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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Opening my account for 2018

    New Year's Morning and back in Dublin. I'm allowing myself one more week of off-plan running and then I need to back on plan. I've been running a lot over the last weeks but not really doing any training. Starting to stagnate.

    I got up earlyish on Monday morning and just headed out for a straight-forward, easy, don't look at the Garmin, lap of the Park. Anti-clockwise, in and out at Islandbridge Gate. Nods and waves to other runners. As I reach the end of OS Road I'm treated to seeing the sun rise on 2018. Pause a while to watch. I continue on my way, bounce in my step.

    I've set 2100 miles as the target for this year, provided I avoid injury, illness etc, I'm fairly confident of hitting this new milestone. 8 in the bag already.

    M01 9:20
    M02 8:45
    M03 8:27
    M04 8:29
    M05 7:54
    M06 7:40
    M07 7:36
    M08 7:47

    Total 8.02M @ 8:14

    WTD 8.02 MTD 8.02 YTD 8.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7 Miles

    Tuesday night and it's the last night of my holidays :(

    I run a repeat of the loop I ran on the first night of holidays (happy days) back on the 22nd of December. Noticeable difference in the conditions since then, this time round there is a very stiff wind blowing, especially heading out of town along Chapelizod Road. Legs still feeling good.

    Weight is an issue though. Took my eye off diet in December and a week of Italian home cooking with two proper meals a day has caused some damage. I weighed 74.40 kilo after yesterday's run, 74.20 after today's. Need to drop down under 71 again.

    M01 9:19
    M02 8:28
    M03 8:38
    M04 8:40
    M05 8:13
    M06 7:56
    M07 8:34
    M08 8:20

    Total 7.10M @ 8:32

    WTD 15.12 MTD 15.12 YTD 15.12

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    A rare Athlone morning run. I discovered late that I would need to work a 12:00 to 20:00 shift. I opted to run my midweek 10 miler in the morning rather than in the evening. Wet and windy conditions for this. Very wintry with the smell of coal fires. Seeing as it was daylight I ran the little path along the Shannon. Water levels are worryingly high along here.

    Again the legs feel good, even if I feel heavy. Getting bored of easy pace now. Need to spice things up from next week.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:34
    M03 8:36
    M04 8:36
    M05 8:39
    M06 8:19
    M07 8:28
    M08 8:06
    M09 8:19
    M10 8:00

    Total 10.35M @ 8:27

    WTD 25.47 MTD 25.47 YTD 25.47

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12 Miles

    I'm seriously considering following a JD plan for the HM in Cork in June. The plan is 18 weeks and there 26 weeks to the race, so ample time to fit this in.

    January will be about running some faster stuff and getting the weight down. I might sign up for Raheny (despite not being anywhere near 30:26 shape like last year). I'd like to run two timed miles as well during January, all to get some idea of what VDOT I should be carrying into the HM plan.

    I had decided to try the first of these 1M time trials tomorrow, however I've just discovered that I'll be on call most of the day so cannot wander far from the laptop. I'd hoped to run this in the morning on a light stomach and in daylight. Don't think it's best to run it later in the day on a fuller stomach and in the dark. So I'll probably schedule a TT for midweek, maybe on the track. Maybe a 1500ms. I'll see.

    This morning I went out for a 12 miler, once again easy pace, which I didn't mind so much with the prospect of a 1M TT in the morning. Lots of runners out today. I ran my usual 12 mile route. Fairly windy along the North Road. Legs continue to feel good.

    Weighed in at 72.70 kilo after this. Heading in the right direction.

    M01 9:12
    M02 8:16
    M03 8:29
    M04 8:02
    M05 8:22
    M06 7:33
    M07 7:55
    M08 7:46
    M09 7:28
    M10 7:39
    M11 7:47
    M12 7:29

    WTD 37.76 MTD 37.76 YTD 37.76

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    Best of luck for 2018. As always the way you hit your training targets is impressive. I dont think last years race times did you justice . Keep it going, this year might be the big breakthrough year. Good luck with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    As always the way you hit your training targets is impressive. I dont think last years race times did you justice .

    Thanks man. Best of luck in 2018 to you as well. I know, whatever about other distances, I'm tiring of ticking the training boxes for marathon and then not following up on race-day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    December Review

    December was all about mileage. November had dented my overall total and meant I'd need to post over 200 miles to ensure I'd hit my 2000 mile goal. I was determined not to fall short, I did not fancy waiting another 12 months to tick this box.

    Mostly the miles lacked quality and variety, focus was on quantity. That said I did manage a handful of decent training runs. Most noteworthy were two 20 milers on consecutive Sunday mornings. Joined the Donore group for both of these (even though on the first one the Donore Group consisted largely of just overpronator and I). I didn't hang about on these 20 milers, the first one involved an easy 2 mile warm-up from home to the club-house but the average pace for the morning was still 7:32. Seven days later the second 20 miler logged at 7:31 pace.

    I managed 4 VO2Max sessions, but never dared run intervals further than 800m. Three of these sessions hurt more than I think they should have. Only one session of 600s was I really happy with, holding 3K pace throughout (3:36 min/km, 5:48 min/mile), despite initially targeting 5K pace.

    I ended the month with a 9 day running streak, mostly in Milan. Highlights of this were an MLR with 5 miles run at 2:55 marathon pace (6:42) and an icy Parkrun where I paced a friend home to her sub 27 target, she finished with a 26:22. I enjoyed this one. I'm hungry to have a podium shot back here around Easter. Sweet set-up (especially as I need to travel cross-city to get there), with lockers, showers and a running shop.

    The month ended with me finally hitting my 2000 mile goal, in the dark in Parco di Trenno. And added one more mile for good measure.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 182.66 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 5.89 | 41.25 | 2151
    February | 162.69 | 5.81 | 40.67 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2136
    March | 180.88 | 5.83 | 40.84 | 5.85 | 40.93 | 2134
    April | 163.20 | 5.44 | 38.08 | 5.75 | 40.21 | 2097
    May | 137.52 | 4.47 | 31.05 | 5.48 | 38.34 | 2000
    June | 146.25 | 4.88 | 34.13 | 5.38 | 37.64 | 1963
    July | 195.44 | 6.30 | 44.13 | 5.49 | 38.44 | 2004
    August | 160.29 | 5.17 | 36.19 | 5.45 | 38.15 | 1989
    September | 174.36 | 5.81 | 40.68 | 5.49 | 38.43 | 2004
    October | 183.05 | 5.90 | 41.33 | 5.53 | 38.73 | 2019
    November | 116.55 | 3.89 | 27.20 | 5.40 | 37.79 | 1970
    December | 203.25 | 6.56 | 45.90 | 5.48 | 38.38 | 2002

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    2017 Race History

    Just 6 races in the year. Picked up 4 new PBs (every second counts ;))

    The stand-out performance was Raheny, way back in January. Sadly the promise from that race never really materialized during the year.

    The most disappointing race by far was Blessington, I know I was a bit sick that day but still it rankles.

    In hindsight I'm happy with my HM in Cork, it is a bumpy course and I did well to come 47th of over 2000 finishers.

    DCM served to prove that I'm on a plateau and confirms again that my marathon performances lag far behind those over other distances, the VDOTs really highlight this.

    Time to inject some change into my training for 2018. If I don't change something then I'll struggle to hit 4 PBs this year.

    (paces are calculated against standard race distance, not pace for distance covered as captured on Garmin)

    No|Race|Time|Pace(M)|Pace(KM)|Position|Finishers|% of Field|Vdot|PB

    01| Raheny 5M | 0:30:26 | 6:05 | 3:46 | 226 | 3311 | 07 | 54.7 | Yes
    02| Cork City Half Marathon | 1:26:13 | 6:34 | 4:05 | 46 | 2332 | 02 | 53.6 | Yes
    03| Fingal 10K | 0:38:52 | 6:15 | 3:53 | 157 | 3051 | 06 | 53.7 | No
    04| Frank Duffy 10M | 1:05:57 | 6:35 | 4:05 | 200 | 4192 | 05 | 52.3 | Yes
    05| Blessington 10K | 0:39:26 | 6:20 | 3:56 | 38 | 363 | 11 | 52.8 | No
    06| Dublin Marathon | 3:13:42 | 7:23 | 4:35 | 1094 | 15893 | 07 | 49.9 | Yes

    PB Details

    Distance|2010 Best|2011 Best|2012 Best|2013 Best|2014 Best|2015 Best|2016 Best|2017 Best|Current PB Set
    Marathon|3:51:53|3:41:30|3:40:31|3:39:30|3:24:49|3:18:43|3:13:43|3:13:42|Dublin City Marathon 2017
    15 Mile|1:56:59|1:55:49|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|1:42:24|didn't race|didn't race|BHAA Cork to Cobh 2015
    Half Marathon|1:40:50|1:37:59|1:37:52|DNF|1:28:52|1:28:18|1:26:57|1:26:13|Cork City Half Marathon 2017
    10 Mile|1:17:52|1:15:57|1:13:11|1:09:14|didn't race|1:06:43|didn't race|1:05:57|Frank Duffy 2017
    10K|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:40:16|0:39:01|0:38:54|0:38:38|38:52|Blessington Lakes 2016
    5 Mile|didn't race|0:35:26|0:34:35|0:33:10|0:31:48|0:31:56|didn't race|30:26|Raheny 5 Mile 2017
    5K|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:18:40|0:18:46|0:18:35|didn't race|Jingle Bells 2016
    Parkrun|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|didn't race|0:18:57|didn't race|Waterstown 110

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    2017 Final Thoughts

    The year promised much back in January. An unexpectedly good performance in Raheny, my highest VDOT ever for a race, had me feeling very confident about running a 37:XX 10K. Maybe if there had been a suitable 10K in the couple of weeks immediately following Raheny then I would have done so.

    The first half of the year the focus was all about training for a 1:24:XX in Cork. I followed a new plan, P&L. I enjoyed it. Some tough sessions required. I remember in particular a series of long runs that finished with tempo pace miles, and I seemed destined to run these into strong headwinds.

    I was brought back to Earth in Limerick in April when I failed to log a 38:XX in a 10K TT around the North Circular Road. Suddenly 37:XX seemed like very wishful thinking.

    I suspect my P&L tempo pace was a little too fast. My left knee started to act up and I was struggling to tick all the training boxes. Maybe 1:24:XX has just a little too ambitious a target and maybe I over-reached during training. I wasn't unhappy to come home in 1:26:13, it was still a PB and a top 50 finish.

    A very deliberate negative split attempt in Fingal restored some confidence over 10K. I still remember the positive feeling as I upped the pace and eased past other runners from 5K to 8K. I was only 15 seconds off a PB that day.

    Another run that I remember fondly was my 'Vertical K' in Italy, ascending a little over 1000m in a little over 7 miles of unrelenting hors categorie climb. I look forward to trying to improve on my 1:17 next summer.

    A double whammy of a 39:26 in Blessington and a failed sub 40 TT a couple of weeks later really dented my confidence at faster speeds. Confidence has still not been restored. But around the same period I ran arguably my best training run of the year, an early morning 18 miler with 14 miles at 2:55 marathon pace around the Marina, Centre Park, Monahan Road loop down in Cork. All done before 9:00am. Showed a lot of grit to complete this one on target.

    DCM brought mixed emotions, pleased with a 1 second PB, but disappointed to have once again come up short. I think it's clear that endurance is the problem more than speed. So is the solution just to run more miles. more 20 milers, some 22 milers? P&D55 has run it's course I think. I do plan on running DCM18 but it almost certainly will be off a different plan. I'll try JD for the half and if that brings me more success than P&L did, then I'll look to JD for DCM.

    Hitting 2000 miles in the calendar year for the first time was much more satisfying than I expected it would be. I need to keep hitting that target, and to ensure I do so I'm going to shoot for 2100 in 2018.

    Other items from 2017 included:
    • new Garmin 230, without its workout flexibility I wouldn't be considering JD
    • switching from Asics Nimbus to Brooks Glycerin for the longer and slower stuff
    • going alcohol free for 10 days prior to CCHM
    • going alcohol free for a month prior to DCM
    • my first formal running event outside of Ireland, Milano Nord Parkrun

    Fingers crossed for an injury and illness free 2018. As always I hope to pocket 4PBs by year-end, but this year I'm more concerned about the quality of those PBs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Ok - just signed up for Raheny.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7 Miles with 6x100m Strides

    It was cold heading out yesterday evening. I had planned on running my first 1M TT but because I was on call at work I opted to postpone until next Saturday, I’ll run a track interval session midweek ahead of this.

    To break up the monotony and wake up the legs a little I threw some strides into this run. 6x100 along the Chapelizod Road heading out of town. The legs felt surprisingly fresh during these. Also this is the first time I’ve run fast in the Glycerins and they offer a really nice comfortable bounce, wasn’t expecting that.

    Last few hundred metres I had to hit pause button as a small dog came barking and growling at me until his owner called him back. A shorter than usual Sunday run. I wasn’t feeling the cold any more once I was done.

    Total 7.10M @ 8:13

    WTD 44.86 MTD 44.86 YTD 44.86

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Only three weeks to prepare for Raheny. Forces me to focus. The plan is to get in three interval sessions at a 3K pace of 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52], and two 1M TTs. Basically I want to re-introduce faster paces to the legs.

    I don't expect miracles in Raheny. If I could hold 10K pace I'll be pleased. I'm hoping 10K pace will feel easier after the interval sessions and 1M TTs. I think on race day I'll apply the negative split strategy that worked well for me back in Fingal in the summer. Running the first half at the slow end of 10K, and then picking it up for the second half and hopefully be in a position to attack the last mile. That's the plan.

    At the end of January I should have a clearer idea of what VDOT to bring to JD.

    First run was a lunchtime run on Monday. My standard lap of the playing fields. Legs were ok and the sun made some rare and welcome appearances along the way.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:20
    M03 8:09
    M04 8:21

    Total 4.01M @ 8:28

    Raheny Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:28 | 72.80 kg
    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    1M TT | |
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    WTD 4.01 MTD 48.69 YTD 48.69

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace

    I hadn't originally planned on running these at 3K pace, 5K pace was the target. But I felt lighter than of late, my stride felt smoother and the track just encouraged me to go a little faster. Average pace worked out inside my (unproven) 3K pace range. So based on this run I've retro-fitted my 3 week plan so that the interval sessions target 3K pace.

    Wore running jacket and gloves for this. A loop on the roads before joining the track in AIT. It's January, the track is busy with a bigger than usual 'fit-for-life' group. I'd need to leave lane 1 on occasion to avoid them but overall I like having company on the track.

    After 200ms of the first lap I felt the effort was a little too demanding and was worried that I was set for a long evening. But there's a slight headwind on this straight and once I'd turned onto the finishing straight I was feeling better. Stride felt loose and smooth. Lungs were working. Zipped past the 'fit-for-lifers'. The first 800 was far too fast at 2:48.16, that's 3:30 [5:38] pace. I'd slow down for the next 800, my goal was still 5K pace but the second 800 was also too fast, I logged a 2:53.99, that's 3:37 [5:50] pace.

    I was taking 2 mins jog recovery between 800s. I continued to try to drop the pace. The last two 800s were in 5K pace range, but the faster opening three 800s ensured I'd maintained a 3K pace average for the session. The last 2 intervals did feel harder.

    Enjoyed this one. It was nice to be back on the track. It was also the best speed session I've completed in a while. I wasn't desperately willing it to end like I have been over similar sessions in the last couple of months. Lungs were working hard over the second lap of each interval.

    I guess the first 800 tonight should give be some indication of a target for my first 1M TT on Saturday. I'd be thrilled if I could log a 5:3X, I'd be happy with a low 5:4X, satisfied with a high 5:4X, and disappointed with a 5:5X.

    Interval 01 in 2:48.16 @ 3:30 [5:38]
    Interval 02 in 2:53.99 @ 3:37 [5:50]
    Interval 03 in 2:54.29 @ 3:38 [5:51]
    Interval 04 in 2:57.74 @ 3:42 [5:58]
    Interval 05 in 2:57.33 @ 3:42 [5:57]

    Average 800m in 2:54.30 @ 3:38 [5:51]

    Raheny Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:28 | 72.80 kg
    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace | average 800m in 2:54.30 @ 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    1M TT | |
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    WTD 12.66 MTD 57.35 YTD 57.35

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Busy day. Travel to Athlone in the morning and straight into a series of meetings. Happy to get into gear and sneak out at lunchtime for 4 easy miles. It's windy and wintry, not raining but wet underfoot. For the first time in a long time the legs feel a bit heavy today. Usual route takes me towards town before turning back onto Retreat Road and Cartrontroy Road. I was taking this easy but the splits afterwards were slower than they felt.

    M01 8:20
    M02 8:17
    M03 8:22
    M04 8:18

    Total 4.06M @ 8:18

    Raheny Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:28 | 72.80 kg
    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace | average 800m in 2:54.30 @ 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.06M @ 8:18 | N/A
    1M TT | |
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    WTD 16.72 MTD 61.41 YTD 61.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    1 Mile TT

    This was a first. I had been looking forward to this all week and then this morning I started to feel nervous and apprehensive about the challenge. It didn't help that the legs felt a bit sluggish during my warm-up. I wonder if they are still feeling the effort of the midweek 800ms?

    I entered the park at Islandbridge and headed up the Khyber then up Chesterfield to Furze Road. The third newly planted tree on the right handside is, as always, my starting line for speedwork. I don't go straight into the mile, instead on the watch I'd set up the workout to contain 3x100m strides off 200m 'recovery', then a 400m step to gather my resolve and then the Mile TT. The mile started around 200ms up OS Road.

    In my head the plan was 3K pace 3:35 to 3:39 [5:46 to 5:52] for the first 75% of the mile and then push. I don't know if this was a good plan or not because I didn't follow it. Instead I hared off.

    I remember checking the Garmin 5 times during the run.

    The first time was after around 200ms or so. I see 3:12 [5:08] showing. Oops, this was far faster than intended but it didn't feel that fast. I did opt to ease off though, it is early days and I'm travelling up a slight incline. I also resolved not to necessarily drop to 3K pace and run instead a little on feel and effort.

    Around the duck pond the pace was 3:24 [5:28]. Right throughout the mile my stride never felt as light and smooth as it did on Wednesday evening, so I wasn't feeling hugely confident. I turn right around the white bollard and onto the pedestrian path heading down Chesterfield. I had been looking forward to a friendlier road profile and yes I got that, but I also got a stiff headwind. The effort levels suddenly jumped. I hadn't checked distance covered so was unsure how far into the mile I was but I was feeling pessimistic and felt I must have a long way to go.

    I check half way down Chesterfield and see 3:33 [5:42] showing. Pace is dropping, effort is rising and the wind is battering my resolve. I feel defeated but plough ahead. I turn right at the bollard and back onto Furze.

    The headwind becomes a crosswind. I pass my starting line. Stride feels heavy and footfall is lacking zip. My form feels strained. How much further? I check the Garmin again and see 0.13 remaining. That's much less than what I was expecting and this gives me a boost. I don't exactly hit turbo but I do manage to stop the pace from leaking any further.

    One more glance, 0.03 to go. Don't ease up. Finally the beeps sound and the mile ends.

    My cooldown is a long one. Out Knockmaroon Gate into Chapelizod and back toward Kilmainham along the towpath (where I get into a race with a rowing boat, I don't think they knew they were in a race).

    Only when I get home do I check the mile split. I'm disappointed with a 5:51.73. I was hoping and maybe expecting a 5:4X. Not to be.

    This is pretty poor, it's a VDOT of just 49.7. I'm not terribly disappointed. It's my first time running a mile TT and I really should have stuck to my plan. My pacing was completely undisciplined. I went out too fast. I also underestimated how much distance I had covered and this encouraged pessimism rather than optimism. The headwind didn't help. Plus I was 74.40 kilos after Milan, today I weigh in at 72.35 so I've lost 2 kilo, but I still need to lose another 2 to 3 kilo. And maybe the effort of the 800s from Wednesday night was still in the legs. I might do 600s instead next Wednesday. Plus I didn't push enough over the last 400ms, it should be race effort but I don't think it was. A race environment over a small TT like this is even more important than on a longer TT.

    I'm confident of going faster next week. Especially as I now know where the finishing line is. Despite the disappointing result this was still fun and I'm looking forward to next Saturday.

    1 Mile TT in 5:51.73 that's 3:39 pace, so just inside 3K pace.

    Raheny Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:28 | 72.80 kg
    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace | average 800m in 2:54.30 @ 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.06M @ 8:18 | N/A
    1M TT | 8.90M @ 7:56 with 1M in 5:51.73 | 72.35 kg
    MLR 15 Miles | |

    WTD 25.63 MTD 70.31 YTD 70.31

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 16 Miles

    For Sunday I'd planned a 15 mile MLR, but ended up running a little further and straying into long run territory. This was another run with the Donore Group. Took a bit of effort to get out of the bed and out the door. An easy 2 miles solo run from home to the clubhouse.

    I think there were 5 of us to start with and the pace is relaxed. Fantastic crisp cold and misty morning. We pick up another one or two runners by Castleknock Gate and head down the North Road, the pace picking up a little. Along here 3 more runners join us (including one Olympian). I'm chatting with one guy and realise that the group is splitting in 2. I'm in the slower group, but I fancy being in the faster group so I inject a bit of pace and bridge the gap. Settle in to our group of 6.

    Some discussion about joining club, maybe it's the change I need? However I'm so keen now on trying JD that if it happens, it won't be until after the half in Cork. Pace is comfortable. Overpronator and I lead the group up the Khyber. A while later 3 take a different direction and we're down to a group of just 3. That becomes 2 as overpronator heads Furry Glen direction. Myself and the other Donore runner, have less time to play with and so join Chesterfield via Furze and take the quickest route to Islandbridge and home. Chatting all the way this morning made the miles fly by.

    Another 40+ mile week, that's my 7th consecutive week of 40+ miles. Some good consistency there.

    M01 9:25
    M02 8:48
    M03 8:26
    M04 7:50
    M05 7:40
    M06 7:38
    M07 7:20
    M08 6:55
    M09 7:15
    M10 7:22
    M11 7:01
    M12 7:33
    M13 7:49
    M14 7:39
    M15 7:37
    M16 7:55

    Total 16.04M @ 7:46

    Raheny Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:28 | 72.80 kg
    VO2Max 5x800m @ 3K pace | average 800m in 2:54.30 @ 3:38 [5:51] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.06M @ 8:18 | N/A
    1M TT | 8.90M @ 7:56 with 1M in 5:51.73 | 72.35 kg
    LR 16 Miles | 16.04M @ 7:46 | 71.85 kg

    WTD 41.67 MTD 86.35 YTD 86.35

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    I managed to find a window yesterday evening that ensured I missed the worst of the sleet, snow and wind. At one point I'd been planning 10 miles. Then work and other logistics saw that drop first to 7 miles and then down to just 5.

    This was my doorstep 5 mile loop. The first half-mile I did have to endure sleet-in-the-face, but after that the weather improved. Running in short-sleeves, sunshine and warmth seems so so long ago. Headwind to Chapelizod. Over an icy bridge and then head back toward Heuston with the wind at my back. Each mile a little faster than the previous tonight. Legs feeling good.

    M01 8:56
    M02 8:24
    M03 8:05
    M04 7:55
    M05 7:42

    Total 5.03M @ 8:12

    Raheny Week 02 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:12 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | |
    Easy 4 or 5 Miles | |
    1M TT | |
    LR 14-16 Miles | |

    WTD 5.03 MTD 91.38 YTD 91.38

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace

    As I found myself midweek between two 1 mile TTs I opted to run 600s rather than 800s last night in Athlone. Weather was fairly rotten. Storm Fionn bringing strong winds and cold numbing sweeping rain. I ran a 'warm-up' loop on the roads before joining the track. On Garrycastle bridge running into the wind I was losing sensation in my face, eyeballs were freezing.

    It was a little more sheltered on the track. Puddles on the lanes but none were too deep and grip was good. Tonight there was only a handful of other runners around. The 600s were friendly insofar as each one featured 100m against the wind and 200m with the wind. Actively targeting 3K pace puts a tiny bit more pressure on. Unusually I run the first 600 too slow rather than too fast, then the next 4 intervals are very consistent with less than 1 second separating them.

    When running into the wind my form would disimprove. At a certain point I noticed that I was continuing to carry this poor form into the rest of the lap, even if the wind was with me. Once I spotted this and made an effort to correct it I noticed I felt much more comfortable.

    I like how once you get into the guts of an interval session you no longer care about how uncomfortable and miserable the conditions are, you only care about how they are influencing your splits.

    Enjoyed this one. I think it was just the right level of effort ahead of Saturday's mile TT. During my cool-down I meet a sizeable group of runners doing some sort of session in the IDA park. Generously they say I'm welcome to jump in, but my work is done and I continue to splash my way 'home'.

    I was lucky not to be running around 60 minutes later as some tremendously strong winds arrive from the west.

    Interval 01 in 2:12.98 @ 3:42 [5:57]
    Interval 02 in 2:08.98 @ 3:35 [5:46]
    Interval 03 in 2:09.35 @ 3:36 [5:47]
    Interval 04 in 2:09.09 @ 3:35 [5:46]
    Interval 01 in 2:09.60 @ 3:36 [5:48]

    Average 600m in 2:10.00 @ 3:37 [5:49]

    Raheny Week 02 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:12 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:10.00 @ 3:37[5:49] |
    Easy 4 or 5 Miles | |
    1M TT | |
    LR 14-16 Miles | |

    WTD 12.85 MTD 99.20 YTD 99.20

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Had hoped to make this a 5 miler, but work just got on top of me. Headed out after 14:00 knowing I had a meeting at 15:00. So no real hanging about. Thankfully the ice that had covered the footpaths in the morning had all melted by now. Legs felt a little heavy. Brought up 100 miles for the year today.

    Thoughts turning towards tomorrow's TT. Anything slower than a 5:49 and I'll be disappointed. I've got to be more clever than last Saturday and not start too fast. I need to stick to a plan this time, hold 3K pace for the first 75% and then empty the tank. Hopefully the weather will play ball.

    M01 8:17 (100 miles for the year)
    M02 8:02
    M03 7:51
    M04 7:22

    Total 4.07M @ 7:52

    Raheny Week 02 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:12 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:10.00 @ 3:37[5:49] | N/A
    Easy 4 or 5 Miles | 4.07 @ 7:52 | N/A
    1M TT | |
    LR 14-16 Miles | |

    WTD 16.92 MTD 103.27 YTD 103.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    1 Mile TT

    Rain pelting down this morning. Gloves on but hands are freezing after 10 minutes. As I head up the Khyber I share the road with what I think was a club 800m uphill interval session, and another selection of runners warming up for a XC race (this is what Strava suggests at any rate).

    I eventually arrive onto Furze Road and start this session proper from my usual starting line. As last week, I wake the legs up some more with 3x100m strides. Road is wet but grip is ok. I remind myself to concentrate more on holding 3K pace today, don't wreck the session in the first 300m. A bit apprehensive and I'm happy when the Garmin finally signals the start of the TT.

    Section 1 is the uphill run along OS Road. This is the longest section. I monitor the watch a little more than last week. The first readings show some fast averages, 3:18 [5:18] then 3:24 [5:28] but I ease off more successfully than last Saturday and quickly drop to 3:35 [5:46], fast end of 3K pace. Now try hold it. As I reach the top of the ascent and swing round the white bollard I'm travelling at 3:37 [5:49] pace. That's the last time I check my pace.

    Section 2 is the downhill (apart from the initial 100m or so) along Chesterfield. A bit of wind along here but not as strong as last week. A lot of internal dialogue here. Once again it's along this stretch that the effort levels quickly soar. This is where the TT is won or lost. I knew if I could hold 3:37 [5:49] then I'd improve on last week. Whenever I felt like relenting I reminded myself that this won't last too much longer, that I just need to get to the next white bollard and the TT is essentially over, bar a sprint. It helped if I focused on form when trying to resist the urge to ease-up. It also helps if there is someone on the path to speed past. The bollard is a long time coming. I charge straight through a large puddle and swing wide (you can lose a second taking the turns) and right back onto Furze.

    Section 3 is the home straight. Past my starting line marked by the third tree on the right. Do not ease up. Lungs are working hard and legs are hurting. I glance again at the Garmin, just to check how much is left, 0.12M to go, that's around 200m. Not home yet. I push trying to up the speed, hard to hold good form as the legs protest. Every second matters. Garmin beeps and the TT ends.

    I deliberately do not check the split. I enjoy the suspense during my long cool-down. Hands are no longer cold. I feel I gave a smarter and more honest effort than last week and I think I've probably improved, but it's tight, it's hard to be sure when really it's a matter of seconds.

    When I do get home and check the splits it genuinely reminds me of checking exam results back in the distant past. My mood for the rest of the day will depend on this split :rolleyes: I'm happy and relieved to see 5:48.89.

    Nothing spectacular by any means, but it's improvement. I still need to lose some more weight and I've only recently started to focus on speed work again, so I do expect to improve next time out. This is an addictive distance. I think I'd always finish this TT thinking I could shed another second or two. It would be interesting to see what sort of results I could get if I followed a dedicated 1 Mile training plan. I definitely want to run some more of these in the build up to the Cork Half, either on this same route (for comparative reasons) or on the track, once I've located the mile marker.

    1 Mile in 5:48.89 that's a VDOT of 50.2, so in VDOT terms this morning's solo effort in the park was a better performance than my run in DCM.

    Raheny Week 02 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:12 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:10.00 @ 3:37[5:49] | N/A
    Easy 4 or 5 Miles | 4.07 @ 7:52 | N/A
    1M TT | 1M in 5:48.89 | 72.05 kg
    LR 14-16 Miles | |

    WTD 26.71 MTD 113.06 YTD 113.06

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14+ Miles

    At 8:10 Sunday morning I put on wet, cold and balcony soaked runners. Tip along the Chapelizod Road to the Donore clubhouse.

    Big group this morning despite the miserable conditions. It rains steady for the entire run the only consolation is that it's not too cold. We head into the park. Lots of deer around the playing fields this morning. We head up to the Castleknock Gate where the group grows to eleven. Following the usual route down North Road four of us form a lead group that gradually splits from the pack. Chatting all the while the miles skip by. The pace settles around 7:2X or 7:3X mostly. The rain is unrelenting.

    I'm on shepherd's pie duty today so when we get back close to the clubhouse I need to head for home. I'm accompanied by one other for the 2 miles or so back to Kilmainham. I'm enjoying these Sunday morning group runs. Right now I think it likely I'll be joining Donore in the not too distant future.

    Legs are good after another 40+ mile week.

    M01 8:27
    M02 7:49
    M03 8:09
    M04 7:44
    M05 7:36
    M06 7:39
    M07 7:27
    M08 7:21
    M09 7:22
    M10 7:24
    M11 7:28
    M12 7:37
    M13 8:02
    M14 7:47

    Total 14.49M @ 7:41

    Raheny Week 02 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:12 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:10.00 @ 3:37[5:49] | N/A
    Easy 4 or 5 Miles | 4.07 @ 7:52 | N/A
    1M TT | 1M in 5:48.89 | 72.05 kg
    LR 14-16 Miles | 14.49M @ 7:41 | 71.60 kg

    WTD 41.20 MTD 127.55 YTD 127.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 10 Miles

    I'm keen to keep my run of 40+ mile weeks going, so with Raheny next Sunday I need to front-load this week a bit. A fairly stressful day at work today and come early evening I was happy to lace up and head out for an easy head-clearer. Bit of a welcome novelty to be running in dry, calm and mild conditions.

    I ran two laps of my doorstep 5 mile loop. Lots of yellow-jacketed runners along the Chapelizod Road. I didn't check the Garmin throughout but I could tell the pace was gradually increasing as the run progressed. The effort always stayed the same though. Nice to bank a 10 miler on a Monday.

    M01 9:09
    M02 8:21
    M03 8:02
    M04 8:00
    M05 8:15
    M06 8:10
    M07 7:44
    M08 7:45
    M09 7:21
    M10 7:36

    Total 10.06M @ 8:02

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | |
    Raheny 5 Miles | |

    WTD 10.06 MTD 137.61 YTD 137.61

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Out for 4 miler at lunch time. Some sunshine to enjoy. Over to the park for a lap of the playing fields. It's fairly breezy out as the first hints of storm Georgina arrive. Quite a few deer about. Nice easy pace but for the first time in a long while the legs are feeling heavy and unresponsive.

    M01 9:04
    M02 8:23
    M03 7:54
    M04 8:04

    Total 4.01M @ 8:22

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:22 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | |
    Raheny 5 Miles | |

    WTD 14.07 MTD 141.62 YTD 141.62

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x600m

    Up at 6:10 Wednesday to travel to Athlone. Finished work at 19:00ish to be greeted by more rain and gusts of wind. Wrecked, just wanted to eat and sleep. I ignored any voices that tempted me to skip this one. Glad I did because I ran my best set of 600s ever.

    Wasn't expected this at all. I just wanted to get this session over with and get back to the hotel. During my warm-up my legs felt sluggish, I wasn't feeling optimistic. Arrive on the track in AIT. Tonight I'm sharing with a group of around 10 and then 2 or 3 single runners.

    I'm surprised to see a 2:05 for the first 600m. I don't recall ever running a 600 interval this fast. But it didn't seem particularly fast, the effort felt like 3K pace, like last week. I'm not checking my split after 400m so I'm running the full 600 on feel. Like last week the wind is more in my favour than against. I do try to ease up a little on the next intervals, but my slowest 600 tonight is still over 1.5 seconds faster than my fastest 600 from last week.

    The first 200 meters of each 600 are fine, the next 200 are tough as I turn into the headwind, and the last 200 I'm working but I have the wind behind me on the back straight. Lungs were worked more than the legs. I ran these off 90 seconds jog recovery.

    Bit buzzed after this one, not sure where it came from. Definite signs of progress, something I haven't felt in a long while. Especially when I think that at the end of last month, just 25 days ago, I struggled to hit an average 600 of 2:13.20 (3:42 [5:57] pace), while tonight I hit an average of 2:06.95 (3:32 [5:41] pace) without being dead on my feet.

    That's all my speedwork done ahead of Raheny, one set of 5x800, two sets of 5x600 and two 1 Mile TTs. All run at at least 3K pace. The hope now is that race pace at Raheny will feel that much easier.

    Interval 01 in 2:05.25 @ 3:29 [5:36]
    Interval 02 in 2:07.13 @ 3:32 [5:41]
    Interval 03 in 2:08.37 @ 3:34 [5:44]
    Interval 04 in 2:06.51 @ 3:31 [5:39]
    Interval 05 in 2:07.50 @ 3:33 [5:42]

    Average 600m in 2:06.95 @ 3:32 [5:41]

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:22 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:06.95 @ 3:32 [5:41] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | |
    Raheny 5 Miles | |

    WTD 21.62 MTD 149.17 YTD 149.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    I had planned on sneaking out for this one at lunchtime on Friday but I was busy with work again and that window didn't come free. Later in the afternoon though I'd broken the back of what I needed to do, logged off and headed out for a gentle 4 miles. Nice way to start the weekend even if the legs were heavy. Quick shower in the office and headed for home.

    M01 8:41
    M02 8:32
    M03 8:25
    M04 7:52

    Total 4.05 @ 8:22

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:22 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:06.95 @ 3:32 [5:41] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:22 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | |
    Raheny 5 Miles | |

    WTD 25.67 MTD 153.22 YTD 153.22

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7+ Miles with 4x100m Strides

    A damp Saturday morning run. I ran a clockwise lap of the Park. Paid too much attention to how the legs were feeling, trying to anticipate how they would perform on Sunday. I waited until after Ratra House before running the strides, speed-bumps were a little annoying. That's the last bit of speed for the legs until Raheny. This was maybe the warmest run of the year so far, I'd wore a light jacket but a t-shirt would have been fine.

    Total 7.95M @ 8:23

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:22 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:06.95 @ 3:32 [5:41] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:22 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | 7.95M @ 8:23 | 71.95 kg
    Raheny 5 Miles | |

    WTD 33.62 MTD 161.17 YTD 161.17

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Raheny 5 Mile 2018

    Left home 2 hours before the race was due to start. Strolled into town and hopped on a 31 to Raheny. Chatted with a 100-mile-a-week runner on the bus trip. His best over 5 miles was a 26 something. He insisted that mileage was for him the key to faster times across all distances.

    Stroll to the sports hall and get changed into gear. Drop bag and go for my warm-up. Despite leaving home with what I though was enough time it was already rapidly approaching 3:00pm and I needed to cut my warm-up a little short.

    Like last year the starting straight is packed silly with people. I spend 5 or 6 minutes inching my way through the crowd but I only manage to get within maybe 80m of the start line. There would be nearly a full minute between my chip and gun times.

    The plan was a conservative one. This wasn't about shooting for a PB, this was about restoring some confidence after Blessington and my last 10K TT. If I finished strong and if I felt I hadn't fully emptied the tank then so be it. My Fingal strategy had worked well for me so I'd decided I'd try repeat it here. So first 4K at slow end of 10K pace 3:55 [6:18] then from half-way to the mile 4 marker I'd stop holding back, and for the last mile I'd push and try improve my placing. I entertained no thoughts of coming close to last year's 30:26. The watch was set to take mile splits but display metric pacing.

    The race starts and I'm standing still for 5 or 10 seconds, then a slow stop start shuffle, then a steady shuffle turns to a slow jog, to a regular jog and then finally we pass over the start line and start racing.

    Mile 1 in 6:31
    Ridiculous congestion, yes I started too far back, but still, this was crazy. Impossible to get any sort of pace going. Lots of swearing and tutting from runners as everyone jostles and weaves. Kerbs, bollards, car-bumpers, car mirrors, traffic cones all arrive with next to zero warning. I'm expecting to see someone fall but somehow everyone keeps their balance. I tell myself not to sign-up for this again. We loop back past the Garda Station behind the starting line and only now do I start to find some open road ahead. Mile one splits at 6:31, that's 4:02 pace.

    Mile 2 in 6:04
    Frustrated with not being able to settle immediately on my 3:55 [6:18] pace part of me felt like using this as an excuse to abandon ship and just turn this into a tempo run. I didn't listen to those voices for very long though. Mile 2 was fine until we turned onto the Howth Road and here again I was boxed in and had to drop pace a few times until I could find a gap to dash through. Then mercifully we turn left onto Sybil Hill Road and the congestion is finally over. I was travelling at target pace of 3:55 [6:18] now, but I hadn't arrived there the way I'd wanted to, instead of holding off for 2 miles, I'd spent mile two travelling at 3:46 [6:04] pace while trying to get back on target. So right now I was already feeling the effort and did not feel like I was holding back.

    Mile 3 in 5:57
    Thankfully we are travelling down Sybil Hill. I'm overtaking runners and don't remember anyone overtaking me along here. I like this mile. I'm feeling the effort but everytime I glance at the watch I see the pace is increasing. I go with it, not actively pushing but happy for now to make sure I don't lose any pace. I know that mile 4 isn't going to be nearly as friendly, so make hay etc. Funny how this mile is only 9 seconds slower than my TT from last Saturday around Furze. The Furze mile carries a net gain of 1 or 2 meters, mile 3 in Raheny shows a net loss of around 6 meters. Plus wind is a bigger factor around the Furze Loop.

    Mile 4 in 6:15
    This was a tough one. We turn into Saint Anne's and into a nasty headwind. There's a group of 4 or 5 runners ahead of me and I tuck in behind for a while. I'm travelling faster than they are though and so move ahead of them. I continue to pick off runners as we head up toward the never-arriving hairpin. Legs don't appreciate the 180 manoeuvre. That climb took a lot out of me. I lengthen my stride on the descent but I don't exactly shift up a gear.

    Mile 5 in 6:02 (but 6:16 pace)
    I try to tap into some of the mental resolve shown during last week's mile TT over this closing mile of the race. It definitely helps that I'm continuing to overtake. I suspect that I must look a bit stronger than I feel. Once we leave the park I know there's not too much further. I swap places a few times with some runners along here as people choose different moments to push or surge. I haven't looked at the Garmin in some time now but I feel the effort has remained honest. I'm anxious for the finish line to arrive. There always seems to be just one more corner to turn. Eventually though we are back on the straight where we started and I up the pace for the last 100ms before crossing the line.


    No urge to get sick, so I have pushed harder in other races. But today that's ok. I definitely pushed and I was definitely hurting. On the Garmin I see 30:51 (official time would add 2 seconds). I'm very pleased with this. That's within 30 seconds of last year's time, a time which remains my highest VDOT ever. More than the wind I think I felt the 'heat' today. It was quite a few degrees warmer than what we've been used to over the last couple of months. I'd worn a long sleeve UnderArmour under my top which was not needed.

    I think this puts me back where I was in Fingal last year and it gives me something solid to build on for the year ahead. It gives me a VDOT of 53.8 to plug into JD. I think I did well to get to this point in just 3 weeks of focused speed-work. I think 9 consecutive weeks of 40+ miles is also standing to me.
    I weighed in at home at 71.45 the lightest I've been since Milan's 74.40 high, though I suspect Raheny's monster goodie bag has already undone some of that good work.

    I thought it was just me, but on Strava at least 90% of the times I've see have measured this short. I measured it at 4.97 miles, when close on 100% of the time I measure races a fraction long. Doesn't bother me today, if I had logged a 30:25 then it would have bothered me a lot.

    Despite over a mile of heavy congestion and despite real suspicions that the race was short, I still enjoy this race and look forward to coming back next year.

    Chip 30:53

    P294 of 3528 finishers or 9th in a race of 10

    Raheny Week 03 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 10 Miles | 10.06M @ 8:02 | 71.95 kg
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:22 | 72.60 kg
    VO2Max 5x600m @ 3K pace | average 600 in 2:06.95 @ 3:32 [5:41] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:22 | N/A
    Easy 8 Miles with 4x100 strides | 7.95M @ 8:23 | 71.95 kg
    Raheny 5 Miles | Chip 30:53 | 71.45 kg

    WTD 40.65 MTD 168.20 YTD 168.20

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    A new training block started yesterday. Ahead of me 18 weeks of Jack Daniels' Half Marathon Plan. Once again I messed up my calendar calculations, I was convinced I had 20 weeks to Cork, but it appears I have only 18. So no buffer!! However in each of the three six-week phases Daniels says the phase can be shortened but that you should try complete at least 4 of the weeks. So he is allowing for the plan to be run over a minimum of 12 weeks. I may replace a week or two with a race week along the way.

    I'm taking a VDOT of 53.8 from Raheny. So the paces I will be training with are as follows:

    E&L Easy & Long
    is 4:38 to 5:19 [7:28 to 8:33]
    This is pretty close to what I'd currently be hitting, though the runs with the Donore Group are a little faster.

    M Marathon Pace
    is 4:14 to 4:18 [6:49 to 6:56]
    Not too different to what I was targeting with P&D, sub 3:00 pace effectively.

    T Threshold Pace
    is 4:00 to 4:04 [6:26 to 6:32]
    A bit slower than what I normally target, but that may not be a bad thing.

    I Interval Splits are

    0400m in 1:28 to 1:30
    1000m in 3:41 to 3:44
    1200m in 4:25 to 4:29

    again this similar to the 5K pace that I would usually bring to my interval training.

    R Repetition Splits are

    200m in 41 to 42
    300m in 62 to 63
    400m in 82 to 84

    This is new, I've never trained at paces this fast.

    As I write the above part of me is thinking that apart from the R paces, there isn't a whole pile of difference to P&D paces. So I can't help wonder if JD is really going to provide the new stimulus that I think I need. I haven't studied in great detail the structure or quantity of the quality sessions in the plan but I suspect that these will be different to P&D.

    One thing I need to find out is whether or not I should adjust my VDOT as training progresses. So say I run a 10K in April, should I plug the new VDOT from that 10K into the remainder of the plan?

    I will continue to aim for 40 to 50 miles a week and to run at least 5 days a week. Where possible I will try to follow the sequence of runs as listed in the plan, but I will certainly need to juggle on occasion.

    I kicked thinks off yesterday after work with 5 easy miles around my doorstep loop. Legs feeling ok after Raheny.

    M01 8:55
    M02 8:25
    M03 7:57
    M04 7:44
    M05 8:10

    Total 5.05M @ 8:14

    JD Week 01 | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy Run | 5.05M @ 8:14 | 72.05 kg
    Repetition 3x(200m, 200m, 400m) | |
    Easy Run with 6x100m Strides | |
    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200m reps | |
    Long Run | |

    WTD 5.05 MTD 173.25 YTD 173.25

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice going on Sunday OFAR - re the course length, I wouldn't worry about it...the 180 degree turn on the avenue coupled with the tree cover a little later plays havoc with the GPS signal.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »
    One thing I need to find out is whether or not I should adjust my VDOT as training progresses. So say I run a 10K in April, should I plug the new VDOT from that 10K into the remainder of the plan?

    There's a bit in the book (2nd Ed) about adjusting your VDOT.

    "Daniels suggests that having determined your VDOT and the training intensities, you stay at that intensity for at least three weeks, even if a race suggests you have moved to a higher VDOT value. During a period of prolonged training without races for evaluating improvement it is safe to increase the VDOT value by a single unit after four to six weeks. However, realistically there will be a point where you have reached what is your maximum VDOT, which is why you should test it regularly."
