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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    May Review

    Mileage was impacted by some single-dad days, but I did manage to get some quality runs completed in May. A 5x1000m track session felt really good at 3:42 [5:57] pace and confirmed that I was running closer to 3K pace on some previous IDA loop sessions in Athlone.

    Focus switched to speed endurance runs. I think these JD sessions are particularly good. 30 minutes of marathon pace, 5 mins tempo then another 30 mins marathon pace, here the tempo section made the second 30 minute marathon block feel considerably easier. The 45E+30M+20T session with no break between intensities is a testing run and is one I plan on running more often. The toughest session was a warm evening 2x10T + 60E + 2×10T. Mentally it was daunting to face into the second set of tempo runs when your legs are already feeling tired. I was buzzed after this one for quite some time.

    But I think I'll mostly remember May for some glorious Spanish runs along the Med. Warm sun, baked earth and the sound and perfume of the sea. Feels a lifetime ago now.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | | | | | |
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 11 Miles

    So I took a week off to allow my tooth to calm down. It was pretty much painless two days after race-day and has been fine since. So just really unlucky timing.

    I laced up again last Saturday and went out for for some easy miles. The weather was fantastic. Warm and sunny, getting used to this. I headed up behind the zoo and out the Ashtown Gate. Follow the canal to Castleknock and then turn back towards the park entering at White's Gate. The legs are feeling good after my 7 days off. Wearing the Glycerins and enjoying the support and bounce they give. I head down OS Road and turn onto Furze before leaving the road and heading cross country across the 15 Acres. I lose track of how many miles I run, was convinced it was 9 or 10, but when I get home I see I've clocked up 11 miles.

    Nice to be back running. I'll stay off plan for a while while I decide what to target next, probably Frank Duffy and Dublin Half, both in September.

    Total 11.08M @ 8:02

    WTD 11.08 MTD 22.44 YTD 828.96

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    Sunday brings another hot and sunny morning. I enjoyed J&Ds progression session involving 45 minutes of easy running, 30 minutes of marathon pace running (targeting sub 3 pace) and 20 minutes tempo to finish, no breaks between intensities. This is a run that could become a regular occurence, no VO2 pace involved but it is certainly testing for the legs and should build up leg strength.

    Today the heat became a factor during the tempo block. The easy 45 minutes are just that, easy. Enjoy the conditions as I follow the towpath to Chapelizod and enter the park at Chapelizod Gate.

    I start clockwise laps of the playing fields. The marathon block is fine, it's becoming easy to knock out 30 minutes of sub 3 pace running. I ran the first 20 mins of this too fast and so eased off over the final 10 minutes. The worry is for the tempo block. But when I start into this final 20 minute block it initially feels fine. After 6 or 7 minutes though I start to feel the pinch. Lungs are working a little more than I'd have liked. I think the heat is playing a role here, I'm sweating heavily, sun hot on my face. I never doubt I can hold pace for the full 20 minutes but I am working over the last mile or so. Really satisfied to tick this off.

    5.23M @ 8:36
    4.37M @ 6:52
    3.07M @ 6:31

    Total 14.40M @ 7:38

    WTD 25.48 MTD 36.84 YTD 843.36

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    Sun's gone. But it's still warm when I head out after work Tuesday evening. I head for the park. Take it really easy letting the legs dictate a relaxed pace. In at Islandbridge Gate, onto the playing fields then up Acres to Odd Lamp and onto the North Road. I cut through the zoo and across to the Polo grounds. Quite a few runners lapping here, some at speed. I must try the Polo grounds some day.

    Gentle start to the week.

    M01 6.21M @ 8:28

    WTD 6.21 MTD 43.05 YTD 849.57

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Weather continues to disimprove. Overcast and windy when I head out in Athlone this evening. Had thought about a track session but will instead run 5x1000m on Saturday. Decided on a 10 miler where I would push the pace just a little, aiming to average at 7:XX. Basically wanted to avoid running easy again. The legs felt heavy for the bulk of this one. Stuck to the roads and ran the river path on the west bank for the first time since January. Only over the last 3 miles did the legs start to wake up. Pace was comfortable.

    10.41M @ 7:50

    WTD 16.61M MTD 53.46 YTD 859.98

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    It's a nice way to start the weekend, laps of the GAA pitches in AIT, straight after work and before heading back to Dublin. It's also nice to take a break from the roads and traffic and stick to the grass. Feels like I have AIT to myself. Legs are good. The pace steadily picking up but always feeling natural and easy, even the final mile. Some drops of rain at one point, been a while since I last saw those.

    M01 8:27
    M02 7:50
    M03 7:21
    M04 6:58

    Total 4.05M @ 7:38

    WTD 20.66M MTD 57.51 YTD 864.03

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2Max 5x1K @ 5K pace

    Friend stayed over on Friday night and I stayed up a little too late and had one (or two) drinks too many. So I wasn't in the mood for this Saturday morning. Once I got going it was ok. Overcast and warm again, not ideal conditions for running. I head for the playing fields. There's a light headwind to tackle going from the Fort to Acres. Clockwise laps.

    These were tough enough. Always a sign that I'm working if I'm thinking ahead trying to anticipate the profile of the next interval. Usual pattern obseved: start a little too fast, ease off, risk easing-off a little too much, push a bit over the closing 300ms. Toughest stretch is from Fort to Acres. I'm happy to have a full 3mins recovery between efforts. Together with my late Friday night, I do think the muggy conditions didn't help.

    I plan to repeat this session next Saturday and will hope to detect a little improvement in pace and/or effort. For the second weekend in a row I weigh-in under 71kg. I'm targeting 69.Xkg.

    K1 in 3:41.85 [5:57 min/mile]
    K2 in 3:43.64 [5:59 min/mile]
    K3 in 3:41.87 [5:57 min/mile]
    K4 in 3:44.25 [6:00 min/mile]
    K5 in 3:42.94 [5:58 min/mile]

    WTD 28.65M MTD 65.50 YTD 873.02

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 12 Miles

    Had other friends round Saturday night so again there would be no heroics on Sunday morning. Very muggy outside. Glycerins for the first time felt heavy. No real spring in my step starting out.

    I ran my usual 12 mile route. Clean-up in progress after a charity colour dash. Just anxious to get this one ticked off before settling down to a Dad's day of World Cup viewing. Some sharpish twinges from right foot on mile 7. Pace picked up over second half of run and felt strong over closing miles.

    M01 9:05
    M02 8:32
    M03 8:27
    M04 8:08
    M05 8:12
    M06 7:44
    M07 7:44
    M08 7:53
    M09 7:57
    M10 7:53
    M11 7:50
    M12 7:48

    Total 12.12M @ 8:06

    WTD 40.77M MTD 77.62 YTD 885.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 6 Miles

    A full week to catch up on. I started last week's running later than usual, lacing up after work on Wednesday. Meeting a colleague for food so fitted in what I could fit in. Kept it easy and ran a 6 miler. Up beyond AIT and then back toward town along the N55. I join the Greenway before the station and run back toward Garrycastle. Legs are feeling better than I'd expected after 2 days without running.

    M01 8:24
    M02 8:10
    M03 7:48
    M04 7:29
    M05 7:25
    M06 7:32

    Total 6.30M @ 7:48

    WTD 6.30M MTD 83.92 YTD 891.44

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    An exceptionally light midweek of running. Wednesday's 6 easy is followed by a 4 mile easy run on Friday. It's yet another gorgeously warm summer afternoon and again I have the GAA pitches pretty much entirely to myself. While this weather lasts this will be my default Friday route. Each mile a little faster than the previous: this unintentional. We're back to cold water in the showers.

    M01 8:34
    M02 7:53
    M03 7:40
    M04 7:34

    Total 4.03 @ 7:53

    WTD 10.33M MTD 87.95 YTD 895.47

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    VO2 5x1K @ 5K pace, off 3 mins recovery

    Wanted to clock up a few miles during this one, so opted to warm-up as far as Furze Road rather than stopping at the playing fields. It's another warm and sultry day. A little concern about my legs this morning, they're not enjoying the slow ascent up the Khyber so not sure how they'll react to 5K pace.

    The first interval is a straight descent along the length of Furze Road. A forgiving road profile to start the session. All about not running too fast. The next interval takes in the top half of OS Road and the majority of Chesterfield back down to Furze. So far so good, these are feeling controlled and the only risk is that I split too fast.

    The third interval covers the second half of Furze and the first half up OS Road. I ran on feel until the end of Furze on this one, only checked the Garmin when I swung onto OS Road. I see I'm running too fast, touching 3K pace. This is my fastest of the morning.

    Interval number 4 starts at the top of Chesterfield down onto Furze and as far as Tinker's Path. Another easy profile section but I am starting to feel the effort on these. Not unhappy that the next kilometre is the final one. It covers a tiny bit of Furze and then pretty much all of OS Road, a tough profile to end on.

    Pleased with this. Felt easier than 7 days ago and was faster. Drifted into 3K pace quite a bit and needed to stay disciplined. Passed 900 miles for the year as well.

    K1 in 3:40.98 [5:56]
    K2 in 3:42.78 [5:59]
    K3 in 3:38.12 [5:51]
    K4 in 3:41.44 [5:56]
    K5 in 3:40.85 [5:55]

    Average K in 3:40.83 [5:55]

    WTD 19.96M MTD 97.58 YTD 905.10

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun


    I haven't run since Sunday 24th June. That's a 10 day non-running streak.
    My last run was a good one though, more about that later.

    Last Friday afternoon I was knocked out (GA) for two complicated tooth extractions. A wisdom tooth and the buried routes of an old broken tooth that after 19 years, two root canals and a lot of cash, finally gave up the ghost. This is the one that stopped me running in Cork. I knew that after the extractions I would not be able to exercise for at least a week. The days leading up to the extraction were awkward with travel and work events so I just resigned myself to 2 week 'mid season break'. Conveniently coinciding with lots of World Cup football.

    Extractions appear to have gone ok. No pain, but some discomfort. I can feel the stitches pulling and that side of my mouth is still tender 5 days later. I'm on a soft food diet until Friday evening, basically homemade soups and smoothies, and when I'm out and about yoghurt and ice-cream. At the weekend I'll try progress to scrambled eggs, porridge and maybe pollenta. I underestimated how difficult this is - I love eating and I love cooking (beyond boiling and blending assorted veg combinations) and I love running and right now I cannot do any. So I'm fairly grumpy. But I'm also grateful as the oral surgeon had highlighted risks of punctured sinuses and snapped jaw with loss of the good tooth between the two extractions. I've also been super worried about developing dry socket, not out of the woods yet on that score but nearly there, touchwood.

    But back to running. I won't run this weekend but will probably try to start a week of easy running next Monday evening (10 days post op). Hopefully a week after that I'll be able to resume with some sessions and proceed to crank weekly mileage upwards.

    I've signed up for the Frank Duffy 10 Miler and the Dublin HM in September. With this protracted break the goal now is just to get a good second half of July in and a good month of sessions (and hill running) in August. Enough to allow me PB both of these.

    Next up would be a sub 100min attempt in the Cork to Cobh 15 miler and then I'd have two months left to focus on a 5K PB. Tick all those boxes and I'd have my 4 PBs for the year. Not a lot of wiggle room left.

    Sunday 24th June - 20 Mile Progression Run

    My last run was a tough one. I ran my first 20 miler of the year. But I decided to make it interesting and turned it into a progression run where I shifted up through a selection of marathon paces. I broke it into 5 blocks of 4 miles as follows.

    Miles 01 to 04 targetting sub 3:40 MP.
    Completed in 33:05 @ 8:16 pace [marathon time 3:36:45]

    I started early, out before 8:00 to avoid the worst of the heat. This opening pace felt very very easy. I had to constantly rein myself in. I was running my old DCM 20 mile route, so this took me from Kilmainham along the canal to Rathmines, across to Ranelagh and out to the start of Clonskeagh Road. I was almost relieved when the Garmin sounded the end of this block, so I could run a little more freely.

    Miles 05 to 08 targetting sub 3:30 MP.
    Completed in 31:36 @ 7:54 pace [marathon time 3:27:08]

    This block brought me from Clonskeagh Road along the Dodder to Donnybrook. Down Ailesbury and onto the coast. In through Sandymount village and across to Ballsbridge. I barely noticed the step up in pace and come the end of this block I was also having to concentrate on not running to fast. The block ends just before entering Herbert Park.

    Miles 09 to 12 targetting sub 3:20 MP.
    Completed in 30:04 @ 7:31 pace [marathon time 3:17:05]

    I noticed the step up in gear this time, and for the first half mile or so I was getting some 'too-slow' alerts. I think maybe the heat was starting to become a factor around now. Feeling the step up in pace I couldn't help thinking ahead and anticipating the next step up in pace and was becoming just a little concerned. From Herbert Park I run across to the old Burlington and then back onto the canal for a short stretch before running by the NCH past the The Bleeding Horse and right onto the South Circular Road. Only along the SCR did the pace properly settle and start to feel comfortable again. Through to Rialto and the block ends by the new Children's Hospital site.

    Miles 13 to 16 targetting sub 3:10 MP.
    Completed in 28:50 @ 7:12 pace [marathon time 3:08:47]

    Getting serious now. Stride increasing. Maybe not as difficult as I was anticipating but I was happy to descend down past the Hilton to Islandbridge and turn left along the Chapelizod Road. Have to concentrate now on not letting the pace drop to slow. I'd carried one gel and took it along here. Should kick in around the start of the final block. Mentally this sub 3:10 block is focused on mile 16, which takes in Knockmaroon Hill. I know the hill will dent average pace and I know I won't have too much road afterwards to get back to sub 3:10 pace if I slip out of it, so I push a bit along Chapelizod, banking some seconds. The hill isn't as super tough as I'd feared, but when I do crest it I cannot let up and have to push the pace. In at Knockmaroon Gate and as I head over towards Furze Road average pace falls back into range. That's 4 successful blocks.

    Miles 17 to 20 targetting sub 3:00 MP.
    Completed in 27:49 @ 6:57 pace [marathon time 3:02:13]

    One block too far. I couldn't hold it, came very close but the last mile killed me. I switched up to sub 3:00 pace along Furze. I don't think I had fully recovered after Knockmaroon. Plus I had to run on grass for a bit to avoid the Irish Runner 5 Miler (I think that was the race that was on) and that upset my stride. Plus it was very warm now. I had the luxury of running down Chesterfield and down the Khyber and for this stretch I was on target. But then the energy started to leave me on the ascent up Wellington Road.
    Quickly things became difficult, on a marathon this would represent the first stages of a blow-up. Effort increasing, pace decreasing. Out at Park Gate and around Heuston. But I need to run out along Saint John's Road back to the Hilton and the legs don't have the strength to push up the steady incline along here. Pace drops out of target range. I turn back into Kilmainham and home.

    Wrecked. I needed to lie down flat on the ground for 10 minutes, dripping sweat. Only now when I've stopped and can feel waves of heat rippling through me do I realise how hot the conditions were. Felt very happy with the run though. This is another run I'd like to repeat later in the year. Maybe in cooler conditions and maybe not the day after a 5 x 1K session.

    Weighed in at a year low of 68.75 kilos after this. The one positive of my post extraction diet is that I've stayed sub 70 since.

    Looking forward now to recovering from surgery and getting back on the road.

    WTD 40.05M MTD 117.67 YTD 925.19[/QUOTE]

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I've been back on the road for a bit, just haven't been on here.

    Teeth, or more accurately extraction sites where teeth used be, have healed up nicely I think, need to return to the dentist to have them checked. Diet is back to normal bar one exception, I've decided to really cut back on bread. I find I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would. I could never renounce pizza base, but other than that bread has been pretty much removed from my diet.

    And for the last few weeks I've been averaging around 68 kilos rather than my usual average of around 71 kilos. I did hit a record low of 65.8 kilos around two weeks ago. If I can maintain weight between 68 and 70 I'd be very happy.

    Right then a quick-fire summary of my running over the last couple of weeks.

    Sat 14 July - Easy 4.41M @ 8:47
    I bring a 19 day run-less streak to an end. A warm run up the Khyber and back home via the playing fields. Tooth behaves, I'm extra cautious about spitting. Nice to be back.

    Sun 15 July - MLR 12.43M @ 8:22
    World Cup Final Day. I get out in the morning for a 12 miler. Muggy and close. My energy levels were low and this was fairly demanding. Felt more like an 18 miler than a 12 miler, I was happy to finish. Legs were stiff for the rest of the day.

    Tues 17 July - Steady 8.94M @ 7:59
    Met overpronator after work for an hour's run. Towpath to Chapelizod into the Park, Furry Glen and stuck to the trails mostly. Overpronator (achilles) and I (teeth) are both returning to regular running and finding this a little more demanding than it should be. I think I would have run a little slower if I'd been on my own, but was happy to step outside of easy-effort pace. Lots of chat made this pass in a blink.

    Weds 18 July - Easy 7M+ @ 8:23
    Nothing fancy on this first full week back, just a loop around Athlone. Legs still feeling stiff, heavy and unresponsive. The prospect of anything fast is a bit daunting.

    Sat 21 July - Steady 7M+ @ 7:36
    A morning run over to Ballyfermot and back into Chapelizod. Feeling surprisingly strong. Have the cobwebs finally cleared? I take a detour up Knockmaroon, through the Furry Glen and back home via the S-Bends. The pace was picking up as the run progressed and the legs felt good. Enjoyed this.

    Sat 21 July - Easy 3.09M @ 8:35
    Spent the rest of Saturday cleaning the house after we had some works done. Come evening I decided I'd get out again to complete a double for the day. A luxury effort tip around the block passing pub crowds out drinking in the late evening warmth. Forgot to start the Garmin so around 5 mins of running goes unrecorded. Legs were happy with this bonus run.

    Sun 22 July - MLR 13.55M @ 8:13 with 3M @ 6:26
    Met with a mate that hasn't run in a long while so took most of this fairly easy. It was super humid, sauna conditions. The next race I'm signed up for is the Frank Duffy 10 Miler, where I'd be happy with a PB (sub 65:57) but hope to target a 64:XX, so I wanted to get a feel for where I am with 10M pace. While my mate took a walking break I ran 3 miles @ 6:26 around the Furze, OS, Chesterfield loop. A pace of 6:26 would bring me home in around 64:20. That felt fairly tough, ok it's warm and I'm just back after a 19 day break, but I still doubt I could hold this for another 7 miles. I've a lot of work to do in the next few weeks.

    Mon 23 July 5.03 @ 9:01
    My slowest run in a long while. It felt so warm and humid again, despite the slow pace I was soaked in sweat. Legs feeling no ill effects after Sunday's run.

    Weds 25 July 4.03M @ 8:47
    Another short, hot and slow run. Ran this mostly in the AIT grounds and had them mostly all to myself. This run was partially about giving myself a little license to eat what I fancied at a BBQ later in the evening.

    Fri 27 July Easy 10.18M @ 8:09
    Got out at 6:30 in the morning for this, but even with the early start it felt humid and muggy. Quite a few runners out. I headed up behind the zoo onto North Road and up to Castleknock. Down Tower Road and back into the park at Knockmaroon. Home via Chapelizod. It's been a while since I ran this early, I'd forgotten how energized it makes you feel for the rest of the morning.

    Sat 28 July 5x800 off 2 mins, average pace 3:45 [6:02]
    First proper session since I've been back. I had toyed with the idea of running 5x1000m but decided it would be wiser to start back with a set of 5x800m instead. I was in Limerick for the weekend and had planned on running these on the track in UL. When I got there I discovered it was being re-surfaced. Change of plan, I'd run these on a campus loop, out the upper gate and in the lower gate. This was tough. The effort felt much higher than 5K pace. The first 400m of each interval were ok(ish) but over the second 400m things rapidly became more difficult. I have a suspicion that this loop might be fooling the Garmin, like the loop in the IDA park in Athlone does. Plus the inclines and declines make it hard to find the right pace. Very happy to finish this one, for a moment felt I was going to retch after completing the final 800m. Glad I opted for 800s and not 1000s. Average 800m completed in 3:00.27.

    Sun 29 July MLR 13.17M @ 8:00
    A morning half marathon around Limerick. Out the Dock Road to Mungret, not the best for running along here with little space between traffic and ditch. Back into town via the SCR. A lap of the NCR and a trip past Thomond before crossing back west of the Shannon by King John's. Legs a little unresponsive today, I think they still are recovering from yesterday's return to 5K pace.

    Tues 31 July Easy 6.36M @ 7:57
    I like runs that turn into unplanned progression runs with each mile a little faster than the previous. Another warm one, mostly completed in the park. The pope prep is ramping up in here.

    Weds 01 August 5x800 off 2 mins, average pace 3:41 [5:55]
    Last Saturday's poor 800s were bugging me. I was fairly convinced the gps did me no favours in UL. So I booked the track in AIT for a repeat session. Took a bit of will-power in the end to get out in the drizzle after work for this. Busy on the track, lots of runners to chase and overtake. The first two 800m were run too fast, particularly the opening 800 where I log a 2:51.50 that's 3:34 [5:45] pace. Consequently the final 3 intervals were tougher than they should have been. Had to push a bit to ensure I stayed under 3:00 mins for all 800s. Pleased in the end with much better splits than 4 days ago: average 800 this time out was 2:56.65 that's 3:41 [5:55] pace.

    So that's what I've been up to over the last while. Feels like I'm back proper but I need to have a really good August to be able to hit PBs in September.
    I've also realized that the Cork to Cobh 15 Miler is on early this year, just 8 days after the Dublin Half, I may need to reassess whether or not I'll race this.

    WTD 12.51M MTD 6.15M YTD 1036.12M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Back in Dublin from Athlone this evening and head out for a very easy 4 miler. Not in the slightest bit concerned about pace for this one. The objective was a leisurely effortless jog around the neighbourhood. A lovely balmy and still evening. People starting the long weekend with sat-outside drinks. Over to Inchicore back along Emmet Road and onto the SCR. Pass Jame's and down to Heuston. Lovely sunset as I head out along St John's Road before turning back home to Kilmainham.

    M01 9:17
    M02 9:02
    M03 8:44
    M04 8:34

    Total 4.01 @ 8:54

    WTD 16.52M MTD 10.16M YTD 1040.13M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    June Review

    June was not a great month of running. The main event, or non-event, was a DNS in the Cork Half Marathon. My damaged upper right molar decided to act up at precisely the worst time for the HM, I woke up at 3 in the morning of the race with the right hand side of my head throbbing. Struggled to get back to sleep. Come 6 or 7 in the morning my mind was already made up, I wasn't going to line-up for the race. My heart wouldn't be in it and I'd be setting myself up for a world of pain. I did take some inspiration from watching the sub 3 marathoners coming home.

    I took 6 days off to let the tooth settle down before lacing up again. I managed to complete a couple of 5x1000m sessions. Moving from 3:42 average to a 3:40 average in the second session. Progress.

    The stand out run from June was a 20 mile progression run where I ran 4M @ sub 3:40 marathon pace, 4M @ sub 3:30 pace, 4M @ sub 3:20, 4M @ sub 3:10 and try 4M @ sub 3:00. I could only manage to hold sub 3:00 pace for 3 miles as I faded over the final mile. This was run in hot conditions with a 5x1000m session in the legs from 24 hours previous. A really tough 20 miler which had me literally flat on my back afterwards for 10 minutes. I do plan on running more runs like this.

    Then June ends as it began with more downtime, work event and tooth extraction related. Annual mileage taking a beating.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | 117.68 | 3.92 | 27.46 | 5.11 | 35.74 | 1864
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Progression 13.1 Miles

    Didn't run on Saturday but did do some light hiking up Sugar Loaf. So come Sunday I wanted to add some speed to my longer run. I headed over to the park formulating a plan as I went. Decided I'd run laps up the Khyber and come back down via Chesterfield and Wellington. Each lap I'd try run a little faster than the previous. I didn't check the Garmin during each lap and tried to manage this by perceived effort.

    A lap measures 2.25 miles and were completed as follows:

    Lap 1 in 17:51 @ 7:55
    Lap 2 in 16:58 @ 7:31
    Lap 3 in 16:53 @ 7:27
    Lap 4 in 16:03 @ 7:09
    Lap 5 in 14:40 @ 6:31

    Lap 4 was completed a little faster than sub 3:10 marathon pace and felt very comfortable. Most encouraging was the final lap, where I pushed but felt in control and was pleasantly surprised to see 6:31 average pace, it felt like 6:5X pace. Fairly humid conditions for this. Very handy to note that the 5 laps plus
    home to park and back is spot-on Half Marathon distance.

    Joined a Strava challenge to climb 2500m this month, so this run with 5 Khyber ascents helps get the challenge underway.

    Total 13.18M @ 7:30

    WTD 29.70M MTD 23.34M YTD 1053.31M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    First of two back-to-back easy runs. Another evening jog around the neighbourhood. Warm and with some drizzle falling. Mini grocery shop on mile 3. I'm finding the Glycerins much more comfortable than the Asterias at the moment, wore them for Sunday's progression run and they felt good even at the higher speed Khyber laps. So I weighed them Glycerin 15s weighed 713g while the Asterias weighed 580g. So 133g of a difference - I wonder would the extra comfort afforded by the Glycerins, trump the weight advantage of the lighter Asterias? Might experiment in September in the 10 miler or the HM.

    Total 4.02M @ 8:47

    WTD 4.02M MTD 27.36M YTD 1057.33M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Another easy 4. Ran this at lunchtime yesterday. Another Khyber ascent and then back down Acres, left to the fort and home. Papal preparations are continuing. Funny, I feel quite territorial about the park and a bit of me is unhappy at the prospect of 500,000 day-trippers tramping across mine and fellow runners' running routes.

    Legs feeling good today and the conditions were lovely.

    Total 4.02M @ 8:23

    WTD 8.04M MTD 31.38M YTD 1061.35M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    My annual hill-training got underway on Saturday evening. A long day, up before 4:00am to catch an early flight to Italy. Long hot morning in Bergamo before heading up the mountains in the afternoon. A 90min nap on the sofa before throwing on the shoes to fit in a short pre-pizzeria run.

    Warm out and humid but nothing we haven't experienced during the last month or two in Ireland. Head downhill for a mile from Roncobello to Baresi, then turn around for the first climb. Surprisingly my lungs feel ok, they usually struggle on the first few runs at the higher altitude. Take it easy as I run back up through Roncobello and continue uphill to Capovalle. Freewheel back down to where I started. Legs feeling good.

    Down 1.00M @ 8:51
    Up 2.24M @ 9:51 [22:04]
    Down 1.25M @ 7:13

    Total 4.48M @ 8:55

    WTD 12.52M MTD 35.86M YTD 1065.83M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb x 3

    Sunday morning back on the road. Plan is for three short hill repeats with consistent splits. As the run progressed I unofficially decided each split should be a little faster than the previous. Not too warm this morning. Tip downhill as warm-up then turn around to start hhe first ascent. Legs and lungs are both less comfortable than they were Saturday evening. More people around today but I'm the only one running. Get to Capovalle and take first split at 21:04 around a minute faster than the previous evening, maybe that's why it felt tougher.

    Recover on the descent back down from Capovalle to Baresi then turn around for ascent number 2. Legs feel better from the start. Up muscles must have been warmed up from first ascent. On the less steep stretches I can tell I'm travelling faster. But the steeper sections over the last mile are tiring. Second split is 20:47. I know now I'll have to push for another sub 21 on the final ascent.

    I soak in the downhill recovery. Turn at the church in Baresi and tackle the final ascent. Not as easy as the second climb. It's hard to judge pace and I'm not looking at the Garmin, working of effort. Pass through Roncobello and tackle the last mile and a bit. I think I'm travelling faster but I glance at the Garmin with around 800m to go and see 18:07. Hmm it'll be tight. I push over the final 200m or so and take my split at 20:45. Fastest ascent, just!

    Back down to Roncobello to bring up a little more than HM distance. Good morning's running.

    Down 1.01M @ 8:17
    Up 2.25M @ 9:22 [21:04]
    Down 2.24M @ 7:25
    Up 2.24M @ 9:16 [20:46]
    Down 2.24M @ 7:22
    Up 2.22M @ 9:21 [20:45]
    Down 1.25M @ 6:31

    Total 13:45M @ 8:20

    WTD 25.97M MTD 49.31M YTD 1079.28M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Just one climb Monday evening. It rained most of the afternoon so had nice fresh conditions for this one. Legs a little tired after some morning hiking. For the last couple of weeks my right knee has protested over the opening 400m of my runs. Hope it fixes itself.

    Took the ascent nice and easy but still logged a sub 21:00 ascent. Legs and lungs acclimatizing.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:57
    Up 2.22M @ 9:27 [20:58]
    Down 1.24M @ 7:37

    Total 4.45M @ 8:48

    WTD 4.45M MTD 53.76M YTD 1083.73M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Hill Repeats 20x200m

    Postponed this until the afternoon. The temptation to go to the bar for croissants and coffee with the Gazzetta was too strong in the morning.

    A tough session. 20 times up a straight hill along a quiet road here. Last 40m are the steepest and I was definitely feeling some burn near the end of the session. Target pace was 5K pace but I ran on effort and only checked splits at the end. Recovery between ascents was an easy jog back down the hill.

    I ended with an average 200m that was much faster than 5K pace. It's the 4th time I've run this session and I was happy to complete it faster than 2 years ago.

    The first 5 ascents had the quickest average splits, then the second block of 5. Repeats 11 to 15 were the slowest of the afternoon before I rallied on the last block of 5. At half-way this session feels like I've bitten off more than I can chew, but the next 10 climbs do tick off quicker than expected. Sun came out for some of these and the heat definitely made ascents more difficult.

    Noticed that whenever someone was strolling along the road, my effort was that bit higher.

    Great workout for lungs and legs.


    Average 200m in 42.20 @ 3:30 [5:37].

    WTD 11.80M MTD 61.11M YTD 1091.08M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6 Miles of mostly Trail

    It's hard to find a completely easy route here. This afternoon I run mostly along a soft windy and very flat trail. Problem is that the trail is over a 100ms up from the village. It's a thigh burning ascent whatever the pace to reach the path. At times you are effectively running up steps. I run a 3 mile loop twice. So twice up the steep trail, twice along the windy tree covered path, twice around the church in Capovalle, twice back down the shorter way to Roncobello.

    I enjoy this route, aim to run it again before leaving. Asterias are out of their comfort zone. I know I'll be tempted again to get a pair of Solomons.

    Total 6.05M @ 8:51

    WTD 17.85M MTD 67.16M YTD 1097.13M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb

    Vertical K is looming, could be Friday morning or Saturday morning. Need to get back to morning running if it's the former; I'd need 24 hours of rest beforehand.

    So out before 9 today. Keeping it easy. Could it be that there is less oxygen in the air in the morning versus the evening? Lungs suggest that this is the case. I take it very easy on the ascent logging a 21:59.

    Met a guy here who's into his cycling, road racing and enduro racing. He also runs a bit. Got chatting and he's lent me two pairs of trail/mountain runners to take for test runs. Curious to try them out. Bought Runner's World for the flight over and in an interview with Mo Farrow he says that the majority of his miles are completed off road (ok on grass moreso than trail). But maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to increase my off-road running.

    Everyone here asks me when I'm going to do the Roncobello Gemelli Skyrace. I think next year I may have to bite the bullet and arrange my trip accordingly.

    Total 4.48M @ 8:52

    WTD 22.33M MTD 71.64M YTD 1101.61M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6 Miles Mostly Trail

    Vertical K will probably happen Sunday morning. This afternoon I went out for another trail run. Same route as last time. Two laps of the loop. The first lap I had sister-in-law for company. Needed to wait for her to catch up over the first two short but steep climbs, it's the lungs that get you and it's her first run here.

    I'm testing a pair of "Dynafit Vertical Pros" for this run. They're good: super light, snug, encourage forefoot running on steep climbs, no hint of slipping on wet rock or on downhill grit. They do allow you to better 'feel' the trail profile. Only downside is a lack of cushioning which you notice on downhill asphalt.

    I like this loop, it packs a loot of variety into 3 miles. Leg-burning steep climbs, soft windy trail? Some gullies to bound over, asphalt climbs and descents, wood covered trail and open space sections, two villages.

    I've a pair of Asics trail shoes to try out tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be making a purchase.

    Second lap today I ran solo and upped the pace. I love the flat trail section, scanning the ground ahead and just falling into a steady rhythm. Notice that running on your toes uphill exercises muscles not normally called on. Sweated buckets on this run.

    Total 6.00M @ 8:42.

    WTD 28.33M MTD 77.64M YTD 1108.61M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6 Miles Mostly Trail

    Repeat Friday evening's run on Saturday morning. Same route and again I have company for the first lap. Trying out a pair of 'Asics Fuji Sensor 3' today.

    The early climb on this route is a killer on the lungs. First 6 or 7 minutes are tough. Then enjoy the flat wooded trail section. The Asics are heavier than the Dynafits, they are also less supple, more rigid. With the Dynafits I felt I was running 'on trail' with the Asics I feel I'm running 'in shoes'. They offer more cushioning than the Dynafits but overall I much prefer the latter. I'll be purchasing a pair.

    Finish lap one. A small break to chat then I run a second lap on my own. Now that I'm warmed up the ascents on this second lap feel easier.

    Next up, a Vertical K. I'm nervous.

    Total 6.02M @ 8:58.

    WTD 34.35M MTD 83.66M YTD 1114.63M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Vertical K

    I set a new PB for my "Ponte Valsecca - Mezzeno" Vertical K this morning. Last year I managed the climb in 1:17:25, this year I come home in 1:16:59, nearly half a minute quicker.

    I started out at just gone 8:00 this morning. A warm-up descent of 5K from Roncobello down to the bridge over the Valsecca below Bordogna. I meet a runner coming up hill as I near the bridge. A bit of Strava investigation later and I see he finished 55th with a 2:23 in the Sky-Running Roncobello Laghi Gemelli this year.

    The locals are very proud of this event and people note runners and how they fare. One of the bar staff in Roncobello finished 3rd female this year, 46th overall with a 2:19. I keep trying to translate my asphalt climb times into an expected race time. Sister-in-law correctly said I should just run it without huge expectations, gain experience and set a time to beat the year after. I can see a plan taking shape, three or four consecutive attempts?

    Anyhow today's climb was 'fun'. In some ways the first 5K were the toughest. I climb from the bridge to Roncobello, rising around 400ms in total. But it's low in the valley. The river is fairly full and there are lots of trees, it feels humid and the legs are still warming up.

    I start this ascent with notions of various splits and targets but quickly the climb forces you to pay it proper respect and the priority becomes finding a 'comfortable' steady pace and focus on just running without stopping to the top. Splits and times will be what they will be and can be analysed later.

    After Roncobello the air becomes fresher. I continue up familiar road to Capovalle. Resist the urge to turn around as usual behind the church and instead I continue climbing.

    Legs are tired. Lungs are working but controlled. I haven't carried water I but don't think I need it. I leave the villages behind now and start the forest section. I'm dreading the two long long steep stretches that are about to arrive. Mentally I'm conditioned to seeing these as the toughest part of the climb so I know if I can get through these I'll make the summit. Head down time.

    The first long stretch is as tough as I expected. Pace reduces dramatically, heart rate increases, I can hear it thumping in my temples, lungs struggle. Over the last 200ms the first hints of jelly legs arrive. But I reach the switchback and earn 30 seconds of less severe climb, enough to brace myself for the next long stretch.

    This is steeper but mercifully shorter. Legs are starting to feel jelly-like over the last 150ms or so but mentally I know I'm nearly there and I tell myself to enjoy the moment. I reach the switchback and can relax as the incline switches from silly steep back to very steep.

    I still have 8 or 9 switchbacks to navigate but taking them wide and then cutting inside provides some small relief from the relentless climb. I have just one more unexpected jelly leg moment but it passes.

    Over the tree-line now and onto the home-straight. Try to push here. I haven't checked my times on the Garmin but if I was forced to guess I would say I was around one minute slower than last year. So when I do reach the fountain at Mezzeno and hit the lap button I'm fairly thrilled to see a 1:16 showing, 26 seconds faster than last time out.

    I enjoy the view for a while. Drink some Alpine fresh water from the fountain and pour more over my head. It's a good moment. Then I hit lap and tip back down to Roncobello.

    Love this run. But I need to bite the bullet, I'll get a pair of Dynafits, and will try incorporate trail hills into my weekly runs. I'll check the logistics and will aim to run the Roncobello Gemelli next year.

    The third female (46th overall of 198 finishers) ran 2:19 and covered a total climb of around 1400m over 22 kilometres. I ran 2:09 with a total climb of a bit over 1000m, but I ran 23.6K and I wasn't racing the downhills. The big difference is the terrain. I was 100% on asphalt, but the race is around 80% off road. Technically I would struggle. But it's a challenge that attracts.

    Down 3.13M @ 7:57
    Up 7.36M @ 10:27
    Down 4.17M @ 6:41

    Total 14.67 @ 8:51

    WTD 49.02M MTD 98.33M YTD 1129.40M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Short Hill Climb + Trail

    Head out shortly before 9:00 on Monday morning. My last run here for a while so I make a conscious effort to soak in the views, smells and sounds. Win the lotto and I would happily base myself here every year for the full school holidays.

    Tip down to Baresi and then turn around to run my final short hill climb of the season. Don't look at the Garmin and just take this very handy. Up through Roncobello and upwards to Capovalle. Legs feel good despite Sunday's Vertical K.

    I veer off the road and into the forest on the descent for a final taste of trail. I'm wearing my Asterias and I notice instantly a reduction in grip compared to the two trail shoes I'd tried earlier in the week. Also running in this direction the trail has some severe downhills. These demand quite a bit of focus and I slip into a trance of sorts as I study the track ahead and anticipate each footfall.

    Near the end of the run the path is blocked by a fallen tree. Local guy is clearing it out of the way. Said he was out walking and saw that the path was blocked, so said he'd pop back to his house, grab his chainsaw and clear the path or nobody would be able to cross. He must have been at least 70 years old.

    Back down out of the woods and emerge in Roncobello. That's it, Alpine season over for another year. Over 5000m of 'up' so far in August.

    Total 4.97 @ 9:32 (don't think I was travelling that slow, might have not paused watch when I met the chainsaw guy)

    WTD 4.97M MTD 103.30M YTD 1134.37M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Running streak day 11, this is new streak record for me. Just an easy 4 miles around the neighbourhood back in Dublin. The mountains already seem a life-time ago. It's humid moreso than in the Alps last week. Despite being back on an urban route I still spot some wildlife as a fox crosses Emmett Road and disappears into Richmond Park.

    Legs are heavy today, and not because I'm wearing the Glycerins. Didn't get back home until 2:00 in the morning and had a busy day with junior outforarun, I reckon I'm just tired.

    Total 4.06M @ 8:25

    WTD 9.03M MTD 107.36M YTD 1138.43M

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    Twelfth and final day of this running streak. Busy day at work and any benefit of Alpine holiday is quickly washed away :(

    Head out in the evening for just another easy run before meeting colleagues for some food and drinks. Don't fancy the roads and so head to AIT instead and run some loops of the cross country track there. Part of my loop takes me around some Gaelic grounds, teams are warming up for a match and I run under a shower of sliotars every time I pass behind a goalpost.

    Pining for the Alps.

    Total 5.14M @ 8:40

    WTD 14.17M MTD 112.50M YTD 1143.57M
