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Why no citylink service from Sligo to Galway?

  • 30-10-2010 11:59am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,775 ✭✭✭✭

    As much as I like using Feda ODonnell from Sligo to Galway rather than Bus Eireann, it is still mighty expensive to travel from the North West to West. Why is there no citylink service where you can take advantage of the super single saver and possibly book in advance a 1 euro fare instead of the usual 22 euros that Feda charges, or isnt it about time that Feda offered an incentive, where you could book online for a considerably cheaper price.

    If you want to get into it, you got to get out of it. (Hawkwind 1982)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,293 ✭✭✭✭Mint Sauce

    As much as I like using Feda ODonnell from Sligo to Galway rather than Bus Eireann, it is still mighty expensive to travel from the North West to West. Why is there no citylink service where you can take advantage of the super single saver and possibly book in advance a 1 euro fare instead of the usual 22 euros that Feda charges, or isnt it about time that Feda offered an incentive, where you could book online for a considerably cheaper price.

    Probably some sort of competition rule or maybe not the demand to have three different companies.

    Feda O'Donnell does has the advantage though over CIE being cheaper, quicker and free WI-FI.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 Butlerowski

    As much as I like using Feda ODonnell from Sligo to Galway rather than Bus Eireann, it is still mighty expensive to travel from the North West to West. Why is there no citylink service where you can take advantage of the super single saver and possibly book in advance a 1 euro fare instead of the usual 22 euros that Feda charges, or isnt it about time that Feda offered an incentive, where you could book online for a considerably cheaper price.

    I heard a rumour that Galway to Belfast is Citylink's next mission and I think it may be via Sligo, I know here come the routemasters and mathematicians with alternative routes. Who knows could be true.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 778 ✭✭✭Essexboy

    Had the Western Rail Link been completed you would have been able to take the train!
