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Its all about Time...



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Saturday 22/06/2019 - Easy

    Just easy miles from the house to park and around via the coast road. Basically the go to short easy loop. Make sure it was short in prep for the race tomorrow.

    Sunday 23/06/2019 - Strawberry 10 Mile

    I run most of these races in years gone past when it was a Half Marathon race as opposed to the 10 miler now. But given the training has been going relatively well, i fancied a pop at this new distance for a change.

    Lovely drive down to Enniscorthy leaving the house in plenty of time at 7:30 am. Parking and number pick up run both efficiently run. Got in a short but steady enough mile by way of warm-up at 9:45.
    About 250 down for the race, with everyone milling around up to a few minuted before the off. The starter calls for 1 minute to go and strangely nobody is toeing the line. Decided what the hell so lined up right on the line.

    Gun goes off and away, a runner to my left moves off at a very fast pace, I push on at a good tempo, passing the gantry then the finished line (about 300m in) . A minute more and left on to the town streets, and an immediate hill. I look around and Im in Second place (WTF) Second :eek:. Glance at the watch and 5:45 pace, Jesus... I really got to cool the pace here, this is my mile pace not 10 mile...

    Another minute a a bunch of 4-5 runners move past, I slow slightly again and and 3-4 more pass, then feel the 65 pacers and the small bus on my shoulder. Again I ease the pace and let them go. First mile in 6:38.

    Out into the country side and the "mostly closed roads". The weather is overcast and temps around 15c so no problem there. Unfortunately the land around here is far from flat, and miler 2,3 are both significant drags, (7:12, 6:56). A short left and I begin to catch the two runners, that probably fell of the 65 min bus. A lad in blue and 2nd placed girl. By mile 4 we are running as a group for a bit, mile 4 (6:49).

    A sharp right turn and a spray can note on the road reads "Here is THE Hill".

    Now the drags up to this point have been relatively significant, but we got over them. Also i run Howth hill on a semi regular basis and don't find hills to bad. However this was a monster hill :confused:, 300m and must have been 9% gradient. Both the guy in blue and the girl tucked in behind me, i pushed as hard as i could, trying not to stop totally. The steps behind me getting quieter as they fell behind. Glanced at the watch and 9:30 pace showed just before the top. Eventually it was behind, with some level gradient for 400 m then a steep descent. Took on some water here, mumbled something about Wexford hills to the lads manning the water station. Mile 5 in 7:17 (not as bad as i had expected).

    Mostly running on my own at this stage with nobody visable for 200/300 m ahead or behind. Mile 6, 7 (6:43 7:00) Over the Slaney river and started to reel in another local club runner. On his shoulder on the drag up to the N11, and the sharp left turn.

    I do enjoy this part of the race as its now a a straight and almost flat run for home along the busy road (traffic cones every 10m). The local lad comes back at me along this section and I respond by upping the tempo.

    I do an "internal mental check" and everything seems OK, form, tempo, effort levels etc. I push a bit more. Mile 8,9 (6:46, 6:55). Some cars are beeping at ever runner, and i listen out for the duration between my beep and the lad behind. By mile 9 the duration is significant enough to know that he has settled for the place behind me. Last mile and the left, left again over the town bridge and approach the finish line. Sprinting at this stage, holding good form, but still feeling good (6:11)

    Over the line in 68:30 for 16th place overall and 3rd M-50 (:(), and 6:53 avg for the race. Absolutely delighted with the performance. A half punnet of strawberries and a dip in the river after made for a great experience and will definitively run this again next year.

    Found out that the runner in 1st at the start (and obvious winner) was Sean Heir. So all i can say next year is "Watch out Sean" :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Super stuff. I was wondering would that Thurs MLR have been a bit much before a Sunday race, but obviously not!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Super stuff. I was wondering would that Thurs MLR have been a bit much before a Sunday race, but obviously not!

    Seemed to be OK D, but i did avoid any session this week as a result. Nice to be able to sit and watch TV in the evening for a change :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Bit of a gap :eek:

    29/06/2019 - Jump 5K (supposed to be 10K)

    I only did this races as it was in StAnnes and being on, on a Saturday evening it offered something different. It was also a "fun run" so not that serious. I initially opted to run the 10K, but as the course was a 2 lap affair, it was possible to jump out on the first lap to get a 5K. The race prep was far from perfect, as i was dow in Mondello with the older son driving fast cars, with a spot of late lunch after.

    Lined up on the front row with Zoe and and few other Raheny colleagues, and off at a good tempo for the first mile down the avenue (6:23), in About 10 place. Another 100m and i got a savage stitch in the right side, to a point where i had to stop and stretch out for 20 seconds. Started again and another 20 seconds the same. This repeated 5 times. At this stage i was close to the end of the first loop so just decided to finish on the shorter 5K.

    30/06/2019 - Sunday LSR.

    Very difficult to get to sleep on the Sat / Sun, and awake from sunrise (4:30am ish). Finally decided to run at 5:50am. Lovely quiet and sunny run for 7.4 miles in 57 minutes for 7:46 avg.

    Lovely sleep after the run for 2 hours, and still got up at 9:30am... :D

    Headed out to Potager Skerries for a lovely Sunday lunch (10/10) with the Mrs !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    June Summary

    Total miles 135
    Longest Run 12 Miles
    3 Parkruns (20:38, 20:14, 22:00)
    3 Speed sessions (1 Track, 2 Grass)
    1 MLR
    1 Race (Strawberry 10) 16th Overall.

    Generally, I do feel I am getting into better run shape. Could probably break 20 min for 5K now...

    Going to try to do a MLR every Thursday of at least 10m. Continue the Tuesday or Wednesday sessions.

    Need to pick a plan and follow for Dublin, although, i do prefer running with the club group for the key runs during the week.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Tuesday 02/07 - Tempo

    A session from the DCM 2013 training plan, 2 mile warm-up, 5 mile tempo on the old Raheny 5 route, followed by 1.5 cool down.

    Hit the tempo 5 miles in 33:59. Happy with that. 8.17 miles in 58 mins for 7:11 avg.

    Wednesday 03/07 - Easy

    Easy from the house, to St Annes and ran mostly on the grass for 6 miles odd. Lovely run.

    04/07/2019 - RunMute

    Runmute home from the office to home, spotted the claw on the seafront, and had a conversational 3 miles with him to St Annes. 6.4 miles in 49 minutes for 7:41 avg.

    05/07/2019 - Killarney Weekend ROK.

    Down in Killarney to support the Mrs on the Ring of Kerry. Opted for an extensive used of the gym and pool in the hotel on the friday.

    06/07/2019 - Saturday - Kerry Tempo.

    The Mrs had organised one of her colleagues to run with me from the hotel to the national park and around. Expected a handy 5-6 miles and a yap about running. Instead got a hard tempo effort with a sub 2:40 marathon guy :eek:

    Still absolutely beautify scenery and a good chat (when able) around the killarney national park, including Ross castle, and back, via a heard of deer.

    10.35 miles in 1:15 for 7:19 avg (first mile in 8:50 pace)...

    Plus a swim and gym in the hotel.

    07/07/2019 - Sunday - Easy

    Just easy mile on my own with a shorter route based on what we ran the day before.

    Plus a swim and gym in the hotel.

    08/07/2019 - Monday - Easy

    4 miles easy from the house to Park and back.

    09/07/2019 - Tuesday - Micks Speed Session.

    Easy 3 mile to the park and met up with the session gang. The session was 3*1K with 2min recovery, followed by 4*500 with 90 sec.

    Ran as well as i could, and pushed to the middle for a few of the reps, towards the back for the rest, as there are some handy runners doing these now.

    Finished with 8.6 miles for the day.

    10/07/2019 - Wednesday - Easy

    Just easy mile from the house to the park and on the grass. 4 miles in 33mins odd.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Been a while... :eek:

    13/07/2019 - Saturday - LSR

    Was heading off on holidays on the Saturday evening and Im a poor flyer, more out the the boredom that anything else. Opted for a longish run early on Saturday morning to hopefully get tired enough so i could sleep on the evening flight. Fitted in a few mile with Will, talking about climate change and beer. Finished with 12 miles odd in 7:45 avg.

    Thankfully the run did the trick, and got a decent 3 hours on the flight to Abu Dhabi.

    14/07/2019 - 21/07/2019 Running in the sun - Abu Dhabi

    Two different hotels for the week, usually headed out at (what not to do) , for around 2 miles each day. Thankfully the temps were a bit lower this time than in years past, with temps around 38-40 (rather that mid 40's).

    I did find in impossible to do any more that this distance even with 8:30 pace, as the effort levels are like a 3K effort...

    Mixed the running with a gym session each day in the hotel Gym.


    22/07/2019 - Runmute.

    Just easy miles from Clontarf Dart station to the house. 4 miles in 29 mins for 7:26 avg. I Find this a nice run as i can avoid the IFSC and five lamps from the office.

    23/07/2019 - Tempo Tuesday

    One of my go-to sessions 2 mile WU, 90sec static recovery. 5 mile Tempo on the old Raheny 5 course. Then 1.2 mile easy back to the house.

    Happy to get the 5 mile done in 34:10ish, and average for the whole 8.2 mile 7:13avg.

    24/07/2019 - Run Mute - See above.

    25/07/2019 - Thursday - Steady.

    Not feeling great for this run, and was planning a Howth 10mile, managed 8 mile with only a short part of Howth for company. I think was the combination of the heath and the holidays food and drink that took hold...

    8 miles in 1:01 for 7:43 avg.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    The highlights update !

    July Totals :-

    136 miles of running
    4 tempo efforts
    1 Parkrun (21:11)
    1 LSR (15.2) miles

    Pretty poor milage figures, forgiven somewhat by the fact that i was away for 9 days of the 31 in Abu Dhabi, and way to hot to run there. Life just gets in the way of running sometimes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    More highlights !

    August summary sessions:-

    01/08/2019 - Thursday MLR

    This session worked pretty well back in 2013, a reasonably hard effort from the house to Howth Summit and back. A total of 11.5 miles and 450 feet of ascending and descending. Going to try to do this most Thursday from now until DCM. 11.53 in 1:25 for 7:27 avg pace.

    03/08/2019 - Saturday LSR

    Another holiday , and given that I hate flying I opted to tire myself out with a LSR. House to town, Ballsbridge, Merrion Gates, Sandymount, East link, 3 Areana, and Clontarf coast. 16.5 miles in 2:09 for 7:50 pace. Pretty tired for the last 4 miles.

    Holiday running

    Just 18 miles over the week in Portugal. All at easy pace. To warm and hungover to run long :(

    11/08/2019 - LSR

    Back on the Saturday night, so the usual Sunday LSR was available. Tried a different route including Griffith avenue and then the Canal and under Croke park. Finished with 15miles in 1:55 for 7:40 avg.

    13/08/2019 - Tuesday - Micks Session

    1*1000, 2*800, 4*600 with 90s static recovery. Usually at the back of these reps now, a good group of faster younger lads have joined, so last places is to be expected.

    15/08/2019 - Thursday MLR - Howth Hills effort. 7:22 avg pace :)

    18/09/2019 - Sunday LSR

    14 in 1:51 for 7:56 avg miles with Martin and Greg. Absolutely wreaked after this run.

    20/08/2019 - Tempo Tuesday.

    Decided to skip micks session, and do a longer Tempo effort instead. 5 Miles on the old Raheny 5 route, with 2 WU and 1 CD. Tempo average was around 7:10 avg pace for the 5m.

    Other days not listed above are all easy 4-5 miles usually on grass. usually running 6 days per week.

    Fatigue and tiredness is pretty much constant as this is my first proper marathon training month. Thank god this is my last Marathon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Frank Duffy 10 Mile.

    The 10 mile is possibly my favorite race distance. I've run 2 other 10m this year, the National Road champs in Clontarf (68:30) in April and the hilly Strawberry 10m back in June (68:40).

    My hopes for this race were somewhat diminished as the Marathon training is killing me at present, just feel tired and lethargic as the weekly mileage increases. That and 2 holidays over the summer with the resulting reduced mileage hasent helped.

    Headed out early to the park with the Mrs. Got in a handy 1.2 mile warmup and finished at 9:45, lining up about 5 rows from the front. Plenty of club mates joined in the new few mins, with 30 odd of us standing waiting in the strong sun for the start. Off just before 10am, and settled into a steady 6:45 for first mile. Found that I was being passed by plenty of runners, and all of my similar aged club mates. A brief exchange with AMK about the new doggy, and a possible san seb marathon in November, kept me entertained for the first mile, until he headed off into the distance.

    Second mile in 6:43, and the long descent passing St Mary on the left. The first gently drag, giving way to the proper hill at the first of the S bends. Temps were definitively rising from here on. Caught AMK on the second of the S's where he seemed to be struggling. Took on water shortly after, which is a skill I have still not mastered (drinking from a cup and running). Caught Eamon then Dave F on the drag up to the monument, and E seemed to be in trouble. Third mile in 6:58. Then on to Chesterfield and the Zoo and the endless North Road, and some brief respite from the sun in the shadow of the trees. Mile 4, 5 in 7:07 , 7:05.

    At the second drink station and I stopped for a few seconds, to take on 2 cups of water and i figured that plenty would be needed in this heat. Pushed on again and I was now passing the odd runner that has passed me earlier in the race. Passed GB around here, and could make out the Green of Tommy's vest about 200m ahead. Mile 6, 7, 7:15, 7:01.

    Again open to the sun on the Acres road, the effort levels were pretty high at this stage, and just wanting the race to be over. Dick H was in his usual position on the bike at St Marys hill, A brief go on Dave helped a little. Spotted Philip Mc, just ahead , as the hill leveled out. Last couple of mile a blur in just under 7min pace. Caught Philip on the home straight, and finished in 1:10:26 for 263rd and 6:58 avg pace for the slightly long 10.1 miles.

    Happy enough the the performance, although the time was probably 2 minutes slower that i would have wanted, Still the high temps and the drags contributed to that.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Very well managed race, D. Reeled in a lot of hares. Team medal?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Very well managed race, D. Reeled in a lot of hares. Team medal?

    Cheers D, no idea about that medals?

    I think the Frank Duffy is just a 1,2,3, and not a team event. One for Pat Hooper I think :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    A great run and very well paced.
    That's twice you've beaten me in the last couple of years! DCM'17 & this HM.

    And I think SS & DCM will be off the cards this year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    MisterDrak wrote: »
    Cheers D, no idea about that medals?

    I think the Frank Duffy is just a 1,2,3, and not a team event. One for Pat Hooper I think :)

    Results are up. Congrats!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »

    Excellent, Old Lads Team Gold :)

    Thanks D !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    25/08/2019 - Easy

    Just 8 miles easy @8:15 pace with the old lads around Raheny and Clontarf. Good chat with all.

    27/08/2019 - Tempo Tuesday

    Ran this one with Kevin P, a good level Tri guy and a few years the younger. 2.5 mile warm up, then 5 mile tempo on the raheny 5 route. All miles were in the 6:50 range, and finished the 5 mile in 34 odd. then 1.5 easy cool down back to the house.

    I do find that session build strength like no other, especially when run with a stronger runner.

    28/08/2019 - Treble Day :eek: !

    Gym in the morning for an easy workout.

    Easy 3 mile run in the afternoon from house to St Annes and around.

    Then a short 12K on the new bike. Crashed at the end as there were a pair of women walking in the bike lane and a guy on a carbon bike doing session approaching, and i had no space to cycle in. Cut and bruised left knee.

    29/08/2019 - Thursday - Easy

    A few (9.25 miles) around st Annes, mostly on grass, with Darko and Christy. Very easy pace 8:19.

    Fri and Sat - Rest Days.

    Summary August.

    165 miles run.
    3 LSRs - Longest 16.4
    3 Sessions / Tempos
    1 Parkrun - 21:39
    1 Race - Frank Duffy 70:28 (Gold Team O50)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Sunday September 01 - LSR

    Given that the lads had run long on Saturday morning, this was going to be a personal slog to get the miles in.
    Started at 7:20am. House, Howth road, Fairview, Town, Merrion Sq, Stephens Green, Lesson Street, Donnybrook, Eglinton Road, Clonskeagh Road, Roebuck Road, Fosters, Dual-Carriageway, Nutley, and Merrion Road to Merrion Sq. Then back home. A total of 19.5 miles in 2:29 for 7:40 avg. Happy to have got in the last 5 miles of the Marathon route.

    Pretty tired towards the end, as expected. But a worring pain in the lower back from later on Sunday. Also a "dead" pain in both knees. Some cause for worry on both counts. A few days total rest this week, before big mile again on Sat or Sunday.

    Tuesday - Steady

    Gym at lunch for some streaking and core work.

    Then opted to just run at an easy pace, rather that the usual Tempo Tuesday effort. 8 odd miles in 1:02 for 7:46 avg.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    General Update

    Since the post above, until Saturday, I've been wiped out with tiredness and fatigue. From Monday to Friday have run a total of 8 miles. Some knee and also mild joint pain, but at lease the achillies (have suffered badly with these in the past) both still seem fine.

    I cant be clear on the cause of this and have been going over the log several times trying to identify any causes. Possibly its just one of those things. ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Not enough recovery? Is 8:19 really 'very easy' as you say? Any idea of your HR on these runs?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Not enough recovery? Is 8:19 really 'very easy' as you say? Any idea of your HR on these runs?

    Possibly, Its a historical thing running with Raheny that all runs are at a steady pace. Think I'm done with that at this stage. Ill check the HR next easy run and report back.

    Possibly the almost complete lack of phsyio is also in part to blame?

    More lithely, I'm just getting old :(

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    MisterDrak wrote: »
    Possibly, Its a historical thing running with Raheny that all runs are at a steady pace. Think I'm done with that at this stage. Ill check the HR next easy run and report back.

    Possibly the almost complete lack of phsyio is also in part to blame?

    More lithely, I'm just getting old :(

    Well we’re all getting old but that’s not it. You did an ‘easy’ runs at 7:46 the other day, which can’t be far off your marathon pace. Steady is not easy. You ran an outstanding 10 mile race a few weeks ago and hardly took any recovery. It has to catch up eventually.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Jaysus Murph - you're hanging around with FBOT too much............. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    I did manage to address the lack of physio at lunch with a good rub from Leo (the Physio, not the Taoiseach :D)

    Ill run steady tonight, as that what i always do on Tuesday, but really pair it back on Wednesday or rest completely for a change.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,855 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    MisterDrak wrote: »
    General Update

    Since the post above, until Saturday, I've been wiped out with tiredness and fatigue. From Monday to Friday have run a total of 8 miles. Some knee and also mild joint pain, but at lease the achillies (have suffered badly with these in the past) both still seem fine.

    I cant be clear on the cause of this and have been going over the log several times trying to identify any causes. Possibly its just one of those things. ?

    Murpy_D has made some valid points. From my side, I have found the last 2 weeks lack of energy also, sometimes it can be a mixture of things, weather can be a apart of it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Jaysus Murph - you're hanging around with FBOT too much............. ;)

    It’s an approach that doesn’t seem to do him any harm. :D;)

    Anyway D seemed to be looking for some ideas, I’m just saying what jumps out at me. Running with clubmates is great, as long as they’re the right ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I'd have to agree with D. I joined the club this year and saw you and a few others in the same age category as myself doing similar enough race times. I was really looking forward to training runs etc until I saw the paces being run. There are no runs being done at what I would consider easy or recovery pace. Too rich for me haha

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I'd have to agree with D. I joined the club this year and saw you and a few others in the same age category as myself doing similar enough race times. I was really looking forward to training runs etc until I saw the paces being run. There are no runs being done at what I would consider easy or recovery pace. Too rich for me haha

    But this isn’t true - sure, plenty flog themselves, but I’ve done a good few long runs with others at the right pace (for me). You get to know who you should be with.

    That said, the club didn’t manage a M50 marathon team last year. That says a lot.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I'd have to agree with D. I joined the club this year and saw you and a few others in the same age category as myself doing similar enough race times. I was really looking forward to training runs etc until I saw the paces being run. There are no runs being done at what I would consider easy or recovery pace. Too rich for me haha

    The default runner profile is running too fast most of the time, not doing enough milage and running underwhelming races, especially at longer distances such as the marathon. It doesn't seem to matter if somebody is in a club or not. That said, it's just a fun hobby with loads of other benefits that some of us probably take a little too seriously at times :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I'd have to agree with D. I joined the club this year and saw you and a few others in the same age category as myself doing similar enough race times. I was really looking forward to training runs etc until I saw the paces being run. There are no runs being done at what I would consider easy or recovery pace. Too rich for me haha

    I have mentioned this to my running group more that once, the response is usually "we must look into this easy running pace thing, you may have something ... " as they set off at 7:10 - 7:20 for 10 miles...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Murph_D wrote: »

    That said, the club didn’t manage a M50 marathon team last year. That says a lot.

    There should be a decent contingent of "Awl lads" this year for Dublin, from what I'm seeing...

    Pretty good handicap race last night. Pat seemed to the the times about right. Great to see 50 odd runners cross the finish line within seconds of each other.
