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Maj of sonichurricane and scaling back

  • 10-11-2010 10:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭

    Felt like this deserved its own thread and I didn't know ehter else to put it anyway - Maj gives his views on FG content aggregator Eventhubs and announces that he won't be producing as much content from now on. Made me sad to read, as Maj is one of the most entertaining and hard-working inviduals creating content for the FG community imo.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    Regarding his comment on event hubs, i think its a bit extreme to call them a leech. Due to the nature of his content the media is embedded to get maximum exposure and credit given where credit is due.
    In fact if there was just a link 'check out this video' then there would be minmal click through impressions. The exposure and credibility he has received should be some what credited to the news sites themselves.
    While its understandable where he is coming from but if he was concentrating on making an extra buck he should have reviewed his business model and has had his media in a custom flv player that others would have to go to extra measures to embed or 'leech'
    I actually met the owner of eventhubs briefly at Evo. He seemed like a nice guy. I don’t blame him for trying to cash out on the mainstream success of SF4. But nobody knows who he is or where he came from. He just showed up with SF4 and capitalized on its instant popularity. And everyone jumped on his bandwagon and happily rode down the path of least resistance.
    Also a major case of elitism there.

    back on the main topic, definitely sad to see him go, some great stuff produced over the years

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    I don't think the part you bolded is a case of elitism - I think it's more referring to his opinion that the guy started the website mostly/purely for monetary gain, rather than being a part of "the community", which obviously is very important to a lot of people who play SF/create content based around it. I guess that could be seen as elitist but I see it more as disappointment that the guy making money off the community-created content isn't a part of it (obviously conjecture on my part).

    The same thing happened with the guys running frame-advantage, except those guys were actually helping create content (Seb to my knowledge started streaming due to the prospect of making money from it, then quit doing it at least in part because it wasn't making money - could be misremembering though).

    As for your point about his business model, yeah, I agree there's probably something he could do/could've done about it in order to bring a bit more money in.

    edit: typo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    hippie versus capitalist...... FT10?:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Sad times. His combo vids over the years have been fantastic and pretty much everything he has ever written is still valid.

    I hope he still puts out the sonic hurricane dvd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Wow, I remember a while back picking up some negative vibes from higher uppers in the US FG community and not really understanding why. But I never looked into it.

    Its interesting he says EventHubs came along with SF4 but actually my primary use for Eventhubs was about a year before SF4 even came out, back when I was learning 3s. There was/is some nice 3s info up on there and I bookmarked it, subsequently linking it to everyone else I was trying to get into 3s at the time.

    I actually stopped using it when SF4 came out and we got our own community. And 90% of the time much preferred to get all my SF news and gossip from here. Even though a lot of that would be taken from eventhubs (who would have taken from SRK anyway) I would generally rather read about it on here. The other 8% I'd get from SRK , reading the ibuki thread on SRK and so forth, and lastly 2% would be the capcommunity forums.

    I remember recently someone made a negative remark to someone else on here about a video or picture they posted saying something along the lines of 'its not like we didn't already see that on eventhubs ourselves' But I certainly don't check eventhubs cause I know if its worth talking about someone will post it here, and I'd much rather talk about it on here.

    But anyway I do feel sorry for Maj, it would seem eventhubs is another ebaumsworld , or is at least viewed as such by many.

    I don't understand though if the guy could disable embedding of his youtube vids and flag anyone who downloads and reuploads his vids to their own channel.

    Or maybe worked out a partnership with whoevers running event hubs, I dunno.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    I prowl Eventhubs comments quite a lot (Shakespear of the net right there) and saw a bit of Catalyst - the guy who runs EventHubs - defending himself. Interesting to see it from his side a bit at least.
    Kalucard wrote: »
    I like the first sentence : "has been posted here on Eventhubs". Yeah, trying not to feel guilty about Maj closing his website?

    I just read his article and man, I hope you guys choke on your big money.

    Anyway, screw you eventhubs for hurting the community. Oh yeah, after copy-pasting from the other websites, feel free to close my account.
    Catalyst wrote: »

    I strongly disagree with Maj's statements he made on his website.

    To put it simply, it's a load of crap. Of course, he never talked to me about this at EVO — or at any other time. It would have been nice to know he felt this way so things could have been worked out differently, but I was never given the chance.

    Always nice to find out someone hates your guts when you have no idea.

    I have supported and credited Maj on COUNTLESS occasions for his work on SonicHurricane and If you look around EventHubs, I think you'll find more links to his sites than on ANY other place on the internet.

    Nice to see how I was treated and thought of for that.

    Again, his statements are false and I think it's really crappy to see someone do this.
    HAV wrote: »
    Come on. You know what Maj is saying is true. Even if you do link to his site, it's not like you give incentive to go to his site when you embed his content.

    I don't think you're necessarily wrong for that... and he should expect people to embed his stuff, but if you really were about helping the community, you'd be about helping content providers as well, since they are what the community (and you) really needs.

    You can see the comments on this thread alone... EventHubs constituents are largely people that are new to the scene... don't know any of the people that have been extremely important to the scene for a very long time... and don't care about supporting them. If you care about that, then you have to make them support them. it's EXTREMELY easy for you to have been doing that all along, if that was a concern for you.

    My argument is that it never had to be a concern for you (which doesn't make you evil or anything), so Maj is kinda naive in his anger over this... but to come out as if you DO care, is kinda silly.

    He's also right that you don't actually do anything yourself.

    This very article is proof of that.

    You have two different accounts of the same information. You say there's a debate... but that's just like the media now always claiming there are two equal sides to a story, when there's really only one truth... and a lot of nonsense. Throw range is hard data. It's not opinion. If you saw two accounts, instead of stealing them both, and qualifying both of them as potentially being inaccurate, you could have *gasp* done some testing yourself to see which one (if either) was the correct data... but that would have required actually doing something. So Maj is definitely correct in this assessment.
    Catalyst wrote: »

    I don't promote older members of the community? Ever read this article by chance?

    It was a top 10 list of people/sites I thought contributed the most stuff during the entire 2009 calendar year.

    Have you ever seen Alex Valle, John Choi or Daigo's names mnetioned on this site? I think if you do a VERY brief scan of the front page articles, you'll find their names — all over the place on the site. I think these guys have contributed a thing or two to the community during their time in it.

    I care a ton about the community, I wouldn't run this site, devote an insane amount of hours and work my butt off if I didn't love Street Fighter and want to make things better.

    What's amazing to me is all of the false accusations and hate I've apparently generated without knowing it.

    If this was such a big deal to Maj, why didn't he take -literally- 5 minutes to let me know? There's places to contact me all over this site, I met him at EVO, yet this is the first time I hear of this from him.

    As far as not doing anything myself. You're right. I didn't spend 8 hours working on this article yesterday, staying up until 4 a.m. in the morning testing out the information to the best of my ability and compiling it and making sure it was as accurate as I could make it. I didn't get just 4 hours of sleep, so I could wake up and post more news and start getting information ready for the day.

    As a matter of fact, if you look through the SSF4 guide, or any guides on this site, you won't find any original content there. You won't find stuff that I've spent days, weeks, months creating and putting together for the community to try and get more information out there to the players. Stuff I've written myself and with the help of community members.

    You won't find things like images, video and data that I spent countless hours creating and compiling.

    It amazes me that all of this false information is spread so easily when if people simply took the time to look around and see for themselves, they'd see it's not true.

    After that they just go back and forth over the same points so I got bored. =/

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Cheers for the post. Again would rather read that here then scroll through a load of ****e on eventhubs lol

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    I have to say, I don't check event hubs at all.

    The reason I don't is waaay back when I was first looking for match up advice for Guile as a total noob I read the match up thread on SRK.

    In with the good stuff was some absolutely awful advice (vanilla Guile should play footsies with boxer, I believe it was) but that's par for the course with a forum.

    I then checked out event hubs and found the same poor info replicated there in a Guile guide. Kinda lost "faith" in what they had to say then. Like Sisko, I get my news here.

    News aggregators are a hot topic in alot of interweb fields. This issue is going to arise more and more :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

    I herd Arianna Huffington owns eventhubs..
