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Here goes...again!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Well done on joining the running club. I recently joined one myself and they are a friendly bunch. Now if I can only get fast enough so I can actually keep up with them!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    You're doing great and sounds like joining the club was a great move. Keep it going :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Fair play on joining the club! I think I'd like to join one, there are a few close enough to me, but OH is home from work so late at the min, I think I'd miss more sessions than I'd make. Ah well, seems like I'm stuck on me lonesome for a while longer....:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thanks guys, the group is great. But it is a leisure group, lots of beginners so its not going to make me a speed demon or anything:D. Went again last night. 2 warm up laps of the track then some dynamic warm ups/stretches and then three 1 mile laps of the school grounds. Ran 2 with a lovely woman and we chatted the whole way round, didnt even notice the time passing. Stretching and core work at the end..

    This is working perfectly into my DCM training schedule- 3 miles on the Tuesday and Thursday at a very slow pace. And as an added bonus its on grass so Im doing less running on the road. If Im to stay injury free I think this will go along way towards helping me with that.

    Rest day today but we got up early and as its the first day of my summer holidays and my husband had a day off we headed up Millenium hill with the dog. Wow I thought I was fit and a walk up a mountain wouldnt take much out of me- I was so wrong, was wrecked by the top! So beautiful up there though, it was so worth it. Im off out tonight to a work bbq but wont stay late as I have an 11 miler tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Club sounds great Bally8... its always good when a session is over before you know it. I keep meaning to look into one.... maybe next week:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Week 4 - Run 4 Sat 16th July
    11 mile lovely lsr in 2:04:51. Pace for this should have been 11.12 - 12.12 and was 11.20 in the end so happy with that. A really enjoyable run, felt great throughout. Full of energy and had lots left in the tank so ran the last mile at PMP. Its funny as I was not looking forward to the run at all. Its always the same- the ones you're dreading turn out the best ones.

    Went to the cinema in the afternoon to see the Guard- great film. Then out in Nenagh boozing last night. Happy that I stuck to my plan of only 4 drinks but disappointed I had a half bag of chips at 2:30am when I really should have resisted:o.

    Very tired and lazy today so no cross training- maybe I'll walk the dog later.

    A very successful Week 4 of DCM training. Stuck to plan and enjoyed each run. 4 runs, 23.67 miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Week 5 - Run 1 Tues 19th July
    3.14 easy miles in 11:40 pace with my OH. Then this evening we went on a 50 minute walk with the dog.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Week 5 - Run 2 - Wed 20th July
    Plan was 6 mile run but I started out thinking I would do it at PMP. Realised in the middle of the second mile that the old body was just not up for it today. Decided to just take it easy and fit in 6x100m strides along the way. I had planned a route that brought me to the bottom of a hill and I was going to turn for home without running it but once I got there I thought 'Feic it, I'll give it a go'. It added half a mile to the route so I did 6.51 miles in 1:11:01.

    Just read Rachels log and see that my strides might not be strides after all. Im interested to see what way the debate is going as I was very happy with myself today cos I thought I was getting it right for the first time.

    In other news I reached 400 miles today, happy with that even though there is no chance of me reaching 1000 this year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Week 5 - Run 3 - Nenagh 4 Mile - Saturday 23rd July
    After Wednesday's run I decided to rest until today's race as I have 12 miles to run tomorrow and wanted to be fresh for both.

    This is my first time running a 4 mile race and it was so handy as its 10 minutes from my house. I was a bit nervous at registration as everyone was so fit and athletic looking, I was the only one there with a spare tyre:o. I guessed this would be a fast field. The plan was to try get a sub 38. I figured each mile should have been at 9:30ish pace to achieve that.

    I went off too fast of course (I always do) but I had to as I was at the back and in real danger of being left so far behind that I would have lost sight of everyone ahead of me:(. Reached the first mile marker in 8:49, my fastest mile ever:) but I knew that there was no way I could keep that pace up so slowed right down.

    I stayed on the road throughout. Most people ahead didnt I figured the course was measured on the road and I didnt want another short race so I stuck to it. I had been worried about safety- over a mile of the course is on a bypass with a 100k speed limit but actually it was fine and I never felt in danger. Got to the second mile marker in 18:06 and knew I wasnt ready to push the pace just yet. Third mile was my slowest but I kept pushing and hoped I had left enough in the tank to go all out for the finish. Crossed the line in 36:56. Thrilled with that. My average pace was 9:15. This is my fastest result ever and only the second race (Clare 10k in June this year is the other) where I feel given my fitness and training so far this year I pushed hard and really couldnt have done much more. So I was proud of myself even though I was one of the last to finish.

    On the down side my left arch, which has been niggling for weeks now, started paining me about half a mile in and became more painful as the race went on. When I started walking after the finish line it became very clear that I was in trouble. I couldnt support my weight on it. Hobbled into the club house and grabbed some goodies while waiting to watch the presentation. Wow what a great spread- the best I've ever seen after a race!

    Back home I iced my arch, left a message with my physio to try get an appointment, elevated it and now I'm wearing one compression sock to see if that helps. I really hope its not badly injured. But it probably is because I still cant step on it without pain. Not sure what that means for Dublin training but Im just going to rest it for now and not jump to conclusions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Well done on a great race Bally8 and a great time too. Hope the arch is ok.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Im very sad:(:(. The pain in my foot was so bad that I couldnt walk this morning. We decided to go to a&e in Nenagh to see what they said as I have no idea when I can get a physio appointment. It was a bit embarrassing being wheeled in there in a wheel chair but my hubby wouldnt let me hop down the corridor. Thank god it was very quiet and we were in and out in less than an hour. The Doctor of course berrated me for continuing to run yesterday when I was in pain. X-ray was clear and although the location of the pain and symptoms are not fully consistent with planter fasciities, he says I've sufffered a traumatic soft tissue injury to the area. So I've been given painkillers, told to take anti imflamatories and not to run for a minimum of 2 weeks and maybe up to 4:eek:. Then after that I have to ease slowly back into it.

    Im hoping my physio will say something different.

    I cant believe Im injured again. 2009 was my ITB, 2010 was my achilles and now this year another bloody injury. I dont know what Im doing wrong. This time round I've eased myself back into it, not upping my mileage too quickly, followed my programme, worked on my diet and over all well being. Maybe its my runners even though Im wearing suitable ones for my over pronation or maybe its all the road running. I really have to get to the bottom of it beacuse maybe Im just not meant to be a runner:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Ah bally8 I am so sorry to hear that. But hopefully after the two weeks it will b good again. Hopefully the physio will sort you out. Think positive and keep the chin up:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    So sorry to hear that. :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Damn, sorry to hear that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    aw no....:(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Sorry to read about the injury, fingers crossed the physio can help speed up the recovery time

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭MarySamsonite

    Best of luck at the physio Bally8. Hopefully it will be something that can be sorted quickly for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Ah no :( I'm really sorry to read that Bally8! You're training was going so well. Keep your chin up (easier said than done, I know ;)), see what your physio says, and fingers crossed you'll be back running in no time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 228 ✭✭ILOVERED

    Hi Bally
    I am really sorry to hear this, hopefully two weeks proper rest will do the job, take each week at a time!

    Its so hard resting but will be worth it.

    take care

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Bally8 wrote: »
    I cant believe Im injured again. 2009 was my ITB, 2010 was my achilles and now this year another bloody injury. I dont know what Im doing wrong. This time round I've eased myself back into it, not upping my mileage too quickly, followed my programme, worked on my diet and over all well being. Maybe its my runners even though Im wearing suitable ones for my over pronation or maybe its all the road running. I really have to get to the bottom of it beacuse maybe Im just not meant to be a runner:(

    Snap - I've had this conversation with myself (and anyone that will listen :rolleyes:) so many times. Seems like all I have to do is look at my runners and I pick up an injury! But I am refusing to let it beat me. There's no such thing as not meant to be a runner - we just have to work a bit harder to stay injury free is all. You will get to the bottom of the problem and your physio should be able to give you a good stretching and strengthing program. These crap days/weeks make the good days all the more special. Chin up girl :)

    BTW well done on the 4 miler PB

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Ah thanks gals ye are all so sweet. I really appreciate all the support. I was feeling very sorry for myself yesterday so ate like a pig all day. Feeling much better today- I can walk on the foot which is a great improvement and its not half as sore, so maybe its not as bad as I first thought. My physio can see me Wednesday morning so I'll just keep resting it until then.

    Im dying for a run!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Aw no, so sorry to hear that. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    That really sucks A, hope the physio sorts you out pronto. Big +1 to everything Shaz says.... Mind yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Story missus - what did physio say?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    shazkea wrote: »
    Story missus - what did physio say?

    Lots!!! I was wrecked coming out from him as he was so overwhelming with all this knowledge and information!! I found him excellent - he really seems to know what he is talking about (price reflects that though:)). He did ultrasounds of my feet and achilles. Agreed with A&E doctor that it was an acute injury to my planter fasicia from the race. He was able to show me the injury on the screen and compare it to my non-injured foot which was very cool. He reckons its a bio-mechanical problem and I will keep getting these injuries unless its addressed. He is confident of being able to address it though and cant see why I cant be a long distance runner for years to come.

    He has recommeded that I consider orthotics (sp?) and gave me the names of a few people. He said we will talk about it again at our next appointment which isnt for 2 weeks as he says the injury is too fresh and I need to rest it till then. I should cross-train to keep up my fitness but no running. He also thinks I shouldnt make any decisions about Dublin yet, its too early to rule it out yet- woohoo!!!

    Im in a bit of pain now after the session as I had a calf massage and then electric something or other to the arch, so I've got that usual weird after physio feeling I always get. Im just so relieved that its a fixable problem and I will eventually get back running- not time to hang up the runners yet!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭MarySamsonite

    Happy to hear your good news Bally8. You'll be back running in no time :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Delighted to see a positive update on the heel :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Good to hear the physio went well. I've been using orthotics since the stress fracture last year. They're off the shelf ones recommended to me by the physio. I overpronate and I've flattish feet with dodgy arches so the support shoes doen't really do it for me - I need neutral shoes and orthotics with lifts at the arch and heel. I have to say (touch wood) they've really helped me. I got through Barca training and (fingers crossed) I'm back in the full swing of it now, leading up to NYC in November. I got mine from a crowd called Physio Needs. Let me know if you want their details.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    racheljev wrote: »
    Good to hear the physio went well. I've been using orthotics since the stress fracture last year. They're off the shelf ones recommended to me by the physio. I overpronate and I've flattish feet with dodgy arches so the support shoes doen't really do it for me - I need neutral shoes and orthotics with lifts at the arch and heel. I have to say (touch wood) they've really helped me. I got through Barca training and (fingers crossed) I'm back in the full swing of it now, leading up to NYC in November. I got mine from a crowd called Physio Needs. Let me know if you want their details.

    Thanks rachel this is the kind of info I was looking for- I'd been googling orthotics all day yesterday and found varying opinions on them. Glad to hear they have helped you out. I think I will have to have specially made ones though as I have very high arches. Im willing to fork out a bit for them if they help solve the problem though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thursday 28th July- Day 5 no running - Day 1 Cross training

    I have no real idea what kind of things I should be doing to cross train or for how long, intensity etc so I just kind of made this session up as I went along:)

    Warm up
    5 mins on stationary bike at 4 resistance. Covered 1.9kms I think- I dont know if its miles or Kms but Im presuming its kilometers.

    Weights and core work
    10 lb Dumbell row 3 sets of 15 each side
    20lbs Dumbell bench press 2 sets of 15 - just about, my arms were jelly for the last one:o
    3 sets of 15 crunches
    Side plank - 30 seconds each side
    Front plank - 60 seconds

    20 minutes on the stationary bike- intervals of 2 mins slow, 1 minute fast. 8.4 kms covered
    10 minutes on the rowing machine at 4 resistance. Dont know the distance as stupid screen is broken.

    So that's it, not sure if its a good or crap workout but its something I suppose.
