD 1872.34

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    The weather was horrendous when I left the office in the evening. Icy wind and swirling sleety snow. I bought an extra pair of gloves enroute to the hotel. I toyed with the idea of not running but knew that that would have been the end of my 2K attempt.

    By the time I had laced up and stepped outside the wind had calmed and there was no sleet or snow falling. I fell into a nice steady and slow pace. Pleasant bounce in the Glycerins. I stick to the same route I used for the last two weeks. Legs are feeling ok. I'm determined to keep this easy and not but them under any stress too soon after Sunday's 20 miler. I slip a little on a patch of ice along the Ballymahon Road but otherwise the conditions underfoot were fine. I wore them but I didn't need the second pair of gloves, better safe than sorry. This week this run felt less of a chore than last week.

    Howling winds later, I'd been lucky to get out when I did.

    M01 9:14
    M02 8:47
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:47
    M05 8:48
    M06 8:32
    M07 8:23
    M08 8:35
    M09 8:27
    M10 8:32

    Total 10.01 @ 8:41

    WTD 14.03 MTD 83.95 YTD 1882.35

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Only had a little time to play with Thursday evening, before heading out for some food and farewell drinks for a colleague. I kept this simple, ran from hotel to town and back. Legs are fine. Some impressive Christmas lights on display along the way.

    Tasty and hot red thai veg curry later.

    M01 9:08
    M02 8:23
    M03 8:24
    M04 8:19

    Total 4.34M @ 8:31

    WTD 18.37 MTD 88.29 YTD 1886.69

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x800m @ 5K pace

    After two Saturdays of 600s, I shifted up to 800s for this one. I entertained no thoughts of targeting 3K pace, this would be strictly 5K pace, easy does it.

    Thursday drinks and then not a great diet on Friday (scones, danish, roses, cooked veggie breakfast, and in the evening steak and onions (very tasty)) had me feeling heavy and lethargic ahead of this. I didn't feel in interval shape and I can't remember ever feeling this apprehensive ahead of a set of 800s. I headed into the park via Islandbridge Gate, up the Khyber and up Chesterfield to Furze. I do one recce lap of the Furze, OS Road and Chesterfield loop before getting stuck in.

    After 50m I felt a twinge from the outside of the left knee. Part of me wanted to pounce on this as an opportunity to abandon the session. I resisted the temptation. I was also getting 'too slow' alerts immediately because I'd accidentally set target pace as 3:40 to 3:45 mins per mile instead of per kilometre.

    The first 800 was down Furze and it felt tough and I had that sinking feeling as I realised it was going to be a long morning. The first 800 would be the slowest of the session (not by much) but only once I turned onto OS Road did I realise I'd been running into a not insignificant headwind.

    The second 800 was slightly uphill but without the headwind this felt easier. All the same I felt heavy and flat footed. Interval number three followed a pattern set in the first two 800s, the first 200m too fast, the middle 400m a gradual increase in effort despite easing off the pace, and a tough final 200m. I was looking forward to finish this session. Interval 4 is a near carbon copy of interval 3. The legs are working more than the lungs, the latter are not too impressed with the morning's cold air.

    Happy to reach the final 800. It's mostly downhill, but the last 150m are back into the headwind on Furze. These felt like the toughest 150m I'd run in quite some time. Done. Not nearly as encouraging as last week's 600s. I'll need to watch diet and try repeat next weekend, hoping for an easier ride.

    I don't think I could hold 3:40 to 3:45 (finishing time of 18:20 to 18:45) for a 5K at the moment, I'd be doing well to hold 3:45 to 3:50 (finishing time of 18:45 to 19:10).

    Another longish cool-down on tired legs to clock up more miles, over 11 for the morning.

    Interval 01 in 2:58.72 @ 3:43 [6:00]
    Interval 02 in 2:56.45 @ 3:41 [5:55]
    Interval 03 in 2:58.47 @ 3:43 [5:59]
    Interval 04 in 2:58.39 @ 3:43 [5:59]
    Interval 05 in 2:57.43 @ 3:42 [5:57]

    Average 800m in 2:57.89 @ 3:42 [5:58]

    WTD 29.53 MTD 99.45 YTD 1897.85

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 15 Miles

    No time pressure this morning. I'd focus entirely on distance and not pace and I'd try to just enjoy the scenery. I opted to avoid the park, instead I'd stick to the waterways. I run from Kilmainham to Inchicore and join the canal there. I follow the canal all the way to Grand Canal Dock. Along the way, lots of swans, a skate-boarder travelling at I estimate 8:30 pace, a tent near Portobello with shoes and clothes on a bench alongside. I turn toward Irishtown and cross the river over the East Link. There follows a long long stretch into the wind as I keep the Liffey on my left all the way to Chapelizod. Back over the Liffey here and finally some calm from the wind. Along the towpath to the Memorial Gardens I log a 7:19 mile, my fastest of the morning. Leave the river by Islandbridge and head home via Heuston. I'm back where I started after 14.80 miles so I tag on a little extra to bring up 15 for the morning. Enjoyed that.

    I passed 1900 miles for the year this morning, the 2K is easier to imagine now.

    M01 9:19
    M02 8:21
    M03 8:09 (1900 miles for the year)
    M04 8:01
    M05 7:58
    M06 8:22
    M07 8:08
    M08 8:14
    M09 8:16
    M10 8:03
    M11 7:53
    M12 7:40
    M13 7:19
    M14 7:25
    M15 7:35

    Total 15.05 @ 8:03

    WTD 44.58 MTD 114.50 YTD 1912.90

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    Started the week's running last Monday evening after work. Wrapped up well for a 5 mile loop to Chapelizod and back via Heuston. Turned out to be much milder than I expected. Slow start for this one the just settled on an easy comfortable pace. More miles in the bag.

    M01 9:30
    M02 8:42
    M03 8:35
    M04 8:35
    M05 8:20

    Total 5.03M @ 8:45

    WTD 5.03 MTD 119.53 YTD 1917.93

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    Final Athlone run of 2017. I run the same 10 mile loop for the 4th consecutive week. Again I pay no close attention to the Garmin, tonight like a lot of December is all about clocking up the miles. Comfortable stride and spend most of this day-dreaming. Bit of a breeze blowing from the East. Little surprised to see some slow mile splits afterwards, tonight the body's easy pace was slower than usual. Discover that a colleague at work was also targeting sub 3:10 in DCM, small world. He also failed to hit his goal and posted a fairly spectacular positive split on the day (on target at halfway, home in 3:43 :eek:)

    M01 9:32
    M02 8:52
    M03 8:48
    M04 8:54
    M05 9:06
    M06 8:56
    M07 8:18
    M08 8:24
    M09 8:28
    M10 8:27

    Total 10.02M @ 8:46

    WTD 15.05 MTD 129.55 YTD 1927.95

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    November Review

    Better post this up before December is over!!

    November was my weakest running month of the year. A lull after DCM. One week I ran 4 miles another week I ran 15 miles, these really dented my weekly averages for the year and ensured that December would need to be a high mileage month if I'm to hit my 2000 mile goal. My longest run in November was just 11.27 Miles.

    This 11.27 mile run was also probably my favourite of the month, a chilly early morning run in Cork including 3 laps of the Centre Park - Monahan Road - Marina loop at 3:07 marathon pace. It was the first non-easy run post DCM and it felt good to inject a little speed back into the legs.

    I ran one other short 3:06 MP pace run around Furze - OS Road - Chesterfield. Apart from these MP pace sessions it was all easy uninspiring miles for November.

    Picked up a right groin injury. This was worringly sore for 12 hours or so then fixed itself in a hurry, but cost me a weekend of running.

    I started running in Brooks Glycerin's and so far so good with the transition to these from the Nimbus.

    I also moved into M45. Opportunity to get some decent category placings in 2018?

    And that's all that is worth reporting from a 116 mile November.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 182.66 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 2151
    February | 162.69 | 5.81 | 40.67 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2136
    March | 180.88 | 5.83 | 40.84 | 5.85 | 40.93 | 2134
    April | 163.20 | 5.44 | 38.08 | 5.75 | 40.21 | 2097
    May | 137.52 | 4.47 | 31.05 | 5.48 | 38.34 | 2000
    June | 146.25 | 4.88 | 34.13 | 5.38 | 37.64 | 1963
    July | 195.44 | 6.30 | 44.13 | 5.49 | 38.44 | 2004
    August | 160.29 | 5.17 | 36.19 | 5.45 | 38.15 | 1989
    September | 174.36 | 5.81 | 40.68 | 5.49 | 38.43 | 2004
    October | 183.05 | 5.90 | 41.33 | 5.53 | 38.73 | 2019
    November | 116.55 | 3.89 | 27.20 | 5.40 | 37.79 | 1970
    December | | | | | |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7 Miles

    First run of the Christmas break. Out after work early Friday evening. Revisit some streets I haven't run in a while, Redbrick SCR, Old Kilmainham, then head over by James and Heuston before running out to Chapelizod. A diversion onto Con Colbert as I try ensure I don't run any piece of road twice, back at doorstep after 7 miles. Pace gradually picked up over the 7 miles but always felt easy.

    M01 9:16
    M02 8:30
    M03 8:13
    M04 8:07
    M05 7:43
    M06 7:41
    M07 7:54

    Total 7.04M @ 8:12

    WTD 22.09 MTD 136.59 YTD 1934.99

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Early rise (4:00am) Saturday morning after very little sleep. Flew to Milan. Spent afternoon in town and picked up some running gear in Decathlon.

    Got out in the evening for 6 easy miles. I had planned on getting tickets for Milan Atalanta, glad in the end I didn't. Ran past the stadium while match was in progress and from the crowd sounds it seemed like all was good, only discovered they lost again when I got home.

    Despite the long day the legs felt mostly ok. Nice fresh conditions. Wore a neat running top that I'd picked up earlier in the day (will pick up a second for casual wear).

    I slept long and well Saturday night.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:10
    M04 8:05
    M05 8:00
    M06 7:34

    Total 6.12M @ 8:14

    WTD 28.21 MTD 142.71 YTD 1941.13

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    12 Miles with 5 Miles @ 2:55 MP

    I slept uninterupted until 9:50am!!! I genuinely cannot remember the last time I slept in so late nor woke feeling so refreshed. The negative from this was that I'd need to cut my Sunday run a little short. I'd planned a 15 miler, with the middle 5 miles run at 2:59 marathon pace.

    Crisp sunny conditions outside. My sister-in-law is targeting a sub 27 in a Parkrun here next Saturday morning, I plan on pacing her. Sunday during my first 5 mile section I run 5K with her. She runs a 27:50, it wasn't comfortable for her but I think she will certainly hit 26:XX. She even upped the pace over the last 800ms. I leave her and continue on my way.

    My second 5 mile section starts and I up the pace. In theory I was targeting 4:15 [6:50] pace but I end up settling on 4:10 [6:42] or 4:11 [6:43]. I tell myself that it's fine to target 4:10 to 4:15, afterall I've done no fast session this week.

    The pace is manageable, not comfortable. Legs don't feel as responsive as I'd like. They feel heavy and my footfall feels flat. Lungs are fine. I enjoy speeding past the other runners out this morning. The 5 miles pass quickly and are completed at 4:10 [6:42] pace. Not a slow pace but I feel I should have felt more comfortable.

    Passed 1944 miles today so that is a new record set for most miles in a calendar year.

    I need to address two things. Firstly weight, I haven't stepped on a scales in weeks but I strongly suspect I'm the wrong side of 73 kilos. Secondly speed, I've been frightened by the prospect of faster stuff ever since my Blessington and 10K TT double whammy. And recent 600s and 800s have been tougher than I'd like. I need to build up familiarity with faster paces again. I might start with shorter 3K paced intervals, I'm thinking 10x400ms off 400ms recovery. The weight and speed changes should assist each other. Also my sister-in-law is a qualified personal trainer so she's going to put together a core plan for me.

    All the above though can wait until the new year. For now it's all about hitting 2000 miles.

    5.00M @ 8:28
    5.00M @ 6:42
    2.45M @ 7:39

    Total 12.45M @ 7:36

    WTD 40.66 MTD 155.16 YTD 1953.58

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy to Steady 8 Miles

    Beautiful Christmas morning in Milan. Laced up and headed across the road for some laps of the park. Lots and lots of runners out. I ignore the Garmin and run at whatever feels enjoyable.

    I complete three laps, the legs feel less heavy than yesterday but still not as light and responsive as I'd like. Another runner and I converge on a path at the same point and are running side by side. I take the decision to up the pace slightly and pull away from him. This means mile 7 is a 6:44. I only discover this later on Strava, it felt no faster than 7:1X pace. This is a positive I take from this Christmas run. I'm also happy to head for Christmas lunch with around 1100 calories credit in the bank.

    M01 8:20
    M02 7:50
    M03 7:34
    M04 7:16
    M05 7:13
    M06 7:12
    M07 6:44
    M08 6:49

    Total 8.06M @ 7:22

    WTD 8.06 MTD 163.22 YTD 1961.64

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Very Easy 5+ Miles

    Rained overnight so wet and fresh conditions for this one.
    Took this really easy. Ran the first 5K with sister-in-law, she's comfortably covering 5K, but is not feeling optimistic ahead of her 26:XX attempt in 4 days time. First mile today was 10:02!

    I up the pace a little after 5K but not a lot. This was effectively a recovery pace run for me and the legs were very thankful for it. The heaviness that I've felt over the last few runs seems to have been flushed out after this.

    5.51M @ 8:51

    WTD 13.57 MTD 168.73 YTD 1967.15

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x600m @ 5K pace

    Constant rain for the whole morning. Bit of a breeze blowing from the south as well. I spot one other runner out, other than that it's just dog walkers. One off the leash dog charges, barking, straight at me but then just jumps on me looking for some pats.

    The intervals are not easy and the lungs are worked, moreso than the legs. I guess the point of VO2 is to work the lungs. Each 600 involves a too speedy opening 150m and consequently a tough closing 200m. I keep these at 5K pace even though right now I doubt I could hold this pace for 5K.

    A lot of splashing through puddles this morning. Asterias could not be wetter. I'm happy to get these finished. I finish with an average 600 in target range. But this is still another interval session that doesn't fill me with confidence for any shorter races I might plan to do.

    I take a long cool-down outside the park. Soaked through by the end of this.

    Interval 1 in 2:12.08 @ 3:40 [5:54]
    Interval 2 in 2:14.62 @ 3:44 [6:01]
    Interval 3 in 2:12.57 @ 3:40 [5:55]
    Interval 4 in 2:13.08 @ 3:41 [5:56]
    Interval 5 in 2:13.63 @ 3:42 [5:58]

    Average 600m in 2:13 @ 3:41 [5:57]

    Total 9.40M @ 7:41

    WTD 22.97 MTD 178.13 YTD 1976.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Had been in Turin for 24 hours before this one. Spent the late afternoon travelling back. 45 mins in high speed train @ €25 for two people (return). Then around 35 mins of seamless Metro for €1.50 each :rolleyes:

    I could easily have skipped this run and just gotten comfy on the sofa. Got into gear quickly and headed out for a repeat of last Saturday's run, out past San Siro and back. Chilly out. Legs are good.

    Total 6.13M @ 8:35

    WTD 29.10 MTD 184.26 YTD 1982.68

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Had to charge Garmin in a hurry ahead of this one. Once it showed 32% I unplugged and headed out into another chilly Milan evening. Usual out past San Siro and back. I tagged on a few laps round the block to make up some extra miles. Annoyingly the Garmin started showing low battery alerts and started hibernating :mad: It robbed me of around 2 miles and there is no way I will be satisfied to stop running for 2017 with 1998 showing on Strava. Don't have tablet/desktop access here so cannot measure distance on google maps to edit manually.

    Anyway legs continue to feel good on this eighth consecutive day of running.

    Total 8.10M @ 8:06

    WTD 37.16 MTD 192.36 YTD 1990.78

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Parco Nord Parkrun (Pacing Sub 27)

    This morning's Parkrun has raised the bar for future Parkruns: lockers, changing rooms and pristine showers, post race cake and post race prosecco. I will be back.

    Some early morning race logistic mess-ups (my fault) meant I'd have to run in a tracksuit bottom rather than shorts. I also couldn't find my barcode, but as I'd be pacing, this didn't bother me so much.

    Me and my pacee cross town in the early morning. One bus one Metro, about 2 mins of waiting time enroute. Arrive early at Parco Nord. Some icy patches on the ground. Close to the start line, runners congregate at a small running shop. We step inside. Not seeing any on display, I ask if they have any shorts for sale; "No sorry, it's not the season" :)

    The shop instead has around 30 lockers, changing rooms, toilets and showers. The shop owner charges €2 for the use of the facilities. He said with the park nearby he thought it would be a good idea to offer runners (likely customers) these facilities. Genius.

    We head to the park and to the starting area. A short warm up alerts us to the fact that there is some ice along the course. My pacee is getting nervous (as am I a little!). A group photo and the usual Parkrun formalities and we're underway.

    The course is two laps of a section of the park. 99% asphalt or hard flat dirt track. It's mostly flat and the loop has a nice flow to it. I'd decided to target 5:20 [8:34] pace to be sure of coming home sub 27. Pacee has been convincing herself all week that she can't do this, I'm convinced she can.

    We quickly reach race pace, there is very little congestion at the start (just over 50 runners). Then soon we're running too fast at 5:15 [8:26] and spend the next while easing off. I provide K splits along the way; 5 seconds up after 1K, 8 seconds up after 2K. Her form is good. Breathing sounds right. It's cold, and I'm glad I've the tracksuit on, it's a cozy luxury. We complete one lap and the volunteers call 13:10 and shout some encouragement.

    Start of lap 2 and she is feeling the effort, but continues to hold good form. Average pace shows either 5:17 [8:30] or 5:18 [8:31]. K3 is a 5:20 and so we remain 8 seconds up. I try encourage her but I really don't think she's going to blow-up. I think my job is to re-assure her that she's doing well more than to push her on. She knows she's nailed it when she goes through 4K 7 seconds ahead of the target split, she has 15 seconds of a buffer now and has 1K to go.

    We overtake a runner with 600ms to go, he warns me that my lace is open, earlier a runner warned us of ice on the path, it's a nice friendly run. On request I provide a countdown 100m by 100m. She's going to go well under 27. Last few bends and the finish line is in sight. She ups the pace and crosses the line in 26:22, 31st overall and 6th female. Not too shabby at all for her first ever timed race.

    She's fairly buzzed afterwards and is already talking about her next 5K goal. Some post race cake and prosecco is on offer. Chat with some others before making our way back across town.

    I'm back in April and I'll definitely (touchwood) return for a crack at a podium here. First place today was a 15:43, nearly 4 minutes ahead of second.

    Enjoyed that. It's actually inspiring seeing someone else hit their goals.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Mile 2000 (and 2001)

    Last Saturday afternoon I laced up for the second time in the day and headed out while there was still some daylight to run in. This run was all about bringing up the 2000th mile. I'd tried a few years to hit this target but kept falling short, the closest I'd come was 1944.92 miles back in 2013.

    I'd started the year close by San Siro so I wanted to run past the stadium on this last run. Inter were playing Lazio so I needed to navigate quite a few fans as I got closer and closer. Took a few photos then headed back against the fan-traffic to Parco di Trenno.

    Light disappearing rapidly now. The legs are feeling very fresh after this morning's fun Parkrun. I don't think I've ever run a double before. Complete one lap and start into a second. I calculate that the 2000th mile should be completed close to the end of this second lap. Nearly full dark as the second lap draws to a close, I pass the 2000 mile marker just after the coffee kiosk on the north side of the park. I stop to appreciate the moment and take a photo. I won't be running tomorrow so this is the last run of the year and it feels like an appropriate manner in which to bring the year's running to a close.

    After a minute or so I continue on my way, tagging on the 2001st mile before hitting stop on the Garmin.

    Beer and pizza in the evening to celebrate a good day's running.

    2011 = 1281.67
    2012 = 1304.22
    2013 = 1763.26
    2014 = 1944.92
    2015 = 1899.56
    2016 = 1757.90
    2017 = 2001.66
