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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    So much for logging more regularly!!

    DCM19 Underway

    A low key start to DCM training. Officially day one was 1 July. I don't think I'll be following an off-the-shelf plan for this marathon training block. I have 4 months of training and really the goal is to try get back as close as possible to where I was speed wise at the end of January (just dipped under 30 in Raheny) while week by week building up endurance. I will be paying attention to the hamstring(s) and will incorporate pre-run stretching into my routine.

    I might rob some sessions from some official plans along the way but essentially the majority of weeks will consist of a speed session, a tempo session a long run and then a bunch of easy miles.

    July (targeting 40 to 45 miles a week)
    Get used to consistently running 40 miles a week again. Reintroduce some track sessions at 3K to 5K pace. Build these sessions up carefully allowing the hammer time to adapt. Regarding tempos I want to slowly build up to where I can confidently run a 10K tempo, dipping under 40 mins. I won't get to 10K in July but I will aim to navigate the first stepping stones towards that goal. And get used to running long again on Sunday mornings.

    August (targeting 45 to 50 miles a week)
    Get back to 800m intervals. Introduce a midweek MLR of 10 to 14 miles. Get up to 20 miles on a Sunday. I'd some weeks to drop the tempo or speed session and instead incorporate faster bits into the long-run. August will also allow me build leg strength and work the lungs during my usual altitude runs in Italy. I'm also targeting a 10 mile race in Cork at the end of August, where I'd hope to at least run a 65:XX.

    September (targeting 50 to 55 miles a week)
    Mostly about miles in the legs. More 20 milers, maybe a 22 miler or a couple of 3 hour runs. Would hope to sneak in a Parkrun or two as well. Need to increase focus on diet and weight during September.

    October (dropping gradually from 55 miles a week)
    I might run the Cork to Cobh 15 Miler as an MP run (resisting the urge to break 100mins. Drop alcohol entirely. Log my diet on here to keep me good. Keep the consistency ticking over and then probably a 2 week taper.

    At the end of all this hopefully I will break 3:10 in DCM, it'll be my third attempt to do so. Succeed and I'll turn my attention to a maiden sub 3:00 attempt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 Week1

    So my first official DCM run was Monday evening, the first of July. A gentle one to start with as I run easy miles around the polo grounds, home of my hamstring recovery.

    First test came 24 hours later as I attempt my first 5K paced session since March! Never have I been so apprehensive ahead of a set of 600ms. I ran these around the playing fields, clockwise. I'm setting a fairly wide 5K pace of 3:38 to 3:43 min/km [5:51 to 5:59 min/mile]. This equates to a total 5K time of 18:10 to 18:35.

    I had to work and concentrate to hit my targets and 5K pace felt more like 3K effort. I did hit my targets though and importantly the hammer didn't protest. I mostly forgot about it while running fast. Average 600 in 2:13.14 an 18:30 5K. Felt really good to run a session again.

    A warm lunchtime 4 miler on the Thursday where the hammer did feel a little stiff at the start but loosened out.

    Then the Saturday - and my next milestone, a tempo session. First one in a while. Right so the idea is to get back to being able to run a 10K tempo in just under 40 minutes. First I need to get back to running 4M at tempo pace. My tempo pace is set at 3:55 to 4:00 min/km [6:18 to 6:26 min/mile]. The plan is to run the following tempo sessions over the next few weeks:
    • 4x1M
    • 2M+2x1M
    • 2x2M
    • 3M+1M
    • 4M

    A minute recovery after every mile run. I ran this opening tempo session around the Furze, OS, Chesterfield loop. Been so long since I ran a session around here. The opening mile wasn't too bad, but I had to work on each of the remaining miles. I've lost a lot of fitness and sharpness. The last 400ms of each mile I was checking the Garmin to see how much longer to go. I finished the 4th mile and despite knowing that I'm some way off January form, it felt really satisfying to complete this.

    Mile splits were:
    • 6:21.77
    • 6:21.50
    • 6:21.55
    • 6:22.89

    Hamstring felt 'tired' during the cool-down.

    I closed the week with a sunny, make-it-up-as-I-went-along 16 mile meander around the Park. Hammer felt fine. Miles 15 and 16 were the fastest of the day at 7:11 and 7:16.

    For the first time since March I feel I've completed a proper week's training.

    Total Mileage for the week - 41.55

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 Week 2

    Ok - a week quite similar to week 1. I want to keep progress slow but steady. I don't want to rush things. Remind myself that the real goal is DCM20, so there is lots of time yet to get to where I need to be.

    Start week 2 on a beautiful Tuesday evening with an easy 4 miler around the playing fields. My right hammer was fine, but my left hammer instead felt a bit stiff :eek:

    On Wednesday evening I stepped onto the track for the first time since March. For now I'm sticking with 600s, and hoping that week by week they feel a little easier. Tonight they didn't feel easier, but the splits were better, average 600 in 2:11.51 that's an 18:16 5K. The recoveries were a bit slower than last week though at 95 seconds rather than 92 seconds. Still don't feel ready to move up to 800s so next week I'll run 600s again.

    A late run on Friday evening having travelled back from Athlone. Any easy five miler with very heavy legs. Opted against the polo grounds and ran instead around my Kilmainham-Chapelizod-Heuston loop.

    Saturday and I move to stepping stone number 2 on the way to a 10K tempo. This time it'd be an opening 2 mile block, 2 minutes rest and then two single tempo miles with a minute's recovery between them. Overall the effort felt similar to last week. The toughest was probably mile 3, mile 4 went better, maybe just because I knew it was the last one. Must mention though that it was very very hot for this run and I think that was definitely a factor.

    2.00M @ 6:22
    1.00M @ 6:22
    1.00M @ 6:20

    Finished the week by hopping on a Luas and a Dublin Bus and travelling to Howth, bottle of water in hand. Some small talk with the bus driver, he's incredulous at the idea of running back to town. A gorgeous sunny hot summer's morning. I check quickly on the West Pier to see if the seals are in, they're not. I take a sip of water and start running for home.

    I run clockwise around the head. Climb up to the summit (a shout out from the bus driver as he heads down the hill). Feeling full of the joys of summer, soaking in the vitamin D. Smell of burnt gorse. Pause to take in the views over Dublin Bay. Enjoy the free-wheel down to Sutton Strand. How amazing to live along here with a sea-view. Join the promenade and start the run back to town.

    It's baking at points. Picked up some light sun-burn on the back of my legs. I'd be lying if I said I felt light and fresh. Legs were feeling a bit heavy, I reckon they still felt yesterday's short tempo. Eventually get to East Wall. Cut down to the Liffey and then run the stop-start stretch along the quays. The legs welcome the soft surface and bounce of the boardwalks. I run straight out to Islandbridge before heading home to Kilmainham. Something very satisfying about getting home and removing the runners that only a little over 2 hours ago were standing on the pier in Howth. Enjoyed this one. hammer was fine.

    Total Miles for the week 41.26

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 3

    Had Monday off work. The sun was out and so hopped on my new bike for a cycle in the park. Haven't cycled in years. Chilled out around Farmleigh for a couple of hours and then curiosity got the better of me. Turned on the Garmin and just cycled a lap of the park to see how long it took, I wasn't pushing, it took 28 minutes, it's not a small park. Watched the splits and noted to myself that running a sub 5 minute mile is fast!! A lap or two of the park on the bike as gentle cross training is something I should try to do more often. Finding time is the issue. Work continues to be fairly manic (and will do until close to year-end I reckon).

    Start the running week on a horribly horribly humid Tuesday evening. Four sweaty sticky miles around the playing fields.

    Back to the track on Wednesday for more 600s fun. Big group training there this evening. They're running single laps, with people setting off at handicapped intervals so that they all arrive at the finish line together. This didn't interrupt my 600s too much but did mean my recoveries were a little longer as I waited for a window to jump in.

    This felt marginally better than last week. First 200 ok, second 200 feeling the legs and lungs, last 200 dig in. Average 600 in 2:10.86, but an average recovery of 97 seconds. Pace was the equivalent of an 18:11 5K, so very much the faster end of my optimistic 5K pace range. I think the best way of making 600s feel easier is to step up to 800s, so next week I'll try 5x800 off 400 recovery.

    Get out after work on Friday for an easy 4 miler. Happy to get this done in Athlone, it's so much easier than trying to get out around 8:30pm back in Dublin.

    Saturday and the tempo format is 2x2M. Around the Furze-OS-Chesterfield loop. This went well. For the first time in a while I feel like I'm making progress. The trickiest part was the run down Furze as it was largely into a moderate headwind. The last half mile of each block was tricky but comfortably uncomfortable. I don't feel apprehensive about trying for 3M+1M next Saturday.

    2.00M @ 6:21
    2.00M @ 6:20

    Sunday's was a fairly tough long run. I ran on empty (apart from a water bottle that I carried with me). Stuck to the Park, running some trails, visiting Farmleigh, the Furry Glen, running White's Road the 'wrong' way, not easy on tiring legs. I put too much of the week's running load into the weekend. The last 3 or 4 miles I could feel energy levels starting to drop and I was starting to count down the miles. Tempted at one point to call it a day at 17, but I stuck to my 18 mile target. Good experience of tired leg running.

    I was convinced the last few miles were run at the fastest 8:15 pace and so was pleased to see 7:19, 7:31, 7:27 and 7:56 splits at end. I didn't check pace once during the run. Felt drained after this, but in a good way. Happy with the morning's work.

    Weighed in at 69.55kg afterwards. First time seeing sub 70 on the scales in around 3 months.

    Total Miles for the week 43.95

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 4

    Week 4 was meant to start with a 6 mile easy run in Athlone on Monday night. That was knocked on the head once I went to get changed and realised I'd packed runners, but had forgotten everything else.

    Week started instead on Wednesday with a tough track session in AIT. After 2 months off I think it is the fastest paces that have taken the biggest hit and will take the longest to restore. After 3 weeks of 600s I moved up to 800s. This was tough, tougher than a 5x800 should be. However I did myself no favours by averaging around 4 hours sleep over the previous 3 nights. Disappointed to not even go sub 3:00 on the last two 800s. Crazy to think I ran 2:50s in March and could only manage 2:58s tonight. Four seconds a lap slower. Lots of work to do here. Recovery 400s were poor as well, averaging 2:10s.

    Thursday evening I summon the will power to get out having traveled back to Dublin from Athlone. Easy pace across to the polo grounds. Very humid this evening. Run 4 laps and then retrace my steps home. Covered 6.2 miles.

    Friday is another easy run. Lunchtime lap of the playing fields, it's another hot one.

    Things get more interesting at the weekend. Traveled down to Waterford Friday evening. Deliberately went with pasta when we ate out Friday evening, reckoned I'd need energy ahead of an active Saturday. I get out before the others early Saturday morning. Run 2 miles from hotel along the Suir to the start of the Waterford Greenway. Then I shift up the gears to tempo pace. Run 2.5 miles along the path then turn around for 0.5 miles before taking a 3 minute break. Completed the 3M section at 6:22 pace. Felt in control. Run another 1M at 6:23. This was mostly on an incline but still felt comfortably uncomfortable. Feel I'm ready for 4M tempo now. Log 9 miles in total.

    Less than 2 hours later I'm back on the Greenway, this time on 2 wheels. A leisurely cycle from Waterford to Dungarvan. Could feel the hammer over the first 10K or so but then it settled down and after 46K it felt fine. Sun-cream weather, great way to spend a day. Planning a day-trip back already to cycle both ways.

    Late night Saturday - but still managed to get up and out Sunday morning for a final visit to the Greenway. Out and back to bring up HM distance. Another gorgeous morning. Runners, cyclists and dog walkers. I wasn't watching the Garmin and was pleasantly surprised with a 7:30 average pace, 3 miles snuck in at MP or faster.

    Pleased with the week's efforts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 5 so far

    Hoping to get back to a post per run after this entry

    Legs felt very heavy Tuesday evening over the opening miles of the week. Ran out along the Chapelizod Road before entering the Park and ascending to the Phoenix. Down Chesterfield and out at Islandbridge before heading home via HSQ. Hope the legs feel less heavy tomorrow evening.

    Back on the track Wednesday. It is always a mental struggle to get onto the track on Wednesday evenings, I've been up since 6:00 and after a day sat in the office I just want to switch off and relax. I ignored all sort of excuses and re-arrangements that came to mind, laced up headed to AIT and got to work. I was very apprehensive after last week's struggle. Things went better this time. I also had more company giving me targets to chase down. The first three 800s were quicker than last week and felt less tricky. The 4th 800 was the fastest of the evening helped by moving to lane 3 and accelerating to overtake a a group of runners on the curve. Disappointed with a 2:58 on the final 800. I wasn't hanging on I just misjudged the pace, I could have logged a faster split.

    Progress. Tonight I averaged 2:56s, hardly blistering but still a second a lap faster than last week. Recovery 400s were much improved averaging 2:03s. I'll probably run a third 5x800 session next Wednesday.

    That also brought July to a close. My highest mileage month of the year so far with 192 miles. An ok start to 4 months of DCM training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Rest of Week 5

    Late one on Friday. Kept it urban with a gentle evening 4 mile trot around the neighbourhood. Felt tired having travelled back from Athlone. Wanted to run this straight after work but couldn't get away from the desk. Legs felt ok.

    Out around 8:30 on Saturday. Headed to the playing fields. Humid this morning. This one was been 4 weeks in the making. I felt confident of completing an uninterrupted 4 miles of tempo running. Ran clockwise for two and a half laps. A light wind against me whenever I was running toward the Islandbridge end. Overall this felt fine for the first 2 miles and then comfortably uncomfortable for the final 2 miles. Walked Greystones to Bray at lunchtime and legs were fine.

    My next tempo will be a repeat of this 4 miler, then I'll start the climb up to a 10K Tempo. Baby steps. Mile splits for tempo section were:

    M01 @ 6:21
    M02 @ 6:22
    M03 @ 6:22
    M04 @ 6:16

    Finished week 5 with an 18 Miler in and around the Park. Two full laps then exit at Islandbridge to loop back to Chapelizod Gate, climb Acres, descend Chesterfield and home via Islandbridge and HSQ. Energy levels stayed fairly consistent throughout. I felt no discernible fade over the closing miles. Spotted two fast runners on this one. Found them both on Strava afterwards. I wasn't wrong, one guy logged 22M @ 6:54 pace, the other ran 18.7M @ 6:39. The latter guy overtook me on Upper Glen. I don't often get overtaken so I remembered him.

    Hamstring was fine. Went cycling in the afternoon, nothing mad. Some gels in the RunHub in Ashtown, cycle a bit along the canal and then down to the food and craft market in Farmleigh. I like to think that the little bit of cycling I'm doing of late is helping the hamstring and supporting muscles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 6 Run 1 - Easy 4 Miles

    Started the week with a repeat of last Friday's neighbourhood 4 miler. Rain falling over the first mile and it didn't feel entirely unwelcome. New asphalt laid along Emmet Road, a pleasure underfoot. Legs were very heavy on this one. I think some of this tiredness comes from the fact that I took a rest day after Sunday's 18 miler. I should probably look in future to running a short and slow one the day after long runs.

    M01 9:23
    M02 8:43
    M03 8:31
    M04 8:12

    Total 4.09M @ 8:33

    Meanwhile my run of race-bad-luck continues. I went to register for the John Buckley 10 Miler in Cork on 31 August. But it's sold out :(

    Seveso 10K - needed to have AAI number
    Drogheda 10K - injury
    CCHM - injury
    JP Buckley 10 Miler - sold-out

    I think I might sign up for the Race Series HM instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 6 Run 2 - 12M Progression

    I really really had no appetite for the track yesterday evening. So change of plan, I'll run intervals instead on Friday. I decided to run a progression run. I'd run four 3M splits, each one targeting a different marathon pace: sub 3:30, sub 3:20, sub 3:10 and sub 3:00.

    The sub 3:30 as very easy and the challenge mostly involved not running too fast. The switch up to sub 3:20 is also ok. I start this block too fast and spend the 3 miles gradually dropping speed. I move up to sub 3:10 pace, my goal for October. I need to concentrate to make sure I stay near target, not because it's difficult on the legs and lungs, but just because I'm not super familiar with how the pace feels.

    I'm near the IDA Park now and I'm running laps of it extended out by Garrycastle. The final step up to sub 3:00 is almost welcome because here I know that I have to put some effort in to hold pace, no risk of accidentally running too fast. However I see 4:09 pace (~6:40) on the Garmin and decide I'll try hold this rather than the planned 4:15 (~6:50). It goes fine. The 3 miles pass quickly and I'm done.

    Enjoyed this a solid 12 miles of running. Happy I gave the intervals a miss.

    3M @ 4:51 [7:49] for a 3:24:59 marathon
    3M @ 4:42 [7:34] for a 3:18:11 marathon
    3M @ 4:27 [7:10] for a 3:07:48 marathon
    3M @ 4:09 [6:40] for a 2:54:58 marathon

    Total 12.58M

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 6 Run 3 - Short Hill Climb

    I had scheduled a 5x600 session for after work on Friday. In theory afterwork should have been around 5pm, in reality it was 8:30pm. I wasn't in the mood anymore for intervals, still needed to pack and knew I had to leave for the airport at 4am. I knocked the idea of running on the head.

    Arrived in Italy today. Had around an hour of sleep last night. Took a short nap here in the late afternoon before starting a running streak at altitude. My go to route, down to Baresi and back up through Roncobello to Capovalle before descending to Roncobello again. Very humid sticky conditions. Sweat buckets. Hamstring felt fine throughout. Will take a few days to acclimatise.

    In other news I checked the DCM HM. Decided I would enter and then when I return to register I discover it sold-out on Wednesday! I'm out of sync with races this year.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:17
    Up 2.25M @ 9:43 (Climb in 21:52)
    Down 1.24M @ 7:11

    Total 4.47M @ 8:42

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 6 Run 4 - 2 x Short Hill Climb

    No long run this week and low running mileage. All the same today was a demanding one on the legs. Went on a hike this morning climbing up 800m in mostly humid conditions. Wasn't rushing but round trip took around 4.5 hours. Took a 45min nap then summoned up the energy to lace up this afternoon. Same route as yesterday but 2 laps today.

    Humid again but not as bad as yesterday. The first ascent felt relatively ok. On the descent though I could detect some feedback from the right hamstring/glute. May have overworked it today. The second ascent felt tougher than the first but was still completed a few seconds faster. Soaked in sweat. Hammer was fine on both ascents.

    Will move to the flatter trails tomorrow.

    Down 0.97M @ 8:38
    Up 2.24M @ 9:45
    Down 2.24M @ 7:37
    Up 2.25M @ 9:34
    Down 1.26M @ 7:34

    Total 8.97M @ 8:44

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 1 - Easy 6 Miles Largely Trail

    Put on the Dynafits for this one. Two laps of mixed surface, trail and asphalt. Most of the trail is flat (in fact I'm thinking of several back and forths along the trail next weekend to register a long run). The first kilometre, to reach the flat trail, is a killer though with over 100m of steep climb. At points it is as if you are running up steps. Gets the lungs working. I'm pleased to note that it feels easier than previous years. Maybe I have recent quad work to thank.

    Again the descents are where I feel some discomfort, otherwise all ok. No feedback when climbing. Slow overall pace.

    6.03M @ 9:30.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 2 - Short Hill Climb [PB]

    Short run this evening but satisfying. My usual Baresi to Capovalle climb. Glute felt better on descents today. I tip down to Baresi. Turn at the church and start my ascent. After 500m or so I feel fairly strong. I decide to push a little. There's only so much you can push on these climbs without going into red. It feels like 5% to 8% more effort than usual. I know my PB on this climb is a low 20:XX. I try to beat it. I can tell I'm doing well by the time I return to Roncobello. Stride feels good. Lungs are working put I'm in control.

    Head down on the steeper sections. Over halfway up I reckon I could drop the effort and still have a shot at a PB, but I don't drop effort and keep plugging away. Metres pass quickly. Soon I'm hitting the lap button behind the church in Capovalle.

    See 19:46 on the Garmin. Nice one. Segment time on Strava is 19:44. Also top another shorter segment. Glute feels much better on descent as well. All round a good run.

    On Strava the 2.24M climb carries an average gradient of 7.3%.

    Down 0.98M @ 8:17
    Up 2.24M @ 8:48
    Down 1.27M @ 7:25

    Total 4.49M @ 8:18

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 3 - 10x200m @ 3K pace

    Hungry for some faster running I opted for some hill repeats. Normally I do 20x200 but given recent hammer and glute issues I decided to halve this to 10x200. Target was 5K pace and I wouldn't check the Garmin during the session.

    A warm-up to Capovalle and back down to my short straight hill, via Papa Giovanni XXlll. Then get stuck in. The first 5 I can feel some feedback from hammer. The second 5 I feel less. Being a hill session this is probably the most significant work-out that I've done since the hammer tear. Overall I'm happy, yes some feedback during early intervals but it felt ok for rest of day.

    The 9th interval was the fastest just because two runners had started up the hill before me (the were travelling at a steady pace as well) and so I clearly had to chase them down and zip past them.

    Checking splits afterwards I see I ran too fast, averaging 42.7 seconds per 200m, 3:33 min/km [5:42 min/mile], so 3K pace moreso than 5K pace.

    Relaxed cool-down back home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 4 - Long Hill Climb (1040m, unrelenting)

    Very pleased with how this went. I don't think I am as fit as I was this time 12 months ago and so I wasn't expecting nor trying to log a good time. I would have been very disappointed if I didn't break 1:20 for the climb, I would have been disappointed with a 1:19. I would have accepted a 1:18 and been happy with a 1:17. But instead I was thrilled to log a 27 second PB with a 1:16:32.

    Had company on this one as my sis-in-law joined on an electric bike. A 5K descent to the bridge that marks the starting point. Sunny but not too warm (yet). I pause for a few minutes by the bridge gathering myself mentally and then set off.

    Bridge to Baresi.
    First section I remember from previous years is particularly tricky with several switch-backs. Looking back down the valley it's clear how high you climb in a short time. Lungs already working to keep oxygen flowing. Legs working. Again I like to think that recent quad work and recent cycles have helped here. I swap from one side of the road to another to avoid the steepest part of the switch-backs. Not thinking too far ahead, there's a long way to go.

    Baresi to Capovalle
    This is a more familiar stretch. Sun is stronger now. I'm carrying a water-bottle and sip from it. The churchbells greet me in Roncobello. The 300m stretch through the village carries a lower gradient. I notice that my stride is faster than I'd expected along here. I'm not checking the Garmin at all. These climbs there is a very narrow pace range to play with, push and you quickly go into the red, relax and your stride becomes too heavy and unnatural. Negotiate another set of switch-backs as I near Capovalle. So far so good, but the toughest part is only now arriving.

    Capovalle to Mezzeno
    Shortly after Capovalle you enter the forest proper and enter your pain-cave proper. The toughest two stretches of road are near the start of the forest section. A very steep gradient along a straight section of road. At least 800m of climb before switch-back provides some fleeting relief. Them another even steeper gradient for the next 600m or so. Head down, sweat dropping from face, legs starting to feel a little jelly-like, heart beat elevated, huge temptation to stop running. But I don't and I reach the next turn and the gradient returns to just steep.

    Now it's a long series of switch-backs to navigate but mentally I know the worst is over. It's still very tough and draining and I'm still willing the end to arrive. The legs are sore now whenever the gradient increases. Eventually the last switch-back is behind me. A narrow stream crosses the road and I deliberately splash through it enjoying the fresh shock it gives my feet. Exit over the tree line and exit the pain-cave. Slowly the gradient drops and for the last 80ms it flattens allowing me to push to the fountain that marks my finishing line. Hit lap on the Garmin and cannot prevent a little fist-pump when I see I've knocked 27 seconds off my PB.

    That was tough, that was fun. Fresh fountain water. Chat with sis-in-law excited like I've just finished a race. She comments that PB is all the more welcome given my hammer issues. Then the descent back to Roncobello and I'm happy that glute feels much better on the downhill.

    Love this run.

    2017 Ascent in 1:17:24
    2018 Ascent in 1:16:59
    2019 Ascent in 1:16:32

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 5 - 'Easy' 4+ Miles

    There really isn't any 'easy' running here. Tried a new forest loop yesterday. There's a wide forest trail running from Costa (cluster of houses near Roncobello) up to Capovalle. Up until this year it used be very rocky, loose jagged rocks. Uncomfortable to walk on and I never entertained the idea of running it. This year they've compacted the trail though and so it opens a nice trail loop from Roncobello to Capovalle and back, up this path and back via the usual 'Strada Piana'.

    Put on the Dynafits for this one. In my head this was meant to be easy, but the first mile is a killer. The last 200m are steep steep, front of your foot only, incline, the last 20m just silly really, quad burning and lungs are busy searching for oxygen. After that yes the run is easy. Some careful downhill stretches to negotiate through the forest back to Roncobello.

    I toy with the idea of a second lap but opt against more quad-burning ascents, this is meant to be an easy run.

    M01 12:09 (Up!!)
    M02 09:10
    M03 09:23
    M04 12:23 (Down!!)

    Total 4.63M @ 10:23

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 6 - 'Easy' 4+ Miles

    Slept a lot last night but felt lethargic for most of the day. Not as sunny today, heavy air. Opted for a repeat of yesterday's short trail loop. The first mile with its cruel climb really defines this run. I contemplated a second lap but some hammer-feedback on the descent made me abandon that idea. Like yesterday I just tag on some mini diversions at the end of the loop. Dynafits allow a really smooth ride and brilliant grip on the downhills, I really don't do them justice back home.

    Only three more runs here. I'm thinking a double Baresi-Capovalle run tomorrow. One last short trail run in the Dynafits on Monday (might try the loop in the opposite direction) and a Roncobello - Mezzeno climb on Tuesday.

    M01 11:39
    M02 08:45
    M03 09:23
    M04 10:18

    Total 4.89M @ 9:51

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 7 Run 7 - 2 x Short Hill Climb

    Lazy in the morning so postponed this one until the afternoon. Wished I hadn't, hot day here and I could feel the cumulative heat of the day rising from the asphalt. That and a hot sun on my neck made this one uncomfortable. Certainly for the first ascent.

    Heavy legs, don't think I could have completed a Valsecca - Mezzeno today. On a tough first ascent I'm already not looking forward to the second. However the second feels marginally easier than the first and it is a few seconds quicker. Plus both ascents are completed faster than last Sunday but off the same effort: today 21:07 and 20:54 while last Sunday's were 21:50 and 21:32.

    Total 9.00M @ 8:23

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 8 Run 1 - Easy 4 Miles, mostly trail

    Last trail run of this visit. I ran the Strada Piana - Costa loop clockwise for a change and it makes a big difference. Yes the first mile is still an 11 minute steep climb but it's not as ridiculous as the first mile on an anticlockwise run. Continue under tree-cover to Capovalle and then descend down the wider forest trail on the other side. The really steep section here I take slowly on the descent, so happy I'm not 'running' up it. On the Strava elevation profile this descent looks pretty much like a wall. Pass dogs, sheep, pigs, goats and horses on this run. Finish with a short diversion up through Roncobello before rejoining the trail to complete the loop. Clockwise 2 laps is palatable, anticlockwise not so palatable. Eitherway I stopped after 1 lap, another medium long climb (4+ Miles) planned for tomorrow from Roncobello up to Mezzeno.

    Total 4.24M @ 9:33

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 8 Run 2 - Medium Hill Climb

    Closed this summer's hill running with 4.07 miles of steady climb. Ran from Roncobello up to Mezzeno and back down. Overcast conditions and it had been raining earlier in the morning. I had this climb pretty much entirely to myself. Once I ascended up beyond Capovalle and into the forest I think only one car overtook me. I wasn't watching the Garmin and I just let the legs set the pace. I focused on just enjoying the run, breathing in the air, noting the smells, and tried to savour this last run here for a while.

    As always the tricky section is the two unrelenting straights shortly after entering the forest. I've less miles in my legs today so while these stretches hurt, they are a little more manageable than last Thursday. Hammer is fine the whole way up.

    Once I complete the climb (in 46:03) I pause the watch for a while and take in the view. Cow bells ringing from nearby. Not as hot as previous days so skip the fountain water. Before my legs relax too much I start the Garmin again and head back down the way I came. Happily noting a lack of feedback from the hamstring and glute.

    That's that. Eleven consecutive days of running here see me ascend a total of 14530 feet or 4429 meters (around 4 and a quarter ascents of Carrauntoohill). Legs and lungs will surely benefit from this series of runs.

    4.07M Up @ 11:18
    4.09M Down @ 7:09

    Total 8.16M @ 9:14

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 8 Run 3 - MLR 12+ Miles

    On a mostly overcast Thursday evening on grey and unremarkable roads on the outskirts of Athlone, Roncobello seems very very far away and very very long ago.

    Out late after work. Legs feeling very heavy and wooden. I don't check the watch at all for this run and just travel at a comfortable pace. I think yesterday's day off after an 11 day running streak has seen the legs start to cease up. They are not happy to be called back into action. I run my usual routes around and through Athlone. Run from dusk into dark on this one. At one point I smell coal fire burning. One of my favourite smells but preferably not one to note in August.

    Happy to finish this one. I won't be running track or tempo until next week, but this week I do plan on running my first 20 miler of this cycle.

    Total 12.56M @ 8:24

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 8 Run 4 - Easy 4 Miles

    With a 20 miler planned for Sunday I took it easy Saturday morning. Out a little after 8:00 for 4 gentle miles around the neighbourhood. Couldn't have managed anything much more strenuous, legs felt very heavy and unresponsive. Hard to imagine them loosening up my tomorrow.

    Did spend a good chunk of the afternoon walking around Newbridge House and grounds so hopefully that will help.

    Total 4.06M @ 8:31

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 8 Run 5 - Long Run 20M Easy Progression

    Couldn't stomach a vanilla 20 so I set this up as a workout on the Garmin with 5 blocks of 4 miles each. Each block would target a different marathon finishing time, the final block would be run at target MP for a sub 3:10.

    After Saturday's heavy legs I eased myself into this one with the first block targeting a 3:49 marathon. The subsequent blocks would target 3:39, 3:29, 3:19 and 3:09 finishing times. Last summer I ran a similar 20 miler but started with 3:39 and worked down to 2:59. I'm not quite ready for a repeat of that just yet, but it will be revisited probably in a month's time.

    Targeting 3:49 - Actual 3:46. Kilmainham - Rathmines - Ranelagh
    Found this block particularly tricky, pace was just awkward to maintain, felt unnaturally slow. Told myself it was all about mileage and would leave me fresh for the rest of the run.

    Targeting 3:39 - Actual 3:37. Donnybrook - Sandymount - Ballsbridge
    Happy to step up the pace. Still felt easy. Need to go for a pee and there's no where about for a while, makes the run a bit uncomfortable. Blocked at a level crossing for a few minutes.

    Targeting 3:29 - Actual 3:27. Ballsbridge - Stephen's Green - SCR - Dolphin's Barn
    First block where I need to concentrate, at least initially on not running too slow. I soon settle into pace, it feels natural and confortable. I'm aware though that the miles are starting to add up and I'm just a little apprehensive about the next 2 gear shifts.

    Targeting 3:19 - Actual 3:17. Rialto - Islandbridge - Chapelizod - Knockmaroon
    Take a gel at the start of this block. A nice distraction. Need for a pee has passed. The opening section of this block is mostly downhill so I quickly find pace. However when I turn onto the Chapelizod Road at Islandbridge and start running into a moderate headwind I find myself working for the first time. I'm happy with my decision not to try repeat last summer's pace blocks. The last mile of this block features an ascent of Knockmaroon, at the base I was travelling at 4:40 min/km, 7:30 min/mile, by the top this had dropped to 4:44 [7:37]. By the time I enter the Park and arrive onto Furze I'm back up to 4:40 again.

    Targeting 3:09 - Actual 3:07. Phoenix Park - Park Gate - Kilmainham
    Take gel number 2 along Furze. The jump in pace is surprisingly easy. It helps that I turn down Chesterfield and then down the Khyber. Have to work again on the ascent up Wellington. Another climb along the final mile from Heuston along St.John's Road, but I feel fairly strong and the pace doesn't flag.

    Happy with how this went. Felt stronger than I did on the two recent 18 milers, but I did have an easier start today.

    Cycled around 5 or 6 miles later in the day and the legs felt good.
    • Miles 01 to 04 in 34:28 @ 8:37
    • Miles 05 to 08 in 33:07 @ 8:17
    • Miles 09 to 12 in 31:38 @ 7:55
    • Miles 13 to 16 in 30:08 @ 7:32
    • Miles 17 to 20 in 28:39 @ 7:10

    Total 20.05M @ 7:54

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    outforarun wrote: »
    DCM Week 8 Run 5 - Long Run 20M Easy Progression

    Couldn't stomach a vanilla 20 so I set this up as a workout on the Garmin with 5 blocks of 4 miles each. Each block would target a different marathon finishing time, the final block would be run at target MP for a sub 3:10.

    Happy with how this went. Felt stronger than I did on the two recent 18 milers, but I did have an easier start today.

    Cycled around 5 or 6 miles later in the day and the legs felt good.
    • Miles 01 to 04 in 34:28 @ 8:37
    • Miles 05 to 08 in 33:07 @ 8:17
    • Miles 09 to 12 in 31:38 @ 7:55
    • Miles 13 to 16 in 30:08 @ 7:32
    • Miles 17 to 20 in 28:39 @ 7:10

    Total 20.05M @ 7:54

    Super way to do a progression run.

    Amazing how we cant face a vanilla 18/20m but can do the same distance at a faster pace with 'no bother'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Super way to do a progression run.
    Amazing how we cant face a vanilla 18/20m but can do the same distance at a faster pace with 'no bother'.

    Thanks. I know, in so many ways this sport is all in the head. Either break the route into blocks each with its own target, or run a completely new route are I find the best alternatives to straight vanilla.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 9 Run 1 - Easy 4 Miles

    Could only find a window late in the evening for this one. I’d eaten beforehand as well so carried a full stomach with me. Surprisingly the legs weren’t heavy and even had some bounce in them. Kept it easy. Most memorable thing about this run were two guys dancing in the middle of the street in Inchicore to very loud dance music coming from their parked car. After the watershed this run.

    Total 4.21M @ 8:46

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 9 Run 2 – MLR 10M with 5x600s in 2:08s

    Not staying in Athlone this week so I opted for the Polo Grounds on Wednesday night for a short session. Haven’t run fast in a while and decided for a relatively easy 5x600s.

    These felt considerably easier than recent 600s and 800s. The splits were also much improved. I wonder do the Polo Grounds flatter on the Garmin the same way a track does. I guess I’ll find out next week when I'm manually splitting back on the track. First time running a proper session on the Polo Grounds and first time that I can recall running a session on grass.

    Once the fast bits were done I took the long way home, turning this run into an MLR. I need to keep weekly mileage topped up. Legs a bit tired (because of the 600s?) during the return home.

    All told an encouraging run.

    Interval 1 in 2:09.36
    Interval 2 in 2:09.18
    Interval 3 in 2:09.19
    Interval 4 in 2:07.27
    Interval 5 in 2:06.95

    Total 10.52M @ 8:08

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 9 Run 3 - Easy 5 Miles

    Had to be inventive to find a window to run today. Worked on the train to Cork dressed in running gear (with tracksuit bottoms). Off with the tracksuit as we enter the station. Out the station door and on the road straight away. High tide in the Lee. Run to my sister's, a handy 5 miles. Footfall feeling a little flat.

    Total 5.11M @ 8:11.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 9 Run 4 – Tempo 4 Miles

    Out a little after 7:30 on Saturday morning for this one. Good running conditions, dry, no breeze to deal with, fresh and not humid. The legs feel heavy though as I run my warm-up. Mentally I was looking forward to this run, I no longer have that apprehension ahead of tempo pace that I did over the last couple of months when I was building back up to 4 miles unbroken tempo. I’m not convinced though that the legs are looking forward to this run. I’ve chosen my Monahan Road, Centre Park Road loop, running around the outside of the stadium an onto The Marina for a short stretch. My starting point is the bus-stop immediately at the Northwest corner of Kennedy Park. Hit the lap button on the Garmin.

    Target pace is 3:55 [6:18] to 4:00 [6:26]. I’m immediately running faster than target as I head down Monahan Road for the first time. Start to ease off gently and I’m on target when I turn into the plaza around the stadium. Loop round the east end and up the exit onto The Marina. Pace has dropped to 3:58 [6:23] now so I push a little to ensure it doesn’t keep dropping. Keep a slight push on as I run the length of Centre Park Road. Turn left back onto Monahan Road and start into my second lap. I know this lap won’t be a full one but I can’t remember exactly where the 4 miles will be completed.

    Garmin is beeping too-fast, on-target, too-fast, on target as I run along Monahan Road. Overtake one runner along here so the pace stays fast side of target. Around the stadium for the second time and I push up the short hilly exit. Checking the Garmin I realise I’m nearly done. The first part of Centre Park Road is downhill so the pace continues to stay strong. The Garmin sounds the end of the 4 miles at the intersection with Marquee Road.

    That was good. The last mile and a bit my breathing suggested I was running VO2 more so than Tempo, but then again I was running a little faster than target. I’ll run another one or two of these 4 miles tempos before moving up to 5 miles. A little feedback from the hammer on the cool-down but it was fine for the rest of the day. Enjoyed that.

    2.69M @ 9:06
    4.00M @ 6:17
    2.67M @ 8:14

    Total 9.36M @ 7:39

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 9 Run 5 – Long Run 16 Miles

    Out just before 7am but still a little later than planned so needed to reduce this one from 18 miles to 16 and a bit. Conditions were good, like yesterday but probably a little chillier. I spent the opening 3 or 4 miles running and squinting into the sunrise so I never felt cold.

    I headed from town to Glanmire. Then ran up the 8 degree incline of Church Hill as I head for Mayfield. Sun fully up now and looks like it’ll be a beautiful day. Another climb up to Montenotte and from there it’s all downhill to the City Centre. I follow the Lee Walkway to the Mardyke before heading out the first half of the Carrigrohane Road and turning left to join the Model Farm Road and run back toward where I started to complete a loop of over 16 miles.

    Legs never felt very light on this one. Footfall felt a bit flat. I realise I’ll need a new pair of Asterias before DCM, I’ve already over 260 miles on this pair. Back to 20 miles for next Sunday’s long run.

    M01 8:45
    M02 8:17
    M03 8:08
    M04 7:55
    M05 8:07
    M06 8:35
    M07 8:22
    M08 7:34
    M09 7:34
    M10 7:31
    M11 7:31
    M12 7:25
    M13 7:40
    M14 7:31
    M15 7:41
    M16 7:36

    Total 16.22M @ 7:53
