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and miles to go before I sleep...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 20/7 9.19 miles 1:37:56

    I didn't get out as early as I'd intended so it was a bit warm out of the shade. The heat wasn't really a problem but my upper arms felt very fatigued and that made the run a little tough. The only relief was when I supported one arm with my other hand but you can't run like that! I'm not sure what caused it; I did some arm exercises in Thursday's class (press ups, lateral raises etc) but I didn't think there was any more than other weeks. Food went off the rails since Thursday so no shortage of carbs anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 23/7 4.14 miles 39:09

    Very overcast and heavy this morning, I guess the rain isn't far off. My arms were still a bit uncomfortable, I don't know what's going on there. Maybe I need more stretching, I haven't been to yoga in a while. There is a health event in work today so I put my name down for blood pressure testing, although it's always been fine so I'm not expecting any problems. There's a talk about health at lunchtime as well. Mind you, I'm one of the more healthy people in my work place but it's not good to get complacent about these things!

    [edit] blood pressure is slightly low (100/67) but the nurse said it's not a problem if I'm not experiencing any symptoms. Pulse is low - 53 so that's good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 25/7 ~4 miles 42 mins

    I think the thunder woke me last night but I wasn't really aware of the heavy rain till I woke up and heard the news. It was calm and sunny so I went for my run, ignoring the little voice in my head encouraging me to lie on and do my run at lunchtime. A good decision as it's raining heavily here right now :) My watch kept losing the GPS signal so I just ran the same route as Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 27/7 9.09 miles 1:37:55

    Tue 30/7 3.73 miles 37:58

    Sat 3/8 3.08 miles 29:15

    Tue 6/8 3.5 miles 32:40

    I was feeling under the weather last week so I skipped my usual Thursday run and did a very short run on Saturday. I thought it was a cold coming on but it never really manifested and I think I'm ok now. The Saturday before last, after I did my 9 mile run, I went into town for very boozy lunch with the girls that only ended when I went for the last bus home :o That Sunday was spent nursing a hangover so maybe that contributed to the unwellness.

    I did do some cycling last week on Wednesday and Thursday as I was on a training course just 8-9km away and the weather was nice. I'm a very slow cyclist and my bike is very heavy but I cycle into town sometimes which is a similar distance so it was pretty easy. My friend wants me to do the Leinster Loop (the 50km route) in 2 weeks time. I'll have my lighter hybrid for that and he says I'll be well able for it so fingers crossed but I'm a little nervous about the distance.

    On Saturday I was still feeling wrecked, but I was in the West and I hate to miss an opportunity for a run when I'm there so I hauled myself out of bed just for 3 miles. Thankfully, I seem to be almost back to normal today so I did a lunchtime run. I'm debating whether to enter the Frank Duffy 10 mile; I should be well able for it, having done a 10 mile race in June and several 9 mile LSRs in July.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 10/8 9.21 miles 1:34:47

    No run on Thursday, one of those days when I had so much to do that I just couldn't focus and really got nothing done. Saturday felt like it was heading the same way but I eventually hauled myself out, much later than usual. Way too many people about, too many gadgets bleeping, it was a relief whenever I got away from the groups. I am a grumpy one in the mornings I'm afraid. The run itself went well, although my legs were tired even the next day. Of course it didn't help that I did a 13.5 mile cycle the night before. Just trying to get a bit of cycling under my belt before the Leinster Loop on Sunday. I've entered the Frank Duffy 10 mile but just looking to get around really, not feeling very fit at the moment.

    Edit: it just occurred to me that my last sentence there sounds funny, I know my younger self would be amused that after a 9 mile run and that cycle, I'd be doubting my fitness but it's all relative :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 17/8 9.14 miles 1:38:05

    Very poor training last week, didn't get either of my short runs in due to another commitment that ate into my free time. I was very unwilling to miss my LSR, because the Frank Duffy 10 mile is next Saturday. It meant getting up quite early and I was worried about being tired for the 50k cycle in the Leinster Loop today but it all panned out ok. The run went well, although slow, and the cycle went well too, really enjoyed it. I hope the hills and cycling into the wind will be a bit beneficial for my running training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tue 20/8 4.23 miles 43:50

    Evening run today. I did yoga at lunchtime instead of a run. I'm feeling fine after the cycle, no aches at all which is great. It was a slow enough pace but at the end I did a sprint, not sure of the distance but it wasn't long, just to stretch the legs a bit. My circuit class isn't on this week so I should do some high intensity exercise and/or some bodyweight training to compensate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 22/8 3.4 miles 34:08

    I must have jinxed things when I said I felt fine after Tuesday's run :( I think I have a cold coming on and felt so tired yesterday and today. During the run, I felt completely lacking in energy, even having a shower afterwards was tiring. It doesn't bode well for Saturday's race but it's not the end of the world if I have to miss it I suppose. I just hope I can make it to Croke Park on Sunday, now missing that would be disappointing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,824 ✭✭✭vitani

    Hope you're feeling better by Saturday. I've found that since I took up running, my colds never fully develop past that 'coming on' stage, so hopefully, you'll be grand after a night's sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    24/8 Frank Duffy 10 mile 10.11 miles 1:33:23

    Negative race report ahead!

    Despite my slight worries about tiredness and a cold possibly coming on, I felt ok yesterday and this morning before the race. So I am very disappointed with my race and not a little concerned about my fitness now because my time today was a full 10 minutes slower than the Tulfarris 10 mile in June, which is terrible. I missed some sleep this week because of work as I was supporting some out of hours work and Thursday's run indicated I wasn't 100%. My diet has also been a bit hit and miss in the past few months, periods of eating very clean alternating with periods of eating processed rubbish. I've been training pretty consistently though and have done plenty of 9 mile runs so I genuinely had thought I'd do ok today.

    Last night, I made sure to eat well, including some extra carbs and eent to bed early and got a good night's sleep. This morning, I had a bowl of porridge and a banana and was feeling good cycling over to the Phoenix Park. I arrived in good time, could have done more of a warm up maybe. I took my place in what I thought was wave 2 (80 to 95) but somehow ended up in the third wave. I didn't mind that, I don't like to start too fast. And yet, I did go too fast. I missed the first mile marker but hit the second mile in 17:06, which doesn't sound fast but considering how much I slowed after that, 9.5 min/mile pace would probably have gotten me around in a better state. It became apparent to me at mile 3 that I was already struggling. I just felt tired and drained of energy.

    I kept thinking I'd eventually get a second wind but it never came. I think I had a few seconds of feeling a little stronger on Chesterfield when we were coming back from Castleknock gate but that was it. In other races, including Tulfarris, I've had long stretches of feeling strong, but not at all today. Even downhill inclines didn't feel easy and I slowed to a barely jogging pace going up the hills in the last few miles, so close to stopping and walking with only my stubborn pride preventing me. And at 9 miles, I just had to stop and step into the grass verge. With just 1 mile to go :( A runner passed, walking I think, and looked back and asked if I was ok, and I could only nod, but it was nice of him. So I caught my breath and soldiered on and eventually passed the finish line. All the way through, I'd been thinking, feck, all the small t-shirts will be gone by the time I get there, like last year. But at least this time, I did get one, although they looked like they were running low. And I managed to grab a banana and there were lots of lovely apples left so that cheered me up a little.

    Anyway, I have a 10k in a couple of weeks so that should give me an idea if my fitness has really regressed as much as today's time would suggest, or if it's just a temporary thing. I should say, to balance the negativity, that I thought the race itself was very well organised, as it was any year I've participated, plenty of water, well marshalled, baggage area, aforementioned apples etc.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    It's a difficult race, and any negatives that you may have get amplified.
    So if you have a cold coming on or any slight niggle, it'll seem worse.

    10 miles is a difficult distance, it's not short enough to run too fast and is not long enough to run too slow, plus those hills take it out of the best runners.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 31/8 3.22 miles 39:16 (think I forgot to hit stop!)
    Sun 1/9 3.02 miles 29:49
    Tue 3/9 3.7 miles 36:25

    The week got away from me, I did some cycling and my 2 circuit classes but no running. I don't know if it's to do with the evenings getting shorter but I'm not waking as early so no morning runs recently. I might rearrange the days I run, I did too much today with a run, yoga and circuit class and no dinner :( I was in Donegal for the weekend so just did a couple of short runs as I was staying with a friend so thought it would be rude to be away any longer.. It's interesting to run somewhere different, would have liked to explore a bit more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 5/9 3.33 miles 30:23

    At last, a run where I felt good. My pace reached just under a 9 min/mile without any real effort which is hopefully a positive sign. I thought I'd be wrecked after Tuesday, as I was very tired yesterday so just had a rest day. It's lovely out, nice and sunny. It looks like rain for Saturday morning's race which is a pity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 7/9 The Lakes 10k 54:55

    I've heard nothing but good things about this race so was hoping I'd enjoy it, even though my running hasn't been going well recently. Last week, I saw the weather forecast wasn't great for Saturday and sure enough it was grey and raining when I got up and I'm not sure it stopped at all during the race, and it was a rather cold day too, so I was glad when we moved off from the start line.
    I ran this with a friend, who doesn't do much running and had a bit of a sore back but who insisted on running anyway :rolleyes: With this in mind, and also my own running form, we stayed well back at the start line, I think behind the 60 minute sign, although I felt we were being rather conservative. I had debated wearing a light rain coat but I felt I'd get too hot so my only capitulation to the weather was to wear my baseball cap to keep the rain off my face.

    Because we were well back, the first km was very slow, over 6 min/km but we settled into a slightly faster pace from there on. I tried to chat away to my friend, as I wasn't sure how difficult he was finding it. For myself, I was feeling ok, not sure if I'd have been able to go much faster on my own but nothing like the horrible struggle during the Frank Duffy run. It seemed like no time at all before we were at the half way mark and the water stop (bottles, not cups which was great) and then the 6km hill appeared. It was rather a nasty one, where it flattens and then inclines again but it wasn't long before we were at the top and it was a lovely downhill run from there to the finish. At that point I felt good and knew I could have gone a little faster but I stayed with my friend and just ran ahead when we got to 500m to go.

    I know it's nowhere near my PB for 10k but still pleased to get sub-55 without a struggle so I'm feeling much more positive now. The race itself was excellent, lots of local people came out of their houses in the rain to support which was lovely, and the whole thing was very well organised. There were lovely muffins at the end as well as apples and oranges and a good goody bag, so with all those treats, I went home with a smile on my face :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    11/9 3.33 miles 32:21
    12/9 3.33 miles 32:28
    18/9 3.35 miles 32:15
    23/9 9.12 miles 1:36:52
    26/9 3.73 miles 38:33
    28/9 Moone Kilo Marathon & 10km 52:05 (10k)
    10/1 3.32 miles 33:00

    September's been busy for various reasons and I've missed a few runs and fallen behind with updating my log too. But hopefully back on track now. I did the Moone 10k on Saturday. My pre race preparation was unintentionally awful as I slept very poorly the night before and I had a big breakfast too close to the race start time, which left me feeling uncomfortably full while I was running and I think contributed to a stitch at about 4km. So all in all, although it wasn't a PB time, I was very happy with 52 minutes. The race itself was excellent, well organised, plenty of water, and refreshments afterwards and the weather was fab.

    I contemplated going for a run before work today but it was still somewhat dark at 7am and pouring rain so I postponed till lunchtime which fitted nicely as my usual lunchtime yoga class wasn't on. But I'm thinking I might move my Tuesday run to Monday from now on, as I'm going to be doing more lunchtime runs as the nights get longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 3/10 3.32 miles 32:30

    Dry spell at lunchtime so got a run in without getting wet. I wouldn't normally mind getting wet but although I've access to a shower, I've no way to dry my hair in my current office. It's so dark and grey out that it looks like it's also going to be cold but I actually found it warm and humid and regretted wearing a long sleeved top.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 5/10 9.1 miles 1:35:27

    It was grey and gloomy as I headed off this morning but then out came the sun which I wasn't expecting but was very welcome. There was a triathlon on but I didn't spot any participants, just signs and stewards but maybe I was just unobservant. I saw people cycling and running alright but I just didn't spot race numbers. There were more flowers at the spot on Military Road where that poor man died during the half marathon. It made me think about of the unpredictability of life and I felt both lucky and glad to be out running in the sunshine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    I've been out of action for a week or so with a kidney infection and I'm still recovering so I guess it will be next week before I'm back running. If I hadn't ignored the pain in my side when it first appeared, maybe I wouldn't have gotten so sick but that's a life lesson learned :) I can't wait to feel fit and healthy again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 31/10 3.31 miles 34:37

    What a relief to be back :) I feel horribly unfit, which to some extent must be my mind playing tricks because it hasn't been that long. Although I went back to my circuit class on Tuesday and am still feeling it in my arms and particularly in my quads so definitely some loss of fitness!

    It was lovely and sunny when I headed off for my run at lunchtime. I was thinking at the start about how much I like running at this time of year, when it's a bit cooler and there are fewer people about and it's an opportunity to see some daylight at a time of year when it's dark travelling to and from work. And then of course it started to rain. But how can I complain, when there was a rainbow and I'm getting back to my old self. I've been reading all the threads about the DCM and with that in mind, 3 miles seems such a drop in the ocean. But it's an improvement on zero miles!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Wed 13/11 3.34 miles 33:47

    Sun 10/11 7.11 miles 1:17:17

    Sun 3/11 7.1 miles 1:12:45

    I really need to get back into a routine; I don't think I'm doing myself any favours by running 7 miles and then nothing for a week and then another 7 miles. At the very least, it makes for stiff legs! Both of those runs were lovely though, cold and crisp with blue skies, which always makes it easier. Last Sunday, the only minor downside was the dog that appeared suddenly out of the weeds at the edge of the canal towpath, carrying a very long stick between its teeth and running at full tilt towards me. I really thought I was going to get whacked on the shins because there was nowhere for me to go to avoid it apart from into the canal! Fortunately at the last minute, as I gave a little girly yell, the dog moved aside. I think it caused a row between the couple who were walking him because the woman turned to the man and I could hear her say in a rather annoyed voice; "see, didn't I tell you..." as I ran on. I wish people would keep their dogs under effective control; I love dogs but I am nervous of them when they run at me as I can't tell if it's playful or not.

    I felt quite tired during today's run and it was a bit windy, but I think I just need to get back to a regular 3 runs a week and I'll be fine. I must enter the Jingle Bells 5k, it's become a part of the lead-up to Christmas for me, that and/or the Aware run.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Wed 20/11 3.34 miles 32:34

    I just didn't manage to fit in a run at the weekend, much to my disappointment. I'm discovering it's difficult to fit work, college, exercise, a relationship, family and maintaining friendships into a 7 day week! How people with children manage, I have no idea. I suppose they just don't sleep at all.

    I had a few other things on my to-do list that I could have done at lunchtime, but looking out at the sunshine, I knew that a run would be the best use of my time. It wasn't that cold, just a bit windy and it's always a bonus when the sun is out :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 23/11 5.95 miles 1:00:37
    Tue 3/12 3.25 miles 30:00

    I know I ran at least once last week when I'd forgotten my watch, and I've no memory of what day it was but it was my usual lunchtime 3 miles. My mind has been wholly occupied with a college assignment for the past few weeks. Last Saturday, the pleasure of submitting that week's work, casting my books aside and getting out into the Phoenix park for a run was immense. It was like a weight had been lifted. I was away last weekend with almost no time to myself, so no opportunity for exercise. I fear that this month's training may also be sporadic in the run up to Christmas but we'll see.

    I've entered the Jingle Bells run on Saturday morning, so looking forward to that. I got my number in the post yesterday so that was handy, as I think in previous years you had to go to the clubhouse. I have no high expectations of myself but it's always a pleasant event. Fingers crossed for a nice dry morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    7/12 Donore Harriers Jingle Bells 5k 25:29
    17/12 5.09 miles 50:20
    22/12 3.8 miles 36:25
    24/12 3.04 miles 28:08
    26/12 Ardagh GAA 5k 24.09
    28/12 3.08 miles 28:42
    30/12 3.73 miles 37:20
    1/1 ~3 miles
    11/1 4.12 miles 44:18

    I seem to have fallen behind with my log since the start of December but at least I got some running in over Christmas. There might be a run or two that I haven't a record of between the 7th and 17th but I can't remember. I found the Jingle Bells run tough. I must have started much too far back so I found myself running very slowly but even when space started to open up, I just couldn't speed up and was quite disappointed with my time. The race itself was well organised as usual.

    On Stephen's day, I did a local run (not chip timed but the official result was only 6 seconds higher than my watch so it's reasonably accurate I feel). I convinced some other family members to participate and my younger, sporty sister took off like a bullet and disappeared out of sight. I passed her about halfway; I think she started too fast. I should note that she's not back to full fitness just now; I'd say in another few months she'll be faster than me again. I really enjoyed the route, which was along roads I didn't know and went past several interesting ruins, and it was a lovely sunny day for it so a good crowd turned up.

    I could have done better with runs over Christmas but with the stormy weather, it wasn't too bad. Last week was my first week back to work, and to circuit training, and I felt just exhausted this morning so the 4 miles were difficult. Hopefully, it's just temporary because I've entered the Connemarathon half and the training plan starts next week :o I'd be delighted with sub 2 hours (PB is 2:07 from 7 years ago!), which is achievable according to McMillan based on my Jingle Bells time but 9 minute miles might be a bit too ambitious. Anyway we'll see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Plan: Week 1/12

    Monday rest
    Tuesday 3 miles
    Wednesday 3 miles
    Thursday 3 miles
    Friday rest
    Saturday 4 miles
    Sunday Rest

    Tues 14/1 2.43 miles 23:46
    Distance was a little short of the plan, my running partner is only getting back into running and was finding it tough. It was rather dark and wet at lunchtime but I didn't mind really. A bit more sunshine like Saturday would be nice though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 16/1 ~3 miles

    At lunchtime, half way through changing into my running gear, I looked down and realised I'd forgotten my runners :( The moon looked lovely as I was driving home so I went for a run when I got home instead. It's been a while since I used my headtorch and with that and my aldi armbands with the little red lights on them, I felt a bit like a Christmas tree but I was glad of them as the way was only dimly lit in parts. There was some satisfaction in running past the cars stuck in rush hour traffic. And the moon and starry sky were lovely :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 18/1 5.19 miles 54:10

    Rainy days like this one mean having long swathes of the park all to myself, which I love. I'm not so happy with almost slipping in the mud as I run but I could have avoided that if I'd taken the footpath instead of the trail so that was my own doing :) I was only supposed do 4 miles but since I ran that distance last week, and was feeling comfortable, I went just a little further. I did feel somewhat tired, if it continues I might have to look at my nutrition but it might just be the adjustment back after Christmas so I'm not overly concerned.

    The plan has a shortish pace run every second week starting in week 2. I'm not confident about being able to run for long at a 9 min/mile pace but I guess if I've managed faster than that in (short) races, it may well be manageable, so I'll have to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Plan: Week 2/12

    Monday rest
    Tuesday 3 miles
    Wednesday 3 miles pace
    Thursday 3 miles
    Friday rest
    Saturday 5 miles
    Sunday Rest

    Tue 21/1 3.31 miles 32:06

    One of those days at work when I hardly had a minute, barely managed to grab lunch at 4. So no lunchtime run. I resolved to fit it in after work and before circuit training and just about managed it. I had thought I didn't like running at night but it was quite pleasant. 3 miles is a nice distance really, short enough that it can usually be squeezed in even when tight for time. Pace run tomorrow, gulp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Wed 22/1 3.23 miles 27:29

    Av. pace 8'34"

    lap 1: 8'15
    lap 2: 8'05
    lap 3: 9'10

    First pace run and my pace was all over the shop but generally too fast, as I was aiming for just over 9 min/mile. I started off reasonably fast as the first stretch was sloping downhill but even when I fell into a rhythm, I still couldn't get it right. It wasn't particularly comfortable but it was manageable until about 2.5 miles when I stopped to catch my breath. I suppose I'll learn what 9 min miles feel like as the weeks go on. Overall I'm quite pleased with it as a first attempt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 23/1 3.21 miles 30:13

    Cold day today, it took me a while to warm up, but I'll take that over rain and/or wind any day! I'm feeling quite tired now, and I have circuit training later so I'll fall into bed like a stone tonight. Looking forward to doing nothing at all tomorrow evening.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 25/1 6.01 miles 58:42

    I managed to fit a run in between the showers but the wind wasn't pleasant. I reminded myself that it would be on my back later when I turned for home. I avoided the trails today, as I wasn't in the mood for wet socks and slipping around in the mud. I was going to turn when I got to 2.5 miles but I decided to take in a bit of a hill and loop around. Happy with this one, didn't feel overly tired. I really need to replace my mp3 player as my phone is too heavy for the pocket of my running tights. I might get the sansa clip, it looks compact and seems to get good reviews on amazon.
