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What will Sinn Fein have to do to get a vote from you?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,558 ✭✭✭kaiser sauze

    They could offer me tax free status for life and I still would never even consider voting for them.

    Once associated with terrorists, always terrorists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,109 ✭✭✭Cavehill Red

    Papa Smut wrote: »

    So, to the floor, what will it take Sinn Fein to get your no.1 or 2?

    As a lifelong SDLP supporter, giving a preference to the Shinners would be extremely difficult for me.

    But I'd be prepared to consider it if I saw some practical development of their economic plans set out here

  • Registered Users Posts: 569 ✭✭✭jonnybravo

    1) Some decent politicians (get rid of Gerry Adams, Mary Lou, Ferris etc etc)
    2) Some decent policies (not anti Europe, anti companies)
    3) Express some sort of regret / saying that it was wrong for acts such as the killing of Garda McCabe

    Then I might consider voting for them or at least giving them some preferences. Until they do the above they will never have a serious prospect of getting into Irish government. I think eventually they will get around to the above. When is the question.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭Firefox11

    Their policies and ideology are in direct conflict with my own so never.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,288 ✭✭✭TheUsual

    What will Sinn Féin have to do to get my vote ?

    Nothing at all.
    I have always voted for them.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Guys, I'm locking this thread until I gt a chance to clean it up. We're grown ups here. The question wasn't, " What do you think of Sinn Fein?" It was, "what will Sinn Fein have to do to get your vote?"

    That to me is quite a simple question. They can do something, or they can do nothing.


    I'll review this thread later on today and try to let it not be such a trainwreck.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Thread reopened.

    If people go off topic, they will be infracted with bans for those who keep it up after warning.

    Kaiser sauze
    Cavehill Red

    You guys in particular are being warned. Off topic posting will not be tolerated.

    This is not a history tread. The question is

    What will Sinn Fein have to do to get a vote from you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,570 ✭✭✭RandomName2

    Papa Smut wrote: »

    What will Sinn Fein have to do to get a vote from you?

    Okay, in all seriousness what they would have to do in order to get a vote from me:

    1. Remove ties to terrorists, including ejecting their members who formerly were terrorists

    2. They would have to condemn terrorism.

    3. They would have have to change their party name. It has ugly (and, oddly, inconsistent) connoctations.

    4. They would have to come up with decent economic principles with which to work.

    5. They would have to drop their dreams of reordering society based upon their pseudo-socialist model (i.e. be less hard left)

    6. They would have to set up a seperate party to their current Stormont/ Westminster based entity.

    7. Abandon their hatred of Western democracies (the fact that their hatred is primarily focused on the United Kingdom does not perclude them from hating other governments with... just less intensity)

    8. Ideally they would also have to leave their GUE grouping in the European Parliament.

    So, in short, they would have to be almost entirely different. Yet, there may be one or two of their members who are decent and have not been corrupted by the old hands within the party. Perhaps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    Apologise for their remarks about Brendan Hughes.
    Apologise for their lack of support for Gerry McGeough.
    Do something productive to reduce sectarian problems in the north.
    Stop being so bitchy to the SDLP
    Admit the PIRA campaign failed

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,339 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    They'd need to follow the national forum policies for my vote

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,700 ✭✭✭irishh_bob

    Papa Smut wrote: »
    Reading this thread here, there seems to be more people than me that are very happy with the way Sinn Fein are going about things, but won't give them their no.1

    Me personally, I can't/won't give them a vote due to them being so eurosceptic. I still believe in the European project and believe that we would be still clawing our way toward where we were in the 90's without Europe. The mess we find ourselves in has no more to do with Europe than a jewel thief blames a jewellry store for holding jewellry

    Their fiscal policies still leave a lot to be desired.

    Maybe as a junior partner in a coalition they would work. Will they even run enough candidates to make up a junior party? Will they be taking advantage of the goodwill that is coming to them as being a good opposition party?

    So, to the floor, what will it take Sinn Fein to get your no.1 or 2?

    them being euro sceptic is the one reason i could vote for them

    why i couldnt vote for them is as follows

    they are a top down party in an almost stalanist way , same leader since 1983
    they not only shield scumbag smugglers and racketeers , they potray them as ( in the words of gerry adams ) good republicans
    while in public they make calls for thier supporters to co -opperate with police investigations , the reality on the ground is very different , see the roberty mc cartney murder or the murder of a young guy from the border area three years ago
    they attract a disproportionate amount of unsavoury charechthers to thier support base , thugs who cloak themselves in the tri colour or at least a celtic jersey , theese people are mostly from the border area
    they are more or less economically illiterate and thier policy manifesto can be summarised in one sentence = tax the rich till the pips squeak
    they are are deeply inward looking in terms of industry , culture and many other things

  • Registered Users Posts: 759 ✭✭✭Agent_47

    When they stop parading around with Gerry Adams looking like a war hero, when they move away from their socialist politics and actually convey a coherrent viable economic plan.
    As that will never happen (too staunch) they will forever remain on the back benches of Irish politics.
    In summary, no vote here

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Dear Irishh bob,

    It's kind of ironic that you post the OP, reply the same page as the warning, and then reply to a different question.

    The question is not, "Why would you not vote for Sinn Fein"

    But it's:

    What will Sinn Fein have to do to get a vote from you?

    Fancy trying again?

    I have a feeling the answer to the OP is simply, "Nothing, I could never vote for them".
    Oh, and the use of the word "scumbag" is not permitted on this forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,236 ✭✭✭Dannyboy83

    Sinn Fein cannot get my vote because:

    A) They're on the wrong end of the spectrum
    B) I don't view them as a credible political party, but rather a protest party.
    C) Their core concerns are trivialities to me, or even things I disagree with
    D) My core concerns appear to be trivial to them
    E) When it comes to politics, I adore pragmatists and detest romantics

    They soak up protest votes, which are just wasted votes and this distorts the balance of power, but not very worrying as I could not imagine anyone entering coalition with them.

    Again with the protest party, there are full of objections but appear devoid of alternatives.

    Sinn Fein cannot get my vote.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Dear Dannyboy83,

    Please read the post above yours.

    All the best,


  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭Can'tseeme

    Nothing, they already get my vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭politicsdude

    not while the likes of martin ferris spends his time taxiing murderers home from prison

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 289 ✭✭feicim

    Papa Smut wrote: »
    Reading this thread here, there seems to be more people than me that are very happy with the way Sinn Fein are going about things, but won't give them their no.1

    Me personally, I can't/won't give them a vote due to them being so eurosceptic. I still believe in the European project and believe that we would be still clawing our way toward where we were in the 90's without Europe. ....

    Is this not where we are at now?

    I think the jury is still out on whether or not the euro project has been good for ireland.

    Sinn fein already have my vote, and the reason being they are a real alternative to FF/FG/Lab who in my opinion are all in the same old boys club happy to trot along maintaining the status quo.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 575 ✭✭✭RockinRolla

    Why has Ireland no decent liberal or Libertarian groups....:confused:

    I'm tired of all this conservative Bullsh1t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    I suppose to get a vote from me theyd need to:

    1. Develop some basic morality, some recognisable sense of right and wrong. People throwing nail bombs into resteraunts full of families are not heros. If the Provos cant grasp that, theyre not going to get my vote.
    2. Refer to the Irish republic, instead of undermining its legitimacy by refering to it as the "twenty six counties". A lot of the reason we have such poor civic patriotism in Ireland is down to the belief that it has been patriotic to resist and undermine the "Free State" - The provos have contributed to this and continue to do so.
    3. Offer economic policies which are more than Marxism warmed over.
    4. Offer some vision of Ireland thats more than:
    "Take over Northern Ireland

    Until then, I'll only have to consider Sinn Fein when deciding who to place last in the list of preferences: Fianna Fail or Sinn Fein. Say what you like about Fianna Fail, they at least grasp the concept that murdering kids is wrong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,148 ✭✭✭✭Raskolnikov

    By not being Fianna Fáil or the Green Party, they're instantly off the bottom in terms of preferences on my ballot sheet. By not being Joe Higgins/Socialist Party/anyone who'll increase Corporation Tax, they're up another rung. So without doing a single thing, they're probably a fifth preference, which is up from last in 2007.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34 opawaman

    Maybe if they were prepared to go into an all-ireland coalition DUP. and get rid of the gaelic language act. Most Irish are not interested in being forced to learn Gaelic, but are being made feel guilty for not wanting to.,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,092 ✭✭✭Le King

    TBH they have secured my vote this year. No way can I vote Fianna Fail/Fine Gael (Two of the same), Labour are all talk so that leaves Sinn Fein.

    One thing I would like is to be less involved in Euroscepticism.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 eoinoleary

    they have my vote...rightly or wrongly its time for some1 distinctly differently to have a shot at grabbing this bull by the horns...fg ff lab...usual ding dong..all only wanting to oust the other and hold the power(flash back 1920's)..sinn fein are the only opposition that are willing to make a few moves, there all saying its a bad deal for ireland but i only hear sinn fein saying theyl go and renegociate the blasted thing...coloured past fair enough but a united ireland is somthing i liked to hear mentioned once in a while in southern politics if only to keep the pot simmering and maby some day in years to come once peace is entrenched in ireland maby we could begin to cautiously mention the idea of an UI our supposed southern "republican party" the fianna fail shower have just gone and sold us down the swanny and doing so knowing they wont be in power to feel the backlash from i ask,all in all..whos the alternative???i'll have to go sinn fein re. above comment, i agree... sinn fein will have to come round to the euro idea if they seriously want to contend in irish politics...its positives honestly do outway its negitives and the vast majority of citizens endorse the idea...thanks
