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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Good to see you out there, you were looking strong

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Hey Rachel, just found this log... you are so lucky to be doing Berlin, we were there last year (OH ran it) and it's a fantastic race and city. Hope you are getting over the vertigo and best of luck with the training!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Weekly update time :)

    Vertigo is easing thankfully. Coach said to try the lower range of sessions this week but keep the intensity - keep the strides, fartlek, strong run: just not as much.

    40 mins 6.75k
    . Easy run w/10 strides, Nothing to see here, move along please ;)

    10 min w/u, 23 min fartlek, 10 min c/d. 7.8k.

    A grand session: tough but doable. One thing stood out from this and it's nothing to do with running. I went up to a local park and was running laps. Loads of dog owners go up here every morning and let their dogs off the leads. I've been run at a few times so I normally go early to avoid them but I was late this morning. Anyway, one particular dog owner saw me running towards her, stopped where she was and held her dog at her side until I passed by. I was so surprised I didn't even thank her. But I did the next time I passed her :) I remembered last year (or maybe the year before) running in this park and a man used a hurl to smack a sliothar across a pitch in my direction where he could see me running so his dog could chase it. He then laughed uproariously as I tried to avoid the hound of hell thundering towards me. A$$hole.

    42 mins easy, 7.3k.

    Jeez this heat and heavy weather is killing me...

    29 mins easy, 5k.


    25 mins, 4.1k

    Mad mad day. Very little time to get out. Got out when I could and pegged it around the block.

    97 mins, 16.4k

    I'm getting bored running the same routes for long runs so I headed towards town again for this one. Down as far as Heuston Station, out towards Kilmainham, take a turn and end up not really sure where I am (turns out to be Inchicore), find my way back to the Luas lines as in previous week, St. James hospital, onto the quays, up Amiens Street, onto North Strand, up NCR, Ballybough, Richmond Road and home. Felt great until last mile.

    10 min w/u, 24:30 @ 10k pace, 8 min c/d. 42:30, 8k

    This felt a little difficult. Wind in my face for a good bit of it, also very humid. Honestly this heat is killing me - and it's not even that hot. Jeez I'm such a wuss.

    So 55.2k for the week, an alright catch up week. Vertigo pretty much gone, still have the odd wobble but have meds if it flares up again.

    Today is my 359th day on the trot. All going well this week, I will have run every day for a year next Sunday (ssssh, don't tell anyone, I'm afraid to say it out loud for fear of jinxing myself :)) I know loads of people run every day, I was never one of them - 4 to 5 times a week was plenty. So, it's quite a big thing for me - I was aiming for every day for a month at the start and just kept going. Fingers crossed, this week goes well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    racheljev wrote: »
    I remembered last year (or maybe the year before) running in this park and a man used a hurl to smack a sliothar across a pitch in my direction where he could see me running so his dog could chase it. He then laughed uproariously as I tried to avoid the hound of hell thundering towards me. A$$hole.

    I think I have come across that guy....(40's, not exactly fit-looking?). Either that or there's more than one idiot out there. Impossible to understand the mentality behind that sort of behaviour.

    Well done on the hugely impressive running streak! That's incredible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    I think I have come across that guy....(40's, not exactly fit-looking?). Either that or there's more than one idiot out there.
    Sounds familiar alright. It was up in Ellenfield, I was using one of the pitches for diagonals when he fired the ball my way. Silver lining to the cloud was that it was one of my quickest ever diagonals :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Update time.

    9.4k, 56 mins
    , easy miles. Grand.:)

    10 min w/u, 31 min fartlek, 10 min c/d. 9.2k, 51 mins.
    Fartlek bit was tough but not massively so. The frickin' heat is killing me though. :(

    9.7k, 59 mins, easy miles. Another grand (and slightly meh) run.

    Mental day - daughter's primary school grad ceremony, loads of last minute orders for "thank you teacher" cards. Very quick peg it around the block.
    4k, 22 mins

    Another slightly mental day. 5.2k 30 mins

    Initial plan was to do St. Anne's parkrun. However school mammy night out which got me home just before 2 a.m. meant I was too knackered to get up in time to get to St. Anne's (I didn't have a hangover - the joys of being the designated driver :rolleyes:) So decided to do long run instead. Intention was to run for two hours. Very very hot - even remembered to put on sunscreen. Felt very sorry for anyone doing the Race Series 5 mile. Tried another different route - headed down towards East Wall, onto the quays and out towards Ringsend. Kept going past Sandymount until I got to the Merrion gates, which was 10k in just under 60 mins. Turned around and headed back the way I came. Ran on the beach for a little while - sand nice and firm but preferred the path. Hit the shops near my house at 19.5k, bought a fresh bottle of water and trotted the last half km. 20k, 120 mins.

    Still knackered and slightly dehydrated from yesterday's long run and Friday's late night - what a wuss I am now. Supposed to do 30 min long run, wasn't able. Did a handy 5k, 30 mins instead.

    So 62.5k for the week, mileage increasing again nicely after vertigo step back. And I started my running streak a year ago today :D Over 1500 miles in the last 365 days. Lots of slow miles and short runs on migraine, chest infection, vertigo hit days. I think I've proved to myself that I can ALWAYS find time to hit the road, even if it's only for 20 minutes. And barring an injury that physically prevents me from running, hopefully I'll continue the streak for a little bit longer. 13 weeks to Berlin.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Wow, that's some streak... Kudos to you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    9.8k, 57 mins
    . Easy run with a few strides thrown in at the end.

    Look away now, rant coming.
    I knew today was going to be a bit mental with Smallest girl's last day of school and Middle girl going all pre-teen on my a$$ yesterday (OMG, it's SO embarrassing, NONE of her clothes FIT her, and the ones that DO are NOT COOL and she looks like an IDIOT and her friends ALL have cool clothes and how can she LEAVE the HOUSE looking like she does and we HAVE to go shopping, etc etc etc) so she had to be brought to the shops this morning. To make things easier I decided to do my fartlek first thing, ie. before 7 a.m. All well and good in theory - get the session out of the way early before the day gets too warm. However no sleep + surprisingly hot at 6:30 + too blinkin' early = horrendously wojus fartlek.

    Got up, got dressed, went out. Very slow 10 min warmup, then started fartlek bits. I know the point of fartlek is that it's not really regimented, it's more "run to that tree fast, then take it easy and run to the next corner" etc but I can't do that. I NEED RULES. I prefer to do timed blasts - 30 secs, 60 secs etc. This morning, I was so blinkin' tired that I couldn't work the stupid watch properly. So I'd be pegging it for a fast bit, look at the watch and realise that I'd hit the stop button on the dopey garmin instead of the lap button (I really shouldn't be calling the garmin dopey when it's obviously me who had issues today :o). And I did this several times. :mad: Anyway, I ended up doing what I guessed was approx 30 mins fartlek and then another 8 mins c/d. And I swallowed a fly - cue massive coughing attack - if you live in the Glasnevin/Finglas area and were awoken this morning by someone coughing and spluttering and muttering expletives outside your house, I apologise.

    When I got home, I checked the garmin trace and I'd covered 7.2k in 44 minutes :eek:. No I fricking hadn't. Quick mapmyrun check - 8.7k in 49 mins, ah that's more like it.

    Completely knackered for the rest of the day, hayfever in full swing, throat still scratchy from the bloody fly, exhausted from traipsing around shops after the pre-teen.... Long story short, crap wojus horrendous fartlek - but so what. Tomorrow will be better. Aaaaaand... breeeeathe....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    After Tuesday's crap fartlek, rest of the week as follows:

    54 mins, 9.3k.
    Heat. too. much.

    30 mins, 5k.
    Again with the sun. Seriously.

    37 mins, 6k.
    Honestly, I've had enough now. Threatened thunder storms don't scare me - bring on the break in the weather.

    St. Anne's Parkrun.
    5k in 23:55.
    Bleurgh. That's all I have to say. Too darn hot at 9:30 a.m. Struggled with pace and tiredness and blah blah blah from about 1k onwards. Thought the teeny breeze would be with us coming back up the avenue but it bloody wasn't. it was in my face and it was warm. Twice. Grrrr. Pushed as hard as I could to make sure I'd break 24. And I did. Just about. Drove home in a grump and had a durty big slice of chocolate swiss roll from the local bakery to improve my mood.

    Ssssh, is that rain I hear? Yay it is! 18 lovely kms in 112 mins. I got soaked. Completely drenched. And it was glorious. Had to go out early because of The Boy's GAA challenge match (which was cancelled, but nobody saw fit to text his mentor so all the lads turned up anyway and had a training session in the puddles) so hit the road just before 8 a.m. Saw a few hardy souls with the same idea as myself - get out and get back before that bloody hot yellow thing in the sky comes back. Headed out the coast to just past the Howth Road and then came back in via Raheny. Veeeerrrry sloooow, legs heavy and tired. But the rain was lovely and kept me happy (until I got home and realised how blinkin' cold I was - honestly, am I ever happy???)

    Just under 62k for the week, 12 weeks to go...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    racheljev wrote: »
    Ssssh, is that rain I hear? Yay it is! 18 lovely kms in 112 mins. I got soaked. Completely drenched. And it was glorious. Had to go out early because of The Boy's GAA challenge match (which was cancelled, but nobody saw fit to text his mentor so all the lads turned up anyway and had a training session in the puddles) so hit the road just before 8 a.m. Saw a few hardy souls with the same idea as myself - get out and get back before that bloody hot yellow thing in the sky comes back. Headed out the coast to just past the Howth Road and then came back in via Raheny. Veeeerrrry sloooow, legs heavy and tired. But the rain was lovely and kept me happy (until I got home and realised how blinkin' cold I was - honestly, am I ever happy???)

    That rain was amazing !! Almost monsoon-like. I was out from around 10:30 until midday and was disappointed when the rain stopped. Sounds like I did a similar route to you but in reverse (up to Raheny via Howth Road then back along the coast). I was grinning like a loon the whole way round.

    That's a great week's total, well done!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    That rain was amazing !! Almost monsoon-like. I was out from around 10:30 until midday and was disappointed when the rain stopped. Sounds like I did a similar route to you but in reverse (up to Raheny via Howth Road then back along the coast). I was grinning like a loon the whole way round.

    That's a great week's total, well done!

    That's three of us - I also did something similar, an entire howth road/coast road loop! But even later than BG.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    . Sounds like I did a similar route to you but in reverse (up to Raheny via Howth Road then back along the coast). I was grinning like a loon the whole way round.
    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    That's three of us - I also did something similar, an entire howth road/coast road loop! But even later than BG

    Looks like we have the Northside coast covered between us :-)

    So... onto the next phase of the program. The next 4 weeks are all about the hills. The program has two runs with hills and Saturday's long run goes up to 2hrs-2hrs30. Monday & Thursday are easy runs with strides (50 mins), Wed and Friday are easy runs (60 mins & 30 mins). Tuesday and Sunday are hilly runs.

    Yesterday (Monday) was 50 mins easy. Today is hill day. :eek:

    The first hill run is not about speed, it's about form. I had to find a hill 400m-1200m and spend 15 mins running up and down, making sure to keep good form and upper body relaxed. Push off the back leg and don't go too fast. I decided to use the road beside Na Fianna GAA club which has a decent incline. After 17 mins warmup (because that's how long it took me to get to the bottom of the road :)) I started up the hill. I concentrated very hard on keeping a relaxed stride and trying to lift my legs - serious Lydiard people do a bit of hill bounding but I would've looked like a spanner doing that (badly!) on Mobhi Road first thing in the morning ;) I turned around at 600m and trotted back down. One more up to 600m, back down. One more rep all the way to the top and that was the first hill session done. 11 min cooldown home, 7.9k in total.

    I must say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Probably because I always thought hill reps were about speed and today was more about keeping my form. This is what the coach says:

    As I said take care here. There is no rush. Just ease into the sessions. No heroics. Many people run the long hills fast, but going slower with good form has a better effect. Increase the long hill session by 5 mins each week, so in week 4 you will have a 30 minute session.

    So next week I'll add in an extra up and down which should make up the extra 5 mins. As we're heading off next week on hols, I'll do the hill session on Monday before we go, and I'll fit in the other runs as best as I can while we're away. More updates later in the week - hopefully :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    racheljev wrote: »
    Looks like we have the Northside coast covered between us :-)

    So... onto the next phase of the program. The next 4 weeks are all about the hills. The program has two runs with hills and Saturday's long run goes up to 2hrs-2hrs30. Monday & Thursday are easy runs with strides (50 mins), Wed and Friday are easy runs (60 mins & 30 mins). Tuesday and Sunday are hilly runs.

    Yesterday (Monday) was 50 mins easy. Today is hill day. :eek:

    The first hill run is not about speed, it's about form. I had to find a hill 400m-1200m and spend 15 mins running up and down, making sure to keep good form and upper body relaxed. Push off the back leg and don't go too fast. I decided to use the road beside Na Fianna GAA club which has a decent incline. After 17 mins warmup (because that's how long it took me to get to the bottom of the road :)) I started up the hill. I concentrated very hard on keeping a relaxed stride and trying to lift my legs - serious Lydiard people do a bit of hill bounding but I would've looked like a spanner doing that (badly!) on Mobhi Road first thing in the morning ;) I turned around at 600m and trotted back down. One more up to 600m, back down. One more rep all the way to the top and that was the first hill session done. 11 min cooldown home, 7.9k in total.

    I must say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Probably because I always thought hill reps were about speed and today was more about keeping my form. This is what the coach says:

    As I said take care here. There is no rush. Just ease into the sessions. No heroics. Many people run the long hills fast, but going slower with good form has a better effect. Increase the long hill session by 5 mins each week, so in week 4 you will have a 30 minute session.

    So next week I'll add in an extra up and down which should make up the extra 5 mins. As we're heading off next week on hols, I'll do the hill session on Monday before we go, and I'll fit in the other runs as best as I can while we're away. More updates later in the week - hopefully :)

    Nice run. That's a good hill as well - I used to live just off mobhi road :) I always find it bizarre that we're all probably running past eachother unknown!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    61 mins easy, 10.7k

    52 mins with 8 strides, 8.5k

    32 mins easy, 5.2k

    2hrs15, 22k.
    Happy with this one. Headed out just after 8 a.m. to get the run in early (piano teacher supposed to be coming at 11 and boys heading to Thurles to see the Dubs bate the bejeezus out of Limerick - one point is all that matters :D)
    Went up towards Coolock and wended my way towards Raheny with the intention of coming back in by the coast. Had 22k in my head as the ideal distance but once I was out for more than 2 hours, I'd be happy enough. Felt ok for the first few k, then my knee decided to play up a bit. Nothing too major, just a niggly feeling. It came and went during the run but didn't bother me too much. Got onto the coast with 10k to go - felt ok, wind had picked up a bit but it was grand. Slogged my way back through Clontarf and Marino and got back to the end of my road at just 22k. Happy days. Kept checking the knee for the rest of the day. Felt ok, fingers crossed.

    Was a bit worried this morning about the knee and if it would be sore after yesterday. Headed out again around 8 a.m. as Middle child has gymnastics thing all day and had to be dropped out/boosted up/nerves demolished, all before 11 a.m. ;)
    Decided to try my warmup and see how knee felt before starting the strong run. Did a mile and it felt ok, so strong hill run commenced. I had a choice for this one: map out a hilly route and do up and down, or find a rectangular style route - up one side, across, down, across, back up, etc etc for 30 mins. Decided to do the rectangular route as there are some roads near me that fit the purpose. Up, around, down, around, etc etc etc in just about 5k pace for 30 mins. You should've seen the big puce head on me at the end :o 8 mins cooldown home. 48 mins, 8.7k.

    Now, I must emphasise that what I call hills are what other people call bumps in the road. So, while this was a strong hilly(ish) run for me, for others it would be nice and flat :D But as the coach says, it's all about keeping a sustained effort and concentrating on form, which I did.

    So week one of the hill part went to plan. 72k for the week - VERY happy with THAT number. Off on hols tomorrow for two weeks so it'll be more difficult to follow the plan but will do the best I can to get some of the sessions in. 11 weeks and counting....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Quick post before I get ready to head off on me holliers :D

    Did my hill repeats this morning to make sure I got at least one of the sessions done this week. Did 4 up, 3 down on the same hill as last week, 24 mins. 15 min w/u, 10 min c/d. Happy days. Hit shuffle on the iphone heading out the door and got my usual mix of cheese and crackers (to rob a phrase from Dermot & Dave ;)) Last repeat was a little tough because I was tired but then this came on:
    It's the perfect "get you up that hill" song :)
    Happy Monday everyone :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Happy Hols!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    "Moien" from Luxembourg :) Quick update of my week so far. Very hot weather - 32 to 34 degrees every day, 28 degrees by 9 a.m. most days so I'm doing a lot of easy miles. We're staying just outside town, surrounded by hilly roads so my hill training is going well :) Went out before 8 this morning with the intention of doing 20-21k. However it got very hot very quickly so I called a halt at just over 16k. 54k so far this week, another few tomorrow. If I can do the same next week, I'll be happy. "Äddi" till next week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Well we're back from Luxembourg, surrounded by tired heads and lots of washing :rolleyes:

    Last week's running was fairly good. The weather was a bit cooler, mainly high 20s but with added extra humidity just to stir things up a bit. Covered 57k, so that's a total of 117k for the hols - quite happy with that :) Managed a decent long run on Saturday - it was actually like running at home: wind and rain! Ran for 2 hours, 20k covered.

    The great thing about where we were staying was the fact that it was close to everything, including a good big hilly road just behind us - a mile straight up. Saw loads of runners out and about at the weekend using the hill so it must be a good spot. Even running into town had a couple of inclines along the way. So I don't feel as if I completely neglected my program for the sake of the hols. Normally, when I come back from hols and there's a marathon looming, I get a bit panicky because I feel like I have to catch up. I don't feel like that this year even though Berlin is only 8 weeks and 6 days away.... oh hang on, here comes the panic.....:eek:

    Anyway, back to following the program by the letter this week. Day one calls for 50 min run with strides. Did 48:30, 8.3k with 8 strides. Happy out :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Can't believe you ran in 35C, Rachel, fair play to you, I wouldn't be doing that! That will all stand to you in Berlin, it was in the 20's there last year, that'll feel cool for you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    annapr wrote: »
    Can't believe you ran in 35C, Rachel
    I ran but it was veerrrry slooooowly, a bit like a tortoise through treacle ;)

    Back to the program again today - hill repeats, concentrating on form rather than speed. Did a 2k warmup which brought me to the bottom of the incline (which was Ballymun road, Northside runners :)) Up for 600m and back down, times 5. The wind was in my face for most of the uphill parts so keeping watch on my form and making sure my shoulders were relaxed passed the time nicely. 6k in 34:26, followed by a final 2k home. 10k in 58 minutes.

    That was ok, not too bad at all. Lots of easy runs for the rest of the week. Might do parkrun on Saturday so if I do, long run Sunday. Otherwise long run Saturday, strong run Sunday. 8 weeks, 5 days.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Weekly update time, try to ignore the theme tune from Casualty starting in the background....:(

    Hills. 12 min warmup, 600m uphill, 600m downhill times 5, 12 min cooldown. 10k, nice round figure :)

    63 mins, 11.5k easy.

    49 mins, 8.3k easy.

    Tired legs and head today, so only 4k, 24 mins easy.

    St. Anne's Parkrun. Decided to give this a proper whack to see how training is going so far. Was running a bit late so got there about 5 mins before the off, no time for warmup. Positioned myself reasonbly up the field and off we went. Pushed from early, but still had to get by a few people so 1st k was 4:50. Second one went better, 4:33. Paid a little bit in third k, legs feeling very heavy and brain making all sorts of "of course you can slow down" noises - 4:44. Number 4 was just trying to hang on the pace of the previous k - 4:45. Last one was "ah f**k it, just give it a lash". As the finish line got closer I was trying to work out if I'd break 23, massive Bishop Brennan kick in the ar$e for the last hundred metres. Finish line, stopped watch - 22:58 - YAHOOOO! First time to break 23 for 5k. Unfortunately the chip time is 23:01 which is my previous pb, damn that manual timing lark :P Didn't matter though, because it was a good indicator that my training is going well so happy out. Perfect way to celebrate my 400th day of consecutive running. AND I found an unopened bag of Haribo Tangfastics in the car on the way home - how on earth they escaped the ravaging hordes in my house, I'll never know. But wow, they were massive :D

    Sunday: Long run.
    Decided to aim for 25k this morning, nice and steady 5k per 30 mins. Had to head out early because of other family stuff so hit the road just after 8 a.m. Nice and cool weather, perfect for long run. Decided on some form of a loop rather than an out and back, so headed towards Artane and Coolock and wound my way back to the coast for the first 10k. Second 10k followed some of the first loop andd took little detours to increase the kms covered. Made sure to take it nice and easy, no fast kms, just concentrate on time on feet. Got to the Malahide Road / Fairview junction at just under 22k. Was working out in my head whether to do a lap of Marino as I crossed the road and (here's the Casualty theme tune again) bam. I was on the ground. I caught my toe on the kerb as I crossed and fell straight down. I felt like I was falling for about 10 mins and I seemed to have enough time to make sure I didn't fall on the previously-dislocated-by-a-fall left shoulder. Unfortunately that meant that I fell mainly on the right side and straight onto my chin. As I tried to push myself back up, I saw blood on the ground. Ooops, that's my blood. It was all over the place - on my tshirt, on my hands, all over my face. I sat on the ground trying to gather myself (at a very well used traffic light junction, I might add - LOTS of curious car drivers got a side show this morning.) I propelled myself upwards and tried to work out what was hurt. Both knees bumped and right knee bleeding, left arm scratched, right hand badly cut and chin pouring with blood. Managed to get my phone out, ring OH and ask him to come and collect me. I worked my way over to the local coffee shop I'd given OH as landmark and cried my little heart out. One lovely chap from Brams (the coffee shop) offered to bring me tea and gave me napkins to mop the blood. I said to him, I can't see what it looks like, is it bad? He said, well it LOOKS bad. Another lovely chap who lives close to us pulled in his car and asked if I needed to be dropped home. And a taxi driver offered to drop me straight home, no charge. So lots of decent people out there. i kept telling them, through the tears and blood, I'm fine honestly, hubby on the way. And he was, in a matter of minutes. Got into the car and cried and cried. Got home and did another assessment of the injury. Right knee has a straight line bruise across it - I obviously cracked it off the side of the kerb - and it also has a dirty big cut. Right hand has lots of little cuts - the type that sting like the bejeezus when you soak them in water. Main injury is my chin - I cracked it right at the pointy bit and the cut is about 2cms long. it's still bleeding a teeny bit - and that's almost 3 hours later. So I have this FABULOUSLY attractive big white gauze plaster keeping it together.

    So long story short, I'm ok, not a major injury (I hope). My knees are incredibly sore and already swollen but hopefully that'll go down in a couple of days - I reckon there'll be some collection of whopper bruises on them. My chin is very sore and possibly could have done with a stitch but I'm not prepared to pay 120 euro and sit for hours in A&E for a scaldy stitch. I still feel very shaky but that will be remedied by an afternoon of GAA on the sofa (although if the Dubs don't win, there'll be tears!) My garmin has a huge chuck out of it but it's still working. So glass half empty, I might have to take tomorrow off, stopping my consecutive run streak. But glass half full, it could have been a LOT worse. AND I managed to get a 22k run in before I fell, happy days :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Ouch! Sorry to hear about the injury to chin, limbs and pride :( .....

    Well done on the parkrun ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    So long as the Garmin is still working ;)

    Seriously, sorry to hear that. Sounds like a nasty fall. Glad there were people around to look after you and that you had 22K rather than 2K done :rolleyes:.

    Well done on the parkrun AND the 400 day streak. Not a bad week's work. Feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Medical update: just back from DDoc as chin was still bleeding. Doc glued it back together and put a few steri strips on, as well as updating my tetanus shot. I've to take the next two days off and take it easy on day 3. So my 401 day streak ends :( No worries though, now I get to start another one on Wednesday :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Stay strong Missus! It's only a bit of a gash... you'll be fine (I hope!)
    Nice to see there's still some human compassion out there in this crazy world. You're doing great, this is just a silly set back. Enjoy the lay off :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Ouch, ouch, ouch... I felt that fall. So easy to do that on tired feet after 22K :(

    On the plus side, really glad you didn't do any serious damage... and nice to know that Fairview citizens treated you well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    So what happened this week? After the visit to the doc, i was very sore and achy. And my left arm and shoulder were sore - yep the previously dislocated one.... It got worse on bank holiday Monday so went to see my athletic therapist on Tuesday - she got me back to myself after the last time. I told her how it felt, she brought me through a range of movements and I kept saying "It's just a muscle spasm isn't it??" She didn't say anything, just "mmmm"'d ominously.... Anyway it turns out I'd partially dislocated my shoulder again, something called a sublaxation. She did all the usual painful stuff and then kinesio taped it up. She also gave me some light exercises to do but told me NO RUNNING. So no running Tuesday, Wednesday. Back to her on Thursday for more work. Much more movement in the shoulder and less pain. She cleared me to go for a jog on Saturday, yahoo! To be honest I knew I wasn't able for it because I actually didn't want to go out - I was very nervous about taking another tumble and completely banjaxing my Berlin hopes.

    So went out this morning with the intention of running slowly for 40 minutes, there's a nice loop around the block from my house that would do the business. As I got about 20 mins in, I felt ok so texted OH and said I'd be a little bit longer :) Got a few looks because of my taped shoulder and scabby chin :o Came back to the scene of the crime from last week and was about to run across the road again but ducked into Fairview Park instead - will exorcise the demon another day ;) Ended up covering just under 13k in 80 minutes. Everything a teeny bit achy but not sore. Will assess tomorrow morning and might head out for another few k. Happy days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    13K on a dislocated shoulder and injured chin... you're tough. Hope the recovery continues!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    annapr wrote: »
    13K on a dislocated shoulder and injured chin... you're tough.

    or a teeny tiny bit stupid :P

    Felt ok this morning, no aches or pains. So out the door before I thought too much about it. 5k easy in 30 mins. Back to AT tomorrow for more assessment, and possibly more pain :rolleyes:. 7 weeks .....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Back at AT on Monday and she was happy with progress. She's given me some more exercises to help me strengthen the shoulder. Got out every day this week for a run of some sort.
    Monday: 7.2 kms, 44 mins
    Tuesday: 10 km, 58 mins
    Wednesday: 5.7 km, 33 mins

    Decided to do long run today - OH is travelling with work from tomorrow so wouldn't be around to cover a 3 hour jaunt on Saturday morning. Girlies are in gymnastic camp and the Boy is in bed so this morning was a good time to give it a go. I wanted to be out for somewhere between 2hrs30 and 3hrs. Headed out without a definite route in mind, decided to meander up towards St. Anne's Park and run around there for a while, and then head back to collect the girlies. It was quite warm from early and the sun was hot so I took shade wherever I could - that was one of my main reasons for avoiding the coast this morning. Did a few laps of a park just off the Swords road, headed up towards Coolock, into Donnycarney, into Raheny, into St. Anne's, did a couple of laps, back towards Raheny (stopped for a bottle of water in SuperValu) and Donnycarney, up by Artaine Castle and Beaumont Hospital, another lap of Ellenfield Park and back to collect the girlies. 2hrs 50mins, 28.1k.

    Quite happy to have at least one decent run under my belt now. Not sure what the coach has lined up for me over the next couple of weeks so will wait and see. A few easy kms tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday should finish a decent enough week. This day 6 weeks I'll be packing for our flight to Berlin... nervous much?:cool:
