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Sligo-North Leitrim Election 2011 Mod Warning #290



  • Registered Users Posts: 771 ✭✭✭dardevle


    after much consideration i too have decided that Bree will get my No1, descending order will be for those outside the larger parties,

    some say he has no new ideas, that you hear the same things from him.. but that to me speaks of commitment, honesty and determination- he was never one to play the politics of personality... if its what you believe in why would you sell yourself out?

    FG have completely turned me off at this point.. now they want to be a strong single party gov, when for the last 20 years they argued against that very thing while in opposition!... this past 2 weeks they have fought a pitched battle with labour...but if numbers don't stack up for them they will become fcuk buddies very quickly:cool:
    Tony Mclaughlin was completely spineless on the bridge issue- hiding in chambers until the vote was done ( not even voting for OR against the bridge) while John Perry says he never pledged to support the campaign against the bridge location- but as it turned out he was the first signature on it back in 2008!
    .... and for those who say its the economy , not local issues we should be concentrating on.... its the local issues that have shaped our thinking and if they are willing to screw us over on local issues.... what will they do nationally to us:(


  • Registered Users Posts: 36 czarak

    Pete M. - I noticed you said you wouldn't be including Gabriel McSharry on your ballot paper and also you didn't say either way if you're including Labour or FF anywhere on your ballot.

    I'm not sure, but let's presume you are a voter who doesn't want to see a FF candidate elected in the constituency whatever else happens with your vote.

    If you don't enter a preference for say both FF candidates, the Lab Candidate and Gabriel McSharry but do enter preferences for all other candidates you'll write down numbers 1 - 9 but no 10, 11, 12, 13.

    As I mentioned earlier it is very likely that a FFer might take the 3rd seat ahead of SF or Lab. By not including the Labour candidate or Gabriel McSharry on your list of preferences, you are essentially saying "If it comes down to a FFer, the Labour candidate or Gabriel McSharry to take the final seat, I don't have any opinion & my vote won't count in the decision among them for the final seat".

    Which is really not something you want your vote to say for you if you want to avoid the very real possiblity of Sligo being one of the gombeen constituencies to return a FF candidate to the next Dail. You may not like the Labour candidate or Gabriel McSharry, but are you really ambivilent about either of the FFers taking the final seat ahead of them?

    To continue the logic further, although the one thing I desire more than anything else in this election is for FF to be destroyed countrywide, I will still be writing in the two FF candidates at numbers 12 and 13 on my ballot paper, because (and this is an entirely likely scenario) it could come down to a race between the two FF candidates in Sligo to take the 3rd seat. Even though I despise both of them, I very much have an opinion faced with the situation where my vote could count on which of the two of them gets the third seat for this constituency. One is the epitomy of a the gombeen politician, while the other is young and would be a front bench member of the opposition from our constituency.

  • Registered Users Posts: 654 ✭✭✭thebuzz

    Having watched the majority of the videos on I have to say, having not known much about him in the first place, Marc MacSharry comes across as an arrogant, loud & horrible man. Just shouts over everyone, dont know why he even had a mic. He may be well spoken but he seems like a ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 Ned Green

    Their is NO difference between the MaFFia Party,The Blueshirt's and Gilmore's Labour Party,they all subscribe to the failed "Free Market" policies which have destroyed this country.Voting for any of them in any combination is only voting for more of the same.I'll be giving my No1 to Declan Bree of the ULA and my No 2 to Michael Colreavy of SF as they are the only candidate's offering a real alternative.Ordinary people must not be held responsible for the gambling debt's of the Zombie Bank's,Builder's,Speculator's and Developer's,the Bondholder's must now take a hit,and our Natural Resources used to benefit all the people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,259 ✭✭✭Buford T Justice

    red sean wrote: »
    Dead right czarak. Wo'nt say how i'll vote (I'm still not 100% certain yet) but the only 2 names on the sheet that will be left blank are both the FF men. It's my turn to do the stabbing!!

    I know who I'm voting for, and the only ones that'll be left off the ballot is FF, I'll be doing my best to shaft them

    Pete M. wrote: »
    Well I'll be giving Bree my No. 1, then giving strokes to SF and the independents, except for Gabriel McSharry. Seems like a decent sort of a chap, but a bit christian for my liking.

    My reason for Bree as No. 1...

    Because he could form part of a United Left Alliance group which provide a real Opposition, which would actually be fundamentally opposite to a FG/Lab or indeed a majority FG government.

    Declan Bree is nothing but a two faced git! He will never get my vote ever again, be it locally or nationally.

    The same man who tried to tell me that it was a good idea to re-open O'Connell Street to traffic! The street is now a laughing stock. Two lane road with poxy bollards going crookedly down the street to make one lane.... I live in the east ward, and it makes my life easier to get around the town to drive down it, and even I was, and still am against it. It's caused more traffic problems in the town since it was opened again and to boot, it looks a terrible state. Gateway city my arse. More like laughing stock

    Also, this is the same man who attended a meeting of the eastern link bridge & Cranmore regeneration claiming to have the support of the Cranmore community to remove the bridge from the plan!! This man is not on planet earth.

    Nither of these are two shining examples of honesty, or how he has the ideal of the people at heart. The man is a bare faced liar.

    Vote for him if you will, I did - but never again.
    Pete M. wrote: »
    ULA policies are opposed to the Bailout and require a massive overhaul of how we operate as a Country, with massive political reform an absolute priority.

    Those who think FG can lead us through these very troubled times are deluded I reckon.

    No offense intended, but the ULA are just a bunch of left wing independents who think they can all clamor together, spout some populist rhetoric and tell people that we should all close our doors to the international community and look after ourselves.

    Voting for someone who is a member of the ULA is as the same as voting for an independent in my book. This will only lead to a situation like we have just had where that crook Jackie Healey Ray was holding the whole country to ransom over that bloody hospital he wanted in kenmare, not to mention the rest of that ilk, Mattie McGrath and Michael Lowry. Example

    Voting for Independents, who have no party alliance and can only get voted in again by the local people means only one thing. The continuation of parish pump politics (One of the things they are claiming to eradicate). No independent TD or candidate is going to make unpopular choices and run the risk of losing their seat in the future. Why do you think Healey rae kept his seat for so long?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,259 ✭✭✭Buford T Justice

    Ned Green wrote: »
    Their is NO difference between the MaFFia Party,The Blueshirt's and Gilmore's Labour Party,they all subscribe to the failed "Free Market" policies which have destroyed this country.Voting for any of them in any combination is only voting for more of the same.I'll be giving my No1 to Declan Bree of the ULA and my No 2 to Michael Colreavy of SF as they are the only candidate's offering a real alternative.Ordinary people must not be held responsible for the gambling debt's of the Zombie Bank's,Builder's,Speculator's and Developer's,the Bondholder's must now take a hit,and our Natural Resources used to benefit all the people.

    Riiiiight. So you think that Sinn Fein as a majority party in government can actually get us out of this situation???

    Personally, I would have no problem voting for Sinn Fein in a local election, but I don't think they have what it takes for governing at a national level.

    Declan Bree and the ULA are no alternative. Since they are not a proper party, with no unified alliance, (and should they end up as a 'party' in power) they wouldn't be able to agree on the colour of shite. They'd all be to interested in their local issues to help retain their seats. Do they even have a leader?

    At least with a party (Not any in particular least of all FF) then you have to tow the party line..........

    Free markets didn't destroy this country. 14 years of FF in power, with corruption, backhanders and money like no one has ever seen before has caused it. Its not our fault, its FF's fault.

    Natural Resources? Yeah, we've got a gas reserve off the coast of the west of ireland, and we can't even get that ashore!

    Yeah, I don't like the IMF in town, or the banking crisis any more than you do. We should burn the bondholders and so on and so forth. However, I don't believe its as simple as the ULA or Sinn Fein make it out to be.

    Currently we re reliant on our exports to europe to prop ourselves up. We can't just close our doors to them just like that. Especially when they are providing the liquidity to our banks amongst other things.

    Right, definitely getting off my soapbox now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭sligopark

    Riiiiight. So you think that Sinn Fein as a majority party in government can actually get us out of this situation???

    unfortunately until we have a proper right-ish leaning party SF are the only alternative right now standing against irish electorate rape and positioning of irish folk toward a serfdom to pay for the continuation of the euro for franco-germanic benefit...

    mineral wealth and our fishing rights need re-establishment - not seen any other party including new labour state so

    exports will continue - business is business - it will continue and thrive with a sf single party government however unlikely

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭Pete M.

    czarak wrote: »
    ....while the other is young and would be a front bench member of the opposition from our constituency.

    Thanks for the lesson :rolleyes:

    Do what you like mate, I sure as hell know that I shall never give preference either way to any FG or FF candidate. Not even the stroke of a pen would I give them.

    Won't give anything to Labour either. Would rather my vote was wasted.

    I'd vote Eamon Scanlon though every day of the week before Marc McSharry though if I had to. Merc is the very epitome of your 'gombeenism' ffs

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭il gatto

    The ULA are too divergent and no matter how matter seats are won by those affiliated with it, will have almost zero impact on the country in the next government's tenure.
    Ned Green seems very keen to keep using the term "Blueshirt" here. If we're in the business of using 80 year old terminology, lets call a spade a spade and remember that Sinn Fein didn't recognise the Dail and undertook violent actions against the Free State and it's democratically elected government. Fianna Fail came from the same background. If we are to base our opinions of a party on the events of eighty years ago, let us remember the murder of Gardai and not recognising the Dail as part and parcel of both Sinn Féin and to a lesser extent Fianna Fáil.
    Sinn Féin in particular should be singled out for the electorate's ire. Right into the nineties, they murdered Gardaí and were a threat to the Irish people. Witness Martin Ferris greeting the murderers of Garda Jerry McCabe to see that they are not yet far removed from their attitude to our sovereign state. The highjacking of Irish nationalism and our nation's flag is distasteful in light of how they have interacted with this state and it's citizens.
    I have no party allegiance and don't base my opinions on post War of Independence events, but Sinn Fein have emerged, yet again, as not having a credible grasp on economics or finance. They've been dealing in populist sloganeering. We may default, but a unilateral two fingers to europe is verging on insane. They will not be getting a vote from me based on this. Fianna Fáil won't be getting one either, based on ineptitude, arrogance, and a malfunctioning moral compass. They ran this state like a members club for the past decade and far beyond.
    Before anyone suggests delusion in thinking Fine Gael will do any better, I'm not. But having weighed up the options before me, I'm willing to give them a shot ahead of Labour's pandering to the unions and their unmeasurably stupid suggestion that they would inflict a pay freeze on the private sector. Do they understand how the market works? Unlike the public sector, and with very few exceptions (bankers for one), you get paid what you're worth to a business and not a penny more. Their smear campaign I find distasteful as well.
    Having said all that, I hope as many people exercise their franchise as possible and let the chips fall where they may. However the next government is formed and whoever it contains, I hope, and expect, they will at least have the interest of the people at heart, whether left, right of center in their make up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,282 ✭✭✭westtip

    good post Gatto. Agree 100%.
    this whole blueshirt thing and references to the civil war is all rather bizarre. I have a bit of sympathy for the incoming government - I hope they don't plan on two terms because they are going to be deeply unpopular with what they are going to have to do:

    Cut the public sector and Public sector unions down to size is the number one priority.

    Tackle the ridiculous social welfare system we cannot afford. A programme of welfare to work had to be put in place and intergenerational welfare has to be stopped.

    Cut out the obsenities of abuse in the political system.

    These three are just for starters.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 36 czarak

    Pete M - I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the history of the internet so openly and clearly contadict themselves in such a short train of thought as you did in your last post!

    Il Gatto, I agree completely with your sentiments regarding SF, FF and ULA.

    I am not a member of any party and I find elements of Labour, The Greens and Fine Gael that attract me.

    However, I feel compelled to take into account what is happening in my local constituency in order to use my vote tactically.

    The simple fact is that it looks like Sligo is going to return the two FG candidates 1st and 2nd, they are big odds on prices with the bookies, and even if we didn't return two, FG will definetly lead the next Government.

    There is then a dogfight in our constituency between 1 Lab, 1 SF and 2 FF candidates for the final seat.

    Even though I'm attracted by elements of the FG parties policy platform, my vote 1 in Sligo/Leitrim for them will have zero impact in this election, (as per two paragraphs above). However my vote could have a say in whether we will end up as one of the disgraced gombeen constituencies to return a FFer to the Dail after the party have destroyed the country to the benefit of their personal self interest.

    Therefore I will be voting for the Labour candidate number 1, and even though as I said I agree completely with you regarding the Sinn Fein party, if the count comes down to returning that SF candidate to the Dail or one of the FF candidates, I certainly have an opinion, a very strong opinon, I want the FFer out at all costs.

    That's why I'll be making sure that both the Lab and SF candidates appear in my preferences on Friday ahead of FF. To not include the Lab and SF candidates as preferences above FF is a statement that you don't have an opinion given the choice of either the Lab or SF candidate being returned versus the FF candidate in the third seat (and this scenario is almost certain to be the case in the fight for the third seat).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 778 ✭✭✭Essexboy

    czarak wrote: »
    Pete M - I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the history of the internet so openly and clearly contadict themselves in such a short train of thought as you did in your last post!

    Il Gatto, I agree completely with your sentiments regarding SF, FF and ULA.

    I am not a member of any party and I find elements of Labour, The Greens and Fine Gael that attract me.

    However, I feel compelled to take into account what is happening in my local constituency in order to use my vote tactically.

    The simple fact is that it looks like Sligo is going to return the two FG candidates 1st and 2nd, they are big odds on prices with the bookies, and even if we didn't return two, FG will definetly lead the next Government.

    There is then a dogfight in our constituency between 1 Lab, 1 SF and 2 FF candidates for the final seat.

    Even though I'm attracted by elements of the FG parties policy platform, my vote 1 in Sligo/Leitrim for them will have zero impact in this election, (as per two paragraphs above). However my vote could have a say in whether we will end up as one of the disgraced gombeen constituencies to return a FFer to the Dail after the party have destroyed the country to the benefit of their personal self interest.

    Therefore I will be voting for the Labour candidate number 1, and even though as I said I agree completely with you regarding the Sinn Fein party, if the count comes down to returning that SF candidate to the Dail or one of the FF candidates, I certainly have an opinion, a very strong opinon, I want the FFer out at all costs.

    That's why I'll be making sure that both the Lab and SF candidates appear in my preferences on Friday ahead of FF. To not include the Lab and SF candidates as preferences above FF is a statement that you don't have an opinion given the choice of either the Lab or SF candidate being returned versus the FF candidate in the third seat (and this scenario is almost certain to be the case in the fight for the third seat).

    I would have gone along with you until I realised Seán McManus has consistently voted to rezone land across the county despite the 90 (?) ghost estates we have already. The Clarke-McManus-FF coalition voted to rezone land for housing in Grange, Ballisodare, Ballyweelin etc. but only succeeded in Grange.
    "By their deeds you shall know them". I now see SF as Fianna Fáil Nua!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭red sean

    Small and medium sized industries in this country are being crippled by lack of access to finance by the banks. Therefore, we should all vote No.1 Sinn Fein, as they have a serious history of successfully getting money out of banks.!!!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭sligopark


  • Registered Users Posts: 36 czarak

    From twitter tonight:

    susanokeeffe Susan O'Keeffe
    #ge11 to avoid further confusion. I live in Sligo - in townland of Kinnagrelly with children, dogs, cat, guinea pigs, duck, hen + husband

    I can hear the gombeen people already - "Ah yeah, but where were your great-grandparents reared?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭sligopark

    czarak wrote: »
    From twitter tonight:

    susanokeeffe Susan O'Keeffe
    #ge11 to avoid further confusion. I live in Sligo - in townland of Kinnagrelly with children, dogs, cat, guinea pigs, duck, hen + husband

    things are desperate when labour candidates publicly lie ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,084 ✭✭✭Pete M.

    czarak wrote: »
    Pete M - I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the history of the internet so openly and clearly contadict themselves in such a short train of thought as you did in your last post!

    The you haven't been on the internets that long then eh? :p

    I have qualified myself by saying "if I had to" you dig?

    To clarify, I shall not be voting FF, ever, and can't see how me preferring one over the other can dovetail in any manner of means with my own particular way of seeing things. Thank you very much.
    Put a gun to my head and ask which one though and I will always pick Eamon 'The Bubble' Scanlon over the Cardinal Nephew.
    At least Eamon is a butcher by trade, something useful, as opposed to a former TDs offspring.

    czarak wrote: »
    However, I feel compelled to take into account what is happening in my local constituency in order to use my vote tactically.

    Go for it. My tactics include trying to get people to vote for Bree :D
    czarak wrote: »
    The simple fact is that it looks like Sligo is going to return the two FG candidates 1st and 2nd, they are big odds on prices with the bookies, and even if we didn't return two, FG will definetly lead the next Government.

    czarak wrote: »
    There is then a dogfight in our constituency between 1 Lab, 1 SF and 2 FF candidates for the final seat.

    And Bree not in the mix up at all you reckon?

    czarak wrote: »
    That's why I'll be making sure that both the Lab and SF candidates appear in my preferences on Friday ahead of FF. To not include the Lab and SF candidates as preferences above FF is a statement that you don't have an opinion given the choice of either the Lab or SF candidate being returned versus the FF candidate in the third seat (and this scenario is almost certain to be the case in the fight for the third seat).

    Dude, I have too many opinions as it is. But just so you know SF will be getting my No. 2.
    il gatto wrote: »
    The ULA are too divergent and no matter how matter seats are won by those affiliated with it, will have almost zero impact on the country in the next government's tenure.

    It has always been a criticism of the Left in Ireland that they are too divergent. But the Left is United against the way that the main parties want to continue to conduct the affairs of the Country.

    I would be happy with a little more than zero influence at this stage.
    After a couple of years of FG government, maybe people will realise it is time for real change......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 201 ✭✭CityMan2010

    None of them will make a difference, the country will be declared bankrupt after the new government is installed, more cuts will follow, followed by more and more. Forget the 80's, it will be like the 50's.

    The country is bankrupt, and we will all be paying for it for the next 2 generations...none of them can change that, arguably some might be better than others...but thats as good as it will get. Lessons will have to be learnt from our "leaders" incompetency and greed...

    A country gets the government it deserves...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,659 ✭✭✭magnumlady

    There are a lot of posts about Susan O'Keefe and where she resides. It has been bought to our attention. Please don't post unless you can back up that she doesn't live in the constituency.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    Lads whoever said that about FG 1 and 2 is going to be let down.
    I've just e mailed asking PP for odds on McLaughlin not getting in. Backed Colreavy big today.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    By the way,what is the craic about O'Keefe?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭il gatto

    None of them will make a difference, the country will be declared bankrupt after the new government is installed, more cuts will follow, followed by more and more. Forget the 80's, it will be like the 50's.

    The country is bankrupt, and we will all be paying for it for the next 2 generations...none of them can change that, arguably some might be better than others...but thats as good as it will get. Lessons will have to be learnt from our "leaders" incompetency and greed...

    A country gets the government it deserves...

    Cheery thoughts, but surely we have a duty to elect who we see as the best of the bad lot? The last government have done a great job of ensuring the next can't make much difference, but for the sake of 20min to vote, why not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,100 ✭✭✭ectoraige

    promethius wrote: »
    Heard there was a thing on national radio today, Ray himself no less was invited into someones house while canvassing, he then got thick with them accusing them of wasting his time and trying to prevent him canvassing other houses, the arrogance is unbelievable.

    Ah, that was me. Ray MacSharry had indeed given out to me for detaining him too long after I'd graciously invited him in. His colleague apologised after Ray had left, explaining that he was old and had many people to see.

    A few days later people had been sending texts into the Ray D'Arcy show telling of their experiences with canvassers, so I submitted mine. It was read out with a bunch of other messages, so I wouldn't go quite so far as to call it a "thing on national radio". Perhaps a "yoke", but definately not a "thing".

    The worst thing about it was I had actually made a mental note during the conversation with Ray MacSharry to thank him for his time, and to thank him personally for his own years of service, whether I agreed with his policies or not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 201 ✭✭CityMan2010

    Il Gatto, I totally agree with you...

    My vote is not going to anyone who will be elected in this region, not a chance, neither will my second choice, nor my third.

    But it has always been my belief that we must vote on principle. And I have always been able to sleep at night knowing that I used my vote in line with my principles.

    I have only ever once voted for the winner of an election and that was a UK vote for Blair way back then, and he didnt get my vote after that.

    If we all voted on principle and not sliding back into old ways we might stand a chance...but in general this country has never voted on principle, nor for the good of the masses.

    In general Irish voting has always been in the interest of self and in the promotion of the senior members of the ruling fraternity...and that put the successive elected in, who knew no better, were cut from the same cloth and who held people and their jobs to ransom, by a vote...and that became the accepted norm. This is modern Ireland.

    And now here we all are...we'll survive Im sure, and I hope the lesson will have been learned...

    Did'nt mean to depress you or apologies, and of course, this is only my wishes Il gatto, good health to you and yours:)
    il gatto wrote: »
    Cheery thoughts, but surely we have a duty to elect who we see as the best of the bad lot? The last government have done a great job of ensuring the next can't make much difference, but for the sake of 20min to vote, why not?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    Think I've decided.
    Mr Bree is looking like he'll be getting my number 1.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Quackles

    UrbanSea wrote: »
    Lads whoever said that about FG 1 and 2 is going to be let down.
    I've just e mailed asking PP for odds on McLaughlin not getting in. Backed Colreavy big today.
    UrbanSea wrote: »
    Think I've decided.
    Mr Bree is looking like he'll be getting my number 1.

    If Colreavy loses by one vote you'll be kicking yourself :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    Aw stop Quackles I know,I'm getting my sister to vote for Colreavy :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    Got a response from PP. They'll give me 2/1 on McLaughlin not getting in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Quackles

    UrbanSea wrote: »
    Got a response from PP. They'll give me 2/1 on McLaughlin not getting in.

    Hmm... Could be worth a flutter... I can't imagine either FG candidate (or any candidate, for that matter) hitting the quota on 1st preferences, and they're not the most transfer friendly with the field being so crowded by labour/ex labour. I think it will take McL's transfers to kick P across the line.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,335 ✭✭✭✭UrbanSea

    Think I might back it.
    I can see the following getting in,in no particular order.

