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2012 4 Races for 4 PBs



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 10 Run 1 – Easy 4 Miles

    Started the week with a lunchtime run on Monday. Wet and breezy conditions. Usual route up the Khyber and back around the playing fields. Legs felt ok. Break 1100 miles for the year. Usually much further ahead mileage wise at this point but hamstring recovery put a huge dent in that.

    Total 4.02M @ 8:48

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 10 Run 2 – Easy 6 Miles

    Had hoped to get out earlier for 8 miles but work dragged on. Got out later for 6 miles. Legs felt super heavy. Sitting at a desk all day will do that. Headed out Chapelizod Road to Chapelizod Gate and into the Park. Once I'd got to the top of Acres the legs started to feel less heavy. Happy to let gravity assist on the descent down to Islandbridge Gate.

    Total 6.24M @ 8:46

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 10 Run 3 – 5x800 in 2:54s

    This was my third set of 800s since resuming training proper after hamstring tear. First set averaged in 2:58s, second set 2:56s and now 2:54s. Clear progress. Even more encouraging was that this set didn't feel as demanding as the previous two. I've lost the recent dread ahead of tempos, and now with Wednesday's run I've lost the dread ahead of 800s.

    Run an MLR, run 600s, it's too dark, it's too windy, you've been up since 6am. Usual mental mess ahead of this one but I ignored the voices and got on with it.

    Felt more comfortable than usual right from the start. I saw 1:28 showing each time I checked my 400m split, so I was negative splitting the 800s. Moderate headwind on the back straight.

    Recovery laps were around 2:05. The last recovery was longer because of tonight's training group deciding to turn clockwise around the track. Accordingly I ran the last 800 clockwise. Overtaking the others. On the final back straight one runner draws level with me. I push a little he doesn't. This little interaction made the last 200m pass in a flash.

    Pleased with this and for the first time in a while I can say I'm looking forward to next track session.

    Interval 1 in 2:55.32
    Interval 2 in 2:53.67
    Interval 3 in 2:52.18
    Interval 4 in 2:55.19
    Interval 5 in 2:54.80

    Average 800 in 2:54.23
    Pace 3:38 min/km [5:51 min/mile]

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 10 Run 4 – Easy 8 Miles (mostly trail and grass)

    Had planned on a 4 or 5 miler late Friday afternoon, but work meetings dragged on and my window was gone. Didn't get back to Dublin until gone 8:30 and I didn't have the will-power to get out. Cooked, ate and settled on sofa.

    Out Saturday at lunchtime in the Dynafits. Headed over to the Park and stuck as much as I could to grass and trail. I'd cycled a short 7 miles just before this run but the legs felt fine. I feel lighter and more nimble in the Dynafits, but I also suspect they could induce blisters if I run for too long on them, maybe it's just because I wear them so infrequently.

    Had what felt like lower back strain later in the day, hope it passes. Bed earlyish on Saturday night as I need to finish my scheduled 20 miler inside 9am.

    M01 9:06
    M02 8:39
    M03 8:33
    M04 8:05
    M05 7:46
    M06 7:36
    M07 7:46
    M08 7:55

    Total 8.37M @ 8:08

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 10 Run 5 – Progression 20 Miles

    Still mostly dark out when I started this one. Up around 5:30. Get ready slowly, some stretches, wore Skins under-vest for the first time in a long while. Packed 2 gels and carried a 500ml bottle of water. On the road at 6:15.

    So two weeks I divided my 20 miler into 5 blocks of 4 miles, each block demanding a slightly faster pace than the previous as I targeted paces for marathon finishing times of 3:49, 3:39, 3:29, 3:19 and 3:09. Today I would use the same format but dial up the paces slightly targeting finishing times of 3:44, 3:34, 3:24, 3:14 and 3:04. Meaning I'd be running miles 17 to 20 at faster than goal marathon pace.

    Block 1 - 4M in 33:46 for a marathon finishing time of 3:41
    The Garmin behaves predictably for the first block. For the opening half mile or so it tells me I'm travelling to slow, then as I run along the canal it beeps that I'm in range and then shortly afterwards it tells me I'm travelling too fast, then that I'm travelling even faster. The remainder of the block is spent trying to drop the pace, but I still end up running faster than intended.

    Block 2 - 4M in 32:09 for a marathon finishing time of 3:30
    Nice seascape at this hour along Sandymount. Step up in pace is fine. Again the Garmin tells me I'm going too fast. I make some effort to ease off but also on this block I finish too fast. Fine now but I hope I don't regret this later.

    Block 3 - 4M in 30:35 for a marathon finishing time of 3:20
    I get a too slow alert in mile 2 of this block and need to refocus, I'd relaxed a little too much. I need to maintain some concentration now. Legs are still feeling ok. Head back toward Rialto along the SCR. Wearing the Glycerins for this one and they feel comfortable, nice bounce n my step.

    Block 4 - 4M in 29:20 for a marathon finishing time of 3:12
    The run only really starts when block 4 starts. I up the pace by the Children's Hospital site. Take my first gel here. PowerBar Vanilla, very sweet but also very welcome. The descent from Kilmainham down past the Hilton and down to Islandbridge sees me travelling too quick but I know the pace will drop as I head out Chapelizod Road. The defining moment of this block is as always the ascent of Knockmaroon. I always try to be travelling a little ahead of target pace when I reach the base of the climb, as it will always knock at least 2 or 3 seconds off average pace. I reach the top inside target and not too out of breath. Stay strong and I also finish this block ahead of target.

    Block 5 - 4M in 27:34 for a marathon finishing time of 3:00
    Gel number 2. I immediately see I'm going too fast. I ease up a little, but in general I'm happy to continue a little faster than planned, provided it feels ok. Up Furze then down Chesterfield and the the Khyber. I'm travelling at sub 3 marathon pace now but I know that will change. Up Wellington, out ParkGate, swing around Heuston and start into the final mile along the drag up St John's Road. Pace drops a little here and then recovers over the final metres home.

    Pleased with this. Didn't feel any more difficult than 2 weeks ago despite the higher paces. Great to get this done before 9am. In 2 weeks I plan to run a third 20 mile progression, probably on the same route for comparative reasons. This time I'll tweak the paces by another 5 mins so I suspect I'll be more cautious over the opening blocks.

    Walked around Howth Head later in the morning on a blackberry forage. Legs tired but functioning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 11 Run 1 – Easy 4 Miles

    A working from home lunchtime run in a particularly quiet Phoenix Park. Legs feeling fine after yesterday. The lower back pain from Saturday is also gone.
    Headed up the Khyber, down Acres and around by the Fort. I forgot to hit start on the Garmin at the start of this one and lost around 3 mins of running, so I tagged on some mini-diversions on the way home to make sure I hit 4 miles.

    M01 9:30
    M02 8:56
    M03 8:30
    M04 8:41

    Total 4.18M @ 8:51

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 11 Run 2 – Easy 6+ Miles

    More mental fatigue from work. At a certain point I just log-off, I could be sitting at work for 24 hours straight and still not be falling further behind.

    Head out to clear the head. Fresh evening. Head to the Park via Heuston and Infirmary Road. Then head up North Road as far as the Mountjoy Roundabout. Go off road here and follow the trail all the way down Chesterfield. Turn right at the bottom roundabout and head home via Islandbridge Gate. Legs felt good during run and head felt better for it. Getting dark now before 8pm, not too many evening runs left in the Park.

    M01 9:21
    M02 8:26
    M03 8:11
    M04 8:15
    M05 8:08
    M06 7:58

    Total 6.82M @ 8:22

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 11 Run 3 – MLR 10 Miles with 5x600m (in 2:07s)

    This was good. I have my usual Wednesday evening post work apathy to deal with before lacing up and heading out. Three mile warm-up then it's the track for 5x600m. The first two 600s were a little disappointing, they both logged 2:10s and on both occasions I felt I was travelling quicker.

    There's quite a few runners on the track tonight. Again the group is, I think, racing 400ms with staggered handicap based starts. For intervals 3 and 4 I have runners on my shoulder, the difference this makes is noticeable. I gradually ease past some of the faster runners and I cannot then relent. I don't check them but I reckon my 400m splits were healthy on these two intervals. Intervals 3 and 4 both show 2:04s. I don't have any pacers on the final 600 and accordingly the split is slower, a high 2:08.

    Shows the benefit of running sessions in a group I guess. Fastest set of 600s since the hamstring tear.

    Interval 01 in 2:10.46 @ 3:37min/km [5:50min/mile]
    Interval 02 in 2:10.01 @ 3:37min/km [5:49min/mile]
    Interval 03 in 2:04.27 @ 3:27min/km [5:33min/mile]
    Interval 04 in 2:04.13 @ 3:27min/km [5:33min/mile]
    Interval 05 in 2:08.99 @ 3:35min/km [5:46min/mile]

    Average 600 in 2:07.57 @ 3:33min/km [5:42min/mile]

    I left the track and kept running, ensuring I logged a 10 miler this evening. Determined to break 50 miles this week, the first of hopefully 5 or 6 consecutive 50 mile weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 11 Runs 4,5 and 6

    Work consuming my energy and time at the moment so haven't updated as often as I'd have liked.

    Very Easy 4 Miles

    For the second Friday in a row, Friday afternoon meetings insured I missed my Athlone window. This week I managed to summon the will power to get out once I got back to Dublin. Took it very very easy. Gentle trip around Inchicore and Kilmainham. Ran the new road that cuts through St.Jame's.

    4.00M @ 9:05

    Tempo 5 Miles

    Last Saturday was a gem of a day. Indian summer blue skies and warm sun. I headed to the playing fields at lunch time. Had said previously that I'd run another 4 mile tempo before pushing up to 5 miles. But I changed my mind. Bit the bullet and gave 5 miles a shot. It was fine, glad I tried it. The first 3 and half miles were very manageable. I only really felt tested over the last 1.5 miles. I'm very close to being back in 10K tempo shape, which has been a goal since tearing the hammer in March. I won't push up to it yet, I will for sure run another 5 miler first, but I do plan on a 10K tempo before DCM. Would give be a lot of confidence.

    1.89M @ 9:07
    5.00M @ 6:19
    1.73M @ 7:58

    Total 8.62M @ 7:16

    Long Run 18 Miles

    Back with the Donore Group for the first time in months. Good to have company for a long one. Happy to feel comfortable running at the front of the pack. Lots and lots of DCM discussion. It's getting close. I still feel I'm mileage poor, certainly compared to others. But with this run I log 51 for the week, first 50+ week of this training block (after several high 40s). If I can string 4 or 5 weeks like this together and keep the Sunday's at 18 and upwards then I'll be happy.

    Legs were fine but did tire a bit over the last 3 or 4 miles, I suspect some residual fatigue from Saturday's tempo.

    18.09M @ 7:36

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 12 Runs 1,2 and 3

    Easy 4 Miles

    Two wet dreary grey miserable Monday lunchtime runs in a row. At least they allow me escape from the desk for a while, clear the head. This week's Monday run brings me past 1200 miles for the year.

    Total 4.07M @ 8:40

    Easy 6+ Miles

    A copy of last week's Tuesday route. Legs feeling a little tired this evening. Pace was a little faster than of late but effort was definitely easy. Beautiful evening after another unexpectedly sunny and warm day. There surely cannot be too many more of these left in the year.

    Total 6.78M @ 8:16

    MLR 10 Miles with 5x600

    Had to travel back unexpectedly from Athlone Wednesday evening so no track this week. Instead I ran my interval session around the playing fields this evening. If it had been Wednesday I would have run 5x800 but being Thursday and with a tough 20 mile progression planned for early Sunday morning, I opted for an easier 5x600 session. Just as well, because these felt surprisingly tough. The polo grounds two weeks ago were 'easy' and run in 2:08s, last week I ran a set on the track in 2:07s, but tonight felt tougher than both those sessions, and I was rewarded with a set in 2:10s. Not reading anything into this.

    I continued for a few more miles afterwards to bring up 10 miles for this mid-weeker.

    Average 600 in 2:10.72 @ 3:38min/km [5:51min/mile]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    April Review

    Going to try get these monthly reviews back up to date. Looking back at April.
    So taking the last week of March as a rest week after tweaking my hamstring, I returned to some easy running in the first week of April. Bit disappointed to feel the hammer after first few steps of first run back. At the end of the week's running I decided extra rest was required and took two further weeks off.

    An encouraging first run back in Limerick, but the hammer was still providing feedback, more and more as the week progressed. I booked a physio appointment, earliest I could get was for the start of May.

    In the meantime I stupidly continued running and even risked some short sessions down in Milan. Hammer was very stiff at start of some runs. Became properly concerned at the end of this week. I've never had an injury that has persisted this long. Last run of April was an easy 4 miler around Inchicore and Kilmainham. It would be 20 days before I laced up again :(

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 155.81 | 5.02 | 35.18 | 5.02 | 35.18 | 1835
    February | 151.36 | 5.41 | 37.84 | 5.21 | 36.44 | 1900
    March | 136.86 | 4.41 | 30.90 | 4.93 | 34.54 | 1801
    April | 83.09 | 2.77 | 19.39 | 4.39 | 30.75 | 1603
    May | | | | | |
    June | | | | | |
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I love the fact that you are doing an April review in September!

    Its the little things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    I love the fact that you are doing an April review in September!

    Its the little things.

    Been so so busy at work these last 14 months that I'm constantly chasing my tail. I slept a little better this week knowing the April itch had been scratched.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 12 Runs 4 and 5

    Easy 9 Miles

    For the third consecutive Friday, work and work meetings steal away my afternoon running window. Didn't get home until after 9pm. I had planned on running 4 or 5 Friday and 4 or 5 on Saturday. Instead I'd run 9 Saturday.

    Another warm bright day. I don't look at the watch as I tip about. The towpath to Chapelizod, run up to Knockmaroon where I turn right and merge with the Half Marathon field. Speed naturally increases as I run up OS Road. I leave the roads behind and follow the perimeter trail for a while before joining the HM crowd again as I run down Acres. I head for the Fort, exist at Islandbridge and return home.

    Pace felt easy all the way round, two sub 7:30 miles snuck in there as well.

    Total 9.03M @ 8:07

    Progression Run 20 Miles

    Sunday's run had been looming for a while. The last and the toughest of my series of 3 progressively more difficult progression runs. I repeat my usual formula of 5 blocks of 4 miles with each block targeting a particular marathon finishing time. Today I'd be targeting times of 3:39, 3:29, 3:19, 3:05 and 2:59.

    I had planned on running this very early, before the Scotland game, but I set up the alarm incorrectly and woke too late. Ran instead in the mid-afternoon. I follow the same route as on my previous two 20 milers. Bit more traffic at this time of the day but it doesn't get in the way, no traffic lights stopped me but I did hit have one pause at a level crossing.

    Miles 01 to 04 in 33:03 for a 3:36:38 marathon
    Usual gentle opening section where I warm-up and mentally prepare for the long run ahead. As always the challenge involves not running too fast. Legs felt heavy over the first couple of miles and I was a little concerned about how they would cope later, but come mile 4 they already felt better.

    Miles 05 to 08 in 31:37 for a 3:27:10 marathon
    The opening profile of this block is mostly downhill so the transition is easy. For the first 2 miles I have to ease up a little. A 2 minute pause to let the DART pass and soon after I reach the sea. Pace falls inside target range and I hold it there comfortably until Ballsbridge.

    Miles 09 to 12 in 30:00 for a 3:16:39 marathon
    The start of this block features a detour through Herbert Park. I know that the Garmin will tell me I'm travelling to slow at the start, I think it might be the tree cover. The 'too slow' alert arrives, I push a little but know not to get concerned and know that the Garmin will soon see me back on target. I'm still feeling comfortable. Join the SCR to head out of town, bit of a drag along. I'm surprised to see that I'm travelling a few seconds faster than planned, doesn't feel like it.

    Miles 13 to 16 in 28:37 for a 3:07:35 marathon
    The hard work starts in Rialto. I take a gel and that helps take my mind of the jump in pace. The descent from Kilmainham down to Islandbridge also helps ease me into this block. I expect the long stretch out along the Chapelizod Road to feel draining but it actually goes fine. I can tell I've been running for over 12 miles, but the legs are manging fine with the new pace.

    Knockmaroon arrives on mile 16. I keep strong on the climb, aiming for a segment PB (and getting it) on Strava. I'm still in target range as I crest the hill. I enter the park at Knockmaroon and continue at marathon pace until half way down Furze.

    Miles 17 to 20 in 27:01 for a 2:57:03 marathon
    This is what the previous 16 miles have been building up to. I up the pace on Furze and take on a second gel. I start too fast, which I'm happy about, and allow myself ease off very slightly. Turn down Chesterfield and down the Khyber. I'm travelling faster than target but I know that the last two miles feature the climb up Wellington Road and the drag along St.John's Road, so I'm happy to bank time early on.

    Wellington is managed fairly comfortably. Some respite down to Parkgate. Then I make sure to stay strong over the last mile and a bit. I don't ease off along the St.John's Road drag. Glance every so often at the Garmin and I know I'm going to hit my goal.

    Total 20.04M @ 7:31

    Very pleased with this run. I ran the same session last year but the legs faltered on the final block and I couldn't hold sub 3:00 pace. Admittedly it was much hotter last year and I'd run a session on the day before.

    Really pleased to have strung four 6:4X paced miles together at the end of this. Also the average pace of the last 14 miles is inside target pace for DCM, nice confidence booster.

    Enjoyed these three 20 mile progression runs. I've signed up for the 15 mile Cork-2-Cobh on the first Sunday of October and the plan is to run it at sub 3:05 marathon pace. That will be my last long session ahead of DCM. I hope to get two more vanilla long runs in, of 20 to 22 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 13 Runs 1, 2 and 3

    Easy 5 Miles

    Headed out after work for an easy 5 miler. Curious to see how the legs were after Sunday's efforts. Happy to discover that they were fine. Dusted down my old Kilmainham-Inchicore-Chapelizod-Heuston loop. First run in a while that was run in the dark from start to finish. Wore the Asterias for this as the Glycerins had been left under the rain and were now two heavy wet and cold sponges.

    Total 5.10M @ 8:50

    Easy 12 Miles

    I had planned a track session for Wednesday evening but in the end I opted out. I was feeling particularly jaded after my usual 6:00am rise and another long day in the office. Over 14 months of intense work are coming to their conclusion this weekend and I'm mentally wrecked. Running mostly keeps me sane but sometimes the mental fatigue translates into physical fatigue, I felt no guilt for skipping the track. I also reckon that after last Sunday's third of three 20 mile progression runs, this week could be seen as a recovery week of sorts.

    I still want to keep the miles ticking over though. Rain jacket on a wet and dark Athlone evening. Just tipped around my usual routes and didn't look at the pace for the whole 12 miles. A little surprised to see 8:43 as final average pace, felt it was a little faster, proof I guess that I was jaded.

    Total 12.36M @ 8:43

    Tempo 10000m (39:15) :)

    Still a little buzzed after this evening's run. Had a lie-in in Dublin this morning so no early rise (well 7:25am as opposed to 6:00am). Travelled to Athlone in the early afternoon and got out of work at 18:30. Didn't feel particularly tired and so decided I'd head for the track. I had been thinking about another 5 mile tempo but the temptation was strong to run 25 laps and push out to 10000m.
    I decided I'd complete 20 laps and then see how I felt.

    Had the track all to myself for this. The first 10 laps or so were run in fading light and the final laps were illuminated by the floodlights of the adjacent football pitch. Happy they didn't turn on the track floodlights just for me, not very green.

    So I knew that tempo pace meant lapping in 1:34 or 1:35. Took a lap or two to establish pace. I spotted myself vocally after each lap, the first lap was a 1:36 so I was 'One over after 1', the next was on target so I was 'One over after 2', I was 'Par after 7', and 'One under after 15', and so on and so on. saying the splits out loud helped me not lose count.

    In some ways the first 10 laps were the toughest. After that I settled into a very steady groove, the laps seemed to tick off quicker and quicker and the splits were improving. 20 laps completed and I was 'Four under after 20', I didn't for a moment think about stopping.

    Kept strong over the last 5 laps and ensured lap 25 was the fastest of the evening. I was working at the end but I wasn't 'hanging-on'. The closing miles felt more comfortable than those of the 5 mile tempo two weekends ago around the playing fields. I guess the track is that bit easier than the road. All the same I'm very pleased to have logged a 39:15 for the 10000m.

    When I tore my hammer back in March, my 10K Tempo was a kind of staple benchmark of my fitness. One of my recovery goals was to get back to a level where I could run a 39:XX 10K without going into the red. This evening I covered the distance in that fashion and it felt 'comfortable'. I will try one more of these before DCM, but it'll be on the road, which I expect will demand a little more effort.

    400m splits were

    01 in 1:36.50
    02 in 1:34.71
    03 in 1:35.71
    04 in 1:34.36
    05 in 1:34.36
    06 in 1:34.01
    07 in 1:33.74
    08 in 1:34.36
    09 in 1:34.09
    10 in 1:34.46
    11 in 1:34.26
    12 in 1:34.17
    13 in 1:34.01
    14 in 1:34.05
    15 in 1:33.67
    16 in 1:34.53
    17 in 1:34.96
    18 in 1:33.75
    19 in 1:34.56
    20 in 1:33.76
    21 in 1:33.86
    22 in 1:34.47
    23 in 1:33.97
    24 in 1:33.83
    25 in 1:32.14

    That was fun :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Great tempo. What are you going to go for at Dublin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Singer wrote: »
    Great tempo. What are you going to go for at Dublin?

    Thanks B. Third attempt for a 3:09, after two failed attempts (3:13 in CCM16 and 3:13 in DCM17). I feel cautiously confident this time round. First time running a marathon training block off my own slightly play it by ear week by week plan.
    Hit my goal and I can finally turn my attention to the big one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 13 Run 4

    3 Hour Long Run

    This one I'll remember for a while. Working over the weekend. In the office at 8:00. Will I get out at 14:00, no. Maybe by 16:00? No. Goes dark outside and I eventually get out at 20:15. Don't hesitate for a second. Into the gear and I'm on the road around 20:35. Three hours of uninspiring grind round an uninspiring loop of East Athlone. In total I complete 4 laps and then add on some bits to bring up the 3 hours. The real challenge here was mental. I've never run so long so late. Broke the run into 6 thirty minute blocks just cause I thought these would feel easier to tick off rather than 22 miles I estimated I'd cover.

    Footfall felt a bit flat for most of the night. I think I'll pick up a new pair of Asterias before race-day. These have around 350 miles on them already. Feels so strange to be on the road so late. I get one 'Run Forrest Run' (I knew they were going to say it). After 11 miles and half way in I wondered if the body would start to protest at this late exercise. Only on lap 4 did I feel some fatigue settling in, especially whenever I ran uphill. The last two miles I could feel the calves starting to tire. Ran past the office, lights still on inside.

    I'm happy I did feel some tiredness in the calves near the end. Haven't felt that in training yet and I believe it's the extra 30mins on the road that triggers it. Not sure I'll have time now for another 22 miler before raceday. In total I was on the road for 3hrs and 3mins, so just 6 mins less than what I hope to run on race-day.

    Really happy to hear the 3hrs beep on the Garmin. Ran a little longer just to be sure I hit 50 for the week (first time hitting 50 on a 4 run week). Proud of this one.

    Picked up a pizza in Domino's and some protein yoghurt and juice. Everything tasted so so good. Slept well.

    Total 22.65M @ 8:07

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 14 Runs 1 & 2

    Easy 4 Miles

    14 months of intense unrelenting work culminated today. First hours in office were run on adrenaline. Incredibly it was smiles all round and I was out at 18:15!

    Enjoyed this one. Light drizzle but running like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Slowly relaxing. Also so happy now that I ran the 22 miler Sunday night, otherwise it would have been a very very long and wet Monday night's running.

    Total 4.41M @ 8:54

    MLR 10M with 5x600 (in 2:08s)

    Legs didn't have much zip in them this evening. Three mile warm-up then join the track for a short set of 600s. Very busy track this evening, but at least they stuck to anti-clockwise laps this time. They were doing 4mins on 3mins off I think. One guy going fairly handy and overtakes me on occasion. The 600s as always are a little trickier than anticipated, I always underestimate them. Conditions were perfect (calm before the storm) didn't have any headwinds to manage. I reckon there is still some residual fatigue in the legs since Sunday night's efforts.

    600 Splits


    Average 2:08.26 that's 3:34min/km [5:44 min /mile]
    Average recovery in 91 seconds.

    After the track I tag on more miles, running in toward town and then back to where I started via Retreat and Cartrontroy Road.

    Lorenzo willing I'll be in Cork on Sunday morning for the Cork-2-Cobh 15 miler. Number came in the post this week. Aim is to run it at 3:04 marathon pace. So it's all easy miles from now until Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 14 Run 3

    Day 4 and 5 gremlins arriving at work. I had hopped to get some miles in yesterday, but didn't finish work until 20:40. After working 12 days straight often 10 hours a day or more, and having worked 19 of the last 20 days, I was shattered. This current intense period comes off the back of 14 months of unrelenting high intensity work.

    I really hope the worst is over. Anyway I just decided I was too tired to run yesterday evening. Out this morning for a lap of the park. Feels like forever since I last ran there. No plans just decided I'd let the legs decide the pace and I'd just follow them. Some heaviness after 2 days off. Got passed by another runner on mile 8 and got caught in their wake, fastest mile.

    I won't be hitting 50 miles this week, but if I'm happy after Cork-2-Cobh tomorrow then that'll be good enough for me.

    M1 @ 9:02
    M2 @ 8:11
    M3 @ 7:38
    M4 @ 7:31
    M5 @ 7:27
    M6 @ 7:46
    M7 @ 7:39
    M8 @ 7:15

    Total 8.02M @ 7:48

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    May Review

    Spent a lot of May thinking about what life could be like without running. Feeling a bit sorry for myself.

    The physio visits saved me. The certainty that she had that I was improving week by week and her lack of concern just made me tell myself not to be some glum about this, it's part of the game. She's seen hundreds of these (confirmed grade one hamstring tear), just happens to be my first one. I left every physio session feeling buoyed. The hammer feeling noticeably better at the end of the circuits.

    I also slowly began to accept and gain confidence running with that 'sensation' in the hammer. She reckons some scar tissue. The curl lifts starting with 6 kilo and working upwards were I feel key to restoring confidence in the leg.

    Only 5 runs in May. All short all easy and all largely run on grass. A little bit deflated on the first of these because I could still feel the hammer 2 months after the tear. But no pain, and as mentioned the physio visits helped me accept this.

    I give up on any notions of racing the HM in Cork, resigned to not running it as a session of some sort either. I'm just happy that the hammer is being cared for and that each day is bringing improvement. DCM is the goal I want to keep alive, to do that I need to be patient.

    Month | Monthly Miles | Daily mileage for month | Weekly Mileage for month | Daily mileage for year | Weekly mileage for year | Predicted yearly mileage
    January | 155.81 | 5.02 | 35.18 | 5.02 | 35.18 | 1835
    February | 151.36 | 5.41 | 37.84 | 5.21 | 36.44 | 1900
    March | 136.86 | 4.41 | 30.90 | 4.93 | 34.54 | 1801
    April | 83.09 | 2.77 | 19.39 | 4.39 | 30.75 | 1603
    May | 23.78 | 0.77 | 5.37 | 3.65 | 25.54 | 1332
    June | | | | | |
    July | | | | | |
    August | | | | | |
    September | | | | | |
    October | | | | | |
    November | | | | | |
    December | | | | | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 14 Run 4

    Cork-2-Cobh 15 Miler @ 3:03 Marathon Pace

    Gorgeous perfect conditions on Sunday morning for this. Sunny clear skies and it felt warm. Run from Western Road across to the race start. Drop gear-bag into mini-van and continue with a gentle warm-up. Sizeable crowd gathered for this one. There would be over 800 finishers. Little did I know back in January in Raheny that it would be 9 months before I'd find myself lining up again at a race start.

    Even though I'm not racing I still feel some pre-race jitters. The plan is to hold pace steady between 4:21 [7:00] and 4:23 [7:03]. We don't have to wait to long, the siren sounds and we're off.

    Miles 01 to 05 in 35:05
    Lots of congestion over the opening 500m or so. I hadn't realised I'd placed myself so far down the field. Spend the first few minutes weaving, braking, accelerating until I find myself free of the crowd and running in clear space.

    I settle into target pace and I'm happy that it feels very easy. Need to rein myself in, it feels so slow. Myself and a female runner swap places a few times along Tivoli and through the Dunkettle roundabout. After mile 4 though I don't see her anymore. Pace continues to feel very comfortable. I slowly pick off a few runners as we head towards Glounthane. So far so good.

    Miles 06 to 10 in 34:59
    Thankfully there is no headwind to deal with as we continue east away from Cork. A spectator calls out positions for female runners so I know that I'm running a few metres ahead of F7. Around 20 metres ahead is F6. Gradually pull closer to her over the next while. There are a few inclines to deal with along here and I do feel some increase in effort on these. I cannot just switch off and run on auto-pilot I now do need to concentrate to stay on pace. Whenever I've checked the Garmin it's shown 4:21 [7:00] or 4:22 [7:01] average.

    We swing right for Fota. Lots of runners known to the spectators. I like this tree lined section. I'm running mostly on my own. Around 30 metres ahead are a Watergrasshill singlet and a Midleton singlet. Near the entrance to the Wildlife Park we pass the 10 mile marker. A glance at the Garmin shows I'm just a few seconds over 70 mins. Steady progress.

    Miles 11 to 15 in 34:37
    These are always the most testing miles. Ten miles in the legs and now the hilliest section of the point to point. Legs are feeling the effort now. On the flats I'm fine but on the inclines I can feel some fatigue. I'm not being overtaken and I slowly pick off one or two runners. On a hill up ahead Midleton has dropped Watergrasshill. Soon enough I ease past Midleton. I feel a bit guilty that I'm not racing. Some runners are clearly hurting and I feel I should also be working at race effort. True also though that I'm not the only one using this to test pace ahead of DCM.

    After mile 13 I'm looking forward to the finishing line. Midleton is gradually coming back to me. More hills. Happy to pass the 14 mile marker. Pace is showing 4:21 [7:00] on the Garmin. With around 400ms to go I hear footsteps approaching from behind and I'm overtaken. Where'd he come from.

    Ignoring the fact that I'm not racing I up the pace. Overtake him with around 200m to go. I can tell I've a lot in the tank. I push to ensure I stay ahead of him. Another 100m and I would have caught Midleton. Pass under the race clock with 1:44:5X showing.

    That was good. Overall a definite confidence booster. I could have continued for few more miles at that pace if needed. It equated to a 3:03:00 marathon, so pretty much 7 minutes faster than what I'll be targeting in 3 weeks time. A 3:09:XX is there or thereabouts. Next year I hope to be targeting sub 100 mins for Cork-2-Cobh.

    Enjoy the sunshine before hopping on a train back toward town.

    (P74 of 809 finishers)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM Week 15

    Last week was largely a recovery week.

    Easy 10 Miles
    Was in Athlone on Tuesday night rather than Wednesday. A little too soon after Cork-2-Cobh to run a track session so instead I just ran a no-looking-at-the-watch 10 miler around the usual Athlone routes. Legs were tired on this one and it felt like a bit of a slog. Happy to finish up.

    Total 9.99M @ 8:31 (I'm calling it 10)

    Easy 4 Miles
    An easy lunchtime run on Thursday. Legs feeling better than Tuesday night. Bit breezy and a bit warm out.

    Total 4.02M @ 8:32

    Easy 4 Miles
    More easy running. This time back in Athlone. After weeks of trying I finally manage to finish up early and get out after work for some miles before heading for home. An out and back along the Greenway. Legs feeling very heavy, calves in particular feel like concrete. Happy it's only 4 miles on the menu.

    Total 4.00M @ 8:45

    Tempo 4 Miles
    A light session on Saturday morning. Had toyed with idea of a 10K Tempo but was caught for time and persuaded myself that a 4M tempo would be fine. I can get back to the 10K tempos post DCM. Absolutely beautiful sunny morning up on the playing fields. No wind to deal with either. I wore a long sleeve under-top but wished I hadn't, it was warm out.

    I start the session a little to enthusiastically, travelling at 3:50 [6:10] or 3:51 [6:11] pace. It feels ok. All the same I ease up a little and drop into my tempo range 3:55 [6:18] to 4:00 [6:26]. A few of the Donore guys running Fartlek this morning. There's actually a lot of runners on the playing fields this morning. The tempo 4 miles are over quickly, more or less two and a half laps. I reckon I could have pushed on to 10K if I needed to, I'm happy just knowing that. Cool-down back home and settle down for the Samoa game.

    1.84M @ 8:38
    4.00M @ 6:19
    1.35M @ 8:02

    Total 7.19M @ 7:14

    Long Run 18 Miles
    Miserable, miserable, wet and chilly Sunday morning. Unrelenting rainfall. I join the Donore gang this morning. Starts with just two of us, grows 9 strong at one point and then drops back down to 5. Feet soaked from puddle after puddle. Legs never really warmed into this one. Effort felt a little higher than I would have liked. And for the last 4 or 5 miles the hammer was providing some feedback. Most runs now I don't notice it but today I did. Conversation got me through this one. The other guys running DCM look trim and comfortable and in my mind seemed to be expending less effort than I was. Miles in the bag though, that's the last of the long runs completed.

    So in this training block I've logged:
    • 3 x 16 Miles
    • 1 x 17 Miles (with 15M at 3:03MP)
    • 4 x 18 Miles
    • 3 x 20 Miles (all progression runs)
    • 1 x 22 Miles

    Ideally I would have liked another 22M or 3 hour run, just to induce that level of active fatigue in the legs. But overall pleased with the long runs and how I've felt on them.

    Two weeks to go, taper starts here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 Week 16 Runs 1 & 2

    Mindset has switched to taper. Just keep the legs ticking over, nothing too stressful. I will run one more light session, maybe 600s, or maybe 2 or 3 miles at sub 3:00MP pace, just something to stop the legs from going stale.

    Easy 5 Miles

    Tuesday after work. Run an easy lap of my Kilmainham-Chapelizod-Heuston loop. Footfall and stride feel fluid tonight even though legs are tired.

    Total 5.03M @ 8:39

    Easy 8 Miles

    Another Wednesday evening in Athlone where I finish work close to seven and I'm feeling jaded. As it's taper time I decide I don't need to push myself when jaded. So no track, I'll save the light session to Saturday. Instead I just run an 8 mile lap round town. Kept the pace easy yet some sub 8:00 miles snuck in.

    Total 8.30M @ 8:06

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 10 Days to Raceday

    No running today but for these final days I want to log food etc. Just to help me keep disciplined. Should also be getting sleep and not updating here gone midnight.
    • Breakfast - Fruit scone.
    • Lunch - Mushroom Soup, Fruit Salad.
    • Dinner - Aubergine, tomato and red chilli risotto.
    • Snacks - Flahavans Fruit&Nut Flapjack, some grapes, pistachios.
    • Alcohol - None

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 9 Days to Race Day

    Easy 4 Miles

    Enjoyed this. One of those no pressure runs where the legs feel unexpectedly light and bouncy. Probably helped that it was a Friday afternoon and I'd already logged off. Decided on a whim to head east on the Greenway instead of west. Unexplored territory. Wet conditions, mix of showers and sunshine, scents of countryside. Just a mile and a tiny bit out and back but see nobody along here.
    Tip back to the office and shower before heading back to Dublin.

    Total 4.16M @ 8:14
    • breakfast - granola and shredded wheat cereal with oat milk
    • lunch - lots of mixed nuts, banana, blueberries
    • dinner - pasta with paste of anchovies, garlic, passata and dry chilli flakes, focaccia bread
    • snacks - emmental cheese, fruit scone, dark chocolate
    • alcohol - none

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 8 Days to Race Day

    Wasn't sure what to do on Saturday. Didn't really fancy intervals felt maybe something closer to MP would be more palatable. Decided I'd just run a lap of the Park at sub 3:00 pace. Aim was to gain some confidence for 3:09 pace. Plan didn't work quite as well as I'd hoped. I ran the lap anti-clockwise from Islandbridge Gate. The first 2 miles I had to push to hit pace. I know it's slightly uphill and there was a light head wind, but still I was expecting this to feel easy. Once I passed left North Road behind and headed onto OS Road things started to get much easier. Now I had to concentrate not to run too fast. Some confidence restored on the closing miles. As I was running this I did think to myself no way could I sustain this for 26.2. I am definitely not in sub 3:00 pace. Not that I ever thought I was.

    0.93M @ 9:21
    5.83M @ 6:47 (2:57 MP)
    1.47M @ 8:33

    Total 8.24M @ 7:24

    haven't been noting with great care what I ate over the last days, what I remember for sure:
    • Breakfast - porridge with honey
    • Lunch - salad of lettuce, egg, tomato, dried seaweed
    • Dinner - shop-bought ravioli (nettle and thyme)
    • Snacks - crackers and emmental, some dark chocolate
    • Alcohol - 1 second half Guinness

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 7 Days to Race Day

    Bit chilly out. Out earlyish to the usual first Donore meeting point. First small group of us head over to club-house. Group grows and we head off on the usual route. Next Sunday the chief topic of discussion. So many other runners we pass wishing us good luck for next week. As always the miles tick past quickly as we chat our way around. Legs feeling much better than seven days ago. People peeling off early today as lower mileage is the plan. I peel off after nearly 11 miles and run a mile and a bit home, via IMMA, to bring up 12 for the morning.

    Total 12.04 @ 7:48

    Not the greatest on the diet front:
    • Breakfast - Granola and shredded wheat with oat milk
    • Lunch - homemade shepherd's pie with a largely beetroot based stock
    • Dinner - some reheated shepherd's pie, always better reheated.
    • Snacks - home made mixed berry crumble with small spoon of ice-cream (I was weak and we had friends round)
    • Alcohol - 2 glasses of red wine, 1 Guinness West Indies Porter

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 6 Days to Race Day

    Rest day.

    Diet, again not great.
    • Breakfast - Porridge with honey
    • Lunch - granola and nut based cereal with oat milk (working from home and was lazy)
    • Dinner - Risotto with remaining beetroot stock, carrot and fava beans
    • Snacks - crackers, some biscuits, and a small portion of yesterday's crumble (with spoon of ice-cream)
    • Alcohol - 2 glasses of red with dinner

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    DCM19 - 5 Days to Race Day

    New pair of Asterias get their debut today. The old pair have logged just shy of 400 miles. I try them out on my usual 5 mile Kilmainham, Inchicore, Chapelizod, Islandbridge, Heuston loop. They feel much more comfy and bouncy that the old pair. I will almost certainly wear them on Sunday. I will run three more times in time beforehand just to be sure they continue to feel ok. Legs felt good tonight. Easy effort and happy to see a sub 8:00 sneaking in as easy.

    M01 9:34
    M02 8:31
    M03 8:06
    M04 8:04
    M05 7:46

    Total 5.03M @ 8:25

    Diet leaving me down, need to make better effort for remaining days
    • Breakfast - wholemeal bagel with honey
    • Lunch - toasted sandwiches of cheddar, olive tapenade and oregano on rye bread
    • Dinner - Frozen vegan falafel pizza, with cherry tomatoes added
    • Snacks - some dark chocolate, crackers, some biscuits (munchies today)
    • Alcohol - None
