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and miles to go before I sleep...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sun 10/2 8.41 miles 1:22:20

    The rain today caused me to regret postponing my run from yesterday. It felt a bit like cross country running as I tried to avoid the pools of water on the paths by running in the muddy grass. I felt full of energy as I came to the top of the hill where I usually turn for home so I decided to keep going. It only occurred to me later that the wind behind me might have been helping me on! I ran up the kyber without much difficulty which was great. I did start to feel it a little in my legs as I ran the last mile so I hope I dont regret it but I feel ok right now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Great running, shows determination to run in that weather.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Great running, shows determination to run in that weather.

    It's funny, it didn't seem so bad at the time, but later in the day I was glad to be curled up on the couch and not out in it!

    Tues 12/2 3.3 miles 30:51

    I went back to the gym yesterday after a week off and my quads are a bit stiff from squatting so I felt it during this run. At least I think it was from the gym and not the long run on Sunday. I kept reminding myself during the run that I'm having pancakes tonight, so I needed to burn a few calories!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 26/2 ~3.3 miles

    Sat 23/2 6.37 miles 1:02:15

    Thurs 21/2 6.36 miles 1:03:45

    Tues 19/2 ~3.3 miles

    Sat 16/2 6.51 miles 1:05:41

    Thurs 14/2 3.29 miles 31:01

    Forgot to log for a little while but still managing to run 3 times a week. I was off work last Thursday so took the opportunity to do a longer run than usual for a weekday (6 miles). There is something luxurious about being out running in the Phoenix Park when most people are at work. It was bitterly cold though, a really cold wind so my hands were a little numb when I got home despite my gloves. I can't remember which short run it was; last week I think when the sun was shining and it was warm and it really felt like Spring was here. It's such a pleasure to run on days like that :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    hollypink wrote: »
    There is something luxurious about being out running in the Phoenix Park when most people are at work. :)

    know how you feel! luv it myself

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 5/3 ~3.3 miles

    Sat 2/3 ~6.3 miles

    Thurs 28/2 ~3.3 miles

    I haven't used my GPS watch for a little while; for the short runs, I don't like hanging around waiting for the GPS signal. On Saturday I forgot to charge it so it bombed out mid-run. No aches or pains lately (touch wood) so I'm happy enough with training. I could do with adding in a sprint session but I'm doing quite a lot of exercise as it is so I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 7/3 3.3 miles

    Sat 9/3 6.47 miles 1:06.12

    I felt quite tired for both these runs, which I am putting down to the blood donation I gave on Wednesday. I always feel grand when I donate, I really only noticed the slight drop in energy after a donation since I started exercising very regularly but I gather it's normal. My iron levels are fine which is nice to know!

    I did my usual overspending in Lidl on Thursday when they had a special on running gear. I got running trousers, shorts, socks, a running top and a heart rate monitor for the craic. I will use it all so its not really money wasted, apart maybe for the HRM!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 16/3 6.52 miles 1:07:53

    Thurs 14/3 3.3 miles

    Tues 12/3 3.3 miles

    After a week of eating healthily and watching calories (to compensate for a bad food week last week! And not great the week before either), I treated myself to chocolate cake in starbucks yesterday. To offset it a little, I did an interval session on the stationery bike and some dumbbell squats last night. And then kept waking up during the night with restless legs :( So this morning, instead of bouncing out of bed refreshed, I hauled myself up and out, feeling tired and with a slightly stiff left thigh.

    But it was a beautiful morning and the park was hazy, with frost on the grass and when my leg loosened up, I felt better. I went for a short swim afterwards which I think also helps with any stiffness.

    Mayo mud run next weekend, feeling a little apprehensive but I think it will be good craic. I hope I have more energy but I just need to take it easy next Friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 19/3 3.3 miles

    Missed my Thursday run as I had to work through lunch. I did think of going today but I got my hair done this morning and it was pouring rain at lunchtime which would have ruined it. I know, such vanity :p But it will be in a mess after tomorrow's run so at least I'll have had one day when it looked nice!

    Mayo mud run tomorrow. Every time I check the weather forecast, it seems to be different but right now met eireann are saying it will be cold and mostly dry tomorrow in Connacht, which doesn't sound too bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 23/3 Mayo Mud run (8.5k) 1:14:18

    I survived the mud run :D

    This was the first year this event was run and about 200 people took part. Saturday was a dry, cold, overcast day; there were four of us in our house competing and while my younger brother was very enthusiastic and determined to beat us all, my sister and I were feeling a little apprehensive. How cold was it going to be? How difficult were the obstacles? Would we make it to the finish line or have to be rescued ignominously from the bog?

    I'm used to doing races in Dublin where no one knows me, so it was a novel and agreeable experience to head for registration and to be greeted by name by everybody. As we stood at the start line, a horrible cold wind was blowing, and I was really not relishing the thoughts of getting wet. And then we were off. I knew there was a 2k run along the road before we would reach the obstacles, and we jogged along chatting away, with everyone full of enthusiasm and laughter. The first stretch of mud was just what you'd see in a mucky field but then we were going down a ditch using ropes, stepping gingerly through the (shallow but cold!) river, crawling under nets, through tyres, and wading through lots and lots of troughs dug out of the ground, waist deep in mud. One of the last obstacles involved sliding down a slide into a pool of foamy water, just to ensure we were all completely soaked. It was so much fun. I never thought I'd enjoy being soaked to the skin and covered in mud, but it was just great craic. I did feel a bit cold towards the end so I ran back to the community centre as fast as I could, thinking I'd get warmer from running. There were guys at the finish line hosing people's shoes down and tubs with warm water to get the mud off your clothes. I changed as fast as I could and got some hot soup, tea, ham rolls and cake and I just ate and ate until I felt normal again! Never has soup tasted so good.

    I thought the whole event was really well organised, lots of stewards so there was no possibility of getting stuck or lost, and they gave loads of help and encouragement. The chip timing was a nice touch, although I was more concerned with finishing than the time I finished in :P Plenty of food at the end as well. I hope they run this again next year, I'll definitely be there.

    Sun 24/3 3 miles. Just a short run to stretch the legs after the adventure of the day before.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 26/3 3.3 miles

    A pleasant run with the snow falling, although I misjudged how cold it was, wore too many layers and when the sun came out briefly, I was much too warm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Fri 29/3 6.5 miles 1:05:15

    Mon 1/4 3 miles

    Tues 2/4 3 miles

    I'm not sure I've come anywhere close to running off the easter eggs I consumed this weekend! I had to skip my Thursday run because of work and as I was off Good Friday, I did my long run. It was a bit more difficult than usual, just felt very tired. Monday was very windy over in the West but it was a nice run. Today's was even better, not much wind and clear blue skies. On days like today, I envy people who live in the countryside :) It is so peaceful running on quiet roads with just cows and horses looking on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 4/4 3.3 miles

    Lovely sunny day but I really felt tired today during my run. I did some intervals last night on the stationery bike and then dumbbell and one legged squats so maybe that was why. I feel fine now which is fortunate as I want to go to yoga class after work and then a circuit class. That might sound like I'm overdoing it a bit but yoga isn't very strenuous and the class was moved from Monday because of the bank holiday and I don't like missing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    7.02 miles 1:11.47

    Amazing day, nothing like running in the Phoenix Park on sunny, blue sky days like this. Lots of people out with the same idea. I took it easy and just enjoyed listening to a podcast. Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode were off this week so the movie review wasnt quite as entertaining as usual but still good. Because thr ground was dry I ran on some of the trails instead of the path to vary the route a little. I cycled into town afterwards so the legs got a good workout :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    What u listen too, I'm up to speed on Marathon Talk and listen to a bit of 'how stuff works'........always on the look out for other podcasts

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    What u listen too, I'm up to speed on Marathon Talk and listen to a bit of 'how stuff works'........always on the look out for other podcasts

    Well I love Mark Kermode and Simon Mayos' film review show on BBC5 live. Also 'In Our Time' (BBC again) - they discuss topics from history, philosophy, science etc. Talking History (Newstalk) is also very interesting. I've also recently subscribed to This American Life although I haven't listened to any shows yet. That show has 2 podcasts on the Harper High School in Chicago where there was a mass shooting last year that are supposed to be very good. The RTE Documentary on One is a show I listen to occasionally; there was a great, albeit short, one on Achillhenge on the Curious Ear and another one called Message in a Bottle, both of which I'd highly recommend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tue 9/4 3.3 miles

    Very cold again today; I think the fog was adding to the chill. I've entered the Leixlip 5k in May but I might just run it with my sister who recently finished the C25K rather than racing it. And then eat some cakes :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Fri 12/4 3.3 miles
    Sun 14/4 7.04 miles 1:10.08

    Missed my run on Thursday because of a meeting so managed to squeeze it in on Friday before a trip to Galway. My usual Saturday run had to be postponed because I didnt get back to Dublin till late. While having lunch in Salthill, a fun run passed by; I didnt envy the runners, the wind and rain was awful. I was feeling lazy today so left it quite late to go for a run, the wind hadnt died down so it wasnt pleasant in the less sheltered parts of the park. The Great Ireland run must have been tough today. I passed by the finish line area, deserted apart from stacked barriers and marquees.

    I'm contemplating doing a 10k race next weekend as I havent taken part in a race since New Years, not sure yet. Might be good for me to challenge myself a little.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 16/4 3.3 miles

    With the sun shining, I thought this would be a lovely run but I found it hard with the wind. I guess I need to HTFU :) I could feel DOMS in my hamstrings when I headed off, and I couldn't think why at first. I did yoga last night but I do that every Monday and I didn't remember doing any particularly new postures. I started back doing weight training last week and yesterday I did single leg deadlifts, which I don't normally do so I think that accounts for it.

    During my run today, my mind was preoccupied with the Boston marathon explosions. I followed the A/R thread last night; I found myself in tears watching the news coverage. It just seemed so awful to think of supporters and runners at the finish line, with all the happiness and excitement, and to think some of them were killed and others badly injured.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Thurs 18/4 3.3 miles

    I was really hoping last night's wind would be gone by lunchtime today but it was not to be. Nowhere near as bad as last night of course, but still blustery and just horrible to run against. I was very tired too (not enough sleep this week) and my legs were a bit achey. I feel better now but I'd still love to go home and sleep for a few hours. Still undecided about doing a race on Saturday; I don't think I'd do myself justice the way I've been feeling the past few days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 20/4 BHAA K-Club 10k 00:51:21 :D

    PB so I'm delighted! My previous PB for 10k was 55:02 in the women's mini marathon in 2011.

    I've heard and read good things about this race, particularly that it's a PB course due to the flat route and that there is lovely food afterwards. I've mentioned before that food is always a big selling point with me :pac: I also read that it's a higher standard than the typical commercial race and few people would take over an hour to cross the finish line. I was consequently a bit nervous at the thought of being at the very back and how demoralising I'd find that. But I reasoned that only my pride would be hurt by that and so I entered online. It was so beautiful on Saturday morning that I was genuinely looking forward to being out there running an unfamiliar route. I had some porridge and a banana and headed off down the motorway. As planned, I was there early, with the car park fairly quiet, but as I sat there watching people getting out of their cars, I was thinking to myself "they all look like runners, I wonder if any of them run at my pace". I met a couple of guys I work with that do BHAA races all the time but they'd be a lot faster than me so when we lined up, I started at the very back. I figured I'd rather be overtaking a few people than spending the race being overtaken!

    It took a few minutes before the race could get started as the stewards were having a little trouble getting people to move back. But then we were off and I found myself running at a 5 min/km for the first few kilometres which felt ok at first but after 3k it became clear that I couldn't sustain it and had to slow a little. I was thinking sub-55 would be great and I figured if I didn't go over 5 mins 30 sec pace I'd be fine. You do two laps of one section of the route and as I passed the 6km marker on the first lap I wistfully thought that it would be great if it had really been 6k. At 5k, I reminded myself that there was just 5k to go and I run that easily on my lunchbreak. A few people had come out of their homes to cheer us on which was nice. There are some big houses around there and some big, noisy dogs too, fortunately behind locked gates! I got a stitch just before the water station the second time around and I stopped briefly to drink the water. I don't like stopping as I find it's tougher to start running again but I was hoping the stitch would subside. Thankfully it did and I was off again.

    When I got to 9k I said to myself "right, push yourself a bit now, the finish line is only up there". It was funny how tired I felt with the finish line in sight;I was passing the car park and really thinking I'd love to head over to my car instead of keeping going, which was ridiculous with the finish line so close. I went through the line with I think 51:xx on the clock. I'm hoping I didn't read that wrong from tiredness but it matches my watch so I'll wait for the official results with my fingers crossed. I'd entirely forgotten my worry about coming last and there were some people behind me, although I think not many. At one point I heard the announcer say that the last person was crossing the line at 1:03 which just shows the high standard.

    I'm happy with myself that I pushed myself on this run, especially at the end. (I do think I have a tendency to ease off during races when I don't really need to.) I know I pushed myself because for the first few minutes afterwards, I was having difficulty with a simple thing like taking my number off and once I'd managed that I just collapsed on the grass. But then I heard on the PA the mention the food in the clubhouse and that perked me right up. I wasn't hungry but when I went inside, the amount of food was amazing which made me very happy indeed :D So that was that, my first BHAA race and definitely not my last.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 23/4 3.3 miles

    Uneventful run today; as I was heading off I bumped into one of my colleagues who also did the BHAA race at the weekend and he was asking me how I got on. I'd already sneaked a peek at his time in the results sheet and knew it was under 40 minutes but he was full of encouragement for me which was nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭run44

    Congrats on the new PB - well done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Well done on the PB. Nice to meet you again - I realised that I never said goodbye to you properly, I think I was distracted by all the food! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    jcsmum wrote: »
    Well done on the PB. Nice to meet you again - I realised that I never said goodbye to you properly, I think I was distracted by all the food! :)

    Haha I was a bit distracted by it all myself, what a spread! Nice to meet you too, I wasn't envying you your pacing gig when I saw the rain on Sunday.

    Thurs 25/4 4 miles 35:40

    I did a different run today and had a little extra time so I decided to do 4 miles. When I got back to my door, my watch said 3.92 miles and I just had to run up and down the road to bring it up to 4 :pac: It's lovely out today, a proper Spring afternoon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Sat 27/4 BHAA RTE 5 mile 38:45

    I thought I'd do this as my first BHAA race was good and the day and time suited me. Lovely sunny day for it, although I found it cold enough even during my warmup. I was reluctant to discard my warm fleece as it came time to head for the start line. I took my place at the back, which unfortunately meant I couldnt hear whatever the organiser was saying, just like last week. I did catch something about keeping left but that was it. And then we were off and as we reentered the rte grounds, the announcer said it was 4 laps to the finish line. I knew there would be laps but I really dont like them; 2 is ok but it gets repetitive after that. Still, it meant I got a glimpse of the front runners when they lapped us; the ease and speed is so impressive. I started off at a 7.5 min mile but that gradually climbed to an 8 min/mile and I tried reasonably successfully to keep it at that. I had one lap to go when the lead runners were finishing; I wasnt comfortable but not hurting either. I passed through the finish with 38:xx on the clock. Unfortunately my chip must have failed as I'm down in the results as a missed read so hopefully it can be corrected as I'm pretty sure it was a PB. I contacted them so fingers crossed. Another well organised race, I'm sure I'll do it again. (And even though I dont watch it, the Fair City set was fun to see!)

    Sun 28/4 7.05 miles 1:14:43

    Thought I'd do a low intensity run this morning, trying to maximise my exercise and nutrition for the next few weeks as I'm going on holidays at the end of May. I had a film review podcast to listen to, which usually makes the time fly by. But I found the cold wind and occasional drizzle distinctly unpleasant today. Still, it never crossed my mind to cut the run short, so I guess I was enjoying myself a little. I didnt feel any effects from yesterday but I was taking it very slowly.

    Edit: my time for the rte 5 mile is up, a pb :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    Tues 30/4 3.3 miles

    A lovely day for a run; work is quite stressful at the moment and usually exercise helps but it didn't work today :( Yoga last night wasn't great either, I kept wondering when it would be over and normally I feel very serene during class. At least there's a bank holiday coming up, that might help. The Leixlip 5k is on Saturday - my sister finally entered online so as tentatively planned, I'm going to run with her rather than racing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Well done on the PB - glad you got that sorted, PBs are the best! :) (and you would know, 2 weeks in a row!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    hollypink wrote: »
    Sat 20/4 BHAA K-Club 10k 00:51:21 :D

    PB so I'm delighted! My previous PB for 10k was 55:02 in the women's mini marathon in 2011.

    I also read that it's a higher standard than the typical commercial race and few people would take over an hour to cross the finish line. I was consequently a bit nervous at the thought of being at the very back and how demoralising I'd find that. But I reasoned that only my pride would be hurt by that and so I entered online.

    Fair play that was really brave. A lot of people seem to be afraid of non-commercial races thinking that they'll be totally out of their depth so they dont even try. But you didnt give in to fear and you gave it a go to find out for yourself instead of imagining how something would be as opposed to experiencing it directly. Hopefully others will have read your report and will gain courage from your efforts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭hollypink

    tunguska wrote: »
    Fair play that was really brave. A lot of people seem to be afraid of non-commercial races thinking that they'll be totally out of their depth so they dont even try. But you didnt give in to fear and you gave it a go to find out for yourself instead of imagining how something would be as opposed to experiencing it directly. Hopefully others will have read your report and will gain courage from your efforts.

    Thanks tunguska, what a nice thing to say, I'm chuffed :)
