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[WP7] Sprout SMS

  • 15-11-2010 9:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    Allow me to introduce sprout SMS please see the FAQ below for more details. Briefly Sprout SMS is an open source version of cabbage for WP7. I invite anyone who is interested in cabbage or wants to gain experience with WP7 development to grab a copy of the code from the repo or get in contact with me.

    1: What is Sprout SMS?
    Sprout SMS is an open source web texting application designed for windows phone 7 series with the aim of sending web text from provides that supply them.

    2: Where can I find this application?

    Sprout SMS has its own codeplex site URL][/URL were the source is held in SVN.

    3: Is it not on the marketplace?
    Not yet the code is not in a "go live" state and as such has not been placed on the market place.

    4: Open Source you say?
    100% The code was developed using an open source project and therefore it is only fair that Sprout SMS' code is also open source.

    5: How much will it cost on the market place?
    Since it is an open source project the final application will be free on the market place. There are no future plans to charge for it what so over.

    6: What project did the source originally come from?
    Cabbage by another member of this board. The name Sprout SMS is a nod to this fact.

    7: I develop in .NET, can I help?

    Of course, in fact this is why I put this thread up. I don't know a huge amount about HTTP request and so I am trucking on at a slower pace than I would like. Any help from members is more than welcome.

    8: I would like to help but I'm only a newbie?
    We were all newbies once, I will provide email and skype details below once they are set up to help anyone who would like to work on the code base.

    9: Can I just commit code changes at will?
    No, in order to maintain parity I would prefer if you submitted patches first. Once your patch is succesfully implemented into the code base you will be invited to be part of the Sprout SMS team.

    10: What does being part of the team mean?

    It means you get to bask in the glory of your peers...... and commit to the code base.

    11: I have Ideas, what do I to tell you?
    Email them to the address provided or more preferably create a discussion on codeplex.

    skype: sproutsms



  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Just as a note the code is uncommented as I have spent about 13 hours converting it to C# and putting some structure to it. This will be changed in the next day or too. Also the async stuff may look a bit funky due to a third party class being used. All it does is allow the async code to be written in a top to bottom style, it is still called asyncrhonusly as it is the only way the micro framework will allow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Now sends SMS from O2. Funtionality is brittle but it works!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭wheresmybeaver

    As a HD7 user I look forward to the inaugural release of Sprout SMS! Also, delighted to hear that it will be free.

    I've had a bash at developing bits and bobs for WP7 but my beginners level of C# knowledge has seriously left me down, so unfortunately I can't help.

    Good luck, and thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Cheers for the support. I am concentrating getting an O2 version out asap as it is what most people will have. I will update as soon as I have the forst release ready. You can also check the codeplex website for more fine grained updates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Tasty, Tasty Screenshots:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭smcelhinney

    On a more general note, whats WP7 like to develop for?

    Kudos on the app by the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,272 ✭✭✭✭Atomic Pineapple

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    Tasty, Tasty Screenshots:

    Very Very nice is that Win7 generic styling? Looks incredible!

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Cheers guys, yeah that's the default theming you can bind your windows to the phones theme so it changes by default. The app also supports landscape mode.

    The progress bars are third party and support default theming. In general aside from some hiccups wp7 is a treat to work with. The emulator is nippy and solid and the libraries are full featured.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,272 ✭✭✭✭Atomic Pineapple

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    Cheers guys, yeah that's the default theming you can bind your windows to the phones theme so it changes by default. The app also supports landscape mode.

    The progress bars are third party and support default theming. In general aside from some hiccups wp7 is a treat to work with. The emulator is nippy and solid and the libraries are full featured.

    Any pointers on how to get started? beginners tutorials? setup tutorials?

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    It all really depends on your experience as a .net developer. If you tell me your experience level I will sort you out with some relevent resources.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    PS: if anyone would like to hire a .net developer who is self taught and pretty good looking let me know!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,272 ✭✭✭✭Atomic Pineapple

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    It all really depends on your experience as a .net developer. If you tell me your experience level I will sort you out with some relevent resources.

    Only 6 months in college, one semester using .net, but have 4 years experience in Java and another 6 months in C/C++.

    Only really looking at how to get the basics in W7, the hello world app and then some info on the API's available.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Cool so you know enough general programming to jump in easy enough. I've found that WP7 is broken down into the following:

    50% General .Net using C#
    25% Silverlight or XNA
    25% Phone specific API's

    As for getting started first off MS released a free book:

    After skimming that I would go download the tools. They come in one download and are available on the MS apphub website.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Closer and closer we get. The app is now being tested on the dev phone. There are a couple of BIG kinks to work out but on a whole we are about 75% there.

    For those of you who use twitter please go to @sproutsms and show your support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭wheresmybeaver

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    Cheers guys, yeah that's the default theming you can bind your windows to the phones theme so it changes by default. The app also supports landscape mode.

    The progress bars are third party and support default theming. In general aside from some hiccups wp7 is a treat to work with. The emulator is nippy and solid and the libraries are full featured.

    That's what I really like about WP7; the strong design ethic of Metro is easily adoptible, and it means that most 3rd party apps have a common look and feel.
    draffodx wrote: »
    Any pointers on how to get started? beginners tutorials? setup tutorials?

    I've been trying to self-teach (based on 6 months of asp and .net development in college a few years ago) and found the following helpful:
    reddit wp7 development subreddit
    free ebook from microsoft press
    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    Closer and closer we get. The app is now being tested on the dev phone. There are a couple of BIG kinks to work out but on a whole we are about 75% there.

    Looking forward to this, can it access the address book easily enough?

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Yup. They made it a "task" so read access to th phonebook is a breeze

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Sprout SMS has gone BETA!!

    After a period of intensive testing it will be submitted to the market place!

    Artwork is currently being looked at and also some final teaks

    Some displayed features did not make the cut as they took away from the current fluidity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭wheresmybeaver

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    Sprout SMS has gone BETA!!

    After a period of intensive testing it will be submitted to the market place!

    Artwork is currently being looked at and also some final teaks

    Some displayed features did not make the cut as they took away from the current fluidity.

    Jolly good! Will be keeping an eye on the marketplace. We need more Irish apps on there!

    As for the artwork / graphics, can I suggest a 2d basic metro-style icon rather than a 3d or colour picture of, say, a sprout? Just to keep everything consistent with metro (for example) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Yeah I've decided the same on the artwork. Its done now. Cheers for the link :-]

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Market submission has gone to MS, if they give me the all clear a launch date will be planned soon!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Show your love! support SproutSMS on facebook :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Unless MS finds a show stopper of a bug we should be ready to launch in under two weeks. Please take the time to review the much improved codeplex website:

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Just to let everyone know where were at:

    Sprout has gone for second approval to Microsoft. The first submission was rejected for low res screenshots and no way to test (they are based in the uk). I have supplied new tasty screenshots and a dummy testing account.

    The turn around averaged 5 days so I should have an answer by Friday. If I do I will look to publish for monday.

    Do bear in mind as they could not test functionality they still could find a runtime error. I have been extensively testing on my HD7 but as the creator I am biased to the usage so I am unsure how the submission will run.

    As always you can follow SproutSMS on facebook and twitter for realtime updates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Sprout has been approved! It should appear on the marketplace in the next 24 hours! Search the marketplace for Sprout SMS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭wheresmybeaver

    Just got sprout off the marketplace and, happily, it works! And very well indeed too. The access to the contact list, and the search option, is very impressive.

    Some things struck me immediately when I started using the app:

    1. There perhaps should be a recent contacts list (only the last 2 or 3) in the white space underneath the message box?
    2. If you start typing a message, but then let the phone screen turn off, the incomplete message disappears when you return / unlock
    3. If you write a message and hit the send button without first selecting a contact, then the app seems to go ahead and send the text message anyway... but to who? Quelle mystere! From a usability aspect, hitting the send button without first selecting a contact should bring you straight to the contacts screen, and then automatically send the message once the contact is selected. The contacts button in the main menu should remain as a way of adding one or more contacts, but without the action of sending the message immediately once a contact has been sent
    4. I feel there should be an option somewhere to allow you to manually type in a phone number, without first creating a contact

    But a great first version, and needless to say sprout will have the honour of being pinned to my start screen! It's a very exclusive club you know!

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Yay Feeback!

    This is the best part!

    1. There perhaps should be a recent contacts list (only the last 2 or 3) in the white space underneath the message box?

    This is a great idea. I have been trying to work out what to put here. I will check out the feesablity of this over the next few weeks and see if I can add it in without taking away from the ui.

    2. If you start typing a message, but then let the phone screen turn off, the incomplete message disappears when you return / unlock

    I wasn't aware of this but I think I know how to fix it. Ill work this into the next update as now that I am aware of it, it is annoying.

    3. If you write a message and hit the send button without first selecting a contact, then the app seems to go ahead and send the text message anyway... but to who? Quelle mystere! From a usability aspect, hitting the send button without first selecting a contact should bring you straight to the contacts screen, and then automatically send the message once the contact is selected. The contacts button in the main menu should remain as a way of adding one or more contacts, but without the action of sending the message immediately once a contact has been sent

    This is currently fixed in the local revision of the code and will be ready for submission on Tuesday. As for the message. Technically it has sent as O2 accepts the message (hence no fail) but after a few days of it pending they refund the spent message. As multiple contacts, it wont be in the next version but it is being worked on. Timing is an issue here as I am not allowed to hog the phones thread too long. Its top priority though.

    4. I feel there should be an option somewhere to allow you to manually type in a phone number, without first creating a contact

    I actually wanted this to be available day one. The honest answer as to why it hasn't been implemented is I am having trouble working out how the control should look. From a UI perspective if there is an editable text box there it could confuse the users as to where to select for contacts. I have a few mock ups in the works and I should have this feature fully implemented in line with multiple contacts. In the mean time I might look at enabling the textbox for editing in the next release.

    All in all fantastic feedback and I am glad you are happy so far. I am working on a maintenance release for Tuesday to fix some of the issues found as well as increase the amount of chars that can be sent (From 160 to 1000). I will be adding this feedback to the issue list on codeplex over the next few days so others are aware of what is being done. Thanks again for your points!

    If you find anything else strange or if you notice slowdowns or even have more suggestions I would be delighted if you post them here.

    PS: Do you like the logo? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭wheresmybeaver

    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    4. I feel there should be an option somewhere to allow you to manually type in a phone number, without first creating a contact

    I actually wanted this to be available day one. The honest answer as to why it hasn't been implemented is I am having trouble working out how the control should look. From a UI perspective if there is an editable text box there it could confuse the users as to where to select for contacts. I have a few mock ups in the works and I should have this feature fully implemented in line with multiple contacts. In the mean time I might look at enabling the textbox for editing in the next release.

    Great to hear there are updates on the way. The problem with many many apps on the Marketplace now are that they are just dumped there and never looked at again. No updates, nada.

    For the above issue of manually entering a number, because this is something that would use fairly rarely (eg when first trying the app, you want to send a text to yourself to see if it works!) maybe it could be an entry under the app bar (alongside Support and Settings) such as "Enter number manually"?

    As for the idea of having recently used contacts in the white space below the text box, perhaps a better approach would be a Recent Contacts button that pops up a short list of the last 5 contacts used? This button wouldn't take up as much space and could perhaps even be located above the text box.
    Dean_Mc wrote: »
    PS: Do you like the logo? :)

    I like the logo, but my initial impression was "that reminds me of something", and that was confirmed for me when my wife glanced at the icon on the start screen last night and asked if that was a vagina. Anyone else seeing this or is it just us??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭Dean_Mc

    Ha ha, I think that might just be you and the missus.

    One of the issues with updates for free apps revolves around the testing fee (€20) after 5 submissions. Since I built SproutSMS to use its not an issue for me. Funny this only affects free apps though, paid apps are free to test.

    Anyhow, regarding the next update. For definite the blank sending will be fixed. Also the increase in characters too. The other stuff is on a list and if I get the time I will have the implemented.

    As I work in Retail and it is the silly season this may be the last update of the year but I have booked a week of after Xmas to look at meteor / voda sending.

    I will provide a link on Wednesday morning to the change log which will essentially be those features plus anything else I can code in my 48 hour development marathon on Monday / Tuesday.
