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Advice needed badly

  • 31-10-2010 11:05am
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi all, i work in a sales position and just got a new manager. My previous manager was really efficient and organised and great to work with. The new one is not. In short when sales are not getting made, will just moan, not do anything or suggest anything, or anything constructive, paperwork is a mess, things that we need we never get and other stuff can't be found.

    Anyhow what my problem is, is that she has asked me to fill out paperwork that she should do herself. When we make sales it goes on a board, the boss checks it off against sales made that day and fills out a seperate sales sheet for payroll. While we make the sale we don't process the final part of the sale so sometimes people cancel at the end point. She told us we have to fill out the payroll sheet ourselves. I'm worried about this because its not procedure and could be considered fraud. Sometimes there is a descrepancy with sales made and what we think we made so it should get sorted when boss does all the paperwork but now it won't. Also i'm concerned one or two cowboys might start putting themselves down for sales they haven't made and that could make my performance look less.

    I'm being lined up for a promotion at the end of the year (fingers crossed) and i'm worried that this could be affected either way. If i say i don't want to do it i think it will annoy the new boss, as she's a bit lazy and this seems to be her primary reason for shifting her work onto others. I will need her reference to progress so don't want to do myself out of it. Equally i don't want to be doing something i shouldn't as obviously this could bite me in the backside too with promotion.

    Has anybody been in this situation or can you give any advice please, i'm a bit stressed about this. She has also been giving bits of her work to a few teammates, myself included but not adjusted our targets. She suggested if we don't have enough time to do our targets then we should take the extra work home. Part of the reason we can't find stuff is because sometimes other teammates take it home now!!!


  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 47,307 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    I think this is better suited to the Work Problems forum, so moving from PI,

    OP, you can still post unregistered in this forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,193 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    Does she have any relation to the boss, how did she get the Job? If there's no relation there and be 100% sure there's no relation i'd go over her head and have a private word with the boss.
    If you've always done the numbers the boss will have respect for you and take on board what you say.
    There's nothing worse than a useless sales Manager, sales is dog eat dog and if she's costing you sales/money I wouldn't be having any mercy.
    If she's as useless as you say your boss has probably noticed and is only looking for an excuse to have a word with her but if sales are on the up he might not care and you'll just have to lump it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Innishouse

    Its difficult to comment without knowing the full details - despite the good description. However, here is my opinion anyway:

    I would be careful about going over her head and this wouldn't be my first action. It is more mature to approach her directly first and you have a better chance of gaining her respect, it also means you retain the "go over her head" option if it doesn't work, and you will also have the benefit of telling her boss you already approached her and tried to work out the issues which shows initiative and maturitity.

    As regards her doing it differently - perhaps she needs a chance to grow into the position. Everyone works differently and so it might be a case of you finding how you work with her, sometimes new people bring a new perspective about how we can work. With your old boss everyone knew their role and worked within their comfort zones - change is very disconcerting and is always a stressful time. You need to try to step back and ask if the way your old boss did things was really the right way, or maybe it was just his way. Did he develop the methods to suit his style. Perhaps it is the right way, but have a think about it anyway and be open minded.

    Obviously I don't know all the details but perhaps she is a much better delegator then your old boss? Also is there a chance that these extra respolsibilities are development opportunities that will stranghten your argument when looking for your promotion?

    With regards to integrity/ethics etc. This is a very personal thing and if you are uncomfortable about what is happening/will happen then speak up, otherwise the problem will continue to weigh on your mind and will effect performance and morale.

    Hope some of this helps & good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    As i said in my op she isn't constructive at all, or bringing new methods. Just moaning. If anything goes wrong we have to fix it, if we go to her she will just moan and then she will moan to other teams about us and how useless we are and how frustrated she is with such a crap team. Which is bs because we have some of the best results in our company in ireland.

    She was a manager from a different team and transferred over there. She says everyone needs to be responsible in the running of a team which is fair enough but there are things that are managers responsibility. As sales staff we are there to sell first and foremost. One day i had to spend 4 hours in the file room clearing and organising things but my target wasn't adjusted so i lost out that day.

    I would agree that maybe we need to get used to new methods if she was bringing any, but she's not. She doesn't show us any different way of doing things, just gives us more work, and if we say we can't do it its the cold stare and license. Eventually she will say ok if you can't handle the responsibility of your job....trail off... and then walk off.

    The things that are the managers responsibility should be done by a manager, if they are shared amongst the team then why would we need a manager at all
