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and miles to go before I sleep...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    claralara wrote: »
    You'll be well able for 8. It's less than a mile on what you did a couple of weeks ago. An extra 7 minutes max I'd say.. Go out and take it easy and enjoy it. You're still well on track for Connemara. :)

    Ok I'm convinced - 8 miles it is ;) On an unrelated note, I decided to give up chocolate for Lent and now I can't stop thinking about it :o And it's only day 1!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    3.26 miles in 29:30

    I'd like to have done 4+ miles but didn't really have time today. I started a little fast: my first 2 miles were 8:31 and 8:37 but I got tired and slowed down so the last mile was 9:54. A bit windy out today but it seemed to be mostly at my back which is wierd since I ran a loop!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    LSR today - 9.19 miles :D (in 1:35:29)

    I planned out a 9 mile route on mapmyrun that took in a few hills and I took it nice and slow and felt good throughout, apart from having to stop on Knockmaroon hill to catch my breath (god it's steep!).

    I don't normally listen to music when I run as I discovered I enjoy it more but the disadvantage is you get to hear when a moron shouts jeeringly at you from a car 'nice pace, keep it up' :rolleyes: But that was at the start and the rest of the run was enjoyable, so I'm feeling pretty good right now :)

    Edit: I just realised I was supposed to do 8 miles this week not 9 - oops!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    After tonight's class it became clear to me that I hate skipping. Funny how 3 minutes can seem like an eternity when you're skipping!

    I might do a 3 mile run tomorrow (+ yoga in the evening), then hopefully 5 miles on Wednesday night with the fit4life group.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 504 ✭✭✭maria74

    That made me laugh out loud, thanks for that!
    There are few exercises in class I go to that make me just start grumbling and stamping my foot like a toddler (not a good look!) :p

    Great training though, you are doing great..even got the hills sorted. Keep it up...not long now and you will be well able for it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues: yoga, no run.

    tonight: Approx 4.5 miles comprising a mile warm-up and hill work of 7 x 800m laps. I know it's such an Irish thing to talk about the grand stretch in the evenings but there is a grand stretch in the evenings ;) The park was lovely in the dusk, although it was deceptively cold. I felt good so happy with this session.
    maria74 wrote: »
    There are few exercises in class I go to that make me just start grumbling and stamping my foot like a toddler (not a good look!) :p

    Maybe I'll try that next time to get out of skipping :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Approx 4 miles in 39:01

    Gorgeous day for a lunchtime run. The park was full of people, it seems like a completely different place from the park in the grey drizzly days of winter when there were more ducks than people around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Have my gait analysis in Amphibianking tomorrow - hopefully they won't be pointing me in the direction of shoes that are pink or have wonky laces.

    How do you find the new runners?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    shazkea wrote: »
    Have my gait analysis in Amphibianking tomorrow - hopefully they won't be pointing me in the direction of shoes that are pink or have wonky laces.

    How do you find the new runners?

    Hope you get on ok with finding non-pink non-wonky-lace runners! :p I'm happy with my new runners so far, they're comfy and no blisters or anything. I have some more niggles in my legs but I don't think that's down to the shoes, I should probably have taken it a bit easier last week. Might have to rest this weekend instead of running. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    I haven't posted in a while as my shin pain came back again and I was feeling pretty down about it, and was also trying not to put too much pressure on myself to keep training just because Connemara was looming.

    I didn't stop running completely, just eased off so no LSRs since the 9 mile I logged a few weeks ago :( On the plus side my shins are greatly improved (I'm afraid to write or even think about it though in case I jinx it). On the negative side, I haven't done enough training to make a decent stab at Connemara. I decided that if I felt ok during my runs this week (which I did) I'd go ahead and run on Sunday anyway and just take it slow and try to enjoy it. I got lots of advice from the fit4life leader at last night's run, some of which I'm struggling to remember now :p.

    Right now I'm feeling a mixture of anticipation and apprehension so I'm focusing on the preparation and pushing the run itself to the back of my mind. I'm looking forward to running in that beautiful place again, and the way my thoughts meander between "god it's so beautiful" and "god I'd love to stop". Good luck to everyone who is running on Sunday!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Best of luck on Sun, you'll do great and you're in right frame of mind to go out and enjoy the experience. Enjoy the scenery and beer afterwards!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 504 ✭✭✭maria74

    Best of luck on Sunday! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    shazkea wrote: »
    Best of luck on Sun, you'll do great and you're in right frame of mind to go out and enjoy the experience. Enjoy the scenery and beer afterwards!
    maria74 wrote: »
    Best of luck on Sunday! :D

    Cheers girls! I was a bit worried about how warm it's been for the past few days but met eireann says it will turn cooler on Sunday (11-16 degrees) which would be better. I might do a 2 mile run tonight to stretch my legs, then that's it until Leenane (gulp).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Best of luck on Sunday! Hopefully we can catch up after it!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    13.1 miles (and lots of hills) in 2:14 (chip time). But the main thing is I ran the whole way (although to be honest it was the slowest of slow jogs up the Hell of the West :p).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Starie1975

    Good stuff, I was around the same time, I'll wait for it to be posted on the webpage (2:13:58). Ran the first 11 miles, walked for a couple 100 yards at the marker and took off again. My first time running that distance so i'm happy with my time. Next time out it will be under the two hours (on a flat course :D)

    I'm from the area so it was nice to have a drink in the bar afterwards. Not sure what's sorer today, my knees or my head.

    Well done to everyone who ran the race, great comradery in the feild.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 504 ✭✭✭maria74

    Well done...that is BRILLANT!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    No pressure but race report required please :D. Well done on a great run

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,741 ✭✭✭brownian

    Well done, that's a great must be chuffed.

    Race report a little late, but we won't mark you down if you have a note from your mam.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    I wasn't going to add a race report as my time was modest but seeing as it was requested ;)

    I've run the Connemarathon half a couple of times before and the thought of running that beautiful road from Leenane to Maam Cross lured me back. My plan was simple; take it slowly and just keep going. And enjoy it as best I could! At the start line I made my way to the back to ensure I would start slowly and also to get the psychological boost of passing people occasionally. I was ready for the hill out of Leenane and the giant U2 heads and the music made me smile but the first mile was slow and yet not entirely comfortable (10.5 min/mile). I felt at that stage I was looking at finishing in 2:10 at best but I put the thought aside and focused on the current mile. Between mile 2 and 3 I started to feel good and my watch told me my pace had picked up a little (no Garmin). At times the road opened up and I could see the crowds of runners ahead snaking along the winding road into the distance and it was a strange sensation to be part of that collective movement.

    We'd been told to keep to the left to allow the ultra and marathon runners to pass and at one point one of the marathon runners bounded past with a “well ye got the easy half didn't ye?”. And I thought to myself, hmm it doesn't exactly feel like that right now! As the miles passed, I silently groaned at each uphill and relished each downhill stretch. It was as we were arrived at Maam that I first felt like I needed to stop and walk but I shook the temptation away. The crowd out to support us at Maam gave me a boost too. At mile 6 I thought “nearly half way” and at mile 7 “over half way”. At mile 8 I was feeling tired and told myself “only 4 miles, just think, you'd do 4 miles in training easy”. At mile 9 I realised my maths had failed me and there were still 4 miles to go :o

    And then there it was, the hell of the west, stretching up and away into the distance. I know lots of people say after they've run it that it's not as bad as they were expecting and probably if you have trained properly it isn't. But as I passed the speakers blaring “Highway to Hell” and the two devils, one on either side of the road, and started uphill, my resolution wavered and I stopped and walked a little. But I urged myself into running again and my aforementioned slowest-of-the-slow jogs to the top commenced. The downhill stretch to Maam Cross was a relief but the tower at Peacock's hotel seemed so far off. And at last, there it was, the finish line, with 2 hours and 14 minutes on my watch. Someone I knew at the finish asked if I'd enjoyed it and I could only shake my head and say “enjoy? No, that's not the word” and headed off for my well earned soup and sandwich. But I realise I did enjoy it, although I found it tough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    6 and a bit miles in 54 mins

    Me and my shins took a wee break after Connemara and I felt good for the last few days so it was time to start back again. A few of the group were doing 5k instead which was tempting but I decided I'd manage the 6 miles. My pace felt slow but I was pleasantly surprised when one of the others gave me the time and distance off their garmin :)

    I've entered the mini-marathon in June; I'm on holidays the week before which usually involves eating and drinking too much so maybe that's not the best preparation for a race though :p Ah well. I haven't decided on any other races, although I will probably do the 5 and 10 mile of the race series in the Phoenix Park. I'd like to do another half marathon later in the year but maybe not the race series one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sunday 24th: 3 miles

    Tuesday 27th: 1 hr yoga

    Wednesday 28th: 6 miles in 54 mins

    Bit of a lazy Easter over in the West, although I did haul my slightly hungover self out of bed on Sunday morning for the usual 3 miles along country roads. It's a lovely route, quiet and peaceful, with just cows and sheep raising their heads to gaze mildly at me as I pass. A hare had stopped in the middle of the narrow road and dived into the ditch as I came close. A group of cyclists passed me on the 'main' road heading for the coast and as each one said hello individually, I found myself panting 'hello, hello, hi, hello, hello' until they were all gone :)

    Yoga is in a new venue which is more aesthetically pleasing but I found it a bit distracting. Hopefully I'll get used to it.

    I ran the same 6 miles as last week in about the same time, but I found it a little easier this week. Gorgeous weather for running in the park, hope it keeps up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    3.26 miles approx in 28:55

    I tore myself away from the royal wedding coverage to go for a lunchtime run (although really the ceremony was well over by then). Very happy with that run, first time I've done it in under 29 mins and that makes it under a 9 min/mile pace which is pretty good for me! Very warm in the more sheltered parts, I arrived back at the office with a lovely red face, a bit like this but less cross looking: :mad:


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    5.11 miles today in 50 mins or so (didnt bring a watch).

    Yesterday I just cycled in and out of town which is better than nothing but I was overdue for a run by today. Beautiful evening for a run, if a bit windy. Sometimes I wish I was one of those morning people who bound out of bed for a 9am run on a Saturday, instead of sleeping till noon and then lying in bed for maybe another hour listening to the radio or reading. I love my bed :o:p Unfortunately I find that if I leave my run till the evening, I'm more likely to talk myself out of it but I was good today. I took in the glen and the kyber to get some hills in; I think the wind may have been at my back going up the kyber to be honest as it felt a little easier than usual.

    I've seen a few races coming up that I'm thinking of entering - the Donore Harriers 5k, the Leixlip 5k (the photo of the cakes that was posted up in the events forum may or may not be a factor!) and the Docklands run. I'd better check the closing dates for entry actually.

    Update: ok entered the Leixlip 5k so looks like next Saturday I won't be sleeping till noon (hopefully!). And it was only €10 to enter!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Great report and well done again. Any plans for another half :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    shazkea wrote: »
    Great report and well done again. Any plans for another half :D

    Aw cheers! No definite plans for another half but I would like to do another one in a few months. I had thought of doing the Achill half but that's a bit soon (start of July) so I'm not sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    6.5 miles this evening (in around an hour)

    I enjoyed the group run this evening, there were a few of us at around the same pace which definitely helped. Even the hill towards the end didn't feel as tough as last week. Although the agreeable thought of cold beer did cross my mind as we passed the Hole in the Wall :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    hollypink wrote: »
    Aw cheers! No definite plans for another half but I would like to do another one in a few months. I had thought of doing the Achill half but that's a bit soon (start of July) so I'm not sure.

    Good god woman, you like your hilly half marathons :). Clontarf half is start of July which is really flat but can be very windy.
    I'm thinking of doing the Enniscorthy half at the end of June in addition to Kildare half weekend after next.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    shazkea wrote: »
    Good god woman, you like your hilly half marathons :). Clontarf half is start of July which is really flat but can be very windy.
    I'm thinking of doing the Enniscorthy half at the end of June in addition to Kildare half weekend after next.

    Hmmm good point on the hills, I hadn't actually thought of that! Maybe Clontarf would be better. I think after Connemara I just like the idea of running in the West of Ireland again as I'm from the West originally.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    3.3 miles in 28:37

    My legs were feeling a bit tired from yesterday but I'd already arranged to run today and I didn't want to postpone till tomorrow because I'm doing the Leixlip 5k on Saturday morning. I must have a look at the route later, I think there's a hill near the start but after that it's pretty flat.
