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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Emer911 wrote: »
    That was some session you did! What plan is that coming from?

    Emer, it's a plan from Runcoach - they were advertising on (I think) the DCM website and I signed up for the trial - and then forgot to cancel before they charged the oul' credit card - d'oh! But it's a good plan so I'm not too upset about it. You're very welcome to give it a go if you like. I've followed all but one of the sessions, but I take the cross training day as an extra rest day - 5 days is enough at the minute, maybe in the next program I'll go for 6 days. Also, I'm a bit lazy about the strides/drills after the warmup. I tend to be in the middle of a street and feel like a spanner doing them :o

    Plan: 6 miles easy
    Actual: 6.6 miles in just over an hour. Legs a bit sore from yesterday's tough session but once I got going, they were fine, happy days. :)

    EDIT: took out link to plan because it needed password - d'oh!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭drquirky

    Hey Racheljev!

    Just looking at the Athlone HM team thingy and we are paired up! I'll try my best not to let ya down on the day! Was just flipping through a bit of your log and looks like you are going well... Just wanted to pop over to say hi after I saw that I had a teammate!

    Dr Q

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    drquirky wrote: »
    I'll try my best not to let ya down on the day!

    And vice versa :) Oooh the pressure is really settling in now. Maybe when you're finished (ages before me ;)), you could come back out and cheer me on :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    racheljev wrote: »
    And vice versa :) Oooh the pressure is really settling in now. Maybe when you're finished (ages before me ;)), you could come back out and cheer me on :D:D

    The marathon starts at 8.30 Rach so I'll definitely be out cheering you all in after I've finished (must remember to chase some magpies just in case;))

    I'm delighted your brother is ok, he was so lucky to escape unharmed, there are some horrifically sick people out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 2 miles w/u, 30 mins @ 8:49 pace, 1.5 miles c/d
    Actual: Close enough :P

    2 miles warmup, check. 30 mins @ 8:49 pace, not quite. Actually 30 mins @ 8:24 pace - a song started on iphone with perfect beat for keeping up the pace (Freedom 90 by George Michael, fact fans) so I played it on repeat for 30 mins to keep me to the steady pace. Of course I now never want to hear that song again but it worked ;) 1.6 miles home for a grand total of 7.2 miles in 64 mins.

    Another decent session done, happy days. 30 miles already for the week, will hopefully add another 19 to that on Saturday :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭drquirky

    racheljev wrote: »
    And vice versa :) Oooh the pressure is really settling in now. Maybe when you're finished (ages before me ;)), you could come back out and cheer me on :D:D


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    drquirky wrote: »

    No coaching allowed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Coaching? Are you mad? I'll be looking to be carried! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    racheljev wrote: »
    30 miles already for the week, will hopefully add another 19 to that on Saturday :D

    Ah well, didn't get 19 done :( I GOT TWENTY!
    Headed out in the wind and rain with two gels and a bag of jellybabies - my 3rd gel had mysteriously disappeared. Didn't have a definite route in mind, thought I'd stay within a few miles of home in case all went pearshaped. This of course meant some form of laps or at least running up and down the same road more than once - no problem. Miles 1-5 were very uneventful, avg pace around 9:40. I was taking a jelly baby every mile or so, just to break the monotony as much as anything else. Miles 6 - 10 were slightly quicker, avg pace around 9:30ish. Took a gel at 7.5 miles and needed a v quick toilet break at 8. Continued on. Miles 11 - 15 were even quicker, avg pace around 9:25 with one mile actually 9:11 :eek: But then I turned into the wind and the pace went back down accordingly. I tried consciously to not fight the wind - I didn't want to wear myself out for the sake of it. I lowered my shoulders, concentrated on my posture and ticked off the remaining miles. Last 5 avg pace 9:30. The clock ticked over to 20 miles just under a mile from home and my legs completely locked. I even rang OH to see if he could come and collect me but he was out with the kids. I shuffled a little bit further up the road and saw my neighbour. She waved at me so I asked for a lift up the road - lifesaver!

    Very very happy with this morning. 20 miles in 3:10, avg pace 9:30. 50.5 miles for the week as well, very happy days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    You are totally flying at the mo! Well done. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 7 miles easy
    Actual: 7 miles easy
    Nothing to report, straight forward run.

    Plan: 2 mile w/u, 6 x 400 @ 7:22 pace w/1:50 recovery, 1.5 mile c/d
    Actual: 400s session with Maria McCambridge
    Got a text to say these sessions were starting back after the summer so off I went to Kilgobbet Park yesterday. Maria's plan was for 8 - 10 400s with 1 min recovery. We started with about 1.5 miles warmup, then drills and strides, then into the session. I wasn't really looking at my watch during the 400s, I was just pegging it as fast as I could. So because I wasn't checking, and because I was chasing people, I was much faster than I normally am - avg pace was 6:50.
    After the 6th rep, I said - can't do 10, can I stop at 8? I was told I could, once I ran the last two fast. Lap 7 was 6:40 pace, lap 8 was 6:35 pace. So I went for a final one, just cos I could :D And the last one was 6:30 pace. Very very happy with all of that. Final half mile or so as a cooldown and some final stretches, and off I went back to the Northside.

    Plan: 7 miles easy
    Actual: No running
    After yesterday's session, felt a bit of a strain in my thigh. Woke up this morning and it was quite sore. So decided to err on the side of caution and not run today. I don't want to jeopardise Saturday's half and ultimately DCM. If it feels ok tomorrow, I might trot around the block. If it doesn't, I'll take another day. Better to be safe than sorry.

    Quite looking forward to Saturday now. Not sure how fast I'll be if the thigh is still sore but sure, I'll give it a go. I'll have to zoom off afterwards - middle child's birthday is Saturday and her party has to be organised - so I'll miss finding out which pair wins the smackdown, pity ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭drquirky

    racheljev wrote: »
    Plan: 7 miles easy
    Actual: 7 miles easy
    Nothing to report, straight forward run.

    Plan: 2 mile w/u, 6 x 400 @ 7:22 pace w/1:50 recovery, 1.5 mile c/d
    Actual: 400s session with Maria McCambridge
    Got a text to say these sessions were starting back after the summer so off I went to Kilgobbet Park yesterday. Maria's plan was for 8 - 10 400s with 1 min recovery. We started with about 1.5 miles warmup, then drills and strides, then into the session. I wasn't really looking at my watch during the 400s, I was just pegging it as fast as I could. So because I wasn't checking, and because I was chasing people, I was much faster than I normally am - avg pace was 6:50.
    After the 6th rep, I said - can't do 10, can I stop at 8? I was told I could, once I ran the last two fast. Lap 7 was 6:40 pace, lap 8 was 6:35 pace. So I went for a final one, just cos I could :D And the last one was 6:30 pace. Very very happy with all of that. Final half mile or so as a cooldown and some final stretches, and off I went back to the Northside.

    Plan: 7 miles easy
    Actual: No running
    After yesterday's session, felt a bit of a strain in my thigh. Woke up this morning and it was quite sore. So decided to err on the side of caution and not run today. I don't want to jeopardise Saturday's half and ultimately DCM. If it feels ok tomorrow, I might trot around the block. If it doesn't, I'll take another day. Better to be safe than sorry.

    Quite looking forward to Saturday now. Not sure how fast I'll be if the thigh is still sore but sure, I'll give it a go. I'll have to zoom off afterwards - middle child's birthday is Saturday and her party has to be organised - so I'll miss finding out which pair wins the smackdown, pity ;)

    Great session getting the turnover in the legs w/ the 400's. Glad you're resting the thigh! I'm going super easy myself this week so hopefully we both end up at the start well rested and ready to roll. Maybe we could meet up for a min before the race to discuss strategy? :D If you forget anything on the day I'll make sure to have extra H2O/ food etc with me. Good luck with the next couple of days Rachel Jev see you Saturday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Advance warning: this post will contain copious amounts of whining and moaning (and a little bit of sick) so don't say you weren't warned :o

    Got to Athlone nice and early on Saturday morning, just after nine. Everything well signposted, loads of marshalls, very easy registration, excellent so far. Tummy playing up as usual before a race (or so I thought) but felt ok. Met up with a few boardsies before the start - great to see a few familiar and a few not so familiar faces. Met Emer911 and we went for a quick warmup before we lined up between the 1:50 and 2 hr pacers. Our ideal time was 8:45/mile pace, that would bring us in nicely for sub 1:55. And off we went.

    The first three miles were fairly steady, 8:50, 8:50, 8:49, all ok. It felt very hot out there and I'm not great in the heat so I was feeling quite apprehensive about whether I'd be able to hold a steady pace. Miles 4, 5 & 6 were grand - 8:44, 8:42, 8:41. I took a gel between mile 4 & 5 just to keep the energy levels up. I managed to neck it without too much trouble (or so I thought) and kept going for a while. Just after the 6 mile water table I picked up a discarded bottle and threw it down my back because the heat was really getting to me. I still felt relatively ok though. The pace was ok and Emer was talking to me and I was managing to respond so all good. Then - boom. Horrendous cramps hit me around mile 7 (I think) and I told Emer to go on. She didn't want to but I told her she had to - we'd already agreed at the start of the race, no heroes, if you have to go, go. I kept her in sight for a few metres, hoping I'd be able to catch her but unfortunately the puking started. I veered over to the side of the road and.... well let's just say it wasn't pleasant. I'd stupidly set the garmin to autopause so I wasn't sure how long I was stopped for, which played havoc with calculations for later.

    Anyway, I got moving again for miles 7 (puke adjusted 8:49), 8 - 8:51, 9 - 8:56. Mile 10 got a bit crappy again, had to walk for 10 secs and felt awful, lots of dry retching - but at least it meant I had a clear path around me, people behind me could hear the noises I was making and made sure to give me a wide berth :rolleyes:.

    Miles 11 and 12 were completely awful. Another quick stop for a small puke (because let's face it, there was nothing left inside me) and onwards I trudged - 9:38, 9:23. Mile 13, I knew I was nearly back so tried so hard to pull myself together for a desperate last push - 9:04. At this stage I'd no idea how long I'd actually stopped for, so I was saying, please let me be under 2 hrs, please just under 2 hrs. As I hit the finishing straight, DrQuirky was there to cheer me on as promised and I kept shouting, I'm really sorry, total disaster, so sorry. He told me to just keep going so I did. I could see the clock up ahead and there was definitely a 1 on it so I knew I'd get in under 2 hrs.
    Gun time: 1:58:15, chip time: 1:57:08, garmin (chip time less puke) time:1:56:20.

    I got over the line in an absolute heap and Emer saw me and got me to a chair, where I proceeded to hyperventilate while crying my eyes out. She calmed me down and got me water and an orange. I kept saying "it's only a f**king race, why am I so upset?" Anyway after a few minutes I felt better and managed to make fun of myself and make people chuckle when describing what happened. I saw a chap I'd swapped places with a few times over the last few miles and he said well done for finishing. I returned the compliment and said jokingly, so did you pass me before or after I was sick? He winced a bit and said, during :o:o Ah well, what could I say to that?

    So what went wrong? I'm not sure to be honest. I've used the gels on some of my long runs and they've been ok, but obviously they're not right for me for races. So nutrition strategy has to be looked at. Maybe it was the early start and the drive, or maybe it was the heat. Maybe I didn't take on enough water. Maybe I ate something dodgy on Friday. I just don't bloody know. Lots of other people had an early start and the same weather as me, and they didn't end up decorating an Athlone road. If I hadn't registered for DCM, I certainly wouldn't have done it after yesterday. I thought my training was going ok but yesterday really smacked my confidence badly. I feel horrendous today - dodgy tum, sore legs, completely exhausted - so I'll take a few days off and see how I feel later in the week. Assessment time, let's see what happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Fair play on toughing it out yesterday under those circumstances. Seeing as you've used the gels on your long runs previously with no major issues, its probably just an anomaly - something was out of kilter in your body's balance, and better it happened yesterday than in DCM. It will be cooler in late October for the marathon, and you have a few more weeks to suss things out and try a few alternatives in any event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    racheljev wrote: »
    So what went wrong? I'm not sure to be honest. I've used the gels on some of my long runs and they've been ok, but obviously they're not right for me for races.

    Might have been the 2.2 miles from the Gel station to the Water Station with sticky gel upsetting the stomach because it wasn't diluted. I dont know why they didnt have the gels at the 10k water point instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Fair play Rachel, that's a true case of HTFU in action. I doubt I'd have finished if the shoe was on the other foot.
    Felt like a total heel leaving you like that. If I'd have known you were about to upchuck all over Cloonown I won't have taken another step!:eek: "Cramp" says she :mad:
    Anyway. You made it, and with one hell of a war story. :D

    Next time you'll knock it out of the park! ;):p:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Aimman wrote: »
    Might have been the 2.2 miles from the Gel station to the Water Station with sticky gel upsetting the stomach because it wasn't diluted. I dont know why they didnt have the gels at the 10k water point instead.
    Unfortunately can't put the blame on the gels at the race - I brought my own and even had my own water bottle. Twas nobody's fault but my own.
    Emer911 wrote: »
    Felt like a total heel leaving you like that.
    Grand, we're quits now, because I abandoned you in Dublin last year! :P

    Haven't run a step since Saturday. Still feel like crap - tummy dodgy, legs worse, head in bits. Must be some sort of a virus in my system (at least I hope so, there has to be a reason for feeling this shi*e). Might go out for a few miles tomorrow, or might not. The program can wait till next week...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    So, what's happened this week then? Not a whole lot. Felt horrendous for most of the week - dodgy tum, achy body, no energy. Didn't want to get out of bed, let alone run. On Wednesday and Thursday, left the kids into school, came home and fell asleep on the sofa. Went to Doc on Thursday afternoon and she confirmed my self-diagnosis of a viral infection. She told me I should be feeling better by the end of the weekend/start of next week. She also did a shed load of bloods so I'll know if anything is out of kilter.

    Got up this morning and felt reasonably ok for the first time in a week, so went out for an easy 4 miles. It was quite hot out, so I took it handy. Legs felt a big jellyish by the time I got home but that was it. Will maybe go out again tomorrow for another 4-5 if I feel ok in the morning.

    Program (and confidence) has taken an awful smack over the past week. Will try to ease back into it over the next few days - once I can get two more decent lsr's in, I should be ok. I might take it easy on the tempo and threshold runs; again, I'll wait and see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Went for a short run this morning - 3.5 miles, down towards Croke Park to soak up a bit of the early atmosphere. Loads of people out and about, mainly Mayo fans but there were a few Dubs sprinkled around. Got a few "Up Mayo" shouts at my Dubs top so responded with a "come ON the Dubs" :) A beautiful but hot day out there. Hope the boys in Croke Park are well hydrated today, they'll need it.

    Even though it's such a lovely day and there was a great atmosphere around and my run was fine, I kept thinking of that poor guy yesterday in the Half marathon - bless him and his family and loved ones. It's a cliche but it puts everything else into perspective. RIP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 7 miles
    Actual: 6 miles
    Trying to get back to program as best as I can. It's an interactive one so when I entered my off week, it recalculated to give me a week of maintenance runs to get back on track. It felt very hot again and legs felt a bit jellyish after 5ish miles. By then I was close enough to home. So, rather than add on an extra mile for the sake of it and make myself worse, I headed home and finished at 6.

    Plan: 7 miles
    Actual: no run....grrrr.
    Does anyone remember my post from about a year ago? The one with the piano tuner and the flying hairbrush? (It's here if anyone is interested) Anyway, piano tuner was booked for Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. by husband, without checking with me first. Which meant I missed the Maria McCambridge session in Kilgobbet. Not happy. So plan was to get home from school run and leg it around the block for 40 mins before he arrived. On the way home, my mobile rang and because I'm a f***ing idiot I answered it. Right in front of a garda car. Which turned around at the lights and followed me up the road with sirens and lights. A very strict talking to, two penalty points and an 80 euro fine. Eventually got home without enough time for the quick dash around the block. By the time the piano tuner was finished, I was like a briar and not in the mood for a run - I should've gone, it would've put me in better form.

    Plan: 7 miles
    Actual: 7.3 miles
    Much better than Tuesday. Got out in the freaky fog and just ran. Lovely.

    Plan: 7 miles
    Actual: 7 miles
    Another nice run. Drizzle and fog, I love it. (Is it wrong to want this weather to stay until the marathon is over, or at least while I'm training? I hate running in the sun.

    I have a bit of a sore foot at the minute. The ball of my foot, just under the big toe is a bit sore. Don't remember hurting it but it feels a bit bruised. Bought some chiropody felt in the chemist so that's cushioned it and it certainly didn't cause me any problems running this morning, but it's another thing for me to watch, as well as the slight strainy feeling in my thigh.
    Plan for Saturday is as close to 20 as I can get. Was seriously thinking of doing the Eco2run yoke that's on this Sunday but family stuff in the way, so long run on Saturday it is. Fingers crossed....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 19-20 miles
    Actual: 14.57 miles

    Bad bad day for me today. Went out just after 7 a.m. and was ok for about 10 miles. Then it felt like I'd run into a brick wall. I dragged my body to 12, then 13 miles. I reached 14 at a petrol station and went in to get a drink, to try and get myself home. I ended up sitting on the wall outside, and rang OH to come and collect me. I hobbled a bit further up the road and waited for my knight in shining armour. 14.57 miles in 2:21:20

    Not sure what is wrong. All my bloods are clear, cholesterol is good, blood pressure fine. Maybe the virus has taken more out of me than I originally thought. Collapsed outside a petrol station, crying my eyes out, is not where I want to be with 4 weeks till DCM. My confidence, needless to say, is in absolute tatters now. And it's sort of funny/ironic - during the Athlone half Emer and I were talking about our training and how well it seemed to be going. And I remember saying something along the lines of "yeah it's going ok but I'm waiting to see what happens next". The only thing that makes sense is to take a few days off - again! - and see how I am after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Oooh... sounds like you were NOT having fun... :confused:
    Hope it all sorts itself out soon for you Rachel - fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    How are you feeling today Rach? I'm so sorry things aren't going to plan, a few days off might be just what you need, there are so many bugs/viruses flying around at this time of year, especially with kids in the house so hopefully you'll be back to yourself soon. I chased a stationary magpie on your behalf this morning:D he's probably still flying and spreading good running karma all over Dublin City;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    After last Saturday's meltdown, I took the week off. I didn't even want to run, let alone have enough energy to get out the door. By the time Thursday arrived, my reserves had increased slightly and I actually wanted a little run. So I went out for 4.5 handy miles. The weather was lovely, cool and drizzly, and I really enjoyed the miles.

    So fast forward to this morning. This was supposed to be my last big run so 20 would be perfect. But after last week's disaster and how bad I've been feeling, I decided to settle for 18 instead. I headed out early (as usual!) with the intention of doing loops so I'd be close to home if I needed anything. But of course once I was out, loops seemed boring so I basically toured a good bit of North Dublin today :) It seemed to take forever to get to 10 miles. I felt fairly ok at this point - I was alternating between glucose tablets and jelly babies every 1.5 miles. Had to stop for quick toilet break at 7 miles and again just after 11. But I was still doing ok. The big thing for me today was getting past 14 because that was when I stopped last week. It seemed to take about half an hour for the garmin to tick over to 15 miles. When it did, I started counting down - 2.9 miles to go, 2.5 miles etc etc. Just as the watch hit 17 I had to give myself a serious talking to, big dose of HTFU handed out. Got to 18 about 5 mins from home, so walked the rest of the way. So 18 miles in 2:58.

    I was at the athletic therapist yesterday about my sore foot and she gave it a good going over, along with a decent leg massage. I've to go back to her on Wednesday for a touch of dry needling - oh joy ;) It didn't cause any troubles on today's run but it's a bit tender now.

    So what can I take from today? I'm not back to where I was before Athlone, mentally or physically, but the head was definitely better today than last week. Legs are knackered now but that's to be expected at this stage. Will try to get a few decent runs in this week but might skip out the tempo/speed sessions depending on how I feel. 3 weeks, 2 days....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    SO happy you had a decent run today Rach. Hang in there now. Not long to go ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    So what happened this week?

    Plan: 5 miles easy
    Actual: 5.4 miles in 51 mins
    I got my distance slightly wrong for this one; I ran what I thought was a 5 mile loop from my house, so a teeny bit longer than originally planned. Legs grand, head ok :)

    Plan: 5 miles easy
    Actual: 5 miles in 47 mins
    I've dropped out of the Maria McCambridge Kilgobbet sessions until after DCM so Tuesday was just a regular run - nothing to complain about, straightforward miles.

    Plan: 4 miles easy
    Actual: 4.3 miles in 40 mins
    Again with the miscalculating distance ;) Another ok run, nothing to report.

    Plan: 5 miles easy
    Actual: No run
    Had my appt with the athletic therapist this morning so I didn't run. She was happy with the stretching and rolling I'd been doing over the previous week, legs weren't as tight as they had been and foot felt better. More manipulation of the foot and toes, and a general leg massage. And no dry needling, yahoo! :D

    Plan: Rest day
    Actual: walked 4 miles
    Brought smallest child's class to and from the local library. When we got back to the school and deposited the children, I went for a nice brisk walk that ended up covering 4 miles. Happy days :)

    Plan: 14-15 miles
    Actual: 15.8 miles in 2:29
    This was ok. Headed out through Raheny towards Sutton this morning. Felt grand even though the wind was in my face for most of the way out - the wind was a different direction to usual, it's normally behind me heading out to Sutton/Howth and in my face on the way back. Spotted the EOI marathon crowd on the way out and back - initially saw lots of runners and thought to myself, "never normally this many people out this way this early". Then, when I saw the turnaround point before Sutton, I realised what was going on. Nice day for it anyway :)
    Dropped into the Marine Hotel at Sutton Cross at halfway for a quick loo stop and then continued on towards home. The wind was behind me but it was still hard as I was getting quite tired. Miles 9-13 were all at around 9:10 pace so they were fairly quick for an lsr - maybe I'll count them as pmp miles ;) Anyway, I purposely slowed down for the last 2.8 miles, I didn't want to finish completely worn out. Headed towards middle child's gym to pick her up (and see her perform her first Sukahara on vault - go Niamh :D) and hit 15.8 miles on the garmin at the door. I could've run around the car park a few times to make up the .2 to get me to 16 but they already think I'm a looper, I didn't want to confirm it. ;)

    So 30.5 miles for the week and time for taper. Got my pfo email this week from London marathon - oh well, better luck next year :( But also got my DCM acceptance slip yesterday with my number :) Not feeling a whole load of confidence about achieving a PB after the last few weeks. But... decent rest and nutrition over the next fortnight and I'll see what happens. I'll be chasing magpies and lashing into motivational quotes for the next two weeks :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭career_move

    racheljev wrote: »
    I'll be chasing magpies and lashing into motivational quotes for the next two weeks :D
    You only need one:

    Give DCM hell, Rach-el


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    Cheers for the shout-out in Clontarf. I had just gone past the halfway mark and was in a little world of my own. You were flying along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Aimman wrote: »
    Cheers for the shout-out in Clontarf. I had just gone past the halfway mark and was in a little world of my own. You were flying along.

    No worries, you looked in grand shape for halfway. Saw a few familiar faces alright, good to see you all venturing over to my very own Northside patch :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: 7 miles easy
    Actual: 7 miles in 65:50
    Nothing to report about this one. Except that I passed the 1000 mile mark at the 4 mile mark in this run. Probably should have passed it earlier in the year - have to check when I hit it last year. Of course there is the virus, broken toe, total lack of mojo and the fact that I've only really done about 8 weeks of decent training all year. ;) I'll take the 1000 miles and be happy with it for now :D
