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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Back on the road this morning. Waited about a minute at starting point to try reduce any Garmin error. Only in the last few weeks a satellite dish has been installed about 20 metres from where I start. I wonder could that be affecting the Garmin when it tries to locate a satellite?

    Run was fine. Legs felt fresh and everything felt in order. Paced well, keeping all miles in range and a 5" spread between fastest and slowest miles. Another fortnight and it'll be dark at 7 in the morning.

    M01 8:46
    M02 8:49
    M03 8:45
    M04 8:50
    M05 8:46

    Total 5.16M @ 8:47

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Up at out again just after 7. Tough to get out of bed but one of those days where you just get up and get out while simply ignoring the debate about will I run or not. Garmin is spot-on today. 5 steady miles. No stiffness. Paced well again. That's two runs and 10 miles all in target range. for the week.

    M01 8:09
    M02 8:07
    M03 8:04
    M04 8:07
    M05 8:06

    Total 5.06M @ 8:07

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.06|8:07
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    My pace has increased :)

    Got out early this morning and ran a warm-up over to the Park. A 6 mile tempo was on the menu for today at 7:30 target pace. I was curious to see how the legs would hold up to their first speed work since the Half. They held up really well.

    I followed my usual 6 mile route. Start off at a decent clip. Check Garmin and see I'm running at 7:0X pace. I feel fine though and it is up Chesterfield. My first two miles log at 7:09 and 7:06. That's way faster than any other 7:30 target pace run I've attempted. Will I slow down? I've been surprised over recent runs about how much effort my legs have managed to maintain. Decide to roll with it. Miles 3 ad 4 are 7:09 and 7:05. At the top of the hill before heading up towards the S-bends my right knee gives a tweak or so, maybe it was just the hill, it passes, but a reminder all the same not to get too carried away.

    Into mile 5 and I feel confident that I can hold this pace for the remainder of the session. Quite a few runners out this morning. Not sure if it's always like this at this hour, or maybe people were out like me just to get their run in before the New Zealand game. Boot down Military road and push up Wellington Road. Miles 5 and 6 are logged at 7:11 and 6:53.

    That's 6 miles in 42:37mins. I'm really pleased with that. A session that demonstrates progress. Today it felt easier to run 6M at 7:06 pace than it did to run 6M at 7:28 pace only a few weeks back.

    Warm-up 1.27M @ 8:57

    M01 7:09
    M02 7:06
    M03 7:09
    M04 7:05
    M05 7:11
    M06 6:53

    Total 6.00M @ 7:06

    Warm-down 1.19M @ 8:30

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.06|8:07
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30|6.00|7:06
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,483 ✭✭✭ManFromAtlantis

    thats a great session. always nice for confidence. nice 6:53 at end

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Out early again this morning just gone 7:30. Got the best part of the day. The Park was glorious this morning and for around 10 minutes up by the Upper Glen Road it felt like I had the whole Park to myself, not a soul about. Crisp and clear with slanting sunlight round the playing fields. Fantastic way to start the day.

    Run was fine. Took a while to get the pace right, and mile two was the first blot on my copy for the week, 3" too fast. Another blot on mile seven, 6" too fast, I blame the descent down from the hospital.

    It's been a busy 4 consecutive days run and I'm looking forward to a rest-day tomorrow.

    M01 8:44
    M02 8:27 :mad:
    M03 8:30
    M04 8:32
    M05 8:32
    M06 8:30
    M07 8:24 :mad:
    M08 8:43
    M09 8:31
    M10 8:31

    Total 10.10M @ 8:33

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.06|8:07
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30|6.00|7:06
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30|10.10|8:33
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    thats a great session. always nice for confidence. nice 6:53 at end

    thanks, yeah I was surprised that the last mile was so fast, but I spotted a runner ahead of me going up Wellington, once they were in my sights I just went for it and was determined to overtake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Of late it feels like I'm running in blocks, 4 days on, three days off etc. Not sure if that's good or not. I do know though that after 3 days without running I'm really hungry to get out for a run, and that after 4 days consecutive running I'm really grateful for a rest day.

    Went out this evening for my first run since Sunday. Dark now well before 8:00. On with my hi-vis. First dark run in a while. It was really warm this evening, I'm not used to running in the dark and warmth at the same time. I was disciplined tonight, all 5 miles in recovery pace range.

    I'll get out for 5 steady miles tomorrow and I might try 5 more recovery early Saturday morning. 24 hours then to get ready for Cork to Cobh.

    Number has arrived in the post. Looking forward to this now. I'd only be jinxing Ireland if I watch the Italian game.

    M01 8:46
    M02 8:51
    M03 8:49
    M04 8:46
    M05 8:47

    Total 5.11M @ 8:49

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.06|8:07
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30|6.00|7:06
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30|10.10|8:33
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.11|8:49
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45||

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Have the house to myself for a few days so I've switched runs to the evenings. I was regretting that decision walking home from work on Friday evening. Not so much for the weather, just didn't feel like getting out there at all. Got the gear on with hi-vis to help keep me dry. Torrential rain for pretty much the whole 5 miles. Soaked to the bone. Didn't realise the hi-vis could get so wet as to be see-through. I always tend to run faster when it's raining, the heavier the rain the faster the pace, it's like the elements are challenging you so it's like yeah bring it on. Anyway first mile is 2" too fast and I cop myself on. Finish run feeling comfortable although a little little bit of protest from right knee on stopping. Hope it's just a passing niggle. One more run planned for early Saturday morning.

    M01 7:59 :mad:
    M02 8:12
    M03 8:04
    M04 8:05
    M05 8:15

    Total 5.06M @ 8:08

    7 Sessions to Cork to Cobh|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.06|8:07
    Tempo 6M @ 7:30|6.00|7:06
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30|10.10|8:33
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.11|8:49
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5:06|8:08
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|didn't run|didn't run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    The plan was to get a run in early on Saturday morning before hopping on the 9:00 train to Cork. I was lucky to catch the train haven woken up at 8:35. Ok so no run on the day prior to the race. Maybe not a bad thing. Sunday morning is pretty grim out. Low clouds with drizzle coming and going. Didn’t feel like running anywhere let alone to Cobh. Had two slices of toast and a cup of tea about 90 minutes before the race. Watched the first 20 minutes or so of the Italian game then my sister drove me in to town: see you in Cobh. Jog around the McCurtain Street Block and continue to trot about near where runners are gathering by St.Patrick’s. Lots of car radios are tuned into the match. 9-6 at half-time. Smell of deep-heat finally gets me excited about the race, banter amongst the runners, I’m anxious to get going now. We gather by the starting line. At 9:34 by my watch the horn sounds and we’re off. Target 7:3X pace.

    Miles 1-5 37:10
    Bit of congestion over the first 400ms as faster runners filter by slower runners. Surprise, surprise I run my first mile too fast. The Garmin beeps at mile one at 7:13. A runner asks me what the pace is and I tell her, she says “Oh that’s too fast”. She’s right. I know I feel fine, but there’s over half a marathon still to run. Run clever, slow down. I ease off the pace a bit and complete mile 2 in 7:23. Still travelling too fast and it’s an exercise now of gently lifting the foot off the accelerator. Get the pace right (just) over mile three at 7:31. Ok let’s try hold it at that. Despite having set myself a target of 7:3X pace, I tend to get nervous if I see the pace dropping slow side of 7:35, and I speed up when really I shouldn’t. A guy from the side of the road is calling the score, “Ireland 26 ….”. Conversation behind me: “26 mins?”, “No I think it was the score from the match”, “Ah ok, thought I’d have to pick up the pace!”. There’s a lot of talking going on. Somewhere along miles 4 and 5 one runner gets a stitch. She gets advice from a Kerry-woman, “Hold your breathe, breathe in from the diaphragm, press with your finger under your rib-cage, and if that doesn’t work, run with it.” Hold the pace steady over miles 4 and 5, posting 7:31 and 7:32.

    Miles 6-10 37:56
    The first doubts start to creep in during the middle 5 miles. I don’t know if it was my imagination or not but it seemed like we were mostly running up a slight but steady incline. I wasn’t seeing 7:2X on the Garmin anymore and suddenly the emphasis was switching from concentrating on not running too fast to not not running too slowly. Mile 6 was 7:37, but I remembered from last year that mile 6 was a slow one. For a while there were three of us running together at the same pace, that helped. That’s the thing about a relatively small field of runners (I don’t know the numbers but I reckon there were 700 to 800 people) over a 15 mile course, there are going to be times when you’re running alone. And alone can feel lonely over long straight stretches of drizzly road. Too much time to thing about your legs and your energy. Mile 7 is another 7:37. I pulled ahead of the other two when we went down the hill after Killacloyne. Run through the water station at mile 8 in 7:34. I’m happy to turn off the main road and head down toward Fota. I’m still holdng my target pace, but I’m really battling with my confidence. The Kerrywoman and her running partner, who I overtook around mile 5, now overtake me. They’re chatting away and looking very comfortable. There’s a group now off about 10 runners and again that helps and for a little while I think maybe I’ll be ok. Mile 9 is a 7:31. I try to convince myself that I’m on track, but I’m not buying it. To be having these conversations with myself at mile 9 is far too early in a 15 mile race. I go through mile 10 with a 7:37. That’s 1:15:06 for 10 miles, quicker than the Frank Duffy.

    Miles 11-15 40:06
    Over the Belvelly bridge and turn right to follow the harbour down to Cobh. I know mile 12 is going to be a tough one. First though I got to get through mile 11. I keep grinding away. I am struggling and the 7:38 that I post is the last time I’ll see 7:3X today. It was an effort to post that 7:38. My reaction on passing the 11 mile mark is to take a breather, but we’re straight into uphill mile 12. The legs are losing strength. If this was the last mile fine, but I’m all too aware that there are 4 miles to the finishing line. On mile 12 I surrendered my goal of 7:3X pace. It was plan B now, try get that PB. Mile 12 is 8:00 on the button. Not too bad all things considered. Just three more, come on. Mile 13 thankfully had some downhill moments. I was pleased to see a 7:58 on the Garmin. And I go through half-marathon distance in 1:39, not bad. But now I’m really spent, it’s sore. Energy is gone. Legs are aching. I want to stop. I very very nearly do on one occasion. I always run with a 500ml bottle in my right hand. I switched the bottle to the left hand and that seemed to disrupt any little bit of rhythm I still had. Quickly switched the bottle back. And forced the legs not to quit. C’mon 4 races for 4pbs don’t quit now, not with less than two miles to go.

    I’m at that point where there’s no point in looking at the Garmin anymore. Plans C, D and E are out the window. It’s 100% about hanging on now (mile 14 was 8:34). Last mile. This is never-ending. We’d swapped places a few times over the last while, but Sonic the Hedgehog finally pulls away from me! With about 800ms to go I very nearly decide to stop and walk. I knew I’d never forgive myself. Where’s that downhill? When does this bend end? Nearly nearly there. C’mon. Down the last hill, eyes focused on the bend ahead desperate to spot the finish line, there it is. The seconds read 40 something, the minute reads 55. Wow!! I’d all but given up on a PB. No sprint finish needed. I was going to get a whole new minute PB. Rarely so glad to cross the finish line.

    Light-headed. Rest against wall for 3 or 4 minutes before I trust my legs again. Meet sister and her boyfriend – bottle of coke from them and I feel better almost instantly.
    I’ll have to wait for the official times but it was 1:55:49/50 as I passed under the clock. A PB by over a minute on last year. But man that was tough.

    Two weeks ago I ran a half-marathon PB of 1:37:59. Last weekend I ran a training 6M PB at 7:06 pace. I shouldn’t have understimated the task of going for a third consecutive PB in as many weekends, especially when the third PB was for 15miles. I think I overestimated the amount of work the legs are capable of. Sure I felt fine for the first 5 miles but I should never have posted a 7:13 and a 7:23 for miles 1 and 2. I think I wrote in this log that I wouldn’t be trying to smash my PB, the assumption being that that would be an option if I wanted it to be. After two good runs I was getting cocky and I guess I felt that all I had to do was turn up, run and collect my 4th target PB of the year. Instead I was made to work hard for it. The biggest positive I take out of this is that I resisted a very strong urge to walk near the end. Somehow I managed to shut those voices up and keep the legs moving. If I had walked I wouldn’t have PB’d. I read on the events forum that a lot of people posted significantly slower times than last year and were pointing to the humidity as a factor. I can’t say that I consciously struggled with the humidity yesterday but it yes it may have affected my final time.

    I’m going to take a week off now. Decide what to do for the rest of the year and set goals for 2012. I’ll be a single Dad for a few days every week from November, so I’ll have to see how that works out training wise, but no prizes for guessing what I plan on using as next year’s log title. Also I think though I’ll want to try race some 10Ks next year.

    4 races and 4 PBs. Little pat on my back.

    (now, can Ireland survive me watching them against Wales?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,554 ✭✭✭Mr Slow

    One of the best race reports I've read, well done on that and the 4 pb's. If you concentrated on one goal at a time rather than trying to bank an accumulator you'd do serious damage to those times!;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Mr Slow wrote: »
    One of the best race reports I've read, well done on that and the 4 pb's. If you concentrated on one goal at a time rather than trying to bank an accumulator you'd do serious damage to those times!;)

    :) Thanks for that. The Cork to Cobh coming so soon after the Half definitely puts an extra demand on the body. I'm a creature of habit so I know I'll want to run these again next year. I'll always prioritise the Half, just because it's a more standard distance than the 15 miler. Cork to Cobh I see as my 'easy' PB. No precise target time, just run to take at least a second off my PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Still don't see official results up for the Cork to Cobh. Hopefully they'll be there over the weekend.

    I've been enjoying my week off. And I think I found my next race - I'll register this weekend for the Aware 10K in the Park in December. I've never run a 10K race before so provided I can get from the start to the finish it'll be "2011 5 races for 5 PBs."

    I'm not going to follow a 10K specific plan. Instead I will just follow my basic training week for the next 8/9 weeks. This consists of:
    • 5M recovery pace (9:00 to 8:45)
    • 5M steady pace (8:15 to 8:00)
    • every second Saturday 6M Tempo (<= 7:30)
    • every second Saturday 6x400 intervals
    • 10M LSR (8:45 to 8:30)

    With the intervals I want to get the recovery pace to 8:30 pace or faster, then see how quick I can average over the intervals.

    If I can get 8 or 9 weeks like that in then I should be in good form to tackle the 10k. Goal time - not greedy I'll be happy with 44:59 but I'll target 43:59.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,554 ✭✭✭Mr Slow

    You seem a bit focused on having each mile at a particular pace, if you're looking for 8:30's across the board you should allow yourself to be faster on the downhills and slower on the uphills. It's better to have even effort across the run and an average of 8:30 rather than have them all the same on the Garmin report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Mr Slow wrote: »
    You seem a bit focused on having each mile at a particular pace

    A bit focused? I'm 110% focused on hitting every single mile on target. The theory is that giving myself a 15" range to aim for will cater for uphills and downhills. I feel running like this keeps me more disciplined. When I used run for a specific overall pace I almost invariably was running too fast, some miles far too fast. Although I probably take it a bit too serious alright and should ease up on the red-angry smilies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Back on the road this morning after a nice break since Cork to Cobh. Dark now at 7am. It was warm this morning though. An easy 5 miler to get me back into a running week. Kept day-dreaming and forgetting to monitor the Garmin and ended up running three miles faster than max pace. Legs felt ok. I do have a stiffness in my left Achilles though. Nothing very severe and it doesn't bother me when running, but I'll keep an eye on this. Ice I think.

    34 sessions planned between now and the Aware 10K in December. The mileage will stay constant week by week. the focus will be on Saturday speed sessions where I'll alternate between 6M tempos and 6x400 intervals. I registered for the Aware race over the weekend.

    Cork to Cobh results were out today: official time of 1:55:54, placing me 264 of 737 finishers.

    So if I compare 2010 to 2011, progress looks like this:

    Race|2010 Time|2010 Position|2011 time|2011 Position|Improvement
    Cork City Marathon|3:51:53|540/1427|3:41:30|419/1379|10:23
    Frank Duffy 10 Mile|1:17:52|929/4902|1:15:57|924/5175|01:55
    Dublin Half Marathon|1:40:50|1257/5742|1:37:59|874/6118|02:51
    Cork to Cobh 15 Mile|1:56:59|332/848|1:55:54|264/737|01:05

    This morning's run:

    M01 8:44
    M02 8:43
    M03 8:47
    M04 8:41
    M05 8:49

    Total 5.13M @ 8:45

    Week 1 of 9|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.13|8:45
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Intervals 6x400 @ 6:15||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Been following your log as you are ahead of me on times.

    Always a good year when you hit all your targets. Now you are going for a !0k what do you hope to achieve and what was your previous PB at the distance?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    slowsteady wrote: »
    Been following your log as you are ahead of me on times.

    Always a good year when you hit all your targets. Now you are going for a !0k what do you hope to achieve and what was your previous PB at the distance?

    Yeah I would have signed for those 4PBs at the starts of the year so yes I have to be happy with the year to date. Never ran a 10K before so provided I get to the finish line it'll be a PB. I've done 6M at 7:06 pace in training so I'd be disappointed if I didn't break under 45 mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Injured :(

    Thursday evening I'm sitting in front of the tv and I feel a twinge in my right leg, seemed to be in the hip and knee mostly. Think nothing of it at first but it doesn't go away and I go to bed with a dull ache. I'm still not 100% on Friday morning but decide to go out for 5Ms anyway, hoping I'd run it off.

    Felt a little discomfort after 3Ms, but nothing too dramatic. Finish run and when I stretch right leg out in front of me a shooting pain mostly from foot up to and around knee.

    Friday morning and afternoon leg feels a bit delicate. Friday evening it's sore, dull ache mostly from around knee and down to foot, occasional twinge in hip.

    Hard to find a comfortable position when sleeping. Saturday I manage to walk about alright but if a move leg in certain position I get a jolt of pain, not very severe, but not pleasant. Knee popping a bit as well.

    Today I have a small limp when I walk. Dull ache is still there but less severe. Pain seems to be almost exclusively from foot up to knee. I can bend knee back, but it hurts if I try touch my toes.

    I certainly won't be running this week. I'll be monitoring the leg and hoping for improvement day by day. If I still have a limp come next Sunday then I'll definitely check it out.

    I blame racing Cork to Cobh just two weeks after racing the Half Marathon.

    If it is better next week I might still take a further week off before a week or two of short easy running. I'd then have 4 or 5 weeks to regain some form before Aware 10K. For now though I'd be very happy just to lose the limp by Sunday.

    For the record, Friday morning's run

    M01 8:04
    M02 8:04
    M03 7:56
    M04 8:04
    M05 8:10

    Total 5.07M @ 8:04

    Week 1 of 9|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Recovery 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.13|8:45
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.07|8:04
    Intervals 6x400 @ 6:15|Didn't run|Didn't run
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30|Didn't run|Didn't run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Left home 15 minutes early to hobble to work. Still limping but not as sore as at the weekend. And for the first time in over three and a half years in my current job, I get the bus home. Patience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Sorry to hear about the injury. Key thing is to let it settle so that you can identify what is wrong (hopefully it will just disappear:)). A week complete rest will not do too much damage and may well benefit you in the long run.

    Been there, patience, and watch the rest of us go mental while tapering for the next 2 weeks:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    This morning was the first morning this week where somebody might not have noticed that I have the slightest of limps. Each day the limp has lessened and each day I have a greater range of movement in my leg without feeling any pain. Most of the time I'm no longer aware that I'm injured. I think by Sunday the limp will be gone (touchwood). And I reckon I'll feel back to 90/95%.

    I'm being cautious about this one though. Even if I feel like I could risk a run next week I won't. I'll take one more week off. Then I'll have one week of easy running, all recovery pace.

    That then would leave me with 4 full weeks of training for the Aware 10K, plus a taper week. Will probably target 44:59 instead of 43:59. Given that I was limping badly last Sunday, a sub 45 10K in December would have to be seen as a very good result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,554 ✭✭✭Mr Slow

    outforarun wrote: »
    This morning was the first morning this week where somebody might not have noticed that I have the slightest of limps. Each day the limp has lessened and each day I have a greater range of movement in my leg without feeling any pain. Most of the time I'm no longer aware that I'm injured. I think by Sunday the limp will be gone (touchwood). And I reckon I'll feel back to 90/95%.

    I'm being cautious about this one though. Even if I feel like I could risk a run next week I won't. I'll take one more week off. Then I'll have one week of easy running, all recovery pace.

    That then would leave me with 4 full weeks of training for the Aware 10K, plus a taper week. Will probably target 44:59 instead of 43:59. Given that I was limping badly last Sunday, a sub 45 10K in December would have to be seen as a very good result.

    Early days for a change of time, train for your A goal would be my approach, you'll know on the day whether it's in reach!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Mr Slow wrote: »
    Early days for a change of time, train for your A goal would be my approach, you'll know on the day whether it's in reach!

    I guess the training will be the same anyway for a 43:59 or a 44:59 and it will come down to how I feel on the day.

    Anyways - leg is much better, dare I say it, healed (touchwood). No more limp, no more aches nor pains. In fact I'm more concerned about the heel on my other leg it's a bit stiff.

    I've been walking to and from work every day so I'm getting a daily 4+ miles on the road. Don't feel too rusty and I'm really itching to get the runners on next week.

    Going to dust down my bike this weekend and cycle over to the 20 mile mark on Monday. Really looking forward to seeing how everybody gets on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Snapped the valve adapter straight off my back wheel this morning. So much for cycling over to the 20 mile marker. Instead I wandered over to Kilmainham Cross. Saw the leaders go through and the 3:00 hour group, then the little one was getting restless so had to leave it at that. I would have loved to been out there today.

    A week of easy running is planned this week. First run pencilled in for Wednesday morning at 6:30am. I cannot wait. I think the right leg should be good to go, all the same I'm a little anxious as the litmus test will be when I get the runners on.

    So the Aware 10K has become the Aware 5M. Hmm, have to think about target all over again. I'd be happy with 35:59 and no injuries.

    Domestic situation is changed a bit and the OH will be working remote for at least 6 months. Means I won't be a single Dad 3 or 4 days a week afterall. Means I can keep regular runs going. Means Cork next year is definitely a target race :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Bedtimes. I need to start managing my bedtimes. New routine at home means I have to have my morning run done, stretch and shower all before 7:15. This means I have to get up at 6:00 and hit the start button on the Garmin at 6:15.

    Two mornings, two fails. The solution is obvious, don't go to bed after midnight!! On the evening's before my morning runs I'll have to target 2300 to 2315 as my latest bedtime. On a 4 day running week it's only two nights were I need to do this so I should really HTFU.

    Take 3 tomorrow morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Best not to dwell on last week's hat-trick of failed early morning rises. I'm just going to pretend it was the body's way of saying take a few more days out.

    Got back on the road this weekend. Being the weekend and being desperate to get back to the Park (it's been ages) I probably ran further than I should have done, but I kept the pace easy.

    Saturday morning out for a chilly 8 miles. Sun was lovely though and with two layers on top after about 4 mile I was feeling nice and cozy. Legs felt fine :).
    Stretching afterwards was painless and acheless.

    Sunday first thing on the check-list were my gloves. Out again before 9 for my standard Sunday morning 10 miler in the Park. Found that despite my efforts to keep the pace easy it kept creeping up. Again the legs were fine during and after the run.

    Week 1 of 4 weeks of proper training for the 5 miler begins tomorrow morning when the alarm goes off at 6, I'll be so disappointed with myself if I don't get out of bed. Bought a new long-sleeve hi-vis jacket today so hopefully the new toy factor will help me get up.

    Also plan on buying a back-pack and will run home from work on a Thursday or Friday evening. It's only a 2+ mile run but it keeps the legs ticking over in what would otherwise be 2 days with out running.

    Stopping writing, go to bed.

    Saturday 8.17M @ 8:51
    Sunday 10.17M @ 8:47

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    My earliest run ever starting at 6:17. I may have to try earlier tomorrow as I was tight for time for the rest of the morning. Surprisingly mild out, I'd been bracing myself for more frost. Saw two other runners out. Unremarkable run.
    Right knee not 100% later during the day. Sore in a point if I apply pressure with my finger. I don't think it's my recent injury acting up again instead I think (hope) it's just a 'haven't-run-in-a-while' niggle and will pass naturally. I'll ice it for a while before heading to bed and I'll wear my knee-support tomorrow.

    M01 8:40
    M02 8:45
    M03 8:48
    M04 8:51
    M05 8:45

    Total 5.14M @ 8:47

    Aware 5M. Week 1 of 5|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Easy 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.14|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00||
    Easy work to home 2M+ ||
    Tempo 6M @ 7:45||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Hmmm, too much too soon?

    I'd just bought a small back-pack at lunchtime and as soon as I headed down the stairs of the shop, ouch, pain in my right knee. Caught me my surprise. It continues to ache for 20 minutes afterwards. Neither the ache nor pain are severe but have definitely given me food for thought. I shouldn't have run an 8 miler and a 10 miler at the weekend not having run for three weeks prior.

    I won't run tomorrow but probably will trot home from work on Friday. I'd planned on 7:45 pace this Saturday rather than 7:30 pace but I might have to slow down further. I may just have to cut back on distance/intensity this weekend. If the rest of 2011 turns out to be all about recovery rather than about targeting the Aware 5M, well so be it. If I knew I was 100% recovered come 31 December I'd take that now. I just hope I don't lose to much pace by year-end. Then again maybe a bit of RICE will set me right and this time next week I'll feel back on track. Either way I'm not expecting heroics for the 5 miler.

    Set a new earliest run, pressing start at 6:14am. Legs (knee included) felt grand during the run. This morning was all about 8:06 pace.

    M01 8:06
    M02 8:06
    M03 8:06
    M04 7:59
    M05 8:06

    Total 5.08M @ 8:05

    Aware 5M. Week 1 of 5|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Easy 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.14|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.08|8:05
    Easy work to home 2M+ ||
    Tempo 6M @ 7:45||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Friday 11 Nov. Session 3 of 23
    My first run home from work. I forgot my Garmin in the morning. Measured the route on Google Maps to be 2.35 miles. Just enough to stop the legs from getting lazy during what would otherwise be two days without running. I wore my knee-support right through the day. Plan is to run these at an easy pace just trot along and don't stop the watch for traffic. Knee felt fine over the run. Heels instead felt a bit heavy for the first kilometre. Didn't particularly like running with a back-pack. I timed the run on my mobile at 20:34, that's 8:45 pace. Quickest way to commute.

    Total 2.35M @ 8:45

    Saturday 12 Nov. Session 4 of 23
    Change of plan. That twinge in my knee from mid-week has convinced me to take a different approach in build up to the Aware race. Out with pure tempos and intervals; instead I'm just going to try gradually step up my 6M pace, Saturday by Saturday. Starting this Saturday with steady pace 8:00 to 8:15. Plan is:

    1st Saturday 6M @ 8:00 to 8:15
    2nd Saturday 6M @ 7:45 to 8:00
    3rd Saturday 6M @ 7:30 to 7:45
    4th Saturday 6M @ 7:15 to 7:30

    I warm-up across to the Park, then set off on my 6 mile route. Knee support on. Happy not to have to report any aches or twinges. Run felt a little more tiring than I would have hoped. I've definitely lost an edge after 3 weeks out. Not so tiring that I couldn't have continued for several more miles at the same pace.

    Warm-up 1.27M @ 8:59

    M01 7:58
    M02 8:06
    M03 8:07
    M04 8:10
    M05 8:18
    M06 8:01

    Total 6.00M @ 8:07

    Warm-down 1.18 @ 8:52

    Sunday 13 Nov. Session 5 of 23
    Another lovely morning for a run. Reduced intensity this weekend so I was aiming for no faster than 8:45 pace. arranged to run with a mate from work for whom 8:45 would be a good work-out. Suited me perfect I only half-followed the Garmin and more or less let my mate dictate the pace. A few slight twinges from the knee coming down Glen Road, but nothing nearly as sharp as last Wednesday on the stairs. Nice enjoyable run and chat.

    Happy to have completed 5 out of 5 on first week back.

    M01 8:38
    M02 8:53
    M03 8:42
    M04 8:40
    M05 8:43
    M06 8:57
    M07 8:36
    M08 8:50
    M09 9:01
    M10 8:31

    Total 10.15 @ 8:45

    Aware 5M. Week 1 of 5|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Easy 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.14|8:47
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.08|8:05
    Easy work to home 2M+ |2.35|8:45
    Tempo 6M @ 7:45 8:15 to max 8:00|6.00|8:07
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 9:00 to max 8:30 8:45|10.15|8:45

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Feeling a bit broken as I write. Ache in the back of my neck/shoulders, sore throat, hint of a groin strain and two bruised knees. The bruised knees are down to 5 metre crawling sprints on wooden floors. Think I'll run from work to home on Friday and rest up tomorrow.

    Tuesday 15 Nov. Session 6 of 23
    Another early start. Very mild out. Hi-vis jacket over t-shirt means I work up a sweat despite the easy pace. Even at this hour, every morning I spot some lunatic out running. Shattered in the evening. Fall sound asleep during second half of game.

    M01 9:00
    M02 8:42
    M03 8:52
    M04 8:54
    M05 8:43

    Total 5.16M @ 8:51

    Wednesday 16 Nov. Session 7 of 23
    Another earliest start, run begins at 6:10. I really really didn't fancy getting out of bed this morning. Contemplated postponing for 24 hours but I went through the motions, got into gear, grabbed a bottle of water and before I know it I'm running. The sore throat and aching neck point to some sort of flu/cold I guess and I do feel more tired than I should over 5 miles. Legs feel fine though.

    M01 8:03
    M02 8:19
    M03 8:06
    M04 8:10
    M05 8:10

    Total 5.07M @ 8:10

    Aware 5M. Week 2 of 5|Actual Distance|Actual Pace
    Easy 5M @ 9:00 to max 8:45|5.16|8:51
    Steady 5M @ 8:15 to max 8:00|5.07|8:10
    Easy work to home 2M+ ||
    Tempo 6M @ 8:00 to max 7:45||
    LSR 10M @ 8:45 to max 8:30||
