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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    4.5 miles @ 9:05 avg pace. Out in Greystones early this morning for the older Girl's gymnastic competition. Met Emer911 going in with her girlie - two mammies more nervous than their children! Niamh did very well today in her level - she's in the under 11's, even though she's only 9 and she was happy with how she did. Emer's girlie got a bronze medal - 3rd in Ireland, brilliant! Anyway, got back home and headed out almost straight away for a few miles. It was quite warm and the legs were tired from 2 days of confirmation parties and high heels, so I just ambled off without checking the pace. After a while I checked the watch and I was going faster than I thought so I slowed down a bit. Toddled home after 4.5 miles, glad I got a run in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Fair dues getting that run in!
    I didn't quite manage it... Was back in Greystones after a quick trip home for lunch and a change, to support the team in the other levels/ age groups so a very full, busy day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    And the program for Lux on 19 May!

    Plan: 4 miles w/2 @ tempo
    Actual: 4 miles - 9:25, 7:50, 7:58, 9:13

    A grand start to the program. It's a 12 week program, which I've cut and pasted from a 16 week RunRepublic one, and I'll be also looking to the oul' reliable HH for guidance. But it should be ok, there is still loads of time for the long runs and there's a good bit of varied miles - 800s, fartleks, hills. Lots to keep me occupied and knackered. :rolleyes:

    The 1st tempo mile was a wee bit faster than it should have been so I pulled 2nd mile back a small bit. Plan actually said 2 fast miles, so I'm interpreting that as between 10k & tempo pace. Slow miles tomorrow - must. obey. program. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    Good luck with the Lux training Rach

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    shazkea wrote: »
    Good luck with the Lux training Rach


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 7 miles slow
    Actual: 7 miles @ 9:23 avg pace.

    Had to drop a card into the mother-in-law's house, just over 3 miles from my house. So killed two birds with one stone and ran to and from her house. Did a bit of doubling back on myself on the way back to make up the 7 miles. Bit of ups and downs as well so pace up and down accordingly. Tried to make myself go slower but it is such a lovely day today and I was really enjoying the run - first time in shorts and tshirt this year, no long tights or sleeves :) So, will make myself go slower next time. Tomorrow is supposed to be 800s - eurgh...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Good luck with the marathon training rachel

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 4x800s
    Actual: 5 miles @ 8:56 avg pace

    Plan was to do warmup mile, then 800 with 400 recovery x4, and finally a cooldown mile.
    Now, I hate 800s. HATE them. Actually I hate 400s as well. Any type of 00s are not my cup of tea. So I wasn't looking forward to this at all. I checked McMillan for 800 training times, based on my Raheny 5 time. And it gave me 3:36 to 3:46.
    Times were as follows: 3:39, 3:46, 3:44, 3:41.
    All pretty much within the range, albeit at the top end. The 3:46 one was because a dog jumped straight in front of me and I had to take evasive action :rolleyes:
    I pretty much hated every minute of this session, bar the cooldown at the end, but I'm very glad I did it. Ideally I would have liked a bit faster but I was just about puking for the last one so that's as much as I could give today. Maybe the recovery should've been closer to 600 instead of 400, that might have helped. But shoulda woulda coulda. At least it's done, yahoo :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 10k race
    Actual: 9.1 miles w/4 @MP, avg pace 9:02

    The plan called for a 10k race today - wasn't going to happen this weekend. So I decided to try a few MP miles instead. Initially I was going for 6 miles w/3 @ MP, but I was enjoying the run so much it turned into just over 9 with 4 @ MP. I loved this run as much as I hated Thursday's :rolleyes:. The 1st 3 miles were uneventful - 9:43, 9:16, 9:04. Got a bit of a stitch during the 2nd mile but it worked itself out and I was fine. MP, according to McMillan, is 8:45 :eek: (yeah, like that's gonna happen :o) so I thought I'd give it a go. Miles were as follows: 8:42, 8:37, 8:47, 8:22. 8:47 had a bit of an incline and lots of people to dodge, and a main-ish road to cross. The rest were grand. Last 2.1 home were around 9:25 pace.

    I need to get over my fear of seeing 8:?? on the garmin for MP. It's a head thing rather than a leg thing as the legs were fairly ok today. The 3rd mile was tough but not dreadfully so. Anyway, long story short, fab run today, loved it. Happy out :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 4 miles - easy
    Actual: 4.2 miles @ 9:48 avg pace.
    Mileage for week: 29.3

    Nothing to report. I did exactly what it said on the tin, ran 4 easy miles. Which is some ways is actually harder than running fast miles. You'd think, seeing as how I'm so frickin' slow anyway, that it would be easy to run easy miles. But it just seems to take so long to get them done that the little voice in my head is saying "speed up, speed up, it'll be over quicker". Stupid little voice :rolleyes: Anyway, easy miles done and nothing else to tell - except that my hair bobbin broke after about a mile and I ran the rest looking like a cross between Brian May and Sideshow Bob - the curse of curly hair.....:P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 5 miles steady
    Actual: 5.1 miles @ 9:20 avg pace.

    I wasn't sure what pace "steady" is, so I reckoned slightly faster than easy would be about right :) Up and out early this morning as I've a mental day ahead. Knackered getting up - had to bring the Boy to Swiftcare clinic last night with suspected broken wrist. It's a bad sprain instead so not as bad as expected. But didn't sleep great as a result (me, not him! He slept like a bloody log :rolleyes:) Anyway, alarm went off at 6:20 so up and out. Slow first mile (9:52), then picked up the pace for the rest. Nice to have it over and done with :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 5 miles slow
    Actual: 5 miles @ 9:27 pace

    I'm interpreting "slow" on the program as long run pace rather than recovery. Long run pace is (according to McMillan) between 9:15 & 10:15, so 9:27 is fairly ok. The pace was creeping into low 9's/high 8's at one point so slooooowed right down and it soon righted itself. Had a bit of an incline to contend with so followed D'Pop's advice (from Bally8's log) to increase cadence, take smaller steps and pump the arms. Looked like a spanner, no doubt, but it got me up the hilly bit. Small twinge at back of right calf now, so lots of sticking and stretching for me today.... yahoo....:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 6 miles fartlek
    Actual: 6.2 miles @ 8:48 avg pace

    Another tough one. Did a mile warmup (9:32), then did the fartlek bits over 3 miles - ran fast for 30 secs, then recovery for 60 - 90 secs. The fast sections were all between 6:20 and 6:50/avg pace and I think I did 14 of them - I lived by my garmin today ;) The last 2.2 miles were 0.5 mile straight into head wind, 0.5 mile uphill and 1.2 cooldown.
    Completely knackered now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    My fartlek session today was much more unstructured than yours. Took my young one for a run and she wanted to do some fast bits... beat me on every one, but it was great fun! Maybe you should try bringing some company to challenge you on those bits - just for fun :D
    We had a great laugh. Thoroughly recommended!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 11 miles, slow
    Actual: 12 miles @ 9:38 avg pace.

    That's the longest I've run in quite some time. And it wasn't too bad. I was fairly knackered by the end of it - not much sleep last night and up and out early this morning. But it's another few miles under my belt, 28.3 so far this week. I didn't have much problem keeping the pace down for this one - I definitely wasn't going fast this morning ;) The stomach problem is rearing it's ugly head again, I had to leg it to the Botanics to use the loos - and once again the (very pleasant) security guard reminded me "no running, only fast walking" - honestly, that's just ridiculous. I went out with no breakfast, so it's not a case of food before the run upsetting me. Not sure again what to do about it, grrrr.

    Anyway, off to cheer on middle girl in North Dublin regional gym comp. Might not get run in tomorrow because of comp, I'm on registration at 9 a.m.... Will wait and see what happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    A whole week of no running :eek: what happened??

    Well Sunday was an unintended rest day - at gym comp all day Sat and most of Sun, and then OH at Dubs match so no time to run. I was sick on Monday - dodgy tum, headache, achy body, thought I was getting the flu. Woke up on Tuesday morning and couldn't move properly because I'd hurt my back during the night - ended up lopsided for the day. Wednesday, back still dodgy so booked appt with athletic therapist for Thursday. Appt on Thursday helped a little - sciatica and spasm causing problems with base of back and compensatory neck issue. Friday, felt like I'd been beaten up by therapist and still couldn't move properly. Which brings me to Saturday, this morning, a full week since my last run.:(

    I registered for the MSB 5k a few weeks ago, and after the last week, I wasn't going to do it. But when I woke up this morning, I felt ok - back felt a bit looser and most of the aches were gone. So I toddled out for a little while. Did 3.6 miles in just over 32 mins. Back feels alright - not perfect but alright. Will give MSB a go tomorrow but not going out for a time. If I can get close enough to my time on New Year's day (23:26) that'll be ok - once I come in sub25, I won't cry :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    racheljev wrote: »
    I registered for the MSB 5k a few weeks ago, and after the last week, I wasn't going to do it. But when I woke up this morning, I felt ok - back felt a bit looser and most of the aches were gone. So I toddled out for a little while. Did 3.6 miles in just over 32 mins. Back feels alright - not perfect but alright. Will give MSB a go tomorrow but not going out for a time. If I can get close enough to my time on New Year's day (23:26) that'll be ok - once I come in sub25, I won't cry :rolleyes:
    See ya tomorrow then, and good luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    No plan at all for this, as mentioned in yesterday's post. Sub 25 was the goal. I had such an awful week, I didn't care about today at all.

    Met loads of Boardsies at the start - Rainbow Kirby, DigiJem, RunRabbit, MarthaStew (and her superspeedy son!), Emer911 (and her equally speedy kids), Dotcomdolly. Spotted ClaraLara and Digger on the way to the baggage drop off - loads of peeps around.

    Was standing with RK and Digi at the start and then we went our separate ways. First k was horrendous, trying to get by people, it was completely congested and chocabloc. Finally got moving and tried to get the avg pace down - it was up around 9:40 at one point! I knew if I got it to around 7:45-7:50, that would bring me in around 24 mins. So I worked like mad to get some clear space in front of me and bring down the pace. Mile 1 was 7:35. Mile 2 was awful - around the 3k mark I'd had enough and just wanted to go home - 7:43. Mile 3, I knew I was on the way back so just kept pegging it as much as I could - 7:36. The last .13 was done in 51 secs at 6:30 pace. Menoscemo was watching from the side and pointed out RK in front of me. I roared at her to "Go ON!" and she sprinted over the line 4 seconds ahead of me - watch time for me 23:45. She felt distinctly dodgy then and I was terrified she'd fall over, but she didn't - a bit of water and a deep breath and she was grand. DigiJem was just after us as well. Saw CL and Digger as well - CL had a brilliant run, some woman for one woman :). Off then to collect the bag and head home to let the boys go to Kilkenny for the hurling.

    So, happy or not? Goal for today was to come in sub 25, which I did, so that's ok. Even after the crapness of last week, I was still only about 15 secs slower than the New Year's day 5k, so that's ok as well. I wasn't really bothered about today and I exceeded what I thought I could do, so that's ok. So, in summary, happy enough. Not ecstatic, and starting to get a bit panicky about Lux being only 9 weeks away, but happy enough. End of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Great to meet you today, we really enjoyed it, super atmosphere.

    You seemed to be completely at ease running when we saw you, that time was no bother to you:)

    hope you are having a well deserved "Mother's Day&5K glass of wine" with the feet up now.
    See you Friday.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Great running today, and nice to meet you earlier

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 6 miles, steady.
    Actual: 6 miles @ 8:58 avg pace.

    Not sure what "steady" pace is - I really should have checked all this out before starting this stupid program...:rolleyes: Decided it's faster than easy and slower than tempo so aimed to get between 8:50 & 9:00 avg pace. Mile 1 very slow - 9:40, then got progressively faster - 8:58, 8:54, 8:44. Uphill bit so went a bit slower - 8:50, then tried to lash the last mile home, 8:42. McMillan range for steady state runs is 8:18 to 8:33 so I''m considerably outside that. But... I did start running at 6:30 a.m. and I got quicker as I went so not a bad morning's work. Already feeling very nervous about Lux... 8 weeks and 4 days away...:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 7 miles, slow
    Actual: 7 miles @ 9:53 avg pace.

    That felt so sloooow but that's the way it was meant to be. Promised myself that I wouldn't go below 9:50 avg pace and I didn't (except for a teeny few times, and all of mile 7 :o) I jogged around, nice and easy, not out of breath, no red face, just seeing the sights - not much to see around Whitehall and Ballymun but hey, it passes the miles.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be 9x200 hills. Never done any hill work before so this will be new, and no doubt extremely painful....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Hiya! Well done again on Sunday :)

    I did about a tenth of a hill once on Monday and can only imagine how fun-negative (yet so satisfying:rolleyes:) a hill session would be... ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Well the hill session didn't happen. Woke up Wed night/Thurs morn feeling a bit dodgy, like I had a hangover. Got out of bed and... well, it wasn't pretty. Lots of calling for Hughie and Ralph on the big white telephone. Got the kids to school and got home - into my running gear. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, I could barely walk let alone run. I jogged to the end of the road, thinking to myself, I'm ok, I'll give the hills a go. Got to the spot I'd planned, got halfway up and threw up again - all over the path and road. I know that hill intervals are supposed to be hard, but I reckon the throwing up should come after, not during. Anyway, headed very slowly for home at this point and collapsed into bed. Struggled on to collect kids from school and training, and basically collapsed on the sofa until OH got home (BTW, he doesn't know I went out for an attempt at a hill session so if he ever reads this log, I'm in trouble...)

    No food and more puking made Thursday a horrendous day. I still can't believe I tried to do the session. It's a very fine line between HTFU and CFTO (cop the f*** on) and I crossed it. Live and learn...

    Didn't do anything yesterday, tummy still felt delicate, like it was still a bit hangover-y. Met the Boards ladies last night and while they were all lashing into beer and burgers, I had 4 chips and 2 glasses of water :( Ah well, next time I'll make up for it!

    Set the alarm for early this morning because there was lots of family stuff today and wanted to get a few miles in. 7 a.m. and I was on the road. I had an out and back route in my head that meant a lovely downhill for the first few miles and then a decent uphill heading back. 8.1 miles in 77ish mins. I didn't look at the garmin except to see how far I'd done. Pace was fairly consistently around the 9:30-40 mark. Brought some glucose tabs with me for a boost. I was fairly knackered when I got home but happy I got a few miles and a decent enough uphill drag done as well. Tummy still delicate but better. Up early again tomorrow and hopefully will get closer to 12 done - 8 weeks to Lux, should be doing 15 tomorrow, really really need to get some long runs in :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,090 ✭✭✭shazkea

    racheljev wrote: »
    Didn't do anything yesterday, tummy still felt delicate, like it was still a bit hangover-y. Met the Boards ladies last night and while they were all lashing into beer and burgers, I had 4 chips and 2 glasses of water :( Ah well, next time I'll make up for it!

    4 chips :D. Don't worry I think I made up for you on the beer, I'm blaming Emer for the Sierra Nevada suggestion :pac:
    Hopefully training will go better for you this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    shazkea wrote: »
    I'm blaming thanking Emer for the Sierra Nevada suggestion .

    fixed that for you Shaz :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 12 miles
    Actual: 4 miles
    Stomach bug still causing problems, barely got 4 miles done before horrible things happened.

    Plan: 4 miles w/2 fast
    Actual: 4 miles - 9:33, 8:04, 7:55, 9:06
    Managed this today, but only barely. Bug still seems to be there and I don't have a lot of energy because of the dodginess and lack of food. By the time I got home I was completely exhausted and worn out. Stupid bug... Grrrr.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    poor Rachel, I hope you feel better soon.
    I had a much milder version of your bug last week, not half as bad as yours but it lasted about five days, you'll be on the mend soon I hope:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 8 miles, slow
    Actual: 8 miles @ 9:26 avg pace.

    Jeez it's fierce hot out there today. This was another one of those "just get the frickin' thing done" runs. Bug still raising it's ugly head and causing problems every now and again, so energy levels not good. Yesterday's 2 quick miles left me drained, so today was just about getting a few miles in. The plan was for 8, but if I felt bad at any stage, I was going home - no heroics :rolleyes:. I followed a route that I knew was straightforward enough and near to toilets if required :o. Thankfully, I got the full run done without having to leg it into a cafe and avail of the facilities. I don't use my hrm but I'd be very interested to see the stats from today - whenever I moved from the shade to the sun, I could almost hear my heart beating faster. Some day out there...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Hope the tummy bug has left the system Rachel you had a nasty bout of it. Nice running today. Sure is hot alright I can only imagine how hot it is to run in.
