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Not really 5/3/1

  • 04-11-2010 2:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭

    I've been browsing this board for a while now and decided it was time to put myself out there and be accountable. Also, I keep losing my logbooks so this is a back up! Been training properly since Jan/Feb 2010 stats then were:
    height 5 9 weight ~73kg
    bench ~70 x 5
    squat ~100x3 very high, illegal quarter reps
    dead lift ~140~3 had some prior experience in that lift

    At present
    height 5 9 weight ~80kg
    Bench 105x1
    squat 137x3 parallel, touching box for depth
    dead lift 200x1

    Current split is basically Lower/Upper/Lower/Upper...
    Upper days are alternated between bench and military press, and follow 5/3/1.Lower days are alternated between squat for 3 reps, squat for 2 reps and dead lifts for 1rep. It’s simple but hard to articulate here.

    Last night’s squat session:
    Squat 137x 3 2 2 2 2
    Partial squat 160x3 165x3 160x 3 (Hopefully improve dead lift strength off the floor)
    Drops set of partials and some ab work.

    Thanks for reading, feedback appreciated.



  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Bench, work up to 1 rep max
    80 x 3
    90 x 1
    100 x 1
    107x1 PR
    100x fail :(

    Incline Dumbell Bench
    27.7kgs 15, 12, 10

    Barbell Row
    80 x 5
    90 x 5,5,5
    Drop set 90,80,60

    Single Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extension
    25 kg, 20, 20, 15

    cable pushdowns

    Crappy enough session, the failure at 100kg bummed me a little but hit a PR so not too bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    This morning.
    130x1 wore belt for the first time
    145x1 PR
    150x1 PR
    155x1 PR
    160x1 PR
    165x1 PR

    Leg Press
    120 kg loads of reps various foot positions, 2 sets

    Cable Ab crunch 3 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Pavel66

    Amazing improvement in the squat! Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Thanks,I appreciate that.
    I think it's down to improving technique by doing more sets at near max weights. It was very surprised to hit 165 as I was hoping for 155, maybe. The belt is also mentally reassuring for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Military Press
    warm up
    70x fail x fail

    Push Press
    70 x 4,5,2,4
    I'm new to this exercise and overhead pressing in general needs a lot of work.
    Did a few lateral and front raises for da pump

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  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    warm up
    180x1 belt on. It was my first time dead lifting in a belt and didn't feel right
    190x1 same as above uncomfortable but easy
    205x1 PR
    205x1 loosened the belt one notch, helped a bit
    210x1 PR

    weighted GHR

    I don't know what to make of the belt for deads.
    My torso feels tighter, but there seems to be huge pressure building up to the point where my chest is the sorest part after the lifts.
    I suppose it will take practise to learn the belt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Bench 5 rep day
    bar x 10
    40x 10
    60x 5
    92x5 that was the target for today
    105x miserable fail

    Barbell Row
    80x 5
    100x 4

    Tricep push down
    fairly light x high reps

    Need to work on set up on the bench. Trying to get my arch right but it's making it hard to unrack the bar sometimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87


    100 x 3
    110 x 3
    120 x 3
    belt on
    130 x 2
    140 x 1
    145 x 2,2,2,2,2

    Partial squat belt off
    140 x 3
    160 x 3
    170 x 3
    140 x 11

    Cable Crunches
    3 sets

    Wrecked after the set off 11, it really brings home how unfit I am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Military Press (5 rep week)
    warm up
    57 x 6

    Push Press
    60 x 1
    70 x 5,5,4,3

    100 x 10
    140 x 5
    160 x 7

    12, 7, 6


    I felt a twinge in upper back on the last set of push presses, thought nothing of it at the time. But once I got home it got painful to move my neck at all. Didn't sleep that night and very uncomfortable yesterday, unable to move much at all. Its not a muscular pain I think it could be a bit of pinched nerve or something. Bit better today, should be able to gym it up tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Decided I can't squat heavy every session so lower body work will now alternate between 1 heavy squats, 2 light squats and 3 deadlifts. The lighter session will be focused on the bottom part of the squat. Yesterday was a day to play around with lighter squat exercises.

    Squat to low box 12" i think
    100 x 3, 3
    110 x 3, 3 uncomfortable with depth

    Switched to high bar on same box
    100 x 3, 3 easier to reach depth

    Higher box about 14 inches(just below parallel) low bar
    110 x 2 sit back with pause

    Front squats
    60 x 3
    70 x 3
    80 x 3
    90 x 3
    100 x 3 happy enough with that

    GHR weighted
    3 sets of 6

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  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Bench "3 rep max day"
    Bar x 10
    40 x 8
    60 x 5
    70 x 3
    80 x 3
    90 x 1
    95 x 3, happy, i only got 2 reps 3 weeks ago

    100 x 1
    105 x 1
    110 x miserable fail, should get it next week when I'm fresh

    Wrecked at this stage from going out on a work night, so I did some flies and tricep extensions and called it a day

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    60 x 5
    100 x 3
    140 x 3
    160 x 1
    170 x 1
    180 x 1
    belt on
    190 x 1
    200 x 1,1,1,1,1,1

    Last two at 200 were tough, enjoyable though

    Rach Pull
    150 x 5
    172.5 x 5,5,5

    3 sets

    Ab wheel
    3 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Military Press "3 rep day"
    bar x 10
    40 x 5
    50 x 3
    62 x 4

    Push Press
    70 x 5,5,5,3 last set was crap, moving up weight next week anyway

    Face pulls
    new to this, 3 sets trying to get rear delts working and keep some balance in shoulders

    Shoulder lateral raises
    4 sets high reps for pump

    EZ bar
    few sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Squats to a slightly below parallel box for depth
    60 x 5
    100 x 3
    110 x 3
    belt on
    120 x 2
    130 x 2,2,2,2,2
    This was a step down from the 145kg I did for same reps/sets and it feels bad to lower weight. But at least now I'm 100% I'm hitting good depth and have a solid goal to get back to 145.

    Partial squats
    140 x 3
    160 x 1
    175 x 3
    Love this movement

    3 x 12-15 on each leg.
    On an aerobics step with with a band

    Decline situps
    5 kg behind head
    3 sets of about 12

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Bench "1 rep max day"
    bar x 10
    40 x 8
    60 x 5
    70 x 5
    80 x 3
    90 x 1
    100 x 1
    110 x miserable fail about two inches of chest
    60 x 1
    70 x 1
    80 x 1
    90 x 1
    100 x 1 struggle
    105 x fail

    Barbell Row
    60 x 10
    80 x 5
    90 x 5
    100 x 5
    100 x 6
    Drop set to 60

    Over head dumbell extension
    25 x 10
    30 x 6
    30 x 6
    25 x about 6

    Superset dumbell extension and incline chest flies/press

    Tricep cable work
    various pump work

    Crap benching, didn't feel right at all.
    Might reset 5/3/1 with new max and do paused bench
    Possibly my accessory work is not up to scratch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    60 x 5, 5
    80 x 5
    100 x 3
    120 x 2
    130 x 3,3,3,3

    Front Squat
    60 x 3
    70 x 3
    80 x 3
    90 x 3
    102 x 3

    Decline Sit up
    10,10, 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Military Press 1 rep max
    bar x lots
    30 x 10
    40 x 5
    50 x 3
    60 x 1
    65 x 1
    70 x fail
    60 x 1
    65 x 1
    70 x fail
    70 x fail

    Push Press
    60 x 1
    65 x 1
    70 x 1
    75 x 1
    80 x 1
    82 x fail
    70 x 1
    75 x 1
    80 x 1
    82 x 1 Thank **** I got that or the night would have been a waste

    Pull ups
    2 sets about 10

    Overall a piss poor session, but better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    60 x 10
    100 x 3
    100 x 3
    140 x 3
    160 x 3
    170 x 1
    belt on
    180 x 1
    190 x 1
    205 x 1
    205 x 1
    205 x 1
    205 x 1
    205 x 1
    205 x 1

    Rack Pull
    140 x 5
    175 x 5
    175 x 5
    175 x 5

    That took ages beleive it or not. Aiming for 3x BW deadlift early next year. Weighed 76kg today so 230-235 is the goal. 220 will be nice too, 5 plates a side.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Bench reset 531 working of 100kg max
    up to 85kg x 10

    60 x 10 very wide grip
    60 x 10 close grip
    60 x 10 very wide
    60 x 6 close
    60 x 9 very wide

    Incline dumbell
    22.5 x 6 pain in shoulder stopped all pressing for the day

    Pull ups
    10 wide
    10 narrow neutral
    10 wide

    Straight arm pull down
    Few pump sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    60 x 5
    100 x 3
    120 x 2
    belt on
    130 x 1
    140 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

    Partialsno belt
    140 x 3
    160 x 3
    170 x 1
    180 x 3

    2 sets each leg

    Cable Abs
    3 sets 12

    Partials are probably not great for the knees,but they are fantastic for the ego! 4 plates a side:rolleyes:
    I'll keep them up until the new year anyway. Tempted to run Smolov then to try to bring my squat in line with my deadlift.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Military Press "3 day"
    Worked up to 60 x 5

    Push Press/clean and press
    60 x1
    70 x 1
    72 x 1
    75 x 1
    77 x 1
    80 x 1, 1, 1

    Shoulder raises
    pumps sets

    Face Pull
    4 sets lots reps

    3 sets EZ bar
    lots of hammer curls


  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    130 x 3
    135 x 3
    135 x 3
    135 x 3 tough
    135 x 3 supposed to be the last set, but felt good so tried a few more
    135 x 3
    135 x 3

    Cable Ab crunch
    3 sets

    3 sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Didn't have plan going in today, just winged it.
    60 x 8
    100 x 5
    140 x 3 straps, couldn't find chalk
    160 x 1 straps, couldn't find chalk
    belt on
    180 x 1 straps
    195 x1 found some chalk, but had a lob sided bar should have been 200
    210 x fail slipped above knee, due to lack of chalk and **** knurling

    changed bar
    220 x 1 PR.
    nearly missed it. I let it go forward and the bar almost stopped just around knee level, but it slowly came up. With a better warm up and technique I should be able to hit this weight more comfortably.

    Decided that I will play around more between now and new year.
    Smolov starting first week in January

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Friday 17th
    Bench 3 rep day
    Up to 90 x 5 easy reps

    Messed about with dumbell inclines tricep extensions and the like

    Tuesday 21st
    Work up to max
    130 x 1
    140 x 1
    150 x 1
    155 x 1
    160 x 1
    165 x Fail

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Last few weeks have been **** few sessions not worth logging

    105 x 9,10,9,9

    Back in groove now I hope

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Did I see you hitting 147.5kg x5's in your log before? And you missed 165? Duuuuude. C'mon!!

    You seemed to be balls to the wall every sesh from what I remember. Probably time to back down and come back up, which seems to be what you're doing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    Hanley wrote: »
    Did I see you hitting 147.5kg x5's in your log before? And you missed 165? Duuuuude. C'mon!!

    You seemed to be balls to the wall every sesh from what I remember. Probably time to back down and come back up, which seems to be what you're doing!

    No, I didn't get 147.5 x5's, maybe a few months ago when I was squatting sky high I might have! But I've slowly sorted out my depth and as a result lowered numbers.

    I've been doing doubles and triples in 130's and 140's over the last while.

    You are right, I need some higher rep training in there, at least sets of 5 anyway.

    I will get 165 next time and then on to next target of 180.

    Thanks for the input.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    112.5 x 7,7,7,7,7

    Pull up
    7 total 50

    Face pulls

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭dantes87

    120 x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5

    Incline DB Bench
    22 x10
    27 x 5
    32 x 5
    37 x 5

    Cable push down
    3 sets many reps

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5 pajomaginty

    Hi Mate,
    Massive gains all round there fair do's.
    But it doesn't look anything like 5/3/1 which doesn't matter at all.
    I was just wondering if you are you doing deload weeks at all?
