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Mass Effect 2



  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Sisko wrote: »
    Dont be crazy, you wont be able to continue on has your shepard!

    What exactly continues on? I was thinking of playing through this, then making the same decisions in the interactive comic and that should give me more or less the same character and i'll have played through the 1st on so i will know the story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Too much to post about man, tons of stuff. And the pc version is the best version to play, I really recommend keeping it to pc for all 3 games.

    Are you saying you wanna play it on PS3 so you can play it on pad? Are you new to PC gaming or something? Are you trying to play with the track pad or something?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    What exactly continues on? I was thinking of playing through this, then making the same decisions in the interactive comic and that should give me more or less the same character and i'll have played through the 1st on so i will know the story.

    It will, but there are other differences. Several npc's will react differently depending on how you treated them in the original. It's mostly minor stuff (like an ex criminal boss telling me that she had changed her way because i had let her go etc...), but its a nice touch.

    Plus, Conrad Verner :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Sisko wrote: »
    Too much to post about man, tons of stuff. And the pc version is the best version to play, I really recommend keeping it to pc for all 3 games.

    Are you saying you wanna play it on PS3 so you can play it on pad? Are you new to PC gaming or something? Are you trying to play with the track pad or something?

    Well, I played the demo on PS3 and loved the controls. I use a mouse and WASD keys, getting used to them now but it's my 1st time using a laptop so just feels alien at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Oh i'd a question, I had to reinstall Windows so started Mass Effect again. This time I went with Soldier type instead of Vanguard. Found it much more enjoyable, always did prefer guns to magic but can ye experienced chaps tell me if the powers come in handy later in the game or can I have an enjoyable experience as a Soldier?

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Oh i'd a question, I had to reinstall Windows so started Mass Effect again. This time I went with Soldier type instead of Vanguard. Found it much more enjoyable, always did prefer guns to magic but can ye experienced chaps tell me if the powers come in handy later in the game or can I have an enjoyable experience as a Soldier?

    My first playthrough was as a Soldier as well, and you'll have no problem later on. Just keep Liara or someone else with Biotics in the party, and you'll be sorted. To be honest, the only two fights that i found tough as a Soldier was against the first Colossus, and against Benzemia and her Asari commando team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Thanks man!
    stupid night shifts at work, I just wanna go home an play this!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    Going to start playing the 1st one myself tonight. It's been ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Well, I played the demo on PS3 and loved the controls. I use a mouse and WASD keys, getting used to them now but it's my 1st time using a laptop so just feels alien at the moment.

    So your a console gamer trying out pc gaming for the 1st time.

    Naturally it'd feel a bit odd at 1st. But mouse and Kb is far far superior for shooters.

    I recently gave the me2 demo a shot myself on psn just for the craic, I felt far less immersed in the gunfights with the sluggish controls. Plus that big giant wheel in your face when you wanna choose powers or change guns.

    Once you get used to the mouse and kb you wont look back, and the gun fights get really good in me2. Remember, me1 is weaker in that area.

    I think soldier is obviously the most boring class but if you truly dislike the abilities so be it. I do recommend branching out a bit maybe trying infiltrator when you play me2.

    I would also recommended you play the game with the female shepard but its too late now probably. The voice acting for the male shep is so bad it ruins the character a little while femshep is one of the most interesting video game characters in years.

    Its amazing what good acting can do. I always recommend femshep to anyone starting the game and people always thank me for it when they see how bad the male is compared to her.

    I actually wish they didn't bother putting in the male, its damaged the games potential full impact imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Sisko wrote: »
    So your a console gamer trying out pc gaming for the 1st time.

    Naturally it'd feel a bit odd at 1st. But mouse and Kb is far far superior for shooters.

    I recently gave the me2 demo a shot myself on psn just for the craic, I felt far less immersed in the gunfights with the sluggish controls. Plus that big giant wheel in your face when you wanna choose powers or change guns.

    Once you get used to the mouse and kb you wont look back, and the gun fights get really good in me2. Remember, me1 is weaker in that area.

    I think soldier is obviously the most boring class but if you truly dislike the abilities so be it. I do recommend branching out a bit maybe trying infiltrator when you play me2.

    I would also recommended you play the game with the female shepard but its too late now probably. The voice acting for the male shep is so bad it ruins the character a little while femshep is one of the most interesting video game characters in years.

    Its amazing what good acting can do. I always recommend femshep to anyone starting the game and people always thank me for it when they see how bad the male is compared to her.

    I actually wish they didn't bother putting in the male, its damaged the games potential full impact imo.

    Actually been playing PC games for years on the ol' desktop using mouse and arrow keys for movement. Definitely prefer playing FPS's on PC but just getting used to the wasd format. Plus my desktop was on the way out for the last year so spent most of my time on the PS3, main reason of wanting to get it on that, just feels more comfortable. Ya, the soldier def feels like the more boring choice but I remember playing Knights of The Old Repubic and not using the powers much, just duel light sabring the shiit out of everyone so guess I should stick to what gets me going :)

    Interesting what you say that about the female lead, im sure the majority will just pick male shep without a 2nd thought.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    If thats the case, you could always hook your laptop up to a large monitor or HD screen assuming you use one, and plug in a mouse and KB for when your gaming. I've done that when my gaming pc was out of order for awhile, works great.

    And I was like you once , I stuck to the arrow keys for years for my FPS's. Its when I started playing military sims when I was forced to abandon my stubbornness and use wasd. After a while I just wasnt arsed remapping keys for other games and just kept using wasd from then on. meh.

    But if you try what I suggested you can change the buttons to whatever you like :)
    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Interesting what you say that about the female lead, im sure the majority will just pick male shep without a 2nd thought.

    Thats the shame alright. I only tried the femshep as I was trying to do things as differently as I could compared to how I usually play Biowares RPGs to spice the game up as I was initially very very disappointed with Mass Effect compared to KOTOR.
    A, giving the main character a voice pissed me off and B, the over all game was pretty dumbed down compared to a kotor game, ie you party members don't talk to you mid mission, they only talk about events back on the ship, I felt a little robbed.

    I only started to really love the game half way through due to the universe , characters and the female shepards performance. Bringing that character into me2 made the whole thing 10 times better.

    Basically if you look at the MGS series, and snake being the iconic character he is. Now imagine if instead of the game just having snake, you had to create your character instead and choose from 2 voice actors, and for whatever reason, the current guy was NOT the default guy. And the majority of people who play the MGS series picked the default guy (who sounds like the raiden character) imagine how much a shame that would be?

    Thats whats happened with the ME series. Biowares created one of the most iconic VG characters in years and most people play the game don't even know it, never mind experience it. Its a damn shame.

    A lot of people deleted their male sheps and replayed as femshep to continue on their story apon discovering this. Or some on the pc version changed gender mid game with mods.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Ya its got a HDMI connection so might hook it up to the tv and use a KB and mouse from the couch :D. Wow just googled female shep and you aren't alone on your thoughts about her being the better character!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Oh I know I'm not, I could link you to some good comparison videos but I'd end up spoiling both games for you so I won't but its a very well known fact about the game.

    Not that theres not plenty of people out there who've beaten the game with the ****ty male guy and looked as his voice with rose tinted glasses and try to argue its better. Nobody likes to be told they've played the game wrong after beating it with a character they've created and grown to like. Theres also a lot of people who can't wrap their heads around the idea of playing a female. To which I say, can you imagine how bad Alien would have been if everyone had that attitude? Casting Sylvester Stallone instead of sigourney weaver... jaysus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Ah God, I looked up the comparison video of the Normandy Speech but the only thing I could notice is how good the graphics looked. My game looks **** compared to it and I have mostly high settings. I looked up more vids and the graphics are far superior to what i'm getting. I have the settings on High for all, vsync catch thing disabled, and highest resolution. I thought it looked a bit crap when I 1st started it but now after seeing the vids on youtube, I know something isn't right. Will have to look into this further.

    EDIT: I should add I have an i5 dual core, radeon HD 5650 and 3 gb ram on windows 7 64 bit. Have the game patched to 1.02. The vids on youtube I was looking up are running on the same card. Game runs very smooth as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Ah I know the video you mean its not the best.

    Hmm when you say your graphics are bad , what are you talking about, the textures? Lighting? Maybe post a screen shot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Sisko wrote: »
    Ah I know the video you mean its not the best.

    Hmm when you say your graphics are bad , what are you talking about, the textures? Lighting? Maybe post a screen shot.

    Just comparing it to other videos and screenshots i've seen on the internet. Ah yes the Print screen key!!! I'l take a shot of ingame and my graphics settings. I'm prob just being paranoid but we will see. Thanks man!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,352 ✭✭✭funky penguin

    I played 1 then 2 very recently, and the difference was pretty amazing. Maybe time is showing its ugly heady sheehy? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    I played 1 then 2 very recently, and the difference was pretty amazing. Maybe time is showing its ugly heady sheehy? :D

    Ya, actually there is a demo for mass effect on the PC. I'm gonna download that and see the difference running on my laptop. I just get paranoid on the PC thinking if a game should look like a certain way or if I can improve it.

    If the demo of ME2 is far better (graphics wise) then I might stick with the PC version for the trilogy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,352 ✭✭✭funky penguin

    Might be the best bet, especially if you think you can run ME3....think of the mods! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    oh ya, actually the PS3 might be the safe bet, especially since ME2 will come with the ME3 engine and all the DLC. Guaranteed it will look nice and won't have to worry bout my HW going stale for ME3.

    Ah, I won't be doing anything til I get through ME1 anyway which could take some time. I plan on sticking mostly to the main story missions cuz i'm just mad to play ME2 after reading all the class reviews.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    The pc version is always the best looking version.

    As for the me1 me2 differences, facial animations and models seemed a lot clearer and crisper in me1. (graphically speaking, theres some dodgey animation glitches that were fixed for me2)

    Where as the environment looked a lot better in me2.

    Very different lighting in both games.

    Yeah I powered my way through me1, 14 hour play time versus 40+ hour playtime in me2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Ok, spent a good bit of time in the citadel and must admit the graphics are pretty good. Sometimes character models are blurry but faces have good graphics. Think I was just being paranoid.

    What a great game, just want to keep going to see whats next!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Haha cool, if your playing it on high your already getting better graphics then those people who played it on the 360.

    The contrast between textures on the bodies and the faces is more noticeable in me2 I found, seems they really had to cut some corners graphically to get the game to run on the consoles.

    Still the environments and general level design is a lot better in me2, the gun fights are great and the music that kicks in when **** goes down is awesome.

    But me2 doesnt have much story so you'll be so glad you played me1 when you play me2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Biggest graphic flaw is when talking to some non important characters, the graphics on their bodies are blurred but minor issue really. Kinda regretting the soldier class now, but my assault rifle is going ok for me so far.

    Awesome game! I found Liara, now i'm near the end of the sky way in Feros! Havn't touched another game since starting this. Awesome!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,433 ✭✭✭Josey Wales

    Mass Effect 2 is going to be available as a download on the PSN day and date with the Blu-ray.

    PS Blog

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,841 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Mass Effect 2 is going to be available as a download on the PSN day and date with the Blu-ray.

    PS Blog

    Thats gonna be a big azz download!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,332 ✭✭✭valleyoftheunos

    Downloaded the ME2 demo on PS3 last night, very impressed etc but a lot of the rendered video suffered from low frame rate and screen tearing, is that something anyone else has experienced and can we expect it to be fixed in the retail version?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭bugs

    Downloaded the ME2 demo on PS3 last night, very impressed etc but a lot of the rendered video suffered from low frame rate and screen tearing, is that something anyone else has experienced and can we expect it to be fixed in the retail version?

    Same here, quite choppy. Also felt the controls were a little unresponsive, nothing horrible but not great. Whopper of a demo size too, 2.4gigs is crazy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,332 ✭✭✭valleyoftheunos

    bugs wrote: »
    Same here, quite choppy. Also felt the controls were a little unresponsive, nothing horrible but not great. Whopper of a demo size too, 2.4gigs is crazy.

    YEah controls took a bit of getting used too, only played for a short while and am prepared to make all sorts of allowances for it being a demo but would be disappointed if it ran like that at retail.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,923 ✭✭✭kearneybobs

    Mass Effect 2 is going to be available as a download on the PSN day and date with the Blu-ray.

    PS Blog
    No confirmation yet if that's heading to the EU PSN.

    Oh, and it's a 12 Gb download.
