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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 13+Miles

    Sun was gone on Sunday morning. Some light drizzle falling when I start out. As the run progresses the weather improves but the sun never makes an appearance. Didn't fancy the park so I kept it urban with a south city loop. Kilmainham to Rathmines along the canal. Then I run straight up through Rathmines and continue due south not sure where I would arrive. Eventually recognize Milltown Road. I follow it to Clonskeagh then follow the Dodder (passing 600 miles for the year) to Donnybrook and head straight for the sea.

    Sandymount, Irishtown, Ringsend. Then I run through Grand Canal Dock and into town. Note to self, avoid running in city centre. Even relatively early on a Sunday morning there is far too much pavement traffic. I follow the south quay out past Guinness and back to Kilmainham completing the loop.

    I never pushed the pace on this one, made sure it always felt easy.

    M01 9:24
    M02 8:40
    M03 8:48
    M04 8:43
    M05 8:15
    M06 8:14 (600 miles for the year)
    M07 8:17
    M08 8:06
    M09 8:04
    M10 7:57
    M11 8:08
    M12 7:55
    M13 8:04

    Total 13.43 @ 8:19

    Eighth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.04M @ 8:25 | N/A
    Intervals 5x4mins @ 5K pace | average interval pace 3:49 [6:08] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.08M @ 8:02 | N/A
    Tempo 2x2M | 9.46M @ 7:40 with average tempo @ 4:00 [6:26] | N/A
    MLR 12M to 15M | 13.43 @ 8:19 | N/A

    WTD 40.73 MTD 132.77 YTD 607.80

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Started my ninth week of JD on Tuesday evening. This is also my 4th week of Phase III, so at the end of this I'll have completed the minimum requirement from Phase III, but I'll probably select one more week from this block.

    Tuesday's was a welcome lunchtime, escape from the desk run. It was fresh and drizzly and surprisingly enjoyable. Legs feeling ok. I don't really bother with the Garmin any more on easy runs and let the legs dictate pace.

    M01 9:26
    M02 9:04
    M03 8:26
    M04 8:28

    Total 4.01 @ 8:50

    Ninth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:50 | N/A
    Intervals 10x4mins @ 5K pace | |
    Easy 7 Miles | |
    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R | |
    MLR 12M to 15M with 4M @ MP | |

    WTD 4.01 MTD 136.78 YTD 611.81

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7+ Miles

    This week I stayed two nights in Athlone. Wednesday night I was tired and lethargic after a busy day in the office and after a 6:10am rise. I didn't feel like flogging myself in a session tonight so I decided I wouldn't, I'd run the session Thursday night instead.

    So Wednesday I ignored the watch again and just ran at easy pace for over 7.5 miles. Really leisurely unstressed stride. Felt tired though and was happy to have pushed out the midweek session by 24 hours.

    Two easy runs this week, both at 8:5X pace. Slower than JD prescribed easy pace but I'm not concerned.

    M01 9:21
    M02 9:00
    M03 8:53
    M04 8:48
    M05 8:39
    M06 8:41
    M07 8:39

    Total 7.53M @ 8:51

    Ninth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:50 | N/A
    Intervals 10x4mins @ 5K pace | |
    Easy 7+ Miles | 7.53M @ 8:51 | N/A
    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R | |
    MLR 12M to 15M with 4M @ MP | |

    WTD 11.54 MTD 144.31 YTD 619.34

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Intervals 10x2mins @ 5K Pace

    This was a tough one. It's effectively 10x500m off 60 seconds recovery (really a little over 500m). I also opted to return to the IDA park loop, the scene of last week's high effort 5x4mins session. I reckoned that the structure of this week's session would result in fairer distribution of road profile across the intervals; it did.

    This loop makes 5K pace feel like 3K pace. I'm convinced I start with an effort that's higher than the effort I would start a 5K race with, yet the Garmin tells me I'm travelling too slow. Maybe it's the trees along the first 100ms of the opening climb playing tricks with the GPS. I always feel I'm chasing the pace around this loop. Only the 150m descent providing some level of respite.

    Half way in and I'm already working hard, but unlike last week I feel I might just complete this one inside target pace. The 60 seconds recovery fly past. Hard to keep good form. Mentally the session becomes easier when I have just 3 more 2 minute blocks to complete. I start a countdown and before long I'm on the final 2 minutes. I don't know how I managed 4mins last week. I don't know how I managed 18:50 in Waterstown!

    Next week I think I'll choose 5x1000m on the track over 4x5mins on this loop. The latter might bring me more training benefit but I think I'd prefer to get some reassurance from the track that 5K pace hasn't suddenly become more difficult.

    I'm happy to finish this one, pleased with the effort and pleased to have stayed (just) inside target pace. Works up an appetite as well ahead of a bbq at a Brazilian mate's place later in the evening.

    0.53K @ 3:46 [6:04]
    0.54K @ 3:44 [6:04]
    0.54K @ 3:43 [6:04]
    0.52K @ 3:49 [6:04]
    0.55K @ 3:39 [5:53]
    0.54K @ 3:43 [6:04]
    0.53K @ 3:46 [6:04]
    0.54K @ 3:44 [6:04]
    0.53K @ 3:48 [6:04]
    0.52K @ 3:53 [6:15]

    Average 0.53K @ 3:45 [6:02]

    Ninth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:50 | N/A
    Intervals 10x4mins @ 5K pace | average 0.53K @ 3:45 [6:02] | N/A
    Easy 7+ Miles | 7.53M @ 8:51 | N/A
    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R | |
    MLR 12M to 15M with 4M @ MP | |

    WTD 18.89 MTD 151.65 YTD 626.68

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R

    I was out Thursday evening in Athlone and I was out Friday evening in Dublin. I didn't go crazy either evening but I was worried this morning that the cumulative effect might tell. Instead I was fine. This went much better than I expected. I ran this clockwise around the playing fields. The tempo section is pretty much two laps. For the majority I'm running a little too fast and trying without great success to drop the pace. Only over the last quarter does it drop into range. This is not easy and it's not comfortable, but I do feel in control and reckon I could have continued for maybe another lap at this pace without a significant change in effort.

    As the tempo block draws to an end I start to worry a little about the fast 6x200ms to follow. But again here I needn't have worried. The legs respond well, these are supposed to be done in 41/42 seconds. They logged at: 40.24, 39.46, 39.86, 41.44, 40.50, 39.80. An average of 40.22 seconds, a pace of 3:21 [5:24]. Good morning's work, and I take some confidence from this one.

    Tempo block was 4.99K @ 4:01 [3.10M @ 6:27].

    I'd seen her lapping anti-clockwise and say hello to ososlo and run a while with her at her 24hr race pace. Nice to finally meet and chat. I leave her 7 miles in to her 30 miler. I cannot properly fathom what must be involved physically and mentally to maintain this for 24 hours. Very impressive.

    Ninth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:50 | N/A
    Intervals 10x4mins @ 5K pace | average 0.53K @ 3:45 [6:02] | N/A
    Easy 7+ Miles | 7.53M @ 8:51 | N/A
    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R | Tempo 4.99K @ 4:01 [3.10M @ 6:27] | N/A
    MLR 12M to 15M with 4M @ MP | |

    WTD 29.78 MTD 162.54 YTD 637.57

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 12+ Miles with 4 Miles at MP

    Wasn't hugely in the mood for this one after Thursday's VO2 session and Saturday's tempo and fast 200s. Wasn't looking forward to the MP section and wasn't sure how it would go.

    I head to the park, been a while since I ran there on a Sunday morning. I set the Garmin to sound the MP section after 6 miles. Lapping anti-clockwise from Islandbridge Gate this saw me starting the MP section on the S-Bends. Pace was immediately too fast and I was happy to ease off as I headed up Wellington and up behind the zoo. I'm targeting around sub 3:00 pace, so 6:50 to 6:55 a mile [4:15 to 4:18]. I found the pace fine. I turn down Old Lamp Road and down Acres and the 4 miles end as I arrive at the bends before Chapelizod Gate.

    That's 4 miles in 26:58, a little too fast at 4:11 [6:44] pace. But pleased at how the effort felt. I head over the bridge at Chapelizod and turn left heading home to Kilmainham. Decent week's running.

    6.00M @ 7:58
    4.00M @ 6:44
    2.59M @ 7:37

    Total 12.59M @ 7:31

    Ninth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.01M @ 8:50 | N/A
    Intervals 10x4mins @ 5K pace | average 0.53K @ 3:45 [6:02] | N/A
    Easy 7+ Miles | 7.53M @ 8:51 | N/A
    Tempo 20mins + 6x200R | Tempo 4.99K @ 4:01 [3.10M @ 6:27] | N/A
    MLR 12M to 15M with 4M @ MP | 12.59M @ 7:31 with 4M @ 6:44 | N/A

    WTD 42.37 MTD 162.54 YTD 650.16

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    Week 10 of JD loosely follows a fifth week of Phase III. I start the week after work on Tuesday evening with my usual 5 mile doorstep loop.

    Legs were fairly stiff for first 3 miles, nearly always the case when I take a rest day immediately after a busy weekend's running. Didn't check Garmin on the way round. Legs loosen up a little over the final mile.

    First May miles logged, last month before Cork!

    M01 9:17
    M02 8:30
    M03 8:34
    M04 8:28
    M04 8:06

    Total 5.03 @ 8:35

    Tenth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Intervals 5x1000m @ 5K | |
    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200 | |
    LR 16 Miles | |

    WTD 5.03 MTD 5.03 YTD 655.19

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Intervals 5x1000m @ 5K pace

    I was curious ahead of this one. The previous two 5K pace sessions had felt like 3K effort, they'd felt too hard and I suspected that the IDA loop was responsible, the inclines and declines, the hard road surface and the trees affecting the gps. This evening's track session would hopefully prove my suspicions correct.

    Headed out gone 7 in Athlone. Ran my usual warm-up then joined the track. Busy enough tonight, large group of kids on the track and a few others singles and couples. Two laps and then I join lane 1 and start the first 1000m interval. After 400m check my split and it reads 1:24, slow down, 1:30 is fine. After 800m I'm still running too fast and the first 1000 is completed in 3:35. Too fast but very encouraging. Tonight 3K pace feels like 5K effort rather than the other way round. Still need to ease up a little though. Target is 3:40 to 3:45.

    I'm running off just shy of 3mins jog recovery. The second 1000m feels very much like the first one and is completed in 3:39. Two down and still logging 3K pace.

    Then I'm obliged to move out of lane 1 as they are clearing the drainage chutes around the infield perimeter. Hmmm. I can feel that the next intervals require extra effort but I also think that running in lane 2 is adding a couple of seconds to each split. A quick google shows the length of lane 2 on a standard track to be 407.67m. Even if it was less than that it still makes a difference from hugging the inside of lane 1.

    Tired when I finish but also happy that 5K pace hasn't suddenly become more difficult. Those 2 IDA sessions have stood to me.

    Interval 1 in 3:35.80 [5:47]
    Interval 2 in 3:39.84 [5:53]
    Interval 3 in 3:42.39 [5:57]
    Interval 4 in 3:46.11 [6:03]
    Interval 5 in 3:45.85 [6:03]

    Average Interval in 3:42 [5:57]

    Tenth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Intervals 5x1000m @ 5K | average 1000m in 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200 | |
    LR 16 Miles | |

    WTD 14.84 MTD 14.84 YTD 665.00

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200R

    Had planned to run an easy 4 Friday in Athlone immediately after work but work took over instead and I didn't have a window to run in. Means Sunday's run will need to be a bit longer to bring up 40 for the week.

    Headed over to the playing fields under blue skies and a warm sun on Saturday morning. Started lapping clockwise. I start the fast bits as I begin my first ascent of Acres. Generally I prefer a straight 4 miles of tempo to these 1 mile blocks. I'm concerned that none of the tempo runs to date in JD have been very long. I think 4 miles has been the longest. Seeing as my race pace in Cork will only be a little slower than the pace I've been running my tempos I'd have liked to have run some longer tempo sessions.

    The miles on Saturday are ok. I can just about switch off mentally and slot into tempo pace and maintain it naturally. Most of the time the focus is on dropping the pace. Not much wind of note today so no part of the loop is particularly difficult. Like last weekend I become more concerned about the 200m repeats. But these also are ok.

    The minute recovery between the 4th tempo mile and the 1st 200m, doesn't offer much time to draw my breath, but I still tear into the 200s. I've become good at hitting target for these without needing to to check the Garmin.

    Enjoyed this run in the sun.

    Tempo Mile 1 in 6:32
    Tempo Mile 2 in 6:27
    Tempo Mile 3 in 6:32
    Tempo Mile 4 in 6:29

    Average tempo pace of 6:30

    200m repeats in 39.80, 41.98, 41.65, 40.42.

    Tenth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Intervals 5x1000m @ 5K | average 1000m in 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200 | average tempo pace of 6:30 | N/A
    LR 16 Miles | |

    WTD 23.63 MTD 23.63 YTD 673.79

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Long Run 16+ Miles

    My longest run of the year so far and I opt to wait for mid afternoon Andalucian sun. Staying in Nerja and not familiar with the lie of the land, Sunday afternoon I have a look on Google Maps and decide I'll try follow the coastal road west out of town, hopefully it's safe to run. I've a 16 miler on the agenda. For some reason I reckon drinking a glass of water before heading out would be sufficient and off I go.

    The first two miles are fine, a footpath all the way. It's warm but not scorching. Then the footpath disappears and I can choose between a 1.5m cycle lane or a dirt track just over the guard-rail. I mix it up a bit. Running against traffic of which there isn't a lot and it feels safe. I glance back after 3 miles or so and realise Nerja already looks quite some distance away. Soon afterwards I round a bend and Nerja drops out of sight. I keep running west, a shimmering Med on my left hand side, dusty scrubby rockface on my right.

    The further I go the more I notice the heat rising. It's exposed along here and the tarmac and sandy dirt trail seem to emmanate heat. Pass 4 miles, then 5 miles and I start to wish I'd brought water or at least some cash to buy some. I'm stubborn and I resolve to stick to my plan to run 8 miles west, even though it probably would have been wiser to double back earlier so I could pick something up in Nerja. I pass through Torrax Costa an unattractive seaside strip and then onto El Morche. Not long after here I reach my 8 mile turn around.

    Fingers-crossed I don't wilt and keel over on the return leg. I can see heat rising off the road ahead. I try stay in the shade of buildings as I pass through the more built up stretchs. The coastline seems to extend for miles and Nerja is out of sight. I plod along. The pace is picking up. There is a light headwind which helps keep me cool and at one point I pop onto a beach to stick my head under a shower.

    At least the legs feel fine, no sign of them tiring. Once I get within 3 miles of home and Nerja is back in view I start to relax. Worse case I can walk from here. But really I'm fine I head back into town and run a lap of a nearby square just to be sure I bring up 40 for the week.

    M01 8:42
    M02 8:05
    M03 7:53
    M04 8:00
    M05 7:52
    M06 7:45
    M07 7:58
    M08 7:54
    M09 7:31
    M10 7:52
    M11 7:44
    M12 7:25
    M13 7:34
    M14 7:48
    M15 7:52
    M16 8:33

    Total 16.42M @ 7:56

    Tenth Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.03M @ 8:35 | N/A
    Intervals 5x1000m @ 5K | average 1000m in 3:42 [5:57] | N/A
    Tempo 4x1M + 4x200 | average tempo pace of 6:30 | N/A
    LR 16 Miles | 16.42M @ 7:56 | N/A

    WTD 40.05 MTD 40.05 YTD 690.21

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Not quite sure how I'm going to tackle my 11th week of JD. I don't fancy running a session here in the heat. There are just two 'quality' runs scheduled this week and I reckon I could run them back to back Saturday and Sunday. The first one is 2x10min tempo (1 min rest), then 60mins easy before another 2x10min tempo. Then Sunday, 10min easy, 30min MP, 5min tempo, 30min MP.

    Started the week Tuesday morning under another blue sky and warm sun. The conditions seem to inject a spring into my step. I head out along the coast road like I did on Sunday only this time it's 3 miles out rather than 8 miles. Stop at the turn around point to take in the view. I feel like running on some more but resist the urge, I've a short hill run planned for Wednesday so I'll save my energy for that. Start for home, nice easy stride enjoying the moment. Pop down to a beach for a few minutes, hardly anybody around.

    When I resume I spot another runner around 200m up ahead. He's travelling slower than I am and I gradually draw him in. I say 'Hola' as I overtake. Immediately he ups his pace. I move aside to let him pass but he doesn't he hangs on my shoulder about 2m back. I up my pace a little and he stays with me. Periphery vision I can detect him closing in, I move aside again but he still won't pass. Ok then, I up the pace a little, he stays with me but he's breathing. Up the pace some more, I'm comfortable but he doesn't sound like he is. I push some more, he lasts around 400ms and then he stops completely. So that accounts for the one faster mile split this morning.

    M01 9:03
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:24
    M04 8:56
    M05 7:18
    M06 7:39

    Total 6.22M @ 8:19

    Eleventh Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 6 Miles | 6.22 @ 8:19 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | |
    Easy 6-8 Miles | |
    2x10min T + 60mins E + 2x10mins T | |
    10min E + 30min M + 5min T + 30min M | |

    WTD 6.22 MTD 46.27 YTD 696.43

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Stayed away from the coast this morning and headed instead for the hills. Not sure if it was just because I was leaving the sea behind but it felt hotter today. The first half mile or so is mostly flat but then the road begins to rise. Unlike when I run hills in Italy here it's the heat rather than the altitude that provides the challenge. Effort levels are up a little. The road isn't great to run on, the footpath disappears and I'm left with a very narrow bike lane. I run with the traffic. I can feel the sun working its way through my factor 50. The road starts to wind now so I become extra alert to traffic on the tighter bends. Two cyclists that passed me earlier are taking a break up ahead. I see 2 other cyclists this morning but no runners.

    The views improve the higher I get. This is easier than my Italian climbs but I am sweating a lot. Despite the less than ideal road I'm enjoying this. Eventually I arrive at my destination, Frigiliana, a postcard perfect white-washed town perched on a hill-top. My arrival clocks up 700 miles for the year.

    Stop for a while in the town centre amongst the tourists and elderly locals. Grab a bottle of water and 5 minutes later begin my descent. I paused too long in the town, I've cooled down and now the descent generates a chill breeze to my chest for the first mile or so. Enjoy the views of the sea down below me. No motivation issues this week, a two and a half hour flight and it feels like I'm on a different planet. Lovely to run here.

    M01 9:55
    M02 9:18
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:36 (700 for the year)
    M05 8:25
    M06 7:25
    M07 7:09
    M08 7:40

    Total 8.13M @ 8:24

    Eleventh Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 6 Miles | 6.22 @ 8:19 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 8.13M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 Miles | |
    2x10min T + 60mins E + 2x10mins T | |
    10min E + 30min M + 5min T + 30min M | |

    WTD 14.35 MTD 52.40 YTD 704.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7 Miles

    Last Thursday was my last run in Nerja :(

    Hazy sky in the morning when I set out but still very warm and after only 2 miles or so the sun started to burn through the haze making me regret opting to skip the sun cream. I ran along the coast again, west out of town on a now familiar road. Try to savour this run as much as possible, the warmth, the sea breeze, the sound of the waves and the smell of baked earth. I'm going to miss this.

    I head out just beyond the Roca Virgen del Mar y Cristo del Mar, a small decorated rock formation by the roadside, and pause for 5 minutes looking back along the coast to Nerja. Eventually start running again retracing my steps back home, most of the haze burnt off by now. An easy stress free run on sleepy legs.

    M01 9:30
    M02 8:49
    M03 8:41
    M04 8:42
    M05 8:32
    M06 8:34
    M07 8:52

    Total 7.23M @ 8:45

    Eleventh Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 6 Miles | 6.22 @ 8:19 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 8.13M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 Miles | 7.23M @ 8:45 | N/A
    2x10min T + 60mins E + 2x10mins T | |
    10min E + 30min M + 5min T + 30min M | |

    WTD 21.58 MTD 59.63 YTD 711.79

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    The re-entry to Dublin was helped by some blue sky and pleasant temperatures. I was quite tired ahead of this one. An early rise at 03:45 Irish time, flight home then a morning strolling around the zoo. Headed out in the afternoon. Into the park at Island Bridge Gate and I turn left. The first marathon pace session begins on Military Road. As always I opt for sub-3 marathon pace. I dial it in pretty quickly but it feels a little testier than I'd like. Footfall is not light. Must pick up a new pair of Asterias.

    I'm anxious for the 30 mins to be over but keep forgetting that the next block is at tempo pace so there is no respite to look forward to. Honestly I'm not convinced I'll be able to see this session through and I'm already thinking about running the second 30 minute marathon block at real marathon pace, sub 3:10. I travel through the S-Bends, up Upper Glen, along OS Road and onto North Road. Then down Odd Lamp Road and onto Acres. The 30 minute block ends just as I arrive at the playing fields.

    I step up to tempo pace. The transition is easier than I expected, I need to ease off a little as I start too fast. The 5 minutes passes really quickly and before I know it I can drop back down to marathon pace. The little block at tempo pace makes marathon pace feel so much more comfortable. I'm happy to stick with sub-3 pace. I run a lap and a half of the playing fields (hi ososlo) before continuing back up Acres to the Phoenix roundabout and then treat myself to a descent from here down Chesterfield and back out Island Bridge Gate. The second 30 minutes at sub-3 pace felt almost easier than the first.

    Enjoyed this session, felt like the first proper endurance session of the plan.

    4.37M @ 6:52
    0.77M @ 6:28
    4.37M @ 6:52

    Total 11.61M @ 7:10

    Eleventh Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 6 Miles | 6.22 @ 8:19 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 8.13M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 Miles | 7.23M @ 8:45 | N/A
    2x10min T + 60mins E + 2x10mins T | 11.61M @ 7:10 | N/A
    10min E + 30min M + 5min T + 30min M | |

    WTD 33.19 MTD 71.24 YTD 723.40

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Slept in Sunday morning. Saturday had been a long day. And because I slept in I was caught for time. Opted to run an easy run instead of completing back-to-back sessions. The weather was lovely, more blue skies and warm sunshine. I ran an anti-clockwise lap of the park and stuck to the trails where possible. Legs didn't feel super light this morning and I was happy I had opted against another session. Down the perimeter wall outside Farmleigh and then run through the Furry Glen.

    I don't watch pace on the Garmin, just keep it easy and I can detect the pace naturally picking up as the legs loosen up.

    A good week's running even if it did deviate from JD: some warm weather training including a 3 mile hill climb, and a testing hour of sub-3 running with a little bit of tempo added in. Ten consecutive 40+ mile weeks. Next week instead it will be tricky to get runs in as I'll be on single-dad duty for a bit.

    M01 9:34
    M02 9:00
    M03 8:45
    M04 8:36
    M05 8:21
    M06 8:18
    M07 7:58
    M08 7:59

    Total 8.33M @ 8:31

    Eleventh Week of JD | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 6 Miles | 6.22 @ 8:19 | N/A
    Short Hill Climb | 8.13M @ 8:24 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 Miles | 7.23M @ 8:45 | N/A
    2x10min T + 60mins E + 2x10mins T | 11.61M @ 7:10 | N/A
    10min E + 30min M + 5min T + 30min M Easy 8 Miles | 8.33M @ 8:31 | N/A

    WTD 41.52 MTD 79.57 YTD 731.73

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    So this week was a write-off. Third last week before race day so not a great moment for this to happen. I knew that the second half of the week would be challenging to get many miles in as I would be on single Dad duty. So I knew the week would be compromised out of no fault of my own, however knowing this I used it as an excuse to ease off this week.

    Tuesday evening I should have done (2x10T)+60E+(2x10T) but my usual Athlone evening lethargy kicked in, I had some non-work logistics to complete on-line and well the week was compromised anyway so I took a night off.

    I did find a window at lunch-time on Wednesday so got out for a guilt-easing 4 miler. Lovely conditions for this one, fresh with bright sunshine. The legs felt tired though.

    M01 8:32
    M02 8:39
    M03 8:39
    M04 7:57

    Total 4.11M @ 8:24

    WTD 4.11 MTD 83.68 YTD 735.84

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Couldn't get a run in on Thursday or Friday because of single-dad duty. Saturday I had a fully booked schedule in Cork. Today I managed to get out in the morning, I didn't want to jump straight into a session after so many cold days and opted for an easy 8 miler instead. Tired heavy legs. Overcast and a little muggy. I head out the Carrigrohane Road. Two weeks out from marathon day I wonder how many of the other runners I pass are on their final long runs.

    Turn onto the Lee Road and make my way back toward town. I ordered a new pair of Asterias on Friday and I'm happy I did, this pair are starting to feel flat. Come to a halt along the Lee Road as a fly goes smack into my eye. Continue on my way and around a mile or so later the fly is blinked out.

    So I at least hit double figure miles for the week. But I now need to sit down with the JD plan and cherry-pick some sessions to run over these last two weeks.

    M01 9:46
    M02 8:49
    M03 8:22
    M04 7:36
    M05 8:17
    M06 7:59
    M07 8:17
    M08 8:08

    Total 8.25M @ 8:26

    WTD 12.37 MTD 91.94 YTD 744.10

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    April Review

    A late look back at April.

    Four runs defined April.

    The back-to-back Parkruns in Milano Nord and Waterstown. Quickly made up for a disappointing 19:05 in the former with a Parkrun PB of 18:50 in the latter. Following a HM training plan but managing to get to 15 seconds of my 5K PB is encouraging.

    The other two key runs were the two tempo sessions completed in the IDA park in Athlone. The first was 5x4mins off 3mins recovery, the second was 10x2mins off 1min recovery. A combination of a hilly loop and I think dodgy GPS reception meant these runs were very tough. On both occasions 5K pace on the watch felt like 3K effort. I do think 3K pace was a truer reflection of what I was running. My feeling is that these two runs really brought me on.

    Main concern coming out of April is that I haven't done any long tempos or longer speed endurance sessions.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | | | | | |
    June | | | | | |
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    The longer more speed endurance based runs fall in Phase 4 of JD. Unfortunately I've run out of weeks and cannot give this phase the same attention I gave to phases 2 and 3, each of which got 5 weeks. I should have run 4 weeks of phase 3 and given myself an extra week of phase 4. Too late now. Time to cherry-pick. I want to run at least 3 key sessions in the fortnight prior to race day. The remaining runs are in the table below.

    Started Tuesday after work with a warm weather lap of my usual Tuesday evening loop. Legs feeling so so. For the first time in a while I stepped on the scales, 72 kilos exact. Not terrible but I want to drop to under 71 kilos before race day.

    M01 8:47
    M02 8:02
    M03 8:20
    M04 8:16
    M05 7:48

    Total 5.00M @ 8:14

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | |
    Easy 5 Miles | |
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 5.00 MTD 98.96 YTD 749.13

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    This was tough.

    It's a Wednesday run which means it's an evening run after work having been up since 6:10am. The weather was gorgeous though which helped get me out the door.

    Warm-Up 1.63M @ 9:00
    Legs a bit heavy and right knee a little unhappy at the outset. Headed through AIT and up to the short loop by the Garrycastle Bridge, where I would run the tempo sections. I do one recce lap and then get stuck in.

    Tempo 1.54M @ 6:29
    The first 5 minutes of this first block of tempo pace running are fairly comfy and I'm running a little too quick. The stretch over the bridge is initially uphill and into a slight head-breeze, this is the tricky piece. The second 5 minutes are tougher but I've no doubt I'll hold pace. I've a minute of jog recovery before starting the second 10 minutes of tempo.

    Tempo 1.54M @ 6:30
    Again too fast on the outset. Ease up. Pace drops into target range. I'm not enjoying the uphill bridge section. Each 10 minute tempo block should see me covering around 2.5 laps of this loop. I ease up a little too much and with about 2 minutes to go I get a 'too slow' alert. Push back into target pace before the tempo block finishes.

    Easy 6.81M @ 8:49
    It feels like I've completed my session and that this should be a cool-down. I head for the XC loop in AIT. It's fiercely hot at moments, especially when in direct sunlight. Some club is running clockwise loops to my ant-clockwise loops, I'm happy with the company. Running on grass and on some steep inclines makes my legs feel tired and heavy. Clearly this session is designed to make you run fast on tired legs and I'm increasingly worried about running more tempo at the end of this. I don't know how it will go. I think not having run a session for over a week is not helping. Eventually I leave the grass, return to the footpath and rejoin my Garrycastle loop.

    Tempo 1.55M @ 6:27
    Easier than expected. I think expecting the worst worked in my favour. The last 3 or 4 minutes were demanding. The lungs were ok, but the legs were tired.

    Tempo 1.55M @ 6:27
    Just knowing this was the last tempo block made it bearable. Encouraging to see that this was the fastest of the evening. In a way tempo sections 3 and 4 tonight were more manageable than sections 1 and 2. During 1 and 2 I was having serious doubts about running well in Cork, during 3 and 4 some level of confidence was restored.

    Cool-down 0.88M @ 8:41
    A tired leg cool-down, far less sunlight now.

    Legs ached for rest of evening and were a little sore even this morning. It's been a while since I felt day after soreness, it must have been a good session.

    Total 15.95M @ 7:55

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | |
    Easy 5 Miles | |
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 21.95 MTD 114.91 YTD 764.08

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 3+ Miles

    Nice way to start the weekend, lace up at work and head out in warm conditions for some relaxed laps of the GAA pitches in AIT. Had the place to myself. Legs a little heavy.

    M01 9:09
    M02 8:04
    M03 7:28

    Total 3.89M @ 8:04

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | |
    Easy 5 Miles | |
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 25.84 MTD 118.80 YTD 767.97

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Decided to postpone the 45E+30M+20T session by 24 hours. Headed out Saturday morning under more gorgeous sunshine. Towpath to Chapelizod and then take in Knockmaroon Hill before entering the park. Run through the 15 Acres while skirting along the edge of the American Ambassador's residence. Making up the route as I go. Down the Khyber back up Military Road and onto the and around the playing fields, down Acres and out the Chapelizod Gate. Up the pace along here to stay ahead of another runner I'd overtaken. Finish with a perimeter run around the edge of the IMMA grounds. I'll never tire of non-work-out runs in the sun.

    M01 9:02
    M02 7:41
    M03 8:35
    M04 8:10
    M05 8:13
    M06 7:43
    M07 7:41
    M08 6:59
    M09 7:44
    M10 7:48

    Total 10.00M @ 8:03

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | |
    Easy 5 Miles | |
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 35.84 MTD 128.80 YTD 777.97

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression 45E+30M+20T

    I was apprehensive ahead of this one. Humid conditions on Sunday morning.
    I followed the towpath to Chapelizod again and enter the park at Chapelizod Gate. Up to the playing fields where I plan on running this session. There's a D7 school race in progress, kids and parents. It's also running anti-clockwise but it's not congested and I don't have to go elsewhere to complete this one.

    45mins are up and I switch to close to sub-3 marathon pace. It's comfortable even in the humidity. I'm concerned more about the tempo section. The D7 race is pretty much over when I pick up the speed again and start the tempo section. Not a problem to hit pace. One full lap of the playing fields, then on the next lap I exit by the Fort to rejoin the road and leave via Islandbridge Gate. Last push up towards Kilmainham.

    Done, tough but not as tough as I'd feared. I need to check J&D's marathon plan, if it carries more runs like this one then I will definitely follow it for DCM.

    5.34M @ 8:26
    4.33M @ 6:55
    3.09M @ 6:27

    Total 13.29M @ 7:28

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | 13.29M @ 7:28 | N/A
    Easy 5 Miles | |
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 48.16 MTD 142.10 YTD 792.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    A little shorter than planned. Out Tuesday evening after work. More warm sunshine. In at Islandbridge and head up the Khyber. I keep the pace nice and easy and just concentrate on enjoying the conditions. Run down Acres and then across to the Fort, run to the entrance of the Fort and then back down to Military Road. Then back home. As a 4 mile loop this is more interesting than just a lap of the playing fields.

    This was the debut run for my new Asterias. They'll have their debut race on Sunday.

    M01 9:05
    M02 9:08
    M03 8:40
    M04 8:39

    Total 4.05M @ 8:52

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | 13.29M @ 7:28 | N/A
    Easy 5 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | |
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 4.05 MTD 146.15 YTD 797.32

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Tempo 3x1M

    Another hot and sunny after work run in Athlone. An easy work-out that will be my last session before race-day. I run 3 laps of the AIT XC loop as a warm-up. A little concerned about heavy legs. I head up to the short Garrycastle Bridge loop. Like last week I run one recce lap and then get stuck in.

    Tonight tempo effort felt a little easier than last week. I had to make a concerted to drop out of 3:5X pace. Mentally it was easier than last week, 1 mile versus 10 minutes, 1.75 laps versus 2.5 laps, 2 minute recovery versus 1 minute. Maybe the new shoes make a difference as well, less impact on the legs. The heat didn't seem to cause be any problems. Overall an encouraging session. Average tempo pace was a fraction too fast at 3:59 [6:25] pace. Still feels a bit daunting to be targeting around 4:02 [6:29] next Sunday.

    Enjoying the warm conditions so ran one more lap of the XC loop and a lap of the IDA park before heading 'home'. Passed 800 miles for the year as well.

    Tempo mile 1 in 6:23.52
    Tempo mile 2 in 6:25.61
    Tempo mile 3 in 6:26.41

    Average Tempo Mile in 6:25.18

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | 13.29M @ 7:28 | N/A
    Easy 5 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | 10.20 @ 8:04, average tempo 6:25 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | |
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 14.25 MTD 156.35 YTD 807.52

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Canteen this morning.

    Colleague: "Oh yeah are you running Cork this weekend?"
    Me: "Yeah, running the half"
    Colleague "Ah, thought it was the full you were doing."
    Me: "No, half in Cork and the full in Dublin."
    Colleague: "Ah right. Saw that Dublin was sold-out."
    Me: "Huh?"
    Colleague: "Read that it was sold-out."
    Me: "Ha-Ha"
    Colleague: "No seriously, I think it sold-out yesterday."
    Me: (to my self) "He's got some poker face."
    Colleague "No joking"

    Check online and yip sure enough, DCM sold-out 5 months ahead of raceday. It didn't even cross my mind it would sell out so soon (and l don't go on Face Book so didn't see any of the alerts).

    Spent the afternoon's hot and muggy easy run thinking of a revamped calendar for the rest of the year.

    Worried about weather ahead of Sunday. Worried about a throbbing molar as well, I have dental appointment at end of month, hope it behaves until then.

    Total 4.05M @ 8:46

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | 13.29M @ 7:28 | N/A
    Easy 5 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | 10.20 @ 8:04, average tempo 6:25 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | |
    Half Marathon | |

    WTD 18.30 MTD 4.05 YTD 811.57

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Good luck tomorrow, hope it goes well for you. What are going to do in October now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DNS - up through the early hours with aching molar. Activity causes it to flare up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 7 Miles and my second ever DNS

    So yesterday afternoon I put rucksack on back and run in warm muggy conditions from Western Road out to my sister's near Riverstown. No strides because of awkward backpack and because it's becoming clear that my broken molar doesn't like pounding on pavements.

    I cracked this tooth back in '99 and since then it's had a root canal, a revisit of that root canal, and around 6 weeks ago a failed crown. No pain, but now no tooth over the gumline. Dentist advised I need to get it out and also advised a nearby wisdom could become problematic and so that will be extracted as well. Given the nature of the roots the dentist strongly suggested I get knocked out for this. They're due out at the end of the month. Ironically I delayed the surgery (there was no pain) until after the HM as I wouldn't be able to exercise for a week afterwards.

    It started to act up last Thursday evening and then again Friday evening, but yesterday it was much more painful. The run from town triggered a lot of complaints. Watched the hurling yesterday and when walking back from stadium it flared up some more. Two whiskeys definitely helped take the edge off. But it woke me up at around 3 in the morning and it wasn't after 5 that I managed to fall back asleep. Around 8 it was better but still throbbing. By 9 it was simmering. However my mind was made up, I wasn't going to agitate it further by running a HM. There would be little enjoyment in running and my heart wouldn't be in it.

    So in the space of 48 hours that's DCM and CCHM both knocked on the head. Right now the tooth is behaving a little better so hopefully this episode will pass and I can get through to the end of the month. Don't know how it will affect training over the next weeks. Yearly mileage will take a hit I imagine.

    The positives? I got a nice new running top and more importantly I got huge inspiration from seeing the sub-3 pacers roaring support as their remaining pacees go sub-3. Only when you cannot run can you properly appreciate how lucky you are to be able to run. I'll need to sit down with a calendar and map out the rest of the year's training and goals.

    Total 7.31M at 8:11

    Final Sprint | Session Results | Post Run Weight
    Easy 5 Miles | 5.00M @ 8:14 | 72.00K
    2x(10T)+60E+2x(10T) | 15.95M @ 7:55, 40mins tempo at 4:01 [6:29] | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 3.89M @ 8:04 | N/A
    MLR 10 Miles | 10.00M @ 8:03 | 71.55K
    Progression 45E+30M+20T | 13.29M @ 7:28 | N/A
    Easy 5 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:52 | N/A
    Tempo 3x1M off 2mins recovery | 10.20 @ 8:04, average tempo 6:25 | N/A
    Easy 4 Miles | 4.05M @ 8:46 | N/A
    Easy 6-8 miles with 4x100m strides | 7.31M @ 8:11 | N/A
    Half Marathon | DNS | N/A

    WTD 25.61 MTD 11.36 YTD 818.88

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Good luck tomorrow, hope it goes well for you. What are going to do in October now?

    Thanks. Don't know to be honest. I think June and early July training could be compromised by my tooth. August will have it's usual hill running interruption. I looked at Galway Bay Marathon but it's early October, I'd need to be tapering from around mid September so I don't think I could manage a clean training block. I might stick with JD HM runs and target the Dublin Half (need to register!!) and a sub 100min in the Cork to Cobh (15 miler). These would be main goals. Try get at least one 10K and one 5K in. First and foremost this tooth needs to be sorted.
