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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    I got the week underway on Tuesday with a lunchtime run. Usual route sees me enter the park at Islandbridge and head up the Khyber. Turn down along Acres and then follow the lower path back to the fort. Exit at Islandbridge and head back home. Had the watch in kilometres so only discover afterwards that I ran 3.98 miles. Legs felt surprisingly good today, a bounce in my step.

    M01 9:08
    M02 8:41
    M03 7:59
    M04 8:22

    Total 3.98M @ 8:35

    WTD 3.98M MTD 49.83M YTD 1706.33

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10X400m in 82s

    Often the toughest part of my midweek session is just getting out the door. Another 6:00am rise and a long heavy day's work in Athlone. I just want to grab something to eat and go to bed early. Immediately put on the gear and head out. Windy but dry and not too cold. I run a short warm-up and then head into AIT. I arrive a little later than usual so the Fit-for-Life group are just finishing up. I run two laps in lane 8, establishing that the home-straight section will be into a headwind. I drift into lane 1 and get the session under way.

    I completely misjudge the pace on the opening lap, running a 1:25. I want to target 1:21 to 1:23 a lap. I'm a little concerned when I see that 1:25 as I felt it was speedier. Over-compensate on the next one logging a 1:20.57. Then find target pace for the next 4. I'm feeling the effort though. The wind on the home-straight is acting like an extra interval within each 400 interval. The tougher 400s are definitely the ones that finish on the home-straight.

    Lungs are working and the legs are feeling the effort over the final 150m of each 400. I overtake a few runners on lap 7 which I think explains another faster than target split. Then the last three are on the slower end of target pace.

    Feeling of satisfaction on completing this. Tough session and a good session. Plan is to repeat it next Wednesday. Happy to turn my attention to food and bed. First drops of cold rain start falling a little after I'd finished this run.

    L01 01:25.21
    L02 01:20.57
    L03 01:22.36
    L04 01:21.27
    L05 01:22.05
    L06 01:22.45
    L07 01:20.65
    L08 01:23.12
    L09 01:23.60
    L10 01:23.06

    Average 400m in 1:22.43 @ 3:26 min/km [5:32 min/mile]
    Average 200m recovery in 1:11.08

    WTD 10.48M MTD 57.33M YTD 1713.83

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Had planned on running this at lunchtime, but once again work got in the way. If I was going to get these 4 miles done it would be late and in Cork. Had a fairly heavy meal in Cork earlier this evening and had about 45mins to digest before heading out. A miserable night outside, wet and windy. I piece together 4 miles, keeping the pace nice and slow. Lots of burping as stomach is tossed about. Not a very comfortable run. Legs were ok.

    M01 9:05
    M02 8:53
    M03 8:34
    M04 8:25

    Total 4.04M @ 8:44

    WTD 15.52M MTD 61.37M YTD 1717.87

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K Tempo (39:48)

    Saturday morning was tough. Alarm went off at 7:15. It was dark windy and wet outside. I stalled as long as I could before heading out. If an easy or a long run had been on the menu I wouldn’t have minded so much, but I was in no mood for tempo pace this morning.

    I abandoned thoughts of heading for the Marina, I don’t know what the street lighting is like there and worried that it might be too dark. Instead I run a few hundred metres out of town to arrive at the Western Road – Mardyke loop I had in mind. I ran one warm-up lap, it consists of two long straights, one along footpath heading out of town and the other along the quiet MardykeWalk back into town. The two straights are seperated by around 20 metres. I’d loop clockwise. In general the Mardyke straight was against a light headwind, the Western Road straight was with a light tailwind. Water everywhere, heavy rain falling throughout and lots of puddles to splash through. Feet were already soaked through after the warm-up lap. The loop measures just shy of 2K, so 5 laps and a bit to get through.

    Hard to read too much into the first lap. The effort is significant, probably higher than I’d have liked, but that said, it was the only lap on which the Garmin was telling me I was running too fast. The next 2 laps were a bit of a mental slog because I couldn’t pretend I was nearly finished. I reckon the effort feels tougher than expected because of the early hour and maybe because it’s the second 10K tempo in 7 days and these were seperated by a tough enough track session.

    I was glad to start into lap 4. Toyed with the idea of switching to a 5 mile tempo, but knew I’d never do that. The Western Road provided some physical relief from the wind, the Mardyke provided some mental relief because I could always see the traffic lights up ahead that signaled the lap was nearly finished. As I turn off Western Road on lap 4 I get a too slow alert from the Garmin. Puts a little pressure on. I push until I am back in range and hold the effort steady into the final lap. Splash my way around one more time. About 500m required after completing lap 5 and I can look forward to the Garmin sounding an end to this one.

    No heroics, finish on target under 40mins with a 39:48. Given the conditions and the early start I’m very happy with this. Glow of satisfaction lasts through the rest of the morning.

    02.44K @ 5:46 [1.52M @ 9:16]
    10.00K @ 3:59 [6.21M @ 6:24]
    00.87K @ 5:31 [0.54M @ 9:03]

    Total 13.32K @ 4:25 [8.27M @ 7:06]

    WTD 23.79M MTD 69.64M YTD 1726.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Sunday morning was another early rise in Cork. Dark outside, but at least no rain is falling. Jacket on and I head out. Run eastwards out of town. Gradually brightening as I follow the Lee towards Dunkettle. Turn left for Glanmire and take the first left out of the village and onto Church Hill. This is a steep few hundred metres and the legs feel the effort immediately. Continue up to Mayfield before heading back to town via Montenotte. The road is mostly descending from Montenotte, my stride widens and legs start to feel stronger.

    Another low mileage week. I'll need to pick up the mileage in the new year.

    M01 9:00
    M02 8:35
    M03 8:19
    M04 8:02
    M05 8:02
    M06 8:28
    M07 7:55
    M08 7:02
    M09 7:10
    M11 6:54

    Total 10.13M @ 7:56

    WTD 33.92M MTD 79.77M YTD 1736.27

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Late lunchtime run on Tuesday. Usual Khyber ascent and back via Fort. Today's wind is blowing from the Fort toward Acres. Focus on taking this one easy.

    Thinking about plans for the rest of the week. I'm planning a PB attempt for a lap of Parco di Trenno for next Sunday so I want to be fresh going into this. I've run 2 sub 40:00 10Ks plus a tough 10x400 track session in the last 10 days and I'm concerned that another mid-week 10x400 might leave me feeling tired come Sunday. I decide I'll run an easier mid week session.

    M01 9:02
    M02 8:42
    M03 7:59
    M04 8:27

    Total 4.02M @ 8:33

    WTD 4.02M MTD 83.79M YTD 1740.29

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    outforarun wrote: »
    10K Tempo (39:48)
    That's a great session

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    That's a great session

    Thanks. Bit of a slog in poor conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    6M Progression

    As decided early in the week, I avoided the track on Wednesday night. Instead I cobbled together a progression workout on the Garmin.

    Wet cold and windy. I head around my usual east-side loop. The first couple of miles double-up as a warm-up and I just need to be careful not to run too fast. Mile three is similar but it's easier to avoid going too fast.

    Mile 4 is run at a little slower than sub 3:10 marathon pace, not ideal having to navigate town streets on this mile. Mile 5 is sub 3:00 marathon pace and starts at the start of the Old Dublin Road. And it's into a headwind. I can't remember the last fast run where I didn't need to contend at some point with a headwind. Happy to see that despite the wind, 6:4X pace is very manageable.

    Final mile and I shift up another gear. Target here is 6:15 to 6:30. I don't worry too much about staying on target and just run at higher effort. Finish in the IDA park with a faster than target 6:11 mile.

    Enjoyed that. I think I'll try a 12 mile version soon where each step is 2 miles rather than just 1 mile.

    M01 8:48 target 8:45 to 9:00
    M02 8:17 target 8:15 to 8:30
    M03 7:49 target 7:45 to 8:00
    M04 7:15 target 7:15 to 7:30
    M05 6:46 target 6:45 to 7:00
    M06 6:11 target 6:15 to 6:30

    Total 6.57M @ 7:35

    WTD 10.59M MTD 90.36M YTD 1746.86

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    5 Miles Easy

    Logged off from work a little after 1700. Need to not think about anything work related for next 12 or so days, 2019 will be very heavy workwise. Shoes on and head out for a lap of my doorstep 5 miler. This, touchwood, could be run number one of a record running streak.

    M01 9:10
    M02 8:07
    M03 7:34
    M04 7:34
    M05 7:04

    Total 5.03M @ 7:53

    WTD 15.62M MTD 95.39M YTD 1751.89

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    Spent Friday evening playing pool in town. Christmas pints. Wasn't entirely sure I'd make it out on Saturday morning. But head was mostly ok and I didn't want to break this streak before it had even begun. A 4 miler would do nicely. Log my slowest mile of the year a 9:55, from Kilmainham across to Inchicore. Pick up the pace a little over the next miles.

    Next up is a 3.6K segment PB attempt in the local park in Milan. Hope I feel fresher for that.

    M01 9:55
    M02 9:04
    M03 8:39
    M04 8:34

    Total 4.04 @ 9:03

    WTD 19.66M MTD 99.43M YTD 1755.93

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    3.6K Segment TT

    Toyed with idea of running this Monday rather than Sunday, I wasn't in the mood for anything fast and I was worried that Friday pints and Saturday travel would still be in the system. In the end I opted to try the TT anyway, get it over with.

    The segment covers one lap of the local park here in Milan, 3.6K or 2.25 miles. My best time on Strava going into this was 13:45. This has me sitting 2nd overall of 349 registered times. First place is a huge 45 seconds faster at 13:00. Goal is to set a new PB and to try do so without looking at Garmin outside of the opening kilometre.

    Foggy and chilly out. Gloves are on, long sleeve under-layer, running top and jacket. Snug. I run a warm up lap. Spend most of this in anticipation of the next lap. Arrive at the point where I normally start the TT and hit the lap button the Garmin.

    Ever so slightly downhill along the opening stretch. Air is cold. My stride feels ok, suitably smooth. I glance a few times at the Garmin to see 3:2X pace become 3:3X pace. When I see 3:38 [5:50] showing I stop looking and start running on feel. I don't have autolap on so I won't be able to check splits. As I near the end of the opening straight I am already working hard, lungs and legs. The hairpin at the end upsets my rhythm and I lean into the backstraight to get back up to speed.

    Slightest of inclines to deal with now and a slight slight hint of a headwind. Feeling the effort more in the lungs than in the legs. I use runners up ahead as a mental distraction, aiming to chase them down. Negotiate a series of 4 righthand turns. Check distance remaining on Garmin, around 1.2K.

    I can sense myself slowing. I always struggle at speed on this back straight. Form is disappearing and legs are feeling heavy. Finally I turn right at the end of the back straight. Breathing hard. Up ahead I can see where the 'finishing line' is. It feels like end of race effort. I'm well into the 4th K now. Speed across 200ms of trail and then it's back onto the path for 3 more right angle turns. Up the pace and keep running fast another 10m or so beyond where I started just to ensure I cover the full segment. Hit stop on the Garmin.

    Checking my split I see 13:20 for 3.62K. Very pleased with this. As I ran more than a full lap I reckon I've logged a 13:1X. Feel like I've dodged a bullet after Friday pints etc. I continue for a cool-down lap.

    Bit disappointed when I see later that Strava has given me 13:30 for the 3.6K segment. I guess eitherway it's a PB so I hit my target and cemented my second place for the segment.

    4.40K @ 5:06 [2.73M @ 8:13]
    3.62K @ 3:41 [2.25M @ 5:56]
    4.38K @ 4:55 [2.72M @ 7:56]

    Total 12.40K @ 4:37 [7.70M @ 7:27]

    WTD 27.36M MTD 107.13M YTD 1763.63

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 10 Miles

    Forgot that my phone and Garmin were still showing GMT so I lost an hour Monday morning and I had to abandon plans of a 16 mile long run, chopped it down to 10 miles.

    Beautiful morning outside. Warmth in the sun and fresh and crisp in the shade. Just two layers on top (and gloves). Took a trip to Decathlon Sunday afternoon, two running jackets, 6 pairs of running socks and two pairs of really clever gloves: rain-proof pouch attached to tuck your fingers into once the gloves are on.

    I ran first to one of only two hills I know of in Milan. A short ascent up to the summit. Pause for some 360 views of Milan before descending. Head next for Parco delle Cave. Run one lap there. Quite a few runners out this morning. Against the clock now so time to head back for home. Nice run and a decent a vitamin D top-up

    M01 8:30
    M02 8:03
    M03 8:52
    M04 8:05
    M05 7:52
    M06 7:52
    M07 7:16
    M08 7:06
    M09 7:03
    M10 6:57

    Total 10.26M @ 7:45

    WTD 10.26M MTD 117.39M YTD 1773.89

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Christmas morning run. First 20mins are chilly as sun burns through fog. Next 20 mins the chill is gone, last 20mins I'm feeling nice and toasty.

    Ran three laps of Parco di Trenno. First lap I ran with sister-in-law, she's been sidelined with a sore ankle for a while. The second two laps I run alone. Legs feel really good and the pace picks up naturally. Enjoying the conditions. I don't look at the Garmin and the pace always feels easy. Very happy to see afterwards that this was one of those runs where sub 7:00 miles feel easy. Could have happily continued running for much longer this morning but needed to travel across town for lunch.

    M01 8:41
    M02 8:43
    M03 7:47
    M04 7:15
    M05 7:12
    M06 6:59
    M07 6:47
    M08 6:54

    Total 8.24M @ 7:30

    WTD 18.50M MTD 125.63M YTD 1782.13

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 8 Miles

    Ate at least 2 kilos of food on Tuesday. Reckon I will definitely weigh over 70kg by the time I'm home.

    Yesterday's run was a cold one. Gone were the sunny skys and warm sunshine of the previous two days. In their place a grim chill fog. I start again with a lap of Parco di Trenno again with sister-in-law, she's struggling today. She heads home after a lap and I head off for another ascent of Montestella.

    Cold air is uncomfortable in the lungs as I tackle the short ascent. At the summit I take off my right glove to take a photo. Bad move, my right hand freezes. Pull glove back on but the rest of the run is very uncomfortable, hold right hand near body but it is bitingly cold all the way home. Need to thaw for 15mins before getting into shower, otherwise the hot water will cause it to sting even more.


    M01 9:09
    M02 8:53
    M03 8:12
    M04 7:39
    M05 8:11
    M06 7:53
    M07 7:51
    M08 7:30

    Total 8.28M @ 8:09

    WTD 26.78M MTD 133.91M YTD 1790.41

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    4x600m @ 3K pace

    Parkrun on Saturday so I wanted to run something short and sharp today, something to jump-start the legs without overly stressing them. Opted for a small set of 600s with 300m recovery.

    Another dull foggy and cold morning but not as bitterly cold as yesterday. A lap of Parco di Trenno to warm-up and then start the 600s.

    Checking the Garmin on the first one and I see I'm going far too fast at 3:1X pace. Ease off but continue to get too fast alerts for the rest of the interval. Catch my breath over the 300m recovery then do a better job of keeping the speed down over the next two 600s, both 2:09.XX. I'm feeling the pinch over the last 150m of each interval. The last one is the fastest of the morning and neatly completes lap 2 of the park.

    Pleased with that, just what I wanted. Cool-down back home.

    Interval 01 in 2:05.82 (rec 88)
    Interval 02 in 2:09.05 (rec 92)
    Interval 03 in 2:09.97 (rec 91)
    Interval 04 in 2:05.04

    Average 600 in 2:07.47 @ 3:32 min/km [5:41 min/mile]

    WTD 32.62M MTD 139.75M YTD 1796.25

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    July Review

    I've really let these monthly reviews slip! Will try to catch back up before the year is over.

    On the 14th of July, eve of the World Cup Final I ended a 19 day no run streak. I had two difficult tooth extractions performed under GA at the end of June and I needed to rest up after these. Surgeon said at least 1 week without activity, I played it safe and took two weeks.

    July and I've already decided not to kill myself chasing 2100 miles for the year, honestly I'll be lucky to hit 2000, especially without any marathon cycle this year.

    First run back was fine. First longish run, just over 12 miles felt like 18 miles and left me with stiff legs for 48 hours. But the teeth (more accurately, the extraction sites) behaved.

    Weight dropped from an average 71kg down to a record low of 65kg, but then averaged around 68 for the month.

    Ran my first ever double (I think).

    Back to faster stuff with 3 miles run at 10M pace and with a tough 5x800 session in Limerick, couldn't average below 3:00 per 800!

    It'd take a while yet to flush this 19 day break out of the legs and lungs.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | 117.68 | 3.92 | 27.46 | 5.11 | 35.74 | 1864
    July | 106.25 | 3.43 | 23.99 | 4.86 | 34.02 | 1774
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    First evening run in a while. Cold out. I just tip around some laps of a local block. Forgot to press start and so I lose the first 5 minutes of running. Legs feel ok.

    Not sure how tomorrow will go. A Parkrun PB (sub 18:35) would be great. Anything less than a Milan Parco Nord PB (18:XX) and I won't be pleased. The last week has been good for sleep, but not so good for diet. I don't feel race ready.

    M01 8:35
    M02 8:19
    M03 8:02
    M04 8:01 (1800 miles for the year)

    Total 4.10M @ 8:14

    WTD 36.72M MTD 143.85M YTD 1800.35

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    A July review - in December.....Jaysus D - you are behind.

    Nice Park run today - congrats on 1st Finisher.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Parkrun Milano Nord - 1st in 18:35

    Up early to cross the city for this. Feeling apprehensive and in no mood for pain. I've completely taken my eye off diet for the last week and I'm convinced the Running Gods will punish me today.

    Chat with some of the other runners in the changing rooms before heading to the park. Warm-up with the soon to be first female. It is bitterly bitterly cold this morning. Feet are starting to numb.

    The sun is rising though so hopefully the edge will soon be taken out of the chill. Over 80 runners today and there are a few fast looking club-runners lining-up. I'm not confident. Vague idea to target 3:43 for the first half and then take it from there.

    Happy to get underway before we freeze on the spot. Settle briefly into a small group of 5 or 6 runners. Checking the Garmin I realise they're traveling a fraction too slow. I ease past them. I then ease past 4th and 3rd place and then after around 500m I move into first.

    Pace is showing at around 3:42 or 3:43 but it feels harder than I'd have liked. In particular the cold air is uncomfortable. I genuinely doubt I'll stay in first place. I can hear footfall behind, someone is holding on, must be only around 5m behind. First K shows as a 3:42. I now ignore the Garmin and will only check splits.

    I like the gritty path surface that accounts for 60% of the course. The sound encourages a neat footfall and allows me keep tabs on my pursuer. There are stretches when we run in sunshine and these are very welcome, any warmth is welcome. K2 is a 3:43. This worries me a little and encourages me to push a bit.

    As we approach the end of lap 1 I notice the footsteps behind me are sounding a little more distant. Still don't feel entirely confident of holding first place but it is registering as a possibility. The Parkrun crew inform me that I'm first as I go through half-way.

    Another sunny stretch. K3 shows as a 3:40. Ok that's better, pleasantly surprised by that, thought I was slower. Tell myself only 2 more fast K for 2018, hold strong.

    I cannot hear footsteps behind me any longer and I accept now that I have a very good chance to claim my first Parkrun victory. I'm not dead on my feet and the legs feel fairly strong. Cold air is still an issue. K4 flashes as another 3:40. I should certainly have a course PB. Don't ease up. Confidence grows throughout the final K. Pick off 3 or 4 backmarkers. Nearly there, the last 400m pass really quickly. With 100m to go I know I've won.

    Over the line and hit stop on the Garmin, 18:35. The race director needs to take my barcode from my pocket as I've lost all sensation in my hands. Really happy to have finally got a first finisher at a Parkrun. Also just pleased because I didn't have huge expectations going into this one.

    18:35 was my 5K PB just over a month ago. Since then I've matched it twice and logged a new 18:06 PB, I'm enjoying 5K at the moment. On the Garmin I logged an 18:35.6 in Waterstown while today on the Garmin I logged an 18:34.7. So I'm happy to claim this one as my Parkrun PB.

    Cool-down with first female. Then all back to changing rooms and then into neighbouring cafe for coffee cake and chat. All warmed up now. Good start to the day.

    K01 3:42.59
    K02 3:43.37
    K03 3:40.85
    K04 3:40.45
    K05 3:40.37

    Official chip time of 18:35 (3:41 min/km, 5:56 min/mile)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    August Review

    All about climbing this month; 5699m or 18698 feet of climb. I also set a new record of 1:16:59 for my Vertical K road route. HC category climb.

    Try two pairs of trail shoes: Dynafit Vertical Pro and ASICs Fuji Sensor 3. Favour the former and buy a pair. I'd love to try the Roncobello-Gemellu race next year if work and travel logistics will allow.

    I think the week of hills and trails brings some strength back into the legs.

    Other memorable runs include a progression run of 5 laps up the Khyber and down Chesterfield and Wellington Road, each lap faster than the previous, and an MLR where I managed to get lost in Terenure.

    All in all I feel I've regained strength stamina and speed following my 19 day lay-off in July. Feeling better about the two PB attempts that wait in September.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | 117.68 | 3.92 | 27.46 | 5.11 | 35.74 | 1864
    July | 106.25 | 3.43 | 23.99 | 4.86 | 34.02 | 1774
    August | 153.02 | 4.94 | 34.55 | 4.87 | 34.09 | 1778
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭squiredanaher

    you're in smashing shape going into 2019. this could be the sub 3 and sub 18 yr.! great consistency with your training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    you're in smashing shape going into 2019. this could be the sub 3 and sub 18 yr.! great consistency with your training.

    Thanks. Feeling fairly confident for the year ahead. Training will start properly from next Monday with the Raheny 5 next up. A sub 18 5K will be the target maybe up until the end of March. Then I'll switch to a sub 1:25 attempt in the Cork HM. And after that it's DCM. Sub 3 won't happen this year, because I won't be trying for it. Instead I hope it's third time lucky for sub 3:10 after two failed attempts (both 3:13).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    MLR 14 Miles

    Sunday I ran my final run of this Milan visit. The temperature was I reckon at least 15 degrees warmer than Saturday morning. At times there were light gusts of warm air. Felt like spring. Cut through Parco di Trenno and headed south for two laps of Parco delle Cave. Then back to Parco di Trenno before heading into the wilder terrain of Bosco in Citta. Some trail in here and some dirt paths through the paddy fields. Back to Parco di Trenno for one final lap.

    Legs were good today and the pace picked up naturally as the run progressed. I knew the last couple of miles were the fastest, but I was surprised to see afterwards that they both logged as 6:4X miles. I felt the effort was at most 7:1X effort.

    Close on 60 miles for the week.

    I'm going to miss running here.

    M01 8:24
    M02 8:01
    M03 7:38
    M04 7:40
    M05 7:25
    M06 7:21
    M07 7:23
    M08 7:42
    M09 7:26
    M10 7:47
    M11 7:26
    M12 7:09
    M13 6:46
    M14 6:49

    Total 14.34M @ 7:29

    WTD 57.64M MTD 164.77M YTD 1821.27

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    First time in a long while that I didn't really fancy heading out. Back in Dublin for this final run of 2018. Ran an evening lap of my doorstep loop. Wore a jacket and really shouldn't have, it was very mild outside. First time back in the Glycerins for a while and they felt good. I have around 850 miles completed in these and they don't feel like they need changing anytime soon (the Asterias instead, after 630 miles are starting to feel a little flat).

    Legs not feeling too spritely this evening.

    That's my lot done for 2018.

    M01 9:33
    M02 8:27
    M03 8:07
    M04 8:01
    M05 7:49

    Total 5.02M at 8:24

    WTD 5.02M MTD 169.79M YTD 1826.29

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 4 Miles

    A run under light drizzle to open my account for 2019. Streets are quiet outside on New Year's Morning. Legs feel much better than yesterday evening. Glycerins on again as I head for Park Gate and through the zoo to the Polo Grounds. Up Chesterfield and then down the Khyber. A good few deer around this morning. No dramatics this morning. That's a 12 day running streak completed, matches my previous record.

    Home, shower and then head south to stroll from Killiney to Dun Laoghaire via the Obelisk and the Magpie Inn.

    M01 8:51
    M02 8:48
    M03 8:18
    M04 8:13

    Total 4.26M @ 8:28

    WTD 9.28M MTD 4.26M YTD 4.26

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    September Review

    Logged my first PBs of the year in 2018.

    The Fingal 10 Miler was as strong as I've felt in a race in a long long time (all the Roncobello climbs bearing fruit?). I was really pleased with how I ran this. I was targeting a sub 65 and logged a 64:09. A 63:XX was on, I just discovered this a little too late. I really enjoyed the long long stretch along the Balheary Road. Along here my average pace was steadily quickening and I was picking off runners, easing further up the field. Came home nearly 90 seconds off my previous best.

    The second PB was a 1:25:23 in the Dublin HM. I was targeting a sub 1:25 but I wasn't too disappointed, I was coming off a week of work travel, and work diet, and had had a head cold earlier in the week. Despite this I still managed a 50 second PB. I'm confident that with a better race-week I would have gone sub 1:25.

    Other memorable runs from September included a exploratory half-marathon through forest, orchards and countryside south of Stuttgart. And my debut runs in the Dynafit Vertical Pros. Ran these on laps of a loop, by the Munich Hills, measuring a fraction longer than a mile. Nice change from the roads.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | 117.68 | 3.92 | 27.46 | 5.11 | 35.74 | 1864
    July | 106.25 | 3.43 | 23.99 | 4.86 | 34.02 | 1774
    August | 153.02 | 4.94 | 34.55 | 4.87 | 34.09 | 1778
    September | 154.23 | 5.14 | 35.99 | 4.90 | 34.30 | 1788
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Easy 5 Miles

    A week of mostly easy running continued Thursday evening with another lap of my default 5 mile loop. I had planned on an 8 miler but ran out of time as I bumped into a neighbour when I left the house and stopped to chat. Plus I realised the Garmin battery was nearly dead and might not last 8 miles.

    Felt heavy on this one. I summoned up the courage afterwards to stand on the scales for the first time since before Christmas. The heaviest I've been in a long while, 71 kg. So around 2 kg heavier after Christmas diet. I'll need to start policing my diet again. I'm planning another 10K Tempo for Saturday, I fear I'll feel this extra weight.

    M01 8:34
    M02 8:03
    M03 8:04
    M04 7:49
    M05 7:19

    Total 5.02M @ 7:57

    WTD 14.30M MTD 9.28M YTD 9.28

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    October Review

    Back to the track in October as the focus switched to 5K. Track sessions included some 10x400 off 200 recovery. Enjoyed these, managed to complete one set in 82s. These are harder in reality than on paper, especially if a headwind is involved. First 2 or 3 are ok, but the short recovery means the pinch arrives already around the 5th or 6th 400. Always a little buzzed after these sessions.

    Saturday tempo runs moved from 4 miles up to 5 miles. Still manageable and hitting the right level of comfortably uncomfortable. No long runs in October, I completed HM distance twice but that was as long as it got. I stopped worry about weekly mileage and tried to focus more on the quality of the faster stuff.

    Memorable runs include a Sunday morning MLR with a sunrise over the Lee Estuary in Blackrock. And a very wet, windy and mucky Saturday morning where I tested the Dynafits over mud and slippy rocks and roots. They passed with flying colours, not for a moment did I fear I'd slip. Incredible grip. Legs caked in mud after this really fun, back to childhood run.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 181.48 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 5.85 | 40.97 | 2150
    February | 139.57 | 4.98 | 34.89 | 5.44 | 38.09 | 1986
    March | 153.98 | 4.97 | 34.77 | 5.28 | 36.95 | 1927
    April | 175.13 | 5.84 | 40.86 | 5.42 | 37.93 | 1978
    May | 156.35 | 5.04 | 35.30 | 5.34 | 37.38 | 1950
    June | 117.68 | 3.92 | 27.46 | 5.11 | 35.74 | 1864
    July | 106.25 | 3.43 | 23.99 | 4.86 | 34.02 | 1774
    August | 153.02 | 4.94 | 34.55 | 4.87 | 34.09 | 1778
    September | 154.23 | 5.14 | 35.99 | 4.90 | 34.30 | 1788
    October | 156.60 | 5.05 | 35.36 | 4.92 | 34.41 | 1794
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    10K Tempo

    This one turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Having weighed in at 71kg two days previous I feared this would be another mental and physical slog like in Cork 3 weeks ago. Instead it was the most comfortable 10K Tempo I've run in quite a while.

    I ran this Saturday clockwise around the Furze-OS-Chesterfield loop. Medium headwind going down Furze. I have tempo pace set as 3:55 [6:18] to 3:59 [6:24] on the Garmin.

    The first lap was run quicker than this and spent trying to drop into target pace. I knew already based on how I was feeling after one lap that this was going to go well.

    Only as I turned onto OS for the second time did the Garmin indicate that I was inside target range. The next lap the watch kept toggling between 'too fast' and 'on target' alerts.

    Into lap 3 and I relax and start daydreaming a little. This loss of concentration sees average pace drop to 3:57 [6:21]. When I see this I push a little. I'm really pleased though that I catch myself day-dreaming during a tempo.

    Focus on keeping the effort honest for the 4th partial lap. The tempo ends by the duck pond. Total time 39:18. Probably the most comfortable sub 39:30 I've ever run.

    I will run at least one more 10K tempo, I want to be convinced that these have become comfortable before tagging on an extra K (or making these 45min tempos).

    Without a doubt running this mid-morning in ok conditions made a big difference from running at 8 in the morning in monsoon conditions. I reckon the effort levels demanded in Cork made this one so much easier.

    03.74K @ 5:25 [2.32M @ 8:44]
    10.00K @ 3:56 [6.21M @ 6:20]
    04.55K @ 4:39 [2.83M @ 7:29]

    Total 18.29K @ 4:25 [11.36M @ 7:06]

    WTD 25.66M MTD 20.64M YTD 20.64M
