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Christmas craft ideas for kids

  • 18-11-2010 3:59pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 128 ✭✭

    Hi all... My seven year old son received a letter from school the other day inviting him to join the Christmas arts and crafts club which runs every Wednesday for one hour at a fee of €40 just for 4 weeks. All of his friends have joined it but as money is tight I just really can't afford it. I've now told him instead that every Wednesday we'll have an art afternoon at home seeing as I'm not in college on Wednesdays. He was delighted with that idea instead but I have no idea what to make with him that's low budget. Does anyone have any good ideas for Christmas decorations or anything like that.

    Any ideas will be of great help

    Thanks :D


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Paper decorations are fun, google how to ... And you'll get lots of stuff.

    You could make strings of popcorn for tying up all around.

    You could bake cookies and decorate them.

    Blow the middles out of eggs and paint them.

    The CRAFT website always has heaps of ideas.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Make Christmas cards for his grandparents, school teacher and friends..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,284 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    Build a Christmas scene by covering small boxes with papier mache and painting them to make houses with cotton-wool snow.

    The only materials you will need are a pot of pva craft adhesive around 2 or 3 euros, and some poster paints. You will also need newspaper and cotton wool. If you have to buy cottonwool a big roll of hospital cottonwool is only a few euros from Tesco. If you have some white matt emulsion paint that would be useful but not essential.

    Collect some milk and juice cartons to make tall urban houses, or square shaped boxes for country cottages. Also a cereal box for roofs and other bits and pieces.

    Cover the cartons with a layer of newspaper torn into smallish (one inch by two inches approx) pieces - put PVA on the box, put on a bit of paper and brush slightly diluted pva over it, add another bit of paper and brush on pva untill the box is covered - you can get quite quick at this if you have your paper ready torn up. Cut a piece of card from the cereal box and make a roof. Stick it in place. Leave it to dry.

    When it is completely dry, if you have emulsion paint paint the whole thing white, then paint on coloured walls, doors, windows etc with the poster paints, you can also cut doors and windows from coloured paper. Cut out little interior pictures from a magazine and stick them in the windows to be a 'view inside'. Add liberal quantities of cotton wool snow.

    Make trees from twigs and cotton wool (stand them up with lumps of Plastacine/Marla), cover the 'ground' with a thin layer of cotton wool. Make fences with twigs or lollipop sticks. Make a snowman from cotton wool. Add toy cars/farm animals as appropriate. Give it a place of honour for Christmas!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Or make a Nativity Crib using an old shoe box and the cotton wool etc. as noted above by looksee - figurines can be added in from their toys or made - plasticine or anything at all! Sheep = cotton wool etc.
