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Its all about Time...



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Wed 2 Mar : Just 4 miles easy waiting for himself to finish school. Nothing special.

    Sunday 6 Mar : Out with a few lads (and 1 lassy) from the club. These were mostly the sub 3 group, so I knew with was going to be difficult to keep the pace for the whole run. Unfortunately could only hold on for the first 3 miles ( all under 6:50m/m) pace. Then on to cork screw hill for a bit of fun. I guess the lack of running the previous week, and the Chinese and wine on Friday and Saturday also have some detrimental effects. Finished the 10.3 miles in 1:16.

    YTD 255.3

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Monday 7 Mar : Gym for a weights session and core work. I have been letting the gym work go since the marathon last year, and looking distinctly skinny as a result. Anyway, going to try to hit 3 sessions in the gym per week.

    Tuesday 8 Mar : Tempo 10 K run. I haven’t done this 10K loop in some time. Plus most of my runs have been the longer and slower variety since Jan. Did the 10K in 42:53 (6.55 m/m avg), was hoping for faster, but had the heart rate suitable raised for the entire session. Based on that time, i will struggle to get below 39:XX for the distance. Me thinks i need to hit the track for some hard intervals.
    Then a 1.1 mile warm down after.

    Wednesday 9 Mar : Gym for a weights session and core work.

    YTD : 262.6

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Friday 11 Mar: Raining to hard to run in the Phoenix park, so did 3 mile in the gym. Thankfully they have new running machines, so not as bad as anticipated.

    Also a medium workout and core session.

    Saturday 12 : 5.1 miles easy around swords fields. Some tightness from previous day on the dreadmill... No idea why? 5.1 miles in 40 mins.

    Sunday 13 : 10.3 miles with the lads. Was supposed to be 10 easy, but first 3 miles were 6:59, 6:45, 6:44, I think some of the egos got in the way of 'Easy'.
    I Could only hold on to the front group until Sutton Cross, then got dropped like a fat man in a sprint :)... Really died doing Cork screw hill, but picked up again on the sea front despite the freezing and strong wind in the face. Finished the session the 10 mile in 1:15 for 7:28 avg. Little concerned, as i was running this route last summer in 1:12 and felt better in the end...

    Ytd 281.1

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Monday 14 Mar : Gym is beginning to take over my life again. Back there for a medium session today. Only upper body stuff. Feels good to get strong, as i have been wasting away over the last 3-4 months.

    Anyway also went for a short 2 mile easy last night in the park in 16 mins.

    General : I have 4 short races schedule over the next 2 weeks. I need the additional speed that they should bring, however the shorter volume could effect my longer stuff planned races in April and May. Anyway i cant have it all.

    Tonight : ALSAA 3000m on the track.
    Sunday 20 : MSB Paddy day 5K
    Wed 23 : BHAA XC 5k
    Sun 27 : Dunboyne 4mile Road.

    YTD 283.1

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Cool. Looking forward to the race reports - how did you get on this evening?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Hello Mac,

    Yeah did the ALSSA 3000M last night. Was my first ever track race. Actually really enjoyed it, despite the biting cold. Finished in 11:32 (6:11 m/m avg), and probably about 15th out of a field of about 30.

    Got lapped with 800 to go, but those guys are on another planet in terms of ability, and the age difference dosent help either...

    Anyway going to give the 1 mile a go in April, but will have to put in a pile of 400s before then... Dont have a PB for 1 mile so ill take anything i can get.

    YTD Miles : 286

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Well done.

    Can anyone just show up at them races?
    If you're in a club, do you have to talk to the club first?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Macanri wrote: »
    Well done.

    Can anyone just show up at them races?
    If you're in a club, do you have to talk to the club first?

    I think you can just show up. The raceis advertised as ALSAA track series. When I registered there were a few other clubs there beside Raheny, although it was mostly them. Dont think there would be a problem either way.

    As far as i remember the 1 mile is on in April 12th (moved from another date), but you probably need to check the website for that one..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    St Paddys Day : Ran the park for 4.5 miles in 35 mins. The garmin died on the last lap, but should still be pretty accurate. Started running at 7:30am.. slow for first mile.

    Friday 18 Mar: Gym for a heavy workout, also some core and streach work.

    YTD : 290.5m

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Saturday 19 Mar: Just 4.5 miles handy around the fields in swords. Nice easy pace. Started at 7:30 as the lads had football early for an away match. 4.5 miles in 35 mins.

    Sunday 20 Mar: MSB 5K in town. Love this race and had my sights on this to set a new 5K PB. Unfortunately Brian wanted to run the race with me, and I had said yes a good few weeks before. So it turned from a PB attempt to a fun run. Lovely days for it in probably the first real spring day, with gently wind, and strong sun light.

    Anyway, when warming up B, did something to his ankle, he said he was still ok to run, and we headed down to the start line, lining up just behind the elites... We started off slow up Dawson St, with loads of people passing us. Past the Shelbourne, and all was well. Plenty of support etc. Baggot st, and the easy pace (8min ish), B was beginning to fall behind, i slowed slightly. Just on to Fitzwilliam sq and he stopped, saying that the ankle was to sore, and he could'nt continue, I briefly checked with him as he OK to get back to the start line where i would meet up with him again. He said he was OK...

    Dilema, do I continue with the easy run and enjoy myself, or do i go for it??? I went for it... I figured i was somewhere in the middle of the field at this stage, I upped the pace, put the head down and started moving. Back onto Baggot St was grand. Just taking the left off Baggot, and i could see the leader moving over baggot St Bridge.

    Now moving past people that has passed me in the first half mile. The canal was grand (6:11), slight head wind. Adelade road, again fine. Up Leason St, really moving (6:08) mile. Fitzwilliam Sq again. The Shelbourne hotel, (don't thing about the fine wine, fine women and not much song from days gone by). On to Dawson st and the last mile was down to 5:38m/m, really moving. Crossed the line with 20:19 on the Garmin.

    I probably lost 1 - 1:20 with the first half mile with Brian. Anyway we had a couple of pints after in the baily.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Monday 21 Mar : Had decided that this would be an easy recovery run, but didnt turn out like that. Piles of other runners in the park, so my natural competitive edge took over and I went for a short tempo instead. 3.4 miles in 25min. (7.22 m/m).

    Mile 1 7:16
    Mil2 2 7:17
    Mile 3 7:28
    Mile 4 7:39

    YTD 297.1

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Tuesday 22 Mar : Usual Tusday tempo run around the coast road, (Raheny, Sutton, coast road, and back again). Havent done this in a good few weeks, so i was worried that I would be bugging out half way through. But not a bit of it. Slight and cold wind in the face on the way out. Finished the 10miles in 1:13 for a 7:20m/m average. Need to get this under 70min by end of april.

    Think I will have to plan a fast session in the next few weeks with one of the club lads to get me there. The thinking being if I can run a sub 70m 10mile in training on a regular basis, I should be able to smash the Frank Duffy 10 in August.

    Wed 23 Mar: Weights and core session in the gym.

    YTD 307.1

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Wednesday 23 Mar : Did 4.1 miles while waiting for himself to finish school. Just an easy run 4.1m in 30 min.

    Thur 24 Mar : Did my usual lap around the pheonix park at lunch time. 6.5 miles in 48:11 for 7.20 m/m avg. Fantastic day to run, first time there that i had the shorts and vest on. Great to be alive and running....:D

    Decided to give the Dunboyne 4m on Sunday a miss. Minding the kids this weekend, so would mean having to bring them over ensure that there OK etc.. To much hassel... Also missed the BHAA in Malahide last night as had to collect himself from football. Kids into running dont go !

    YTD : 317.7

    MTD : 91.2

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Friday 25 Mar: Took the day off, and what a nice day to take off (sunny and temp around 12c)... Ran the seafront route from bay to sutton, howth and back. 10 miles in 1:14. Then coffee and scones...

    Sunday 27 Mar: Hard getting up the hour earlier, but did my usual sunday session. Ran with on of the fast lads in the club for first mile (6:20 ish), then a previous winner of DCM for next 3 miles (all miles around 6:30ish). After that I was blown to bits and had to drop the pace down to 7:2X ish. Anyway finished 13.1 miles in 1:34. 7:13avg m/m... Great session... Thats my 3rd fastest ever half marathon...

    Ytd 340.8

    Mtd 114.3

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Tuesday 29 Mar: Bit tired going into this run. Decided to run easy. Just a few miles in the fields in swords. Also took in the football pitches. Just 6.5 miles in 50 min.

    Getting some pain in both knees. That coupled with work and kids is limiting me getting out for runs. Thinking about taking a week for at this stage. Could help in the long run (meaning time, not LSR)...

    Ytd : 347.3
    Mtd 120.8

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    First Week of April 2011 : A fair bit of pain in both knees for the last few days. That coupled with a pain down the right shoulder, has kept me out of running since tuesday 29th.

    Think I will have to lay off for a bit longer to get over this setback. Just looking at my running diary for last year, I did a total of 1.5miles in the month (04/2010). This was down to coming back to the running to soon after the foot operation. Not going to make that mistake this year. So decided to hold off on the road pounding until I feel completly better.

    Hopefully it will clear up soon, as the lb's are already beginning to make themselves known again... To much good living...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Second Week April 2011 : Been off a fair bit over the last few weeks with a pain inside both Knees. Its the kind of injury where, if you run you feel that you are doing more damage, hence the light running volume over the last few weeks. Think the worst is over though.

    In saying that I went for a blast last night, "To see where i was". Finished 10miles in 1:12:46. Wreaked when i got home, and had some difficulty in sleeping... First 5miles in 35min, so no to bad all things considered. Big wind in the face on the way back though, so 2:50 slower on way back.

    YTD : 366.30 Miles
    Mtd : 19 Miles

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Last Week April 2011 : Pain still in Knees, and really beginning to worry me at this stage. In 4 years of running Iv never been out of decent training for this long.

    That being said, iv got in a few medium distance runs (5 -7miles). Kept is slow and easy (except Howth hill last week for a new PB). Really only 2 runs per week now. I had to let go that day due to build up of frustration.

    Anyway if it don't clear up by Tuesday, im off to see "the man with the tan".... He sorted me last year after the broken glass in the foot, hopefully he can work similar miracles this year the knees.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Tuesday 03 May 2011 : The pain in the two knees seems to have mostly subsided. However it now seems to be replaced with a dull pain in the right hip. Hopefully it will heal itsself. Decided at the weekend, that i have been out of serious training to long, so need to get back to decient run volume this month.

    I tried a bit a course of Yoga at lunch time today. Very good, if a bit "spritual" at the start. Feel very relaxed now.

    YTD : 417.3
    MTD : 12

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    First Week May 2011 : The knees seem to have sorted themselves out as much as they are going to, so back to some semi nore run training.

    Tue 3rd : 5.7 miles on the raheny 5 course plus a bit of a warm down. Completed in 43 for an easy run.

    Fri 6th : 6.5 miles in the Pheonix park in 49.56, again an easy run for 7.38 Avg pace.

    Sat 7th : Swords Park just 40 mins easy running 4.5 miles.

    Sun 8th : Ran with the marathon lads for another easy run. Most of them that had done the Malin to Mizen so were all wreaked but I still could not keep up. Anyway some day. 12 miles in 1:35.

    YTD : 446
    MTD : 40.7

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Second Week May 2011 :

    I seem to be doing everything bar running this days. Started going Yoga on Tuesdays, which if great for a good nights sleep that night. Also getting back into the gym in a big way, with 3 session per week, including a PT session on Wednesday mornings.

    Anyway back to the running or lack of...

    Thur 12 : 6.6 Miles in the Pheonix park, in 49 mins for a 7.22 average. Met Vinny M. on Kiber who was waiting for another guy to turn up. I congratulated him on the recent BHAA win.

    Sat 14 : Ran the Barretstown 5 K fun run in Malahide with John. Was his first ever race, and i ran with him. Suffice it to say that he wont slag me about running again. Anyway i think he was the first child finisher, and he gave it socks over the last 400m. Very Proud Dad... Finished in 25mins.

    Sunday 15 : Ran Raheny for 6 miles only. Only 6 out from the club. I had a run in with the gingerbread man at mile 4,5,6 and was lucky to make it back to the car, and home before all hell broke loose... Never making Fish Pie the day before a run again.

    Ytd : 461.7
    Mtd : 56.4

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Third Week May 2011:

    With herself away, and me minding the kids last week and this week the running was going to take a beating.

    Tuesday 17 : Yoga next door, which I am going to abandon from next week, as I get way to relaxed to run in the evening. That being said I did manage the 10K loop in Raheny.

    Thursday 19 : Went down to Phoenix park for normal 7 mile lunch time run, to be met with a wall of police. HM was visiting so the park was shut. Anyway went back up to Trinity track and squeezed in 2 mile only, as it was getting late.

    Saturday 21: Turned up for first track session, in ALSAA, but got the time wrong. The FAI football referees were there, so not wanting to have to wait around for an hour, joined in. did 6 * 440m (had to run in outside lane). Felt slow and sluggish.

    Sunday 22 : Did 10mile with the club. Normal route on the seafront. Turned before Sutton into the worst wind ever. Averages went from 7:20m/m to about 9:00m/m....

    Ytd : 481.9
    Mtd : 76.6

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak


    Training not going well at all. The knees having been giving constant problems for the last few months. Seems particularly bad the next morning, even with significant stretching after the run and when I get up. Also taking the glucosamine on a regular basis.

    At this stage I have tried a fair bit of phsyio, Yoga, Gym work (both Light and heavy). Running slow (which I hate), running fast (which I love), running on grass, but all to no avail.

    Away on holidays in Portugal next week, so not much running to be down, which may help. The only positive to take from this is that at this time last years I on 270 miles on the 1000 challenge.

    Ytd : 500.7
    Mtd : 95.4

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    First Week June 2011:

    Was on holidays down in portugal for last week. While i expected the running to take a back seat, i actually got out every day (bar one) for a decent run. Plus every second day in the gym.

    Strangely the pain went from the knees and hip, possibly down to the hot weather. But can feel a slight timgle in writing this now?

    Sun 5th : 4.5m - 35 mins
    Mon 6th : 6.5m - 50 mins
    Tue 7th : 6.5m - 50 mins
    Wed 8th : 5.2m - 40 mins
    Thur 9th : 5.3m - 40 mins
    Fri 10th : 8.0m - 60 mins
    Sun 12th :7.8m - 60mins

    This is going to be a big run month for me, have the Strawberry half in 2 weeks, followed by the clontarf half a week later. Also is the Club 5K, and the docklands 8k.

    Ytd : 551
    Mtd : 50.3

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Second week June 2011 :

    Not much by way of running this week NOT !!!!

    15/06 - 6.6 miles around swords park for a easy run, before seeing the Physio, with the on-going knee problems.

    16/06 - Entered the BHAA Track series in Trinity. Great fun. Only did the 1 mile, as I have never run a measured mile before and hence no PB for this distance. I had a grade 17 from the XC in ALSAA back in February, so not knowing the relative grades and being new to the BHAA, I went with the 17. I missed the 1 miles for my grade (as it was merged with another higher grade race), so i had to run the 1 mile in the 13 - 15 grade. About 25 runners, so stayed in the back, not knowing what to expect for the first lap. One younger guys went to the front and stayed there with a gap opening by 30 - 40 meters per lap, so we were all effectively running for second place.

    I Actually found the pace relatively easy, so moved up the pack for lap 2 and 3. On final lap I went from 4 place into second, with the back strait in sight went for it with everything I had. Kept expecting for somebody to pass me, but got to the line with the lungs burning and the legs in bits. Got a second place... (in a slow 6:11)... Still pretty sure I could have gone under 6:00, but wanted to place in a race rather that some anomalous time that i could get in training.

    17/06 : 6.5 miles in Phoenix park. Just easy run bar the last mile in 6:50.

    19/06 : Ran the Raheny mid summer 5K in St Annes park. Wanted to do well in this as it a home club race for me. Last year did a 20:07 so would be disappointed with anything over 19:59. Start very fast, I tried to go with the fast lads from the club, but no chance at all... First mile in 6:07, a mate of mine just 20 meters ahead of me. If i could just catch him. Second mile in a slower 6:31, was paying the price for the first fast mile. Third mile in 6:34, again lungs in bits, just wanted it to end now. Last .1 mil in 5:44, just 3 meters behind D. Finished in 31 place with a 19:42 another PB in the week...

    Ytd : 571.1
    Mtd : 70.4

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Third Week June 2011 :

    Taking it easy this week in terms of milage, with two half in a week coming up.

    21/06 : Ran 5 miles raheny loop, finished in 38 min. Then ran the 2 mile Summer series first race. Finished in 12:23 for 18th place. Again D. beat me by 2 meters this time. Will have to get him next week.

    23/06 : Trinity track for 3.5 miles easy in 25mins.

    Pain in the knees mostly gone thanks to Dave. Hip still slightly sore, but hopefully gone by sunday.

    Prediction for Strawberry Half ??? 1:37 (1 min faster than last year, but not racing this, with the lack of pace miles over the last 12 weeks). Also need to leave something in the tank for Clontarf following Sunday.

    Ytd : 581.6
    Mtd : 80.9

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Strawberry Half Marathon - 26/06/2011

    Great race again this year. Similar to last year I decided that this was not going to be an all out effort, rather take in the sights, enjoy my self and use it as a tempo long run effort.

    Talked to Dave Brady for 1st mile, and turns out he ran the Galway marathon on the day before (that would be 40m over 2 days for Dave). I started towards the back of the field, and steadly moved up through the field in mile 2,3,4, until i got into my pace pack.

    Scenery lovely, and the weather and temp perfect for running. Fair few hills from Mile 4 until mile 10. (Note to self, Hill repeats). Plenty of water and support all the way around.

    Last 3 miles on the N11, ran with a girl. Pushed her in terms of pace, and think she got 10th female finisher. We finished in 1:38:28...

    Great day...

    Ytd : 594.7
    Mtd : 94

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Last week June 2011

    28/06 : Ran 3 mile warmup before the 2 mile race series - round 3. Then to the race. Happy enough considering the Half was still in the legs. Finished the 2 miler in 12:36 for 18th place.

    30/06 : Easy run around the park at home. 4.5 miles in 35 mins. followed by 5*80m strides.

    Just noticed that the time I posted for the Half should have been 1:37:28.

    Ytd : 604.2
    Mtd : 103.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭MisterDrak

    Week 1 July 2011

    Sat 02 July : 2.5 mile Easy run in swords park. Just a warm up before the half.

    Sun 03 July : Clontarf Half, Originally i would have been happy with 1:35 on this. When i heard that one of the club lads was pacing for 1:30 i upped my target, and decided to go for it, in hindsight not the best decision. The day its self was hot, probably 18c before the off, with virtually no wind.

    Decided to head off at 6:45 pace and see where I was after 5 miles. The 1:30 pacers caught up with me at end of the wooden bridge. They seemed to me moving very smoothly and controlled, compared to my higher effort level. Anyway I removed the shirt and tucked into my short and got ready for the beach section. Got a hello from Damien, “Dig in Dave”, he could obviously see I was hurting already. Spoke briefly to Krusty, who was moving well. Noticed another guy running well in the 5 fingered runners (fine on the beach, but on the roads???).

    End of the beach section I had lost contact with the 1:30 pacers. Still my first 5 miles were all under 7:00m/m, so not to bad. The section off the beach was dry sand and almost no traction, then on to the cause way road, with no breeze at all, and very warm as a result. A few well-wishers from Raheny on the bottom of watermill. At the end of the Howth road I seen the first returning runner, who I understand is a Boardsie, (Well done). Hit the turn in 45:?? And nice to see all the people running the other way for a change. Pace now down to 7:20 and slipping. Beach section was just a blur, got passed by a couple of younger lads... Mile 10 – slowest at 7:34. Still mad up a few places over the last 4 miles.

    The half marathon the week before in Wexford, was now telling. Legs were like lead and no bounce in the stride. I was blowing big time, Mile 12 – 7:13, Mile 13 – 7:02, pretty much max effort. This is a BIG wakeup call in terms of where my training is at the moment. Ran 1:28:40 in Dublin last year and it was way easier than this torture. Last .1 mile in 5:34 which means nothing. Big positive split of 47:XX for the second half half..

    Finished in 39 place in 1:33:07.

    Ytd : 620.7
    Mtd : 16.5

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,435 ✭✭✭christeb

    that race was tough tough TOUGH, don't dwell on your time too closely. From where we were standing it was 5 miles home (inc. 1++ on the beach) with wind in your face and 20+ degrees. I was far happier hungover on the sidelines than running, I can tell you that.

    Great work, see you at the 2 miler Tues.
